IER - Volume 22 - Issue 2 - Pages 599-625 PDF
IER - Volume 22 - Issue 2 - Pages 599-625 PDF
IER - Volume 22 - Issue 2 - Pages 599-625 PDF
T he research was aimed to analyze effects of Good Corporate
Governance, comprising of Composition of Commissioners & Audit
Committee on earnings management an Empirical Study on Indonesia
Stock Exchange with Panel Data Approach. The data collection method
used was documentation. The samples in this research were in
Indonesia registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data analysis
method employed panel data regression analysis with E-Views
Software. The results demonstrate that Good Corporate Governance
simultaneously affects earnings management. Partial testing indicates
that Good Corporate Governance variable of Composition of
Commissioners has no effect on earnings management & Audit
Committee has no effect on Earnings Management.
Keywords: Audit Committee, Composition of Commissioners, Good
Corporate Governance, Earnings Management.
JEL Classification: D53, G15, G32, L60.
1. Introduction
The issue of Good Corporate Governance is being hotly debated,
especially among the economists & businessmen in Indonesia. The
financial crisis happening in various countries, particularly in
Indonesia in 1997, which eventually turned into an Asian financial
2. Literature Review
2.1 Profit Management
Earnings management is an effort by corporate managers to intervene
or affect information in financial statements with the aim of deceiving
the stakeholders who want to know the performance & condition of
the company (Sulistyanto, 2008). In the opinion of (Lutfie et al.,
2016), the ways to understand the earnings management are divided
into two. First, it is seen as manager opportunistic agent in
maximizing its utility in the face of compensation contracts, debt
contracts & political costs (Opportunistic Earnings Management).
Second, viewing the earnings management from the perspective of
efficient contracting (Efficient Earnings Management), where the
earnings management gives flexibility to the manager to protect
themselves & the company in the anticipation of unforeseen events for
the benefit of the parties involved in the contract.
1. Shareholder rights
In shareholder rights may provide an evaluation, whether the company
a. Holds a General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) within 6
months after the end of the fiscal year,
b. Submit to shareholders notices concerning the Annual
Shareholder Meeting at least 28 days before the General
Meeting of Shareholders is held;
c. Encouraging shareholders to attend GMS and utilize their voting
d. Provide sufficient opportunities for shareholders to submit
questions at the GMS.
2. GCG Policy
In the GCG policy is assessed whether the company has:
a. Have written rules on GCG in which the rights of shareholders,
duties and responsibilities of the Board of Directors and Board of
Commissioners are explained;
b. Providing access for the public to know the company's policy
regarding public investors;
c. Establishing a responsible organ (e.g. the Board of
Commissioners) to ensure that the company complies with
established GCG rules;
d. Have rules of conduct / ethics for employees in writing;
e. Inform and implement properly the rules of conduct/ethics.
3. GCG Practice
In practice this GCG is tested whether within the company:
a. The Board of Directors holds regular meetings with the Board of
b. There are strategic plans and operational plans that provide
guidance to the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners
to carry out their duties and functions;
606/ The Analysis of Effects of Good Corporate Governance …
4. Disclosure
In this section it can assess whether the company has:
a. Providing equal access to shareholders and financial analysts;
b. Provide a proper explanation of business risks;
c. To express the remuneration of the Board of Directors and Board
of Commissioners correctly;
d. Disclose related party transactions;
e. Presents the results of financial performance and analysis
management via the internet.
5. Audit
In this section it should be assessed whether the company is:
a. Has an effective internal audit,
b. Audited by an independent public accountant,
c. Develops an effective audit committee,
d. Develops effective communication between internal audit,
external audit and audit committee.
The conceptual framework can be described as follows:
Earnings Management
EM = a + b1CBC+ b2AC + e
Description :
EM : Earnings Management
a : Constants
b1,b2 : Coefficient Regression
CBC : Composition of Board of Commissioners
AC : Audit Committee
e : Error
From the table above, it shows that prob= 0.0095 which is smaller
than α = 0.05, thus model used is Fixed Effect Model (FEM). Based
on the test to select the model, using Chow and Hausman tests, it can
be concluded that the model is more appropriate to follow the Fixed
Effect Model (FEM), than the Common Effect Model (CEM) and
Random Effect Model (REM).
4.1.6 F Test
F test is performed to determine whether the independent variables
simultaneously have significant effect on the dependent variables. The
fixed effect model can be seen in the table as follows:
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4.1.7 t Test
5. Discussion
5.1 GCG Effects of Composition of Commissioners on Earnings
The partial test results indicate that the Composition of
Commissioners shows a positive regression coefficient at 0.014574
with tstatistic value of 0.129085 < t table of 1.968178 with significant
prob. = 0.8974, which is greater than α = 0.05. The testing result
obtained empirical evidence that the Composition of Commissioners
has no effect on earnings management. In general, the Composition of
Commissioners is given responsibilities and tasks over information
quality control, found in the financial statements. Based on the agency
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6. Conclusion
Based on simultaneous analysis results, the independent good
corporate governance variable which consists of the Composition of
Commissioners and audit committee, affects the manufacturing
companies’ earning management in Indonesia Stock Exchange.
Partially, GCG composition variable on Board of Commissioners has
no effect on earnings management; and audit committee has no effects
on earnings management. The present research is only limited to
manufacturing companies listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange.
However, it is advisable to be conducted to all companies listed on
Indonesia Stock Exchange.
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