УМКД ОХ 4 курс англ 2022

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Faculty of Medicine and Health Care

Higher School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Disciplines

Dean of faculty
Kalmataeva Zh.A.
"26" August 2022


Хирургия негіздері/ Основы хирургии/Basics of Surgery




Year – 4 (6)
Semester –8 (12)
Credits – 8

Almaty 2022
Educational-Methodical Complex of the discipline was compiled by Associate Professor, Candidate of
Medical Sciences AlimanovaZh.M., teacher Abdrakhmanova A.I., Candidate of Medical Sciences
Aitmukhanov A.A., PhD Turbekova M.N.
Based on the educational program 086 General Medicine
(by specialty 5B130100 "General Medicine" according to SCES 2017)

Considered and recommended at a meeting of the Department of Clinical Disciplines

"_26__" August 2022, protocol No1.
Head of Chair ____________________________________

Recommended by Methodical committee of HSM

«26» August 2022, protocol No1

Head of Methodical committee of HSM ____________________ Dzhumasheva R.T

Faculty of Medicine and Health Care
Higher School of Medicine
Department of Clinical Disciplines

Dean of faculty
“26” August 2022

For I semester-2022-2023 year

Academic information about course

Code of Name of discipline Type Hours per week ECTS
discipline Practice SIWT SIW
OHir4302 Basics of Surgery BD
120 60 60 8
Pediatric surgery
Course leader Fullname, academic degree, academic rank. Office hours According
e-mail E-mail:

Phones Phone: audience

Assistant Fullname, academic degree, academic rank. Office hours

e-mail E-mail:
Phones Phone: audience

Academic Type of training course: obligatory, practical

presentation of The purpose of the discipline:
course In the course of studying the course, to form students' abilities:
– mastering the diagnosis and treatment of patients with the most common surgical
diseases in their typical manifestation and course and in the age aspect, based on
the principles of evidence-based medicine, using the skills of effective professional
communication, interpretation of clinical symptoms and syndromes, data from
laboratory and instrumental research methods and the use of basic medical
therapeutic, diagnostic and preventive measures
Upon successful completion of this course, interns will be able to:

