Srk-Ludvika Dfs Gap Analysis Report
Srk-Ludvika Dfs Gap Analysis Report
Srk-Ludvika Dfs Gap Analysis Report
Prepared For
Nordic Iron Ore AB
Report Prepared by
This report has been prepared for Nordic Iron Ore AB (“NIO”, or the “Company”) and outlines
a Feasibility Study (“FS”) gap analysis completed for the Mineral Assets of the Company
comprising the Blötberget deposit, located in Sweden. The Blötberget deposit is part of the
Ludvika Iron Ore Project (“Ludvika”, or “LIOP”), along with the Håksberg and Väsman-
Finnäset deposits. SRK was requested to provide a gap analysis report and schedule for all
critical aspects of Blötberget in order to highlight the additional work required to produce a FS
to international reporting standards and a reasonable time frame for this.
Subsequent to this site visit, a desktop review of the available data was carried out in order to
determine the necessary work and likely time frame to advance the Project to a feasibility
level of study. This report and attached schedule (Appendix B) presents SRK‟s findings by
Gap Identified Current Status Priority Level
Completion Date
Infill drilling in the upper levels of Hugget and in the „pillar‟ and „wedge‟ areas between Hugget-Betsta and Kalvgruvan-
Flygruvan. Planned May-
30 August 2014 Very high
The aim is to increase Mineral Resources by identifying new mineralisation, along with upgrading currently Inferred September 2014
Mineral Resources.
All historic drillholes found to be re-assayed for verification of historic data and to include sections <30% Fe. Date unknown.
Additionally, all historic drilling added to the database and codes added to differentiate between historic, modern and Dependent on
On-going High
re-assayed holes. Verification analysis to be undertaken. number of drillholes
Re-assaying core is currently standard practice when found. found
Condemnation drilling to be undertaken in areas of planned surface infrastructure (e.g. process plant, tailings, rail
Not currently
terminal). Late 2014 Very high
Bedrock material characterisation - identifies any problematic lithology or potentially mineralised units.
Gap Identified Current Status Priority Level
Completion Date
Rockmass characterisation for caving and subsidence assessment. The current Q based rockmass classification
system is not suitable for the proposed longitudinal SLC mining method and caveability assessment in the opinion of June to September
Not currently planned High
SRK. The planned infill drill program requires a logging system to geotechnically log undisturbed drill core to RMR 2014
(1990) or MRMR/IRMR (2001) rockmass classification schemes.
Geotechnical model development which is also to be complimented with geological structure model in order to domain October 2014
Not currently planned High
the rockmass. This is a critical input into geotechnical, mining and hydrogeological studies. following drilling
Mining induced fracturing and surface subsidence numerical modelling. Three-dimensional recognised approaches (at
October 2014
FS level) to determine the extent and timing of mining induced fracture development is required as an input into Not currently planned High
following drilling
geotechnical, mining and hydrological studies.
Decline access portal site selection review in terms of rockmass and hydrogeological conditions. Portal (and boxcut)
Being Planned November 2014 Medium
excavation design.
No significant gaps have been identified that are not being investigated as part of the planned processing testwork.
No significant gaps have been identified that are not being investigated as part of the planned work.
Lack of Prefeasibility Study to define the technical solutions to be refined in Feasibility Study and provide economic On-going, currently
October 2014 Very High
justification based for the technical solutions to be applied scoping level
Finalised mining method based on geotechnical inputs On-going October 2014 High
Gap Identified Current Status Priority Level
Completion Date
Waiting on selection
Estimation of economic cut-off grade October 2014 Low
of mining method
Estimation of potentially mineable Resources to be based on Indicated and Measured Resources only and individual Waiting on final block
October 2014 Medium
stope shapes model
Contractor budget
Finalised approach to use of contractors/owner operator mining estimates provided September 2014 Medium
but not used
Scoping level
Detailed breakdown of estimated operating costs May 2015 Medium
Production of tailings profile to determine the storage methodology, wet versus dry. Being planned End-2014 Very High
Geochemical testing; no static testing to date. Being planned End-2014 Very High
Hydrology / Hydrogeology
Hydrological characterisation of the project area: establish a groundwater level monitoring network. To be implemented On-going High
Evaluate surface water/groundwater connection at Glaningen: explore further and, if necessary, investigate with field Not currently October 2014
studies i.e. installation of piezometers close to the lake. scheduled following drilling
Not currently
Planning of the pre-development dewatering programme requires more detailed consideration. Late 2014 Moderate
Gap Identified Current Status Priority Level
Completion Date
Estimation of groundwater inflow: hydrogeological testing work is required as part of the planned 2014 drilling
Planned for
programme (to include spinner testing and packer testing with conversion of holes to groundwater level monitoring October 2014
September / October Very High
installations). This should be followed by analysis and development of a numerical groundwater model. The crush following drilling
zone identified in The Wedge requires particular study.
Planned for
Hydrological implications of historic SLC: the geotechnical investigation into induced fracturing as a result of historic October 2014
September / October High
SLC should also have a hydrogeological component. following drilling
The design of all storm water infrastructure requires review against design storm events to ensure these facilities are Not currently
Late 2014 Moderate
sized sufficiently. scheduled
The project water balance requires review and updating in accordance with any changes to process water Not currently
Late 2014 Moderate
requirements, life of mine consideration, TSF design etc. scheduled
Complementary phosphorus assessment for tailings, with numerical prediction of impacts; October 2014
Not currently
following trial Low/Moderate
processing tests
Long term humidity cell testing or reassessment of certainty of the results from the short term humidity cell test; October 2014
Not currently
following trial Moderate
processing tests
Complementary assessments about potential need of additive water treatments for nitrogen compounds
Not currently
Late 2014 High
Risk assessment related to historical contaminated soils.
Not currently Mid 2015 following
scheduled mining study
Rescaling and reviewing closure costs and potentially updating closure strategy
Not currently Mid 2015 following
scheduled mining study
Rescaling and reviewing air emissions and reconsideration impact prevention measures according to final alternative. October 2014
Not currently
following processing Low/Moderate
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background .............................................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Work Undertaken by SRK ........................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Limitations and Reliance .......................................................................................................... 2
1.4 Definitions ................................................................................................................................ 2
2 PROPERTY LOCATION AND DESCRIPTION ................................................... 3
2.1 Nordic Iron Ore (NIO) .............................................................................................................. 3
2.2 Ludvika Project PEA 2011 ....................................................................................................... 3
2.3 Licences and Permits .............................................................................................................. 5
2.3.1 Exploration Licences and Exploitation Concessions ..................................................... 5
2.3.2 Environmental Permits .................................................................................................. 5
3 PROJECT HISTORY ........................................................................................... 6
3.1 Blötberget:................................................................................................................................ 6
3.2 Håksberg:................................................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Väsman-Finnäset ..................................................................................................................... 7
4 GEOLOGY AND MINERAL RESOURCES ......................................................... 8
4.1 Project Geology and Mineralisation ......................................................................................... 8
4.2 Exploration ............................................................................................................................. 12
4.2.1 Historic Diamond Drilling ............................................................................................. 12
4.2.2 NIO Diamond Drilling ................................................................................................... 12
4.3 Mineral Resource Estimation ................................................................................................. 12
4.4 SRK Conclusions and Recommendations for Gap Analysis ................................................. 12
5 GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING .................................................................... 15
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 15
5.2 Rockmass Characterisation ................................................................................................... 15
5.2.1 Observations ............................................................................................................... 15
5.2.2 SRK comments............................................................................................................ 16
5.3 Rock Strength Testing ........................................................................................................... 17
5.3.1 Observations ............................................................................................................... 17
5.3.2 SRK comments............................................................................................................ 17
5.4 Rock Stress Regime .............................................................................................................. 17
5.4.1 Observations ............................................................................................................... 17
5.4.2 SRK Comments ........................................................................................................... 17
5.5 Geotechnical Model ............................................................................................................... 17
5.5.1 Observations ............................................................................................................... 17
5.5.2 SRK comments............................................................................................................ 17
5.6 Mining method Geotechnical Assessment ............................................................................ 18
5.6.1 Observations ............................................................................................................... 18
List of Tables
Table 1-1: FS Gap Analysis SRK Reviewers ................................................................................. 2
Table 6-1: Underground iron ore mines, reported R&R (Source: RMG, 2014) ............................ 22
Table 6-2: Blötberget Production Statistics 1973 to 1979 ............................................................ 25
Table 6-3: Proposed Project Construction and Development Schedule ...................................... 33
Table 6-4: Summary of PEA equipment requirements ................................................................. 38
Table 6-5: PEA Operating Costs .................................................................................................. 46
Table 6-6: PEA Direct Mining Costs ............................................................................................. 47
Table 6-7: Contractor Operating Costs ......................................................................................... 47
Table 6-8: Capitalised Development Costs .................................................................................. 49
Table 6-9: Capital Costs (Mining only) for the Life of Mine .......................................................... 49
Table 7-1: Estimated Mass Balance ............................................................................................. 56
Table 9-1: Tailings storage facility ................................................................................................ 60
List of Figures
Figure 2-1: Property location showing exploitation concessions in red ........................................... 3
Figure 2-2: Property location showing exploration permits (green) and exploitation concessions
(orange) and expiry dates (Source: SGU website 2014) .............................................. 5
Figure 4-1: Example of mineralised (magnetite) drill core from Blötberget (BB12008) ................... 9
Figure 4-2: Geological Map 1:250 000 (Source: SGU 2013) ......................................................... 10
Figure 4-3: Geological long-section of the Blötberget deposit, showing Flygruvan, Kalgruvan and
Hugget as one continuous unit (Source: NIO 2013) ................................................... 11
Figure 5-1: Comparison of similar RQD ratings with corresponding IRMR ratings which used
actual fracture frequency. IRMR scale is 0 to 100 (Poor to excellent rock conditions)
..................................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 6-1: Schematic section of LIOP (Source: PEA, 2011) ........................................................ 23
Figure 6-2: Results of marker trials at LKAB‟s Kirunavaara Mine, Sweden (Source: Quinteiro et al
2001) ........................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 7-1: Proposed Flowsheet (Source: Tata Steel, 2014) ........................................................ 55
Figure 9-1: Location of the proposed TSF (Source: PEA, 2011). .................................................. 59
Figure 10-1: Historic water re-routing tunnel under construction in 1950s and recent images of
Lake Glaningen ........................................................................................................... 63
Figure 10-2: Natural Drainage Showing Flow Directions; the Two Tunnels Associated with the
Diversion of the Gonäsån River shown (Source: PEA, 2011) ..................................... 64
Figure 10-3: Core Log from BB12003 showing typical Core (left) Entering Crush Zone (right)
(Source: SRK, 2014) ................................................................................................... 65
Figure 10-4: Pit Lake at Blӧtberget (Source: SRK, 2014) ................................................................ 65
Figure 10-5: Extent of Groundwater Level Drawdown showing the influence of the Historic Drift
(NE) and Lake Glaningen (SW) (Source: PEA, 2011) ................................................ 68
1.1 Background
Ludvika is located in Dalarna Län (County) in central Sweden, within the historic and still-
active Bergslagen mining district. Blötberget, Håksberg and Finnäset were all mined
historically up until 1979 using open pit and underground methods; Väsman is a greenfield
deposit, located under lake Väsman in between Blötberget and Håksberg. All areas were
explored significantly in historic drilling campaigns. The final production capacities achieved in
1979 at Blötberget and Håksberg were 400 Ktpa (thousand tonnes per annum) and 600 Ktpa
of ore, respectively.
SRK completed a technical review of the geology and Mineral Resources of the Ludvika
Project in April 2013, with an update in December 2013. The results of the commissions were
a set of recommendations for NIO to improve the quality of the Mineral Resource estimate.
SRK understands that NIO has implemented the recommendations where and when possible
and as a result the quality of the latest Mineral Resource estimate has been improved.
During the week of 13 – 17 May 2014, consultants from SRK‟s offices in Skellefteå and
Cardiff attended a 3-day site visit to review the geology first hand, inspect existing surface
infrastructure, collect available data and discuss the Project in detail with the Company and
key contractors and consultants previously involved with the PEA and subsequent studies.
Subsequent to this site visit, a desktop review of the available data was carried out in order to
determine the necessary work and likely time frame to advance the Project to a Feasibility
level of study. This report and attached schedule (Appendix B) presents SRK‟s findings by
discipline. Table 1-1 below presents the SRK specialists responsibility by discipline, internal
reviewer and an indication as to which of these was present during the site visit.
SRK visited the project site, inspected the existing infrastructure and communicated with
personnel responsible for each technical discipline. Extracts from internal and public reports,
and personal communications between SRK, NIO and its external consultants have been
utilised in the report for background information.
This report is based on SRK‟s review of information made available by the Company and is
for NIO‟s internal use only, as an overview of the current status of the Project and to support
NIO‟s decision making process with regards to future development of the assets. Information
regarding the Company‟s tenure at the Project has been accepted by SRK at face value.
1.4 Definitions
SRK has reviewed the data provided with a view to assessing the current level of detail of
study for every critical aspect of a FS. The definitions of FS, along with Mineral Resources
and Ore Reserves in the context of this report are in accordance with the guidelines set out in
the 2012 Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore
Reserves as prepared by the Joint Ore Reserves Committee (“JORC Code”).
NIO is a privately owned company and was founded in 2008 through a merger of twelve
exploration permits from Kopparberg Mineral AB, Archelon Mineral AB and IGE Nordic AB.
Further permits were acquired by the Company in 2009. The LIOP represents the Company‟s
material mineral assets.
The Company completed a preliminary economic assessment (“PEA”) which considered re-
starting the Blötberget and Håksberg mines in December 2011. The following conclusions
were made from the PEA:
NIO has gained considerable technical expertise in the area and has assembled an
experienced development team capable of implementing an iron ore mining project.
Experience from previous mining operations suggests that high quality products are
feasible and that the products will be attractive to the nearby European markets.
Operating costs to FOB (freight on board) are competitive when compared with other
Ludvika is a junction point for railway traffic on high specification Swedish mainline
railway network. This provides access to advanced logistics to not only get the product
to market through several Swedish ports in the East and West, but also to bring in
construction and operating raw materials.
Based on the Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource of 61.1 Mt (August 2011,
Geovista) the estimated mine project was given a life span of about 12 years at a
production rate of 5.5 Mt / year.
The proposed base case with simultaneous dewatering and mining start up in the two
mines gives an investment cost of about 2,115 MSEK (excluding project costs) as pre-
production costs. During this period of time the mining commences early with mining of
about 1 Mt of ore in year 2 and 2.75 Mt of ore in year 3 before the full production rate of
5.5 Mt is reached early in year 4. In order to reach full production an investment level of
2,700 MSEK (excluding project costs) is required.
The base case with simultaneous development of Blötberget and Håksberg mines is to
be considered a “worst case scenario” with regard to investments and construction
activities. A detailed optimisation of the proposed mining and process layout with the
proposed production level is recommended with the aim of reducing the investments
cost as well as plan the geological work in order to transfer the mineral resource to an
up-to-date standard.
o Geological investigations and re-essays are carried out to confirm the ore
reserve prior to the mine development decision.
o Divide the development of the two old mines; with mining commencing in
Blötberget with one line in the concentration plant and then later development of
a second line in the concentration plant to accommodate the Håksberg
production, and conclude the development for full production of 5.5 Mtpa.
Since producing the PEA report, NIO have included the Väsman deposit as part of the overall
LIOP, which SRK understands the Company intend to consider as part of a long-term
development strategy.
NIO received 13 exploration licences in 2009 through the company mergers which formed
NIO in addition to three additional permits granted in 2010. These exploration licences were
extended by NIO to 2014. All exploration permits in the Blötberget area have extension
applications currently pending with the Swedish mining inspectorate (Bergstaten). Exploitation
concessions (mining licences) were granted for the Blötberget and Håksberg areas (as shown
above) in August 2011, and December 2011, respectively. The concessions are valid for 25
years. A concession covering the Våsman-Finnäset area is being prepared at present.
NIO‟s currently granted exploration permits and exploitation concessions and expiry dates are
shown in Figure 2-2. Also shown is adjacent exploration licence „Grängesberg nr 5‟ currently
held by Grängesberg Iron AB.
Figure 2-2: Property location showing exploration permits (green) and exploitation
concessions (orange) and expiry dates (Source: SGU website 2014)
The environmental permits for the two historic mine sites were granted in 2014.
Mining and exploration in the Ludvika area has been carried out in different periods since the
1600‟s. The majority of mining was focused on iron, except for two periods, 1701-1711 and
1885-1889, when copper was recovered at Iviken, in the most southern part of the Håksberg
ore field. In the 1800‟s and early 1900‟s comparably lower quantities of ore were produced.
After the second world war the mines regained Swedish ownership and continued production
with several different companies, until mine closure in 1979. When German companies took
over in 1937 all the different mines within the Håksberg ore field were merged into one
operating unit and a central hoisting and concentration plant was erected at Håksberg. This
allowed more efficient mining with the transportation optimised and the facilities at the central
shaft utilised while operating at its full capacity. At Blötberget, two mines with separate shafts
were in operation simultaneously between 1950 and 1966: the Vulcanus “original” mine and
the Blötberget “new” mine, which started operation in 1944 by sinking the new shaft to 300 m
level and building the new central plant.
Since the mines closed in 1979, the deposits have been owned by various companies until
NIO formed in 2008.
3.1 Blötberget:
1944 Stora Kopparberg Bergslags AB started mining in an adjacent claim and sunk a
new shaft (BS-shaft) together with complete new surface structures, head frame,
concentrator, storage/loading facilities.
1950 to 1966 both mining areas were mined simultaneously, using both shafts. The
production rate was ca 400 kt / year of ore and 220 kt of product.
1968 to 1975 the BS-shaft was further sunk to 570 m depth. The hoisting facility was
modernized and upgraded to 600 kt/year production capacity. The new plant
commenced operation in December 1975.
1977 Swedish Steel (SSAB) was founded and the mines (Blötberget and Håksberg)
were sold to SSAB the same year.
3.2 Håksberg:
1937 a German consortium of steel making companies bought all mines in the
Håksberg ore field and centralised the operations to Håksberg. The new concentrator
commenced production in 1939.
1960 the new skip-loading station together with a new primary crusher at 400 m level
started to operate in the Central shaft.
1962 the 300 m level footwall haulage drift was completed, which means that there
exists a drift-connection through the whole ore field from Iviken to Källbotten.
1965 spiral-separation was introduced in the mill instead of flotation and a new tailings
pond was built west of the central plant at Håksberg.
1973 the development of a decline from the surface to 300 m level was started. It was
completed down to approximately 260 m level before the mine was closed.
1977 Swedish Steel (SSAB) was founded and the mines (Blötberget and Håksberg)
were sold to SSAB the same year.
1981 the pumps are stopped and the mine starts to be flooded.
In addition to the two major mining areas highlighted above, three other areas were producing
simultaneously: Fredmunsberg (closed 1944), Gonäs (closed 1919) and Våghalsen –
Finnäset (closed 1919). No mining has occurred at Väsman (off-shore) historically.
3.3 Väsman-Finnäset
Below Lake Väsman, magnetite mineralisation has been known since the late 1800‟s when
the first magnetic map was established of the lake. The confirmed mineralisation on the south
shore of Finnäset, as well as the nearby Våghals and Byberg mines, continues out over the
lake Väsman over to the northern shore of Iviken (south Håksberg). Between the years 1954
and 1959, Ställbergsföretagen conducted a diamond drilling exploration program in which a
total of 22 holes were drilled. The results from these studies led to the decision to continue the
exploration in the southern part of Väsman. A shaft was lowered to 280 m depth 1960, with
trial mining and bulk sampling conducted. Test mining was also conducted at Lyviksberg in
the 1960s.
Ludvika is part of a 30 km long zone of known iron (±apatite) deposits within the Bergslagen
district. Periodical mining has occurred along the length of the zone, mainly in the form of
small open pits and shallow underground mines.
The majority of the mineralisation of Ludvika is classified as magnetite lava flows. The flows
are occasionally of pure magnetite, with additional detrital magnetite units assumed to be
volcaniclastic sediments. The volcanic units are unconformably deposited on older quartzitic
greywacke units. The greywacke units show contact metamorphism in the form of silimanite
and cordierite porphyroblasts. The mineralised units are overlain by quartz-feldspar
sandstone with intercalations of volcaniclastic and argillaceous sediments. The whole
package is unconformably overlain by a granitic unit.
According to mapping completed by the Geological Survey of Sweden (“SGU”), the Ludvika
fields belong to the northern limb of a NE-trending synform, as shown in Figure 4-2, which
may be supported by the shallowing dip of mineralisation at depth in Blötberget.
Oxidation of the primary magnetite mineralisation has produced large areas of martite
(haematite formed after replacement of magnetite) mineralisation. This is more pronounced in
the Blötberget field. The cause of the oxidation is debatable; one theory (put forward by
consulting geologist Mats Larsson) suggests that at Blötberget early lava flows were sub-
aerial and were oxidised by surface weathering processes. Whereas the later flows possibly
did not breach the surface, and were prevented from reaching the surface due to the cap
formed by the earlier flows. In which case, these flows were possibly in the form of dykes and
sills. In the Håksberg-Väsman-Finnäset field, a sub-marine environment for erupting lava has
been suggested, with limited oxidation and interlayering of marine sediments. Subsequent
deformation, alteration and metamorphism may have contributed to additional oxidation due
to fluid interaction.
