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Some of the key takeaways from the introduction are that the book discusses the universal language of energy that connects all beings and things, and how to access, understand and apply this language.

The main topic of the book is exploring the concept of energy as a universal language that connects all beings and things, and how to understand and apply this language.

The author means that while we physically create or express things, energetically we are simply channels for the infinite source/flow of energy. Everything already exists within this source, we are just tools used to express it.


of Energy

Accessing, Understanding, and Applying

the Universal Language That Connects
All Beings and All Things

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would like to dedicate this book to the source,
which has made it possible to exist in the first
place, the Divine universe. Although I physically
wrote this book, energetically I did not write any-
thing. This book is merely an expression of the in-
finite source of Light (energy) that flows through
every being and every thing. I am simply a tool that
is being used by the Divine universe to express its
infinite, eternal, and ever-present flow of Light in a
language that everybody can understand, the lan-
guage of energy, and for that I am grateful.

Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The Big Picture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

1 Gaining Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

2 Choose Your Words Wisely. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

3 The Energetic Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87

4 Appreciating Change. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

5 Less Doing, More Being. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

6 Your Body Is Your Sanctuary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157


irst and foremost, I would like to thank the
Divine universe for the gifts and blessings that it
has provided me with and for the information that
it has allowed me to access. Thank you for allowing
the ever-present, intelligent, infinite, eternal,
and sacred energy of the Divine universe to flow
through every thing and every being so effortlessly.
Moreover, thank you for giving me the ability to
see, feel, and understand this flow of Light in such
a way that I can formalize and structure it in order
to spread this knowledge, wisdom, and Light to the
rest of humanity.
8 The Language of Energy

To my beloved parents, thank you for being the

greatest support system a soul could ask for. I love
you both unconditionally.

To my beautiful sister, whether you know it or

not, being around you teaches me an infinitude of
lessons. Thank you for always putting up with my
deep analysis of your words, and most importantly,
thank you for being a medium through which I
analyze, feel, and understand the principles that
make up the language of energy.

To my dearest soul friend, Talia, thank you for the

unconditional Love, guidance, and patience you
constantly show me. You are one of the greatest
teachers in my life. Our energetic connection has
and will only continue to create magic in this world.

To a man I admire greatly, Damien Wynne, thank

you for introducing me to the phenomenon of
the energetic exchange. You have activated a lot of
Acknowledgments 9

powerful points that exist in my system of energetic


To my soul family, Anton, Michael, Malka, Yaniv,

and Liran, thank you for being the unicorns in my
life. You have all played a significant role in shaping
the way my mind perceives the world around me
and the world within me.

I Love you all unconditionally and with

absolutely no limitation.
“Everything in the universe is made up of
energy vibrating at different frequencies. Each
of these frequencies posses a specific vibration,
which combine to create your overall vibration
of being. All vibrations operate at high and low
frequencies, within us and around us.”

here are healthy people and sick people. There
are rich people and poor people. There are
happy people and sad people. Growing up, I always
wondered why this was the case. Why are there sick
people? Why are there poor people? Why are there
sad people? When I asked others around me, I always
got a similar response. “That’s life,” I was told. Such
a response reflects a direct lack of understanding
of the laws that our universe abides by. For years
I believed that, and I thought “that’s just the way
it is,” as others would always tell me. The more
experience I gained in this world and the more I
observed others around me and their behavior,
the more I understood that the differentiation
between healthy people and sick people, or rich
14 The Language of Energy

people and poor people, or happy people and sad

people is not just a matter of chance, but a matter
of choice. We live in an energetic universe in which
everything works according to specific laws. Laws
that many people are not aware of.

The way energy works in our universe and the laws

that our universe abides by are what I like to call
“The Language of Energy,” as referred to in my
other book, Forming The Formless. In many ways,
The Language of Energy is a sequel to Forming The
Formless. The third chapter of Forming The Formless
is in fact where I first wrote about the language
of energy. In that chapter, I covered foundational
ideas and laws, such as the law of vibration, the law
of conservation, the law of cause and effect, and
the translation of color. The language of energy
is of foundational importance if you want to live
an exceptional and well directed life, and for that
reason, it must be expanded on in order to truly
The Big Picture 15

gain what it has to offer. The purpose of this book is

to do just that. This is a book for men and women,
young and old. The principles contained herein hold
the potential to improve your life beyond measure,
if used and directed consciously.

Energy is in everything, whether tangible or

intangible. Ultimately, energy is the basis of our
universe. Attempting to know what energy is would
be the ego attempting to feel whole and comfortable
again. Afterall, to “know” means to limit all
other possibilities. Energy is limitless, infinite,
and formless. It cannot be created or destroyed. It
cannot be known; it can only be felt. The Language
of Energy is not focused on the what, but the how.
Learning the language of energy will teach you how
to think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,
which in turn grants you access to the secrets of the
Divine universe, as well as your highest potential at
all times in the present moment.
16 The Language of Energy

Just look at electricity. Not even the greatest scientists

can tell you what it is because it can forever be
broken down into smaller and smaller components
that will ultimately be deduced to “energy. Although
we don’t know what electricity truly is, we do
know how it works, and by understanding its laws,
we have conquered it. Understanding the laws of
electricity has led us to be able to create modern day
society. By mastering our understanding of its laws,
we can light up entire cities with the flip of a single
switch. By understanding the laws of electricity, we
have taken control of it. Electricity now serves us!
For this reason, understanding the language of
energy and learning how to apply its beauty into
your daily life through practical application will
replace hope and luck with power and direction
of the world around you and the world within
you. Understanding the language of energy and
applying it into your daily life will allow for your
wish to become your command. You can and you
The Big Picture 17

will live a life of limitless potential. As a matter of

fact, you already are. All you need to do is access it!

The healthy, the rich, and the happy naturally and

intuitively follow these universal laws to access the
realities that align with their desires in life. They
naturally understand and apply the principles that
make up the language of energy into their daily lives.
Their focus is naturally on what they want instead of
what they don’t want. On the other hand, the sick,
the poor, and the sad simply lack an understanding
of the language of energy, and therefore, they live a
life that is not aligned with their desires. They tend
to focus on what they don’t want instead of what
they do want. The happy person says, “I want to
be happy.” The sad person says, “I do not want to
be sad.” If you pay attention to each phrase, the
happy person is focusing on happiness, whereas the
sad person is focusing on sadness. Energy does not
understand the word “not.” Energy simply hears
the subject you are focusing on and manifests
18 The Language of Energy

just that. The subject of the happy person’s thought

is happiness, whereas the subject of the sad person’s
thought is sadness. What you focus on is what will
manifest into your life!

The good news is, learning the language of energy

and how to practically apply it into your life is
simple! The information contained within this
book will teach you the principles that make up the
language of energy and how to apply it into your
daily life through practical means. I urge you to
repeat the applications of the language of energy
taught herein until they are engrained into your
mind and become a part of you. Once they do, you
will naturally and effortlessly lead the life that is
aligned with your highest potential at all times.

The purpose of this book is to dissolve the idea that

you need to be “lucky” to live a good life and to
teach you how to think in a way that will allow you
to access any and every reality you so choose. You
The Big Picture 19

will no longer be bound to luck, as luck is a concept

that has been created by those who simply lack an
understanding of the way the universe works. Luck
does not exist. Luck is simply the effect of a cause.
Understanding how to formulate a cause will
allow you to effortlessly produce your desired
effect. Using the language of energy to do so will
make what we call “luck” no longer an event of
chance, but an event of choice!

The language of energy is a beautiful thing. It is

important to remember that it is not something that
was created, but something that was discovered. It is
a foundational universal truth and, therefore, cannot
be created. Afterall, energy cannot be created or
destroyed. Once you gain a grasp of this universal
language, you will gain access to your limitless
potential, which has always existed and will always
exist. Nothing will be out of your reach. Nothing
is out of your reach. Your struggles in life will be
dissolved, and your desires in life will be at the tip of
20 The Language of Energy

your fingers waiting for you to choose which reality

you would like to manifest in this moment.

