Nano Technology
Nano Technology
Nano Technology
Submitted by
(NAAC Accredited with ‘A ’ Grade & NBA Accredited)
(Approved by AICTE, Permanently Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad)
(NAAC Accredited with ‘A ’ Grade & NBA Accredited)
(Approved by AICTE, Permanently Affiliated to JNTU Hyderabad)
This is to certify that the technical seminar report entitled “NANO TECHNOLOGY”
ii | P a g e
I am obliged and grateful to thank, Mrs . Department of EEE,
CMRCET for her cooperation in all respects.
I would like to thank Major , Principal, CMRCET, for his support in the
course of this technical seminar.
Finally, I would like to thank all teaching & non- teaching staff members of the
department, for their cooperation and support throughout the duration of our course.
iii | P a g e
Table of Contents
FOREWORD ................................................................................................................................................... VIII
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................................................................................................................................... IX
ACRONYMS......................................................................................................................................................... X
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1 PURPOSE ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 NANOTECHNOLOGY DEFINED ............................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 WHY NANOTECHNOLOGY IS IMPORTANT TO EPA ...................................................................................... 13
1.4 NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL CONTEXT ............................................................................................................................... 14
1.5 WHAT EPA IS DOING WITH RESPECT TO NANOTECHNOLOGY .......................................................................................... 18
1.6 OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES................................................................................................................................................. 21
2.0 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY ...............................................................22
2.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.2 BENEFITS THROUGH ENVIRONMENTAL T ECHNOLOGY APPLICATIONS........................................................................... 22
2.3 BENEFITS THROUGH OTHER APPLICATIONS THAT SUPPORT SUSTAINABILITY .......................................................... 24
3.0 RISK ASSESSMENT OF NANOMATERIALS.........................................................................................29
3.1 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 29
3.2 CHEMICAL IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF NANOMATERIALS ............................................................ 31
3.3 ENVIRONMENTAL FATE OF NANOMATERIALS ........................................................................................................................... 32
3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL DETECTION AND ANALYSIS OF NANOMATERIALS ............................................................................. 40
3.5 HUMAN E XPOSURES AND T HEIR MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL .................................................................................... 42
3.6 HUMAN HEALTH EFFECTS OF NANOMATERIALS ..................................................................................................................... 52
3.7 ECOLOGICAL E FFECTS OF NANOMATERIALS.............................................................................................................................. 58
4.0 RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................................ 63
4.1 RESPONSIBLE DEVELOPMENT OF NANOSCALE M ATERIALS ............................................................................................... 63
4.2 PROGRAM AREAS..................................................................................................................................................................................... 65
4.3 ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP ..................................................................................................................................................... 68
5.0 EPA’S RESEARCH NEEDS FOR NANOMATERIALS ......................................................................... 70
5.1 RESEARCH NEEDS FOR E NVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS ................................................................................................... 70
5.2 RESEARCH NEEDS FOR RISK ASSESSMENT.................................................................................................................................. 72
6.0 RECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 82
6.1 RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR E NVIRONMENTAL APPLICATIONS ...................................................................... 82
6.2 RESEARCH RECOMMENDATIONS FOR RISK ASSESSMENT..................................................................................................... 83
6.4 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR COLLABORATIONS............................................................................................................................. 90
6.5 RECOMMENDATION TO CONVENE AN INTRA-AGENCY WORKGROUP............................................................................. 91
6.6 RECOMMENDATION FOR TRAINING ................................................................................................................................................ 91
6.7 SUMMARY OF RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................................................................................... 92
7.0 REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 93
APPENDIX A: GLOSSARY OF NANOTECHNOLOGY TERMS ............................................................ 107
APPENDIX C: EPA’S NANOTECHNOLOGY RESEARCH FRAMEWORK......................................... 111
APPENDIX D: EPA STAR GRANTS FOR NANOTECHNOLOGY ......................................................... 113
The purpose of this paper is to inform EPA management of the science needs
associated with nanotechnology, to support related EPA program office needs, and to
communicate these
nanotechnology science issues to stakeholders and the public. The paper begins with an
