Quiz Two Reviewer
Quiz Two Reviewer
Quiz Two Reviewer
every June 1. This will appear in the need for adjusting entries at the end of the
Statement of Financial Position dated Dec period: True.
31, 2020: Interest Payable of 5, 000.
Books of Gomez Consultancy Firm showed e. Prepaid Insurance represents the amount
the unadjusted accounts’ balances as of of a one-year premium expiring March 1,
December 31, 2019 2020.
Supplies Expense 2, 500 Assets that will appear in the Dec 31, 2020
Interest Expense 1, 800 SFP of Angel Service Center: 262,880
7. The company failed to record accrued 13. In which financial statement does the
interest income at the end of the accounting account Income Summary appear? It does
period. Which of the following is not not appear in any financial statement.
understated? Interest Payable 14. Which of the following accounts is not
Understated: Total Assets, Interest closed during the closing process? Unearned
Receivable, and Net Income/Profit Income.
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
15. On December 1. 2019, the Accounts 23. The function of general ledgers in the
Receivable has a balance of 54, 000. During accounting process is: Classifying.
the month, collection amounting to 150,
24. Reymond Company has 9, 000, 10%
000 was recorded. If the Accounts
90-day note receivable outstanding on
Receivable is P42, 000 at December 31,
December 31. The note is dated December
2019, how much was debited to the
1. An adjusting entry is made on the note at
account during December? 138, 000.
year end. The correct reversing entry
16. What will be the result if the company should be: Debit Interest Revenue and
failed to prepare adjusting entry to record credit Interest Receivable, 75.
an accrued expense? Profit will be
25. Which of the following statements
regarding a trial balance is incorrect? The
17. Using the allowance method of trial balance is an assurance that all
recording doubtful accounts, the entry to accountable events have been correctly
collect an account receivable which was recorded.
previously written-of: Will increase cash.
26. On April 1, Venus Company received
18. The statement of comprehensive and paid a 700 bill for advertising done in
income contains the following except: March. In addition to this bill, the company
Accumulated Depreciation. It includes: paid 6, 100 during April for expenses
Interest Income, Interest Expense, and incurred in that month. On May 2, Venus
Professional Fees. Company paid a 4, 600 payroll to
employees for work done in April. Based on
19. The Corona Corporation prepares
the above data, total expenses for the
reversing entries at the beginning of the
month of April: 10, 700.
accounting period. Which of the following
adjusting entries prepared by the entity will 27. A deferred revenue account balance
be reversed? The entry to take up the represents an amount that is: Collected but
unused supplies at the end of the period. Not Yet Earned.
20. The post-closing trial balance: Does not 28. A journal consists of: Chronological
include nominal accounts. record of individual business transactions.
21. The accountant of Converge Company 29. The remaining steps in the accounting
failed to make the adjustments on the cycle performed at the end of the year are:
following items: Depreciation of Office Adjusting Entries, Financial Statements,
Equipment, 12, 000, Accrued Utilities, 5, Closing Entries, Post-closing Trial Balance,
000 and Accrued Revenues, 2, 000. The Reversing Entries.
overall effect of the above omissions to net
30. Corona Company recorded accrued
income is: 15, 000 overstated.
salaries of 25, 000 at December 31. 2018.
22. After posting the closing entries: The During 2019, Corona Company paid salaries
Income Accounts, Expense Accounts and of 872 000. Unpaid salaries at December
Income Summary Accounts have zero 31, 2019 amounted to 34, 000. Corona
balance. prepares adjustments only at December 31,
and also reversing entries on January 1.
The balance of the Salaries Expense
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
account that would appear in the post- 31, 2019, laundry supplies on hand is 18,
closing trial balance at December 31, 2019 500. The adjusting entry on December 31,
is: 0. 2019 will result to supplies expense of: 61,
31. A reversing entry is: Not required.
36. A debit entry of 6, 750 was posted as 7,
32. After closing the revenue and expense
650. This error is called: Transposition.
accounts. Income Summary showed a credit
balance of 60, 000. Which of the following
statement is true: The company had a profit
Computation Examples:
of 60, 000.
