Testing Sheets Solm12
Testing Sheets Solm12
Testing Sheets Solm12
Faculty of Eng. Electrical 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Tension Test
(vii) In the below figure, the plastic range occurs
** Before point B ** $$ Beyond point C $$
** Between points A and D **
** Between points D and E **
(viii) Which of the following statement is correct?
** The stress is the pressure per unit area **
** The strain is expressed in mm **
** Hook's law holds good up to the breaking point **
$$ Stress is directly proportional to strain within elastic limit $$
(x) True stress strain-curve for materials is plotted between
** Load/original cross-sectional area and change in length/original length**
$$ Load/ instantaneous cross-sectional area and loge (original area/
instantaneous area) $$ .
** Load/ instantaneous cross-sectional area and change in length/ original
** Load/ instantaneous area and instantaneous area/original area **.
(xi) A tensile test is carried on a mild steel round bar. Its diameter after
fracture will be
** The same ** ** Increase **
$$ Decrease ** ** Depend upon rate of loading**
(xii) Identify the correct statement
** All materials undergo plastic deformation **
** A completely brittle material would not fracture at elastic limit **
**Brittleness is an important engineering consideration, because it allows the
materials to redistribute localized stresses **
$$ In elastic materials yield stress and tensile strength are practically identical $$
2-Indicate whether the followings are true or false
A) The ratio of the gauge length to diameter of a tensile test specimen must be fixed,
if the elongation % is to be obtained ( True).
B) The toughness of mild steel can be determined from tension test ( True ).
2- A tension test was carried out on a steel specimen of 8 mm diameter.
The following data were obtained for the load P in KN and extension ΔL
on a gage length of 100 mm:
P (KN) 0 5 8 10 13 15 16.5 17.5 17 15
∆L (mm) 0 0.05 0.08 0.1 1.5 3.5 6 9 11 15
4-A tension test was carried out on a short standard test specimen of
steel of 20 mm diameter. The test results were as follows:
P (Ton) 2.5 5 7.5 7.5 9 11 12 12.5 11.5 10
∆L (mm) 0.06 0.12 0.18 1.5 4.4 12 20 26 30 33
Choose the correct answer:
(i) Yield stress equals to:
**0.036 ton/ mm2** $$ 0.024 tom/mm2 $$ ** 0.014 tom/mm2 ** **0.04 ton/mm2**
(ii) Ultimate tensile strength equals to:
$$0.04 ton/mm2 $$ ** 0.03 ton/mm2 ** **0.024 ton/mm2** ** 0.036 ton/mm2**
(iii) Elongation %:
**38% ** ** 26% ** $$ 33% $$ **0.06%**
(iv) Modulus of elasticity equals to:
$$ 13.3 ton/mm2 $$ ** 16.3 ton/mm2** **21.3 ton/mm2** **11.3 ton/mm2**
(v) Modulus of resilience equals to:
**4.18 x 10-5 ton/mm2 ** **4.18 x 10-7 ton/mm2 **
$$ 2.15 x 10-5 ton/mm2 $$ **6.15 x 10-5 ton/mm2**
(vi) Modulus of toughness equals to:
** 0.016 ton/mm2 ** **16.0 ton/mm2 ** $$ 0.011 ton/mm2 $$ **11.0 ton/mm2**
**0.6 KN/ mm2 and 0.183 ** **0.4 KN/ mm2 and 0.178 **
$$ 0.4 KN/ mm2 and 0.183 $$ **0.6 KN/ mm2 and 0.178**
(v) Fracture shape is ………………. due to ………. Stresses.
$$Cup& cone, Shear$$ **At right section, Tension** **Helical, Shear**
Zagazig University Sheet (2) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Compression test
60 cm 100 cm 120 cm
(b) The percentage contraction= …………….
**0.15%** $$0.2%$$ ** 0.25% ** ** 0.3% **
(c) The secant modulus at a stress of 455 N/cm2 and contraction of 0.0075cm=
**1359.6 KN/ /cm2** **2003.7 KN/ /cm2**
**1598.45 KN/ /cm2** $$1516.7 KN/ /cm2$$
Zagazig University Sheet (3) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Bending test
1- Specify whether the following sentences are true or false:
a. The span on the specimen must not to be too short with respect to the depth in
order to avoid tensile failure (False).
b. Failure of brittle beams in bending begins in the compressive fibers (False).
c. Cold-bend tests serve to detect too high a sulfur or boron content or improper
rolling conditions in steel (False).
d. In cold-bend tests, samples of metal bars or plates are cold bend around a pin such
that the sides of the sample are parallel (True).
e. Hot-bend tests are made on wrought iron by heating it to a welding temperature
about 1000°C and bending the heated piece on an anvil (True).
f. While bending of cast iron, it is more preferable to use central loading (True).
