Testing Sheets Solm12

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Zagazig University Sheet (1) Engineering Materials

Faculty of Eng. Electrical 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Tension Test

1- Choose the correct answer

(i) The strain is defined as the ratio of:
** Change of length to final length **.
$$ Change of length to original length $$.
** Change in diameter to final diameter **.
** (a) and (c) **
(ii) Within elastic limit, stress is
** Inversely proportional to strain**
$$ Directly proportional to strain $$
** Square root of strain**
** Equal to strain**
(iii) Young's modulus is defined as :
$$ The resistance of material to elastic deformation . **
** The resistance of material to plastic deformation **.
**The resistance of material to elastic shear deformation **.
**None of the above **
(iv) The breaking stress is ………….the ultimate stress.
** Equal to** $$ Less than**
** Greater than ** ** None of the above**
(v) A tensile test is carried out on a mild steel round bar. Its diameter
after fracture will be
** Remain same ** ** Increase**
$$ Decrease ** ** Depend upon rate of loading**
(vi) The ratio of lateral strain to the linear strain within elastic limit is
known as
** Young's modulus ** ** Bulk modulus **
** Modulus of rigidity ** $$ Poisson's ratio$$

(vii) In the below figure, the plastic range occurs
** Before point B ** $$ Beyond point C $$
** Between points A and D **
** Between points D and E **
(viii) Which of the following statement is correct?
** The stress is the pressure per unit area **
** The strain is expressed in mm **
** Hook's law holds good up to the breaking point **
$$ Stress is directly proportional to strain within elastic limit $$
(x) True stress strain-curve for materials is plotted between
** Load/original cross-sectional area and change in length/original length**
$$ Load/ instantaneous cross-sectional area and loge (original area/
instantaneous area) $$ .
** Load/ instantaneous cross-sectional area and change in length/ original
** Load/ instantaneous area and instantaneous area/original area **.
(xi) A tensile test is carried on a mild steel round bar. Its diameter after
fracture will be
** The same ** ** Increase **
$$ Decrease ** ** Depend upon rate of loading**
(xii) Identify the correct statement
** All materials undergo plastic deformation **
** A completely brittle material would not fracture at elastic limit **
**Brittleness is an important engineering consideration, because it allows the
materials to redistribute localized stresses **
$$ In elastic materials yield stress and tensile strength are practically identical $$
2-Indicate whether the followings are true or false
A) The ratio of the gauge length to diameter of a tensile test specimen must be fixed,
if the elongation % is to be obtained ( True).
B) The toughness of mild steel can be determined from tension test ( True ).
2- A tension test was carried out on a steel specimen of 8 mm diameter.
The following data were obtained for the load P in KN and extension ΔL
on a gage length of 100 mm:

P (KN) 0 5 8 10 13 15 16.5 17.5 17 15
∆L (mm) 0 0.05 0.08 0.1 1.5 3.5 6 9 11 15

(i) Modulus of elasticity equals to:

$$ 198.8 KN/mm2 $$ **188.8 KN/mm2** **19.8 KN/mm2** ** 18.8 KN/mm2 **
(ii) 0.2% proof stress equals to:
** 0.6 KN/mm2 ** $$ 0.2 KN/mm2 $$ ** 0.06 KN/mm2 ** ** 0.3 KN/mm2 **
(iii) Ultimate tensile strength equals to:
** 0.4 KN/mm2 **0.45 KN/mm2 ** **0.3 KN/mm2 ** $$ 0.35 KN/mm2$$
(iv) The fracture shape of the tested specimen is:
** $$ **

4-A tension test was carried out on a short standard test specimen of
steel of 20 mm diameter. The test results were as follows:
P (Ton) 2.5 5 7.5 7.5 9 11 12 12.5 11.5 10
∆L (mm) 0.06 0.12 0.18 1.5 4.4 12 20 26 30 33
Choose the correct answer:
(i) Yield stress equals to:
**0.036 ton/ mm2** $$ 0.024 tom/mm2 $$ ** 0.014 tom/mm2 ** **0.04 ton/mm2**
(ii) Ultimate tensile strength equals to:
$$0.04 ton/mm2 $$ ** 0.03 ton/mm2 ** **0.024 ton/mm2** ** 0.036 ton/mm2**
(iii) Elongation %:
**38% ** ** 26% ** $$ 33% $$ **0.06%**
(iv) Modulus of elasticity equals to:
$$ 13.3 ton/mm2 $$ ** 16.3 ton/mm2** **21.3 ton/mm2** **11.3 ton/mm2**
(v) Modulus of resilience equals to:
**4.18 x 10-5 ton/mm2 ** **4.18 x 10-7 ton/mm2 **

$$ 2.15 x 10-5 ton/mm2 $$ **6.15 x 10-5 ton/mm2**
(vi) Modulus of toughness equals to:
** 0.016 ton/mm2 ** **16.0 ton/mm2 ** $$ 0.011 ton/mm2 $$ **11.0 ton/mm2**