Unadjusted Trial Balance of ERM Clinic at
33. The following transactions took place for
December 31, 2019
Dizon Consultancy Firm for the month of
December 2019: Cash 55, 000
- The owner invested cash of 50, 000 in the Medical Supplies 20, 000
Prepaid Insurance 10, 000
- Purchased 6, 800 worth of various Medical Equipment 198, 000
equipment on account but paid 3, 600 ten
Accumulated Depreciation 43, 600
days after
Accounts Payable 25, 000
- Rendered services receiving 12, 000 cash
and 8, 500 note issued by the client Professional Fees 225, 000
promising to pay within 20 days Salaries Expense 60, 000
- Billed another client for 5, 000 Utilities Expense 25, 400
representing services rendered
- 690, 000
- 780, 000
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
1. Failure to prepare an adjusting entry to The adjusting entry will include a to Bad
record earned revenue will cause: An Debts Expense: Debit of 2, 000
understatement of revenues and assets 11. A company estimates that 20, 000 of its
2. Accrued income: Increase assets 500, 000 of accounts receivable will be
uncollectible. Its Allowance for Doubtful
3. An adjustment that represents services Accounts presently has a credit balance of
provided by a company for which it will 8, 000. The adjusting entry will included a
receive payment in the future: An accrued to the Allowance for Doubtful Accounts:
income Credit of 12, 000
4. A prepaid expense is not an: Expired cost 12. Entries required at the end of an
5. Depreciation is the process of: Allocation accounting period to bring the accounts up
of Cost to date and to ensure the proper matching
of income and expenses are called:
6. This is the systematic allocation of a fixed Adjusting Entries
asset's depreciable cost over its estimated
useful life: Depreciation 13. This is the account that would probably
need adjusting at the end of the accounting
7. A rental company reported these two period: Supplies
different balances in their Unearned Rent
account at the beginning and end of year 14-16 Before year-end adjustments are
2012: Jan. 1, 2015 = 26, 000; Dec. 31, made, the December 31, 2015 Trial Balance
2015 = 32, 000. If rent revenue for Year of Alba Co. contains revenues of P146, 000
2012 was 263, 000 how much cash was and expenses of P85,700, adjustments are
received by the company as advance necessary for the following items:
payments for rent due in Year 2015: 269, Fees earned in year 2015, not yet billed to
000 customer, P32, 000
8. After several years of operations, a Depreciation for Year 2015, P28, 000
company's Bad Debts Expense for a given
year is likely to be the same as its balance Portion of prepaid insurance applicable to
in Allowance for Bad Debts: Not Possible Year 2015, P18, 400
9. A company estimates that 20, 000 of its Portion of fees collected in advance earned
500, 000 of accounts receivable will be in Year 2015, P12, 500
uncollectible. Its Allowance for Doubtful Compute for the correct revenue: 190, 500
Accounts presently has a debit balance of 3,
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
Compute for the correct expenses: 133, 900 24. Accumulated depreciation is: A contra
asset account
Compute for the correct profit: 56, 600
25. Alvarez purchased a delivery truck on
17. ABC receives a 90-day, 6 percent note
May 1, 2015. The truck cost P600, 000 and
receivable from a client for the repair of a
with a 4-year service life. The adjusting
computer for P20, 000. The repair was done
entry that would be necessary on December
on Sept. 16. ABC's accounting period ends
31, 2015 would include: A debit to
on September 30. How much is the accrued
depreciation expense for P100, 000
interest? 47
Accounts written off as uncollectible during covering the period from October 1, 2015 to
2015 worth 100, 000 September 30, 2016. The payment was
originally recorded as an expense account.