3- A cast iron beam of circular cross section was simply supported over a span
of 50 cm and tested in bending under concentrated load at its mid-span. The
modulus of elasticity is 800 ton/cm2
(i) The diameter of the beam if the resilience is 0.2 ton.cm and the load at the
proportional limit is 2 ton = …….
$$5.1 cm $$ **6.8 cm** **5.6 cm ** **4.3 cm**
(ii) The maximum load on the beam if the maximum bending strength is 2.8
ton/cm 2 = ………..
$$2.92 ton$$ **4.26 ton** **5.26 ton** **4.92 ton**
4- A beam of circular cross-section of 5 cm in diameter, simply supported over
a span of 40 cm, and was tested in bending under a central load. The loads
and corresponding deflections until rupture were as follows:
Load ( ton) 0 0.5 1 1.25 1.7 2 2.4 2.55 2.6
Deflection (mm) 0 0.4 0.8 1 1.5 2 3 4 4.8
**548 ton/cm2 ** $$ 458 ton/cm2$$ **461 ton/cm2** **332 ton/cm2**
(iii)The fracture shape of the beam is ………..
$$ $$
Zagazig University Sheet (4) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Shear & Torsion test
3- A torsion test was carried out on a mild steel rod specimen of 200 mm length.
The results of the test until rupture were as follows:
T, KN.cm 0 10 20 25 30 35 40 45
θ, in degree 0 10 20 30 50 100 250 600
4- A torsion test was carried out on a hollow mild steel rod specimen of 15 mm
diameter and 150 mm length. The results of the test until rupture were as
T, ton.cm 0 0.4 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.75 1.9 2
θ, in degree 0 4 8 20 50 100 150 250 500 800
Zagazig University Sheet (5) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Hardness test
**150.6 kg/mm2 **181.6 kg/mm2 **
$$ 200.6 kg/mm2$$ **230.6 kg/mm2 **
- The ultimate tensile strength equals:
$$ 72.22 kg/mm2$$ **14.22 kg/mm2
**140.22 kg/mm2 **61.22 kg/mm2
(ix) A Vicker hardness test was carried out on a steel specimen using a load of 30
kg. The diagonal of impression was 0.654 mm
- The Vicker's hardness number (VHN) = ……..
$$130 kg/mm2$$ **155 kg/mm2**
**180 kg/mm2** **200.57 kg/mm2**
- The load that should be used to measure the hardness of the specimen if the
diameter of impression does not exceed 0.5 mm equals
**25 kg** $$ 17.5 kg $$ **23.5 kg** **30 kg**
(x) A Vicker hardness test made on a certain steel with a load of 40 kg, produces
impression whose diagonal measures 0.66 mm
- Specify whether the followings are true or false
(a) The Vicker's hardness number (VHN) = 170 kg/mm2 (True)
(b) The depth of indentation (h) = 0.2 mm (False)
(c) Area of indentation = 0.22 mm2 (True)
Zagazig University Sheet (6) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year
Materials Eng. Dept. Impact test
(vi) Two similar round bars (A) and (B) (1)
are each 30 cm long as shown in fig. 10 cm 2cm (3) 2cm
The bar (A) receives an axial blow, 20 cm
which produces a maximum stress of
2000 kg/cm2. (2)
20 cm
4cm 10 cm 4cm
- The maximum stress produced by the (4)
same blow on the bar (B) = ……..
$$ 1633 kg/cm2$$ **1533 kg/cm2 **
** 1733 kg/cm2 ** **1433 kg/cm2**
- If the bar (B) is also stressed to 2000 kg/cm 2, the ratio of energies stored by the bar
(B) and (A) = ……...
**5/6 ** $$ ⅔ $$ **1/4 ** **4/9**
(vii) Fracture toughness is measured in terms of :
**Strain energy release rate ** **Stress concentration factor**
$$ Both $$ **None**
Zagazig University Sheet (7) Engineering Materials
Faculty of Eng. 1 Year Elect. Engr.
Materials Eng. Dept. Fatigue test
(i) The endurance limit of a material with finished surface in comparison to rough
surface is :
$$ More $$ ** Less **
**Same ** **More or less depending on quantum of load **
(ii) Endurance limit or fatigue limit is the maximum stress that a member can
withstand for an infinite number of load applications without failure when subjected
**Dynamic loading ** ** Static loading**
**Combined static and dynamic loading** $$ Completely reversed loading $$
(iii) If a materials fails below its yield point, failure would be due to:
**Straining ** $$ Fatigue $$ **Sudden loading** **Impact loading**
(iv) The increase in temperature reduces fatigue properties due to:
**Oxidation of metals** **Phase transformations**
**Polymorphism phenomenon** $$ Stress concentration increasing$$
(v) Fatigue strength for non-ferrous materials in defined at …… stress cycles.
**103** **105** $$ 107 $$ **109**
(vi) A part of machine is subjected to repeated load of mean stress equals to 126 MPa.
The tensile strength of the material is 420 MPa, yield strength is 336 MPa and the
fatigue limit is 210 MPa.
1) The maximum and minimum stresses using Goodman's rule =
$$273 and -21 MPa$$ **264 and -55 MPa**
**340 and -67 MPa **190 and -21MPa**
2) The maximum and minimum stresses using Soderberg's rule =
**201.25 and -4.25 MPa ** $$ 257.25 and -5.25 MPa$$
**351.25 and -6.25 MPa **341.25 and -7.25MPa**
3) The maximum and minimum stresses using Gerber's rule =
$$317.1 and -65.1 MPa $$ **382.6 and -81.3 MPa**
**517.1 and -75.1 MPa **482.6 and -91.3MPa**
(vii) The number of cycles to failure from S-N curve for certain steel is: