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San Mateo Municipal College 1

The Problem and its Background

There are four Basic English language skills called listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. Listening is the most important of all. According to Rost
(2009), listening helps us to understand the world around us and is one of the
necessary elements in creating successful communication. Listening is the
process of receiving images, impressions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and
emotions from the speaker. Listening is an important skill in English to
understand what people say.

Listening is one of the indispensable abilities in language. One of the

many ways to improve listening skills is by using songs. According to
Listiyaningsih (2017), in the study "The Influence of Listening English Song to
Improve Listening Skill in Listening Class," she states that when listening to a
song, especially an English song, unconsciously it trains the ears to listen
comprehensively, and when there are in a listening class, people who listen to
the English song can comprehend the meaning of the text. This substantiates
Nolen's assertion (2013). According to him, songs are perceived by human
beings’ ears, and then they are examined in the left hemisphere to ultimately
encourage learning and decode information.

According to research in the subject of psycholinguistics, there is a clear

connection between the fields of language and music throughout brain
development, which can start even before the age of two, similar to how the
brain can comprehend and then organize the rhythm and grammar of language
(McMullen and Saffran, 2004). Music encourages thought and aids in the
San Mateo Municipal College 2

development of abilities like verbal memory and auditory memory in the setting
of L2 learning.

Since songs are highly memorable and motivate the students. Songs
contain language patterns while also developing listening skills, pronunciation,
and rhythm, as well as providing a fun environment. In addition, singing is a
very beneficial type of activity. According to Basha (2019), there are many
advantages to using songs in the classroom. Through using contemporary
popular songs, which are already familiar to teenagers, the teacher can meet
the challenges of the teenagers' needs in the classroom.

Comprehensive listening is frequently regarded as the most difficult skill

to master. In reality, some students struggle with listening comprehension
because it is difficult to learn; they simply listen, but some do not understand
what they have heard, so they ignore it. This has become a problem in the field
of education, particularly for students.

This study examines how songs and rhythms in diverse musical genres,
including pop, classical, and rock, affect the listening comprehension of
selected seventh-grade students at San Mateo National High School
throughout the academic year 2021–2022.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study is to determine the effects of Songs and
Rhythms in listening comprehension of the selected grade seven students.
More specifically, the researchers would like to inquire the following:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age
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1.2 Sex
2. What is the level of listening comprehension of the respondents in
terms of the following genre:
1.1 Pop
1.2 Classical
1.3 Rock
3. Is there a significant difference between the listening comprehension
and genre of music?

Theoretical Framework
According to Carroll (2000), in Research on Psycholinguistics, it was
revealed that songs activate the learning of a foreign language in both
hemispheres of the brain. This fact shows that learning is linked to the different
actions of the brain; the expression of thoughts and creative perception. The
left hemisphere perceives sounds, while the right hemisphere decodes
information and stimulates learning.

To support this theory, this fact is relevant as the human brain is formed
by the left and right hemispheres. The first is in charge of thought expression,
which makes reference to oral and written words. To be more explicit, it deals
with what is being thought and its translation into words. While the right
hemisphere tends to be more perceptive and creative, involving emotions,
feelings, and artistic and musical abilities.

In relation, songs are perceived by human beings’ ears through the left
hemisphere in order to be analyzed in the left hemisphere to finally stimulate
and process learning a language. When it comes to learning the rhythm of a
language, using songs in the classroom can improve listening comprehension
and provide pronunciation practice. Moreover, learners acquire vocabulary and
San Mateo Municipal College 4

idiomatic expressions through music and can even review grammar points they
have studied, Arleo (2000).

Finally, using songs can help students improve their listening

comprehension skills. It can also be used to teach vocabulary and sentence
structures. The use of songs allows learners to develop their musical
intelligence in order to improve their listening comprehension skills, including
vocabulary, sound perception, and daily phrases related to the specified topic
and level, all of which are considered essential for learning a second language.

Conceptual Framework

Genre Learning

Significance of the Study

This study focused on the songs and rhythms in different music genres,
which can have a great impact on the listening comprehension of an individual.
The researchers conducted this study to find out how music genres affect
San Mateo Municipal College 5

listening comprehension so they can provide activities to help the students with
listening comprehension.

