The Roles of Stakeholders
The Roles of Stakeholders
The Roles of Stakeholders
Curriculum Stakeholders
Stakeholders are individuals or institutions that are interested in the school curriculum.
Their interests vary in degree and complexity. They get involved in many different ways in the
implementation because the curriculum affects them directly or indirectly. These stakeholders’
To what extent are the students involved in the curriculum development? Learners have
more dynamic participation from the planning, designing, implementing and evaluating.
However, the degree of their involvement is dependent on their maturity. The older they are in
high school or college, the more they participate. From another angle, whether learners are in
the elementary or college level, they can make or break curriculum development by their active
or non-involvement. Afterall, learners together with the teachers, place action to the curriculum.
At the end of the curriculum development process, the fundamental question asked is:
Have the students learned? Why do curricularists place of lot of premium on the students? It is
because, the learners make the curriculum alive. A written curriculum that does not consider the
In the teaching and learning process, the other side of the coin is the teacher. Most
curricula start to gain life from the time it is conceived and written. Planning and writing the
curriculum are the primary roles of the teacher. No doubt, the most important person in
measured. Better teachers foster better learning. Teachers should have full knowledge of the
A teacher designs, enriches and modifies the curriculum to suit the learners’
characteristics. When a curriculum has already been written, the teacher’s role is to implement
like technician, however, teachers are reflective persons. They put their hearts into what they do.
They are very mindful that in the center of everything they do, is the learner.
All of these roles are very crucial to achieve success in the implementation. Unsuccessful
implementation may even lead to educational failure. Truly, teacher has a great stake in the
curriculum. In the educational setting, it is clear that teacher has a very significant role in
curriculum development.
fact, for school principals, one of their function is being a curriculum manager. They supervise
curriculum implementation, select and recruit new teachers, admit students, procure
equipment and materials needed for effective learning. They also plan for the improvement
of school facilities and physical plant. The principle of command responsibility and
institutional leadership rests on the shoulders of the school administrators. They should be
committed to change and should employ strategies to meet the needs of the teachers, and
Parents are significant school partners. Parents’ voices are very loud and clear. The power
great, such that the success of a curricula would somehow depend on their support. How do
parents shape the curriculum and why are they considered as stakeholders?
1. Effective parental involvement in school affairs may be linked to parent educational
a well-known fact that where you find an involved parent, you find better
communication between home and school. In this particular case there will be fewer
disciplinary problems, greater student motivation and more responsibility for learning.
2. The parent’s involvement extends from the confine of the school to the homes. The
parents become part of the environment of learning at home. Parents follow up the
lesson of their children. Parents provide curriculum materials that are not provided in
schools. They provide permission for their children to participate in various school
law. In most cases, Parent Associations have strengthened the school curriculum by
giving support to various activities and assisting in the accomplishment of the school’s
“It takes the whole village to educate a child.” It is true that the school is in the community,
hence the community is the extended school ground, a learning environment. All the leaders, the
elders, other citizens and residents of the community have a stake in the curriculum. It is the
bigger school community that becomes the venue of learning. The rich natural and human
resources of the community can assist in educating the children. The community is the reflection
of the school’s influence and the school is a reflection of the community support.
organizations have shown great influence in school curriculum. They are being asked by
curriculum specialists to contribute in curriculum review because they have a voice in the
curriculum enhancement and many more. There are many stakeholders in curriculum