5- A tension test was carried out on a long mild steel specimen of 14 mm

diameter. The following data were recorded:

P (Ton) 0 2.4 4.5 5 4.7 6 6.6 7 7.2 6

∆L (mm) 0 0.06 0.12 1 2 8 13 18 26 32
Determine whether the following sentences are true or false:
(a) The estimated stiffness of this test specimen equals to 34.1 ton/m2 (True)
(b) The modulus of resilience is about 2.5 x 10-5 ton/mm2 (False)
(c) The ultimate tensile strength equals to 4.7 ton/mm2 (False)
(d) The total elongation percentage will be 23% of the specimen' s gage length (True )
6- A tension test was carried out on a low carbon steel test specimen having a
gage length of 200 mm. The measured loads in KN and extensions in mm
were as follows:

P (KN) 0 86 122 134 140 138 116

∆L (mm) 0 6 15 25.8 39.6 53.5 70.5
D (mm) 22.9 22.6 22 21.6 20.9 18 14.8

(i) Ultimate tensile strength max = …………..

$$ 0.34 KN/ mm2 $$ **0.4 KN/ mm2** **0.5 KN/ mm2** **0.56 KN/ mm2**
(ii) The ordinary strain and true strain at a load = 138 KN = …… and ……
**0.3 and 0.48 ** $$ 0.27 and 0.48$$ **0.3 and 0.56** **0.27 and 0.56**
(iii) Ductility = ………….
**23.25%** $$ 35.25% $$ **30.25%** **40%**
(iv) True stress and true strain at initial necking = ………. And ………..

**0.6 KN/ mm2 and 0.183 ** **0.4 KN/ mm2 and 0.178 **
$$ 0.4 KN/ mm2 and 0.183 $$ **0.6 KN/ mm2 and 0.178**
(v) Fracture shape is ………………. due to ………. Stresses.
$$Cup& cone, Shear$$ **At right section, Tension** **Helical, Shear**

Zagazig University Sheet (2) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Compression test

1- Specify whether the following sentences are true or false:

a. Spherical bearing blocks are used to avoid applying the load at a single point
if the loading surfaces are at a small angle. (False)
b. Rectangular specimens are preferred to ensure uniform distribution of stresses.
( False )
c. Short specimens of L= 0.9 d to test metals used as bearings since the friction
induced in testing will resemble bearing conditions. (True)
d. Friction between the heads of the testing machine and the end surfaces of the
test specimen occurs due to the non-uniform cross section of the specimen.
e. The barrel shape occurred in compressed specimens is due to the friction
between the heads of the testing machine and the end surfaces of the test
specimen. (True)
f. Ductile materials under compression will fail by shearing on definite angle of
55 - 60°. (False)
g. The loaded surfaces should be normal to the geometric axis of the specimen to
avoid bending stresses. (True)
h. The increase in L/d ratio increases the friction force between the heads of the
testing machine and the end surfaces of the test specimen (False)
i. Brass will fail under compression at an angle of 50° (True)

2- A brass bar having cross-sectional area of 10 cm2 is subjected to axial forces

as shown in figure and Eb = 1.05 x 106 Kg/cm2. The total change in length of
the bar = …………..

