Aj - Singer Sustaibility

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Table of Contents

Introduction to company............................................................................................................3

1. Sustainability and sustainability development....................................................................3

2. Theoretical overview..........................................................................................................5

2.1 Technological innovation................................................................................................5

2.2 The hierarchy of waste....................................................................................................6

2.3 Carbon neutrality.............................................................................................................6

3. Organizational analysis.......................................................................................................6





Sustainability is a crucial practice that most firms are presently using to become a prominent
sustainable company on par with rivals. The primary reason might be the deterioration and
devastation caused by human activities due to early globalization and the expansion of
businesses and humanity. These events may have many negative externalities that affect both
the future and the present. Pollutants in the land and water, for example, are causing the
decline of plant variety, marine habitats, and biodiversity. Similarly, sustainability ideas are
more concerned with the environment than other notions. Thus, it emphasizes economical
and social factors which would encourage and improve stakeholder relations and customer

Throughout this report, sustainable development factors have occupied the leading and most
crucial stance while incorporating it into the conceptual review notions, generating a critical
analysis of the theoretical constructs chosen and determining how the methodologies are
suited to Singer Sri Lanka PLC. To examine and analyze Singer's practices, this research
eventually focuses on various ideas that come under sustainability. Singer conducts business
using innovations, such as new systems and methods for manufacturing, while evolving
consumption patterns, such as switching from non-recyclable to reusable raw materials, while
maintaining a unique waste management system that incorporates the water footprint concept.
As a result, it was decided that Singer now sustainably performs the processes, but the
suggestions highlighted several significant changes that should be implemented. As a result,
it is abundantly evident that enterprises must adopt sustainability initiatives to compete with
other rivals in the industrial sector.

Introduction to company

Singer (Sri Lanka) PLC is one of Sri Lanka's primary household appliance dealers. Sri Lanka
has a 166-year history with Singer PLC. Singer Company established a business in Sri Lanka
in 1877, selling sewing machines. Singer Sri Lanka is no longer a global corporation in Sri
Lanka as a result of Mr. Damika Perera's RS.12.5 billion purchase. Hayleys purchased a
majority share in the company in 2017 and became Singer's parent company (Sri Lanka).
Singer Sri Lanka had 431 stores at the end of 2022. Singer PLC has achieved several

milestones in its development. They have made their way into shopping, industry, and
financial services. Singer Sri Lanka PLC is deeply devoted to Sustainability and has created
its own Corporate Environment Policy. Most of the firm's processes and products are
environmentally friendly, and behavior is reviewed regularly to help their influence. Singer
partners with global giants such as Samsung, Huawei, and Sony to provide clients with
cutting-edge and environmentally responsible goods (Singer PLC, 2022).

1. Sustainability and sustainability development

Sustainability is defined as the capacity to run an organization at a high level for an extended
period while utilizing existing resources wisely and storing them for future generations. This
is one of the ways that can be used to assess an organization's performance (Kuhlman &
John, 2010). The company’s ultimate goal is to contain and manage a sustainable business.
As a result, enterprises should guarantee that their activities are carried out to minimize the
environmental damage and pollution incurred. To have a social well-being society. This may
be considered the most comprehensive strategy among all the other options. Regarding
sustainability, three things come to mind: the planet, people, and profit, sometimes known as
the triple bottom line. It aims to assess the organization's environmental, social, and financial
performance over time. If a company wants to be sustainable, it must balance all three of
these factors (Klarin, 2018).

Figure 1:Sustianbility development

The sustainability concept is now well recognized and discussed; in essential words, it
assures development that meets present human needs without jeopardizing the potential to
meet the expectations of future generations. To make this a success, the notion must be
ingrained in civilization and the lifeblood of humankind. Similarly, companies should
guarantee the adoption of these best practices that enable sustainable development with the
progress that ensures everyone's wants are satisfied, successfully delivering economic growth
and jobs while not damaging the environment.

