2022-2023 Fall CE371 HW5 PDF

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Academic Semester: 2022-2023 Fall Homework-5

Course Code: CE 371 Course Title: Fluid Mechanics Course Section: 01

Name of Lecturer: İbrahim Gürer (Room No:B107) Due Date:
Date of Exam: 22/11/2022
Course Assistant Egemen Balas (Room No:B115) 2.12.2022 17.00
Student Name-Surname: Student Number:
Faculty/Vocational School/Institute: Faculty of
Department: Civil Engineering
Student Signature:

/5 /5 /5

Q1. In the system given below by considering both major and minor losses, compute
𝐻 and draw energy grade line in order to obtain Q = x1 m3 . ∅ = 0.62, k contraction =
0.5, k enlargement = 1.

(For the value of x1 use Table1)

Name Surname: Student Number:

Q2. Gasoline flows from a 0.3-mdiameter pipe in which the pressure is x2 kPa into a
0.15 − m − diameter pipe in which the pressure is 120kPa. If the pipes are horizontal
and viscous effects are negligible, determine the flowrate. (Hint: use
Bernoulli/contimuity, 𝐹𝑜𝑟 Gasoline; 𝛾 = 6.67 𝐍/𝐦𝟑)

(For the value of x2 use Table1)


Name Surname: Student Number:

Q3. Water flows steadily through the pipe shown in figure below such that the
pressures at sections (1) and (2) are 300kPa and 100kPa, respectively. Determine the
diameter of the pipe at section (2), 𝐷2 , if the velocity at section 1 is x3 m/s and
viscous effects are negligible. (Hint: use Bernoulli/contimuity)

(For the value of x3 use Table1)

Name Surname: Student Number:

Table 1:
In Q1 Take x1 = In Q2 Take x2 = In Q3 Take x3 =
Ahmet Selman Eren 0.2 300 20
Alkım Sıdal Eldem 0.21 310 21
Murat Engin 0.22 320 22
Sıla Erdoğdu 0.23 330 23
Eren Yiğit Bayrak 0.24 340 24
Umut Nasöz 0.25 350 25
Zişan Yeniliyen 0.26 360 26
Musa Berkay Uçarsu 0.27 370 27
Barış Yahşi 0.28 380 28
Ali Koç 0.29 390 29
Elif Ateş 0.3 400 30
Fatmanur Gel 0.31 410 31

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