Pattern of The Quranic Passages PDF

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The Quranic Passages

1. Pattern of Part (a)

2. Pattern of Part (b)

Pattern of Part (a)

Q(a) Briefly describe the main theme in each passage. [4]

Pattern of Part (a)

Step # 1: Identify the Theme – 1 Line (Topic)

e.g.: The main theme of this passage is Allah in Himself.
e.g.: The main theme of this passage is Allah’s relation with the created world.
e.g.: The main theme of this passage is Allah’s relation with His Messenger that is Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).

Step # 2: Specify Theme - 1 Line - (Sub-Topics)

e.g.: It particularly mentions Allah’s knowledge and authority.
e.g.: It particularly mentions that Allah is our Creator and our Teacher.
e.g.: It particularly mentions that Allah is the Guide of Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S).

Step # 3: Main Teachings about the Specification of the Theme.

e.g.: It teaches that Allah has Supreme knowledge. He has the knowledge of all times; past, present,
and future. He knows the obvious and the hidden both.

Step # 4: Relevant Reference from Quran or Hadith.

e.g.: The Quran states: “It is He who knows what is open in speech and what you hide in your heart.”

Phrases For Part (a):

→ This passage teaches
→ It also teaches

Pattern of Part (b)

Q(b) Briefly explain the importance of these themes in a Muslim’s life today. [4]

Pattern of Part (b):

Step # 1: Significance of the recitation of the Passage.

A Few Examples
- Surah Fatiha is mandatory to recite in every unit of prayer. (Hadith)
- It is recited on sick to cure illness and for dead for forgiveness.

- It is the oft-recited Surah by Muslims.

- It protects one from the Anger of Allah.
- Ayat ul Kursi is recited for protection.
- It is the most comprehensive verse of Quran.
- Its recitation after obligatory prayers brings one closer to Jannah. (Hadith)
- Al-Baqarah is the Longest Surah of the Quran.
- It is recited at home and business for God’s blessings and to remove unwanted creatures.
- Surah Kauthar is the shortest Surah of the Quran.
- It protects one from the enmity of the enemy.
- Recitation of Al-Ikhlas thrice is equivalent to the recitation of the entire Quran.
- It protects one from hypocrisy.
- Al-Nas is recited for protection from internal and external enemies.
- It protects one from evil thoughts.
- It is recited with other ‘Quls’ for the blessings of Allah and the protection of faith and valuables
from internal and external enemies.

Step # 2: Significance of the passage in the daily life of Muslims.

e.g. Surah Zilzal reminds us of our mortality. This reduces the love of this world and materials from
our hearts. It also reminds us of our accountability. It encourages us to be more concerned about the
life hereafter.

Step # 3: Significance of special Arabic words.

e.g.: The word ‘Iqra’ which is translated as Read & Proclaim enables us to understand the most
important duty given to us that is to learn, practice, and preach the knowledge of religion.


→It strengthens our belief in
→it reminds us about
→it ensures us /convinces us
→it encourages/motivates us
→it helps us to understand/analyze/evaluate
→it enables us to understand etc.
→ we learn/we realize/we evaluate

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