Researchers hope that the result will be of great help to the people who
are concerned about the respondents, especially the following:

For the Students

They will benefit most from this study as they develop better listening
skills and they can more comfortably express their emotions. They will have a
greater ability to communicate with their parents and teachers. Additionally,
they can gain knowledge about the experiences they get from this study
because they will be able to have a greater understanding of what they have

For the Parents

This will benefit them as they will be aware of the importance of listening
comprehension to their children's development, thus giving them a comfortable
home and developing their characters.

For the Teachers

This research will also benefit them in terms of developing teaching
techniques for incorporating songs and rhythms into improving students'
listening comprehension. 

For the Institution

The result of this study can be used as a reference in improving student
listening comprehension to understand and address the needs in learning.

For the Researchers

San Mateo Municipal College 6

Other researchers can use the findings as a starting point for further
research on songs and rhythms in listening comprehension. This will serve as a
guide to further developing the research to improve skills, strategy, and

Scope and Delimitation

The primary goal of this research is examine and evaluate the effects of
Songs and Rhythms on the Listening Comprehension of Selected Grade Seven
Students. The study looks into whether there is a difference in outcome based
on song genre and rhythm.

The study included 105 randomly selected seventh-grade students. The

study was conducted in the second quarter of S.Y. 2021-2022 at San Mateo
National High School.

This study presents the hypothesis that English songs can improve the
listening comprehension of Grade 7 students.

However, results may differ in the levels of improvement in listening

comprehension of Grade 7 based on different music genres of English songs.

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Definition of Terms
The following are terms which the researchers would like to give a
definition to since these are the terms they would be referring to in the study.
Each term is given a conceptual and operational meaning.

Conceptual: A song is a short poem or other set of words set to music or
meant to be sung.
Operational: Song can be an effective way to improve the listening
comprehension of students (

Conceptual: A regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary).
Operational: Rhythm functions as the propulsive engine of a piece of music,
and it gives a composition structure.

Conceptual: A type of artistic, musical, or literary composition distinguished by
a specific style, form, or content. 
Operational: Genres are few and most valuable tools for understanding music,
genres have the power to substantially increase our comprehension of music
(Preston Cram).

Classical Genre
-A song that has aged well or defines the era it was made in.

Pop Genre
- Is the genre of popular music that produces the most hits.
San Mateo Municipal College 8

Rock Genre
- A form of genre of music with a strong beat.

Listening Comprehension
Conceptual: It measures students’ ability to receive, understand, interpret, and
respond to verbal and non-verbal messages from the speaker.
Operational: Listening comprehension measures the understanding of spoken

Conceptual: A person who attends a school, college, or university (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary).
Operational: In this study, they are the respondents. They are the Grade 7
students of San Mateo National High School, for the school year 2021–2022.
San Mateo Municipal College 9

Chapter II
Review of Related Studies and Literature

Many people argue about the help of songs and rhythms in the learning
comprehension of students. With that, in this Review of Related Literature, the
following will be discussed in order to explore previous literature and research
related to songs and rhythms and learning comprehension: review of
independent variable; review of dependent variable; the link between the
independent and dependent variable; and finally, the summary of all the
connecting literature and studies.

Foreign Literature
Songs, Rhythm and Listening
Rost (2005) proposes that listening is a cognitive, active, intentional
process in his book "Teaching and Researching Listening." It emphasizes
listening characteristics such as colloquial language, the speaker's invisibility,
and the interactive. That is not difficult to understand. The materials should be
simple enough for students to grasp the main idea; usually, colloquial language
is used so that students can predict the process. Because it is not real listening,
the speakers are not visible (except in the conversation between teachers and
students). Listening comprehension is also interactive, in the sense that
students must provide feedback to teachers on what they have heard, and
teachers must provide evaluations at the appropriate time. Both teachers and
students must actively participate in the listening process.

According to the Listening Observatory (2017), critical listening

questions the various listening circumstances during experimental practices
and perceives the complex contexts in which communication occurs. Kilpatrick
(2015) explains that cognitive and empathic abilities are also required for active
San Mateo Municipal College 10

listening. Because all active elements in communication are interpreted from

feelings, ideas, or thoughts for the correct inference about messages emitted,
this type of listening refers to the skills developed in relation to listening factors.