The mine area of Blötberget extends 1.2 km, striking east-northeast at approximately 060⁰.
The total mineralised area comprises several independent units named (from southwest to
northeast) Kalvgruvan, Flygruvan, Hugget, Carlsvärdsgruvan, Sandell, Guldkannon and
Fremansberg. The Kalvgruvan, Flygruvan and Hugget zones are mined down from near-
surface to the 350 m level. The units dip towards the southeast at between 50 - 55⁰ in the
mined-out areas near-surface, and flatten at depth to ~25⁰. A geological long-section
interpretation of the mineralisation and geology is shown in Figure 4-3, where Kalgruvan,
Flygruvan and Hugget are interpreted as continuous zones but it currently lacks drilling. This
area, known as „the wedge‟ or Betsa, will be explored in 2013. An example of high-grade
magnetite mineralisation from Blötberget is shown in Figure 4-1.
Figure 4-1: Example of mineralised (magnetite) drill core from Blötberget (BB12008)
Figure 4-3: Geological long-section of the Blötberget deposit, showing Flygruvan, Kalgruvan and Hugget as one continuous unit (Source: NIO
4.2 Exploration
Throughout the history of the project, geological mapping and geophysical surveys have been
conducted in the area. For the purposes of the MRE (and the FS), the most pertinent data is
the diamond drilling, which is described below.
Historic diamond drilling was conducted from the 1940s through to the end of mining in the
1970s. Mine maps and historical drilling data were collected from various sources and
digitised where possible. Drill core from historical exploration drilling has been recovered at
the core storage facility at the Geological Society of Sweden (SGU) in Malå, along with
additional core found in buildings on the former mine sites. In total, approximately 400 historic
holes have been digitised to date.
In total, 13 drillholes from Blötberget found in Malå were re-logged, and a selection re-
sampled and re-assayed prior to use in the Mineral Resource estimates (MREs) by Geovista.
The database provided by NIO to SRK suggests that 66 drillholes from Blötberget alone
contain core at Malå, and further sampling and re-assaying is currently on-going.
Diamond drilling was completed by NIO in 2012, which included twinned drilling to confirm
historical drilling at Håksberg and Blötberget, and infill at Blötberget and Väsman. In total, 15
holes for 7,430 m were drilled at Blötberget.
A 12-hole (7,000 m) diamond drilling programme is planned to infill drill at Blötberget. The aim
of this programme is to upgrade the middle-Hugget area from Inferred to Indicated Mineral
Resources, as well as investigating the area in between Flygruvan and Kalgruvan and Hugget
(known as ‟the wedge‟ or Betsa).
Three Mineral Resource estimates (“MREs”) have been undertaken on the LIOP since NIO
was formed. These were completed by Geovista in August 2011, January 2013 and January
2014. The 2011 and 2013 MREs were reviewed in the April 2013 commission.
SRK reviewed the 2014 MRE in the December 2013 technical review (the MRE was
completed in December 2013, with the report completed in January 2014).
A number of recommendations were made by SRK in the December 2013 geology technical
review in order to improve the quality of future MREs and in order to increase the quantity of
Indicated and Measured Mineral Resources in the Project area. Following the review, NIO
implemented several of the points identified above and some points are currently on-going.
An update to the list is given below.
1. All historic core re-assayed should be sent including QAQC samples (blanks, standards
and duplicates), as described in NIO protocol. High priority.
o Status: on-going. Several new holes found, logged and sampled recently.
2. Infill drilling in the wedge and upper-middle Hugget area in order to prove continuous
nature of mineralisation, therefore increasing resource tonnage and likely upgrading
resource classification categories. High priority.
3. Include the wedge and pillar areas in the resource statement. High priority.
o Status: waste lithologies will be tested for density during the 2014 drilling
5. A drillhole data quality index should be assigned to each drillhole, based on: source of
collar coordinates and down-hole surveys (e.g. mine plan, protocol document, surveyed
by NIO, estimated), age of assay information, core diameter, core size sampled (e.g. ½,
¼), and drill core recovery. Medium priority.
o Status: on-going, to be completed prior to the MRE update following the summer
2014 drilling.
6. Database should be continuously validated to ensure missing data not affecting MRE.
For example, missing down-hole survey information may be causing false drillhole
traces. High priority.
o Status: on-going, to be completed prior to the MRE update following the summer
2014 drilling.
7. Quantify the effect of core diameter and sample weight on assaying by comparing
assay data populations (e.g. descriptive statistics, histograms, Q-Q plots). High
o Status: not currently planned, but is still highly recommended by SRK to improve
confidence in the historic data.
9. A block size sensitivity study should be run, testing the effect of different block sizes on
the interpolation. Medium priority.
o Status: not currently planned for the next MRE update, but is still recommended.
o Status: not currently planned for the next MRE update, but is still recommended.
11. Estimation search run used should be recorded in the block model. Low priority.
o Status: not currently planned for the next MRE update, but is still recommended.
12. Update COG calculation to include metal processing recovery information. Once further
testwork is completed on the haematite-magnetite mixed material, potentially two
COGs can be used for the different ore types, and in areas of development and no
development. High priority.
13. Use COG to report Mineral Resources in compliance with JORC 2012, demonstrating
„reasonable prospects form eventual economic extraction‟. High priority.
The gaps identified relating to the geology and Mineral Resources of the Project, which SRK
consider essential to complete in order to ensure that there is adequate detail for the
completion of a robust FS, are summarised in Table ES 1.
5.1 Introduction
Generally the available reports from PEA to December 2013 the geotechnical work completed
is of reasonable standard. SRK agree with the geotechnical evaluation of the Blötberget
based on limited data to PFS level. However, what is not clear is the plan to conduct the
Feasibility level geotechnical assessment for Blötberget. The interaction of mining,
geotechnical and hydrogeological parties in the Feasibility study (“FS”) will optimise the
geotechnical assessment program and will most likely optimise and expedite the process. It is
recommended that the geotechnical program is defined by July 2014 to optimise this.
5.2.1 Observations
Rockmass classifications systems utilised in both the 2011 PEA study and subsequent
January to April 2013 investigations are reasonable for the level of study. These are a
combination of Q and RMR1989 (Rock Mass Rating) which is a good example of characterising
the rock in more than one classification system. The amount of geotechnical logging is limited
to 3 drill holes in the Blötberget area. The tabulated results of this logging were reviewed.
There are, however, some limitations with using these systems for FS level rockmass
classification in the current logging. This is mainly due to the likely mining method involving
cavability assessment and the associated mining induced subsidence of the hangingwall. The
key objective is to gain sufficient understanding of the strength of the material that is expected
to cave, to satisfy the chosen mining method.
The Q system does not account for cavability, only for the stability of the span. As well as
this, the current logging approach has only classified the weakest feature per logging interval.
Cavability is determined by the volumetric presence of stronger features. These are currently
not being logged.
There is a mis-representation of the rockmass fracturing using RQD only (which both of these
systems use). Without a measure of the actual fracture frequency there is a reduced
confidence of the rockmass rating. Figure 5-1 is an example of the misrepresentation of actual
fracture frequency using RQD to supplement this quantification.
Figure 5-1: Comparison of similar RQD ratings with corresponding IRMR ratings
which used actual fracture frequency. IRMR scale is 0 to 100 (Poor to
excellent rock conditions)
The RQD measurements have been made on 1m core lengths which further introduces
uncertainty of the measured value. This method needs to be applied at drill core run length as
this is mechanical break in the rock column. As well as this, any heavily fractured zones
require discrete RQD classification interval as these will further bias the results.
The rockmass classification needs to identify the frequency of cemented joints. At deeper
levels, the cemented joints influence the caveability and mining induced subsidence. Without
characterisation, this will be misinterpreted.
Caving assessments require an understanding of the rockmass in terms of MRMR and IRMR.
The Blötberget geometry and mining method approach requires geotechnical classification in
these schemes. This is deemed a requirement by SRK in order to provide suitable confidence
for both caveability assessment and cave induced fracturing and subsidence
Geotechnical logging to MRMR/IRMR (2001) system of all the planned infill drilling is
recommended prior to the sampling of the core. The logging team will not require much
additional training to gather the required data for the MRMR/IRMR calculation.
SRK notes that the SLC operations of LKAB at both Kirunavaara and Malmberget are
currently experiencing the need to blast precondition the hangingwall in order to enable
caving of the competent rockmass. The preconditioning is deemed reactive as there was
insufficient understanding of the competence of the hangingwall material. Correct rockmass
classification at the logging stage will enable more confidence in the actual caveability
potential. This is a critical input in order to model the mining costs, production rates, and to
better understand operational risks.
5.3.1 Observations
All available data and assessment to data indicates that the rockmass is of good quality and
the rock strengths are supportive of this (UCS range of 150-200MPa). These values are
derived from Point Load Testing (PLT) which is a good indicator when calibrated against
laboratory UCS and triaxial testing. No laboratory test results were available. There is a good
approach and database of PLT testing completed to date.
There does not appear to be a great variation in the ore and hanging/footwall material
strength which is positive for mine design and infrastructure placement. In terms of
caveability, the rock strength will define the ability for the hangingwall to break naturally.
There is a need to continue with the PLT testing in the planned infill drilling program. As well
as this a reasonable sample of the core (2-5%) is required to be laboratory tested for UCS
and triaxial tests. This test work will calibrate the PLT testing, but more over provide inputs
into the numerical modelling required (Section 5.6 ). The shear strength
5.4.1 Observations
No testing is available. However, there is a reference to the Grängesberg mine insitu stress
testing results. This rock mass and geological setting is considered very similar and therefore
it is likely that the stress regime will be similar.
Stress testing is recommended for the later stages of the project. If the feasible mine plan
considers material below the 200m level after dewatering. This will validate the assumptions
and further refine the mine design. The flattening of the ore body dip with depth is an indicator
that the stress orientation is likely rotated as well with depth.
5.5.1 Observations
A 3 dimensional geotechnical model has not been produced yet and this is required for FS
level assessment as a key input into geotechnical, mining and hydrogeological studies. This
will likely take 3 weeks to produce after the infill drilling program and selected historical core
logging is completed.
A detailed plan to develop a geotechnical model is required and this is best developed prior to
the logging program of the June to September 2014 infill drilling program. This will guide the
approach and quantity of data required to be gathered to produce FS quality models. There
are multiple software tools to develop these models, however some are better developed to
dynamically model the rockmass such as Leapfrog Implicit modelling code.
5.6.1 Observations
The stability assessment applied to date has been only using the Mathews Stability Method
(PEA Appendix 3, Attachment 3:1). The work completed is of a good standard using this
method , however this approach is not deemed suitable for cavability assessment due to:
The low confidence in actual fracture orientation and frequency of the hangingwall;
Low confidence in the stress inputs and material strength ranges; and
Does not cater for the fragmentation potential of the hangingwall material.
The stability assessment suggested to cover SLC and open stoping mining methods is
recommended to use the approach of combining:
Primary fragmentation prediction of the hangingwall material using IRMR and oriented
structural logging inputs into discrete fracture network (DFN). This is more important in
block cave assessments but is also essential for the prediction of oversize potential.
The mining cost modelling will better cater for the oversize and secondary breakage
It is expected that a suitable level of assessment can be made in order to contribute to the
mining study in the FS with approximately 6 weeks work after logging of the infill drilling and
geotechnical modelling is completed. The numerical modelling process can be done in
conjunction with this work and the outputs from this used to enhance the stability
5.7.1 Observations
The PEA documentation contains numerical modelling for the predictive mine induced
subsidence. This is in 2D only which is suitable for PEA level study. The software used is
Phase from Rocscience and is a useful tool in combination with detailed 3D numerical
modelling. Used alone, it is not a suitable tool for the mine wide assessment of the mining
design, extraction sequence, LOM infrastructure stability, and mine induced
fracturing/subsidence prediction.
There are only two material types modelled in the PEA assessment and this will need to be
increased as further knowledge of the rockmass is derived from the geotechnical logging,
material testing, stress modelling, geological structure model and geotechnical model. The
report does state that the extent of fracturing zone (FZ) and continuous deformation zone
(CDZ) are likely over estimated due to the limitations of the modelling software and the
uncertainty of the material inputs. This needs to be acknowledged and improved closely in the
FS study of subsidence zone size and rate of development.
Feasibility level assessment requires detailed numerical modelling in particular with proposed
SLC development and subsidence factors in this project. Mine scale 3D models are
suggested to be produced for geotechnical, mine design, hydrogeological, and subsidence
assessments. There are a range of industry accepted software and approaches available.
Subsidence prediction is a complex modelling process and the significance of the scale and
timing of subsidence is critical to the project. Detailed assessment as well as coupled
modelling with hydrogeological and mining extraction models will improve the confidence in
The interaction of the orebodies and their relative extraction sequence needs to be modelled
in a 3D sense as well. 2D modelling only is not ideal to understand this interaction.
SRK recommend that modelling is completed using a combination of boundary element and
discrete element codes (MAP3D, Flac3D). These can be used to govern the inputs into more
detailed Phase Modelling. FS level modelling (to acceptable confidence) could be completed
within 1.5 months from geotechnical model development.
5.8.1 Observations
No ground monitoring plan was available. The main need is the immediate surface reaction to
the dewatering program. This is likely to cause the ground to relax further due to the water
saturation changes in the fractured volume.
surface glass prisms and/or GPS monitoring points distributed across the current
known fractured area with routine monitoring will provide an understanding of the
fracture cone subsidence; and
This is deemed critical for the Blötberget area as the understanding of the mining induced
fracturing will directly influence the hydro conductivity change.
5.9.1 Observations
A definitive assessment for the location and amount of major infrastructure has not been
completed at this stage. In terms of the major underground infrastructure, both hoisting shaft
and underground crushers will form part of the expected mining layout. The geotechnical
assessment of where to locate these and the stability of these excavations is not completed
It is difficult to provide a detailed scope of work to provide FS level geotechnical input into the
major underground infrastructure assessment prior to the mining study. However, the list
below provides an outline of necessary considerations and approximate timings for the
geotechnical input:
Hoisting shaft:
Numerical modelling of the shaft placement relative to the mining layout will need to be
Crusher station:
Numerical modelling of the crusher placement relative to the mining layout will need to
be incorporated.
High detailed ground support design will need to be done along with the numerical
modelling of the crusher. This will provide more confidence in the extraction sequence
and development cost of the crusher excavation.
6.1 Underground Iron Ore Mining
Underground mining plays a minor production role amongst the top iron ore producers
globally. SRK is not aware of any underground iron ore mining taking place in Australia or
Brazil and it is reported that only 10 to 15% of production in China, India and the
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is from underground mining. The exception is
Sweden where practically the entire country‟s iron ore production is sourced from the
underground mines of Kiruna and Malmberget, which totalled 25.3 Mt in 2010 according to the
Raw Materials Group (“RMG”) database.
Operational information on underground iron ore mines is not typically easily accessible,
however SRK has summarised the Mineral Resource and Ore Reserve information available
on underground mines from the RMG database in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1: Underground iron ore mines, reported R&R (Source: RMG, 2014)
Although not an extensive database, it does show that there are a number of underground
mines operating at grades below 35% Fe, which includes the Nordic region.
Figure 6-1 provides a schematic section of the LIOP indicating the existing and planned
underground development for the project and location of the proposed Väsman mining area
under the lake.
6.3 Blötberget
The scope of the Phase 1 Feasibility Study (“FS”) is to be confined to the Blötberget deposit
as this is to be the first operation to be brought into production in the current mining strategy.
The mine is perceived to be the lowest cost to establish production within a relatively short
timeframe. The revenue derived from the operations in Blötberget is anticipated to fund the
future development of the Väsman and Håksberg deposits.
The mineralisation at Blötberget is defined as "apatite lake ore" which includes the minerals
magnetite and haematite in addition to the phosphorus mineral apatite. The Blötberget field
consists mainly of five mineralised bodies. From west to east, these are:
The Kalgruven and Flygruven mineralised bodies are parallel to each other on the south-
western side of the mining concession. The Hugget and Betsta deposits have been proven to
be of the same vein origin and are referred to as Hugget only for the purposes of this report.
The Sandell deposit is a smaller mineralised body parallel to the Hugget and both are located
to the northeast of the mining concession.
6.4.1 Observations
The Ludvika region has a long history of mining which dates back to the 16 century however
th th
it is reported that iron ore mining in the region commenced in the 18 and 19 century. Both
Blötberget and Håksberg deposits were actively mined up until 1979, when the former owner
SSAB, closed the mines due to low iron ore prices and they have been flooded for over 30
years since being taken off care and maintenance.
The iron ore at Blötberget is high phosphorus and could only be exploited on a large scale
after the Thomas process was introduced in steel making plants at the beginning of the 20
century. It is reported that at Blötberget, only two mines with separate shafts were in operation
simultaneously between 1950 and 1966. These mines consisted of the original Vulcanus mine
and the new Blötberget mine, which started operation in 1944 by sinking the new shaft to the
300 m level and building of a new central plant.
Prior to the cessation of production, mining was focussed on the Hugget mineralisation in
order to bring the level of mining down to the same level achieved by historic mining in
Flygruven/Kalgruven. Mining methods included shrinkage stoping, open stoping, longitudinal
sublevel caving and transverse sublevel caving though there is little understanding of the
location, timing and volumes mined using each method. The mine is reported to have a
produced up to 400 ktpa before closure. The processing plant handled a maximum of
415 ktpa feed in 1976 when the additional shift was added and increased operational time
from 5,058 to 5,824 hours. Historical production statistics are provided in Table 6-2.
1973 280 37.2 85.6 23.2 68.2 2.9 0.10 25.9 60.9 6.8 0.48
1974 350 37.3 85.4 22.9 68.3 2.7 0.11 25.6 60.2 6.9 0.56
1975 345 35.7 80.4 20.4 67.5 2.4 0.11 24.4 59.9 7.5 0.57
1976 415 37.1 76.3 14.8 67.4 3.9 0.07 28.9 61.1 6.7 0.50
1977 328 37.1 83.0 22.4 67.2 3.1 0.09 25.7 61.3 5.9 0.54
1978 268 34.5 83.0 18.2 68.0 2.9 0.10 25.5 61.7 5.9 0.46
1979 113 34.5 83.0 18.5 68.5 2.9 0.06 27.4 61.7 5.9 0.35
Average 36.2 36.2 82.4 20.1 67.9 3.0 0.09 26.2 61.0 6.5 0.49
Mining transitioned from tracked mining methods to mechanised mining when production
advanced below the 200 mL. To facilitate this, development profiles were increased from 3 m
by 3 m to 4 m by 4 m to allow access for larger equipment. Construction commenced on an
access decline to the surface, however, this development was not completed prior to the
cessation of mining. SRK notes that despite the introduction of mechanisation in the mine,
non-mechanised mining methods were still applied in some areas. The sublevel spacing
remained at 10 m.
In 1978, mining in the Sandell magnetite mineralised body ceased due to a high content of
phosphorus, combined with the requirements for fine grinding of this material.
The long production history of both the Blötberget and Håksberg mines is very encouraging in
proving that mining could be physically achieved for both these locations and a significant
amount of development could potentially be utilised in a future underground mining operation.
There also appears to be a significant amount of existing surface infrastructure which would
also lower the start-up costs and risks compared to a new mine.
The historical production statistics demonstrate that production rates up to 400 ktpa are
possible, given the geology and mining layout, an order of magnitude below the proposed
production rates proposed for future mining. Whilst the historical mining methods appear to be
relevant to the current project, historic mining with mechanised equipment does not provide
support for the proposed production rate for future operations.
6.5.1 Observations
The LIOP orebodies range in dip between 45 and 60° in the upper levels and progressively
flatten from 45° at the 400 mL down to around 25° at the 800 mL. Kalgruvan and Flygruvan
are separated by a small waste pillar up to 30 m thick, with a greater separation distance
between Hugget and Sandell.
Little geotechnical information is available from previous mining; however, feedback from
previous employees suggests that ground conditions were generally good. The drill core and
logging indicate the rock mass quality to be good to very good with limited major structures
intersecting the orebodies.
A mining method trade-off study has been undertaken as part of the Preliminary Economic
Assessment (“PEA”) by Ramböll considering the following methods:
Sublevel stoping;
Shrinkage stoping;
The trade-off study incorporated a high level analysis of geometry and past mining methods
applied. Consideration was also given to the existing development, while understanding the
limitations and assumes mechanised mining.
The proposed mining method approach for LIOP is longitudinal sublevel caving. This method
is consistent with methods applied in historic mining and is benchmarked from the
Malmberget Mine, which is considered an analogous operation. The bulk of the mineralisation
will be extracted from a single longitudinal drill drive. Where the mineralisation is wider, such
as in sections of the Kalgruvan and Flygruvan deposits, multiple drill drifts will be established
longitudinally or transverse sublevel caving will be used.
Some basic studies on selected levels have been carried out to investigate the preferred
approach for the wider sections. These studies were primarily used to optimise the design for
production rate and development requirements. No consideration was given to mining losses
or dilution.
Where development is already in place, 10 m sublevels will be used in line with historic
development. Below these areas, 20 m sublevels will be used.