My intention is not to influence you, rather to

teach you how not to be influenced. My goal is
not to tell you what to think, but to teach you
how to think, so you can think for yourself.
Telling you what to think limits what you can do
with the principle of such a thought. Teaching
you how to think will effortlessly bring the Divine
creator out of you and allow you to express the
principles that I am conveying in your own unique
and individual way. As you read and digest the
following information in this book, make sure that
you are aware of my intent. Don’t limit yourself to
the information that is in this book. Rather, use the
basic principles conveyed herein as foundational
tools to further develop your thoughts and how
you perceive the world around you and the world
within you.


“Energy is not created, it is accessed.”

Accessing Infinitude

Creating your own reality through the use of your

thoughts and words is a new age philosophy that is
held by many people today. We have been taught
that our words and our thoughts create our reality,
and most of us genuinely think this is correct. I used
to be one of those people. I would practice using
conscious thought and conscious speech to create
the reality that I wanted to experience. After some
thought and quiet contemplation, I understood
that I had it all wrong. I questioned what I meant
by the word “create,” and that is when I understood
that I was using the wrong word this entire time to
describe what I thought was occurring energetically,
when indeed it was something else!

The power of our words and thoughts are beyond

our comprehension. The question is, do they really
create our reality or do they just access one that has
always existed?
24 The Language of Energy

All realities exist right here, right now.

Every single possibility.

A happy you.
A sad you.
A married you.
A single you.
A rich you.
A poor you.
A healthy you.
A sick you.
A young you.
An old you.
All of these realities exist, right here, right now.

The Law of Vibration

The first thing that must be understood is the Law

of Vibration, which I refer to in my book, Forming
The Formless. The Law of Vibration states that all
energy exists in the form of vibrational frequency,
CHAPTER 1: Gaining Access 25

and in the energetic world, like attracts like. This

means that vibration “x” will only be able to see
anything else that is vibrating on vibration “x.”
Therefore, anything that is emitting vibration “y” or
“z” will not be experienced by that which is emitting
vibration “x.” This is because they exist on different

Everything is vibration. Thought is vibration.

Emotion is vibration. Color is vibration. Matter
is vibration. What differentiates one form from
another is the speed that each form is vibrating at.
This vibrational speed is called frequency. Some
forms exist at a higher frequency while others exist
at a lower frequency, but all forms exist at a specific
frequency. The vibration you emit is the vibration
you resonate with. Your vibration is what forms
the formless. In other words, the vibrations you
emit will dictate the lens through which you will
experience your life. In simple terms, this means
that the quality of your thoughts, emotions, words,
26 The Language of Energy

and feelings (which are all energy, and therefore

vibrations) determine not which reality you will
create, but which reality you will access! Afterall,
reality is energy, and energy cannot be created or
destroyed. Therefore, you can never create your
own reality, but you can most definitely access that
which you desire in the present moment. How? By
knowing you already have it. Afterall, what your
mind believes will ultimately be reflected in your
physical life.

What Your Mind Believes, Your Life Reflects

The mind is a beautiful and powerful tool. Many

of us let it take over our lives instead of using it to
enrich our lives. Many of us allow ourselves to get
caught up in our mind. Doing so can make you feel
like you are no longer the director of your own life
when in fact you are!
CHAPTER 1: Gaining Access 27

Sit back for a moment with your eyes closed and

self-reflect on your life. Realize and acknowledge
that everything in your life is a direct reflection
of your mind. Everything in your life is a direct
reflection of what you choose to focus on. I am
referring to both what you consider as the “good”
and the “bad” things.

Your job.
Your health.
Your relationship.
Your financial stability.

Once you understand that everything in your life

is a direct reflection of your mind, you will clearly
see that you in-fact are the director of your own
life. If you happen to be one of the many who sees
reflections in your physical life that you are not
fond of, it is not because you are not the director,
but because you are not familiar with how to direct;
you are therefore directing in a way that is working
28 The Language of Energy

against you! You have likely been focusing on what

you don’t want instead of what you do want. That’s
okay! Remember, the purpose of this book is to
teach you the language of energy, so you can use it
to direct your life in the direction that you desire
and access your limitless potential. In other words,
the purpose of this book is to teach you how to
become the self-serving director of your own life.
You can, and you will if you so desire!

What your mind believes and focuses on will

always manifest into your life. That means that
if you have a problem and constantly focus on
that problem instead of the solution, the problem
will continue to exist. Alternatively, if you focus
on living a life without the problem that you are
experiencing, eventually the problem will disappear.
Yes, it all begins in the mind! Everything else is just
a reflection of it.
CHAPTER 1: Gaining Access 29

The question that remains is, how do you read your

mind to become conscious of what and how it
thinks in order to know what to change?

Ah, great question! Fortunately, the answer is much

simpler than you may think!

Reading your mind and seeing how it works

subconsciously has nothing to do with your mind
itself, but it has everything to do with the words that
come out of your mouth. You see, your words are
a direct reflection of your minds program, which
is comprised of your thoughts and beliefs. In others
words, your words act as a magnifying glass that
give you insights into the current programming
of your mind. As you gain these insights, you will
be able to see which part of your minds program
is working against you, thus giving you the ability
to reprogram your mind in order to improve its
reflection that you so deeply cherish—your life!
30 The Language of Energy

So, now you are aware of the fact that you must pay
attention to your words in order to gain a better
understanding of what is going on in your mind. At
this point, you might be thinking ,“Great. I see how
my mind works now, but that doesn’t help me! My
mind is my mind. I can’t just change my mind. This
is how I think!”.

Of course you can change you mind! You didn’t

always think this way; you were taught to think this
way from others around you. The good news is, you
are not bound to this path of thought for the rest
of your life. Simply put, your mind and thought
process is a program that you have developed over
time. Just like you programmed your mind to think
this way, you can reprogram your mind to think in
a different way, one that will serve you and bring
you closer to your limitless potential.

And of course, the next question is, How? How do

you go about changing what and how the mind
CHAPTER 1: Gaining Access 31

thinks and believes? How do you reprogram the


Well, the answer lies in the medium that you used

to get a better glance of your minds program in the
first place. Yes, your words! You can use your words
to reprogram your mind!

Your words are the keys that you must use to

reprogram your mind and thus gain access to
infinitude, where all realities exist. Once you
understand how to use your words in a beneficial way,
all you have to do is reach into the bowl of infinite
realities and possibilities and choose that which you
would like to experience in this very moment. Your
words, which eventually turn into your thoughts
and beliefs, act as the hand that reaches into the
bowl and chooses the reality it reflects in this very
moment. In other words, your words are the tools
that have been provided to you that act as your
32 The Language of Energy

access keys to the infinite realm of possibilities.

In this realm, everything is possible.

Adjusting your words to reflect the reality that you

want to access and experience will eventually have
an impact on your mind. Over time, your mind will
actually change its vibration to reflect the reality
and vibration you are imprinting onto it through
the use of your words.

Remember, your words eventually turn into

your thoughts and beliefs, and your thoughts
and beliefs are what your mind is comprised of.
Once your mind has been engrained with this
new vibration, your physical reality will have
no choice but to reflect it. What your mind
believes, your life reflects, and this is a law of the
universe. New words become new thoughts. New
thoughts become a new mind. A new mind reflects
a new life.
CHAPTER 1: Gaining Access 33
34 The Language of Energy

You should now understand that all realities exist

right here, right now, and all you have to do is
access whichever one that you desire. We have
established that the key to accessing this infinitude
of realities and possibilities exists in your choice of
words, something that is in your direct control. At
this point, you should understand that these words
are not only the tools that can and must be used to
gain a better glimpse of your minds program, but
these words can and must also be used to reprogram
your mind. Now that you understand the flow of
the reprogramming cycle, it is time to focus on the
formula that can and will teach you the principles
of how to formulate your words in order to create
a productive mental program that will ultimately
reflect the life that you desire.


“The words you speak, you become.”

hat you speak, you think. What you think,
you access. What you access, you become.
What you become, you express. What you express,
you experience. What you experience, you are. What
you are, you speak. And the cycle continues. Being
that we live in an energetic universe, understanding
the language of energy will help guide us in
formulating and accessing the realities that we would
like to experience. If it hasn’t been apparent yet,
the words you choose to speak are more powerful
than you may think. Thought creates, but words
have the power to direct thought and therefore
have the power to direct creation. A direct way to
change your thoughts is by changing your words,
and changing your words is something you have
direct control over. As you already know, to do so
you must always speak consciously and listen to the
words that are coming out of your mouth. They will
provide you with great insights into how your mind
works and will therefore allow you to see where the
38 The Language of Energy

programming of your mind must be improved to

reflect a life that is aligned with your desires.

The Power of Speech

The words that come out of your mouth have

immense power. Each word has its own energetic
blueprint that resonates with a specific reality.
Never speak a word that you don’t want to manifest
into your life, not even as a joke. It may sound
funny, but this is very important. Once again, every
word has an energetic blueprint, and by speaking
a word, you are inheriting its energetic blueprint.
Just like you wouldn’t consume poison because it
will physically harm you, why would you inherit a
poison that will energetically harm you?

Just as the universe has laws, such as the law of

oneness, the law of vibration, the law of attraction,
the law of conservation, the law of cause and effect,
and so on, the universe also has energetic laws that
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 39

teach us how to use speech as a tool that can help us

direct life to go in the direction that we desire.

What are these laws? How do they work?

And why do they work?

Fortunately, these laws are not difficult to learn and

understand. They will just take some repetition and
practice in order to engrain their use and application
into your daily life. I will re-emphasize my intent
that I stated in the beginning of this book. My duty
is not to tell you what to think, but to teach you
how to think, so you can think for yourself. I am
simply conveying the basic principles of how speech
can be used as a tool that can help you direct your life
to go in the direction that you desire. My purpose
for conveying these principles is because they teach
you how to think, without limiting you to what to
think. How you use and apply these principles is
entirely up to you. The beauty of teaching in this
way is that it allows you to apply these universal
40 The Language of Energy

principles of speech in your own unique and

individual way, without imposing the limitations
that may exist in my own mind.

The Illusion of Time

First and foremost, to intuitively understand how to

formulate your words for your benefit, it is important
to understand that time does not exist. The past does
not exist, and neither does the future. Anything that
has ever happened and will ever happen occurred
in what we call “the present moment.” For the sake of
understanding this concept, I want you to think about
a major event that happened in what you call your past.

The moment you were born.

When you were born, it happened in what is called

“the present,” the moment it occurred. Now think
about a major event that will happen in what you
call your future.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 41

The moment you die.

The moment you die (or transform, as I like to

call it) also happens in what we call “the present
moment,” at the moment it occurs. The present
moment is where all existence arises from. The
present moment is the only moment that exists.
The present moment is where every single possible
reality exists. Most importantly, the present
moment is what you must base your words on in
order to allow them to manifest. So, what words
serve you and what words don’t?

The Universe Does Not Hear “Not”

Within the language of energy exists a very important

law. The universe does not hear the word “not.”
Let’s say your goal is to speak in a way that will
reflect a life in which you are healthy. To reflect and
therefore access such a reality, you may say one of
the following:
42 The Language of Energy

“I want to be healthy.”
“I do not want to be sick.”

Both have the same intent, but they don’t have the
same energetic blueprint. The energetic blueprint of
your words is what must be paid attention to the
most when speaking consciously with the intent
of accessing your desired reality. The energetic
blueprint of your speech is always dictated by
the subject you are focusing on. Afterall, the
universe only hears the subject you are focusing on,
which in turn causes that subject to become part
of your reality. In the first example, “I want to be
healthy,” the subject is being healthy. In the second
example, “I do not want to be sick,” the subject is
being sick. You must always pay attention to the
subject of your thoughts. Focusing on not having
something is still focusing on that something,
and always remember that what you focus on is
what will manifest into your life.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 43

Remember to always speak consciously, as doing so

will cause you to think consciously. As you make
the change of transforming your sentences to not
include the word “not” and make the center of focus
something you do want instead of something you
don’t want, your life will slowly begin to improve
as your physical vibration will reflect greater
alignment with your mental vibration. Where and
how you choose to focus your energy will dictate
the quality of your life. Focus on negativity, and
you access depression. Focus on positivity, and
you access happiness. Focus on lack, and you
access deficiency. Focus on abundance, and you
access prosperity!

“I WANT” Implies You Don’t Already Have

At this point, you understand that the word “not”

does not exist in the language of energy and will only
take you further out of alignment from the reality
you would like to access. Let’s take this one step
44 The Language of Energy

further. “I want” implies that you don’t already

have what you are asking for. Therefore, using the
words “I want” before something you would like to
access and manifest in the present moment will only
cause you to access another reality in which you will
attract more wanting instead of having. Let’s use the
prior example to see how this works. Let’s say that
your goal is to speak in a way that will reflect a life in
which you are healthy. To reflect and therefore access
such a reality, you may say one of the following:

“I want to be healthy.”
“I will be healthy.”

Once again, both have the same intent, but they don’t
have the same energetic blueprint. Let’s start with the
fact that they do both share a positive subject, health!
This is good; however, the way you are asking to
experience health in the first example, “I want to be
healthy,” implies that you are not already healthy. This
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 45

implication is the energetic blueprint that you are giving

the universe, and therefore, the universe will produce
exactly what you asked it for. It will produce more
“wanting to be healthy” instead of “being healthy,” and
in turn, it will not produce the desired outcome that
you intended for. You must always pay attention to
the implication you put upon the subject you are
focusing on. Saying “I want” will always attract the
experience of more wanting and repel the experience of
actually having or experiencing whatever it is that you
are focusing on, even if the subject you are focusing
on is something positive. Know with all of your soul
that you already have everything you want, and you
will no longer want it anymore. Why want something
if you already have it? Afterall, every reality exists. All
you have to do is access it!

“I WILL Is an Illusion”

At this point, you understand that the words “not”

and “want” do not exist in the language of energy
46 The Language of Energy

and will only take you further out of alignment from

the reality you would like to access and experience
in the present moment.

So, what is the problem with “I will”?

“I will” always keeps your reality in the future,

which does not exist. This means, using the words
“I will” before something you would like to do or
experience will always keep that reality one step
ahead of you in the illusory future and never bring
it into the present moment, the only moment that
truly exists. Let’s use the prior example to see how
this works. Let’s say that your goal is to speak in a
way that will reflect a life in which you are healthy.
To reflect and therefore access such a reality, you
may say one of the following:

“I will be healthy.”
“I am healthy.”
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 47

Once again, both have the same intent, but they

don’t have the same energetic blueprint! It is a much
better formulation of words, being that the subject
is positive and the implication “will” puts you in
closer proximity to accessing the experience of being
healthy. However, the last part of the formula that
is missing is the time in which the reality you are
speaking of exists. Because the words “I will” place
your reality one step ahead of you in the illusory
future, using these words make that entire reality
impossible to access and bring into the present
moment. So, what is left? How do you formulate
your words in such a way that gives you direct access
to the reality you are speaking of?

“I AM Is Truth”

So far, we have covered paying attention to the

subject you are focusing on, the implication you
are setting upon that subject you are focusing on,
and the time in which the reality you are speaking
48 The Language of Energy

of exists in. So long as you have those three aspects

of your speech in line with the reality you would
like to access, you are aligned with what I like to call
the I-AM formula.

Let’s use the prior example to see how this works.

Let’s say that your goal is to speak in a way that will
reflect a life in which you are healthy. To reflect and
therefore access such a reality in a way that focuses
on the positive, uses a beneficial implication, and
places the reality in present time, you might say
the following:


Yes! That’s it! This sentence follows the I-AM formula

and will most definitely put you in direct alignment
with what it is that you are speaking of. I AM is
the most powerful pre-phrase to any sentence in
the energetic world. It holds an endless amount
of strength and power. More importantly, the
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 49

principle behind I AM is the final component to

the formula since it focuses on placing the reality
you are speaking of in the present moment. It is
the most effective key that grants you access to the
reality that you want to access and experience in the
present moment. I AM gives you direct access to
all realities and allows you to experience whatever
it is that you are speaking of right here, right now.