This appears to support Berk's (2009) claim that, for an effective

process, song selection must adhere to guidelines, with characteristics, gender,
trends, and students' ages being important considerations for a compilation of
songs as pedagogical tools aimed at strengthening listening skills. Time criteria
must also be considered; that is, the chosen songs must have a duration that
allows for working with post-activity activities to ensure appropriate learning;
taking very long songs into consideration may not be helpful because students
may become unmotivated and lose track of the class expectations.

Another factor to consider is the rhyme, rhythm, and melody of songs,

this factor is essential for students to relate to the English language's nature.
Many people remember rhyme, rhythm, or melody better than ordinary speech
(Falioni, p. 1) .A final criterion is the impact that the songs have on the student
community, these incidents act at the mental, behavioral and moral levels.
According to Fonseca (2011), the lyrics of the song should contribute to
knowledge and the school environment. Students gain socio-cultural and moral
knowledge through song selection, which fosters emotional creativity.

When songs are analyzed, it can easily be observed that one of their
prominent features is their rhythmic and repetitive nature. The repetitive nature
of songs, the joy songs impose to the learning activity and the associative
power between the melody and the content of the word reinforce the attainment
of the language to be internalized. When an input is assimilated through songs,
that input is stored with other occurring elements, that is, the melody of the
song and the emotional elements germinated by the melody.
San Mateo Municipal College 11

The features of Listening Comprehension

Theoretically, listening comprehension is considered a process in which
the individual focuses on selected aspects of the audio input, then on the
meaning of the words heard and associates them with existing knowledge. Rost
(2005) suggests that listening is a thinking and initiative process. Ur (2000)
shows the features of listening: informal language, inconspicuousness of the
speaker, and interaction. It is not too difficult to understand. The material should
be easy for students to grasp the main content so that they can predict the
process and prepare well. This is not listening because the speakers are
invisible. Listening comprehension also requires interaction between teachers
and students. This means students give feedback to teachers on what they
listen to, and teachers will give their judgments on students. Therefore, the
listening process needs to be an active participant rather than a passive
receiver of information.

Common Difficulties of Students in Listening Comprehension

Listening is essential in everyday life. People listen for a variety of
reasons, including entertainment, academic purposes, and obtaining necessary
information. It is necessary for language learning because it allows for the
acquisition of insights and information, as well as success in communicating
with others. However, many students fail to seize them due to learning
difficulties in listening class.

Megasari (2021) states in her study “An Analysis of Students’ Difficulties

in Listening Comprehension” that the listening material, the listener, and the
physical context all had a role in the student's difficulty in understanding what
they were hearing. Furthermore, relying on others, feeling ashamed to ask the
lecturer about the material, having emotional disturbances, the lecturer
explaining the material too quickly, a lack of reward and reinforcement, and
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being unfocused were all factors that contributed to students' difficulties in

listening comprehension.

According to Azmi Bingol, Celik, Yidliz, and Tugrul Mart (2014), there are
a lot of difficulties that learners may encounter in the listening comprehension
processes and the purpose is to be aware of these problems and try to solve
them. Some of these problems are as follows: Quality of Recorded Materials,
Cultural Differences, Accent, Unfamiliar Vocabulary, Length and Speed of
Listening. Also Attitude influences the overall learning process because having
a positive attitude makes it easier for students to learn a language (Xiao Y.,
2009). If the students do not have motivation, fear of failure, negative views on
cultural language, high affective filter, which would hinder the achievement. On
the contrary, students who are more comfortable and confident in
language learning will absorb the effectiveness of learning.

To overcome this problem, developing such an interactive way to teach

listening is recommended. Considering learning styles is also necessary when
creating lessons, presenting material, and eliciting effective listening (Beall, 2008). Particular listening strategy is needed not only to overcome the
students’ difficulties, but also to improve their listening abilities. The importance
of finding a listening strategy is also suggested by Wallace (2004), He
states that experience with a variety of reading, writing and speaking activities
in school can help learners acquire the skills they need to be successful
(Hidayat, 2013).

