N1J02 Week #2 Musculoskeletal Handout ROM For Students
N1J02 Week #2 Musculoskeletal Handout ROM For Students
N1J02 Week #2 Musculoskeletal Handout ROM For Students
Jarvis, C. (2019). Physical examination & health assessment (3rd Canadian ed.). A.J. Browne, J.
MacDonald-Jenkins, & M. Luctkar-Flude, (Eds.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada.
1. Cervical spine
Flexion – 45 degrees.
Hyperextension- 55 degrees.
Lateral bending - 40 degrees
Rotation - 70 degrees
Muscle testing: Ask the client to repeat
these actions while applying opposing
force. This also tests cranial nerve XI
2. Spine (standing)
Hyperextension - 30 degrees.
3. Shoulders
4. Elbows
Touch the thumb to each finger and to the base of the little finger (opposition)
Muscle testing: Position the person's forearm supinated (palm up) and resting on a table.
Stabilize by holding your hand at the person's mid-forearm. Ask client to flex the wrist against
your resistance at the palm.
Abduction - 40 to 45 degrees.
Adduction - 20 to 30 degrees.
7. Knee (standing)
Eversion - 20 degrees (roll ankle – bottom of foot facing out). Inversion - 30 degrees (roll ankle
– bottom of foot facing in)
Muscle testing – Ask client to maintain dorsiflexion and plantar flexion against your resistance.