№ Results of eductaion Level

1. to identify and interpret clinical symptoms and syndromes, data IV
of laboratory and instrumental methods of studying patients
with the most common surgical diseases and conditions in their
typical manifestation and course, and in the age aspect
2. master the skills of basic medical treatment, diagnostic and IV
preventive measures for the provision of surgical care
3. Have basic surgical skills III
4. have basic skills in maintaining current accounting and III
reporting medical records, including in information systems
5. demonstrate skills in integrating knowledge and skills to ensure IV
an individual approach in the treatment of a particular patient
with surgical pathology
6. to teach to make professional decisions based on the analysis of III
the rationality of diagnostics and the principles of evidence-
based medicine
7. demonstrate communication skills when working with patients, IV
including in emergency situations, teamwork skills,
organization and management of the diagnostic and treatment
8. demonstrate adherence to professional values such as altruism, IV
compassion, empathy, responsibility, honesty and
9. demonstrate the ability and need for continuous professional IV
training and improvement of their knowledge and skills of
professional activity
Levels of knowledge and skills acquisition:
I - knows (theoretically)
II - knows how (practically - the rules and order of execution)
III - shows and comments how to do
IV - does in a controlled environment (eg on a simulator)
V – does as an expert in daily clinical practice
Prerequisites Prerequisites "Pathology of organs and systems-2"
Postrequisites Postrequisites Module "Special Surgical Disciplines"
Informationalre Literature:
sources 1. Хирургиялық аурулар:оқулық: екі томдық редвкциясын басқарған
М.И.Кузин; қазақ тіліне аударылған оқулықтың жалпы реадкциясын
басқарған А.Н.Баймаханов. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2018. – I том. – 560 б. :
2. Хирургиялық аурулар:оқулық: екі томдық редвкциясын басқарған
М.И.Кузин; қазақ тіліне аударылған оқулықтың жалпы реадкциясын
басқарған А.Н.Баймаханов. – М.: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2018. – II том. – 528
б. : ил.
3. Нұрмақов А.Ж. Хирургиялық аурулар:оқулық/ А.Ж.Нұрмақов,
А.Н.Баймаханов. - М.: Литтера, 2017. – 256 б. – ил.
4. М.Ө.Мұқанов, А.Қаныбеков, Е.А.Курамысов. Хирургиядағы
диагностикалық және емдік манипуляциялар: оқу әдістемелік құрал.
Қарағанды: «АҚНҰР» баспасы, 2017. – 150б.
5. Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А.
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д. Асфендиярова. - Алматы : New Book, 2018. -
495 с. : ил.
6. Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и социал.
развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М. А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
7. Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная хирургия органов брюшной полости :
учеб. пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил. Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы : New Book, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
8. Клинические протоколы МЗ РК http://www.rcrz.kz/index.php/ru/2017-03-12-10-51-
9. Клинические руководства МЗ РК http://www.rcrz.kz/index.php/ru/2017-03-12-10-51-
10. Essentials of general surgery and surgical specialties / senior editor, Peter
F. Lawrence; editors, Matt Smeds, Jessica Beth O’Connell. Sixth edition. |
Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health, [2019]. -1403 p.
11. Principles and Practice of Surgery/ edited by O.James Garden/ 7th Edition.
2018. – 578 p.
12. Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery/ Editor-in-Chief F. Charles Brunicardi,
MD, FACS/ Eleventh Edition. 2019/ - 2319p.
13. CURRENT Diagnosis & TreatmentSurgery/ Edited by Gerard M. Doherty,
MD/ 14th Edition. 2015. – 1330 p.
14. Clinical surgery/ edited by Michael M Henry MB FRCS/ Third Edition.
2012. – 773 p.
15. Hopkins General Surgery/ Review Manual. – 2005. – 158 p.
16. Basic surgical techniques/ R.M.Kirk/ 6th Edition. – 2010. – 217 p.
1. Medscape.com
2. Clinical.corroption.com
3. Oxfordmedicine.com
4. Uptodate.com
5. research.nhgri.nih.gov
6. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/PubMed/
7. medline.com
8. сlinicalLearningbyELSEVIER
9. https://medelement.com/
10. https://www.cochranelibrary.com
Academic The rules of academic conduct:
Policy of the 1)Appearance:
Course in the ✔ office clothing style ((shorts, short skirts, open t-shirts are not allowed to visit
Context of the
university ✔ university, jeans are not allowed in the hospital))
values ✔ clean ironed medical robe
✔ surgical suit (for surgery and obstetrics)
✔ medical mask
✔ medical cap (or neat hijab without hanging thoughts)
✔ medical gloves
✔ interchangeable shoes - closed (ballet flats for girls, you can crocs)
✔ neat hairstyle, neat short-cut nails
✔ badge with full name (full name)
2) Mandatory presence of a phonendoscope, tonometer, centimeter tape (you can
also have a pulse oximeter)
3) * Properly executed sanitary (medical) book (before the start of classes and
must be updated on time)
4) * The presence of a vaccination passport or other document confirming a
fully completed course of vaccination against COVID-19 and influenza
5) Mandatory observance of the rules of personal hygiene and safety
6) Systematic preparation for the educational process.
7) Accurate and timely maintenance of reporting documentation.
8) Active participation in medical-diagnostic and public events of the departments.
1. It is not allowed to be late for classes or the morning conference. In case of
being late, the decision on admission to the lesson is made by the teacher
leading the lesson. If there is a good reason, inform the teacher about the delay
and the reason by message or by phone. After the third delay, the student
writes an explanatory note addressed to the head of the department indicating
the reasons for being late and is sent to the dean's office to obtain admission to
the lesson. If you are late without a valid reason, the teacher has the right to
deduct points from the current grade (1 point for each minute of delay)
2. Religious events, holidays, etc. are not a valid reason for skipping, being late
and distracting the teacher and the group from work during classes.
3. If you are late for a good reason - do not distract the group and the teacher
from the lesson and quietly go to your place.
4. Leaving the class ahead of time, being outside the workplace during school
hours is regarded as absenteeism.
5. Additional work of students during study hours (during practical classes and
shifts) is not allowed.
6. For students who have more than 3 passes without notifying the curator and a
good reason, a report is issued with a recommendation for expulsion.
7. For each missed lesson, for an unexcused reason and without providing
relevant certificates, the student is deducted 5 points from the final assessment
for boundary control. Missed classes will not be made up.
8. The internal regulations of the clinical bases of the department are fully
applicable to students
9. Greet the teacher and any senior by standing up (in class)
10. Smoking (including the use of vapes, electronic cigarettes) is strictly prohibited
on the territory of medical facilities (out-doors) and the university. Punishment
- up to the annulment of boundary control, in case of repeated violation - the
decision on admission to classes is made by the head of the department
11. Respectful attitude towards colleagues regardless of gender, age, nationality,
religion, sexual orientation.