Foreign Studies Related to the Effects of Songs in Listening

Songs are one of the most enchanting and culturally rich resources that
can be easily used in language classrooms. Songs provide an alternative to
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routine classroom activities. They are invaluable resources for helping students
improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. They can also be
used to teach a variety of language items such as sentence patterns,
vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjectives, and adverbs. As stated by Lo
and Fai Li (2008), learning English through songs also provides a non-
threatening atmosphere for students, who usually are tense when speaking
English in a formal classroom setting.

Songs also give new insights into the target culture. They are the means
through which cultural themes are presented effectively. Since they provide
authentic texts, they are motivating. Prosodic features of the language such as
stress, rhythm, intonation are presented through songs, thus through using
them the language which is cut up into a series of structural points becomes a
whole again. There are many advantages of using songs in the classroom.
Through using contemporary popular songs, which are already familiar to
teenagers, the teacher can meet the challenges of the teenage needs in the
classroom. Since songs are highly memorable and motivating, in many forms
they may constitute a powerful subculture with their own rituals.

Vélez (2013) stated that the use of songs as a pedagogical tool is an

interesting method to treat listening skills in the field of English language
learning due the interaction that takes place within the classes significantly
favors all language skills, mainly listening comprehension. Using teaching
strategies focused on songs as teaching material in English classes favors
student attitudes, for this reason it is advisable to start activities with songs to
keep students interested. Through the use of songs, a correct development of
listening comprehension skills and other skills that a reproductive for English
language learning is achieved. So too; treat listening skills using songs as
teaching tools, motivates the student by promoting student participation due to
San Mateo Municipal College 14

the different factors that interact and have a positive impact, opening a range of
important elements from English language such as vocabulary, grammar,
phrases and the various inferences.

In relation, According Becerra (2013) in his work “The Teaching of

English through Music” pointed out that this pedagogical tool develops the
socio cultural and psychological aspects; these factors are bilaterally related to
the music that interacts with the students' social environment. With music
awareness is facilitated and real experiences are shared. Several researchers
consider that music is essential for personal development, a simple example is
that human beings from a nearly age manage to recognize the melodies and
the voice of their mother, and this is important to promote the development of
brain functions.

Ghanbari and Hashemian, (2014) investigated the effect of using songs

on learners' listening comprehension and pronunciation. The results revealed
that utilizing songs in classes had a positive effect on the learners' listening
comprehension and pronunciation skills.

Traditional and Cultural Aspects

Lynch (2005) explained about the pedagogical tools based on songs,
which raises multiple purposes, all stories are constantly told in songs,
modifying traditions, customs, even morals or ethics; In other words, historical,
cultural and traditional aspects are energized and interrelated with learning,
promoting student motivation, participation and performance. The pedagogical
exercises through songs constitute an ideal form of apprehension; socio-
cultural aspects are present in the teaching process and are closely related to
the student community, language constitutes several social elements. Graham
(2015) explains that the ability to listen is an active factor because learning
San Mateo Municipal College 15

occurs through interaction. He also states that listening comprehension is an

interactive process this is due to the dynamics between teacher and student in
relation to learning-teaching. The different activities offered by the strategies
focused on songs qualifies them as an effective teaching method providing
better opportunities to learn, students learn the English language at the same
time as they are nourished by new information about the world in which they

The features and functions of English songs in listening comprehension

Listening is an important skill to master when learning the English
language. If a student is not used to listening, it will be difficult for him or her to
grasp the contents of the existing text in a listening class. As a result, in order
to easily understand existing text, a student must become accustomed to
practicing listening skills. There are many media to help students improve their
listening skills when learning English, particularly videos, movies, TV shows,
and songs. Song as a medium for improving listening skills.

Music is a rhythm that reflects our physiological life. Music is also a

melody, a sound sequence that is linked to daily emotional life. Both children
and adults enjoy songs because they can relieve stress and create a relaxed,
light-headed feeling (Lieb, 2008). According to Wang (2008), songs have three
main characteristics. Songs must be highly motivating and contain linguistic
information as well as historical and cultural knowledge. Songs have a high
level of popularity, which has a significant impact on the teaching method.
Furthermore, they make sides, teachers, and students laugh. According to
Jiang (2004), English songs have a beautiful melody and lyrics that are easy to
remember and imitate.
San Mateo Municipal College 16

Many authors conclude that English songs have a great function in

listening comprehension. They can improve comprehension, increase
vocabulary, create a fun atmosphere, bring energy to the classroom, and
motivate student confidence. Qiu (2006) proposed another function of English
songs in teaching listening comprehension: improving memory and practicing
pronunciation. In addition to the above functions, Fonsa-Mora (2011) also
pointed out two other functions of English songs, which are to improve
memorization and practice pronunciation. Interestingly, English songs give
different universal themes, for example, love, joy, sadness, dreams. A lively
atmosphere is also promoted by English songs. The close association with
language gives music great potential in the classroom because much
information is contained in English songs, such as pronunciation, vocabulary,
and grammar.