Simplistically, the “I AM” formula is broken down

into the following three components, otherwise
known as S.I.P, that you must always be aware of
when speaking of a reality that you intend to manifest:

1. Subject of Focus
Example: “I am happy,” instead of “I am not sad.”

2. Implication on Subject
Example: “Thank you for blessing me with health,”
instead of “Please bless me with health.”
50 The Language of Energy

3. Present Tense
Example: “I am financially stable,” instead of “I will
be financially stable.”

It is important to note that when I refer to an I-AM

statement, the only thing that is important is the
principle behind it. In other words, the words
“I AM” do not have to be a part of it. An I-AM
statement is simply a statement that contains the
three S.I.P components:

a positive subject, a beneficial implication, and

a statement situated in the present moment. For
example, “I always figure it out” is considered an
I-AM statement because it focuses on the positive,
implies you already have what you need, and is
stated in the ever-present moment. So long as you
consciously include S.I.P into your daily speech, you
are following the I-AM formula and will therefore
be aligned with accessing the reality you desire and
bringing it into your present moment.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 51
52 The Language of Energy

Accessing “I AM” Instantaneously

You now understand and know how to practically

apply the I-AM formula into your daily life. Sure,
it will take some practice, but I promise that you
will get used to it! Once you do, you will surely
experience the magic of it until it becomes another
standard in your ever-evolving path of life. So, what
causes one I-AM statement to be accessed quicker
than another? If the

I-AM formula is so flawless, why doesn’t it manifest

the second it is spoken or written? Is it even possible
for an I-AM statement to be accessed the second it
is spoken or written?

These are all great questions! Of course you can access

the reality of which you speak of instantaneously,
but you will have to add some extra components
to the formula in order to do so. Although using
the I-AM formula to base your statements in the
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 53

present is an extremely effective key, it is not the

final key to the formula of accessing your desired
reality and bringing it into the present moment
instantaneously. Once you practice applying the
I AM formula into your daily life, the next thing
you must learn to apply is how to manifest your
statement instantaneously, without having to wait
a prolonged period of time between your I AM
statement and actually accessing the reality you are
speaking of by bringing it into the present moment
right here, right now. The next and final steps
following your successful application of the I AM
formula is what I like to call I.B.V.: Intent. Belief.

The Final Steps

It all starts with intent. Your intent is reflected by

the words that you speak. Intent is directive. Intent
is what steers your reality into one direction or
another. However, intent is not everything. For
54 The Language of Energy

example, if your intent is to be healthy but the words

that you speak are, “I am not sick,” you are speaking
in such a way that will cause the language of energy
to work against you. If you have an intention but
don’t follow the language of energy to speak of it,
you are inherently setting your intention up for
failure and steering yourself in a direction that
you did not intend.

The next step is belief. Belief is one of the most

important steps in the process. Without it, no matter
how much you speak of a reality, that reality will never
be able to be accessed in the present moment. Belief
creates the possibility for something to be real in the
first place. The only thing creating a gap between
the moment you speak of your I-AM statement
and the moment you access the reality of that I-AM
statement is your belief. If you believe something to
be impossible, you inherently block yourself from the
possibility from the start. If you believe something to
be possible, you will always find a way. If you believe
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 55

something to be difficult, you also believe that it will

take you longer to access that reality. However, if you
believe something to be easy, accessing that reality
will be a breeze for you. Remember, your life is a
direct reflection of what you believe is possible.
The more difficult you believe the reality of which
you are speaking of to be attained, the longer it will
take you to access it and bring it into the present
moment for you to experience it.

Let me give you a scenario for you to better

understand. Let’s say you set an intention with
an aligned I-AM statement to win the lottery this
week, and you also set an intention with an aligned
I-AM statement to go to the movies this week. You
probably believe that winning the lottery this week
is a reality that is more difficult to achieve and access
than going to the movies this week, and therefore,
your belief in each will determine how long it will
take for each reality to be accessed in the present
moment. Although your intention was set correctly,
56 The Language of Energy

your belief was not, and you will therefore experience

a major gap between your I-AM statement and
actually accessing the reality, which reflects that
statement in the present moment, if you ever access
it at all. This is because your life is a direct reflection
of your mind, and your mind is comprised of your
beliefs and thoughts. You now know that all realities
exist right here, right now. With this knowledge,
both realities are equally accessible! Your belief is the
only thing getting in your way. Afterall, the only
limits that exist are the ones that you believe, and
therefore set for yourself.

The final step to access the reality that reflects

your aligned I-AM statement instantaneously is

Visualization is manifestation.
Visualization is imagination.
Visualization is realization.
Visualization is creation.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 57

Visualization is simply manifestation in progress.

It is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal
to access and experience any and every reality in the
present moment. Visualization is a tool that gives
you the ability to literally carve out the energetic
blueprint that you would like to access and manifest
right here, right now. If you can visualize it, you can
manifest it. Visualization is also an effective tool in
believing what it is that you are conveying through
your I-AM statement. The clearer your visualization of
the reality that reflects your statement, the easier it will
be to believe. Of course, the clearer your visualization,
the more energy you are allocating towards accessing
that reality of which you are visualizing into your
present moment. The more energy you allocate to
visualizing the reality that you would like to access, the
more energy you are giving it to come forth. Afterall,
energy flows where attention goes.

It is important to remember that the universal law of

balance makes visualization a double-edged sword.
58 The Language of Energy

Although it is a tool that can be used to serve you,

it is also a tool that can be used to harm you if not
used correctly. By visualizing what you don’t want,
you bring yourself closer to that reality. Visualization
can also be used as a tool to see what reality you are
in resonance with. In other words, if it is easier for
you to visualize something you don’t want instead
of something you do; this is a clear indicator that
you must focus on speaking consciously in order to
change that visualization before you access a reality
you don’t want in your present moment.

Your intent must be expressed in alignment with

the I-AM formula; your belief must be undoubted,
and your visualization must be clear. Visualization
seeded with intention and belief is extremely
powerful. The stronger your belief, the shorter
the gap will be between expression and accession.
Visualization will enhance the strength of your
belief. It is your secret weapon.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 59
60 The Language of Energy

How To Use I-AM with I.B.V.

When the I-AM formula is used in conjunction

with I.B.V, nothing is impossible. You quite
literally become unstoppable. This conjunction is
the complete key that will open the door of instant
access to any reality you want to bring into the
present moment.

The following is a personal story for you to better

understand the true power and strength of applying
the I-AM formula and I.B.V in conjunction to your
daily life. It is absolutely magnificent!

I set my original intention to write my first book,

Forming The Formless, in April of 2017. On April
17th 2017, I wrote the following entry in my journal:

“The idea of writing a book has been circulating

in my mind. I know I am not ready yet but one
day I will be. Whether that day is in 5 years or
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 61

20 years from now, I am in no rush. When I

gain enough experience, I will effortlessly write
my first book. I look forward to whenever that
may be!”

Pay attention to the words I wrote, and you will

see the thoughts and beliefs I had in my mind were
acting as my limitations. I set my intent, but the
words I used did not follow the

I-AM formula as they kept the reality of me writing

the book way ahead of me in the illusory future.
On top of that, I didn’t believe that I was ready,
and I most definitely could not visualize the book
anytime in my near future.

On July 2nd 2018, I wrote the following entry in my


“I am very inclined to write a book. I have

been for the past year now. I know I am still
62 The Language of Energy

considered young and that I am not ready. With

that being said, I also know that I have what
it takes to write a book that will spread Light
on this earth. I’ve had ideas but have not come
down to how I want to formulate it and what
I would like to include in it. Universe, please
provide me with the energy, time, and power to
write a book filled with Light and wisdom in
the near future”.

Once again, my words reflect that my thoughts

were still limiting me, only this time my limitations
decreased. Instead of placing the reality “5 years or
20 years from now,” I placed it in the “near future.”
Not perfect, but most definitely in closer proximity
to the present moment. My intent to write the book
existed, but I was still not in alignment with the
I-AM formula as my words still placed the reality in
the illusory future. My belief was stronger, but the
fact that I still believed I was “too young” and “not
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 63

ready” caused my belief to not be strong enough

to bring that reality into the present moment, and
therefore, my belief limited me. My visualization
was still not clear, thus accessing the reality was still
not a possibility.