60 cm 100 cm 120 cm

5000 Kg 8000 Kg 2000 Kg 1000 Kg

**0.002mm** $$0.001mm$$ **0.015mm** **0.003mm**

3- A concrete cylinder 15 cm in diameter with a gauge length of 25 cm is used to
obtain the stress-strain diagram in compression. If the specimen failed at a
load of 250 KN and a total contraction of 0.05 cm.
(a) The ultimate compressive strength = …………….
$$1.41 KN/cm2 $$ **1.6 KN/cm2** **2.3 KN/cm2** 3.1 KN/cm2**

(b) The percentage contraction= …………….
**0.15%** $$0.2%$$ ** 0.25% ** ** 0.3% **
(c) The secant modulus at a stress of 455 N/cm2 and contraction of 0.0075cm=
**1359.6 KN/ /cm2** **2003.7 KN/ /cm2**
**1598.45 KN/ /cm2** $$1516.7 KN/ /cm2$$

Zagazig University Sheet (3) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Bending test
1- Specify whether the following sentences are true or false:
a. The span on the specimen must not to be too short with respect to the depth in
order to avoid tensile failure (False).
b. Failure of brittle beams in bending begins in the compressive fibers (False).
c. Cold-bend tests serve to detect too high a sulfur or boron content or improper
rolling conditions in steel (False).
d. In cold-bend tests, samples of metal bars or plates are cold bend around a pin such
that the sides of the sample are parallel (True).
e. Hot-bend tests are made on wrought iron by heating it to a welding temperature
about 1000°C and bending the heated piece on an anvil (True).
f. While bending of cast iron, it is more preferable to use central loading (True).

2- A timber beam of circular cross-section simply supported over a span of 50

cm was tested in bending under a central load. If the modulus of elasticity of
this wood was 790 ton/cm2 and the loads versus mid span vertical deflection
were as follows:
P, ton 0 0.6 1 1.4 1.8 2.2 2.6 2.7 2.8
Δ, mm 0 0.5 0.8 1.2 1.5 2 3 4 5

Choose the correct answer:

(i) Diameter of the beam =
$$5.3 cm $$ ** 6.3 cm** **3.3 cm** **4.3m**
(ii) Elastic bending strength
**1.89 ton/cm2** **2.34 ton/cm2 **
**7.3 ton/cm2 ** $$ 1.54 ton/cm2$$
(iii) Modulus of rupture
**4.8 ton/cm2** $$ 2.4 ton/cm2$$
**5.8 ton/cm2 ** **6.4 ton/cm2**
(iv) Modulus of resilience
**3.62 x 10-4 ton/cm2 $$ 1.22 x 10-4 ton/cm2$$
**5.62 x 10-4 ton/cm2 ** **4.22 x 10-4 ton/cm2**
(v) Modulus of toughness
$$ 8.46 x 10-4 ton/cm2$$ **7.35 x 10-4 ton/cm2**
**12.34 x 10-4 ton/cm2 ** **9.0 x 10-4 ton/cm2**

3- A cast iron beam of circular cross section was simply supported over a span
of 50 cm and tested in bending under concentrated load at its mid-span. The
modulus of elasticity is 800 ton/cm2
(i) The diameter of the beam if the resilience is 0.2 ton.cm and the load at the
proportional limit is 2 ton = …….
$$5.1 cm $$ **6.8 cm** **5.6 cm ** **4.3 cm**
(ii) The maximum load on the beam if the maximum bending strength is 2.8
ton/cm 2 = ………..
$$2.92 ton$$ **4.26 ton** **5.26 ton** **4.92 ton**
4- A beam of circular cross-section of 5 cm in diameter, simply supported over
a span of 40 cm, and was tested in bending under a central load. The loads
and corresponding deflections until rupture were as follows:
Load ( ton) 0 0.5 1 1.25 1.7 2 2.4 2.55 2.6
Deflection (mm) 0 0.4 0.8 1 1.5 2 3 4 4.8

(i) Modulus of elasticity E equals:

$$543 ton/cm2 $$ **434.8 ton/cm2 **
**739.2 ton/cm2** **321.7 ton/cm2**
(ii) Elastic bending strength equals:
**0.815 ton/cm2 **1.39 ton/cm2
$$ 1.02 ton/cm2 $$ ** 1.56 ton/cm2
(iii) Modulus of rupture equals:
**3.14 ton/cm2 ** **6.18 ton/cm2 **
**4.19 ton/cm2** $$ 2.12 ton/cm2$$
(iv) Modulus of resilience equals:
**8.04 x 10-5 ton/cm2 ** **11.25 x 10-5 ton/cm2**
$$ 7.96 x 10-5 ton/cm2$$ **6.45 x 10-5 ton/cm2**
5- A cast iron beam of circular cross-section of 7 cm in diameter, simply
supported over a span of 60 cm was tested in bending under a central load. If
the loads and corresponding deflections until rupture were as follows:
Load ( ton) 0 1.2 2 2.8 3.6 4.4 5.2 5.5 5.6
Deflection (mm) 0 1 1.6 2.4 3 4 6 8 10

(i) Modulus of rupture =……….