introduction that describes what nanotechnology is, why EPA is interested in it, and what
opportunities and challenges exist regarding nanotechnology and the environment. It then moves
to a discussion of the potential environmental benefits of nanotechnology, describing
environmental technologies as well as other applications that can foster sustainable use of
resources. The paper next provides an overview of existing information on nanomaterials
regarding components needed to conduct a risk assessment. Following that is a brief section
on responsible development and the Agency’s statutory mandates. The paper then provides an
extensive review of research needs for both environmental applications and implications of
nanotechnology. To help EPA focus on priorities for the near term, the paper concludes with
staff recommendations for addressing science issues and research needs, and includes
prioritized research needs within most risk assessment topic areas (e.g., human health effects
research, fate and transport research). In a separate follow-up effort to this White Paper, EPA’s
Nanotechnology Research Framework, attached in Appendix C of this paper, was developed
by EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD) Nanotechnology Research Strategy
Team. This team is composed of representatives from across ORD. The Nanotechnology
Framework outlines how EPA will strategically focus its own research program to provide key
information on potential environmental impacts from human or ecological exposure to
nanomaterials in a manner that complements other federal, academic, and private-sector research
activities. Additional supplemental information is provided in a number of additional
1 . 2 Nanotechnology Defined
A nanometer is one billionth of a meter (10 m)—about one hundred thousand times
smaller than the diameter of a human hair, a thousand times smaller than a red blood cell, or
about half the size of the diameter of DNA. Figure 1 illustrates the scale of objects in the
nanometer range. For the purpose of this document, nanotechnology is defined as: research and
technology development at the atomic, molecular, or macromolecular levels using a length scale
of approximately one to one hundred nanometers in any dimension; the creation and use of
structures, devices and systems that have novel properties and functions because of their small
size; and the ability to control or manipulate matter on an atomic scale. This definition is based
on part on the definition of nanotechnology used by the National Nanotechnology Initiative
(NNI), a U.S. government initiative launched in 2001 to coordinate nanotechnology research and
development across the federal government (NNI, 2006a,b, c).
Figure 1. Diagram indicating relative scale of nanosized objects.
(From NNI website, courtesy Office ofBasic Energy Sciences, U.S. Department of Energy.
Nanotechnology is the manipulation of matter for use in particular applications
through certain chemical and / or physical processes to create materials with specific
properties. There are both "bottom-up" processes (such as self-assembly) that create
nanoscale materials from atoms and molecules, as well as "top-down" processes (such as
milling) that create nanoscale materials from their macro-scale counterparts. Figure 2 shows
an example of a nanomaterial assembled through “bottom-up” processes. Nanoscale
materials that have macro-scale
counterparts frequently display different or enhanced properties compared to the macro-scale
(1) Carbon-based materials. These nanomaterials are composed mostly of carbon, most
commonly taking the form of a hollow spheres, ellipsoids, or tubes. Spherical and ellipsoidal
carbon nanomaterials are referred to as fullerenes, while cylindrical ones are called nanotubes.
These particles have many potential applications, including improved films and coatings,
stronger and lighter materials, and applications in electronics. Figures 3, 4, and 5 show
examples of carbon-based nanomaterials.
Figure 3. Computer image of a
C-60 Fullerene. U.S. EPA.
(3) Dendrimers. These nanomaterials are nanosized polymers built from branched units.
The surface of a dendrimer has numerous chain ends, which can be tailored to perform specific
chemical functions. This property could also be useful for catalysis. Also, because three-
dimensional dendrimers contain interior cavities into which other molecules could be placed,
they may be useful for drug delivery. Figure 8 shows an example a dendrimer.
Tennis Racket
Air filter
Bacterial factory blueprints are also flexible. They can be modified to produce novel
nanobiotechnology products that have specific desired physical-chemical (performance)
characteristics. Using this production method could be a more material and energy efficient way
to make new and existing products, in addition to using more benign starting materials. In this
way, the convergence of nano- and biotechnologies could improve environmental protection.
As an example,researchers have extracted photosynthetic proteins from spinach chloroplasts
coated them with nanofilms that convert sunlight to electrical current, which one day may lead to
energy generating films and coatings (Das et al., 2004). The addition of information and
cognitive capabilities will provide additional features including programmability,
miniaturization, increased power capacities, adaptability, and reactive, self-correcting capacities.
We may be nearing the end of basic research and development on the first generation
of materials resulting from nanotechnologies that include coatings, polymers, more reactive
catalysts, etc. (Figure 10). The second generation, which we are beginning to enter, involves
targeted drug delivery systems, adaptive structures and actuators, and has already provided some
interesting examples. The third generation, anticipated within the next 10-15 years, is predicted
to bring novel robotic devices, three-dimensional networks and guided assemblies. The fourth
stage is predicted to result in molecule-by-molecule design and self-assembly capabilities.
Although it is not likely to happen for some time, this integration of these fourth-generation
nanotechnologies with information, biological, and cognitive technologies will lead to products
which can now only be imagined. While the Agency will not be able to predict the future, it
needs to prepare for it. Towards that aim, understanding the unique challenges and opportunities
afforded by converging technologies before they occur will provide the Agency with the
essential tools for the effective and appropriate response to emerging technology and science.
