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Choose the correct answer

1. Agriculture is derived from

A) Greek B) Latin
C) Chinese D) Hindi
2. GDP stands for
A) Grass Domestic Procurement B) Gross District Product
C) Gross Domestic Product D) Grass District Product
3. Total geographical area of India
A) 328 M ha B) 308 M ha
C) 333 M ha D) 388 M ha
4. Primary source of food in old days
A) Hunting B) Pastoral
C) Crop culture D) Trade
5. Modern man is zoologicaly known as
A) Homo erectus B) Homo habilis
C) Homo sapiens D) Homo ergaster
6. IARI stands for
Irrigated Agriculture Research
A) B) Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Indian Agricultural Research International Agriculture Research
C) D)
Institute Institute
7. TNAU was established during
A) 1971 B) 1906
C) 1876 D) 1986
8. Father of Tillage
A) Francis Bacon B) Jethro Tull
C) Justin Van Liebig D) John Priest
9. Karikala Cholan constructed Kallanai along the river
A) Vaigai B) Thamirabharani
C) Cauvery D) Amaravathi
10. The land of hills is classified as
A) Mullai B) Marutham
C) Kurinji D) Neithal
11. In Tamil, Seasons are divided into
A) Four B) Five
C) Six D) Seven
12. IRRI is located at
A) India B) Philippines
C) USA D) China
13. Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture is located at
A) New Delhi B) Ramanathapuram
C) Hyderabad D) Bikaner
14. First agricultural university in India is started at
A) Coimbatore B) Pantnagar
C) New Delhi D) Kolkotta
15. How many agroclimatic zones are in TN
A) Four B) Five
C) Six D) Seven
16. Land of agricultural lands is known as ________.
A) Kurinji B) Mullai
C) Marutham D) Palai
17. Blue revolution is related to _________.
A) Oilseeds B) Fishery
C) Dairy D) Agriculture
18. In Homo sapiens, sapiens means _______.
A) Continous B) Learning Habit
C) Man D) Mammal
19. India receives maximum rainfall during ________.
A) South-West B) North-East
C) Summer D) Winter
Andaman and Nicobar islands are sitatued in ______ of Indian Agroclimatic zone
A) High rainfall zone B) Island zone
C) South western zone D) South peninsular zone
21. Number of agro ecological zones _____.
A) 15 B) 7
C) 21 D) 20
22. Father of Agronomy ________.
A) Boussingault B) Pietro De Crescenzi
C) Dokuchaev D) Liebig
23. NRC Banana is located at ______.
A) Coimbatore B) Trichy
C) Bengaluru D) Salem
24. Inherited values carried from one generation to another are called ______.
A) Heritage B) Tradition
C) History D) Story
Agronomic principles deal with scientific facts in relation to ______ in which crops are
A) Soil B) Climate
C) Environment D) Weather
26. 1 ha = ______ cents.
A) 100 B) 200
C) 250 D) 250
27. ICRISAT stands for ______.
Indian Crop Research Institute for International Crop Research Institute for
A) B)
Semi Arid Tropics Semi Arid Tropics
Central Institute for Research on Indian Centre for Research In Semi Arid
C) D)
Semi Arid Tropics Tropics
28. Er Elubathu, a tamil literature on agriculture was wrote by_____.
A) Thiruvalluvar B) Kambar
C) Vairamuthu D) Nakeerar
29. Taxonomically tobacco is known as ______.
A) Oryza sativa B) Corchorous oiltorius
C) Nicotiana rustica D) Elusine coracona
30. Under which agro climatic zone TNAU, Coimbatore is situated _____.
A) North East zone B) Western zone
C) Southern zone D) Rainy zone
31. __________ is the largest agroclimatic zone in Tamil Nadu.
A) North East zone B) Western zone
C) Southern zone D) Rainy zone
32. An example for seed fibre ______.
A) Cotton B) Jute
C) Agave D) Mesta
33. CGIAR stands for ______.
A) Consultative Group of International Central Groundnut Institute and
Agricultural Research Agricultural Research
C) Central Groundwater Institute for Central Ginger Institute and Agricultural
Arid Region Research
Match the following [1x2=2]
34. a) Tamilnadu Rice Research Institute - i) Kanpur
35. b) Sugarcane Breeding Institute - ii) New Delhi
36. c) Indian Institute for Pulses Research - iii) Aduthurai
37. d) Indian Council for Agricultural Research - iv) Coimbatore
A) a - iii, b - iv, c - i, d – ii B) a - i, b - ii ,c - iv, d - iii
C) a - ii, b - i, c - iii ,d – iv D) a - iv, b - iii ,c - ii ,d - i
Match the following [1x2=2]
38. a) Green revolution - i) Oilseed crops
39. b) Yellow revolution - ii) Fertilizer
40. c) White revolution - iii) Food crops
41. d) Grey revolution - iv) Milk production
A) a - iii, b - i, c – iv d - ii B) a - i, b - iii ,c - ii d - iv
C) a - ii, b - iv, c - i ,d - iii D) a - iv, b - ii ,c - iii ,d - i
Match the following [1x2=2]
42. a) Liebig - i) Inverse Yield Nitrogen Law
43. b) Thomas Jefferson - ii) Law of Minimum
44. c) Mitscherlich - iii) Developed Mould Board Plough
45. d) Wilcox - iv) Law of Diminishing Returns
A) a - iv, b - i, c - ii, d - iii B) a - i, b - ii ,c - iii, d - iv
C) a - ii, b - iii c - iv ,d - i D) a - iii, b - iv ,c - i ,d – ii

