Music Test Term 2 G7

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Music– Term 2 Controlled Test – Academic Year 22-23

Name: Exam Duration: 45 min

Grade: Grade 7 Overall Score: ____/ 30
Subject: Music Examiner: Jan Piotrowski
1st Moderator: Florinel Petrescu
Exam Instructions and Guidelines

● This exam contains 6 sections.

● Read each question carefully and provide clear answers.
● This assessment should take 45 min
● You must submit your work by the end of the lesson strictly.
● This assignment is out of 30 marks.

Question Standard DOK Level
7.MU:Cr2 b. Use standard and/or iconic
1 notation and/or audio/video recording to
document personal simple rhythmic phrases, 4
melodic phrases, and harmonic sequences.
7.MU:Pr4.2 b. When analyzing selected music,
read and identify by name or function standard
2, 6 symbols for rhythm, pitch articulation, dynamics, 1
tempo, and form.
7.MU:Re8 Describe a personal interpretation of
contrasting works and explain how creators’ and
performers’ application of the elements of music
3, 4, 5
and expressive qualities, within genres, cultures,
and historical periods, convey expressive intent.

5 Exceeding 4 Above Expectations 3 Meeting 2 Below 1 Emerging Tot
Expectations (AE) Expectations Expectations (E) al
(EE) (ME) (BE)
The student The student The student The student is The student
consistently applies consistently performs consistently meets performing below demonstrates an /__
multiple methods of above grade-level grade-level standards grade-level emerging
exceeding grade-level standards as as demonstrated by a standards as understanding of
standard as demonstrated by a body of evidence that demonstrated by a grade-level
demonstrated by a body of evidence shows independent body of evidence standards as
body of evidence that that shows depth of understanding and that shows demonstrated by a
shows transfer of understanding and application of grade incomplete/inconsis body of evidence
concepts, knowledge flexible application of level concepts. tent understanding that shows the
and skills such as grade-level concepts and application of limited
evaluating, justifying, and skills such as grade-level understanding and
synthesizing, evaluating, concepts. application of
proposing, and explaining, grade-level
defending. comparing, concepts.
organizing and
Prof.MU:H.Cr2 (10 Student is able to /5
marks) - Select, develop, create and notate a
Student is able to
Student is
Student is not able
and use standard four-bar melody, using Student is able to somewhat able to
create and notate a to create and
notation and the traditional music create and notate a create and notate a
four-bar melody, notate a four-bar
audio/video recording notation, in treble four-bar melody, using four-bar melody,
using the traditional melody, using the
to document melodic, clef. The rhythm the traditional music using the traditional
music notation, in traditional music
contains quarter and notation, in treble clef. music notation, in
rhythmic, and harmonic treble clef. The notation, in treble
eighth notes. Time The rhythm contains treble clef. The
ideas for drafts of rhythm contains clef. The rhythm
signature is added and quarter and eighth rhythm contains
improvisations, quarter, half and contains quarter
the music is divided notes. quarter and eighth
compositions, and eighth notes. and eighth notes.
into bars with notes.
three-or-more chord accuracy.
Prof.MU:H.Pr4.2 -(10 Student is /5
marks) Identify and Student is able to
Student is able to
recognize these
Student is able to somewhat able to
Student is not able
to recognize these
describe important
theoretical and
recognize these
musical symbols:
musical symbols:
recognize these
musical symbols:
recognize these
musical symbols:
musical symbols:
treble clef, staff, treble clef, staff,
structural characteristics treble clef, staff, treble clef, staff, treble clef, staff,
eighth/quarter/half/ quarter/half/whole
and context (social, eighth/quarter/half/w quarter/half/whole quarter/half/whole
whole notes and they notes and they are
cultural, or historical) in hole notes and they notes and they are notes and they are
are able to read the able to read the
a varied repertoire of are able to read the able to read the able to read the
musical notes written musical notes
music that includes musical notes written musical notes written musical notes
in Treble clef on written in Treble
melodies, in Treble clef on every in Treble clef on every written in Treble
every line and in clef on every line
improvisations, and line and in every line and in every clef on every line
every space, with and in every space,
chordal space, with maximum space, with minimum and in every space,
minimum 85% with minimum 60%
accompaniments in a three errors. 70% accuracy. with minimum 60%
accuracy. accuracy.
variety of patterns. accuracy.
Prof.MU:H.Re7.2 - (10 Student is able to /5
marks) Compare compare two musical
Student is
passages in musical examples written in Student is able to Student is not able
somewhat able to
selections and explain traditional musical compare two musical to compare two
Student is able to compare two
how the elements of notation, in treble examples written in musical examples
compare two musical musical examples
music and context clef. The student is traditional musical written in
examples written in written in
able to identify the notation, in treble traditional musical
(social, cultural, or traditional musical traditional musical
Dynamics and Tempi clef. The student is notation, in treble
historical) inform the notation, in treble clef. notation, in treble
indications, and is able able to identify the clef. The student is
response. The student is able to clef. The student is
to name most of the Dynamics and Tempi able to identify the
identify the Dynamics able to identify the
notes written in treble indications, and is Dynamics and
and Tempi indications, Dynamics and
clef. They have a good able to name most of Tempi indications,
and is able to name Tempi indications,
understanding of the notes written in and is able to name
most of the notes and is able to name
meter, being able to treble clef. Students most of the notes
written in treble clef. most of the notes
divide the musical can recognize most written in treble
written in treble
notes in bars of the note values. clef.
accordingly to the
time signature.

Question 1 – 5 marks

Compare these two musical examples and answer the questions below.

1. Which musical example is louder? Compare the Dynamics indication and circle the correct answer.


2. Which musical example is slower? Compare the Tempo indication and circle the correct answer.

3. Which musical example contains the highest note? Circle the correct answer.

4. Which musical example contains the shortest note? Circle the correct answer.

5. What inspires someone to create a piece of music? Write your answer below.


Question 2 – 5 marks

Indicate the name of the following musical symbols.

1. This is a _________ clef. (treble/bass)

2. This is a _________ note. (eighth/quarter/half/whole)

3. This is a _________ note. (eighth/quarter/half/whole)

4. This is a _________.

5. This means ________________ (choose from these terms:

fortissimo/forte/mezzo forte/mezzo piano/piano/pianissimo) which translates
in English as _______ ________.

Question 3 – 6 marks

1. Match a Dynamic mark with an equivalent Italian word drawing a line.

 p Forte
 pp Fortissimo
 mp Mezzo Forte
 f Piano
 ff Pianissimo
 mf Mezzo Piano

Question 4 – 5 marks

1. Match the Italian tempo marking with an equivalent in English, drawing a line between the words.

o Largo Slowly

o Andante Fast

o Allegro At a walking pace

o Presto Very fast

o Prestissimo Very, very fast

Question 5 – 9 marks

Name these notes:

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