29. How much is the allowance for doubtful
How much rent expense is reported in the
account balance? 80, 000
statement of comprehensive income of
30. Compute the doubtful account expense Orange Company for the year ended Dec
for 2015? 60, 000 31, 2015: 45, 000
31-32 36-37
Clark co. allowance for doubtful accounts Tin-Tin Company acquired an equipment
had a credit balance of P12, 000 at January costing P480, 000 on January 2, 2015. The
1, 2015. Clark accrues doubtful account equipment is being depreciated using
expense at 4% of outstanding accounts straight line method. It is estimated to have
receivable of P1, 500, 000. Uncollectible a useful life of five years and a residual
accounts amounting to P48, 000 were value of P30, 000
written off. The aging of accounts
36. Assuming the equipment will be sold on
receivable indicated that P50, 000 allowance
April 1, 2017. At P250, 000, how much is
for doubtful accounts was required at
the gain or loss on sale of equipment? 27,
December 31, 2015
500 loss
31. Compute Clark's Doubtful account
37. What is the accumulated depreciation
expense for Year 2015: 86, 000
balance that would be shown on December
32. How much is the balance of the 31, 2016? 180, 000
allowance account on December 31, 2015:
38. Cordova company received cash of
50, 000
P6,000 advance for revenue that will be
33. Round table advertisers company began earned subsequently. The cash receipt entry
operations on December 1, 2015 with office debited cash and credited unearned
supplies of P32, 000. During the month, the revenues for P6, 000. At the end of the
firm purchased supplies of P58, 000. On period, it was determined that P2, 200 is
December 31, a count of office supplies on still unearned. The adjusting entry will:
hand totaled P42, 000. Supplies expense to Debit Unearned Revenues and Credit
be reflected on the statement of Revenues for 3, 800
comprehensive income for the period would
39. On December 1, 2015, Morning Dancer
be: P48, 000
borrowed P500, 000 from PNB. Interest on
34. Which of the following accounts would this loan is 1% per month, and is due every
be found in an adjusting entry: Both Income June 1. Which of the following items would
Statement Accounts and Balance Sheet appear on Morning Dancer's December 31,
Accounts 2015 statement of financial position:
Interest Payable of P5, 000
35. On September 30, 2015, orange
company paid P180, 000 for one year rental
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
40. Adjusting entries: Help to properly fee income. The adjusting entry related to
measure the period's profit or net loss this transaction would include a: Debit to
Service Fee Income of 50, 000 and a Credit
41. On August 1, 2015, IRH Co. collected 8
of Cash 50, 000
months' rent revenue of P142, 000 in
advance. The Co. debited cash and credited 48. The company's two office employees
deferred rent. Adjusting entry have to be earn P350 per day and P400 per day
prepared on December 31, 2015. What is respectively, they were paid every Friday for
the liability account on December 31, 2015: 5 day work that begins on Monday. This
53, 250 year, December 31 fell on a Tuesday, and
the employees both worked on Monday and
Tuesday. How much salaries should be
42. On October 1, 2015 an investment bank accrued on December 31? 1, 500
loaned P300,000 to a small business
payable within 9 months at 12 percent. The
bank's accounting period ends on December 49. The unadjusted trial balance of RapRap
31, 2015What amount would be reported in Co. had a P2, 000 balance in the
the bank's 2015 statement of commission income, of which ¾ was earned
comprehensive income as interest revenue: during the year. What would be the effect
9, 000 on profit and liabilities respectively if an
adjusting entry was not prepared:
43.. Under the revenue recognition
Overstated, understated
principle, revenue is recorded: After it has
been earned, but not before 50. Which of the following accounts would
not be found in an adjusting entry: Cash
44. At the end of the current accounting
period, Highlight Barbershop omitted the 51. The company has unrecorded and
recording of the prepaid expense. As a unpaid salaries to its two employees. The
result, current period assets, liabilities, journal entry to adjust the books results in
equity, and profit, respectively, are: which of the following types of accounts
Understated, Correct, Understated, being debited and credited: Expense and
Understated liability
45. If a P20, 000 adjustment for 52. Which of the following errors would
depreciation is made twice, which of the cause unequal tools in the trial balance: The
following financial statement error will company recorded P42, 000 received from a
occur: Equity will be understated and/or customer in advance for the rendering of
Expenses will be overstated services as a debit of P2, 000 to cash and a
credit of P42, 000 to service fee income
46. The carrying value of a delivery van
used in a business is equal to vehicles: Cost 53. A machinery purchased for P585, 000
minus accumulated depreciation on April 1, 2011 was sold on September 30,
2012 for P355, 000. If the machinery has an
47. On December 1, 2015, a company
estimated useful life of 8 years and has a
receive cash of P100, 000 for services to be
residual value of P25, 000. How much is the
rendered on January 31, 2016. The
gain (loss) on the sale of machinery? 125,
company debited cash and credited service
000 loss
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
54. Accrued expenses: Increases liabilities on December 31, 2015: Interest Payable of
55. Benny’s company records the payment
of insurance policies in the prepaid 60. The company has already rendered
insurance account. Information pertaining services to a client, but as of period-end this
to 2015 follows: client has not paid, and the transaction was
not yet recorded in the company's books.