Effective mining method selection will include an analysis for each mining area including:
The approach taken to date considers many of the above elements, however, uncertainty
remains in some areas. Of particular interest are the geotechnical characteristics, which are
currently poorly understood. Mining losses and dilution have not been considered which will
have a large influence on the success of mining this style of mineralisation.
SRK understands that sublevel caving was previously used at the mining operations,
however, the limited geotechnical information suggests that the rock mass is very competent
which is likely to cause problems. It is important that the most appropriate mining method(s)
for each orebody are confirmed prior to undertaking any design or scheduling and SRK
recommends that a full revision takes place to incorporate the latest information acquired
since completion of the PEA.
SRK would question whether a sublevel caving method is going to be suitable for the deposit
geometry. Mineralised widths only allow a single sublevel drift for much of the deposit, which
is likely to result in large ore losses and dilution in excess of the modifying factors stated.
Draw cones in caving operations are predominately influenced by gravity and are generally
limited to 72° from the extraction point. As a result, much of the ore extracted from drawpoints
in a sublevel cave is derived from levels above that which is blasted. Experience from the
Kiruna Mine, which uses sublevel caving on a much larger deposit, demonstrates the
influence of the draw cone on metal recovery (Figure 6-2).
Figure 6-2: Results of marker trials at LKAB’s Kirunavaara Mine, Sweden (Source:
Quinteiro et al 2001)
Historic mining employed a very tight sublevel spacing which required broken ore to report to
the drawpoints before the hangingwall started to cave, in order to limit dilution. Based on the
feed grades to the processing plant, this appears to have been successful. The shallower dip
angles at depth and the increased sublevel spacing will reduce the relevance of historic
comparisons. Increased dilution with lower recovery is likely. SRK notes that head grades
were progressively reducing towards the end of the mine life, which may be an indication of
future trends. The variation in the geometry of the deposits also suggests that the Malmberget
mine may not be the best analogy for this proposed operation.
SRK recognises that the narrow waste pillar between Kalgruvan and Flygruvan may also be
an issue as it may be too narrow in some sections to allow independent mining from both
SRK recommends that further trade-off studies are undertaken to confirm the mining method
prior to design work being undertaken for the FS. The investigation should incorporate the
following elements
Separation of the veins into separate zones to reflect the different thickness and dip of
each area;
Incorporation of cost based analysis (including influence of mining losses and dilution);
Basic risk assessment for the proposed methods to account for the limited technical
data available in the early stages of the FS; and
Derivation of design parameters for each zone (in conjunction with geotechnical work)
including unique mining losses and dilution.
6.6.1 Observations
The FS will be restricted to a study on the Measured and Indicated Mineral Resources, in
accordance with the terms and guidelines established by the JORC Code. Based on the
January 2014 Mineral Resource estimate, the starting point for estimation of potentially is as
Potentially mineable material estimated in PEA by applying a 20% mining loss and 20%
dilution at zero grade to the Mineral Resource based on benchmarks of other operations
using a sublevel caving method. Inferred Mineral Resources were included in PEA estimate
totalling 24.1 Mt at a grade of 34.2% Fe.
There is material prepared for extraction in the upper levels that has not been included in the
Mineral Resource estimate. This is considered as upside potential and is not currently being
considered for the purposes of the FS.
The approach taken for estimation of potentially mineable material appears to be reasonable
for a scoping-level study, however, a more robust approach will be required for the FS. SRK
notes that the following considerations have not been included in the PEA estimate of
potentially mineable material:
Cut-off grade;
Design losses;
Overbreak/dilution skin;
Thickness of vein.
The PEA study considers Inferred Resources in the life of mine plan. Further exploration work
is required to upgrade these Resources to a minimum Indicated classification to have
sufficient confidence to declare a future Ore Reserve. There is no guarantee that the
exploration programme will be adequate to upgrade the targets to an Indicated Resource so
the initial Resource for mine planning could be as low as 38 Mt.
Additional work needs to be completed to adequately define the mining loss and dilution
factors to be applied to the estimation of potentially mineable material. The benchmarks of
Kiruna and Malmberget are not appropriate as these are much thicker orebodies with steeper
dips. Much of the dilution from the drawpoints at Kiruna and Malmberget consists of ore from
levels blasted above which will be less likely in the Blötberget Mine due to geometry. Planned
and unplanned mining losses and dilution should each be accounted for separately in the
estimation of potentially mineable tonnages as they will have a different source.
Economic cut-off grades and drawpoint shut-off grades should also be investigated further for
future studies.
6.7.1 Observations
The PEA was based on the assumption of production from all three LIOP deposits, with
Blötberget‟s contribution representing 2.5 Mtpa. This production rate was based on a hoisting
study undertaken by Sweco during the PEA assuming 5,400 hours per year of available time.
The study assumes that the existing shaft is rehabilitated and new hoisting infrastructure is
installed. The requirement to remove waste from the mine in addition to ore through the same
infrastructure has been allowed for in the study.
Based on the potentially mineable material in the PEA, this equates to a sink rate of
approximately 30 m per year and requires approximately 6,000 m of development per year to
sustain. The resulting mine life from this is approximately 12 years.
A subsequent internal study by NIO and Ramböll assumes a production rate of 3 Mtpa. The
production rate is based on the same hoisting study, however, the available hours are
assumed to increase from 5,400 to 7,560 hours per year. This is approximately 6,000 t per
shift (assuming a 10hr shift).
The current environmental permit constrains the combined production from Blötberget and
Håksberg to a maximum of 6 Mtpa, though no split is designated on the distribution of that
limit between operations. The Phase 1 FS is intended to progress with a production rate of
3 Mtpa as a base case.
A separate study was undertaken by Atlas Copco, investigating the potential for the
equipment to maintain a 3 Mtpa production rate assuming a development layout and ore-pass
configuration on a selected level. This study is reported to have validated the planned 3 Mtpa
production rate.
NIO proposes to mine from Blötberget at a maximum rate of 3 Mtpa, which is over 7 times
greater than the best production year from historic mining, a significant increase. Whilst the
Atlas Copco study investigates the production rate against the geometry of the deposit,
additional analysis should consider how dependent the results of this study are on the thicker
portions of the deposit in the Flygruvan and Kalgruvan mineralised bodies. Future evaluation
should consider the impact of maintaining the production rate over the life of the mine.
The materials handling method from underground to the processing plant is yet to be finalised
by NIO. Though this may constrain production rates achievable, it is assumed that the ability
to maintain the 3Mtpa production rate will be a minimum criteria for the selected materials
handling methods so is unlikely to influence the production rate applied to the FS.
Finally, an evaluation of the required vertical sink rate should be assessed to ensure that the
rate is in line with rates achieved in existing, comparable operations.
6.8.1 Observations
The plan proposed by Ramböll is to maximise use of the existing underground development
which will require stripping out the existing declines to gain access to surface and
rehabilitating underground infrastructure such as ventilation and drifts to accommodate
modern equipment operating at higher production rates. This plan includes completing the
decline that was commenced but remained unfinished when the previous operations ceased.
The PEA did not include a detailed mine design, however, assumes the following
infrastructure to be required for the mine:
Ramböll has produced a detailed mine design in 2013 based on the constraining wireframes
for the Mineral Resources outlining the development requirements to access the deposit on
each level and associated infrastructure. This design proposes haulage levels to be located
on the following elevations:
330 mL;
470 mL;
875 mL.
The mine design includes the use of the two existing shafts from the historic Vulcanus mine
and requires a new shaft for ventilation intake.
All references to levels have been changed in the Blötberget mine so that they now represent
distance from a reference level at surface of Håksberg mine. This represents an offset of 40 m
from the historic level nomenclature.
Limited development was designed within the mineralised boundaries as part of the Atlas
Copco production rate study, however, SRK understands that this approach was not
undertaken for the whole deposit.
The ultimate design will be constrained by the existing development. Further definition of the
Resource and geotechnical parameters is required for the mine design to be finalised as well
as decisions made in a number of key options assessments (i.e. haulage, mining methods,
The mine design does not include any allowance for the existence of the fault that is believed
to act as a boundary between the Hugget and Flygruvan/Kalgruvan mineralisation. Whilst this
fault is poorly characterised, it has been intercepted by two drill holes. The thickness of the
fault zone could not be established as the holes had to be abandoned. Whilst the influence of
this fault on the mine design is unknown, it will require greater understanding for the Phase 1
FS to ensure there are no surprises during mining.
6.9 Schedule
6.9.1 Observations
A construction plan for the operation was developed in the PEA and has been updated using
data from the scoping-level studies undertaken, as shown in Table 6-3. The latest schedule
anticipates the Phase 1 FS completing EOY 2014. Development and construction of the
project would then commence in Q1 2015.
Primary activities for commencement of the construction include the diversion of the Gonäs
River (which flows over the hangingwall of the mineralisation) and dewatering of the
underground workings. Dewatering activities are anticipated to take a full 12 months.
Commencement of mining activities begins with the decline from surface in Q2 2015. A
summary of the mine construction schedule is provided below.
Production is due to commence in 2017 with full production capacity achieved in mid-2018.
Production scheduling is at a strategic level and is not based on a Gantt format build-up of
mining activities. No breakdown of the production schedule has been provided outside of the
work undertaken as part of the production rate analysis.
The Phase 1 FS should include a preliminary scheduling process to capture all of the
available data after the trade-off studies have been completed. This would be the basis of a
preliminary economic model that would be used to validate all of the assumptions to date and
confirm the economics with revised input assumptions prior to significant advancement of the
Phase 1 FS. In many respects, this process would replace the Prefeasibility process that has
yet to be undertaken.
The schedule for Blötberget appears to be very tight. SRK has reservations about the
proposed dates. The Phase 1 FS is unlikely to be completed prior to EOY 2014 so recognition
of the implication s of any delays needs to be understood by NIO. W ith so many unknowns
still in place (i.e. materials handling systems, rehabilitation requirements of shafts
sustainability of production rate, etc.), confidence in the current schedule is low. Three and a
half years is considered to be a tight timeframe between commencement of construction and
ramp up to full production. SRK recognises that there are some advantages with the existing
infrastructure, however lead times for detailed design and commissioning of contracts is very
short. There is a risk that the required contractors will not be available in the required
For example, a 400 m deep crusher station with a conveyor to the processing plant will
require a decline to be constructed. At a 1 in 7 gradient, which allows for conventional
equipment and advance rates, the decline would be 2,800 m long. Assuming an advance rate
of 120 m per month, 24 months will be required for the decline to be mined. Subsequent
construction of the conveyor may take a similar timeframe.
The production schedule should be linked to the mine design using a modern mine
design/scheduling software such as CAE Datamine 5D Planner, Deswik.CAD Scheduler or
Geovia MineSched. This will allow rapid assessment of different options and their impact on
the life of mine schedule. It will also allow for equipment productivities to be built into the
schedule constraining it to available equipment rather than a predetermined production rate.
Additional activities such as construction of infrastructure and processing activities can be
built into the schedule to create a fully integrated life of mine plan for strategic decision
Indications of the preliminary metallurgical test work have identified a number of areas where
the schedule would be enhanced by incorporating data required by the processing plant.
Apart from the iron content, the schedule should include:
% phosphorous;
% magnetite; and
% hematite.
Inclusion of an estimate between the coarse and fine composition of the ore would also be
advantageous, however, collecting the required data for this may prove difficult.
6.10 Development
6.10.1 Observations
The historic underground mine at Blötberget was not entirely mechanised and the equipment
that was used was smaller due to the technology available at the time and the production
rates required. Currently, all existing underground excavations are submerged and significant
stripping and rehabilitation works are required to make use of the existing underground
development. No assumptions have yet been made for the stripping requirements or
The current development plan is based on a mine design produced by Ramboll in 2013 and
assumes a sublevel spacing of 20 m (outside of existing development) and assumes only one
additional raise is required. The development plan includes completion of the decline, which
requires intersecting the decline from above.
Historic development has been digitised and partially converted into wireframes with the
positioning adjusted using the mapped mineralised contacts and drill core data to allow for
any inaccuracies in the surveying.
The production profile for development has not been finalised, however previous work
assumes a 5 m by 5 m profile is applied for all development. Very little consideration has been
given to the required ground control. All previous work in this area focussed on Håksberg.
Inspection of photographs from previous mining suggests that little rock-bolting was
undertaken, historically.
Development costs are based on budget figures provided by two contractors, NCC and
Bergteamet AB and do not include an allowance for ground control. Estimates do not include
mobilisation or demobilisation costs. NIO has assumed that underground contractors will be
used for the initial stages of construction with owner-operator mining after this however the
PEA is based on the assumption that all development will be constructed with contractors.
During owner-operator mining, lease equipment is assumed to be used.
There are some substantial advantages for the project with the existing underground
development, mostly relating to time and cost required to access the Mineral Resource. The
underground development and production areas have been flooded for 30 years and will
require significant work to dewater, enlarge and rehabilitate the development to allow modern,
larger capacity machinery into the mine.
Intersecting the decline from above will pose a challenge given the question marks that
surround the accuracy of the historic surveying. Allowance for complications will need to be
added into the project schedule.
Development design and suitable ground control assumptions will be required in the FS to get
better estimates on the development costs. SRK notes that the figures provided appear to be
on the low side as they are in line with what can be observed in an owner-operator mine. A
contract figure would include an allowance to cover the purchase and financing of equipment.
Mobilisation and demobilisation will also be a significant cost that is not currently included in
NIO‟s assumptions.
A complete redesign of the mine will be required after optimisation, haulage study and mining
methods study to reflect the new requirements. Specifically the 20 m sublevel spacing may
not be suitable for the mining method or allowances may be required for additional ventilation
or materials handling infrastructure. The development profile will also require optimisation.
Significant stripping will be required to re-access the existing development. A strategy will
need to be produced in the geotechnical investigation to provide a re-entry procedure and
limitations to access for rehabilitation in line with Swedish standards. For example, slashing
and firing of a 100 m length of development will require a procedure that allows entry to the
historic development prior to rehabilitation. Failure to do this will limit potential stripping length
to the length of the jumbo boom. The potential difference this will make to the schedule may
be significant.
6.11.1 Observations
Drill and blast design for development has not been considered to date. Costs are based on
budget estimates and the methodology of blasting is assumed to be at the contractor‟s
Production blasting assumes the use of 76 mm up-holes. Again, contractors are assumed for
the PEA and no drill and blast design has been developed in any detail. For consumption
estimation purposes, the following powder factors have been used:
Development - 1.4 kg/m ; and
Production - 0.8 kg/m .
No consideration has been given to the storage or containment of explosives either on the
surface or underground. The assumption has been made that explosives supply, labour and
loading will be contracted out but no allowance has been made for costs or infrastructure.
No consideration has been given to drill and blast in previous studies. Whilst from an
operational context, drill and blast may be at the discretion of contractors; the FS should
provide for drill and blast design so that supply and storage of consumable can be estimated.
An allowance for the storage and handling of explosives will need to be incorporated into the
mine design and surface infrastructure layout.
Emulsion should be considered as a primary bulk explosive for future designs to reflect the
significant presence of water in the mine and potential for surface water to drain through a
caving zone.
6.12.1 Observations
No finalised strategy for the materials handling has been developed for the Blötberget Mine to
date, though significant work has been completed in this area. The PEA assumed hoisting of
both ore and waste through the existing hoisting shaft. Ore would then be transported to the
processing plant by conveyor. Investigations were undertaken by Sweco to determine the
potential capacity of the shaft and an assessment undertaken on the headframe to determine
whether it could still be used.
The PEA assumes loading to ore-passes and then truck haulage using 50 and 60 t capacity
trucks to a central crusher station located on the 520 mL and skip loading on the 580 mL with
the number of ore-passes also assumed. The hoisting concept was based on the materials
handling system used at LKAB‟s Malmberget Mine.
Since the PEA, an internal materials options analysis has been undertaken by NIO and
PROing assessing:
Shaft hoisting;
The study was an integrated assessment of all three proposed deposits in the LIOP. The
assessment assumed that in each case, truck haulage on the internal decline would be used
to transport the ore from the drawpoint to the 300 mL. The study was based on a peak
production rate of 2.5 Mtpa (excluding waste rock). The results of this study indicate that the
conveying option is preferred.
In addition to the PROing study, NIO have commissioned Wehr to investigate a slurry hoisting
option. This option would include a secondary crushing circuit located underground to
produce a -20 mm product, which could be pumped to the surface. No results from this study
have been reviewed by SRK and are assumed not to be available at the time of the gap
Additional consideration is being given to mobile crushing units being placed underground
rather than a central crushing system. No formal studies have been produced for this option.
Preliminary discussions are being held with ABB regarding the hoisting option.
The processing plant is to be located to the NE of the Blötberget Mine a considerable distance
from the present shaft.
Considerable work has been undertaken on the materials handling assessment though a final
decision on the strategy is yet to be made. The Phase 1 FS will need to collate the results
from the individual assessments and compare their results. The basic design of the mine
layout should be undertaken to assess the impact of each method on the overall schedule
and production profile. The study could be undertaken early in the FS process using
information already present to produce a comparative study of the methods. Finalisation of
the materials handling network will be important to determine the baseline assumptions for the
6.13 Equipment
6.13.1 Observations
A summary of the key mining equipment requirements as proposed in the PEA is provided in
Table 6-4.
Ramböll state that the equipment requirements have been built up from first principles.
Atlas Copco has undertaken a materials handling simulation on the deposit based on a typical
level plan. The level used or the specific mineralised vein is not indicated in the presentation
of results provided. The results of the simulation were:
Ventilation may restrict the amount of equipment able to be used in a level; and
Equipment requirements can only be considered at a scoping level at this stage. Whilst the
estimates are built up from first principles, there is no link between the equipment
requirements and the production schedule. Better understanding is required of how the
changes in the production profile over the life of mine plan will affect the equipment
requirements. Production, hauling/tramming distances and development requirements will
change over the life of the mine and will need to be incorporated into the equipment fleet
estimation process. This will better enable the prediction of the purchase and replacement
schedule of the equipment.
The equipment requirements will not be fully understood until additional information is
finalised regarding the proposed mining operations. Finalisation of the materials handling
study will have a significant impact on the trucking and loading fleet.
Currently, there are no bolters proposed for mining operations. Whilst there has been no work
undertake to date on the ground support of the mine, it is reasonable to anticipate that there
will be a significant amount of rockbolting required.
The equipment fleet estimation should also allow for the proposed ventilation circuit to limit
the amount of diesel equipment working in any given area of the mine. Ventilation will act as a
constraint to production and needs to be considered as part of the evaluation.
6.14 Contractors
6.14.1 Observations
The PEA was undertaken assuming contractors were used for all activities, both production
and development, for the duration of the life of mine plan.
The scoping study work undertaken since the completion of the PEA has assumed
development contractors are used for the first two years of the schedule with an owner-
operator arrangement following. Production activities are assumed to be owner-operator. All
equipment in the owner-operator scenarios is assumed to be leased to reduce capital costs.
The preference for contractors in the work to date is a baseline assumption to simplify cost
estimation rather than a preferred company strategy.
The Phase 1 FS should incorporate a trade-off study for the use of owner-operator versus
contractor equipment and labour. Contractors will result in a higher operating cost but lower
capital cost. The risk of contractors in a marginal mine will be the impact of the operating cost
on the cut-off grade. Where the cut-off grade sits in the steeper parts of the grade-tonnage
curve for the deposit, increases in operating costs can have a significant impact on the
amount of resources that are economic to mine. Cut-off grade sensitivity should therefore be
included in the evaluation of contractors.
6.15 Labour
6.15.1 Observations
The PEA assumed that all production and development activities were undertaken by
contractors and that labour was to be supplied as part of the contracts. No section regarding
labour has been included in the PEA.
Ludvika and the surrounding areas have a combined population of around 25,000. The
community has a history of mining so local skills and engineering services are available.
Ludvika is located approximately 3 hours drive from Stockholm and the surrounding area
supports many recreational activities. NIO does not consider the recruitment of suitable skills
to be an issue.
The current work has very little consideration for labour. The Phase FS should include a build-
up of labour requirements based on the scheduled production, development and construction
activities. Even if contractors are to be used for mining activities, suitable infrastructure to
support the required labour (offices, change rooms, lunch rooms, etc.) will need to be included
into the site layout. The build-up of labour should reflect the proposed shift structure and
legislative constraints on work rosters.
6.16.1 Observations
A basic ventilation study was undertaken as part of the PEA. The total ventilation demand
assumed in the PEA is estimated to be a maximum of 600 m /s. The identified threshold limits
for ventilation are identified as:
Organic dust - 10 mg/m ; and
Quartz dust - 5 mg/m .
The ventilation concept is for preheated air to be blown into the mine through two fresh air
intakes. A propane heater will be used to heat the air, when required, to a minimum
temperature of +2°C. A 2m by 2m existing shaft within the Vulcanus mine will be used for
intake air and a new intake raise will be constructed nearby with a diameter of 5 m to provide
an additional fresh air intake. The Vulcanus intake will support a single fan capable of
3 3
supplying 80 m /s. The new shaft will support three fans, each able to supply 173 m /s. The
entire heating infrastructure will require 19 MW of power.
Exhaust ventilation capacity for the mine will also be provided by two shafts. An existing shaft
in the Vulcanus mine will be used with dimensions of 3 m by 5 m. Two fans will be located at
the base of this shaft, each able to supply 100 m /s to create a push-pull ventilation network.