** 4.56 ton/cm2** $$ 2.49 ton/cm2$$
**4.69 ton/cm2** **3.55 ton/cm2**
(ii) Modulus of elasticity, E, in bending =………..

**548 ton/cm2 ** $$ 458 ton/cm2$$ **461 ton/cm2** **332 ton/cm2**
(iii)The fracture shape of the beam is ………..
$$ $$



Zagazig University Sheet (4) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Shear & Torsion test

1- A torsion test was carried out on a mild steel specimen of 3 cm diameter

and 20 cm length. The following data was recorded
0 1000 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
θ, degree 0 10 20 30 50 100 250 600

(i) Elastic shear strength = …….

**471 kg/cm2** **189 kg/cm2** $$ 377 kg/cm2$$ **565 kg/cm2**
(ii) Modulus of rigidity = ………
**0.72 x 104 kg/cm2 **1.8 x 104 kg/cm2**
$$ 1.44 x 104 kg/cm2$$ **3.24 x 104 kg/cm2**
(iii) Operating stress in shear if the factor of safety is 2 = …….
$$188.5 kg/cm2 $$ **236 kg/cm2**
**94.5 kg/cm2 ** **282.5 kg/cm2**
(iv) Ultimate shear strength = …………
$$637 kg/cm2 $$ **743 kg/cm2** **283 kg/cm2** **330 kg/cm2**
2- A torsion test was carried out on a solid mild steel rod specimen of 16 mm
diameter and 160 mm length. The results of the test until rupture were as
- The torque at elastic limit is 2000 kg.cm - The maximum torque is 4500 kg.cm
- The angle of twist at elastic limit is 2θ degree
- The maximum angle of twist is 600 degree
Choose the correct answer
(i) The elastic shear strength = ……….
$$ 2500 kg/cm2 $$ **2800 kg/cm2** **3500 kg/cm2** **3800 kg/cm2**
(ii) Ultimate shear strength = ……….
$$ 4196 kg/cm2$$ **5296 kg/cm2** **6138 kg/cm2 ** **7322 kg/cm2**
(iii) Modulus of toughness = ……….
**822 kg/cm2** $$ 977 kg/cm2$$ **469 kg/cm2 ** **573 kg/cm2 **
(iii) Modulus of rigidity (G) = …………
$$14.3 x 105 kg/cm2$$ **11.76 x 105 kg/cm2**
**5.3 x 105 kg/cm2** **9.51 x 105 kg/cm2**

3- A torsion test was carried out on a mild steel rod specimen of 200 mm length.
The results of the test until rupture were as follows:
T, KN.cm 0 10 20 25 30 35 40 45
θ, in degree 0 10 20 30 50 100 250 600

Estimate whether the followings are true or false:

(i) The elastic shear strength equals to 2.6 KN/cm2 (True)
(ii) The Modulus of toughness equals to 0.769 KN/cm 2 (False)
(iii) The ultimate shear strength equals to 4.4 KN/cm2 (True)

4- A torsion test was carried out on a hollow mild steel rod specimen of 15 mm
diameter and 150 mm length. The results of the test until rupture were as
T, ton.cm 0 0.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.75 1.9 2
θ, in degree 0 4 8 20 50 100 150 250 500 800

Estimate whether the followings are true or false:

(i) The modulus of toughness equals to 0.7 ton/cm2 (True)
(ii) The modulus of rigidity (G) equals to 258 ton/cm2 (False)
(iii) The modulus of elasticity (E) equals to 447.2 ton/cm2 (True)
(iv) The ultimate shear strength equals to 2.3 ton/cm2 (True)
(v) The fracture shape of test specimen is the one illustrated in the shown Figure

Zagazig University Sheet (5) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Hardness test

1- Choose the correct answer:

