Final Task For Research Elt-1

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Table of Contents

Table of Contents.....................................................................................................2

CHAPTER 1............................................................................................................4


A. Background of Study....................................................................................4

B. Limitation of the Problem.............................................................................5

C. Research Question.........................................................................................6

D. Research Objective.......................................................................................6

E. Significance of the Research.........................................................................7

CHAPTER II............................................................................................................8

LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................................................8

A. Definition of Satisfaction..............................................................................8

B. Definition of Online Learning.......................................................................9

C. Characteristic of Online Learning...............................................................10

CHAPTER III........................................................................................................11

RESEARCH METHOD.........................................................................................11

A. Research Design..........................................................................................11

B. Population and Sample................................................................................12

C. Research Instrument....................................................................................13




A. Background of Study

The pandemic of Covid 19 virus hit more than 200 countries in the world,

breaking and making many blows in various sectors including education,

particularly at STIT IBNU RUSYD. In the beginning, learning was conducted

face-to-face at STIT IBNU RUSYD, but now learning must be done online. The

purpose of this study was to determine student’s satisfaction with online learning

at the STIT IBNU RUSYD, during the COVID-19 pandemic (Utami, 2021)

The online learning era found significant momentum when the coronavirus

was spreading globally. Innovation, creativity and online learning tools increased

significantly and rapidly. All levels of education, from early childhood to

university, were racing to provide online learning. This context made the

satisfaction dimension of necessity that must be realized by schools/educational

institutions (Sofyan Rofi et al., 2021)

Nadiem Anwar Makarim as Minister of Education and Culture issued

regulations regarding the Implementation of Education in the Covid-19

Emergency Period as contained in Circular Letter Number 4 of 2020. The

contents in it explain that the implementation of Learning from Home (BDR) aims

to ensure that students' rights are fulfilled to obtain educational services, during

the Covid-19 emergency. The sustainability of the online learning system as a

new education system must be evaluated to get good quality. One indicator to see

how good the quality of online learning is is that students must be satisfied with

the online learning system that is applied (Garini et al., 2022)

The purpose of this study was to analyze student satisfaction at STIT IBNU

RUSYD towards online teaching during the covid 19 pandemic

B. Limitation of the Problem

This research will answer students' satisfaction with online learning during a

pandemic,. This research will focus on how satisfied students are with the online

learning method that their teachers have been using so far. then, try to draw

conclusions, which parts need to be improved in the method.

C. Research Question

1. How high is the level of satisfaction students of STIT Ibnu Rusyd with the

online learning method?

2. What are the common difficulties they experience in online learning?

3. What are their reasons for choosing between online or face-to-face

learning methods?

D. Research Objective

The purpose of this research is to find answers to research questions or

solutions to existing problems.

1. The level of satisfaction of students with online learning methods is very


2. The most common difficulty they experience is the availability of data

packages for internet access, and other problems such as bad signal during

class hours.

3. Many of them prefer the face-to-face method, because it is much easier for

them to understand the material conveyed by the teacher. as well as

various other social reasons such as interacting with friends, playing with

friends, and others that cannot be done when learning online.

And only a few of them are more comfortable with online learning,

because it is more efficient, saves energy, and can be done anywhere. as

well as other reasons of a personal nature.

E. Significance of the Research

There are several significance of the study in this research. There are :

1. Students,

Will provide information to students about what are the advantages and

disadvantages of the online learning method. So that later they can get an idea of

what 'online learning' will be like. (qualitative)

2. Teacher,

With the results of this research, it will really help teachers evaluate the

learning process they convey, so that later teachers can use online learning

methods even better in the future.

3. Head of school,

The results of this research can be the basis for school principals to be able to

manage their workforce (teachers), to be able to direct/advise so that the teachers

can be like/even better than before (from researchers).



A. Definition of Satisfaction

The word satisfaction first appeared in English during the thirteenth century.

The word satisfaction itself is derived from the Latin satis (meaning enough) and

the Latin ending -faction (from the Latin facere ± to do/ make). Early usage

centred on satisfaction being some sort of release from wrong doing. Later citings

of the word emphasise satisfaction as a ``release from uncertainty’’ (The Oxford

Library of Words and Phrases, 1993). Modern usage of the word has tended to be

much broader, and satisfaction is clearly related to other words such as

satisfactory (adequate), satisfy (make pleased or contented) and satiation

(enough). (Parker et al., n.d.)

Satisfaction can be defined as a feeling of satisfaction, a sense of pleasure and

relief of a person due to consuming a product or service to get a service.

Satisfaction is the level at which the perceived performance of the product is in

accordance with buyer's expectations. If the product performance does not meet

expectations, the customer is disappointed. If the product performance matches

expectations, the customer is satisfied. If the performance exceeds expectations,

the customer is very satisfied (250437-Pengaruh-Kualitas-Pelayanan-Terhadap-

Kep-Ffc2ebd9, n.d.)