2. Theoretical overview

Environmental sustainability is a competent link with the environment that allows for long-
term ecological quality while avoiding the depletion or deterioration of natural resources.
Environmental sustainability ensures that the needs of the current population are satisfied
without jeopardizing future generations' ability to handle their problems. Many businesses
now concentrate on how to run a business sustainably, which is critical for any firm. The
report examines environmental sustainability via three key themes selected from many
possible course topics: technological innovation, changing consumption patterns, waste
hierarchy, and the water footprint, together with pertinent concerns and actions.

2.1 Technological innovation

According to (Khan, et al., 2022),Technological innovation is the generation of a new

concept based on technology, capacity, and knowledge, its development into a reality, and its
implementation alongside technology. Furthermore, technical innovation is the creation and
dissemination of new technologies. The interplay between the company and the external
technical environment is essential to technological innovation.

Furthermore, technological innovation expands on the notions of disruptive and sustaining

technologies. It contends that sustaining innovations have the potential to alter both the
industrial paradigm and the overall design. This is the transfer of innovative systems into a
more sustainable mode of manufacturing and consumption (Constantinescu & Frone, 2014).
Most companies employ additive technology, in which devices are added to current goods
and processors to limit environmental harms associated with consumption and production.

One of the world’s most severe issues due to excessive technology use is the quantity of
energy used, which causes global warming, changes in the climate, harmful gas emissions
from polluting the air, and the greenhouse effect (Rantala, et al., 2018).

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is an example of a technological advancement that entails
eliminating 90% of CO2 emissions and mitigating climate change. As a result, even though
the technology is blamed for damaging the environment, it also modifies the world. At the
same time, most studies have shown that appropriate and appropriate use of technology has a
tremendous influence on the environment.

2.2 The hierarchy of waste

The European Commission developed this idea in three stages, but it was then expanded to
five steps: “prevention, reuse, recycling, another recovery, and disposal”. A theoretical
barrier arises due to managers' need for more authority when preventative measures become
distinctly separate from waste management. When the substance is discarded, the chance to
avoid it diminishes, leaving only reuse. As a result, the word trash has become more difficult
since some proprietors may appreciate the things (Rossi, et al., 2015).

According to (Ewijk & Stegemann, 2016), these practical waste management concepts or
methods offer long-term benefits like liability decrease, product quality enhancement,
operating efficiency improvement, waste production reduction, as well as reduced waste
treatment, disposal, and manufacturing expenses incurred, as well as an apparent absence of
impact on land, air, groundwater, marine life, and ecology. Samsung has a worldwide
initiative called "Samsung Re+ (replus)" that collects and recycles e-waste to reduce its
environmental impact.

2.3 Carbon neutrality

One of them is carbon neutrality. It entails achieving "Net Emissions Zero" by acquiring
enough replacements to balance all residual emissions after reducing efforts (Zhang, et al.,
2021). One of the primary ways harmful air is released into the environment at Singer PLC is
by painting machinery, particularly furniture. On the other hand, Singer Industries has used
Water Curtain Systems to suck the paint fumes. The Water Curtains are also known as a Paint

3. Organizational analysis

Using innovation technology

The notion of technical innovation serves as the basis for the behaviors listed below, leading
to more effective manufacturing with less wastage, less power, and a longer life term for the

Singer's opponent, Richard Pieris, and company PLC (Arpico) employ greener energy
technologies by creating biogas. The actions have included decreasing carbon footprints,
energy conservation, boosting transport efficiency, waste reduction, and recycling, utilizing
natural light sources, and lowering greenhouse gas emissions with the "State of the Art
technology”. Furthermore, Singer PLC has boosted our use of solar energy in conjunction
with biomass energy sources (Singer PLC, 2022). Arpico is the only company that uses
Nanotechnology air purification CFL bulbs to save 80% on electricity.

Figure 2:Technological innovation practices in Singer PLC (Singer PLC, 2022)

Changing less harmful products

Organizations often use the notion of shifting consumption habits to increase environmental
friendliness. As a result, Singer's policies below support ecological footprint reductions while
encouraging reusable raw materials. Changes in the company's consumption patterns have led
to embedded modifications in the amortization time, and sustainable environment and safety
are emphasized.