Academic values:
Academic honesty and integrity: independence in completing all assignments; the
inadmissibility of plagiarism, forgery, the use of cheat sheets, cheating at all stages
of knowledge control, deception of the teacher, attempts to manipulate and
disrespectful attitude towards him.
Evaluation and Criteria evaluation:
Assessment assessment of work on the activities of the check-list of the department
Policy Summative assessment: final control on the discipline of 2 stages:
1. MCQ testing

Calendar of the implementation of the course content:

Topic title Numbe Level of Maximu
№ r of mastery m score

Emergency (urgent) surgery

I 40
1. Acute appendicitis. Features of acute appendicitis in young IV
children. Peritonitis. Peritonitis in children IIIchildho
Acute cholecystitis. Cholelithiasis. Destructive pancreatitis. IV
2. Pancreatonecrosis III
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. Complications: IV
bleeding, perforation, penetration, pyloroduodenal stenosis,
ulcer malignancy.

Acute intestinal obstruction. Features in children IV

4. III
Abdominal hernias (umbilical, inguinal, femoral). IV
5. Complications of hernias: inflammation, incarceration,
coprostasis, strangulation.
Diseases of the rectum and anus. Haemorrhoids. Anus fissure. IV
Prolapse of the rectum. Proctitis. paraproctitis
Diagnosis and tactics of management of various forms of IV
circulatory disorders in the lower extremities (atherosclerosis
obliterans, endarteritis, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis,
Panaritium, paronychia, purulent tendovaginitis, pandactylitis. IV
Current control -1 40
Pediatric surgery 30
Congenital malformations of the gastrointestinal tract: II
9. esophageal atresia, intestinal obstruction, pyloric stenosis,
Hirschsprung's disease.
Congenital malformations of the musculoskeletal system in II
children (hip dislocation, clubfoot, muscular torticollis).
Curvature of the spine.
Congenital malformations of the cardiovascular system.
Malformations of the genitourinary system: hydrocele, II
11. hydronephrosis, hypospadias, phimosis, paraphimosis,
varicocele. Cryptorchidism. Enuresis
III Traumatology 40
Injuries of the chest, abdomen III
Gunshot Wounds
Fractures of tubular bones. Features of bone fractures in III
children. Fractures of the ribs, spine, pelvic bones.
Dislocations of the lower jaw, collarbone, joints of the upper IV
14. and lower extremities.
15. Shock (traumatic, hypovolemic, cardiogenic, septic, III - IV
infectious-toxic). Paincontrol. Bloodloss. Transfusiology.
Disseminated intravascular coagulation. Assistance Algorithm
16. Burn disease III - IV
Current control -2 40
17- Final control(1 stage+2 stage):
1 stage–testing
2 stage – MiniCEX

For the course as a whole - overall admission rating (OAR- ОРД)

Presentation of the medical history 30%
Boundary control #1 70%
Finals for Current control 1 100%
Presentation of the medical history 20%
360° assessment 10%
Science project 10%
Boundary control #2 60%
Finals for Current control 2 100%

Boundary control:
Test - 40%
Mini clinical exam - 60%

The final control of the discipline of 2 stages:

1 step Testing – 40%
2 step – OSCE with Standard Patient simulation – 60%
Hour Resources TeachingMethods
№ Topic Contents
Acute appendicitis. Features of Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Etiopathogenesis. Classification. The clinical
acute appendicitis in young учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. гл.3 clinical review, picture depending on the localization of the
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по appendix. Features of acute appendicitis in
children. хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и
Work in the pregnant women. Features of acute appendicitis in
Peritonitis. Peritonitis in children социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т waiting roomе young children. Pathological anatomy of the
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С. appendix.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М. Diagnostics. Typical and atypical forms of acute
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.], appendicitis. Complications of acute appendicitis.
2016. - 400 с. :ил. Differential diagnosis. Types of anesthesia.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p. Methods of surgical treatment: access.
79 Management of the postoperative period.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 30, 39. Complications of the postoperative period: early,
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd late. Long-term consequences.
edition, ch.25. Anatomical and physiological features of the
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques, peritoneum. Features in children.
6thEDITION Etiopathogenesis of peritonitis. Classification.
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general Stages of development. Pathological anatomy.
surgery, ch.14, p. 274 pathological physiology. Clinic. Diagnostics.
1. М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А. Differential diagnosis. Complications. Treatment.
Курамысов ХИРУРГИЯДАҒЫ Features of the development of peritonitis in
ДИАГНОСТИКАЛЫҚ ЖӘНЕ ЕМДІК children. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар, 27-
Какенова, ПануИльясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:

