The Problem and its Background
There are four Basic English language skills called listening, speaking,
reading, and writing. Listening is the most important of all. According to Rost
(2009), listening helps us to understand the world around us and is one of the
necessary elements in creating successful communication. Listening is the
process of receiving images, impressions, thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, and
emotions from the speaker. Listening is an important skill in English to
understand what people say.
development of abilities like verbal memory and auditory memory in the setting
of L2 learning.
Since songs are highly memorable and motivate the students. Songs
contain language patterns while also developing listening skills, pronunciation,
and rhythm, as well as providing a fun environment. In addition, singing is a
very beneficial type of activity. According to Basha (2019), there are many
advantages to using songs in the classroom. Through using contemporary
popular songs, which are already familiar to teenagers, the teacher can meet
the challenges of the teenagers' needs in the classroom.
This study examines how songs and rhythms in diverse musical genres,
including pop, classical, and rock, affect the listening comprehension of
selected seventh-grade students at San Mateo National High School
throughout the academic year 2021–2022.
1.2 Sex
2. What is the level of listening comprehension of the respondents in
terms of the following genre:
1.1 Pop
1.2 Classical
1.3 Rock
3. Is there a significant difference between the listening comprehension
and genre of music?
Theoretical Framework
According to Carroll (2000), in Research on Psycholinguistics, it was
revealed that songs activate the learning of a foreign language in both
hemispheres of the brain. This fact shows that learning is linked to the different
actions of the brain; the expression of thoughts and creative perception. The
left hemisphere perceives sounds, while the right hemisphere decodes
information and stimulates learning.
To support this theory, this fact is relevant as the human brain is formed
by the left and right hemispheres. The first is in charge of thought expression,
which makes reference to oral and written words. To be more explicit, it deals
with what is being thought and its translation into words. While the right
hemisphere tends to be more perceptive and creative, involving emotions,
feelings, and artistic and musical abilities.
In relation, songs are perceived by human beings’ ears through the left
hemisphere in order to be analyzed in the left hemisphere to finally stimulate
and process learning a language. When it comes to learning the rhythm of a
language, using songs in the classroom can improve listening comprehension
and provide pronunciation practice. Moreover, learners acquire vocabulary and
San Mateo Municipal College 4
idiomatic expressions through music and can even review grammar points they
have studied, Arleo (2000).
Conceptual Framework
Genre Learning
listening comprehension so they can provide activities to help the students with
listening comprehension.
Researchers hope that the result will be of great help to the people who
are concerned about the respondents, especially the following:
Other researchers can use the findings as a starting point for further
research on songs and rhythms in listening comprehension. This will serve as a
guide to further developing the research to improve skills, strategy, and
This study presents the hypothesis that English songs can improve the
listening comprehension of Grade 7 students.
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Definition of Terms
The following are terms which the researchers would like to give a
definition to since these are the terms they would be referring to in the study.
Each term is given a conceptual and operational meaning.
Conceptual: A song is a short poem or other set of words set to music or
meant to be sung.
Operational: Song can be an effective way to improve the listening
comprehension of students (
Conceptual: A regular, repeated pattern of sounds or movements (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary).
Operational: Rhythm functions as the propulsive engine of a piece of music,
and it gives a composition structure.
Conceptual: A type of artistic, musical, or literary composition distinguished by
a specific style, form, or content.
Operational: Genres are few and most valuable tools for understanding music,
genres have the power to substantially increase our comprehension of music
(Preston Cram).
Classical Genre
-A song that has aged well or defines the era it was made in.
Pop Genre
- Is the genre of popular music that produces the most hits.
San Mateo Municipal College 8
Rock Genre
- A form of genre of music with a strong beat.
Listening Comprehension
Conceptual: It measures students’ ability to receive, understand, interpret, and
respond to verbal and non-verbal messages from the speaker.
Operational: Listening comprehension measures the understanding of spoken
Conceptual: A person who attends a school, college, or university (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary).
Operational: In this study, they are the respondents. They are the Grade 7
students of San Mateo National High School, for the school year 2021–2022.