Local Studies Related to the Songs and Rhythm on Listening

In the Philippines, research and studies were also carried out to
determine the effects of songs on listening comprehension. 

Students of Polytechnic University of the Philippines, (Blanco, Desserie

and Nartea, Mecmack 2020), conducted a research regarding the impact of
listening to music on the student's academic performance the study involved
395 students who voluntarily participated in academic year 2020-2021.
Researchers found out that the students spend their time the most in listening
to music; loud music is the most commonly heard but they preferred Pop music.
Results also revealed no significant relationship between year level and impact
of listening to music to the academic performance, but significant to college and
time length of listening. Type of music and GWA also were insignificant to the
impact of listening to music.
San Mateo Municipal College 17

A research conducted by (Caban-Mabborang Reymarie M., 2004) about

the Effect of Songs on Students’ Attitude and Achievement. It was found out
that the attitude and the achievement of the students was better when they
were taught with the use of songs. The use of songs improves academic
achievement and enhances positive attitude toward a subject. However,
Dolegui (2013) noted that the intensity of music matters in cognitive
performance than the type of music.

San Mateo Municipal College 18

Chapter III
Methods and Procedure

Research Design
The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of Songs and
Rhythms on listening comprehension of the selected grade seven students of
San Mateo National High School

This study will employ experimental research. A scientific approach of

conducting research that uses both independent and dependent variables is
known as experimental research. The effect of changing independent variables
on dependent variables can be measured. Researchers collect quantitative
data and perform statistical analyses of two sets of variables. This method
collects necessary data to focus on facts and support sound decisions.

Experimental because three sets of music genres such as pop, classical,

and rock (experimental and control) will be compared in terms of their
performance in listening comprehension. Different genre scores of the music
will also be compared

Study Locale
The researchers have chosen to conduct a study at San Mateo National
High School in San Mateo, Rizal.
San Mateo Municipal College 19

San Mateo, Rizal is a first-class urban municipality in Rizal Province and

is located in Luzon. This city is located along the western border of Rizal
Province. It is bordered on the west by Quezon City; to the south by Marikina
City and Antipolo City, the capital of Rizal Province; and to the north by
Rodriguez (Montalban), also in Rizal province.
Population and Sampling

The study focused on 50 Grade 7 Students of San Mateo National High

School during the A.Y. 2022-2023 as their respondents.

Sampling technique is the process of selecting a sample from a given

population. There are different types of sampling techniques and the present
study used the convenience sampling. The researchers will use a non-
probability, convenience sampling, and will use survey as the research

Research Instrumentation

To answer the problems stated in the study, the researchers used

questionnaires. In constructing the questionnaire, the following steps were

Step 1: Question Conceptualization

The researchers identify first the objectives of the questionnaire which is
to determine the effects of Songs and Rhythms on listening comprehension of
the selected grade seven students of San Mateo National High School
constructing the research questionnaires, the researchers brainstormed and
conceptualize a question that will answer the statement of the problem stated in
chapter 1.
San Mateo Municipal College 20

Step 2: Developing the Questionnaire

In developing the questionnaire, the researchers review a research
study and gather some ideas on how to create a research questionnaire. After
reviewing and gathering ideas, the researchers prepared an initial draft, and
showed this draft to their adviser and expert validator who in return, suggested
some changes, additions, and rejections. The questionnaire was carefully
analyzed to check the construction of questions and for some technical

Step 4: Conducting test dry-run

After the draft of the questionnaire was done, the test was pre-tested to
ten students of San Mateo National High School. The purpose of the pre-testing
is to identify whether there were confusing question/s and to identify the
number of hours the test will be administered. effectiveness and reliability of
each item in the test. A test-item analysis was used to determine the degree of
difficulty and validity.