Prepaid Insurance 1/1/2015 P30, 000
The journal entry to adjust the books would
Insurance Expense P22, 000 include: A debit to an asset and a credit to
Prepaid insurance 12/31/2015 P36, 000
December 31, 2015 P14, 000 62. Adjust for depreciation of equipment for
the period: Debit Depreciation Expense and
If wages of P18, 000 were paid in cash Credit Accumulated Depreciation
during the year, what amount would be
reported for wages expense in 2015? 21, 63. Adjust for prepaid insurance expired
500 during the period: Debit Insurance Expense
and Credit Prepaid Insurance
57. Failure to prepare an adjusting entry to
record an accrued expense will cause: Profit 64. Adjust for supplies used during the
to be overstated period: Debit Supplies Expense and Credit
58. The following data were taken from the
books of Aimee Co. Rent paid during the 65. Adjust for rent accrued at the end of the
period P187, 000; Accrued rent expense, period on properly rented to others: Debit
January 1, 2015 P28, 000; Accrued rent Accounts Receivable and Credit Rent
expense, December 31, 2015 P15, 000. Revenue
Using the above data, how much would be 66. Adjust for professional fees accrued at
the amount of rent expense that must be the end of the period: Debit Accounts
reported in year 2015? 174, 000 Receivable and Credit Professional Fees
59. On December 1, 2015 Yaman borrowed 67. Close the salaries expense account:
P25, 000. Interest on the loan is 1% per Debit Income Summary and Credit Salaries
month and is due on January 1, 2016. Expense
Which of the following items would appear
on Yaman's statement of financial position
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
68. Close the appropriate depreciation 79. Auditing is: the examination of financial
account: Debit Income Summary and Credit statements by a CPA for opinion
Depreciation Expense
80. The private accountant might be
69. Close the drawing account: Debit involved in: Internal auditing, tax
Owner’s, Capital and Credit Owner’s, accounting, and designing accounting and
Drawing total information systems
70. Close the income summary account. Net 81. A care in measurement so as not to
loss is the result of operation: Debit overstate assets or not to understate
Owner’s, Capital and Credit Income liabilities: Prudence
82. The monetary unit assumption:
Requires transaction with constant unit of
72. The statement in relation to income is 86. Resources owned by the business:
true: Income encompasses both revenue Assets
and gain
87. Cost of assets consumed or services
73. The process of determining the used in the process of earning revenue:
monetary amounts at which the elements of Expenses
the FS are recognized: Measurement
88. Process of identifying, recording, and
74. Normally, revenue from sale of goods is communicating the economic information of
recognized: Goods are delivered to the event to users: Accounting
89. States that economic events can be
75. The term recognized is synonymous identified with a particular unit of
with the term: Recorded accountability: Economic entity assumption
76. The matching principle is best 90. Gross increase in equity resulting from
demonstrated by: Associating efforts with business entered for the purpose of earning
accomplishment income: Revenues
77. This is not part of the accounting 91. Reports assets, liabilities, and owner's
process: Financial decision making equity of business at a specific date:
Balance sheet
78. Internal users of accounting data
include: Company officers
Financial Accounting and Reporting Reviewer
92. Presents the revenues & expenses and 106. This is related to GAAP: Constantly
resulting net income for a period of time: reviewed for specific users in preparation of
Income statement FS
93. The excess of the carrying value of item 107. This is not one of the financial
sold over its selling price is: Loss statements: Statement of Account
94. Creditorship claims on total assets: 108. Shows the financial stability and
Liabilities condition of the business: SFP
97. States those assets should be recorded Because financial statements are intended
at their cost: Cost principle to meet the needs of users, communicates
the financial information about business,
98. Common set of rules, procedures, &
and shows the stewardship of management
guidelines used by accountants in reporting
towards business
transaction: GAAP
111. Which of the following is not an
99. The length of time which the life of a
element of Financial Statements: Accounts
business is divided for the preparation of
periodic FS: Accounting Period
100. Notion that the life of a business is 112. This is not recognized as an account
divisible into equal time periods of equal used for element of FS of a business entity:
length: Time-period principle Kamote’s Personal Computer
101. Formulates the IFS that adopted by 113. States that Income must be recognized
large interested users for financial when earned & expense must be recognized
reporting: IASB-SIC when incurred: Accrual Basis of Accounting