On April 9th 2019, I wrote the following entry in

my journal:

“I’ve decided. I am going to write a book! For

about two years now, I’ve been thinking about
this and trying to visualize it. I’ve constantly
felt that I was not ready, but today… I AM
READY! I see the book in my mind’s eye. It’s
going to be a foundational book. Its purpose
is to improve one’s methods of visualizing and
understanding the world. I am going to put
together a table of contents tonight with a basic
outline. From there, I am going to write the
introduction to help me visualize the book
64 The Language of Energy

accordingly and put me on the right path. I see

this book reaching the masses. My intentions of
writing it is to jump-start my purpose in life
and begin the change that this world deserves.
I am ready. I am calm. I am grounded. I am
excited to experience this journey! May this be
the start of a beautiful part of my life.”

This time, my intent aligned with the I-AM formula,

my belief of being able and ready was undoubted,
and I could clearly visualize the entire book in
my minds eye from beginning to end. I began the
book that same day. Two months following this
journal entry, the book was completed, accepted by
a publisher, and is now available in all marketplaces
including Amazon, Google books, Apple books,
and Barnes & Noble.

This book, on the other hand, was a whole different

story. This is because I understood how to use
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 65

the language of energy to help serve me. I set my

original intention to write this book, The Language
of Energy, in February of 2020.

On February 14th 2020, I wrote the following entry

in my journal:

“I have officially decided that I am going

to write a second book. I see this book being
revolved around teaching others how to use
their words to achieve their wildest dreams, to
access the infinite present moment… where all
existence arises from. I am ready.”

My intent was set in alignment with the I-AM

formula, my belief was undoubted and my
visualization was clear enough to see what the
purpose and intention of the book was going to
be. I began the book that same moment. Today,
as I am writing this very paragraph, it is February
66 The Language of Energy

17th, 2020. Three days have passed since I decided

that I am going to write my second book and I
have already completed the table of contents, the
acknowledgments, the dedication, the introduction,
chapter one and half of chapter two. My intention
is aligned, my belief is undoubted, and I can
visualize how the rest of the book is going to be
formulated in detail. As a matter of fact, I sketched
my visualization onto a piece of paper before
starting to write it in the form of an in-depth table
of contents that the universe allowed me to access
instantaneously, being that my intent, belief, and
visualization were all clear and aligned with the
present moment.

This is what the beauty of understanding and

applying the I-AM formula in conjunction with
I.B.V can and will do to your life! This is the beauty
of the language of energy.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 67
68 The Language of Energy

The Denial Controversy

The I-AM formula in conjunction with I.B.V

can be used in so many ways, such as physical
healing and emotional healing. The applications
are endless! If you are sick, you can say or write “I
am healthy.” If you are sad, you can say or write
“Thank you for blessing me with unconditional
joy.” If you are experiencing financial lack, you can
say or write “Thank you for granting me financial
stability and success.” At this point in my thought
process, when I was first learning the language of
energy, I thought to myself, “Wait a second! Isn’t
this denial? If you are sick, you are sick. If you are
sad, you are sad. If you are experiencing financial
lack, you most definitely are NOT financially stable
and successful! Why would you deny the apparent
facts? Wouldn’t denial just bring you further from
the reality that you are intending to bring into the
present moment?”
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 69

The answer is quite simple actually. Denial does just

that. Denial brings you further from the reality
that you are intending to bring into the present
moment. The only thing is… this is not denial!
On the contrary, you must always acknowledge
and accept your reality before accessing a new one.
Why? Because if you resist your reality, you only
strengthen its presence. What you resist, persists.
However, the second you accept your reality
is the second you will be granted the ability to
transform it. Once you have entered a state of pure
acknowledgment and acceptance of your current
circumstance at hand and have dissolved all resistance
to it, you will be able to use the I-AM formula in
conjunction with I.B.V to access a new reality and
bring it into the present moment instantaneously.
This can only be done when coming out of a pure
place of acceptance. Coming out of a poisonous
place of resistance will deem your I-AM statement
invalid, as resistance does not allow energy to flow
in the first place. Therefore, it will not allow you
70 The Language of Energy

to bring the reality that you are speaking of into

the present moment. Resistance closes the doors
of the universe when it comes to the language
of energy. Acceptance keeps them wide open,
allowing the universe to hear you and provide as
soon as you allow it to.

My next thought was, “Okay, but even if I have

acknowledged and accepted my reality of being
sick, speaking or writing ‘I AM HEALTHY’ is still
a direct contradiction of my current reality. Why
would contradicting my current reality of being
sick help me bring the new reality of being healthy
into the present moment?”

Another great question!

Remember, all realities exist right here, right now.

Therefore, all realities are your current realities, not
just the one you are experiencing. In other words,
right here, right now, exists a reality where you are
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 71

sick while a different reality simultaneously exists in

which you are healthy. Just because you are currently
in alignment with the reality in which you are sick
does not mean the reality in which you are healthy
does not exist in this very moment. The only reason
you are not experiencing the reality in which you
are healthy is because you are not in resonance
with it. So if you are sick, speaking or writing a
statement aligned with the I-AM formula, such as
“I am healthy,” or “Thank you for blessing me with
health” in conjunction with I.B.V is simply assisting
you in adjusting your frequency to resonate with
the reality in which you are healthy. This will allow
you to attract and access the physical experience of
being healthy that exists right now into the present
moment. Your I-AM statement is not a denial
of the current reality you are experiencing, but
rather it is inviting forth the reality you would like
to bring into the present moment. Not only will
practicing this consciously aligned form of speech
help you energetically, physically, and spiritually, but
72 The Language of Energy

it will also help you effortlessly change your physical

actions and behaviors to enable you to successfully
access the reality that you are speaking of with your
aligned I-AM statement in conjunction with I.B.V.

How This Works Energetically

How would speaking or writing “I am healthy” or

“Thank you for blessing me with health” rid you
of your sickness. How would speaking or writing
“Thank you for blessing me with unconditional
joy” rid you of your sadness? How would speaking
or writing “Thank you for granting me financial
stability and success” rid you of financial lack?
Understanding just how this works will allow you
to replace hope and luck with power and direction
of the world around you and the world within you.
It all starts with the law of vibration. As you already
know, the law of vibration states that all energy
exists in the form of vibrational frequency and in
the energetic world like attracts like. Simplistically,
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 73

the law of vibration implies that the vibration you

emit is the vibration you resonate with, which
will in turn dictate the lens which you experience
your life through. The following is an excerpt from
Forming The Formless in the form of an analogy that
may help you understand this idea better:

“Do you ever listen to the radio? Whether

you listen to AM or FM, have you ever asked
yourself what that ‘AM’ and ‘FM’ is? The
radio works on vibrational frequency. The
difference between AM and FM is simply how
the vibration is being modulated. Regardless,
both AM and FM radio work through different
vibrations which means they both work by the
same principles and laws. The law of vibration.
If you want to listen to the news, you might
tune to a specific AM channel whether it be
1010AM or 770AM. If you want to listen to
music, you might tune to a specific FM channel
whether it be 104.3FM or 97.1FM. You get
74 The Language of Energy

the idea. The point is that each channel chooses

a vibration on which to host their radio shows.
By tuning to that vibration, you have gained
access to the show and can therefore either
listen to the news or sing along to the music.
These basic principles of how vibration works
apply to all vibrations in the universe. This
includes words, thoughts, and beliefs. Health
and sickness are vibrations. Happiness and
sadness are vibrations. Abundance and lack
are vibrations. You can look at these vibrations
(realities) as channels that exist just like
1010AM or 97.1FM. Your mind is the tuner
that chooses what vibration (reality) it
would like to tune to through the medium
of your words, thoughts, and beliefs. If you
program your mind to think thoughts of health
through your words, you are tuning to the radio
station of health and therefore experience your
life through that lens. However, if you program
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 75

your mind to think thoughts of sickness

through your words, you will experience your
life through the lens of sickness and therefore
perceive the world around you accordingly. It is
important to remember the following: although
there may be many different radio stations, they
all exist simultaneously and in parallel to one
another. In other words, let’s say there are ten
different radio stations for you to be able to
tune into. There is a different song or talk show
being hosted on each of the ten channels. If you
happen to be on channel four, you will simply
hear what is on channel four. This also means
that when you are tuned into channel four,
you are not able to hear what is happening on
channel one, two, three, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, or ten. Although you cannot hear what is
being hosted on the other channels, you know
that they exist simultaneously with channel
four. They are all equally accessible. A channel
76 The Language of Energy

represents a reality. All realities exist right here,

right now. Most importantly, all realities are
equally accessible, energetically. You are in
complete control of what channel you would
like to tune into. You are the director. Now that
you are aware of the power of your mind, speak
consciously, think consciously, and tune away.”

