Ingame Commands VCMP 0.3

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Commands - Vice City Multiplayer 0.

VC-MP 0.3 - Commands

In the following documentation, I've added the full listing of all available commands for VCMP 0.3. I'm pretty sure loads of people, especially newcomers, have been wondering what commands are available? Well, below there's a listing of all known commands. Seing it as Rcon isn't available this version, only admin and player commands will be available in this documentation. If you notice any incorrect and missing submissions, please feel free to contact me. You can find contact details near the bottom of this PDF file. Aswell as if you have questions, constructive crititism etc. Note; When < and > symbols are displayed, DO NOT use them ingame. This is only to display what to use inbetween the < and > symbols. Ingame player commands Name
"Me" command.

/me <text text text etc>

Let's make an example, if you do; /me loves VCMP It'll show up ingame as ** VercettiG loves VCMP It all depends what nickname you've choosed. "Me" will be replaced with your nickname, and then a text afterwards. This allows you to send someone a personal message. It'll not be visible in the chat, only for the player you're PM'ing and yourself. Use F5 to find the ID of the player you want to PM. It's to the left of the player's name. This allows you to commit a suicide. Allows you to chat. Shows/Hides nicknames. Shows; Players, Scores, Pings, IDs. Shows network statistics. Shows/Hides the chat. Saves a screenshot. JPG format. Will be saved in your main VCMP directory.

Personal Message command.

/msg <playerID> <text text etc>

Kill yourself (Suicide) command. Key: T Key: F4 Key: F5 Key: F6 Key: F7 Key: F8

/kill T F4 F5 F6 F7 F8

Commands - Vice City Multiplayer 0.3

Ingame admin commands Name

Logging in as an admin. Bringing a player. Teleporting to a player. Setting weapons for a player. Kicking a player.

/admin <Password> /bring <PlayerID> /goto <PlayerID> /setwep <PlayerID> <WeaponID> /kick <PlayerID>

Allows you to log in as an administrator of the server. Teleports a player to you. Teleports you to a player. Allows you to give a weapon to another player. Kicks a player out of the game. He is not available inside the server anymore, first when he rejoins. Gets the IP adress of a specific player. Bans a player from the server. When using this, a player will be kicked from the server and not available on it anymore. He will be refused when trying to join your server. Note: You're forced to get his IP and ban him. You can't ban him using his ID. Changes the life, (HP) of a specific player. Teleports a player a specific place. You'll need to know the X, Y & Z coords. of this place. E.g. if you set it to: /setloc 12 0 0 0 The player will be teleported to the golf, as it's X, Y & Z is located at 0 0 0. This will give you the exact coordinates of your current position. Disables controls for a player. He cannot move, only speak on the chat. Use /setcon 0 to lock him, use /setcon 1 to unlock him. This allows you to change a specific player's money ammount.

Getting the IP of a player. Banning a player.

/getip <PlayerID> /ban <PlayerIPaddress>

Changing HP ammount. Setting location for a player

/sethp <PlayerID> <HPAmmount> /setloc <PlayerID> <X> <Y> <Z>

Getting your own coordinates.


Freezing people.

/setcon 0/1

Changing money ammount.

/setmon <PlayerID> <Ammount>

Endnote I hope all information provided in this documentation has been correct. Please, if you notice ANY incorrect submissions, notify me. I'd be more than happy to correct them. Aswell as if you have noticed some missing submissions! Thank you for reading! 2

Commands - Vice City Multiplayer 0.3

Author VercettiG/Vercetti Gangsta Email; [email protected] MSN; [email protected] ICQ; 287-297-178 External Links Vice City Multiplayer Copyright This document has been released under the GNU Free documentation license. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation.

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