2. Acutecholecystitis. Cholelithiasis. Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Etiopathogenesis. Clinical picture depending on
Destructivepancreatitis. учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. clinical review, the morphological form. Diagnostics. Differential
Pancreaticnecrosis Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д. Work in the diagnosis. Treatment. Drug therapy. Indications
Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - for surgical treatment. Types of operation.
495 с. : ил., 5-тарау.
waiting roomе Postoperative complications. postcholecystectomy
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по syndrome.
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и Etiopathogenesis. Classification. Pathological
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т anatomy. Clinic. Diagnostics. Differential
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С. diagnosis. Complications. Drug therapy.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М. Indications for surgical treatment. Types of
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.], surgical intervention. Postoperativecomplications.
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 31,32.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.20.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.16
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар, 22-
Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:

3. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Etiopathogenesis. Pathological anatomy. The
duodenum. учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. clinical review, clinical picture depending on the localization of
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д. the ulcer. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis.
Work in the
Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - waiting roomе Indications for surgical treatment. Types of
495 с. : ил. 6-тарау operations. Complications of peptic ulcer:
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по bleeding, perforation, pyloroduodenal stenosis,
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и penetration, malignancy of the ulcer. Clinic.
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т Diagnostics. Methods of treatment.
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 26.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.18.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.13
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
Редакциясынбасқарған PMFA академигі
М.И. Кузин, Хирургиялық аурулар, 20-
Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
4. Acute intestinal obstruction. Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : clinical review, Etiopathogenesis. Classification.
Features in children учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. Work in the Pathomorphology. Clinic. Diagnostics.
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
waiting roomе Differential diagnosis. Treatment:
495 с. : ил. 8-тарау conservative, surgical. Postoperative
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по management of patients. Features of
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т
acute intestinal obstruction in newborns,
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С. children of younger and older age.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 29.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.24.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.15
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
Редакциясынбасқарған PMFA академигі
М.И. Кузин, Хирургиялық аурулар, 25-
Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
5. Abdominal hernias (umbilical, Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : clinical review, The structure of the hernia.
inguinal, femoral). Complications учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. Work in the Etiopathogenesis. Types of hernias:
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
of hernias: inflammation, Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
waiting roomе external (inguinal, femoral, umbilical,
incarceration, coprostasis, 495 с. : ил. 4-тарау white line of the abdomen, postoperative),
strangulation. Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по internal. Clinic. Diagnostics. Differential
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и diagnosis. Complications of hernias:
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
inflammation, irreducibility, coprostasis,
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М. infringement..Treatment - conservative,
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.], surgical. Herniaprevention.
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 35.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.27.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.11
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
Редакциясынбасқарған PMFA академигі
М.И. Кузин, Хирургиялық аурулар, 19-
Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
6. Diseases of the rectum and anus. Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : clinical review, Etiopathogenesis. Classification. Clinical picture of
Haemorrhoids. Anus fissure. учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. Work in the diseases of the rectum and anus. Surgical anatomy
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д. of the rectum. Anatomical and physiological
Prolapse of the rectum. Proctitis. Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
waiting roomе features of the rectum. Types of surgical treatment
paraproctitis 495 с. : ил. 12 тарау. Types of anesthesia. Methods of surgical treatment:
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по access. Management of the postoperative period.
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и Complications of the postoperative period: early,
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т late. Long-termconsequences.
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 29.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.26.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.15
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
Редакциясынбасқарған PMFA академигі
М.И. Кузин, Хирургиялық аурулар, 28-

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
7. Diagnosis and tactics of Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Etiopathogenesisofperipheralvasculardisea
management of various forms of учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. clinical review, ses. Classification.
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
circulatory disorders in the lower Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
Work in the Clinicalpictureofperipheralvasculardisease
extremities (atherosclerosis 495 с. : ил. 11- тарау. waiting roomе .
obliterans, endarteritis, varicose Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по Typesofsurgicaltreatmentofperipheralarteri
veins, thrombophlebitis, phlebitis) хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и esandveins.
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С. Indicationsandcontraindicationsforopenan
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М. dendovascularinterventions.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная heralvessels.
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 23, 24.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.29, 30.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.22
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
Редакциясынбасқарған PMFA академигі
М.И. Кузин, Хирургиялық аурулар, 11, 12,