Figure 3:Consumption pattern practices by Singer PLC (Singer PLC, 2022)

Focusing on reducing and recycling practices

Water curtain paint cubicles were utilized instead of traditional paint booths, lowering air
emission generated by spray when painting to a higher degree and producing harmful
emissions utilizing electrostatic. Hirdaramani clothing plants utilize 70% less water than
typical factories, using specific biological processes up to the tertiary level, recycling
wastewater, and reusing rainfall inside the site. Paper, polythene, and fabric waste are

recycled, and waste papers are used in frontline healthcare bags. Furthermore, all food waste
is transferred to animal farms.

Figure 4:Waster management practices (Singer PLC, 2022)


In the real world, dealing with sustainable development is not easy and certainly challenging
because the initial cost to begin them will be very significant. The businesses will only be
able to reap the benefits after some time. It is more challenging than it appears because it
requires intense skills, creativity, and in-depth knowledge to establish them. Meanwhile, it
needs to be the optimum moment for businesses to adapt. It is stated that Laughs is more
active in sustainable development techniques, and their efforts are beneficial. It must also be
emphasized that their primary business is harmful to the environment despite their efforts to
achieve sustainable development. Current techniques that carry might win the social and
economic elements, according to the trifocal vision of sustainability that considers society,
economics, and the environment.

To summarize, commitment to sustainable growth is admirable in Singer PLC, but there is

still an opportunity for improvement, particularly in environmental areas. As a result, if an
organization can strike a healthy balance between the economy, society, and the environment.

This study primarily elaborates on Singer Sri Lanka PLC's endeavors relating to ecologically
friendly principles. The research speaks to technical advancement, consumption patterns,
waste hierarchy, blue water footprint, and numerous initiated actions. Consequently, the
practices have finally resulted in various advantages, with most organizations today
attempting to become the best at sustainability solutions. Finally, suggestions are presented
and proposed to enhance or manage the already applied procedures. When looking at the
organization, it is evident that Singer has made enough actions and efforts for long-term
growth, resulting in a higher overall success rate.

 Create more excellent room for carbon neutrality.

Singer PLC already has several measures to limit dangerous emissions, albeit the
emphasis on carbon footprint and neutrality is low. As a result, by transitioning to a
solar energy adoption process with solar thermal panels, energy efficiency is
improved while carbon emissions are maintained. Even though the corporation
intended it, it has yet to be executed. Though it would need millions of dollars to get
started, the time necessary could be less than three years.

 Increasing the use of greener solutions

Singer makes concessions with several green goods, but it would be advantageous if
Singer shifted to a green production site, with each factory and production point
operating in an ecologically responsible way. As a result, the cost would be high even
though it would require millions of minutes, providing a competitive edge over other
household appliance manufacturers.

 Greater emphasis on food disposal methods

The local council typically collects and disposes of food waste created by everyday
food consumption. However, it is preferable if the land is utilized for other reasons,
such as pig farms. Concerning the waste hierarchy, the redesign/rethinking and
disposal element should be emphasized and implemented primarily. Because an
agreement or partnership is formed, the time commitment would be substantially
lower than for other ventures.

 Appropriate Blue Water Footprint Approaches

Singer should implement practices that promote BWF, which can be obtained via
technology relationships with organizations with highly superior practices in
preserving BWF, so that Singer may adopt the efforts with few changes. As a result, it
would take substantially less time with a lower operational cost.

 Build a water treatment facility.

The majority of Singer manufacturing factories do not use water treatment systems.
This is an excellent strategy to lower the plant's water use. The Piliyandala plant, on
the other hand, uses 100% well water and has no utility expense. As a result, Singer
Sri Lanka's other plants may use their approach.

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Figure 5:Sustainability development in Singer PLC (Singer PLC, 2022)


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