The second exhaust will be located near the Hugget vein with a diameter of 4.5 m. Two fans
will each provide 160 m /s flow through this exhaust.
An update of the ventilation requirements was undertaken at the end of 2012 to reflect the
increase in production rate and other changes made to the assumptions. The study is said to
be to a Prefeasibility level. Detailed capital cost estimates of individual equipment are
undertaken as part of this study though little additional data is available.
Ventilation has been extensively investigated with a detailed cost estimation. There is no
evidence, however, of a link between the production equipment requirements and the
ventilation network. Only details of the ventilation equipment are provided. The study also
lacks the inclusion of the mine design undertaken by Ramböll.
The Phase 1 FS should take the investigation further by using a VentSim style ventilation
software to simulate the required ventilation at various stages of the mine‟s development to
ensure a suitable airflow to support the production for the duration of the life of the mine. The
simulation will need to include the proposed heating infrastructure, three-dimensional
modelling of the mine development at the various stages of development being simulated and
the required equipment that may introduce contaminants into the ventilation circuit (i.e. diesel
6.17 Dewatering
6.17.1 Observations
All historic workings, including the open pit are currently filled with groundwater to the surface.
The pit lake is connected to the underground workings. Dewatering of the underground
workings will be a primary activity for the development of the proposed operations to
commence at the start of construction of the mine.
The dewatering process has been benchmarked against similar activities for the Dannemora
Project. The dewatering process is to commence at the start of 2015 and will take 12 months.
At least 3 months will be required before the upper levels of the existing development become
To assist with the dewatering, the Gonäs River (currently carrying approximately 700 l/s) is to
be diverted away from the hangingwall of the deposit. The mine is expected to have a
groundwater inflow of approximately 40 l/s.
Little consideration has been given to dewatering operations during mining operations.
Planning of the dewatering phase of the mine is a difficult task due to the limited work on
hydrogeology aspects completed so far. The timeframe required to completely dewater the
mine could vary significantly depending on the groundwater flow into the mine. The critical
aspect of the dewatering programme will be to ensure that the water level remains below the
active level required for the production-related activities. Early stage activities will be the
decline from surface which is decoupled from the underground workings. The risk is when
breakthrough into the old decline development occurs. For this reason, an attempt should be
made to provide an estimate of the water level in the existing mine over the construction
period to act as an input to the scheduling process.
The estimate of 40 l/s for inflow into the mine seems low when the amount of water present at
surface is considered. Previous sublevel caving is likely to have formed tension cracks that
extend to the surface meaning the overlying rock effectively has no ability to attenuate any
water from surface. For this reason, the mine will likely be particularly susceptible to
precipitation and spring melt. Considerable additional work will be required to design a
dewatering network for the mine during operations.
6.18 Power
6.18.1 Observations
BS hoist (x2);
Ventilation intake;
330 mL;
360 mL;
530 mL.
Basic power diagrams have been produced for the mining infrastructure.
The planning for distribution of power appears to be advanced compared to other areas of
planning. An update of the power requirements will be produced as part of the FS and
detailed distribution plans should be developed. The location and size of all electrical
infrastructure should be considered and reflect the final mine design.
6.19.1 Observations
No consideration has been given to the reticulation or provision of services has been
considered in the studies to date.
The Phase 1 FS will need to include a detailed design of the required infrastructure and
reticulation of the following services:
Compressed air;
Service water;
Communications; and
Service water will require surface dams and pressure reducers to manage the volume and
pressure of the flow. Air compressors will be requiring at surface with regular water traps to
reduce equipment wear. Piping for the distribution of compressed air and service water to the
headings needs to be estimated and included into the cost estimates. Estimation of the
volume of peak supply requirements need to be built into the schedule to ensure the
distribution network is adequate. The cost of these requirements can be built into the
development costs if a standardised approach is taken for each heading.
Many forms of mine communications are available for consideration. The infrastructure should
be compatible with emergency procedure and allow contact to be maintained for the entire
mine layout. In many instances, the communications network will be used for remote blasting
and personnel monitoring as well.
6.20 Backfill
6.20.1 Observations
No backfill is required for the mine plan using the currently envisaged mining methods.
Currently, there is no requirement for backfill to be considered in the Phase 1 FS. SRK notes
that this may change depending on the outcome of the mining methods trade-off study.
6.21.1 Observations
All waste is to be transported to the surface, either by truck or using campaigned hoisting.
Waste rock is to be crushed and screened as a by-product that can be supplied to the local
aggregates market and for internal use.
There is some potential for underground waste disposal in the historic Hugget mining areas.
Using the ore hoisting infrastructure for transportation of waste introduces two issues to the
materials handling network:
Neither of these considerations have been discussed in the material provided to SRK and
should be considered as part of the FS.
Opportunities for permanent disposal of the mine waste in depleted underground mining
areas should also be investigated. However, additional stripping may be required to provide
access to the historic areas.
6.22.1 Observations
The existing underground infrastructure and proposed works as outlined in the PEA and
subsequent studies is detailed below:
A new decline will be developed from surface and connected to the existing decline at
the 160 mL;
The existing decline from 160 mL will be stripped and rehabilitated as well as existing
ventilation raises;
A conveyor belt will be routed to the hoisting chamber and then connected to the
processing plant by a separate conveyor decline (if conveying used for transportation to
The BS shaft will be reused for hoisting the ore from an underground (if shaft hoisting is
used for transportation from the surface;
Installation of a rush crusher station and associated infrastructure at the 520 mL;
Transport levels will be made at vertical with an independent ore-pass network for each
level such that they have a productive life of about 3 years;
Approximately four levels of sublevel caving development was excavated mainly in the
Hugget vein ore prior to the halt in production and mining is planned to commence in
this area as soon as connection to the ramp from surface is made to the 160 mL and
access to these areas is enlarged and rehabilitated to allow for the modern equipment;
Decline ramp development will provide access to future mining areas at depth and
access crusher installations; and
New ventilation infrastructure, including new shafts, is planned in line with production
The previous headframe use for historic mining of the Blötberget Mine is still in place as is the
encompassing building (historic processing plant facility). Investigations have been
undertaken on the state of the headframe and indications suggest that the headframe could
be used for future hoisting. Both the land and buildings for the headframe are not owned by
NIO however, the mining licence allows NIO to access the infrastructure with compensation
for the current owner. A framework agreement for this is in place.
Irrespective of the use of the BS shaft for hoisting, the BS shaft is planned to be used for
services, dewatering and ventilation infrastructure.
Consideration has been given to the use of mobile crushing stations rather than a permanent
crushing station though no studies have been completed for this.
The processing plant building that hosts the BS headframe is in a poor state of repair. Whilst
the headframe may be structurally sound, there are question marks over the building as a
whole. Considerable work is likely to be required prior to use of the building for any purpose.
The environmental permit suggests that repair of the building will be the responsibility of NIO
though there is some uncertainty of this. The associated costs for the repair and upgrading of
the building will need to be incorporated into the economic model for the FS.
Surface layouts for the surface infrastructure for mining are conceptual and limited in their
scope. Surface infrastructure will be located in the following areas:
Vulcanus Mine;
Further work on layouts are required when infrastructure final requirements known. The actual
requirements will be dependent on the production rate and materials handling trade-off
Consideration should be given to the design of a boxcut portal required for the portal of the
decline. SRK understands that no work has been undertaken in this area.
Also missing from the previous evaluations is consideration for workshop requirements, both
surface and underground, for the maintenance of both fixed infrastructure and mobile fleet.
This should include refuelling and servicing facilities underground.
6.23.1 Observations
No consideration has been given to the stores and procurement requirements for the mine to
Consideration of storage requirements for the mining operations will be required to evaluate
the associated infrastructure required, including:
Laydown yards.
6.24.1 Observations
A summary of the PEA estimate of operating costs is provided below in Table 6-5 which
covers mining through to delivering the saleable product to the ship (FOB) at a designated
port on the east coast of Sweden. The operating costs are based on an ore production rate of
5.5 Mtpa to produce 2.35 Mtpa of iron concentrate products (approx. 8% moisture content).
SRK has used an exchange rate of SEK 7 to USD 1.
The mining operating cost of SEK 80/tore can be further broken down into the following
The direct mining costs are based on the assumption that 80% of the ore will be mined by
sublevel caving and 20% from development mining. A breakdown of these costs is shown in
Table 6-6. Note that the assumed density of the ore is 3.8 t/m .
The operating costs are based on an owner-operator scenario. The PEA states that the
contractor costs provided in Table 6-6 are NIO estimates.
Budget estimates for contractor costs were provided to NIO by Bergteamet AB in 2011. A
summary of these estimates are provided in Table 6-7. These estimates do not include
ground support.
SRK is not aware of any updates to the operating cost estimates since the PEA.
SRK considers the cost estimation to be at an appropriate level for a PEA, however,
substantial additional work will be required to bring the operating cost estimates up to FS
standard. A dynamic breakdown of costs should be undertaken to allow the fixed and variable
elements of the individual activities to be estimated from first principles. These costs can then
be estimates on a dynamic basis in line with the activities planned for a particular period in the
The assumption is that the costs are based on owner-operator mining, however the
assumption stated elsewhere is that contractors will be used for mining. There is a SEK 10/tore
allowance in the operating costs for depreciation. Normally SRK would not recommend
including the depreciation in a cost model as it is not an actual expense but rather reflects
money that is already spent. However, in this instance it is assumed to reflect a leasing cost
for the equipment as no capital has been allowed for the mining equipment in the economic
The operating costs used by NIO for the PEA appear to be on the low side. Mining operating
costs of less than USD12/t would be anticipated for an operation such as LKAB‟s Kiruna
Mine, which operates a modern mine with high production rates and near ideal geology for
sublevel caving. Blötberget Mine has narrow veined geology with relatively shallow dips and
smaller production rates. Under these conditions, SRK would anticipate mining costs more in
the range of USD 18 to 25/t, even with owner-operator mining.
The operating costs for development seem more reasonable. USD 1,000/m before ground
control would be a reasonable cost for owner-operator development of a 24 m profile. SRK
notes that the costs are provided „per tonne‟ but the actual costs will be incurred „per metre‟.
There will be minimal cost savings from developing in waste, which will have a significantly
lower density.
Comparing with the Bergteamet budget prices, the loading and hauling alone would be
equivalent to near USD 9/t, 75% of the contractor mining costs allowed for in the PEA.
Estimated costs appear reasonable for level development, however, SRK expects that decline
costs will be substantially higher.
Considerable detail will be required to develop the cost estimates to a FS level. There are
significant gaps in the current estimates (i.e. ground control) and the estimates are much
lower than would be anticipated for such an operation. These anomalies will have created a
false impression of the economics of the project and an understanding of the potential impact
of these changes should be well understood before advancing too far into the FS.
6.25.1 Observations
Capital cost estimates are stated in the PEA as being derived from NIO‟s experience and
budget figures provided by two contractors. Capital cost estimates assume the mine decline is
developed down to the 875 mL. The costs for capitalised development were estimated
considering development unit costs derived from both NIO‟s experience and projected
contractor unit rates. The development costs, using unit costs from both sources, were
estimated with the figure applied to the PEA being approximately midway between the two
figures (Table 6-8).
The mining-related capital cost estimate from the PEA for the life of the mine shown in Table
Table 6-9: Capital Costs (Mining only) for the Life of Mine
Capital Costs MSEK MUSD
Mine Pumping 22 3.1
Mine Access and Ramps 381 54.4
Mine Ventilation Shafts and Drifts 76 10.9
Mining Equipment* 120 17.1
Ventilation and Control 69 9.9
Electrical Installations 22 3.1
Crushing/Hoisting 300 42.9
Total Capital Costs 990 141.4
Capital Cost excluding Equipment 870 124.3
The economic model assumes that no mining equipment capital is included in the capital
costs as this is covered in the operating costs.
A development plan has been produced reflecting the key activities required to bring the mine
from the commencement of construction to full production. The breakdown of itemised
activities is identical to those listed in the schedule shown above.
There has been some update to the capital cost estimate since the PEA in the scoping study
to reflect the higher production rates, though they have not been integrated into a revised
economic model. Ventilation costs have been revised to reflect the updated production rate
and high level materials handling costs have been revised as part of the trade-off study.
The process used for the capitalisation of development is flawed. The economic model
assumes contract mining so no capital costs are applied for the mining equipment. Capitalised
development should therefore be estimated using the projected contractor costs alone. By
using a figure approximately midway between NIO‟s projected owner-operator unit rates and
the projected contractor unit rates for development, the margin built into the contractor costs
for the purchase of equipment is diminished and partially unaccounted for. The impact of this
approach using the numbers provided is approximately 5% of the overall mining capital costs.
The capital cost estimation is limited in its scope. No contingency has been applied and whilst
the breakdown does aim to estimate the large-scale contributors to the economic model, it is
not considered to be sufficiently comprehensive. Considerable detail needs to be added to the
breakdown of capital costs to bring it up to FS. Costs should, where possible, be calculated
from first principles and reflect the purchase and replacement schedules.
6.26.1 Observations
The PEA was conducted in 2011 and was undertaken to a scoping study standard. Additional
studies have been undertaken to varying degrees of accuracy since then. Much of the
additional work has focussed on assessment of various mining options and updating the
baseline assumptions in line with the proposed increase in production rate of 3 Mtpa of RoM.
The level of detail in the mine planning has advanced greatly since the PEA as a result. The
impact of these changes has been a reduction in the projected operating costs for the project.
SRK has not been provided with an updated technical-economic model that ties together the
revised data, nor has there been any consideration for the parallel advancement of the drilling
and Mineral Resource estimations.
The Phase 1 FS is intended to be the follow-up study to the PEA and no interim studies are
envisaged. The results of the Phase 1 FS will provide the basis for the investment decision on
the project to be made by the NIO‟s Board of Directors.
The environmental permit and mining concession for the Blötberget and Håksberg mines
were approved in 2014 limiting the permitting requirements to bring the project into operation.
The PEA is a conceptual study and SRK considers that it would be worthwhile undertaking a
detailed Prefeasibility-level study (PFS) to provide assurance that the project will be
economically viable before progressing to a Feasibility level of study. SRK expects that this
project may be marginal and a PFS-level study will identify areas where the optimal approach
to mining and materials handling can be identified as well as the major areas of risk.
The technical work undertaken to date, including the scoping-level assessments undertaken
since the PEA, is based on a Resource base that includes Inferred Resources. In addition,
there are significant gaps in other areas of the study, discussed separately in this report,
including (but not limited to) geotechnical, hydrogeology and metallurgy. As a result, the
technical work undertaken to date could not be used as a basis of an Ore Reserve estimate.
The entire study would need to be brought up to a PFS-level study and based solely on the
Indicated and Measured portions of the Minerals Resource estimate.
In recognition of the fact that NIO do not intend on undertaking a full PFS study prior to the
commencement of the Phase 1 FS, SRK recommend that all trade-off studies and options
analysis is completed whilst the field work is being undertaken for the other disciplines. Whilst
the baseline data required for these studies may be suboptimal, a single approach to mining
can be decided upon prior to the FS-level design work taking place. These studies should be
undertaken based on the currently available information and an increased tolerance be
applied to the results to account for the uncertainty in baseline data. Once the final approach
to mining is decided, an updated technical-economic model should be compiled to collate the
most up to date information available from all disciplines with production based solely on
Indicated and Measured Resources. This will provide a better assessment of the project
economics and will act as a proxy PFS in the absence of a formal study. This will enable
additional confidence in the project to be gained before significant outlay of capital for the FS.
SRK consider the Blötberget Mine to be a project of merit which needs to be studied in further
detail to understand the potential. The project is currently considered to be investigated to a
scoping study level of detail with a considerable variation in the quality of input data and detail
of the technical work.
The major strengths of the LIOP from a mining perspective are as follows:
Stable country with high level of technology for underground iron ore mines.
The underground workings have been flooded for 30 years and it will take considerable
effort to dewater, strip and rehabilitate these areas for the proposed production plan.
The geotechnical properties of the orebody and rock mass (hanging wall in particular)
may be too competent and not be suitable for caving operations. A better
understanding of the rock conditions is required and geotechnical modelling to support
the future mine design and sequence of extraction.
The current mine plan appears to be very conceptual and SRK recommends more work
is completed on the mining method selection, materials handling, definition of
production rate over the life of mine, optimisation and design, scheduling and cost
estimation before proceeding to a FS-level design.
The work to date includes Inferred Resources in the Resource base used for the study,
which do not have the geological confidence to be considered suitable to be used as a
basis of an Ore Reserve estimate.
Overall, SRK recommends that preliminary studies be finalised to confirm a single approach
to mining for the FS and allow a revision of the technical-economic model to incorporate all of
the new information available. This step should be undertaken prior to the commencement of
the FS level mining study and could coincide with the drilling and metallurgical test work
The recommendations for the mining engineering sections of the Phase 1 FS have been
incorporated into the scope of work and schedule for the FS.
The gaps identified relating to the mining and Ore Reserves of the Project, which SRK
consider essential to complete in order to ensure that there is adequate detail for the
completion of a robust FS, are summarised in Table ES 1.
7.1 Historic Operation
Based on the very limited amount of historic production data available, the magnetite
concentrates produced were of an acceptable grade (high in Fe and with acceptable levels of
P), however the hematite concentrate, particularly from the higher P Blötberget deposit, were
both low in Fe (~61%) and high in P (~0.5%).
The beneficiation plant building from the historic operation at Blötberget still stands, however
NIO does not plan to re-use this facility for processing.
The PEA published in late 2011 developed flowsheets for both Blötberget and Håksberg
based on a limited amount of bench scale testwork undertaken at the time. The testwork
consisted of Davis Tube (“DT”) Tests to test the amenability of producing both magnetite and
hematite concentrates. Dry LIMS testwork was also undertaken on material crushed to -5 mm,
to test the potential for the production of a “Sinter Fines” product.
The use of a DT to simulate hematite recovery is unusual; in this case the initial (i.e.
magnetite) separation tailings were roasted under reducing conditions, with the aim of
converting the hematite to magnetite. The roasted material was then re-processed using the
DT, after which the “hematite” concentrate was roasted under oxidising conditions, to covert
the magnetite back to hematite, before the final hematite concentrate was assayed.
The flowsheets were essentially identical, with a staged grinding and LIMS circuit producing a
magnetite concentrate, the tailings from which were to be subjected to Wet High Intensity
Magnetic Separation (“WHIMS”), with the WHIMS concentrate subjected to gravity separation
using spirals to remove contaminant mica. The LIMS and WHIMS/spiral concentrates, from
both deposits, were then to be combined and subjected to reverse flotation for apatite
(phosphorous) removal.
A dry LIMS circuit was incorporated into the crushing circuit for the Håksberg flowsheet, as
this material had demonstrated potential for the production of a Sinter Fines concentrate.
The sample tested was taken from a single diamond drillhole drilled specifically to provide
material for metallurgical testwork. The drillhole intersected both the Flygruvan and
Kalvgruvan deposits, although the drillhole intervals chosen to make the composite sample
were taken from the Flygruvan intercepts only.
The composite was formed on the basis of matching the orebody average in terms of:
Fe grade;
P grade.
Wet LIMS, Medium Intensity Magnetic Separation (“MIMS”) and WHIMS testwork;
The aim of the dry LIMS testwork was to test the potential to produce a heavy construction
aggregate as a potential early value product; the aim was to produce material with a specific
gravity in excess of 4.2.
On the basis of the testwork conducted, TSC proposed the flowsheet shown in Figure 7-1.
The flowsheet consist of the following key elements:
The option of producing a heavy aggregate product using dry LIMS after crushing;
LIMS processing of the spiral product to produce a coarse magnetite concentrate and a
hematite “tailing”;
Reverse flotation of the hematite stream for phosphate removal following grinding,
producing a fine hematite concentrate; and
2-stage Spirals
Dry LIMS Hydrocyclone
LIMS Disc/Drum
Spirals Recycle
Fine Magnetite
H2 O Ball Mill Concentrate
Rod Mill
Pan Filter
Ball Mill Recycle
Based on the testwork results, TSC estimated a mass balance for the flowsheet (excluding
heavy aggregate production) as shown in Table 7-1.
The proposed flowsheet is both supported by the testwork conducted on the sample on which
it was conducted, and, based on the results shown in Table 7-1, represents a significant
improvement over the historical operation, at least based on the limited amount of historical
data reviewed, particularly with respect to the quality of the hematite concentrate. In addition,
the reversal of the magnetic and gravity separation stages, with the spirals ahead of magnetic
separation, is likely to improve the flexibility of the circuit to handle differing proportions of
magnetite to hematite in the ore, as the gravity separation stage does not discriminate
between magnetite and hematite.
Significantly, the testwork on which this flowsheet concept is based was conducted on a
single composite sample. While this sample was generated in order to simulate the “average
orebody”, the actual plant feed is likely to vary from this precise combination of head grade,
magnetite : hematite ratio and P content on short, medium and long term bases.
It will therefore be critically important to test the response of this flowsheet to variations in the
orebody, in terms of the properties listed above, as well as lateral and vertical extent within
the orebody.
