Automatic Account Determination in SAP
Automatic Account Determination in SAP
Automatic Account Determination in SAP
Chart of
Material Plant Comp. Code GL Account
Material Valuation
Type Class
If the user enters a company code or a plant when entering a transaction, the system determines the chart of
accounts which is valid for the company code.
ii. Valuation grouping code
The valuation grouping code makes it easier to set automatic account determination. Within the chart of
accounts, you assign the same valuation grouping codes to the valuation areas you want to assign to the same
GL account.
iii. Transaction/Event key
Transaction keys are used to determine accounts or posting keys for line items that are automatically created by
the system. They’re predefined in the system and can’t be changed by the user.
Value string, are assigned to each relevant movement type in inventory management. These strings contain keys
for relevant posting transaction such as BSX, WRX etc. GL accounts are assigned to each posting transaction key.
Following is the list of some important transaction keys:
Sr.No. Description
1 BSX Stock Posting
2 WRX GR/IR clearing
3 PRD Price differences
4 GBB Offsetting entry for stock posting
5 AUM Expenditure/income from transfer posting
6 KON Consignment liabilities
7 KBS Purchase order with account assignment
8 BSV Change in stock
9 FRL External service
Sr.No. Description
Group Code
1 BSA for initial entry of stock balances
2 PIP for pipeline liabilities
3 INV for expenditure/income from inventory differences
4 VBO for consumption from stock of material provided to vendor
5 VBR for internal goods issues (for example, for cost center)
6 VNG for scrapping/destruction
7 ZOB for goods receipts without purchase orders
8 ZOF for goods receipts without production orders
As shown in above image,GL account assignment is done for transaction key GBB,Valuation grouping code
0001,Valuation classes 3001 & 3002 with account modifier BSA & INV respectively. Similarly you can assign GL
accounts to other event keys.
With above steps, configuration for automatic account determination is completed successfully.
Accounting Entries :
BSX + Debit
1 101 GR w.r.t to PO
WRX - Credit
BSX + Debit
GR w.r.t to PO for a
WRX - Credit
2 101 material with STD
price PRD +/- Credit/Debit
BSX - Credit
3 201 GI to cost Center
GBB VBR + Debit
GI via pipeline KON PIP - Credit
4 201 P
process GBB VBR + Debit
BSX + Debit
Transfer Posting BSX - Credit
5 301/303
from Plant to Plant
AUM +/- Credit/Debit
Consignment to KON - Credit
6 411K
own stock BSX + Debit
BSX + Debit
7 501 G.R. Without PO
GBB ZOB - Credit
Withdrawal of BSX - Credit
8 551
goods for scrapping GBB VNG + Debit
BSX + Debit
9 561 Initial Stock Upload
GBB BSA - Credit
Positive Difference BSX + Debit
10 701
Posting GBB INV - Credit
Negative BSX - Credit
11 702
Difference Posting GBB INV + Debit
BSX + Debit
BSV - Credit
G.R. During
WRX + Debit
12 101 K Subcontracting
FRL - Credit
BSX - Credit
GBB VBO + Debit