Finalrev01 Math 403
Finalrev01 Math 403
Finalrev01 Math 403
VISION A premier national university that develops leaders in the global knowledge economy.
MISSION A university committed to producing leaders by providing a 21st century learning environment through innovations in education,
multidisciplinary research, and community and industry partnerships in order to nurture the spirit of nationhood, propel the national
economy, and engage the world for sustainable development.
Intended ILO Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:
Learning ILO1 Describe the different methods of obtaining data,sampling techniques, and probability distributions of random variables.
Outcomes (ILO) ILO2 Solve engineering problems concerning probability and probability distributions.
ILO3 Apply statististical methods in the analysis of data.
Assessment Assessment Tasks (AT) Distribution Intended Learning Outcomes Domains
Method and Code Assessment Tasks I/R/D (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 C P A
Distribution Map Q Quizzes I 20 25 25 50 100
ME Midterm Examination R 25 100 100
PS Problem Sets R 30 30 50 20 100
FE Final Examination R 25 100 100
Total 100
Note: All internal assessments with feedback will be made available within 2 week after each assessment submission except Final
Textbook 1 Walpole,Ronald E.,et al.,Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists,9th ed., Pearson Education Inc., 2016
2 Instructional Manual in Math 403 - Engineering Data Analysis
Other Books and 3 Montgomery,Douglas C.,et al., Applied Statistics and Probabiliy for Engineers,7th ed., John Wiley & Sons(Asia) Pte Ltd,
Articles 4 MS Excel Data Analysis Function
5 Software: Free Trial of Minitab, SPSS Software
IGA Institutional Graduate Attributes (IGA) Statements
IGA1 Knowledge Competence
Demonstrate a mastery of the fundamental knowledge and skills required for functioning effectively as a professional in the
discipline, and an ability to integrate and apply them effectively to practice in the workplace.
SO2 Investigation
Ability to develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to
draw conclusions;
SO3 Design/Development of Solutions
Design solution, system, components, processes, exhibiting improvements/innovations, that meet specified needs with
appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, economical, ethical, environmental and sustainability
SO4 Leadership and Teamwork
Function effectively as a member or a leader of a diverse team whose members together provide leadership, create a
collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives.
SO7 Communication
Student Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the community, and the society at large, such as being able
Outcomes (SO) to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear
SO8 Environment and Sustainability
Recognize the impact of professional engineering solutions in societal, global, and environmental contexts and demonstrate
knowledge of and need for sustainable development;
SO9 Lifelong Learning
Recognize the need for, and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
SO10 The Engineer and Scociety
Apply reasoning based on contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, cultural, contemporary issues, and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to professional engineering practices.
A student who unofficially drops out of class shall be given a mark of “5.0” by the instructor.
E-Learning Week
Consultations and other Requirements of the students will be conducted in 10
this time.
6 Sampling Distributions and Point Estimation of Parameters Recognize the characteristics of
Point Estimation Sampling sampling distributions.
Distribution and Central Limit Theorem Estimate values from given
General Concept of a Point Estimator parameters.
Lecture /
Unbiased Estimator Variance 11 3 2 discussion and
of a Point Estimator Standard problem solving
Error Mean
Squaed Error of an Estimator
Reading List: 1,2,3,4
7 Statistical Intervals Determine the confidence interval, Lecture /
Confidence Intervals: Single Sample Confidence prediction interval, and tolerance discussion and
Intervals: Multiple Samples interval of given engineering problem solving
Prediction Intervals 11 problems. 3 2
Tolerance Intervals
Reading List: 1,2,3,4
8 Test on Hypothesis for a Single or One Sample Conduct hypothesis test on
Hypothesis Testing: One-sided and Two-sided test single samples concerning
P-value in Hypothesis Tests means, variances, and Lecture /
Test on the Mean of a Normal Distribution proportion.
12 3 5 discussion and
Test on the Variance of a Normal Distribution Interpret and decide based on
problem solving
the result of hypothesis testing.
Test on a Population Proportion
Reading List: 1,2,3,4
QUIZ 2 13 Face to Face Exam
9 Statistical Inference of Two Samples Conduct hypothesis test on
Inference on Means of Two Normal Distribution, Variance Known difference of two samples
Inference on Means of Two Normal Distribution, Variance Unknown concerning means, variances, and Lecture /
Inference on Variances of Two Normal Distribution 14-15 proportion. 3 5 discussion and
Inference on Two Proportions Interpret and decide based on
problem solving
the result of hypothesis testing.
Reading List: 1, 2, 3, 4
Midterm Examination x
Problem Sets x x x x
Final Examination x
1 The syllabus is to be distributed to the students in the first week of the semester.
2 Any changes to the syllabus shall be communicated (in writing) to the Program Chair and the approved revised version must be communicated to
the 3 The course instructor may set a more stringent similarity percentage (minimum 20%) for their respective courses pertaining to student's