B. Definition of Online Learning

According to the Minister of Education and Culture No. 109/2013 distance

education is teaching and learning process made for distance learning through 8

the use of various communication media.

Online learning is a learning to use online media or internet network that can

be accessed in all areas so that learning continues. With advances in technology

Information and communication will bring change and progress across all sectors,

especially in the education sector. This online learning can accessed anytime and

anywhere so there is no time limit for use of learning materials.

Online learning is formal education organized by educational institutions,

where instructors and students are in separate locations and do not meet face to

face, thus requiring an interactive telecommunication system or platform to

connect the two of them along with the various resources needed in it. (Hartanto,


C. Characteristic of Online Learning

According to Mustofa, Chodzirin and Sayekti (2019), online learning has

characteristics or characteristics, including the following:

1. Teaching materials are presented in the form of text, graphics and various

multimedia elements.

2. Communication is carried out simultaneously and asynchronously such as

video conferencing, chat rooms, or discussion forums.

3. Used to study at a virtual time and place.

4. Various CD-ROM based learning elements can be used to improve

learning communication.

5. Teaching materials are relatively easy to update.

6. Increase interaction between students and facilitators.

7. Allows both formal and informal forms of learning communication.

8. Can use a wide variety of learning resources on the internet.

(Agustina, 2013)



A. Research Design

As stated by Ary, (2010; 426) research design is the strategy used by the

researcher which aims to achieve an understanding on some phenomenon or

group that is truly based on its context. The design is begun from how to analyze

and collect data of general statement research to solve the problem.The design

used in this study was descriptive research. According to Addle and Clark

(2003:13), descriptive research is designed to describe group, activities, or event

with focus on structure, attitude, or behavior. One of the characteristics is not

control of treatment as it is around the experiment research. Ary, (2010) says

that descriptive research studies are designed to obtain information inconcerning

the current status of phenomena. (Jiptummpp-Gdl-Yanardianf-47779-4-Chapter-I,


B. Population and Sample

a) Population,

Before the sample was collected, the researcher had to determine the

population. According to Sugiono (2010:117) Population is geographic

generalization there are : object/subject has quality and certain of

characteristic that set by researcher to learning then make the conclusion. The

whole of research subject (Arikunto, 1998:115).

The population of this study is the students at STIT Ibnu Rusyd Tanah


b) Sample,

In this study, the researcher used purposive sampling to obtain the sample.

According to Hadi (1990:75) Sampling adalah cara yang digunakan untuk

mengambil sampel, (sampling is the ways of doing to get sample). Sampling

was constituted to choose some of individual process in research so they or

individual as a voluntary. The purpose of sampling is use some of individual

to get information about population. Sampling is the way to take sample.

In this research sampling technique was used to take sample is purposive

sampling. According to Arikunto (2010:183), purposive sampling is the

process of selecting sample by taking subject that is not based on the level or

area, but it is taken based on the specific purpose.

According to Riyanto (2001:81) stated that the technique of research was

orientation on choosing sample that population and the purpose was specific

from research is knowing by researcher in the very beginning. With purpose

sampling the researcher can choose the sample those that representative and

get represent of population. (CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS, n.d.)

C. Research Instrument


are data collection techniques by asking written questions to be answered

in writing by the respondents. The questionnaire is a collection of written

questions that are used to obtain information from respondents about

themselves or things they know.

- Questionnaire (indicator of student’s satisfaction)

Indicators the Likert scale has five levels of preference for answers, each

of which has a score of 1-5 with details:

a. Very Dissatisfied is given a weight of 1

b. Dissatisfied is given a weight of 2

c. Normal is given a weight of 3

d. Satisfied is given a weight of 4

e. Very satisfied is given a weight of 5



250437-pengaruh-kualitas-pelayanan-terhadap-kep-ffc2ebd9. (n.d.).

Agustina, M. (2013). Pemanfaatan E-Learning sebagai Media Pembelajaran.

Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi (SNATI), 12, 8–12.



Garini, D. A., Yulianti, E., Indo, U., & Mandiri, G. (2022). Analisis Kepuasan

Mahasiswa Terhadap Pembelajaran Daring Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di

Universitas Indo Global Mandiri Palembang. Sibatik Journal, 1(8), 1319–


Hartanto, W. (2016). Penggunaan E-Learning sebagai Media Pembelajaran.

Jurnal Pendidikan Ekonomi, 10(1), 1–18.

jiptummpp-gdl-yanardianf-47779-4-chapter-i. (n.d.).

Parker, C., Mathews Reader, B. P., & Marketing, I. (n.d.). Customer satisfaction:

contrasting academic and consumers’ interpretations. http://www.emerald-

Sofyan Rofi, Bahar Agus Setiawan, & Tri Endang Jatmikowati. (2021). The

Students’ Satisfaction of Online Learning Services. Jurnal Pendidikan Islam

Indonesia, 6(1), 1–15.

Utami, A. U. (2021). Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa Pada Pembelajaran Daring

Mata Kuliah Fisika Dasar. Jurnal Kiprah, 9(1), 23–29.


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