SRK understands that a further five samples have been identified for testwork to determine
the response of these samples, which vary in magnetite : hematite ratio, P content and
orebody location, to the proposed flowsheet. However, SRK believes that a significantly
greater variability testwork program is necessary to best define the range of expected
responses, and to provide the range of data required in order to optimise the eventual plant
design. Specifically, the variation in magnetite: hematite ratio will have impacts on different
parts of the circuit, e.g. a high proportion of hematite will result in a greater flow of material to
the reverse flotation section, whereas a greater proportion of magnetite will result in a greater
flow of material to the spiral tails LIMS circuit. An optimum point will therefore need to be
reached between oversizing these parts of the circuit and ore stockpiling and blending
With regard to the hematite mineralisation within the ore, the flowsheet as proposed will not
recover fine hematite. While the amount of fine hematite in the sample tested was negligible,
the presence and distribution of fine hematite in the orebody is not well known at this stage.
Fine hematite will not be recovered in the spiral stage, and so will report to the LIMS circuit.
However, it will also not be recovered in this stage, and so will be lost to the tailings of the two
LIMS stages.
SRK therefore recommends that a MIMS or WHIMS stage is tested on the tailings from these
two LIMS stages, in order to test the potential to recover fine hematite that may occur in other
sample that are tested as the FS progresses.
Given the presence of coarse, specular hematite observed during the site visit, it is perhaps
unfortunate that the proposed flowsheet only produces hematite a fine concentrate,
particularly given that a coarser product (~1 mm) will be potentially more desirable as it will fit
a sinter feed blend more readily than a concentrate ground to ~100 m.
The historical data indicates, albeit on the basis of one set of data, that the P in the hematite
concentrate was more concentrated in the finer size fractions than in the coarse size fractions.
On that basis, SRK recommends that the coarse LIMS tails is investigated for the potential to
produce at least some of the hematite at that relatively coarse size. Size-by-size assays
should be undertaken, as well as flotation of the coarse size fractions for apatite removal if
necessary. Assuming that such a flotation stage would remove composite hematite / apatite
particles, these could still be directed to the regrind circuit and the fine flotation stage.
Given that the engineering design activities of the FS have not yet commenced, there are no
“gaps” that can be identified in these activities, insofar as the entire engineering design and
cost estimation exercise is currently a “gap”.
SRK would expect NIO to undertake the FS in a manner that will address the necessary
engineering plant design and cost estimation elements to an appropriate level, such that all
key elements of the discipline study are covered.
8.1 Site Access and Plant Site
Given the “brownfield” nature of the project and the nearby historical operational sites at
Blötberget and Grängesberg, SRK does not envisage any that significant problems should
arise with regard to opening up the site for the proposed operation.
SRK believes that the currently proposed plant site, which is based on the site infrastructure
developed for the 2011 PEA, is not ideal, particularly in that it straddles a watercourse.
However, SRK believes that there should be suitable plant sites either to the north or to the
north-west of the currently proposed location.
There is no particular need to site the beneficiation plant immediately adjacent to the rail
loadout area; these two pieces of infrastructure can be readily connected by a conveyor.
8.2 Power
A 50 kV power line crosses the project site, and the PEA assumed that the site would be
connected to this line via a sub-station to be located on the project site.
This appears to be a reasonable assumption, and SRK understands that there is sufficient
spare capacity in this line for the project‟s requirements. However, should this option not
prove feasible, other options are available; there is a large sub-station to the east of Ludvika,
and there is also likely to be a suitable facility in the vicinity of Grängesberg.
The PEA identified three potential product transportation routes, i.e. rail corridors to existing
SRK understands that NIO currently favours the Oxelösund option. This port facility was
visited during the SRK site visit.
Given that Oxelösund is the port previously used for the Grängesberg operation, this would
appear to be the logical choice – while the rail transport distance is longer than Gävle, the rail
line between Blötberget and Oxelösund is appropriately designed and configured for heavy
bulk haulage, and the port, while now not dedicated to iron ore exportation, has sufficient
loading capacity and storage capacity for the project‟s needs.
Again, SRK would expect that the capacities of the Oxelösund port and the rail corridor to be
further investigated and developed as an integrated part of the execution of the FS.
The tailings waste production will be a by-product of processing operation to produce the iron
ore concentrate. It has been predicted that approximately 30 Mt of tailings will be produced
and stored on the current mining lease. Based on the information received from the Client, the
preferred site for tailings storage facility (“TSF”) has been selected and partly permitted in the
Gravgruvan area which is located east of road 611. The area 2 shown in Figure 9-1 is the
extension of the previous TSF (area 1) which has been decommissioned in the 1970s. A new
TSF has been selected south of area 1 with the proposed clarification pond between two
The previous studies have considered initial wet slurry deposition of the tailings waste behind
the starter dam, following further tailings storage using the upstream method. The proposed
TSF represent all side paddock type of containment.
The first step in the construction of the TSF will be construction of a starter dam to elevation
+190 m (10 m high). The dam cross-section will have a typical arrangement including the
impervious clay core with both upstream and downstream shoulders made of waste rock
material. The waste tailings will be spiggoted of the starter dam and further storage will be
accomplished in the upstream direction using coarser fraction of the segregated tailings
waste. No compaction has been stipulated in the PEA design. The ultimate dam height has
been predicted up to elevation 210 m.
Water from the tailings pond will be pumped via a floating barge to the clarification pond
located between areas 1 and 2 and then either pumped back to the plant or released to the
In addition to area 2, the plan predicts raise of the existing TSF (area 1) to elevation 210 m.
Table 9-1 below summarizes the tailings disposal plan. Some additional options for storage
could be available to achieve 20 Mm of the volume required to meet the waste storage
Although the site investigation has not been performed as a part of the PEA it is predicted that
ground condition are generally good with moraine sediments predominantly underlying the
subject area. The in situ moraine soil unit is predicted to be strong with low permeability and
as such minimizing the ground preparation effort.
However any ground preparation for embankment construction would include removal of the
peat deposits as well as construction of the cut off trenches for any fluvial channels
The site investigation should be performed as soon as it is practical to meet the timetable
milestone for the project.
Proposed TSF deposition method of wet slurry deposition may not be adequate for the
anticipated plant processing flow stream resulting in a coarse and dry tailings. The coarse and
dry tailings could create up to 90% of the waste mass depending on the final processing
scheme and as such virtually eliminating a need for the wet tailings storage facility. The dry
storage facility could be designed to accommodate additional small quantities of wet fine
tailings without a need to construct a tailings retention dam.
Geotechnical data to support the proposed design of the TSF including borrow material
searches needs to be augmented by new site investigation as soon as possible.
Water balance for the TSF needs to be also developed to eliminate potential need for tailings
clarification pond which could be replaced by the surface water collection system.
Geochemical analysis of tailings and other wastes need to be confirmed to determine the
NPAG nature of these materials.
10.1 Meteorology, Hydrology and Surface Water Management
10.1.1 Meteorology
The Ludvika Iron Ore Project (“LIOP”) is situated in the Kolbäckens regional catchment area
measuring 3,118 km . Measured annual precipitation averaged 642 mm during the period
1961 to 1990 with 700 – 800 mm on average recorded between 1991 and 2000. The
discrepancy and range in values is not explained.
Lake Glaningen is located approximately 300 m from the mining concession area at its
nearest point. The lake has an average elevation of 190 m above sea level and an area of
2 2 3
0.7 km with a lake catchment area of 35 km and average outlet discharge of 0.4 m /s.
Glaningen is surrounded by wetlands and the northern areas is declared protected bird
Gonäsån River flows from west to east through the sub-catchment area and passes through
the northern part of the mining concession area where is merges with contributory streams
and flows into the largest nearby lake Väsman. Gonäsån is 15 km long with a sub-catchment
area of 78km2. The flow rate of the Gonäsån River ranges between less than 20 l/s
(0.017 cumecs) in summer and 5,250 l/s (5.25 cumecs) in spring (based on a 15-year record).
The Gonäsån River flows between Lake Glaningen and Lake Väsman following a course that
runs through the Blӧtberget mining area. The river will be diverted along part of this route to
prevent surface water from draining into the mine workings. A diversion system was
established prior to the last period of mining (1950 to 1979) and this system will be re-used for
the planned operation. Figure 10-1 includes a photograph taken at the time the diversion
system was being constructed (left), an image of the lake (top right) and one of the weir
discharge from the lake into the Gonäsån River (bottom right).
The diversion system comprised two new watercourses, each including a section of tunnel
and connecting channels. Figure 10-2 shows the alignment of the diversions (thick blue lines
are channel sections and purple dashed lines are tunnel sections). The northern diversion
(Blӧtberget tunnel) was the main outlet with the southern diversion (Främundsberget tunnel)
acting as an emergency outlet when the lake level was particularly high. According to the
PEA the existing northern diversion will be cleared and re-commissioned and a new
emergency outlet for the southern channel constructed.
Figure 10-1: Historic water re-routing tunnel under construction in 1950s and recent
images of Lake Glaningen
Runoff from the mine catchment area (red dotted line area in Figure 10-2) will be captured
and pumped to the channel leading to the Främundsberget tunnel. A new pumping station
will be constructed with a 300 l/s capacity which has been based on runoff during a 1 in 2 year
rainfall event.
Passive run-off from the main plant site and other industrial areas will be achieved through a
gentle gradient on the pad. Run-off from closed areas or near potentially contaminating
activities (e.g. the gasoline filling station) will be collected, treated as appropriate, and
discharged to local surface watercourses.
Figure 10-2: Natural Drainage Showing Flow Directions; the Two Tunnels Associated
with the Diversion of the Gonäsån River shown (Source: PEA, 2011)
10.2 Hydrogeology
The shallow geology of the study area consists predominantly of moraine soils with eskers
trending northwest to southeast through the mining concession area. These eskers consist
mainly of coarse silt to fine sand. Larger areas of peat exist around the concession and the
soil layer becomes patchy with outcropping bedrock at higher elevations at nearby hills.
These unconsolidated deposits are likely to support local aquifers.
The bedrock comprises greywacke units, overlain by mineralised volcanic units and
volcaniclastics which in turn are overlain by sandstones, the whole package (which is all
metamorphosed) being overlain by a granitic unit. The hydraulic properties of this package
are discussed in the modelling summary section below.
Large deformation zones are present in the bedrock in the Blötberget area striking
northwest/northeast. A previous study has identified one of these zones as a 15 m width
crush zone with a system of permeable sub-vertical fractures.
One such crush zone has been intercepted by an exploration hole (BB12003) in the area
referred to as The Wedge. Figure 10-3 shows the nature of the competent rock mass before
the crush zone is intercepted at approximately 399.85 m below collar (this being an
underground hole). The hole ended within the crush zone.
Groundwater levels have not been monitored across the project area. The water level in the
historic workings has recovered to a natural condition and the pit lake reflects a shallow water
table (Figure 10-4).
Figure 10-3: Core Log from BB12003 showing typical Core (left) Entering Crush Zone
(right) (Source: SRK, 2014)
The model grid was developed with a discretization of 600 x 600 m in the periphery and
gradually increased in resolution towards the mine area (10 x 10 m). The hydraulic
conductivity values used in the model were estimated based on:
a fracture frequency method from core logging of one hole (to derive a hydraulic
conductivity of the hanging wall)
100 to 400 mm per year within the anticipated deformation zone due to historic mining
The model was mainly calibrated by varying hydraulic conductivity in order to replicate historic
mine inflow rates. Some limited sensitivity analysis work was then undertaken.
All historic workings, including the open pit are currently filled with groundwater to the surface.
The pit lake is connected to the underground workings. Dewatering of the underground
workings will be a primary activity for the development of the proposed operations to
commence at the start of construction of the mine.
In order to dewater the workings prior to mine development submersible pumps will be
employed. Pumping will take place from the BS-shaft with pumps installed at 150 m vertical
lifts. The shaft is 570 m deep but most of the workings are in the upper 280 m. Total void
space is estimated to be 5 Mm .
This model pre-dates the analytical modelling undertaken by Golder which is described below. Normally
numerical groundwater modelling would follow on from preliminary analytical calculations.
The dewatering process has been benchmarked against similar activities for the Dannemora
Project. The dewatering process is to commence at the start of 2015 and the intention is to
dewater the void space in 12 months. At least 3 months will be required before the upper
levels of the existing development become accessible.
An average flow rate of 150 l/s is anticipated with a maximum rate capped at 300 l/s.
Discharge water will be directed to the Gonäsån stream via sedimentation ponds. The
maximum discharge rate equals approximately 40% of Gonäsån‟s average flow rate pre-
mining (6% average peak flow and 6% average minimum flow).
Water inflow to the planned underground operation has been assumed to be 40 l/s based on
historical inflows. Some 50% of this water will be re-used for drilling and the remainder
pumped to surface for discharge via sedimentation ponds.
The dewatering system will use pumps and pipes, where possible, from the pre-development
dewatering programme. A main pumping station will be developed at 570 level from where
water will be lifted to surface.
Sublevel caving has been employed as part of the historic mining operation. The extent of
induced fracturing (and subsidence?) as a result of this mining method has not been
established through investigation and monitoring. Fracture connection linking the
underground working with the surface have implications for surface water infiltration to the
planned underground mine.
All input data is desktop-based; hydraulic conductivity in the shallow bedrock was estimated
using data from water wells and geothermal energy wells. Hydraulic conductivity estimates
from SGU‟s well registry shows little spatial variation and the shallow bedrock was assumed
to act as one homogeneous hydrogeological unit with an equally elevated hydraulic
conductivity in deformation zones. In the absence of any groundwater level monitoring, static
groundwater level was assumed to equal the top of bedrock (or bottom of casing in cases
where soil depth was unknown).
Results: the models estimated the drawdown influence distance as 2,100 m from the planned
underground mine (Figure 10-5). Blötberget has an historical exploration drift extending
northeast and the influence distance from this feature was determined to be 1,000 m.
The estimated drawdown influence distance was corrected with respect to Lake Glaningen
and the protected bird habitat area wetland north of Glaningen. This implies that lake water
and groundwater are in hydraulic continuity which has implications for water inflow to the
planned underground operation (see Section 10.6 below).
Figure 10-5: Extent of Groundwater Level Drawdown showing the influence of the
Historic Drift (NE) and Lake Glaningen (SW) (Source: PEA, 2011)
The mine site water balance is a conventional circuit whereby water collected from the TSF
clarification ponds will be returned to the process plant.
During period of deficit, either summer dry periods or in winter when slurry may freeze and
precipitation falls as snow, make up water can also be supplied via a planned pipeline from
Lake Vasman. The peak makeup water flow rate from Väsman is estimated to be 100 l/s
(0.1 cumecs) which comprises approximately 1% of Lake Väsman‟s average outlet discharge
during the wet period and 2-3% in dry periods.
During periods of excess water when the net water balance is positive the surplus will be
discharged into the southern diversion channel upstream of Främundsberget tunnel.
The overall hydrological characterisation of the project area requires further development
supported by fieldwork and observational data. This is particularly relevant to the
hydrogeological characterisation of the project which SRK considers is currently weakly
developed. Such characterisation work feeds into specific studies including; mine water
inflow estimation, hydrogeological impact assessment, storm water infrastructure design etc.
Establishing a groundwater level monitoring network is easy to implement and monitoring can
begin with immediate effect using existing exploration boreholes in particular, but also levels
in the flooded pit lakes and any local wells and ground source heat pump boreholes that are
not in active use. Monthly, or bi-monthly, monitoring data can be developed with time to
enable seasonal hydrographs to be constructed which will provide important information in
terms of natural groundwater level variation and responses to rainfall events.
The HIA study implies there is surface water/groundwater connection at Glaningen and this
should be explored further and, if necessary, investigated with field studies e.g. lake sediment
sampling, installation of piezometers close to the lake. If there is hydraulic connectivity
between this feature and local groundwater this could have implications for groundwater
inflow rates to the planned underground mine.
Planning of the pre-development dewatering requires more detailed consideration. There are
several factors to take into consideration including:
The Gonäsån River re-routing works should be carried out prior to dewatering as, if not,
the current watercourse effectively represents a recharge source to the flooded
workings and river water will need to be pumped out in addition to the stored water in
the workings.
The open pits and underground workings are connected and therefore the water
volume to be dewatered must take into account the volume of water in the pits.
The current estimate of underground void space is put at 5 Mm . This volume estimate
needs confirming as accurately as possible.
The estimation of groundwater inflow has been based on historic inflow rates. This is a
reasonable basis for prediction but assumes that no fundamental changes in rock mass
characteristics are encountered during future mining. In particular, large, interconnected
fractures or fault zones can have a significant effect in terms of increased groundwater inflow.
In this respect the crush zone feature in The Wedge is potentially significant. Targeted
hydrogeological investigation (see below) is required followed by further analysis, conceptual
model development and construction of a numerical groundwater model to accurately predict
inflows during mine development.
Measurement of groundwater level during drilling (start and end of shifts etc)
Double packer testing across selected intervals of interest i.e. potential flow horizons
associated with fractures/faults
Also, at these and other selected hole locations (both existing and other holes planned in the
2014 geotechnical/resource programme):
Slug testing
The geotechnical investigation into induced fracturing as a result of historic SLC should also
have a hydrogeological component because such processes are important in terms of water
implications for the mining operation.
The design of all storm water infrastructure requires review against design storm events to
ensure these facilities are sized sufficiently. Finally, the project water balance requires review
and updating in accordance with any changes to process water requirements, life of mine
consideration, TSF design etc.
The gaps identified relating to the hydrology and hydrogeology of the Project, which SRK
consider essential to complete in order to ensure that there is adequate detail for the
completion of a robust FS, are summarised in Table ES 1.
11.1 Mining waste and water treatments
11.1.1 Observations
Geochemical assessments consist mainly of metal and nitrogen analysis and related
predictions. Nitrogen assessments include a lot of assumptions and utilisation of data from
another iron mine. Acid rock drainage and metal leaching assessments were based on total
concentrations, ABA tests and a short 7 –week humidity cell test. No significant metal
leaching is expected in the assessments made for environmental permitting
Environmental permit gives a two year trail period for the water quality, with preliminary terms.
The preliminary limits are 1 mg/l of ammonium and100 mg/l solids. Permit requires filing a
measure plan within a month from exceeding the limit values. Trial period lasts two years from
the start of the actual mining.
Barium and cobalt total concentrations in Blötberget tailings exceeded Swedish limits
for less sensitive land-use and cobalt is part of the inert waste classification criteria.
Vanadium was slightly elevated. Therefore further assessments were needed even if
net neutralising potential in the waste is proven be good. Humidity cell tests were done,
but only for a 7 week period. Håksberget and Blötberget tailings (on average) were
interpreted having stabile status after the 7 week period. Result was stated to have
some uncertainties due to the short exposure period. Looking at Blötberget tailings
alone, iron and chrome were still increasingly getting released in the end of 7 week
period. It is not recommended to carry out FS with this uncertainty. Longer humidity cell
exposure time for Blötberget tailings, followed by numeric predictions on water quality
and watercourse is recommended to decrease uncertainty concerning tailings facility
and water treatment design and costs. Based on the current information status this can
be identified a risks of water impacts.
Potential need of improved N-compound removal may be needed during the operation.
This issue is left open in permit handling: measures are required if satisfactory level of
ammonium is not achieved. Sedimentation pools are not generally very effective in
nitrogen compound removal unless N is bound to solids. Nitrification potential is likely to
be limited during the winter season, especially if clearing pond will be ice covered.
Oxygen feed is discussed in reports, but artificial air feed is generally challenging in
pools meant for sedimentation, due to physical disturbance these systems cause to
both sediment and ongoing sedimentation. At this stage freezing probability (from flow
perspective) is though unknown in the clearing pond. Additive nitrogen removal is at
least a risk assessment issue in the FS and may require some supporting studies.
Environmental permitting has taken place quite early in the project and FS is needed to
either confirm the preliminary choices to be technically and economically feasible or
lead to other alternatives. These potential changes could cause reassessment
requirements also form geochemical perspective. These potential reassessments are
listed in the Gap analysis chapter as potential information gaps.
11.2.1 Observations
There are 5 MIFO 1 classifies objects within a potential impact area. MIFO 1 is the Swedish
contaminated soil first stage (preliminary) assessment. SRK understanding is that all these
objects are related to historical mining. All objects are in the lower risk classes at the moment.
Long term humidity cell testing or reassessment of certainty of the results from the
short term humidity cell test;
Consequences from the completion of geology studies, process planning and trial processing:
Potential re-characterisation of mining waste (at least static test and interpretation of
results) and
If any significant changes in the operation plan compared to ESIA stage will take place, it is
possible that complementary impact assessments and mitigation measure design will be
required. An example of potential larger change could be technical alternative evaluation
leading to consideration of dry depositing of tailings, instead of wet tailings. New water quality
predictions and mitigation measures like redesign of water collection and treatment would
then become necessary.
There are no protected objects (like Natura 2000 areas, nature reserves or water protection
areas) in the planned operation area or within immediate range of impact areas. Some higher
nature values have been recognised within the area, which will be disturbed by tailings
storage and clearing facilities. Cultural heritage in the area is primarily related to historical
mining and objects and impacts are recognised in ESIA and permitting processes.
Primary impacted watercourse is Gonäsån, which leads water from Lake Glaningen via
Blötberget området to Lake Väsman.
What comes to area´s land-use planning status, whole Ludvika municipality has a general
plan and certain objects like Lake Glaningen and the Blötberget built mining environment are
mentioned in the plan. What comes to municipality detail plans, mining does not conflict with
current detail plans.