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
8. Panaritium, paronychia, purulent Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Work in the Etiology and pathogenesis. Classification,
tendovaginitis, pandactylitis. учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. department, clinic clinical forms of soft tissue infections.
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
Surgical soft tissue infections Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
Principles of outpatient surgical treatment
495 с. : ил. of patients with soft tissue infections.
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по Types of anesthesia. Types of surgical
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и intervention. Management of the
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т postoperative period.
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М. Preventionofsofttissueinfections.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 16.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.9.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.8.
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
Редакциясынбасқарған PMFA академигі
М.И. Кузин, Хирургиялық аурулар, 19-

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
9. Congenital malformations of the Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Seminar Embryogenesis of the gastrointestinal
gastrointestinal tract: esophageal учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. tract. Etiopathogenesis of congenital
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
atresia, intestinal obstruction, Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
malformations of the gastrointestinal tract.
pyloric stenosis, Hirschsprung's 495 с. : ил. Classification. Types of surgical treatment
disease. Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по of congenital malformations. Management
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и of a child without surgical treatment.
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 39.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.36.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
10. Congenital malformations of the Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Seminar Embryogenesis of the musculoskeletal and
musculoskeletal system in учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. cardiovascular systems. Etiopathogenesis
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
children (hip dislocation, clubfoot, Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
of congenital malformations of the
muscular torticollis). Curvature of 495 с. : ил. musculoskeletal system and VPSSS.
the spine. Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по Classification. Types of surgical and
Congenital malformations of the хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и conservative treatment of congenital
cardiovascular system. социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т malformations.
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.], t.
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
79, 55, 34.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 20, 39,
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.17, 36, 34.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
11. Malformations of the Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Seminar Embryogenesis of the genitourinary
genitourinary system: hydrocele, учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. system. Etiopathogenesis of congenital
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
hydronephrosis, hypospadias, Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
malformations of the genitourinary
phimosis, paraphimosis, 495 с. : ил. system. Classification. Types of surgical
varicocele. Cryptorchidism. Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по and conservative treatment of congenital
Enuresis хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и malformations.
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т Childdevelopmentwithoutsurgicaltreatmen
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
79, 54.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 39, 40.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.36, 33.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
12. Injuries of the chest, abdomen Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Classification of injuries: single,
Gun shot wounds учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. clinical review, combined, combined; closed, open;
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
Work in the penetrating, non-penetrating. Localization
495 с. : ил. waiting roomе of injuries. Classification. Clinic.
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по Diagnostics. Treatment: conservative,
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и surgical. Indications for surgical treatment.
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т postoperative period.
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
5, 106.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 7, 9, 17.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.10, 28.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.7, 9, 19.
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
13. Fractures of tubular bones. Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Classification of fractures of tubular
Features of bone fractures in учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. clinical review, bones. The most frequent localization of
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
children. Fractures of the ribs, Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
Work in the fractures of tubular bones. Classification.
spine, pelvic bones. 495 с. : ил. waiting roomе Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment:
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по conservative, surgical. Indications for
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и surgical treatment. postoperative period.
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
79, 55
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 39, 43.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.36, 34.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
14. Dislocations of the lower jaw, Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Classification of dislocations. The most
collarbone, joints of the upper учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. clinical review,
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
common localization of dislocations.
and lower extremities. Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
Work in the Classification. Clinic. Diagnostics.
495 с. : ил. waiting roomе
Treatment: conservative, surgical.
Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и Indications for surgical treatment.
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т postoperative period.
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p.
79, 55
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 39, 43.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.36, 34.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
15. Shock (traumatic, hypovolemic, Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : Case-study Etiopathogenesis. Clinic. Classification.
cardiogenic, septic, infectious- учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. clinical review, Differential diagnosis.
Нурмаков ; Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
toxic). Pain control. Blood loss. Асфендиярова. - Алматы :NewBook, 2018. -
Work in the Algorithmfortheprovisionofspecializedas
Transfusiology. Syndrome of 495 с. : ил. waiting roomе sistance. Diagnostics. Treatment.
disseminated intravascular Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по
coagulation. AssistanceAlgorithm хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и
социал. развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т
им. С. Д. Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С.
Ибадильдин (ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М.
А. Сейсембаев и др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.],
2016. - 400 с. : ил.
Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. -
Алматы :NewBook, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch.4, 5.
Michael M Henry, Clinical surgery, 3rd
edition, ch.3, 7.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.4, 5, 6.
М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.

Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
Burn disease - Потапов В.Л. Ожоговая болезнь: Case-study Etiopathogenesis. Clinic. Stages of burn
диагностика, лечение, методы clinical review disease. Algorithm for the provision of
восстановления кожных
specialized assistance. Diagnostics.
покровов.Тула:Изд-воТулГУ,2020. 38 с
Hopkins, GeneralSurgery, Review Manual, p. Treatment.
Schwartz’s, Principles of Surgery, ch. 8.
R.M. Kirk, BasicSurgicalTechniques,
Peter F. Lawrence, Essential of general
surgery, ch.10.
16. М.Ө. Мұқанов, А. Қаныбеков, Е.А.
КузинМ.И., Хирургиялық аурулар.
Клинические протоколы МЗ РК
Клинические руководства МЗ РК
Web resource:
Assessment of Practical skills at bedside – curation (maximum 100 balls)
Criteria 10 8 6 4

Excellent  Good Satisfactory  Need correction
History taking
Completeness and Accurate, details the Gathers basic information, Incomplete or not focused. Inaccurate, 
accuracy manifestations of the disease. accurate, identifies new Important data missing
Able to highlight the most problems. inappropriate data.
important problem.
With attention to patient
Detail Organized, focused, highlights Identifies the main Incomplete data Demonstrates false or
all clinical manifestations with symptoms absence
2. an understanding of the course
of the disease in a particular
Systematic Exact observance of the Allows the patient to take
Incorrectly asks
interrogation order, changes himself aside, due to which
questions or finishes
the order depending on the Unable to fully control time is lengthened. Uses
3. gathering of anamnesis
main problem and taking into history gathering process leading questions (prompts
earlier, without revealing
account the characteristics of the patient to answer, which
important problems.
the patient may be incorrect)
Time management As effective as possible in the History taking time is Does not own the
4 Spends time inefficiently
shortest possible time delayed situation as a whole.
Physical examination
Consistency and Performs correctly in He knows the sequence, Inconsistent, uncertain, Does not know the order
correctness of the compliance with the sequence, shows a reasonable skill incomplete examination and sequence of the
physical confident, well-established in preparing and skills, refuses to try basic physical examination,
examination execution technique performing the research does not know his
examination technique
The skill of special
examination  Incorrect
Dangerous for patient
Revealed all the basic physical Identified the main Incomplete data Revealed data that does
7. Efficiency
data, as well as details symptoms not match objective data
8 Ability to analyze Changes the order of It suggests a circle of Cannot apply the obtained Not possession of a
examination depending on the diseases with similar survey data and physical situation, is a lot of
identified symptoms, clarifies, changes without examination to the patient. important omissions a lot
identified data
details the manifestations. specifying and detailing of the specifying
the manifestations. questions
10 8 6 4
He won the patient’s trust even Communication is quite difficulties in contact with Could not find contact
9- Communication
in a situation with a effective. the patient with patient
10 skills
communicative problem *
Check list Student independing work (100 units)
Criteria 10 8 6 4
Excellent  Good Satisfactory  need correction 
1 Problem The organized concentrated, Organized, the concentrated, Not the concentrated,  Inaccurate, misses
solving allocates all questions which allocates all questions which are Derivation on the questions the main thing,
are falling into to the main falling into to the main revealed which are not falling into to the disharmonious data.
revealed problem with a problem, but there is no main revealed problem
comprehension of a concrete comprehension of a concrete
clinical situation clinical situation
2 Information All necessary information on a All necessary information in a All necessary information on a Important
subject in the free, serial, logical manner, but with shallow subject is explained chaotically, information on a
logical manner is completely inaccuracies is conveyed with not gross errors subject, gross errors
conveyed  is not reflected
The product form is adequately
3 Significance Material is chosen on the basis Some conclusions and the Not the sufficient Conclusions and the
of authentically established conclusions are formulated on comprehension of a problem, conclusions are not
facts.   the basis of assumptions or the some conclusions and the proved or irregular
Manifestation of a incorrect facts. There is no conclusions are based on the
comprehension on the level or complete comprehension of inexact and not proved data –
quality of proofs level or quality of proofs doubtful resources are used
4 Logic  logical and well reasoning, has Has internal unity, provisions of There is no sequence and Jumps from one on
internal unity, provisions in a a product one of another logicality in statement, but it is another, it is
product follow one of another follows, but there are possible to keep track of the difficult to catch the
and are logically inaccuracies main idea main idea
interdependent between
5 Recourses  Literary data are submitted in Literary data show study of the Only ordinary recourses Inconsistency and
logical interrelation, show main literature randomness in
deep study of the main and statement of data, an
padding informational inconsistency
resources There is no
knowledge of the
main textbook
Using of Google
6 Practical High good moderate no
7 Patient High good moderate no
8 Applicability High good moderate no
in future
9 Presenation Correctly, to the place all It is overloaded or are Visual materials are not Does not own
opportunities of Power Point insufficiently used visual informative  material, is not able
or other e-softs, the free materials, inexact possession of to explain it
possession of material, a sure material
manner of statement are used
bonu Time 10 In time Good quality but a little late  After deadline more
s management For before deadline Minus 2-4  than 24 hours 
Minus 10 
bonu Rating 10  Outstanding work, for example: 
s The best work in group
Creative approach
Innovative approach to realization of a task
According to the proposal of group
Assignments for the IWS, Schedule for their implementation, Methodological instructions for them

