Ed Assignment
Ed Assignment
Ed Assignment
Bhutan is a small and underdeveloped country sandwiched between the two most heavily
populated countries of the world, India and China. While it is surviving, it is also equally
flourishing and thriving. There is a beautiful balance of economic growth with social
development, environmental sustainability and cultural preservation, all by the whole and sole
framework of good governance.
The government has pledged to preserve a minimum of 60% of its land as forest cover. It
currently has a 71% of land as forest cover which successfully manages to absorb over 6
million tonnes of CO2 while also making it one of the most biodiverse spots.
As beautifully stated by Mr. Tobgay, the mission of the country is around the unique concept of
Gross National Happiness (GNH) which signifies the happiness of individuals over the
economy of the country. Although, Bhutan is known to have a Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
less than 2 Billion dollars, it certainly reduces carbon emissions greater than any country in the
world. Bhutan is absolutely carbon negative!
All of this, while following some of the most eccentric practices as a country
•Sustainable transport - electricity borne
•Free electricity to Farmers as an alternative to firewood
•Subsidizing the cost of LED lights
•Trying to go paperless
•Various programs like “Clean Bhutan” to clean the country and “Green Bhutan” for planting
•Connecting the protected areas with one another through biological corridors
A very interesting program was “Bhutan for life“ which was a funding mechanism to look after
their protected areas until the government was fully ready to take over.
The governments came together to work on climate change during COP21 and decided to
reduce the green house gas emissions. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change stated
that if we keep the intended commitment, we could contain global warming by 2 degrees
Bhutan has made possible what no other country has been able to achieve. This carbon-
negative country has shown us how we can address climate change with compassion,
commitment and creativity and come out on top. It's real, and our response will take two forms:
slowing it down if we can and earning to live with the change we can't stop anymore.