CHAPTER 17 Organizational Planning and Controlling PDF

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TEACHER: Carlos Esparza Flores

NAME: Vargas Carrillo Avril


GROUP: 3111-B

DELIVERY DATE: March 22nd, 2023

In this chapter it shows us the great importance of planning and also why they need
to plan and control. First, planning is the process by which managers set goals and
specify how these goals are to be achieved.
Plans contain two componentsbasic:
● Results or goal statements: The objectives and results that managers hope to
achieve. (represent the final state)
● Action Statements: Reflect how organizations are progressing to achieve their
Planning involves thinking about the strengths and weaknesses of the organization
and making decisions about the desired state and how to achieve it.
Managers and other members of the organization should review whether it is
necessary to change their plans to accommodate changing conditions, new
information, or new situations that will be detrimental to the future of the
organization. Plans must be managed flexibly as the business learns about new
conditions and changes. They should also plan forcompensate uncertainty and
change, focus organizational activity on a set of objectives, provide a coordinated
and systematic roadmap for future activities, to increase economic efficiency; and to
facilitate control by establishing a standard for subsequent activity.

First, the task of internal governance becomes increasingly complex as companies

grow and become more complicated. Second, the uncertainty facing a manager
increases as the external environment becomes increasingly difficult and turbulent.

When managers plan, they do so implicitly in the context of day-to-day business, not
some abstract process reserved for 2 weeks.Some work without a systematic
strategy, but many managers plan systematically. For example, many managers
develop systematic plans for how their organization will respond to a crisis.

Meanwhile, based on this there is a model ofplanning that divides the multi-step
planning management function. Following this step-by-step procedure helps ensure
that organizational planning meets these requirements.

● Step 1: Develop an awareness of the current state, managers build the

foundation on which they will develop their plans (this foundation specifies the
current state of an organization, describes its commitments, recognizes its
strengths and weaknesses, and establishes a vision for the future), they have
to see what awaits them in the future, at this point they need to understand
their organization and its history.
● Step 2:Here it analyzes “where the organization is going or going to end”. This
involves setting goals, managers develop an elaborate network of
organizational plans to achieve the overall goals of their organization.
● Step 3: Establish assumptions on which you will build your action statements,
such as the quality and success of any plan as it depends on the quality of its
underlying assumptions. Assumptions about future events need to be
uncovered, monitored and updated, so they collect information by scanning
your organization's internal and external environments and use this
information to make assumptions about the probability of future events.
● Step 4: Determine a course of action (action statements)determines how an
organization will move from its current position to its desired future
position,here they decide how to get from their current position to their goal
(about are domain) by developing an action statement detailing what is to be
done, when, how, and by whom. Choosing a course of action involves
determining alternatives based on research, experimentation, and experience;
evaluate the alternatives in light of how well each would help the organization
achieve its goals or move closer to its desired domain; and selecting a course
of action after carefully identifying and considering the merits of each
● Step 5: Supporting Plan Formulation The planning process rarely stops with
the adoption of a general plan. Managers often need to develop one or more
support or derivative plans to reinforce and explain their basic plan, that is, it
is like their lifeline in case it hits the organization hard.

As I mentioned before, there are types of plans to be able to guide, monitor and
control the activities or operations of the organization, which I understood better and
for me I thinkI would be easily to apply andSo same obtain the benefits that it
generates are the planshierarchical, frequency of use and contingencies. (there are
The plan hierarchy consists of three levels (level institutional, administrative and
technician) . It's like a three layer cake, these are interdependent since they
support the fulfillment of three organizational needs. The technician is the one who
plans day-to-day operations.
In the frequency of use plans, they are the ones that deal with very frequent
problems that may happen in the company, such as employee It is
where those already elaborated plans come in as if it were a manual to your act that
can be good or bad.
And in the planscontingency we could say that they are what they saywould happen
yes..” is like a replacement for what can be wrong in the company, but these are
based on very probable scenarios, not just any.
Effective managerial planning creates goals at both the personal and organizational
levels, hThere are two types of organizational goals:official goals and operational
The official ones reflect the general objectives of an organization, while the
operational goals are specific and concrete goals that the members of the
organization are expected to pursue. Goals play an important role in guiding and
directing the efforts of individuals and groups, motivating them and providing a
standard by which to judge and control organizational activity.
Organizational goals can arise from both external and internal environments, as
managers try to balance the needs of their organization with those of external
stakeholders and negotiate political processes within the organization. Organizations
must pursue multiple objectives simultaneously to achieve success, including market
position, innovation, productivity, profitability, and social responsibility. However,
sometimes the goals pursued by different internal units can conflict with each other,
and managers must strive to integrate the web of goals and resolve conflicts when
they arise.To achieve organizational goals, general goals, such as productivity,
innovation, and profitability, are divided into subgoals at various levels of the
organization. Managers must ensure that lower-level goals combine to achieve
higher-level goals, creating a hierarchy of goals. Ultimately, goals define the
organization's purpose, motivate achievement, and provide a yardstick against which
progress can be measured.
Instead of planning ahead, certain managers engage in process planning, which
involves improvising as they go. However, certain techniques can encourage
planning ahead, developing an organizational climate that encourages planning,
providing resources, training people to plan, creating a reward system, and using
plans when they are created.

The planning is totally worth it for the company because heBusiness managers in
complicated and unstable environments may find it difficult to develop meaningful
plans, but these conditions create the greatest need for good organizational plans.
However, organizing could be expensive, especially for companies with formal
organizational staff, but research shows idealization is still warranted. And if they
need helpSpecialist planners help develop organization charts, and various
companies have to coordinate home planning and lIdealization specialists serve a
variety of purposes, including guiding top management and helping lower-level
managers develop plans. In spaces that change instantly, planning becomes even
more complex, often requiring the development of contingency plans, sophisticated
research. Also use is made of the technology like at all timesRecent advances in
connectivity and data management have created new ways to reduce prices and
with this your plans will be further elaborated and the company will have more
benefits and advantages in the market.

In theaddress of the objectives as is well knownalso must beplanned that is why

MBO was mentioneda process by which an organization's objectives, plans, and
control systems are defined through collaboration between managers and their
employees, together they identify common objectives, define the expected results of
each individual, and use these measures to guide operation of your unit and
evaluate individual contributions. Once an acceptable set of goals has been
established for each employee through a collaborative give-and-take process,
employees play an important role in developing an action plan to achieve these
The Management by objectives (MBO) is a management philosophy, a planning and
control technique, and an employee involvement program.
MBO is also anchored in Maslow's theory of necessity. The reasoning is that
employee involvement in planning and control processes provides opportunities for
the employee to become immersed in work-related activities, experience work as
more meaningful, and fulfill higher-order needs, leading to increased motivation. and
job performance.
Leaving aside the plans that are prepared by specialists in this area, we must also
talk about their results, in this case the employees arereceivers of these plans and
they can take it in a good or bad way or simply be satisfied in the company, we must
understand theimportance of these as alreadythere was said, wellalso may affect
employees or anyone whothis in the company because if it is not fed back based on
theexperiences previous the company will followSo and it's somethingrepetitive if
there is no news there is nosuccess, employees can feel dissatisfied depending on
each one because some do have great aspirations wherever they arebe working but
there are other cases where they want to have a better job but do not take great care
in theirarea So that this part can be considered, then each one will take the
implementation of the plans in a different way.

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