Independent work of a student during school hours:

• preparation of thematic messages for conferences
• maintenance of medical records
• participation in SSS of the department, speeches at conferences
• participation in the work of scientific and practical conferences, symposiums, etc.
• development of practical skills in the Center for Practical Skills on SimulationScenarios
Extracurricular independent activities of an intern doctor:
• study of special medical literature
• work with electronic information resources, including medical Internet portals
Extracurricular independent work is evaluated according to the results of: Individual task - creating a
medical simulation scenario on the proposed topics

Schedule for the implementation of the IWS

№ Assignments for the SIW Form of SIW Deadlines for the SIW**
completion (academic week)
2. Themes: Abstracts 2,4,6
- Organization of surgical care in the
Republic of Kazakhstan. The structure of
surgical care in the Republic of
- Modern methods of minimally invasive
- Lung transplantation
- Cancer alertness. Screening.
Indications. tumor markers
- Liver transplant
kidney transplant
360° assessment checklist for student
CURATOR and Lecturer

FULL NAME of Curator _______________________________ Signature ______________

Very well Criteria and Unsatisfactory

1 Constantly preparing for classes: Preparing for Constantly not preparing for class
For example, backs up statements with classes For example, insufficient reading and study of
relevant references, makes short summaries problematic issues, makes little contribution to
Demonstrates effective teaching skills, the knowledge of the group, does not analyze,
assists in teaching others 10 8 6 4 2 0 does not summarize the material.
2 Takes responsibility for their own A Takes no responsibility for their own
learning: responsibility learning:
For example, manages their learning plan, For example, depends on others to complete the
actively tries to improve, critically evaluates learning plan, hides mistakes, rarely critically
information resources 10 8 6 4 2 0 analyzes resources.
3 Actively participates in the training of the Participation
group: Not active in the group training process:
For example, actively participates in For example, does not participate in the
discussions, willingly takes tasks
10 8 6 4 2 0 discussion process, is reluctant to accept
4 Demonstrates effective group skills Group skills Demonstrates ineffective group skills
For example, takes the initiative, shows For example, inappropriately intervening,
respect and correctness towards others, helps showing poor discussion skills by interrupting,
to resolve misunderstandings and conflicts.
10 8 6 4 2 0 avoiding or ignoring others, dominating or
5 Skilled in communicating with peers: Communicatio Difficulty communicating with peers
For example, actively listening, receptive to ns For example, poor listening skills, unable or
non-verbal and emotional cues disinclined to listen to non-verbal or emotional
Respectful attitude cues
10 8 6 4 2 0 Use of obscene language
6 Highly developed professional skills: Professionalis Clumsy, fearful, refusing to try even basic
Eager to complete tasks, seek opportunities m procedures
for more learning, confident and skilled
Compliance with ethics and deontology in Inferiority in professional behavior - causing
relation to patients and medical staff 10 8 6 4 2 0 harm to the patient, rude disrespectful attitude
Observance of subordination. towards medical staff, colleagues