Step 5: Establishing the test validity and reliability

The researcher used test-item analysis for the validation of the

Step 6: Finalization of the Questionnaire

After establishing the validity and reliability, the researchers consult
again the adviser for some final comments and suggestions. Then the final draft
was done. The researchers expected to distribute all the questionnaires to the
selected students of SMNHS from Grade 7 within three weeks.

Data Gathering Procedure

San Mateo Municipal College 21

To guarantee the authenticity of the study, the data is carefully

evaluated, processed, and tabulated to produce results that are realistic. The
researchers made a request for permission to conduct the study at San Mateo
National High School through the respective school heads for their consent to
conduct the study. Once the request has been granted and the questionnaires
have been validated by the professor, the survey questionnaire will be
administered to the selected 50 grade 7 students of San Mateo National
School. The participants will be given time to respond, and then the
researchers will collect the data from the survey questionnaires. After collecting
all the data, the results of the retrieved copies of the questionnaire will be
tabulated. Then, the data will be analyzed and interpreted using the most
appropriate statistical procedures.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In order to provide an accurate interpretation of the data gathered, these

were confidential and organized according to the criteria which were made
possible by the instrument. The following statistical techniques were used:

Frequency and Percentage

The researcher used frequency and percentage in identifying the total
number of respondents from the junior high school population. The formula for
computing the number of samples is given below.
%= × 100
Wherein; f = frequency
n = number of respondents
In analyzing the level of listening comprehension, the percentage of getting
each correct was determined. To determine the level of listening of the students
in a five-point Likert Scale was used.
San Mateo Municipal College 22

Scale Percent score range Descriptive interpretation

5 81-100 Very High
4 61-80 High
3 41—60 Average
2 21-40 Low
1 1-20 Very Low

Weighted mean
The researcher also used the weighted mean to determine the content
validity of each item of the test experts. For the interpretation of ratings, the
content validity of items the following were used;

Scale Range Descriptive interpretation

5 4.51-5.00 Outstanding
4 3.51-4.50 Very Satisfactory
3 2.51-3.50 Satisfactory
2 1.51-2.50 Fair
1 1.00-1.50 Poor

Analysis of variance
The researchers also used the one-way analysis of variance to
determine if there is a significant difference between the level of listening
comprehension and the genre of music. The formula for computing is given
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MS BG =mean square between groups

MS WG=mean square within groups

Ethical Consideration

The researchers need to pay attention to ethical and legal issues when
conducting the study. It is important to guarantee that the participation of
respondents is voluntary and that they understand their rights related to the
study. Therefore, various ethical considerations are taken into account when
performing the study. According to Roberts & Allen (2015), the students as
participants in the study should be regarded as members of a "vulnerable"
population, and extra care should be taken to reduce risk and adverse
consequences. Respect for the study participants is the first and most essential
ethical consideration that is observed in this study. It is because the study's
participants serve as a framework for the study.

The participants have the right to be treated with substantial respect

because volunteers are not only a means of gathering information. Another
ethical consideration that is taken into account is the free will and consent of
the participants. The participants are required to fill out a consent form before
being granted permission to answer the questionnaires. This form contains
information on the study's purpose and what your participation entails. Apart
from that, they have entire autonomy over their participation in the research
process. Furthermore, the signed consent papers inform the participants that
the researcher intends to use the questionnaires for research purposes.
San Mateo Municipal College 24

As a result, it can be claimed that the researcher respected everyone's

decision to participate or not participate in the study. Privacy, secrecy, and
anonymity were also crucial and relevant ethical considerations in the research.
These were used to guide the study in achieving its goal. The researcher is
more concerned about secrecy and privacy because they are the researcher's
first and most important considerations (D. Gajjar, 2013).

Personal information of the participants is protected due to privacy

concerns. The comprehensive and stringent privacy legislation, the In Data
Privacy Act 2012, "to protect the fundamental human right to privacy and
communication while ensuring the free flow of information to promote
innovation and growth." (Republic Act. No. 10173, Ch. 1, Sec. 2) is considered
in this study to ensure that the privacy of the participants is not violated.

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