12.2.1 Observations
There is an existing mining concession for both Blötberget and Håksberget projects, as one
permit for the two sites and their shared facilities. Currently only Blötberget mine is planned to
be opened. This change is likely to cause some information updating work.
Environmental permitting has taken place very early in the project, partially based on
relatively preliminary data and assumptions. It is possible, that some earlier
investigations must be updated or completed according to potential new information
coming from FS. These issues are listed in the gap summary as potential information
As ESIA and permitting processes are already carried out, official general framework
for stakeholder engagement is partly and temporarily missing, excluding some special
issues like ownership of potentially impacted wells. It is recommended to continue
informing different interest groups of project´s proceeding also between now and
mining start up. Potential changes due to progress of technical studies in the planned
operations may even require new formal consultations in the future.
Sinking of groundwater level, with impact on wells and geothermal heat wells*;
Leading water to watercourses, especially during the initial dewatering the existing
mine, but also during the operation time dewatering;
Ecological compensations are part of the permit terms due to diversion of Gonäsån. This
issue is already recognised in the EIA and permitting studies. There is an on-going
investigation about compensation measures, which will be finished in the end of the year
The noise impacts of new railroad and loading station are still partly insecure. If noise levels
are not acceptable for housing, relocation of few households is likely to become necessary.
SRK understanding is, that real estate specialists are assessing the real estate values to
create an understanding of the related costs due to NIO request.
Groundwater changes are probably going to cause compensation issues for private well and
geothermal heat well owners (ca 300 potentially impacted wells/heat pumps). Compensation
duty is defined in the permit, but extent of compensation is left open to be recognised when
the actual ground water changes take place. More information of groundwater issues is in the
Hydrogeology chapter of this document.
Court decision of other compensations for land/real estate owners was postponed. to the time
after the primary permit decision. These compensation issues are related to landowner
statements of impacts on real estate values, potential needs of sound walls etc. SRK
understanding is that this new decision has not taken place yet.
Even if environmental information largely exists, detail level needed for permitting does
not necessarily give enough support for project‟s economical assessments within all
topic areas. These additive information needs are most likely appear within
geochemistry and water treatment, but for example air quality and dust issues related
to processing will need more attention, when process planning gets to the final stages.
When final plans are available, can also impact prevention be assessed with better
certainty. If final selected functions do not significantly differ from permitted functions,
quantity of required additive studies is limited and majority of the environmental and
social FS work is just review work.
Emissions to air are calculated according to operating both Blötberget and Håksberget
mines. These calculations must be updated according to current plan to operate just
Noise levels follow general guidelines, but may be critical to processing and railway
loading station. Limit for noise at residential area are for daytime (07.00-18.00) 50 dB,
for night time (22.00-07.00) 40 dB and fir other times 45 dB. Momentarily noise limit is
55 dB. These levels are easily exceeded at and near the loading station. Potential costs
of relocation of some households should be taken to consideration in FS. Assumption is
that ongoing real estate specialist work provided required information to FS.
Special attention should be paid to safety of the mining area and measures related to
any potential stability risks at the ground surface. Community is relatively near to all
planned operations and there is traditionally lot of outdooring activity in the area. Permit
requires some fencing as minimum procedure. Total measures with cost should be
recognised in the FS when more information from geotechnical assessments is
For reliable material impact and risk assessments a final plan for mining and
processing is required. Potential new permitting requirements must be identified as
early as possible and permit process with impact assessments and stakeholder
communication must be initiated. This is obviously needed for avoiding project delays,
but it is also needed for being able to complete FS. In addition, for FS it is essential to
have as developed picture as possible concerning the risks related to permitting.
Closure costs must be reassessed in the FS. This is due to the downscaling the
production since the permitting (including only Blötberget to the plan and leaving
Håksberget out). Naturally the whole cost structure for closure needs to be reviewed as
a standard part of FS , but also all potential new information coming from geochemical
and hydrogeological assessments (gaps mentioned in the report) need to be taken to
consideration. Closure strategy must be reviewed and potentially updated in terms of
latest information.
Any potential new information of the mass balance of till in the end of the mine life
should be taken to consideration in closure cost assessments in form of risk
assessment. If for example majority of overburden resources near tailings area are
likely to be utilised before closure, transportation distance may have significant impact
on unit costs.
Special attention should be paid to area safety and especially for physical maintenance
of the safety after closure.
Downscaling project since environmental permitting is the primary reason for following
reassessment requirements:
Rescaling and reviewing closure costs and potentially updating closure strategy and
New information coming from other disciplines during the FS may cause additive work load
also to the geochemistry segment.
If any significant changes in the operation plan compared to ESIA stage will take place,
it is possible that complementary impact assessments and permitting will be required.
Minor changes are possible within the framework of current permit and some decisions
are even delegated to the monitoring authority. An example of potential larger change
could be technical alternative evaluation leading to consideration of dry depositing of
tailings, instead of wet tailings. A situation like this could potentially require a new court
Completion of process planning and trial processing may require for example
reassessment of mitigation measures concerning air quality impacts.
The references below relate to the main sources of information. The list of documents and
information provided is shown in Appendix A.
Geovista (Jan 2014). Technical Report: Blötberget – Mineral Resource estimate (Draft)
(GVR14002 Blötberget - Mineral resource estimate_revised 140303 draft (2).pdf).
Nordic Iron Ore (February 2013). The Development Case For Nordic Iron Ore (THE
Quinteiro, C., Quinteiro, M., and Hedström, O. (2001). Underground Iron Ore Mining at LKAB,
Sweden. Underground Mining Methods, Engineering Fundamentals and International Case
Studies, Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, Inc., editor Hustrulid and Bullock, pp
The Joint Ore Reserves Committee (2004). Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration
Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves.
Al2O3 Aluminium oxide (Alumina) %
CaO Calcium oxide %
Fe Total Total Iron %
Mn Manganese %
Mo Molybdenum %
P Phosphorous %
S Sulphur %
SiO2 Silicon dioxide (Silica) %
W Tungsten %
JORC JORC Australian Reserves Committee
PEA Preliminary Economic Assessment
FS Feasibility study
PFS Pre-Feasibility study
Mt Million metric tonnes
Ktpa Thousand tonnes per annum
Mtpa Million tonnes per annum
SEK Swedish Kronor
MSEK Million Swedish Kronor
USD US Dollars ($)
MUSD Million US Dollars ($)
% Percentage
ppm Parts per million
m Metres
cm Centimetres
mm Milimetres
bgl Below ground level
m/s Metres per second
l/s Litres per second
Overall Directory
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014
20/05/2014 10:03 <DIR> Building Permits
20/05/2014 10:06 <DIR> Geology
20/05/2014 13:30 <DIR> Geotech
20/05/2014 13:30 <DIR> Hydro
20/05/2014 11:39 <DIR> Mining
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Mining Concession Application 2011
05/06/2014 10:45 <DIR> Processing
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> PEA 2011
20/05/2014 13:32 <DIR> Environmental Permit Application 2013
Building Permits
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Building Permits\Concept
2014 03 18
15/05/2014 13:32 3,238,353 G_Blötberget_Beskrivning_20140318.pdf
15/05/2014 13:32 562,581 G_Blötberget_Plankarta A3_Skala 1_8000_20140318.pdf
15/05/2014 13:32 2,803,662 G_Håksberg_Beskrivning_20140318.pdf
15/05/2014 13:32 491,368 G_Håksberg_Plankarta A3_Skala 1_4000_20140318.pdf
15/05/2014 13:32 2,366,525 G_Iviken_Beskrivning_20140318.pdf
15/05/2014 13:32 192,188 G_Iviken_Plankarta A3_Skala 1_4000_20140318.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Drilling Progress Sheet
20/05/2014 11:48 <DIR> Journal Papers
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Logging
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> MRE 2014
20/05/2014 10:06 <DIR> Reports
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\Drilling
Progress Sheet
30/04/2014 09:19 1,273,344 Blötberget DB work sheet...xls
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\Logging
12/05/2014 14:45 2,309,466
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE 2014
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> BB-2014-04-08
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> bm_bberget
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> flymag
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Infrastructure
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Kalv-hug-min
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Karta
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Local_rock
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Mag_anomaly
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Sat-photo
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Sjökort
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> Terrain_model
20/05/2014 10:00 <DIR> WF_MODEL_05-02-2014
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
16/05/2014 07:26 392,116 assay.xlsx
16/05/2014 07:41 5,148,672 BB-2014-04-08.accdb
08/04/2014 12:52 30,780 BB-2014-04-08.ddb
16/05/2014 07:26 96,109 satmagan.xlsx
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
04/12/2013 15:19 83,229,741 bm_bberget.mdl
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
18/02/2014 10:53 2,894,515 Flygmag 12F-3.jpg
18/02/2014 10:47 451 flygmag_12f-3_99tm.dtm
18/02/2014 10:47 547 flygmag_12f-3_99tm.rgf
18/02/2014 10:47 413 flygmag_12f-3_99tm.str
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
01/02/2013 14:32 237,568 Blötberget.dgn
01/02/2013 14:35 18,874 blötberget.ssi
21/02/2013 14:41 559,661 blötberget.str
19/12/2012 08:26 324,070 fredmundsberg.str
19/12/2012 08:24 76,707 guldkannan.str
07/04/2014 14:24 8,363,100 sammanställning.dtm
07/04/2014 14:24 6,357,584 sammanställning.str
13/09/2013 09:02 443,878 sammanställning_dtm.dwf
13/09/2013 09:07 444,239 sammanställning_dtm_01.dwf
04/06/2014 12:11 <DIR> schakt
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
18/02/2013 15:45 2,576 bs.dtm
18/02/2013 15:37 142,981 BS.dxf
18/02/2013 15:38 18,935 bs.ssi
18/02/2013 15:45 5,764 bs.str
20/12/2012 16:27 20,363 falks schakt.dtm
18/02/2013 15:29 314,016 Falks schakt.dxf
20/12/2012 16:27 18,556 falks_schakt.ssi
18/02/2013 16:04 167,716 Fraenkel.dxf
08/04/2014 08:54 18,254 fraenkel.ssi
08/04/2014 08:54 15,444 fraenkel.str
18/02/2013 15:59 1,362,106 Schakter.dxf
20/02/2013 08:15 35,656 test.dwg
14/01/2013 16:01 749,016 VS.dxf
18/02/2013 15:53 18,880 vs.ssi
18/02/2013 15:53 56,206 vs.str
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
04/06/2014 12:37 0 kalv-hug-geology-hem-mag.str
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
15/02/2013 09:16 88,064 Karta.dgn
08/04/2014 08:16 448 karta.dtm
15/02/2013 09:41 138,940 Karta.dxf
15/02/2013 10:03 539 karta.rgf
15/02/2013 09:21 18,522 karta.ssi
08/04/2014 08:16 351 karta.str
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
22/02/2013 09:08 33,792 rock_local_ixcogzak0g.dgn
11/04/2014 08:44 454 rock_local_ixcogzak0g.dtm
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
18/05/2011 09:21 2,301,752 Mag Blötberget.jpg
17/02/2014 17:33 770 mag blötberget_99tm.rgf
21/03/2013 11:27 35,840 mag_anomaly_tuejyciwdc.dgn
21/03/2013 11:35 446 mag_anomaly_tuejyciwdc.dtm
21/03/2013 11:34 134,877 mag_anomaly_tuejyciwdc.dxf
10/02/2012 11:18 3,058,340 mag_anomaly_tuejyciwdc.jpg
21/03/2013 11:39 567 mag_anomaly_tuejyciwdc.rgf
21/03/2013 11:35 18,522 mag_anomaly_tuejyciwdc.ssi
21/03/2013 11:35 385 mag_anomaly_tuejyciwdc.str
17/02/2014 16:26 4,084 mag_blötberget.dtm
17/02/2014 16:26 2,488 mag_blötberget.str
17/02/2014 17:53 54,597 mag_blötberget_99tm.dtm
17/02/2014 17:53 31,004 mag_blötberget_99tm.str
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
07/04/2014 16:26 445 bb-sat-photo.dtm
07/04/2014 16:36 554 bb-sat-photo.rgf
07/04/2014 16:26 354 bb-sat-photo.str
07/04/2014 15:35 11,905,019 BB-Sat.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
24/08/2012 07:51 455 sjökort.dtm
24/08/2012 07:23 4,558,901 SJ™KORT.jpg
14/09/2012 11:14 556 sjökort.rgf
04/06/2014 12:37 485 sjökort.str
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
07/04/2014 17:56 176,646 terrängmodell_gruvans system.DAT
21/02/2013 15:12 1,699,414 terrängmodell_gruvans system.dtm
07/04/2014 17:55 6,857,907 terrängmodell_gruvans system.dxf
09/04/2014 16:50 1,699,414 terrängmodell_gruvans_system.dtm
09/04/2014 16:50 1,055,136 terrängmodell_gruvans_system.str
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\MRE
05/02/2014 15:32 140,058 wf_flygruvan.dtm
05/02/2014 15:32 70,056 wf_flygruvan.str
05/02/2014 15:30 1,696,455 wf_hugget.dtm
05/02/2014 15:30 720,771 wf_hugget.str
05/02/2014 15:30 200,803 wf_kalvgruvan.dtm
05/02/2014 15:30 101,391 wf_kalvgruvan.str
18/02/2014 14:15 23,385 wf_sandell.dtm
18/02/2014 14:15 13,720 wf_sandell.str
10/04/2014 10:26 54,601 wf_the_wedge_fly.dtm
10/04/2014 10:26 30,451 wf_the_wedge_fly.str
10/04/2014 10:26 30,556 wf_the_wedge_kalv.dtm
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geology\Reports
07/03/2013 15:30 6,699,547 Geological Logging of archive cores Feb 2013.pdf
15/02/2013 11:26 3,055,330 GVPM13001.docx
31/01/2013 16:55 1,725,034 GVR11046_Blotb-Haksb_MRV.pdf
02/04/2014 12:00 4,315,248 GVR14002 Blötberget - Mineral resource estimate_revised 140303 draft (2).pdf
05/12/2013 13:51 2,450,875 SE440_Ludvika_ITR_Followup_Memo_v02.docx
05/12/2013 13:50 1,071,519 SE440_Ludvika_ITR_Followup_Memo_v02.pdf
27/03/2013 11:49 12,717,968 SE440_Ludvika_Review_FINAL.docx
27/03/2013 11:40 16,693,319 SE440_Ludvika_Review_FINAL.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geotech\Petroteam Report 17-
26/05/2013 19:23 24,723 345-20 Delrapport 2 BL CH (ENG TRANS).docx
23/04/2013 08:13 1,681,735 345-20 Delrapport 2 BL CH.docx
26/05/2013 19:24 20,553 345-20 Delrapport 3 BL CH (ENG TRANS).docx
23/04/2013 08:13 2,483,800 345-20 Delrapport 3 BL CH.docx
23/04/2013 08:13 1,435,781 Bilaga 1, Qbas v„rden f”r Bl”tberget.docx
19/06/2014 13:52 <DIR> Bl”tberget
19/06/2014 13:58 0 geotech.txt
19/06/2014 13:54 <DIR> V„sman
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geotech\Petroteam
Report 17-04-13\Bl”tberget
19/06/2014 13:51 <DIR> BB12011
19/06/2014 13:51 <DIR> BB12012
19/06/2014 13:52 <DIR> BB12013
19/06/2014 13:52 <DIR> Input files
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geotech\Petroteam
Report 17-04-13\Bl”tberget\BB12011
03/04/2013 08:55 86,181 BB12011 1-3.pdf
03/04/2013 08:55 87,227 BB12011 2-3.pdf
03/04/2013 08:55 82,051 BB12011 3-3.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geotech\Petroteam
Report 17-04-13\Bl”tberget\BB12012
03/04/2013 09:00 85,305 BB12012 1-6.pdf
03/04/2013 09:00 85,007 BB12012 2-6.pdf
03/04/2013 09:01 84,107 BB12012 3-6.pdf
10/04/2013 10:00 79,973 BB12012 4-6.pdf
03/04/2013 09:01 85,145 BB12012 5-6.pdf
03/04/2013 09:01 83,659 BB12012 6-6.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geotech\Petroteam
Report 17-04-13\Bl”tberget\BB12013
02/04/2013 08:49 393,827 BB12013 1-16.pdf
02/04/2013 08:59 440,425 BB12013 10-16.pdf
02/04/2013 09:00 397,854 BB12013 11-16.pdf
02/04/2013 09:00 285,914 BB12013 12-16.pdf
02/04/2013 09:00 400,876 BB12013 13-16.pdf
02/04/2013 09:00 329,136 BB12013 14-16.pdf
02/04/2013 09:01 294,211 BB12013 15-16.pdf
02/04/2013 09:01 276,505 BB12013 16-16.pdf
02/04/2013 08:50 311,625 BB12013 2-16.pdf
02/04/2013 08:51 225,791 BB12013 3-16.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Geotech\Petroteam
Report 17-04-13\Bl”tberget\Input files
10/04/2013 13:34 78,336 345-10.Input.BB 12011 NIO.xls
10/04/2013 13:33 118,272 345-10.Input.BB 12012 NIO.xls
10/04/2013 13:33 303,616 345-10.Input.BB 12013 NIO.xls
Hydrology / Hydrogeology
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Hydro
15/05/2014 12:17 19,376,063 (Utskriven) Bilaga 9 PM hydrologisk konsekvensbeskrivning.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 1,550,811 (Utskriven) Bilaga A_(Utskriven).pdf
15/05/2014 13:07 21,322,392 (Utskriven) MKB Ludvika gruvor 120625_slutgiltig.pdf
15/05/2014 15:41 2,337,569 (Utskriven) PM Hydrogeologi.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 7,080,930 A1_R51-P001.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 7,217,653 A2_R51-P002.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 709,585 A3_R51-S001.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 713,800 A4_R51-S002.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 171,301 A5_R51-P003.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 18,064,794 Bilaga 4 (Utskriven).pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 1,688,865 Bilaga 5.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 1,586,049 Bilaga 8 brunnsinventering.pdf
16/05/2014 07:45 1,834,054 Bilaga 8.pdf
13/05/2014 22:08 1,965,240 deldom_M_3812-12.pdf
20/05/2014 13:30 <DIR> Vattenf”rlustm„tningar
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining
16/05/2014 09:29 297,362 20130124_Blotberget Production Statistics.pdf
20/05/2014 11:43 <DIR> ALLA presentationer
20/05/2014 11:43 <DIR> Blötberget
20/05/2014 10:05 64,512 FW Feed to process plant - Blotberget.msg
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> Hoisting Study
20/05/2014 11:31 <DIR> kapacitetstak
04/06/2014 11:43 <DIR> presentationen
21/01/2013 15:14 5,590,049 u4561_GM CPR_FINAL.docx
21/01/2013 15:11 2,107,975 u4561_GM CPR_FINAL.pdf
20/05/2014 11:38 <DIR> Uppdatering brytningsplanering
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\ALLA
14/05/2012 07:25 7,715,122 Atlas möte _1.pptx
14/05/2012 07:36 14,078,464 Atlas möte_2.ppt
18/08/2010 15:04 13,136,384 foton Blötbergsgruvan.ppt
28/01/2011 07:42 1,874,432 Foton Gonäsån 1996 Mtlu.ppt
23/08/2010 16:10 12,154,880 Gruvan Blötberget.ppt
14/05/2012 07:23 6,930,944 Gruvan Blötberget_1.ppt
14/05/2012 07:25 839,680 Gruvan Blötberget_2.ppt
18/11/2012 13:01 12,960,768 Gruvan och vent.ppt
30/06/2011 10:46 5,877,674 Ludvika Gruvor bergteknik 2011-06-30.pptx
10/08/2011 16:04 59,539 Möte 12 augusti.pptx
30/01/2013 10:00 7,711,776 Orica träff _1.pptx
15/01/2012 17:07 36,332,032 PEA_Presentation_2012-01-16.ppt
30/01/2013 10:02 35,692,544 PEA_Presentation_2012-01-16_utan.ppt
02/05/2012 14:48 46,971 Planeringsfrågor_jan2012.pptx
19/09/2012 12:37 15,804,668 Provbrytning Kompanigr mm.pptx
15/06/2011 17:36 19,473,408 Påverkans områden_20110607.ppt
13/10/2011 12:45 195,725 Tunnel under Väsman.pptx
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Blötberget
12/02/2013 21:55 9,939,852 Blötberget med pusselbiten.jpg
31/01/2013 14:26 81,951 Blötberget rest.jpg
31/01/2013 14:34 141,166 Blötberget rest2.jpg
12/02/2013 21:17 1,458,780 Malmbrytning utan text.jpg
12/02/2013 21:25 301,219 Malmbrytning-liten.jpg
12/02/2013 21:24 1,591,058 Malmbrytning.jpg
12/02/2013 17:18 1,963,596 Ny tillredning.jpg
12/02/2013 21:42 5,729,412 Ny tillredning4.jpg
12/02/2013 21:46 6,187,262 Ramp (2).jpg
11/02/2013 20:36 2,099,741 Ramp Guldkannan.jpg
12/02/2013 21:30 2,551,035 Tillredning äldre.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> 1. General Description
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> 2. Summary
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> 3. Alt 1 Investm., Operation costs
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> 4. Alt 2 investm., operation costs
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> 5. Alt 3 investm., operation costs
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> 6. Common documentation
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> 7. Different type of trucks
15/01/2013 07:56 10,171 Front Page Oct 2012.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 9,978 Table of Contents.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\1. General Description
15/01/2013 07:56 13,013 General Description and Basic Data.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\2. Summary
15/01/2013 07:56 10,364 Summary.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\3. Alt 1 Investm., Operation costs
15/01/2013 07:56 13,899 ALT 1 Description.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\3. Alt 1 Investm., Operation costs\Drawings
15/01/2013 07:56 125,124 201209-100 SHAFT.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 262,744 201209-101 SHAFT SKIP.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 124,894 201209-102 SHAFT HOIST.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 150,321 201209-105 SHAFT SECTION.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\4. Alt 2 investm., operation costs
15/01/2013 07:56 11,508 ALT 2 Description.pdf
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> Drawings
15/01/2013 07:56 10,748 Investm, Operation costs Alt 2.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\4. Alt 2 investm., operation costs\Drawings
15/01/2013 07:56 72,476 201209-200 CONVEYOR.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 82,936 201209-210 CONV.SECTION.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 170,526 201209-230 CRUSHING.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\5. Alt 3 investm., operation costs