San Mateo Municipal College 9
Chapter II
Review of Related Studies and Literature
Many people argue about the help of songs and rhythms in the learning
comprehension of students. With that, in this Review of Related Literature, the
following will be discussed in order to explore previous literature and research
related to songs and rhythms and learning comprehension: review of
independent variable; review of dependent variable; the link between the
independent and dependent variable; and finally, the summary of all the
connecting literature and studies.
Foreign Literature
Songs, Rhythm and Listening
Rost (2005) proposes that listening is a cognitive, active, intentional
process in his book "Teaching and Researching Listening." It emphasizes
listening characteristics such as colloquial language, the speaker's invisibility,
and the interactive. That is not difficult to understand. The materials should be
simple enough for students to grasp the main idea; usually, colloquial language
is used so that students can predict the process. Because it is not real listening,
the speakers are not visible (except in the conversation between teachers and
students). Listening comprehension is also interactive, in the sense that
students must provide feedback to teachers on what they have heard, and
teachers must provide evaluations at the appropriate time. Both teachers and
students must actively participate in the listening process.
When songs are analyzed, it can easily be observed that one of their
prominent features is their rhythmic and repetitive nature. The repetitive nature
of songs, the joy songs impose to the learning activity and the associative
power between the melody and the content of the word reinforce the attainment
of the language to be internalized. When an input is assimilated through songs,
that input is stored with other occurring elements, that is, the melody of the
song and the emotional elements germinated by the melody.
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According to Azmi Bingol, Celik, Yidliz, and Tugrul Mart (2014), there are
a lot of difficulties that learners may encounter in the listening comprehension
processes and the purpose is to be aware of these problems and try to solve
them. Some of these problems are as follows: Quality of Recorded Materials,
Cultural Differences, Accent, Unfamiliar Vocabulary, Length and Speed of
Listening. Also Attitude influences the overall learning process because having
a positive attitude makes it easier for students to learn a language (Xiao Y.,
2009). If the students do not have motivation, fear of failure, negative views on
cultural language, high affective filter, which would hinder the achievement. On
the contrary, students who are more comfortable and confident in
language learning will absorb the effectiveness of learning.
routine classroom activities. They are invaluable resources for helping students
improve their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. They can also be
used to teach a variety of language items such as sentence patterns,
vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm, adjectives, and adverbs. As stated by Lo
and Fai Li (2008), learning English through songs also provides a non-
threatening atmosphere for students, who usually are tense when speaking
English in a formal classroom setting.
Songs also give new insights into the target culture. They are the means
through which cultural themes are presented effectively. Since they provide
authentic texts, they are motivating. Prosodic features of the language such as
stress, rhythm, intonation are presented through songs, thus through using
them the language which is cut up into a series of structural points becomes a
whole again. There are many advantages of using songs in the classroom.
Through using contemporary popular songs, which are already familiar to
teenagers, the teacher can meet the challenges of the teenage needs in the
classroom. Since songs are highly memorable and motivating, in many forms
they may constitute a powerful subculture with their own rituals.
the different factors that interact and have a positive impact, opening a range of
important elements from English language such as vocabulary, grammar,
phrases and the various inferences.
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Chapter III
Methods and Procedure
Research Design
The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of Songs and
Rhythms on listening comprehension of the selected grade seven students of
San Mateo National High School
Study Locale
The researchers have chosen to conduct a study at San Mateo National
High School in San Mateo, Rizal.
San Mateo Municipal College 19
Research Instrumentation
Weighted mean
The researcher also used the weighted mean to determine the content
validity of each item of the test experts. For the interpretation of ratings, the
content validity of items the following were used;
Analysis of variance
The researchers also used the one-way analysis of variance to
determine if there is a significant difference between the level of listening
comprehension and the genre of music. The formula for computing is given
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Ethical Consideration
The researchers need to pay attention to ethical and legal issues when
conducting the study. It is important to guarantee that the participation of
respondents is voluntary and that they understand their rights related to the
study. Therefore, various ethical considerations are taken into account when
performing the study. According to Roberts & Allen (2015), the students as
participants in the study should be regarded as members of a "vulnerable"
population, and extra care should be taken to reduce risk and adverse
consequences. Respect for the study participants is the first and most essential
ethical consideration that is observed in this study. It is because the study's
participants serve as a framework for the study.