Technological Complexity
Some of the same special properties that make nanomaterials useful are also
properties that may cause some nanomaterials to pose hazards to humans and the
environment, under
specific conditions. Some nanomaterials that enter animal tissues may be able to pass through
cell membranes or cross the blood-brain barrier. This may be a beneficial characteristic for
such uses as targeted drug delivery and other disease treatments, but could result in unintended
impacts in other uses or applications. Inhaled nanoparticles may become lodged in the lung or
be translocated, and the high durability and reactivity of some nanomaterials raise issues of
their fate in the environment. It may be that in most cases nanomaterials will not be of human
health or ecological concern. However, at this point not enough information exists to assess
environmental exposure for most engineered nanomaterials. This information is important
because EPA will need a sound scientific basis for assessing and managing any unforeseen future
impacts resulting from the introduction of nanoparticles and nanomaterials into the environment.
Applications USDA
Note: NIH includes NIEHS, NCI (NCL),
The NNI supports a broad range of research and development including fundamental
research on the unique phenomena and processes that occur at the nano scale, the design and
discovery of new nanoscale materials, and the development of nanotechnology-based
devices and systems. The NNI also supports research on instrumentation, metrology,
standards, and
nanoscale manufacturing. Most important to EPA, the NNI has made responsible development
of this new technology a priority by supporting research on environmental health and safety
Twenty-five federal agencies currently participate in the NNI, thirteen of which have
budgets which include to nanotechnology research and development. The other twelve agencies
have made nanotechnology relevant to their missions or regulatory roles. Only a small part of
this federal investment aims at researching the social and environmental implications of
nanotechnology including its effects on human health, the environment, and society. Nine
federal agencies are investing in implications research including the National Science
Foundation, the National Institutes of Health, the National Institute for Occupational Health
and Safety, and the Environmental Protection Agency. These agencies coordinate their efforts
through the NNI’s Nanoscale Science, Engineering, and Technology Subcommittee (NSET) and
its Nanotechnology Environmental Health Implications workgroup (NEHI) (Figure 12). The
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) has been designated as
the national Nanotechnology Advisory Panel called for by the 21 Century Nanotechnology
Research and Development Act of 2003. As such, PCAST is responsible for assessing
and making recommendations for improving the NNI, including its activities to address
environmental and other societal implications. The National Research Council also
provides assessments and advice to the NNI.
Work under the NNI can be monitored through the website
International G
Press House of Representatives
NP Committee on Science
Professional EG
Senate Committee on
Commerce, Science and
Non-governmental Transportation
Organizations NI
LI Working Groups
Regional, State, and Local
Industry Sectors and
Nanotechnology Initiatives
The OECD has engaged the topic of the implications of manufactured nanomaterials
among its members under the auspices of the Joint Meeting of the Chemicals Committee and
Working Party on Chemicals, Pesticides and Biotechnology (Chemicals Committee). On the
basis of an international workshop hosted by EPA in Washington in December 2005,the Joint
Meeting has agreed to establish a subsidiary body to work on the environmental health and
safety implications of manufactured nanomaterials, with an eye towards enhancing
international harmonization and burden sharing. In a related activity, the OECD’s Committee
on Scientific and Technology Policy is considering establishing a subsidiary body to address
other issues
related to realizing commercial and public benefits of advances in nanotechnology.
Additionally, the United States and European Union Initiative to Enhance Transatlantic
Economic Integration and Growth (June 2005) addresses nanotechnology. Specifically, the
Initiative states that the United States and the European Union will work together to, among
other things, “support an international dialogue and cooperative activities for the responsible
development and use of the emerging field of nanotechnology.” EPA is also currently
working with the U.S. State Department, theNNI, and the EU to bring about research
partnerships in
nanotechnology. Furthermore, in the context of environmental science, the EPA has worked
with foreign research institutes and agencies (e.g., UK and Taiwan) to help inform
nanotechnology and related environmental research programs.
In addition, 14 recent STAR program projects focus on studying the possible harmful
effects, or implications, of engineered nanomaterials. EPA has awarded or selected 30 grants
to date in this area, totaling approximately $10 million. The most-recent research solicitations
2.0 Environmental Benefits of Nanotechnology
2.1 Introduction
As applications of nanotechnology develop over time, they have the potential to help
shrink the human footprint on the environment. This is important, because over the next 50
years the world’s population is expected to grow 50%, global economic activity is expected to
grow 50 0% , and global energy and materials use is expected to grow 30 0% ( World Resources
Institute, 2000). So far, increased levels of production and consumption have offset our gains
in cleaner and more-efficient technologies. This has been true for municipal waste generation,
as well as for environmental impacts associated with vehicle travel, groundwater pollution,
agricultural runoff (OECD, 2001). This chapter will describe how nanotechnology can create
materials and products that will not only directly advance our ability to detect, monitor, and
clean-up environmental contaminants, but also help us avoid creating pollution in the first
place. By more effectively using materials and energy throughout a product lifecycle,
nanotechnology may contribute to reducing pollution or energy intensity per unit of economic
output, reducing the “volume effect” described by the OECD.