(Answer All questions) [ 20 x 0.5 = 10 ]
Answer the questions [4 x 0.5 = 2]
Agronomy – Definition and principles
46. The word “Agronomy” is derived from____.
A) Greek B) Latin
C) French D) Hindi
47. The word “agros” means _______.
A) Soil B) Field
C) Water D) Land
______ is the main branch of agriculture, which includes crop physiology, plant ecology, farm
A) Agronomy B) Plant science
C) Horticulture D) Meteorology
49. Agronomist is responsible for decesion making in a
A) Rural development B) Pest and disease management

C) Farm management D) Breeding of crops

Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]
Agro climatic zones of Tamil Nadu
Who adviced the State Agricultural Universities(SAU) to divide the particular state into agro
climatic sub zones under National Agricultural Research Project
51. Which district comes under North Eastern zone
A) Madurai B) Coimbatore
C) Dharmapuri D) Chennai
52. LGP means
A) Legal Government Procedure B) Light Governing Particle
C) Length of Growing Period D) Local Governing Party
53. Which district is in the high rainfall zone
A) Cuddalore B) Coimbatore
C) Kanyakumari D) Theni
III Answer the questions [4 x 0.5 = 2]
Agronomy – branches and duties
54. Development, evaluating and studying of herbicides and its use in cropped fields
A) Crop management B) Fertilizer mangement
C) Weed management D) Cropping system management
55. Main objective of agronomist is to attain maximum production at _____
A) Higher crop yield B) Minimum yield
C) Higher cost D) Minimum cost
56. Study of different cropping patterns and intercropping systems is
A) Crop management B) Fertilizer mangement
C) Weed management D) Cropping system management
57. Study related to how much to irrigate, how to irrigate, when to irrigate
A) Crop management B) Fertilizer mangement
C) Water management D) Cropping system management
Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]
Abbreviate the following International institutes
Central Institute for Maize and International Centre for Maize and Wheat
A) B)
Millet Yield in Tropics Development
Centre for Irrigated Maize, Millet International Centre for Maize, Millet and
C) D)
and Yam Training Yam Training
59. WMO
A) World Millet Organisation B) World Maize Organisation
C) World Meteorological Organisation D) World Microbiological Office
60. CIAT
Central Institute for Agriculture in International Centre for Tropical
A) B)
Thailand Agriculture
Centre for Indian Agricultural Intenational Climate and Tropical
C) D)
Training Agriculture
61. IRRI
A) International Rice Research Institute B) Indian Rice Research Institute
International Rye and Ragi Institute International Regional Research on Indian
C) D)
Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]
Agricultural Heritage in India – Agricultural practices in ancient India
62. ITK means
A) Indian Technical Knowledge B) Indigenous Technical Knowledge
Indigenous Transplanting Indigenous Transplanting Knowledge
C) D)
Values and traditional practices of agriculture, which are adopted in ancient India that are more
relevant for present day system
A) Agricultural History B) Agricultural Heritage
C) Technical Knowledge D) Agricultural Technology
64. The word ”Veda” derived from “Vid” which means ____.
A) Brave B) Knowledge
C) History D) Super power
65. In TN rainwater was stored for domestic purposes is called
A) Ooranies B) Kulam
C) Kuttai D)

Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]

ITK techniques and practices
Grains and other crops shall be collected as often as they were harvested. The above line was
stated in
A) Tirukural B) Kautailya Arthasastra
C) Sangam literature D) Ramayanam
67. During the time of Kautilya, cow dung was used for
A) Dressing the seeds B) Plastering cut ends of propagating
C) Manure D) All the above
68. “Panchmula” means mixing of five__
A) Fertilizers B) Organic fertilizers
C) Roots D) Milk products
69. Drip irrgation through Bamboo is practised in
A) Haryana B) Meghalaya
C) Tamil Nadu D) Punjab
Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]
VII A rich source of the state of Indian agriculture in the early British era is a report prepared by a
British engineer, Thomas Barnard
Government of India created Department of Revenue, Agriculture and Commerce which formed
as base for Initiation of Agriculture in India.
A) 1871 B) 1879 1
C) 1870 D) 1880 1
71. Separate Department of Agriculture at Centre for Famine relief operations
A) 1880 B) 1881
C) 1889 D) 1899
Based on Royal Commission on Agriculture’s recommendation (1928), Imperial Council of
Agricultural Research (ICAR) was establishment to conduct comprehensive research.
A) 1928 B) 1929
C) 1931 D) 1899
In 1890 -----------------------appointed as a consulting chemist from Royal Agricultural Society
(England) - Laid foundation for agricultural research in India
A) J.A. Voelcker B) Thomas Barnard
C) Chengalvaraya Mudaliar D) Lord Curzon
Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]
VIII Scientific agriculture got momentum in 19 th century in India. That period was ruled by British.
They contribute for development for Indian Agriculture.
74. “Upper Bari Doab Canal” in Punjab was constructed by
A) Lord Dalhousie B) Lord Curson
C) Thomas Barnard D) J.A. Voelcker
75. Sugarcane Breeding Institute at Coimbatore was established at
A) 1912 B) 1922
C) 1920 D) 1918
76. Imperial Agricultural Research Institute was first established at
A) Pusa, New Delhi B) Pusa, Bihar
C) Bikaner, Rajasthan D) Pantnagar, Uttarpradesh
77. Madras Agricultural College was first established in 1876 at
A) Rayapet B) Saidapet
C) Koyambed D) Coimbatore
Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]
Agriculture after Indian independence
78. “All India Coordinated Research Project” was first started for which crop
A) Maize B) Rice
C) Wheat D) Mustard
79. Introduction of TN1 from which country becomes the base for green revolution
A) USA B) Taiwan
C) Phillippines D) Thailand
80. Technology mission on Oilseeds was started during
A) 1979 B) 1890
C) 1986 D) 1991
81. NAIP, a end to end approach for solving problems was launched during
A) 2006 B) 2000
C) 1995 D) 1986
Answer the questions [ 4 x 0.5 = 2 ]
Introduction to Agriculture and Agronomy
82. Agronomy is a
A) Basic Science B) Social Science
C) Applied Science D) Developmental Science
83. An example for bulky organic manure
A) FYM B) Bone meal
C) Fish meal D) Oilcakes
84. Urea is a _______ fertilizer
A) Nitrogen B) Phosphorous
C) Pottasic D) Organic
85. An example for wetland crop
A) Rice B) Sorghum
C) Kodo millet D) Redgram

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