(i) During Brinell hardness testing, if the indentation was near the edge of the
specimen, the Brinell hardness Number:
** Increases** $$ Decreases $$
**The distance from the edge has no effect on the BHN. **
(ii)Brinell hardness test can be used to determine the hardness of
**Extremely hard materials** $$ Thick materials$$
**Thin sections ** **Hardened surfaces. **
(iii) In Brinell hardness test, the distance between the edge of the specimen and
the center of the indentation shall not be less than:
$$2.5d$$ **4d ** **5d ** **none of the previous**
(iv) The indentor used in Vicker's hardness test is:
$$ square based diamond pyramid$$ **Steel ball of 10 mm diameter**
**Steel pyramid with an angle of 136° ** **Diamond cone (Brale) **
(v) The hardness numbers results obtained from Vicker's hardness test compared
to what obtained from Brinell hardness test are
**less accurate ** $$ More accurate$$
**in the same level ** **Just the same**
(vi) Which of the following hardness tester can be used to determine the
hardness of a glass sheet
**Brinell hardness tester ** $$ Vickers's hardness tester$$
**Rockwell hardness tester ** **None of the above. **
(vii) If a Brinell test was carried out on copper alloy specimen using a ball of 10
mm in diameter. If the diameter of indentation was 4 mm. and k=1,
- the Brinell hardness number (BHN) will equal:
$$ 76.3 kg/mm2 $$ ** 80.3 kg/mm2 **
**96.3 kg/mm2 **121.3 kg/mm2**
- The ultimate tensile strength equals:
$$27.47 kg/mm2$$ **30.67 kg/mm2**
**76.3 kg/mm2** **80.3 kg/mm2**
(viii) A Brinell test was carried out on a steel specimen using a ball of 10 mm in
diameter. If the diameter of indentation was 4.26 mm and k=30.
- the Brinell hardness number (BHN) will equal:

**150.6 kg/mm2 **181.6 kg/mm2 **
$$ 200.6 kg/mm2$$ **230.6 kg/mm2 **
- The ultimate tensile strength equals:
$$ 72.22 kg/mm2$$ **14.22 kg/mm2
**140.22 kg/mm2 **61.22 kg/mm2
(ix) A Vicker hardness test was carried out on a steel specimen using a load of 30
kg. The diagonal of impression was 0.654 mm
- The Vicker's hardness number (VHN) = ……..
$$130 kg/mm2$$ **155 kg/mm2**
**180 kg/mm2** **200.57 kg/mm2**
- The load that should be used to measure the hardness of the specimen if the
diameter of impression does not exceed 0.5 mm equals
**25 kg** $$ 17.5 kg $$ **23.5 kg** **30 kg**
(x) A Vicker hardness test made on a certain steel with a load of 40 kg, produces
impression whose diagonal measures 0.66 mm
- Specify whether the followings are true or false
(a) The Vicker's hardness number (VHN) = 170 kg/mm2 (True)
(b) The depth of indentation (h) = 0.2 mm (False)
(c) Area of indentation = 0.22 mm2 (True)

Zagazig University Sheet (6) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Impact test

Choose the correct answer

(i) In Charpy impact test, the specimen is held as a:
**Cantilever ** $$ Simply supported beam $$
**Fixed beam ** **Hinged beam**
(ii) Fracture toughness, KIC, increases with
$$ increasing temperature $$ **increasing strain rate **
** increase in yield strength **increase in grain size **
(iii) By increasing the depth of the notch:
$$ Stress concentration increases $$ **Stress concentration decreases**
**Impact toughness increases **None of the previous**.
(iv) A weight of 100 N falls freely through ½ m and then impacts axially on the end of
a bar of 18 mm diameter and 1.5 m length. E = 208 GN/m2
- The maximum stress induced in the bar equals:
**4.65274 x 105 KN/m2** $$ 2.352 x 105 KN/m2$$
**7.221 x 105 KN/m2 **6.531 x 105 KN/m2
- The maximum strain induced in the bar equals:
$$1.13 x 10-3 $$ **2.13 x 10-3**
**4.13 x 10-3 **3.13 x 10-3 **
(v) A 50 kg weight slides without friction down a steel rod that has a cross sectional –
area of 1.5 cm2, as shown in figure.
- The maximum stress when h = 0 is:
W = 50 kg 10 cm
**0.22 kg/mm2** **0.33 kg/mm2**
**0.44 kg/mm2 ** $$ 0.66 kg/mm2$$ h

- The Impact Factor when h = 0 is:

$$ 2 $$ **1** **1.5** **3**
The maximum stress when h = 30 cm is:
**604.3 kg/mm2** $$ 202.3 kg/mm2$$
**583.8 kg/mm2 ** **319.3 kg/mm2**
- The Impact Factor when h = 30 cm is:
**142** **505 ** $$ 613 $$ **241**