EPA’s mission and mandates call for an understanding of the health and environmental
implications of intentionally produced nanomaterials. A challenge in evaluating risk
associated with the manufacture and use of nanomaterials is the diversity and complexity of
the types of
materials available and being developed, as well as the seemingly limitless potential uses of
these materials. A risk assessment is the evaluation of scientific information on the hazardous
properties of environmental agents, the dose-response relationship, and the extent of exposure
of humans or environmental receptors to those agents. The product of the risk assessment is a
statement regarding the probability that humans (populations or individuals) or other
environmental receptors so exposed will be harmed and to what degree (risk characterization).
EPA generally follows the risk assessment paradigm described by the National Academy
of Sciences (NRC, 1983 and 1994), which at this time EPA anticipates to be appropriate for the
assessment of nanomaterials (Figure 15). In addition, nanomaterials should be assessed from a
lifecycle perspective (Figure
Raw r End of Life
Material Product
The overall risk assessment approach used by EPA for conventional chemicals is thought
to be generally applicable to nanomaterials. It is important to note that nanomaterials have large
surface areas per unit of volume, as well as novel electronic properties relative to conventional
chemicals. Some of the special properties that make nanomaterials useful are also properties
that may cause some nanomaterials to pose hazards to humans and the environment, under
specific conditions, as discussed below. Furthermore, numerous nanomaterial coatings are
developed to enhance performance for intended applications. These coatings may impact the
behavior and effects of the materials, and may or may not be retained in the environment. It
will be necessary to consider these unique properties and issues, and their potential impacts on
fate, exposure, and toxicity, in developing risk assessments for nanomaterials.
(A) (B)
Figure 17. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) image of aerosol-generated TiO2
(A) Un-aggregated and (2-5 nm) (B) and aggregated (80-120 nm), used in exposure studies to determine
the health impacts of manufactured nanoparticles. Nanoparticle aggregation may play an important role
in health and environmental impacts. (Images courtesy of Vicki Grassian, University of Iowa
[Grassian, et al., unpublished results])
In contrast to processes that remove nanoparticles from the water column, some
dispersed insoluble nanoparticles can be stabilized in aquatic environments. For example,
researchers at
Rice University have reported that although C 60 fullerene is initially insoluble in water, it
spontaneously forms aqueous colloids containing nanocrystalline aggregates. The concentration
of nanomaterials in the suspensions can be as high as 100 parts per million (ppm), but is more
typically in the range of 10-50 ppm. The stability of the particles and suspensions is sensitive to
pH and ionic strength (CBEN, 2005; Fortner et al., 2005). Sea surface microlayers consisting
of lipid, carbohydrate and proteinaceous components along with naturally-occurring colloids
made up of humic acids, may have the potential to sorb nanoparticles and transport them in
environments over long distances (Moore, 2006, Schwarzenbach et al., 1993).
These interactions will also delay nanoparticle removal from the water column.
The examples cited in this section illustrate how nanomaterials have been demonstrated
to alter the partitioning behavior of chemicals between environmental compartments and
between the environment and living organisms. Furthermore, several nanomaterials are reactive
toward chemicals in the environment, generate reactive species, or catalyze reactions of other
chemicals. These properties are currently understudy for use in waste remediation operations.
It should be noted that the potential also exists for nanomaterials to effect unforseen changes,
if released to the environment in large quantities.
Two types of effects understudy for possible exploitation are sorption and reaction.
The high surface area of nanosized particles provides enhanced ability to sorb both organic and
inorganic chemicals from environmental matrices compared to conventional forms of the same
materials. This property can potentially be utilized to bind pollutants to enhance environmental
remediation. Many examples of immobilized nanomaterials for use in pollution control or
environmental remediation have been described in the literature. These include nanosponges or
nanoporous ceramics, large particulate or bead materials with nanosized pores or crevasses
Figure 19. SEM of a scanning gate probe.
The large tipis the probe for a scanning tunneling
microscope, and the smaller is a gate that allows
sharper imaging of the sample. Instruments such
as these can be used to analyze nanomaterials.