Your experience of life is simply based on which

reality you are energetically tuned into. The
reality that you experience in the present moment
is a direct reflection of the vibrational frequency
of your mind, which is made up of your thoughts
and beliefs and directed by your words. Every
word, every thought, and every belief exist at a
specific vibration, and that vibration dictates what
you can and can’t access in the present moment.
Here is an example to help you better understand
what is truly being said here, so you can practically
apply it to your daily life.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 77

Let’s say you are experiencing financial lack. This

reality is correlated to certain thoughts and beliefs
that are reflected through your words. For example:

“Why am I so terrible at saving and managing my

“I won’t be able to afford my rent in 3 months”
“I can never pay my credit card bill on time.”

If you pay attention to these thoughts, they all exist

on the same vibration that financial lack exists on. In
other words, your words, thoughts, and beliefs are
only going to make you experience more financial
lack since you are focused on the lack instead of the
gain (lessons) that the experience of lack can teach
you. Since all of these words, thoughts, and beliefs
exist on the same vibration (reality) as financial
lack, what you are in-fact doing by speaking these
words and thinking these thoughts is staying in
78 The Language of Energy

tune with the vibration (reality) of lack. Therefore,

you will continue experiencing this reality that you
do not want to experience. Afterall, the vibration
you tune to through your words and your thoughts
dictates the reality that you will experience your life
through in the present moment. So, at this point it
is safe to say that if you want to change your reality,
you must first change your vibration. To change
your vibration, you must change the things that
are emitting those vibrations in the first place: Your

Once you completely understand how all of this

works energetically through the law of vibration,
you can consciously and freely use speech to tune to
whatever vibration (reality) it is that you would like
to experience in the present moment. The beautiful
thing is, once you tune to a different frequency, your
physical actions and behaviors will change too! For
example, let’s say you are someone who has a problem
with over-eating or you constantly eat foods that are
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 79

not beneficial to you out of an irresistible habit. If

and when you begin to speak and think consciously
with the intent of tuning out of that vibration and
into a healthier vibration, you will naturally start to
see a decline in your physical desire to over eat along
with a decline in the physical desire to consume
the unhealthy foods you used to love so much! To
shift from the unhealthy vibration into the healthy
vibration, you must allow the healthy vibration to
become a part of your conscious and subconscious

“I eat only what is necessary, and I consume

only the foods that manifest health. I am a
healthy eater”.

Don’t be afraid to speak these words over and over

again until they are a part of you. Feel free to write
them every morning before you start your day. You
can even put them up on a wall that you pass by
every morning in your home. Once these vibrations
80 The Language of Energy

become engrained into your mind, your physical

body, your actions, and your behavior will have
no choice but to change their course in order to
reflect the vibration that your mind is emitting!
Remember, to attain something, you must first
tune to its vibrational frequency. In order to tune
to its vibrational frequency, you must do so through
the use of your words, which eventually turn into
your thoughts and beliefs, which is what your mind
is comprised of, which is ultimately the reflection
of your life! The power is yours, and you have been
provided with the necessary tools to claim it! The
last tool you have yet to discover is silence.

The Power of Silence

Silence is an extremely powerful tool that can be

used to increase the strength and power of your
expressed words. Energetically, silence is used to
harvest potential energy (energy being stored up)
in order to create a powerful form of kinetic energy
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 81

(energy being released). Potential energy is the

equivalent of unexpressed or unreleased energy,
such as thoughts that exist in the mind. Kinetic
energy is the equivalent of expressed and released
energy, such as words, which are the physical
manifestations of your thought. Think of it like
shooting a pebble out of a sling shot. The further
you pull back the pebble, the further the pebble
will go. This is because energetically pulling back
the pebble builds up potential energy, which is then
released in the form of kinetic energy. Of course,
the more potential energy you harvest, the more
kinetic energy can be released. This is exactly how
silence works. Your state of silence is the equivalent
of pulling the pebble back in the slingshot right
before you launch it. Silence harvests potential
energy while verbal expression is the release of that
potential energy in the form of kinetic energy. The
more you practice silence, the more potential energy
you will build up, which will cause your words (the
release of kinetic energy) to be extremely powerful
82 The Language of Energy

when you do decide to express them. Speak only

when necessary.

Hopefully, you now understand why choosing your

words wisely is so important. Speech is a tool that is
in your direct control. It is a tool that gives you the
ability to carve out the energetic blueprint that you
would like to access and manifest right here, right
now. It is a tool that allows you to claim the power
that was given to you. You have been given the
appropriate tools to practice conscious and aligned
speech, which will naturally turn into conscious
and aligned thought, which will then be reflected
in your life. You have been taught the following
principles regarding speech:

The universe does not hear the word “not.”

“I want” implies you don’t already have.
“I will” is an illusion.
“I am” is the key.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 83

You have been taught the I-AM formula, otherwise

known as S.I.P, which is broken down into the
following three components that you must always
be aware of when speaking of a reality that you
intend to manifest:

Subject of Focus
Implication on Subject
Present Tense

It may take some practice in the beginning, but with

practice comes perfection, and in this case, with
perfection comes a life you’ve always dreamed of.
Once you understand that time is an illusion and
all existence arises out of the present moment, you
will naturally and intuitively be able to place your
statements in the present moment quite effortlessly
in order to access your desired reality by bringing
it into your present moment. Once you add I.B.V,
which is intent, belief, and visualization to the
I-AM formula, you become unstoppable and are
84 The Language of Energy

able to access the reflection of your I-AM statement

instantaneously. Remember, your intent must be
in alignment with the I-AM formula, your belief
must be undoubted, and your visualization must
be clear, which will enhance your belief. Start
small, and ease your way up the ladder. Begin by
setting your intention to access a reality in the
present moment that you wholeheartedly know and
truly believe with no doubt whatsoever, a reality
you can fully visualize in detail. As you gain more
confidence in yourself and in your ability to believe,
you will be able to access a wider range of realities
in a much shorter period of time. You will see that
the limitations of your beliefs will start to dissolve.
There is no limit to what you can achieve, and when
the limitations of your beliefs are stripped away, you
will experience this first hand!

Always keep in mind that verbalizing an I-AM

statement that is in contradiction with your current
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 85

reality is not denial, but merely an inviting-forth of

the reality you would like to bring into the present
moment. Only once you accept your current
reality can you transform it and access a new

You have been taught the principles behind the

law of vibration and how to directly apply that
law with straight forward formulas into your daily
life through the use of speech. Although conscious
speech will bring you a long way, there are still other
factors that play a major role in your understanding
and application of the language of energy. Once
these other factors are digested and understood, the
universe will naturally grant you full access to your
highest potential at all times in the present moment.
So far, you have learned how to use internal tools,
such as conscious speech, according to the law of
vibration to access the realm of infinite realities and
bring the reality which you so choose into your
86 The Language of Energy

present moment. In addition to internal tools, the

universe has also provided us with external tools, but
these may only be used once a true understanding of
how the language of energy works with our external
environment is attained wholly and fully.