7 High introspection: Reflection Low introspection:

For example, recognizes the limitations of For example, needs more awareness of the
their knowledge or abilities without limits of understanding or ability and does not
becoming defensive or rebuking others.
10 8 6 4 2 0 take positive steps to correct
8 Highly developed critical thinking: Critical Critical Thinking Deficiency:
For example, appropriately demonstrates thinking For example, has difficulty completing key
skill in performing key tasks such as tasks. As a rule, does not generate hypotheses,
generating hypotheses, applying knowledge does not apply knowledge in practice either
to case studies, critically evaluating 10 8 6 4 2 0 because of their lack or because of inability
information, drawing conclusions aloud, (lack of induction), does not know how to
explaining the process of thinking critically evaluate information
9 Fully adheres to the rules of academic Compliance Пренебрегает правилами, мешает другим
conduct with understanding, suggests with the rules членам коллектива
improvements in order to increase efficiency. Neglects the rules, interferes with other
Complies with the ethics of communication -
of academic members of the team
both oral and written (in chats and appeals) conduct
10 8 6 4 2 0
10 Fully follows the rules with full Compliance Breaks the rules.
understanding of them, encourages other with the rules Encourages and provokes other members of the
members of the group to adhere to the rules group to break the rules
Strictly adheres to the principles of medical
of conduct in Creates a threat to the patient
ethics and PRIMUM NON NOCERE the hospital
10 8 6 4 2 0
Maximum 100 points

* gross violation of professional behavior, rules of conduct in the hospital - or a decrease in the grade for boundary control or
cancellation; ethical committee
Such violations are a threat to the health of patients due to action (for example, smoking on the territory of the hospital) or
inaction; rudeness and rudeness towards any person (patient, classmate, colleague, teacher, doctor, medical staff)

Map of educational and methodological provision of the discipline

"Fundamentals ofSurgery"
№ Informationalresources Number of Quantityinthelibraryo
students fKazNU. Аl-Farabi
studying the
enrollment) каз рус англ
Educational literature (title, year of
publication, authors) in electronic form
1. Хирургиялық аурулар:оқулық: екі томдық
редвкциясын басқарған М.И.Кузин; қазақ
тіліне аударылған оқулықтың жалпы
реадкциясын басқарған А.Н.Баймаханов. – М.:
ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2018. – I том. – 560 б. : ил
2. Хирургиялық аурулар:оқулық: екі томдық
редвкциясын басқарған М.И.Кузин; қазақ
тіліне аударылған оқулықтың жалпы
реадкциясын басқарған А.Н.Баймаханов. – М.:
ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2018. – II том. – 528 б. : ил
3. Нұрмақов А.Ж. Хирургиялық аурулар:оқулық/
А.Ж.Нұрмақов, А.Н.Баймаханов. - М.:
Литтера, 2017. – 256 б. – ил.
4. М.Ө.Мұқанов, А.Қаныбеков, Е.А.Курамысов.
Хирургиядағы диагностикалық және емдік
манипуляциялар: оқу әдістемелік құрал.
Қарағанды: «АҚНҰР» баспасы, 2017. – 150б
5. Нурмаков, А. Ж.Хирургические болезни : +
учебник / А. Ж. Нурмаков, Д. А. Нурмаков ;
Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д. Асфендиярова. -
Алматы : New Book, 2018. - 495 с. : ил.
6. Хирургические болезни : Нац. рук. по +
хирургии / М-во здравоохранения и социал.
развития РК, Каз. нац. мед. ун-т им. С. Д.
Асфендиярова ; [авт.кол.: А. С. Ибадильдин
(ред.), Б. М. Нокербекова, М. А. Сейсембаев и
др.] . - Алматы : [б. и.], 2016. - 400 с. : ил.
7. Какенова, Пану Ильясовна.     Неотложная +
хирургия органов брюшной полости : учеб.
пособие / П. И. Какенова ; [Павлодар. фил.
Гос. мед. ун-та г. Семей]. - Алматы : New
Book, 2018. - 158 с. : ил.
8. Потапов В.Л. Ожоговая болезнь: диагностика,
лечение, методы восстановления кожных
покровов.Тула:Изд-воТулГУ,2020. 38 с
9. Essentials of general surgery and surgical
specialties / senior editor, Peter F. Lawrence;
editors, Matt Smeds, Jessica Beth O’Connell.
Sixth edition. | Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer
Health, [2019]. -1403 p.
10. Principles and Practice of Surgery/ edited by
O.James Garden/ 7th Edition. 2018. – 578 p.
11. Schwartz’s Principles of Surgery/ Editor-in-Chief
F. Charles Brunicardi, MD, FACS/ Eleventh
Edition. 2019/ - 2319p.
12. CURRENT Diagnosis & TreatmentSurgery/
Edited by Gerard M. Doherty, MD/ 14th Edition.
2015. – 1330 p.
13. Basic surgical techniques/ R.M.Kirk/ 6th Edition.
– 2010. – 217 p.
14. Hopkins General Surgery/ Review Manual. –
2005. – 158 p.
15. Clinical surgery/ edited by Michael M Henry MB
FRCS/ Third Edition. 2012. – 773 p.
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