(vi) Two similar round bars (A) and (B) (1)
are each 30 cm long as shown in fig. 10 cm 2cm (3) 2cm
The bar (A) receives an axial blow, 20 cm
which produces a maximum stress of
2000 kg/cm2. (2)
20 cm
4cm 10 cm 4cm
- The maximum stress produced by the (4)
same blow on the bar (B) = ……..
$$ 1633 kg/cm2$$ **1533 kg/cm2 **
** 1733 kg/cm2 ** **1433 kg/cm2**
- If the bar (B) is also stressed to 2000 kg/cm 2, the ratio of energies stored by the bar
(B) and (A) = ……...
**5/6 ** $$ ⅔ $$ **1/4 ** **4/9**
(vii) Fracture toughness is measured in terms of :
**Strain energy release rate ** **Stress concentration factor**
$$ Both $$ **None**

Zagazig University Sheet (7) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year Elect. Engr.
Materials Eng. Dept. Fatigue test

(i) The endurance limit of a material with finished surface in comparison to rough
surface is :
$$ More $$ ** Less **
**Same ** **More or less depending on quantum of load **
(ii) Endurance limit or fatigue limit is the maximum stress that a member can
withstand for an infinite number of load applications without failure when subjected
**Dynamic loading ** ** Static loading**
**Combined static and dynamic loading** $$ Completely reversed loading $$
(iii) If a materials fails below its yield point, failure would be due to:
**Straining ** $$ Fatigue $$ **Sudden loading** **Impact loading**
(iv) The increase in temperature reduces fatigue properties due to:
**Oxidation of metals** **Phase transformations**
**Polymorphism phenomenon** $$ Stress concentration increasing$$
(v) Fatigue strength for non-ferrous materials in defined at …… stress cycles.
**103** **105** $$ 107 $$ **109**
(vi) A part of machine is subjected to repeated load of mean stress equals to 126 MPa.
The tensile strength of the material is 420 MPa, yield strength is 336 MPa and the
fatigue limit is 210 MPa.
1) The maximum and minimum stresses using Goodman's rule =
$$273 and -21 MPa$$ **264 and -55 MPa**
**340 and -67 MPa **190 and -21MPa**
2) The maximum and minimum stresses using Soderberg's rule =
**201.25 and -4.25 MPa ** $$ 257.25 and -5.25 MPa$$
**351.25 and -6.25 MPa **341.25 and -7.25MPa**
3) The maximum and minimum stresses using Gerber's rule =
$$317.1 and -65.1 MPa $$ **382.6 and -81.3 MPa**
**517.1 and -75.1 MPa **482.6 and -91.3MPa**

(vii) The number of cycles to failure from S-N curve for certain steel is:

Stress, MN/m2 Number of cycles to failure, Cycles

350 2,000,000
380 500,000
410 125,000

If a component manufactured for this steel is subjected to 600,000 cycles at the

stress 350 MN/m2 and 150,000 cycles at the stress 380 MN/m 2. The number of cycles
which this component is expected to withstand at 410 MN/m 2 before fatigue failure
occurs, assuming that Miner's commulative damage theory applies is:
**5 x102 cycle ** ** 5 x103 cycle
$$ 5x 104 cycle $$ **5 x 105 cycle
(viii) A part of machine is subjected to repeated load change from +3 to +1 tons. If the
factor of safety = 2, the tensile strength of the material = 40 kg/mm 2, yield strength =
24 kg/mm2 and the fatigue limit = 18 kg/mm2.
1) The cross section area of this part using modified Goodman diagram equals:
**340 cm2** $$ 250 cm2 $$ **178 cm2** **150 cm2**
2) The cross section area of this part using Soderberg's rule equals:
$$277.8 cm2 $$ **310.8 cm2 ** **205.8 cm2 ** **198.8 cm2**
(ix) A threaded bolt is subjected to completely reversed axial load equals to 50000 Ib.
The reduction factor for fatigue stress = 1.5, the fatigue limit = 50000 Ib/in2 and factor
of safety = 3.
(a) The diameter of the bolt at threaded root = 2.39 in (True)
(b) The diameter of the bolt at threaded root if the static load is applied, yield
strength = 60000 psi, factor of safety = 2 and stress concentration factor = 2
equals 1.03 in (False)


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