“The energetic exchange is the inevitable

interaction of energetic information between
any and every form of energy. Any experience
between two energetic forms, no matter how
brief or prolonged, results in an energetic
exchange of information between those forms
of energy and is imprinted into the energetic
universe for eternity.”
nce you understand the principles that make
up the language of energy, you can apply
those principles to learning how to use your external
environment and surroundings as a tool to access the
realm of infinite realities and bring the reality which
you so choose into your present moment. Once you
do, you will ultimately replace hope and luck with
power, and you will begin to direct the world around
you and the world within you. The law of vibration
plays a major role in understanding how to apply
the principles that make up the language of energy
in a way that serves you. If you are finding it too
difficult to be aware and conscious of your speech in
order to gain a greater insight of the programming
of your mind, fortunately for you, there is another
way! Some say this way is easier than having to
speak and think consciously. I will leave that up to
you to decide.

Just as your words and thoughts are energy in

the form of different vibrations, your external
90 The Language of Energy

environment is no different. When I refer to your

“external environment” and “surroundings,” I am
referring to things, such as the people you spend
your time with, the relationships you attract, your
behavior and actions, and even the hardships you
are experiencing in your life. They are all ultimately
reflections of the vibration you are resonating with.
They are all direct reflections of the programming
of your mind. Your external environment is the
vibratory result of the vibration that the program
of your mind currently operates at.

Just like words act as a magnifying glass to seeing

what is going on in your mind, your external
environment can be used in just the same way!
This is because both your words and your external
environment are direct reflections of your mind and
can thus be used to gain a deeper understanding of
your mind as a whole. Not only does your external
environment act as a tool to look deeper into the
programming of your mind, but it also acts as a
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 91

tool to reprogram your mind. Therefore, a simple

conscious change in your external reality will reflect
a change in your internal reality.

Some may say you are the product of your

environment. This is true, and so is the direct
opposite! Your environment is a direct product of
you. This is the beauty of the language of energy.
It teaches one to think in a reflective way, which
only provides one with more resources to replace
chance with choice. The beauty of the balance in
the language of energy is that you never have to focus
on both the internal and the external simultaneously
since they are simply reflections of one another.
If you are having trouble changing something in
your internal reality, simply change its reflection in
your external reality, and your internal reality will
follow. The opposite is also true. If you are having
trouble changing something in your external reality,
simply change its reflection in your internal reality,
and your external reality will follow. For example,
92 The Language of Energy

if you happen to be a very messy and unorganized

person and don’t know how to change that external
reality, simply start eating cleaner and healthier.
The cleaner you are internally, the cleaner you will
naturally and effortlessly want to be externally.
Alternatively, if you happen to be a very unhealthy
person and don’t know how to change that internal
reality, simply start keeping your external reality
cleaner and more organized. The cleaner you keep
your external environment, such as your home or
your work place, the cleaner you will naturally and
effortlessly want to be internally.

Everything is an Exchange

The universe is one infinite ball of energetic

information. Whether tangible or intangible,
everything is made up of energy. Being that we
are both tangible beings (the body) and intangible
beings (the soul), we all hold immense amount of
energetic information and subconscious memory
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 93

that is ever-present and not bound to the illusion

of the linear passage of time that we experience in
our physical lives. As a matter of fact, all we really
are is energetic information. Just as we are made
up of energetic information, so is everything else in
the world: not every being, but every thing. Yes, this
includes tangible and intangible forms beyond just
humans, such as animals, plants, trees, rocks, water,
words, emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and everything
else in the universe. All forms of energy interact
with one another through the language of energy,
through what I like to call “the energetic exchange.”

So, what is an energetic exchange? An energetic

exchange is the inevitable interaction of energetic
information between any and every form of
energy. Any experience between two energetic
forms, no matter how brief or prolonged, results
in an energetic exchange between those forms
of energy and is imprinted into the energetic
universe for eternity. Direct and relatable forms
94 The Language of Energy

of an energetic exchange between human beings

could be a conversation, a simple hug, or even just
being in the presence of one another (even if no
conversation occurs). Fortunately, the energetic
exchange and its practical uses go much further
than just a conversation or a hug. The more
conscious you are of the energetic exchange, the
more information you will be able to access from
the infinite field of energetic information that is
ever-present throughout the entire universe.

In order to be able to use an energetic exchange

to your benefit, you must first be aware that the
phenomenon exists, as well as understand the basics
of how it works in principle. The energetic exchange
extends beyond just human beings. For example,
consider the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. First,
you must understand that although the Great
Pyramid of Giza is a physical and tangible structure,
it also holds an immense amount of energetic
information. This energetic information consists
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 95

of its construction, the beings that constructed it,

all the periods of time it experienced throughout
history, and everything that has ever happened in
those time periods up until present day. If only the
Great Pyramid of Giza could talk, imagine how
many mysteries would be solved! Well, the Great
Pyramid of Giza CAN talk, and understanding
and applying the principles behind the energetic
exchange may grant you the ability to listen to its
story! Ultimately, the Great Pyramid of Giza holds
all the answers we are looking for in the form of
energetic information. Since it experienced the
answers to all the unanswered and unsolved mysteries
we are trying to comprehend, those answers are also
a part of the Pyramid’s energetic information, and
we therefore have access to it through its field of
energetic information. Tapping into this field of
energetic information would give us access to the
answers of the questions our world has been asking
for centuries. How were the pyramids built? Who
built them, and what was their purpose? Please be
96 The Language of Energy

aware that I brought up the example of the Great

Pyramid of Giza simply to make you aware of
the limitless potential of the energetic exchange.
I, personally, do not know how to tap into such
depths of the energetic field just yet; however, it is
most definitely a possibility, and there are people in
this world that can do it.

Energetically, the Great Pyramid of Giza and a

human being have something in common; they are
both made up of energetic information. This means
that in our souls exists all the information of any
and all energetic exchanges that we have ever and
will ever experience. Remember, time does not exist
in the energetic world. Every reincarnation that
your soul has experienced is stored into your soul’s
energetic DNA. The more tapped in you are to
yourself spiritually, the more information you can
access on the level of your soul from all energetic
experiences your soul has ever and will ever
experience. The point here is that even by simply
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 97

being in the presence of someone or something, you

are naturally indulging in an energetic exchange
between you and the other being or thing.

The following is an entry from my journal that I

wrote on February 26th, 2020 regarding a personal
experience that I had that emphasizes the importance
of the energetic exchange and what can be achieved
through it:

“I’ve been staying at this very remote village in the

Guanacaste province of Costa Rica for the past
few days. This village is absolutely incredible.
At first when I arrived, I was extremely
uncomfortable due to the primitive nature of all
the people here. Shoes are not something normal
over here which blew my mind because it is in
the middle of the jungle. Everyone is barefoot!
I also realized that when they eat, utensils are
never used. Yes, they eat with their hands I was
in complete awe for my first couple of days here.
98 The Language of Energy

These people walk barefoot, they eat simple food

and all of it is done with their hands yet they
are so happy and connected spiritually. After a
few days of wondering what was going on, I
decided to put myself in their shoes (not literally,
because they wear no shoes) and started walking
barefoot and eating with my hands. After just a
few hours of indulging in what I thought were
primitive actions and behaviors, it dawned on
me. I immediately understood that they are not
the primitive ones… I am! Walking barefoot
created this energetic connection between
me and the earth. It also forced me into pure
presence since I had to pay attention to every
step I took. This state of presence allowed me to
gain insights I have never pondered before due
to the energetic exchange of information that
was occurring between me and the earth below
me. I noticed the same thing with food. Eating
with my hands allowed me to connect to my
food in a way I never thought was possible. I
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 99

gained a higher level of awareness regarding the

right pace to eat at in order for my body to digest
the food in a healthy way. I also immediately
felt what was good for my body to eat and what
wasn’t. For example, I am sensitive to gluten.
After a couple of days of becoming more in tune
with my food, just holding a piece of bread
that contained gluten immediately made me
feel uncomfortable and nauseous before it ever
even entered my body! Thank you, intuition,
for guiding me so effortlessly and giving me
the ability to access such holistic and sacred
information about the world around me and
the world within me. With infinite Love,

Those who are considered in modern day as

“primitive” are spiritually and energetically
advanced; whereas, those who are considered
in modern day as “advanced” are spiritually
and energetically primitive. Although modern
100 The Language of Energy

inventions and technology have allowed us to

progress in many ways, they have also caused a great
energetic disconnect between us and the world
around us, as well as the world within us. Modern
inventions and technology have made the need
for the presence and awareness of the energetic
connection obsolete. What we call man-kind’s
progression has actually blocked the possibility
for energetic exchanges to occur in many ways
and has made us sick, thus contributing to the
demise of humanity’s health. Shoes block the
energetic exchange between us and the earth. We
live in cement caves that we call our homes, and
we sleep on mattresses instead of sleeping on the
ground. We are energetic beings, and the earth is
energetically charged. By walking barefoot and
being in constant contact with the ground below
us (earth), an energetic exchange occurs, which
rejuvenates our entire being. However, we have lost
our ground; therefore, we are no longer grounded.
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 101

Eating utensils block the energetic exchange between

us and our food. We have been domesticated by
society to feel that being barefoot and eating with
your hands is improper and primitive. Due to the
blockage of these energetic exchanges, we have
become numb to the vibrations around us and
within us and, therefore, have allowed ourselves to
unknowingly create hell on earth. This is simply the
physical reflection of the energetic blockages that
exists throughout modern society due to the decline
of energetic exchanges occurring between us and
the natural world.