(Image courtesy of Prof. Leo Kouwehnhoven,
Delft University of Technology. Reprinted
with permission from Gurevich, L., et al.,
(Copyright 2000, American Institute of Physics.)
Dermal exposure to nanomaterials has received much attention, perhaps due to concerns
with occupational exposure and the introduction of nanomaterials such as nanosized titanium
dioxide into cosmetic and drug products. One reference study was found to have investigated
issues involved with potential dermal exposure to a SWCNT material. The study suggests that
more research will be needed in this area. This study noted that airborne particles of SWCNT
may contribute to potential dermal exposure along with surface deposits due to material
handling. Surface deposits on gloves were estimated to be between 0.2 mg and 6 mg per
hand. (Maynard et al., 2004)
There is an ongoing debate over the potential for penetration through “healthy/intact”
versus damaged skin. Hart (2004) highlights physiological characteristics of the skin that may
permit the absorption of nanosized materials. In particular the review highlights a
conceivable route for the absorption of nanoparticles as being through interstices formed by
stacking and
layering of the calloused cells of the toplayer of skin (Hart, 2004). Movement through these
interstices will subsequently lead to the skin beneath, from which substances can be absorbed
into the blood stream. Nanomaterials also have a greater risk of being absorbed through the
skin than macro-sized particles (Tinkle, 2003). Reports of toxicity to human epidermal
keratinocytes in culture following exposure to carbon nanotubes have been made (Shvedova et
al., 2003;
Monteiro-Riviere et al., 2005). A significant amount of intradermally injected nanoscale
quantum dots were found to disperse into the surrounding viable subcutis and to draining lymph
nodes via subcutaneous lymphatics (Roberts, D.W. et al., 2005). It has recently been reported
that quantum dots with different physicochemical properties (size, shapes, coatings) penetrated
the stratum corneum and localized within the epidermal and dermal layers of intact porcine skin
within a maximum 24 hours of exposure ( Ryman- Rasmussen et al. , 2 00 6 ). Drug delivery
studies using model wax nanoparticles have provided evidence that nanoparticle surface charge
blood-brain barrier integrity and permeability (Lockman et al., 2004).
Ocular exposure to nanomaterials has received little attention. However, the potential for
ocular exposure to nanomaterials from deposition of airborne powders or mists in the eyes or
from splashing of liquids must also be considered.
Engineering controls, and particularly those used for aerosol control, should generally be
effective for controlling exposures to airborne nanoscale materials (NIOSH, 2005a). Depending
on particle size, nanoparticles may diffuse rapidly and readily find leakage paths in engineering
control systems in which containment is not complete (Aitken et al., 2004). However, a well-
designed exhaust ventilation system with a high efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter should
effectively remove nanoparticles (Hinds, 1999). As with all filters, the filter must be properly
seated to prevent nanoparticles from bypassing the filter, decreasing the filter efficiency
(NIOSH, 2003). Aitken et al. (2004) recommends that engineering controls (e.g., enclosures,
local exhaust ventilation, fume hoods) used to control exposure to nanoparticles need to be of
similar quality and specification as those typically used for gases. However, the report also notes
that no research has been identified evaluating the effectiveness of engineering controls for
Efficient ultrafine particle control devices (e.g., soft x-ray enhanced electrostatic
precipitation systems) may have applicability to nanoparticles control (Kulkarni et al., 2002).
HEPA filters may be effective, and validation of their effectiveness is currently being
studied (NIOSH, 2005a). Magnetic filter systems in welding processes have proven effective
capturing magnetic oxides and the use of nanostructured sorbents in smelter exhausts to
prepare ferroelectric materials may also have applicability (Biswas et al., 1998).
NIOSH certifies particulate respirators by challenging them with sodium chloride (NaCl)
aerosols with a count median diameter 75 nm or dioctyl phthalate (DOP) aerosols with a count
median diameter of 185 nm [42 CFR Part 84.181(g)], which have been found to be in the most
penetrating particle size range (Stevens and Moyer, 1989). However, as with all respirators, the
greatest factor in determining their effectiveness is not penetration through the filter, but rather
the face-seal leakage bypassing the device. Due to size and mobility of nanomaterials in the air,
leakage may be more prevalent although no more than expected for a gas (Aitken, 2004). Only
limited data on face-seal leakage has been identified. Work done by researchers at the U.S.
Army RDECOM on a headform showed that mask leakage (i.e., simulated respirator fit factor)
measured using submicron aerosol challenges (0.72 µm polystyrene latex spheres) was
representative of vapor challenges such as sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) and isoamyl acetate
(IAA) (Gardner et al., 2004).