15/01/2013 07:56 27,363 ALT 3 Description.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 7,510,277 Different types of Trucks.docx
20/05/2014 11:28 <DIR> Drawings
15/01/2013 07:56 10,996 Investm, Operation costs Alt 3a.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 11,077 Investm, Operation costs Alt 3b.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\5. Alt 3 investm., operation costs\Drawings
15/01/2013 07:56 78,718 201209-300 TRUCK.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 150,379 201209-310 TRUCK CRUSHING.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\6. Common documentation
15/01/2013 07:56 34,703 201209-110 RAMP SECTION.pdf
15/01/2013 07:56 76,611 201209-120 CONV.SECTION.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Hoisting
Study\7. Different type of trucks
15/01/2013 07:56 15,575 Different type of trucks.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
20/05/2014 11:36 <DIR> Blötberget
27/02/2013 08:58 283,590 Blötberget_Håksberg.jpg
28/01/2013 19:24 1,667,528 Flygruvan.jpg
19/02/2013 09:00 486,293 Guldkannan topp.JPG
19/02/2013 09:03 509,746 Guldkannan.JPG
28/01/2013 19:24 1,143,952 Kalv och Flygruvan 2.jpg
28/01/2013 19:12 1,404,820 Kalvgruvan.jpg
12/02/2013 21:17 1,458,780 Malmbrytning utan text.jpg
12/02/2013 21:25 301,219 Malmbrytning-liten.jpg
12/02/2013 21:24 1,591,058 Malmbrytning.jpg
25/01/2013 13:57 16,773 Nordic_Iron_Ore.png
12/02/2013 17:18 1,963,596 Ny tillredning.jpg
12/02/2013 21:46 6,187,262 Ramp (2).jpg
27/02/2013 09:50 918,924 Ramp 3.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
14/01/2013 13:30 947,544 1.jpg
10/01/2013 16:18 1,248,782 10.jpg
10/01/2013 16:19 1,143,958 11.jpg
14/01/2013 13:26 1,099,514 12.jpg
14/01/2013 13:27 1,140,382 13.jpg
14/01/2013 16:47 1,033,549 14.jpg
14/01/2013 16:48 935,191 15.jpg
14/01/2013 16:49 923,267 16.jpg
21/01/2013 11:07 1,509,813 17.jpg
14/01/2013 13:31 940,533 2.jpg
10/01/2013 16:11 884,255 3.jpg
10/01/2013 16:12 1,009,730 4.jpg
10/01/2013 16:13 927,052 5.jpg
14/01/2013 13:38 953,415 6.jpg
14/01/2013 13:39 902,831 7.jpg
10/01/2013 16:17 1,009,095 8.jpg
10/01/2013 16:18 970,376 9.jpg
12/02/2013 21:55 9,939,852 Blötberget med pusselbiten.jpg
14/01/2013 19:50 489,261 Blötberget old.jpg
31/01/2013 14:26 81,951 Blötberget rest.jpg
31/01/2013 14:34 141,166 Blötberget rest2.jpg
21/01/2013 19:13 9,787,421 Blötberget stor.jpg
14/02/2013 18:57 9,808,560 Blötberget.jpg
14/01/2013 13:36 1,054,254 Kalv och Flygruvan.jpg
14/02/2013 16:37 215,699 Laven.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Bilder\Tidiga tonage
03/02/2013 18:35 584,287 Figur 10.jpg
03/02/2013 18:45 753,604 Figur 11.jpg
03/02/2013 17:51 1,029,634 Figur 6.jpg
03/02/2013 18:04 1,096,554 Figur 7.jpg
03/02/2013 18:21 992,475 Figur 8.jpg
03/02/2013 18:28 578,584 Figur 9-2.jpg
03/02/2013 18:28 582,384 Figur 9.jpg
05/02/2013 20:47 1,224,292 G005.jpg
05/02/2013 20:14 686,576 G6-01.jpg
03/02/2013 12:18 223,281 restmalm.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Bilder\Tillredning Hugget
26/02/2013 15:40 580,227 Tillredning Hugget 1.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Bilder\Tillredning Kalv Fly
27/02/2013 08:30 1,145,532 Tillredning Kalv 2.jpg
27/02/2013 08:35 928,591 Tillredning Kalv 3.jpg
27/02/2013 08:27 1,006,848 Tillredning Kalv.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Bilder\Tillredning Sandell
26/02/2013 19:55 1,821,388 Tillredning Sandell.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Bilder och skisser tillredning och brytning
20/05/2014 11:37 <DIR> Blötberget
04/03/2013 15:09 23,218 Tillredning Hugget 360.pdf
04/03/2013 17:29 22,420 Tillredning Kalv_Fly 420.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Bilder och skisser tillredning och brytning\Blötberget
12/02/2013 21:55 9,939,852 Blötberget med pusselbiten.jpg
31/01/2013 14:26 81,951 Blötberget rest.jpg
31/01/2013 14:34 141,166 Blötberget rest2.jpg
20/03/2013 13:56 107,520 Jag ringer....msg
12/02/2013 21:17 1,458,780 Malmbrytning utan text.jpg
12/02/2013 21:25 301,219 Malmbrytning-liten.jpg
12/02/2013 21:24 1,591,058 Malmbrytning.jpg
12/02/2013 17:18 1,963,596 Ny tillredning.jpg
12/02/2013 21:42 5,729,412 Ny tillredning4.jpg
12/02/2013 21:46 6,187,262 Ramp (2).jpg
11/02/2013 20:36 2,099,741 Ramp Guldkannan.jpg
15/02/2013 14:09 697,666 Sammanställning.jpg
12/02/2013 21:30 2,551,035 Tillredning äldre.jpg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
13/03/2013 10:55 639,581 001.pdf
21/03/2013 12:45 1,382,376 002.pdf
13/03/2013 10:58 496,418 003.pdf
21/03/2013 12:46 963,505 004.pdf
21/03/2013 12:47 373,450 005.pdf
20/03/2013 14:43 188,914 006.pdf
13/03/2013 10:17 162,661 007.pdf
13/03/2013 11:26 386,689 008.pdf
20/03/2013 14:42 150,451 009.pdf
20/03/2013 14:44 163,403 010.pdf
21/03/2013 12:48 416,968 011.pdf
20/03/2013 14:50 125,295 012.pdf
20/03/2013 14:50 124,476 013.pdf
20/03/2013 15:33 172,513 014.pdf
20/03/2013 16:08 176,224 015.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Levererat mars 2013
13/03/2013 10:55 639,581 001.pdf
21/03/2013 12:45 1,382,376 002.pdf
13/03/2013 10:58 496,418 003.pdf
21/03/2013 12:46 963,505 004.pdf
21/03/2013 12:47 373,450 005.pdf
20/03/2013 14:43 188,914 006.pdf
13/03/2013 10:17 162,661 007.pdf
13/03/2013 11:26 386,689 008.pdf
20/03/2013 14:42 150,451 009.pdf
20/03/2013 14:44 163,403 010.pdf
21/03/2013 12:48 416,968 011.pdf
20/03/2013 14:50 125,295 012.pdf
20/03/2013 14:50 124,476 013.pdf
20/03/2013 15:33 172,513 014.pdf
20/03/2013 16:08 176,224 015.pdf
20/03/2013 17:01 137,648 016.pdf
20/03/2013 17:49 138,707 017.pdf
21/03/2013 10:23 185,650 018.pdf
21/03/2013 11:59 183,788 019.pdf
22/03/2013 12:11 6,701,568 Ritningar Blötberget.msg
22/03/2013 13:07 1,772,544 Tillredningsplan Blötberget_20130322A.doc
09/12/2013 12:01 752,522 Tillredningsplan Blötberget_20130322A.pdf
22/03/2013 13:02 866,304 Tillredningsplan Håksberg_20130322A.doc
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\Uppdatering
brytningsplanering\Ritningar Blötberget
13/03/2013 10:55 639,581 001.pdf
13/03/2013 11:02 1,369,743 002.pdf
13/03/2013 10:58 496,418 003.pdf
13/03/2013 10:59 843,125 004.pdf
13/03/2013 11:00 342,721 005.pdf
13/03/2013 10:14 189,442 006.pdf
13/03/2013 10:17 162,661 007.pdf
13/03/2013 11:26 386,689 008.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining\vent dec
14/12/2012 13:49 159,744 FK Flödesschema Håksberg.msg
13/12/2012 16:38 6,843 Från Per-Erik_Bergarbeten för ventilation - Blötberget.pdf
06/07/2010 16:13 1,120,388 GAK Ventilation Blötbeget.jpg
03/12/2012 16:48 71,680 Håksberg - flödesberäkning.msg
14/12/2012 13:40 112,392 Håksberg_Flödesschema FL121214.pdf
07/01/2013 11:33 1,077,092 Ludvika gruvor - ™versyn gruvventilation 121217.pdf
07/12/2012 14:49 495,539 PEA App. 4_Attachment 4 Flowsheet Blötberget.pdf
14/12/2012 14:22 24,064 Ramböll_Cost Calculation ventilation 20121214 .xlsx.msg
07/01/2013 10:57 1,466,081 Schemaskiss_blötberget.pdf
14/12/2012 15:29 500,834 Ventilation Blötberget.pdf
14/12/2012 15:29 500,834 Ventilation Blötberget_2.pdf
03/12/2012 16:06 16,026 ventilation utbyggnad.xlsx
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 1_Geology and Resources
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 3_Metallurgical testwork and Process Plant
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 4_Tailings Management
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 5_Site Services and Infrastructure
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 6_Transportation Logistics
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 7_Water
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\1_Geology and Resources
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Early tonnage
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Surface mapping
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\1_Geology and Resources\Early tonnage
16/05/2014 07:27 473,088 bb_drillholes.dgn
16/05/2014 07:27 531,456 Blötbergets borrhål i design fil.msg
16/05/2014 07:27 1,446,682 Malmbevisning tidiga ton Håksberg.pdf
16/05/2014 07:27 1,162,737 Malmbevisning tidiga ton_Blötberget.pdf
16/05/2014 07:27 105,075 Utbyggnad varianter.xlsx
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\1_Geology and Resources\Surface mapping
16/05/2014 07:27 507,216 Fältanteckningar blötberget.pdf
16/05/2014 07:27 712,934 Förstudie för provbrytning- Håksberg.pdf
16/05/2014 07:27 1,111,832 Förstudie för provbrytning-Blötberget.pdf
16/05/2014 07:27 9,067,537 Hällkartering vid Våghalsen, Finnäset och Iviken_med bilagor_20111214.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 1,117,104 Inventering av hematitmalm.pdf
16/05/2014 07:27 43,733 Provtagningsprotokoll.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> BoQ
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Hoisting Study
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Updated Mining Plan
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> vent dec 2012
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\BoQ
16/05/2014 07:28 44,892 Alt 1 AA.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 114 Alt 1
16/05/2014 07:28 172,419 Alt 1.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 111 Alt
16/05/2014 07:28 38,372 Alt 2 BB.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 114 Alt 2
16/05/2014 07:28 99,010 Alt 2.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 111 Alt
16/05/2014 07:28 32,159 Blötberget - Kostnadssammanställning FK121213.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 151 Blötberget - Kostnadssammanställning
16/05/2014 07:28 93,696 Kostnader - Blötberget.msg
16/05/2014 07:28 128 Kostnader - Blö
16/05/2014 07:28 11,699 Kostnadssammaställning - differens mot tidigare PM.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 156 Kostnadssammaställning - differens mot tidigare
16/05/2014 07:28 55,296 NCC cost estimate Nordic Iron Ore 110922.xls
16/05/2014 07:28 146 NCC cost estimate Nordic Iron Ore
16/05/2014 07:28 61,952 Ny redovisning av kostnadsdifferens.msg
16/05/2014 07:28 141 Ny redovisning av
16/05/2014 07:28 29,709 Ramböll_Cost Calculation ventilation 20121214 .xlsx
16/05/2014 07:28 153 Ramböll_Cost Calculation ventilation 20121214
16/05/2014 07:28 70,656 Update development Nordic Iron Ore 130306.xls
16/05/2014 07:28 148 Update development Nordic Iron Ore
16/05/2014 07:28 67,584 Update development estimate Nordic Iron Ore 130118.xls
16/05/2014 07:28 156 Update development estimate Nordic Iron Ore
16/05/2014 07:28 67,584 Update development estimate Nordic Iron Ore 130121.xls
16/05/2014 07:28 156 Update development estimate Nordic Iron Ore
16/05/2014 07:28 68,608 Update development estimate Nordic Iron Ore 130227.xls
16/05/2014 07:28 156 Update development estimate Nordic Iron Ore
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 1. General Description
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 2. Summary
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 3. Alt 1 Investm., Operation costs
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 4. Alt 2 investm., operation costs
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 5. Alt 3 investm., operation costs
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 6. Common documentation
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> 7. Different type of trucks
16/05/2014 07:28 10,171 Front Page Oct 2012.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 9,978 Table of Contents.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\1. General
16/05/2014 07:28 13,013 General Description and Basic Data.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\2. Summary
16/05/2014 07:28 10,364 Summary.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\3. Alt 1
Investm., Operation costs
16/05/2014 07:28 13,899 ALT 1 Description.pdf
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Drawings
16/05/2014 07:28 10,901 Investm, Operation costs Alt 1.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\3. Alt 1
Investm., Operation costs\Drawings
16/05/2014 07:28 125,124 201209-100 SHAFT.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 262,744 201209-101 SHAFT SKIP.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 124,894 201209-102 SHAFT HOIST.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 150,321 201209-105 SHAFT SECTION.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\4. Alt 2
investm., operation costs
16/05/2014 07:28 11,508 ALT 2 Description.pdf
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Drawings
16/05/2014 07:28 10,748 Investm, Operation costs Alt 2.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\4. Alt 2
investm., operation costs\Drawings
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\5. Alt 3
investm., operation costs
16/05/2014 07:28 27,363 ALT 3 Description.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 7,510,277 Different types of Trucks.docx
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> Drawings
16/05/2014 07:28 10,996 Investm, Operation costs Alt 3a.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 11,077 Investm, Operation costs Alt 3b.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\5. Alt 3
investm., operation costs\Drawings
16/05/2014 07:28 78,718 201209-300 TRUCK.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 150,379 201209-310 TRUCK CRUSHING.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\6. Common
16/05/2014 07:28 34,703 201209-110 RAMP SECTION.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 76,611 201209-120 CONV.SECTION.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Hoisting Study\7. Different
type of trucks
16/05/2014 07:28 15,575 Different type of trucks.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\Updated Mining Plan
16/05/2014 07:28 639,581 001.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 1,382,376 002.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 496,418 003.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 963,505 004.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 373,450 005.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 188,914 006.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 162,661 007.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 386,689 008.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 150,451 009.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 163,403 010.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 416,968 011.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 125,295 012.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 124,476 013.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 172,513 014.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 176,224 015.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 137,648 016.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 138,707 017.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 185,650 018.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 183,788 019.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 6,701,568 Ritningar Blötberget.msg
16/05/2014 07:28 1,772,544 Tillredningsplan Blötberget_20130322A.doc
16/05/2014 07:28 752,522 Tillredningsplan Blötberget_20130322A.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 866,304 Tillredningsplan Håksberg_20130322A.doc
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\2_Mine Development, mining engineering and mine planning\vent dec 2012
16/05/2014 07:28 159,744 FK Flödesschema Håksberg.msg
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\5_Site Services and Infrastructure\Electrical power
16/05/2014 07:28 46,342 Blötberget Kraftförsörjning E62001.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 15,828 El utbyggnad Blötberget.docx
16/05/2014 07:28 19,247 El utbyggnad Blötberget_2.docx
16/05/2014 07:28 46,450 Håksberg Kraftförsörjning E62002.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 24,745 Motor List Concentrator B+H.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 12,483 Motor List Prim Crush, Hoisting Blötberget.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 15,049 Motor List Prim Crush, Hoisting Håksberg.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 17,213 Motor lists Vent, Dust, Heat.pdf
20/05/2014 10:04 <DIR> möte 2
16/05/2014 07:28 387,448 Möte_VBkraft_1.docx
16/05/2014 07:28 999,293 Möte_VBkraft_2.docx
16/05/2014 07:28 123,495 Möte_VBkraft_2.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 3,382,784 Några filer som jag bläddrade i vid dagens mötePE.msg
16/05/2014 07:28 58,078 PEA Appendix 12.2.1 Machine List Blötberget.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 124,799 PEA Appendix 12b Dewatering the mines.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 913,066 PEA Appendix 9 Power Supply.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 95,159 PEA Appendix 9.1 Blötberget Cost Calculation Electric power.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 109,631 PEA Appendix 9.2 Håksberg Cost Calculation Electric power.pdf
16/05/2014 07:28 2,847,879 PPT Hans, Anläggningsplan.pptx
16/05/2014 07:28 1,772,542 T0201_ENG - Copy.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Mining Concession
Application 2011\5_Site Services and Infrastructure\Electrical power\möte 2
16/05/2014 07:28 2,246,529 IMG_1755.JPG
16/05/2014 07:28 114
PEA 2011
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 1
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 10
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 11
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 12
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 13
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 14
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 2
22/05/2014 18:35 <DIR> Appendix 3
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 4
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 5
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 6
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 7
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 8
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> Appendix 9
11/01/2012 18:31 317,952 CD-omslag.doc
11/01/2012 18:24 745
11/01/2012 09:32 112
11/01/2012 10:01 2,035,432 PEA_rev_januari_2012_3_Final.pdf
11/01/2012 07:58 133
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
31/08/2011 14:11 70,008 Blötberget Kommunikation E71001.pdf
01/09/2011 14:14 137 Blötberget Kommunikation
11/01/2012 09:32 107
31/08/2011 14:13 58,487 Håksberg Kommunikation E71003.pdf
01/09/2011 14:14 135 Håksberg Kommunikation
31/08/2011 14:12 53,442 Iviken Kommunikation E71002.pdf
01/09/2011 14:14 133 Iviken Kommunikation
24/11/2011 14:04 23,056 PEA App. 10.1_Blötberget Cost Calculation Communication.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 160 PEA App. 10.1_Blötberget Cost Calculation
24/11/2011 14:24 23,055 PEA App. 10.2_Håksberg Cost Calculation Communication.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 158 PEA App. 10.2_Håksberg Cost Calculation
24/11/2011 11:26 933,131 PEA Appendix 10 Communication.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 134 PEA Appendix 10
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:32 107
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> PEA App. 11_Att. 2_Drawings
25/11/2011 18:39 88,676 PEA App. 11_Att.1_Drawing List.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11\PEA App. 11_Att. 2_Drawings
19/10/2011 14:16 45,221 A-40 3-1021.pdf
19/10/2011 14:17 756 A-40
08/09/2011 16:14 137,362 A-40.1-1001.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:15 164,152 A-40.1-101.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:08 141,907 A-40.1-1101.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:16 112,023 A-40.1-1201.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:10 164,338 A-40.1-1301.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:12 57,401 A-40.1-1401.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:12 60,559 A-40.1-1501.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:18 98,820 A-40.1-201.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:07 106,308 A-40.1-301.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:13 106,470 A-40.1-401.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:19 620,048 A-40.1-501.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:20 132,404 A-40.1-502.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:09 140,722 A-40.1-601.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:17 107,254 A-40.1-701.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:11 163,884 A-40.1-801.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:12 64,469 A-40.1-901.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
19/10/2011 14:16 51,293 A-40.2-1011.pdf
19/10/2011 14:18 757
08/09/2011 16:15 61,113 A-40.2-111.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:08 102,725 A-40.2-1111.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 17:58 102,662 A-40.2-1211.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:10 152,488 A-40.2-1311.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 117
08/09/2011 16:18 109,045 A-40.2-211.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:07 130,135 A-40.2-311.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:13 130,134 A-40.2-411.pdf
12/09/2011 10:17 116
08/09/2011 16:20 183,974 A-40.2-511.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
12\PEA App. 12_Attachments
19/09/2011 07:23 407,114 130_1.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:21 399,819 130_2.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:18 58,685 130_3.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:25 70,676 130_4.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:24 427,473 160_1.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:17 71,711 160_2.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:32 430,325 200_1.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:33 394,843 200_11.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 111
19/09/2011 07:28 402,334 200_13.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 111
19/09/2011 07:29 81,058 200_2.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
19/09/2011 07:27 413,535 200_3.pdf
27/11/2011 08:40 110
11/01/2012 09:32 119
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:33 107
11/01/2012 09:25 619,928 PEA Attachment 13 Nordic Iron ore Market Study ver 2011 12 22.pdf
11/01/2012 09:26 166 PEA Attachment 13 Nordic Iron ore Market Study ver 2011 12
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:33 107
11/01/2012 09:29 330,916 PEA_Appendix_14_Base_case_final.pdf
11/01/2012 09:31 768
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:33 106
23/11/2011 18:52 2,553,117 PEA Appendix 2 GVR11046 Blötberget and Håksberg mineral resource
25/11/2011 13:38 867 PEA Appendix 2 GVR11046 Blötberget and Håksberg mineral resource
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:33 106
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> PEA App. 3_Attachment 0 (in swedish)
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> PEA App. 3_Attachment 1 (in swedish)
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> PEA App. 3_Attachment 2 (in swedish)
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> PEA App. 3_Attachment 3 (in swedish)
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> PEA App. 3_Attachment 4 (in swedish)
22/05/2014 15:49 <DIR> PEA App. 3_Attachment 5 (in swedish)
01/12/2011 15:35 878,081 PEA Appendix 3_Mining.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 146 PEA Appendix
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
3\PEA App. 3_Attachment 0 (in swedish)
01/12/2011 14:29 931,385 Att 0_LIST OF DRAWINGS MINING.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 134 Att 0_LIST OF DRAWINGS
03/10/2011 14:12 194,389 Att 0_M-2 PFS Present Mine 3D from HW.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 142 Att 0_M-2 PFS Present Mine 3D from
03/10/2011 14:10 406,898 Att 0_M-3 PFS Present Mine 3D from FW.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 142 Att 0_M-3 PFS Present Mine 3D from
03/10/2011 14:08 396,013 Att 0_M-5 PFS Cross section.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 132 Att 0_M-5 PFS Cross
21/10/2011 13:54 473,459 Att 0_M-7 Håk Present Mine 3D-North.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 140 Att 0_M-7 Håk Present Mine
21/10/2011 13:54 727,132 Att 0_M-8 Håk Present Mine 3D-Middle.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 141 Att 0_M-8 Håk Present Mine
21/10/2011 13:55 825,947 Att 0_M-9 Håk Present Mine 3D-South.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 140 Att 0_M-9 Håk Present Mine
03/10/2011 08:17 2,326,355 Att 0_M1 PFS.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 117 Att 0_M1
03/10/2011 08:12 165,561 Att 0_M10_PFS.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 118 Att
03/10/2011 08:18 173,647 Att 0_M11_PFS.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 118 Att
03/10/2011 08:13 1,749,745 Att 0_M4_PFS.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 117 Att
03/10/2011 08:15 108,123 Att 0_M6_PFS.pdf
27/11/2011 08:37 117 Att
11/01/2012 09:33 132
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
3\PEA App. 3_Attachment 1 (in swedish)
01/12/2011 14:30 1,794,043 Att. 1.2_Bilaga 1-2 Kartering bergslänter Iviken.pdf
27/11/2011 08:38 153 Att. 1.2_Bilaga 1-2 Kartering bergslänter
01/12/2011 14:31 1,875,548 Att. 1.3_Bilaga 1-3 Kartering bergslänter Blötberget och Håksberg.pdf
27/11/2011 08:38 170 Att. 1.3_Bilaga 1-3 Kartering bergslänter Blötberget och Hå
01/12/2011 14:33 1,112,399 Att. 1_Rapport 1 - Basdata Bergmekanik.pdf
27/11/2011 08:38 143 Att. 1_Rapport 1 - Basdata
11/01/2012 09:33 132
10/01/2012 10:26 800,621 PEA App 3 attach 1-1 Kärnkartering.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
3\PEA App. 3_Attachment 2 (in swedish)
01/12/2011 14:36 1,202,913 Att. 2_Rapport 2 - Brytningsmetoder.pdf
27/11/2011 08:38 140 Att. 2_Rapport 2 -
11/01/2012 09:33 132
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
3\PEA App. 3_Attachment 3 (in swedish)
01/12/2011 14:38 1,437,479 Att. 3_Rapport 3 - Val av brytningsmetoder.pdf
27/11/2011 08:38 147 Att. 3_Rapport 3 - Val av
11/01/2012 09:33 132
10/01/2012 10:20 441,335 PEA App3 Attach 3-1 Mathews stabilitetsmetod för Blötberget.pdf
11/01/2012 08:34 164 PEA App3 Attach 3-1 Mathews stabilitetsmetod för Blö
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
3\PEA App. 3_Attachment 4 (in swedish)
01/12/2011 14:58 2,043,468 Att. 4.1_Bilaga 4-1 Bedömning rasvinkel Iviken.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 170 Att. 4.1_Bilaga 4-1 Bedömning rasvinkel
01/12/2011 14:59 2,041,661 Att. 4.2_Bilaga 4-2 Bedömning rasvinkel Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 172 Att. 4.2_Bilaga 4-2 Bedömning rasvinkel Hå
01/12/2011 14:59 2,777,174 Att. 4.3_Bilaga 4-3 Bedömning rasvinkel Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 175 Att. 4.3_Bilaga 4-3 Bedömning rasvinkel Blö
01/12/2011 15:00 1,150,118 Att. 4.4_Bilaga 4-4 Utfraktskapacitet i Blötberget och Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 188 Att. 4.4_Bilaga 4-4 Utfraktskapacitet i Blötberget och Hå
01/12/2011 15:04 2,299,661 Att. 4.5_Bilaga 4-5 Ventilation i Blötberget och Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 181 Att. 4.5_Bilaga 4-5 Ventilation i Blötberget och Hå
02/12/2011 11:54 2,025,415 Att. 4.6.1_Bilaga 4-6 Early tonnage Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:55 826 Att. 4.6.1_Bilaga 4-6 Early tonnage Blö
02/12/2011 11:55 2,292,150 Att. 4.6.2_Bilaga 4-6 Early tonnage Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:55 821 Att. 4.6.2_Bilaga 4-6 Early tonnage Hå
02/12/2011 11:52 540,203 Att. 4.7_Bilaga 4-7 Explosives consumption_eng.pdf
02/12/2011 11:57 817 Att. 4.7_Bilaga 4-7 Explosives
01/12/2011 15:12 1,361,580 Att. 4_Rapport 4 - Gruvproduktion.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 158 Att. 4_Rapport 4 -
11/01/2012 09:33 132
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
3\PEA App. 3_Attachment 5 (in swedish)
22/05/2014 15:49 14,288 Att 5.2 Eng.docx
01/12/2011 15:15 968,736 Att. 5.1_Budget offert Blötberget och Håksberg Raiseboring.pdf
25/11/2011 14:12 164 Att. 5.1_Budget offert Blötberget och Håksberg
01/12/2011 15:16 1,316,558 Att. 5.2_Indikativ prissättning Nordic Iron Ore.pdf
27/11/2011 08:38 152 Att. 5.2_Indikativ prissättning Nordic Iron
01/12/2011 15:16 912,800 Att. 5.3_NCC cost estimate Nordic Iron Ore 110922.pdf
27/11/2011 08:38 154 Att. 5.3_NCC cost estimate Nordic Iron Ore
11/01/2012 09:33 132
25/11/2011 14:21 55,296 NCC cost estimate Nordic Iron Ore 110922.xls
16/11/2011 13:18 146 NCC cost estimate Nordic Iron Ore
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:33 106
02/12/2011 11:05 109,242 PEA App. 4_Attachment 1.1 equipment Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:50 171 PEA App. 4_Attachment 1.1 equipment Blö
02/12/2011 10:49 144,849 PEA App. 4_Attachment 1.2 equipment Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 167 PEA App. 4_Attachment 1.2 equipment Hå
02/12/2011 10:45 161,523 PEA App. 4_Attachment 2.1 Motor list Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 172 PEA App. 4_Attachment 2.1 Motor list Blö
02/12/2011 10:41 188,905 PEA App. 4_Attachment 2.2 Motor list Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 169 PEA App. 4_Attachment 2.2 Motor list Hå
02/12/2011 10:51 53,053 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.1 Costs Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 167 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.1 Costs Blö
02/12/2011 10:54 60,403 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.1.1 Costs Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 168 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.1.1 Costs Blö
02/12/2011 10:55 53,932 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.1.2 Costs Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 168 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.1.2 Costs Blö
02/12/2011 10:58 53,178 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.2 Costs Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 165 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.2 Costs Hå
02/12/2011 11:02 61,713 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.2.1 Costs Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 166 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.2.1 Costs Hå
02/12/2011 11:03 53,716 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.2.2 Costs Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 167 PEA App. 4_Attachment 3.2.2 Costs Hå
01/12/2011 16:53 998,483 PEA App. 4_Attachment 4 Flowsheet Blötberget.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 169 PEA App. 4_Attachment 4 Flowsheet Blö
01/12/2011 16:56 970,100 PEA App. 4_Attachment 5 Flow sheet Håksberg.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 168 PEA App. 4_Attachment 5 Flow sheet Hå
02/12/2011 10:26 1,111,033 PEA Appendix 4_Mine ventilation.pdf
02/12/2011 11:51 154 PEA Appendix 4_Mine
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
15/10/2011 08:32 6,030 1. General Description and
19/10/2011 08:24 294 1. General Description and
25/09/2011 16:39 5,743 10. Construction Time
19/10/2011 08:24 287 10. Construction Time
16/10/2011 16:23 76,387 2. Basic Design and Test
19/10/2011 08:24 289 2. Basic Design and Test
15/10/2011 08:34 13,165 3. Summary of Investment and Operation
19/10/2011 08:24 314 3. Summary of Investment and Operation
12/10/2011 11:43 44,369 4. Motor
19/10/2011 08:24 253 4. Motor
14/10/2011 10:40 445,951 5. Investment Costs
19/10/2011 08:24 281 5. Investment Costs
15/10/2011 09:46 28,264 6. Operation Costs
19/10/2011 08:24 278 6. Operation Costs
06/10/2011 12:29 422,773 7. Description of Process and Process Control
19/10/2011 08:24 331 7. Description of Process and Process Control
11/10/2011 11:33 1,252,520 8. Concentrator Process Flow
19/10/2011 08:24 295 8. Concentrator Process Flow
23/09/2011 13:18 3,091,860 9.
19/10/2011 08:24 249 9.
11/01/2012 09:34 106
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> File Front Page, Table of Content
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5\File Front Page, Table of Content
11/01/2012 09:34 129
24/11/2011 17:48 879,208 Front Page Sept 2011.pdf
19/10/2011 08:27 775 Front Page Sept
23/09/2011 13:54 10,342 Table of Contents.pdf
19/10/2011 08:27 767 Table of
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Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:34 106
01/12/2011 10:29 10,943,933 PEA Appendix 7a_Transport logistics and cost calculations (in swedish).pdf
04/12/2011 11:21 193 PEA Appendix 7a_Transport logistics and cost calculations (in swedish)
23/11/2011 17:19 57,921 PEA Appendix 7b_Cost calculations rail transport (in Swedish).pdf
02/12/2011 11:18 838 PEA Appendix 7b_Cost calculations rail transport (in Swedish)
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
11/01/2012 09:34 106
24/11/2011 09:56 911,510 PEA Appendix 8 Roads and surfaces.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 138 PEA Appendix 8 Roads and
24/11/2011 09:35 47,975 PEA Appendix 8.1 cost calculation roads surfaces.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 153 PEA Appendix 8.1 cost calculation roads
14/09/2011 14:54 1,772,542 T0201_ENG - Copy.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 121 T0201_ENG -
14/09/2011 14:53 1,947,588 T0211_ENG - Copy.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 121 T0211_ENG -
14/09/2011 14:54 1,464,922 T0501_ENG - Copy.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 121 T0501_ENG -
14/09/2011 14:54 1,294,168 T0502_ENG - Copy.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 121 T0502_ENG -
14/09/2011 14:53 1,346,063 T0503_ENG - Copy.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 121 T0503_ENG -
14/09/2011 14:54 1,437,692 T0511_ENG - Copy.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 121 T0511_ENG -
14/09/2011 14:54 1,455,849 T0512_ENG - Copy.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 121 T0512_ENG -
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\PEA 2011\Appendix
31/08/2011 14:09 46,342 Blötberget Kraftförsörjning E62001.pdf
01/09/2011 14:14 140 Blötberget Kraftförsörjning
11/01/2012 09:34 106
31/08/2011 14:08 46,450 Håksberg Kraftförsörjning E62002.pdf
01/09/2011 14:14 138 Håksberg Kraftförsörjning
24/11/2011 10:23 913,066 PEA Appendix 9 Power Supply.pdf
25/11/2011 13:41 348 PEA Appendix 9 Power
24/11/2011 10:28 95,159 PEA Appendix 9.1 Blötberget Cost Calculation Electric power.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 164 PEA Appendix 9.1 Blötberget Cost Calculation Electric
24/11/2011 10:52 109,631 PEA Appendix 9.2 Håksberg Cost Calculation Electric power.pdf
27/11/2011 08:39 162 PEA Appendix 9.2 Håksberg Cost Calculation Electric
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental Permit
Application 2013
20/05/2014 10:01 <DIR> 1_EIA
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> 2_Technical Description
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> 3_Completion
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> 4_Finding
13/05/2014 22:33 2,129,421 Samradshandling_LG_version_110916_ver_B.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\1_EIA
14/05/2014 06:26 260,294 Bilaga 10 BB.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 95,399 Bilaga 10 HK filtr.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 118,052 Bilaga 10 HK.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 158,327 Bilaga 11.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,835,669 Bilaga 12 Fuktkförsök.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 178,236 Bilaga 13.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,843,553 Bilaga 14 bullerutred.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 9,856,904 Bilaga 15 Vib_utredning.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 351,105 Bilaga 16 markdef Blötberget.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 793,816 Bilaga 16 markdef Håksberg.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 2,832,601 Bilaga 17a.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,946,083 Bilaga 17b Stabilitetsberäkning.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 3,651,120 Bilaga 18.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 13,254,057 Bilaga 19.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 391,653 Bilaga 1A_översiktskarta A4_1112.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 383,093 Bilaga 1B_Blötberget_A4_1112.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 431,841 Bilaga 1C_Håksberg A4_1112.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 7,088,649 Bilaga 2.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 4,810,069 Bilaga 20.pdf
14/05/2014 06:24 1,950,458 Bilaga 21.pdf
14/05/2014 06:24 13,931,545 Bilaga 3 Lokaliseringsutredning.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 18,064,794 Bilaga 4.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 1,688,865 Bilaga 5.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 36,376,149 Bilaga 6 Naturmiljö_inventering.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 4,885,134 Bilaga 7 Arkeologisk utredning.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,586,049 Bilaga 8 brunnsinventering.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,834,054 Bilaga 8.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 19,372,933 Bilaga 9 PM hydrologisk konsekvensbeskrivning.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 13,723,568 Bilaga 9.pdf
14/05/2014 06:25 21,322,392 MKB Ludvika gruvor 120625_slutgiltig.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\2_Technical Description
14/05/2014 06:27 16,406,982 BILAGA 1.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 8,815,270 Bilaga 10 _A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 295,449 Bilaga 11.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 385,696 BILAGA 12.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 145,147 Bilaga 13.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 308,772 BILAGA 2.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 380,154 BILAGA 3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 385,951 Bilaga 4.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 1,653,210 BILAGA 5 A.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 1,328,252 BILAGA 5 B.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,217,894 BILAGA 5C.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,258,586 BILAGA 5D.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,692,530 BILAGA 6A.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,432,098 BILAGA 6B.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,319,795 BILAGA 6C.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 19,009 Bilaga 7.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 8,259,487 Bilaga 8 _A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 66,098 Bilaga 9 _A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:26 1,701,704 Teknisk_beskrivning.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 02 01
14/05/2014 06:27 8,339,601 bilaga 1 i A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 805,730 Bilaga 2 A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 3,287,725 Golder_Ramböl_13 01 31.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 79,872 Skrift 130201 förslag MMD komplettering 4334001.doc
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 05 17
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 09 20
20/09/2013 06:25 5,134,619 Rapport fladdermusinventering salamander inv Ludvika 20130916.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 10 28
14/05/2014 06:27 308,313 Skrift 131028 Lst återkallelse ansökan 4334001.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 11 28
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> Bilaga A
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> Bilaga B
14/05/2014 06:27 15,144,343 Bilaga CKompensationsutredning_Ludvika_131129_ver_2[1].pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 160 Bilaga CKompensationsutredning_Ludvika_131129_ver_2[1]
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> BILAGA D
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> Bilaga E
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> bilaga F
20/05/2014 10:02 <DIR> Bilaga G
14/05/2014 06:27 22,912 Bilageförteckning.docx
14/05/2014 06:27 124 Bilagefö
14/05/2014 06:28 99
14/05/2014 06:27 49,073 Förklaring till tyrckeriet vilken storlek ritningar ska skrivas ut i.docx
14/05/2014 06:27 175 Förklaring till tyrckeriet vilken storlek ritningar ska skrivas ut
14/05/2014 06:27 175 ~$rklaring till tyrckeriet vilken storlek ritningar ska skrivas ut
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 11 28\Bilaga A
14/05/2014 06:27 7,080,930 A1_R51-P001.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 116
14/05/2014 06:27 7,217,653 A2_R51-P002.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 116
14/05/2014 06:27 709,585 A3_R51-S001.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 116
14/05/2014 06:27 713,800 A4_R51-S002.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 116
14/05/2014 06:27 171,301 A5_R51-P003.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 116
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 11 28\Bilaga B
14/05/2014 06:27 750,048 Bilaga B PM kulverteringar.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 132 Bilaga B PM
14/05/2014 06:27 105
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 11 28\BILAGA D
14/05/2014 06:28 265,152 Bilaga D.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 113 Bilaga
14/05/2014 06:28 9,617,698 Bilaga D1 A4.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 351 Bilaga D1
14/05/2014 06:28 9,616,678 Bilaga D2 A4.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 351 Bilaga D2
14/05/2014 06:28 3,746,709 Bilaga D3 A4.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 117 Bilaga D3
14/05/2014 06:28 3,738,679 Bilaga D4 A4.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 351 Bilaga D4
14/05/2014 06:28 17,345,015 Bilaga D5 A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 118 Bilaga D5
14/05/2014 06:27 114,956 Bilaga D6 A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 118 Bilaga D6
14/05/2014 06:27 19,295,387 Bilaga D7 A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 118 Bilaga D7
14/05/2014 06:27 19,291,352 Bilaga D8 A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 118 Bilaga D8
14/05/2014 06:27 101,628 Bilaga D9 A3.pdf
14/05/2014 06:27 118 Bilaga D9
14/05/2014 06:27 105
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14/05/2014 06:28 114 Bilaga
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14/05/2014 06:28 114 Bilaga
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14/05/2014 06:28 793,247 Bilaga G.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 114 Bilaga
14/05/2014 06:28 99
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14/05/2014 06:28 9,817,990 1-001 Planläge utskov A1 med rasterkarta inkl klarningsbassäng.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 168 1-001 Planläge utskov A1 med rasterkarta inkl klarningsbassä
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Permit Application 2013\3_Completion\2013 11 28\Bilaga G\G2
14/05/2014 06:28 1,328,914 Bilaga G2 PM Geoteknik Dammar Blötberget inkl MU.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 154 Bilaga G2 PM Geoteknik Dammar Blötberget inkl
14/05/2014 06:28 99
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14/05/2014 06:28 123
14/05/2014 06:28 264,215 20131219155929379.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:28 3,235,887 ATT24001.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:29 176,802 50-001.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:29 164,417 50-002.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:29 177,336 50-003.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:29 161,220 50-004.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:29 171,361 50-005.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:29 166,118 50-006.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:29 162,657 50-007.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:28 162,526 50-008.pdf
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14/05/2014 06:28 162,257 50-009.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 111
14/05/2014 06:28 164,893 50-010.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 111
14/05/2014 06:28 154,211 Bilaga 1 2014 01 30.pdf
14/05/2014 06:29 124 Bilaga 1 2014 01
14/05/2014 06:29 19,503 Bilaga 2 2014 01 30.pdf
14/05/2014 06:29 124 Bilaga 2 2014 01
14/05/2014 06:29 6,110,863 Bilaga 3 2014 01 30.pdf
14/05/2014 06:28 124 Bilaga 3 2014 01
14/05/2014 06:28 6,331,190 Skrift 140130 MMD kompletteringsbemötande, bilaga 1 4334001.pdf
14/05/2014 06:29 164 Skrift 140130 MMD kompletteringsbemötande, bilaga 1
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14/05/2014 06:29 1,069,495 20140204165332256.pdf
14/05/2014 06:29 1,768,189 20140204165352387.pdf
14/05/2014 06:29 15,134,635 ATT13792.pdf
Directory of P:\U6006 SE511 Ludvika NIO DFS\Project\Data\DATA FROM SITE MAY 2014\Environmental
Permit Application 2013\4_Finding
14/05/2014 06:29 1,965,240 Deldom M 3812-12.pdf