However, I am not suggesting to walk around New

York City barefoot or eat with your hands in an
upscale restaurant. To resist the collective vibration
of your surroundings in a way that upsets others
will create an energetic blockage in and of itself.
I am merely suggesting to indulge in these activities
where the collective vibration is in alignment with
such actions, in order to allow these beneficial
102 The Language of Energy

energetic exchanges to occur or permit yourself

to respectfully indulge in these activities without
upsetting those around you in any way. In other
words, don’t be afraid to walk barefoot in nature
to energetically connect to the earth below you
and embrace eating with your hands in places like
your home or wherever else is acceptable without
resisting your surroundings in order to energetically
connect to your food.

The energetic exchange is limitless in its nature.

Although an energetic exchange can be beneficial, it
can also be harmful depending on who or what you
are indulging in the energetic exchange with. For
this reason, who you choose to surround yourself
with is more important than one may think. Every
interaction you have with another soul is an exchange
of energetic information, and that exchange works
both ways. Information from your soul is given to
the other’s soul, and information from the other’s
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 103

soul is given to you. This is the balance of the

universe. This is the energetic exchange.

Be Conscious of Your External Reality

Although your external environment, such as your

friends, your relationships, and your behavior and
actions, has the power to keep you in a repetitive
cycle of dissatisfaction, the balance of the universe
gives your external environment the power to take
you out of that repetitive cycle of dissatisfaction
and lead a life filled with Light, Peace, and Love.
Your external reality has a major effect on you,
and observing it can and will most definitely be
extremely beneficial, so long as you know how
to look at it through a lens that will allow you to
learn more about the programming of your mind.
Your external reality is merely a reflection of
your mind, and your mind is merely a reflection
of your external reality. Observing your external
reality is just as powerful as observing your words
104 The Language of Energy

when it comes to understanding the program of

your mind. Just like your words, observing your
external reality is not only used to gain insights
into the programming of your mind, but it can
also be used to reprogram your mind in order
to reflect the reality that you would like to tune
into in the present moment. The more conscious
you are of your surroundings, the more you will
feel, understand, and know how to use the energy
around you and within you as a tool to serve you in

Using Your External Reality as a Tool

The physical poisons we consume are direct

reflections of the vibration that our minds are
operating at. Drinking. Smoking. Eating unhealthy
food. All of these actions of consuming physical
poisons act as a great indicator of the vibration
that your mind is operating at. The only reason
these physical poisons are desirable to you and make
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 105

you feel “high” when you ingest them is because

your vibration is currently lower than the vibration
of these poisons, and when you ingest them, the
higher vibration of the poison relative to the lower
vibration you currently possess gives you a feeling
of being “high.” Eventually, when you raise your
vibration above that of these poisons, you will no
longer desire them since ingesting them will no
longer make you feel high. Once you raise your
vibration above that of these poisons, ingesting them
will actually make you feel sick since their vibration
is lower relative to your new and higher vibration.
In other words, ingesting them will take you down
instead of bringing you up. Once that happens, you
know you have succeeded in raising your vibration.
So, the key is not to resist these poisons, but
to vibrationally rise above them. Doing so will
inevitably dissolve your craving for them from your
system, thus allowing you to continue on your path
of elevation throughout your life. Once again, it is
important to remember that the law of balance in
106 The Language of Energy

the universe makes these poisons both something

useful and harmful in your life, depending on how
you choose to use them. You can either use these
poisons to bring you down by ingesting them or lift
you up by using them as vibratory indicators.

Once you understand that all you have to do is

raise your vibration relative to the poisons in your
external reality in order to dissolve them from your
reality, the next question is:

“How do you raise your vibration?”

That’s a great question! There are many ways to raise

your vibration of being; however, in order to keep
this information simple and digestible, I am going to
break down how to do so into two main parts. The
first way to raise your vibration is by using your
actions and objects in your external environment
as a tool. The second way is by using the people
in your external environment as a tool.
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 107

In regard to using your actions and objects in

your external environment as a tool to raise your
vibration, the first step is achieved by focusing
on the physical place that you spend the most
time in, which is what I like to call your “zone.”
For some of you, this may be your home, and for
others this place may be your bedroom or your
office. Whichever it is, your zone is what has the
biggest impact on you as it is the closest physical
reflection of you that exists. This impact can be
used to either serve you or to harm you. You are
in direct and complete control of what is allowed
into your zone and what is not allowed into your
zone. Begin by observing your zone and everything
that exists within it. Is there anything in your zone
that does not reflect the vibration you would like
to access right here, right now? Some examples
include unhealthy food, alcohol, drugs (legal or
illegal), music (pay attention to the words), art (pay
attention to what it is portraying), and so on. If
so, get rid of it! That vibration no longer resonates
108 The Language of Energy

with you. Replace the lower vibrational thing with

a higher vibrational thing. The indicator of a higher
vibration thing is one that makes you wholly and
truly feel better or in some cases, even feel “high.”
Higher vibrational things may even make your
entire being “vibrate” with joy. For example, the
action of eating raw and whole foods, such as fruits,
will most definitely allow you to feel a heightened
state of ecstasy. As you replace the lower vibrations
that exist in your zone with higher vibrations,
they will eventually begin to create a vibrational
imprint onto your mind and cause the vibration
you are operating at to increase, so your internal
reality and external reality are in alignment with
each other. Once again, your zone has the biggest
impact on you and has the power to shape you in
any way you direct it to do so. You are the director
of your zone. If you want to stop eating unhealthy
foods, stop buying unhealthy foods and bringing
them into your zone. If you want to stop smoking,
do not allow smoking in your zone. If you want to
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 109

stop drinking, do not allow alcohol into your zone.

You get the idea. Your zone is the closest physical
reflection of you that exists, and therefore, your
zone is sacred. Treat it well. It is one of the most
effective tools that can and will assist you in raising
your vibration if you use it correctly.

Although you are in direct control of your zone,

you can’t always control what is going on in your
external environment when you are in a public
setting. What happens when you are not in your
zone? What if you find yourself in a public setting
in which you are surrounded by all of your vices
that hurt your vibrational field? When you are first
going through your vibratory transformation,
do your very best to stay out of situations that
include things that exist on lower vibrations.
Most of the time, you have a choice. So long as
these vices do not exist in your zone, which you
indeed have control over, your mind will tune to
the new vibration in which those vices no longer
110 The Language of Energy

exist. Eventually, you will be able to be around all

of your past vices without being bothered or seeing
them as your vices anymore since they no longer
exist at your vibration. In other words, you will no
longer have a desire to indulge in the behaviors and
actions you previously had trouble stopping. This is
simply done by tuning out of resonance with them
and into a new vibration in which they don’t exist: a
higher vibration. If you still call these poisons your
“vices,” you are only making it harder on yourself.
Begin by calling them your “lessons” instead of
your “vices.” Doing so will energetically imply
that they exist not to hurt you and bring you
down, but to teach you and lift you up.

In regard to the second way of raising your

vibration, people in your external environment
are your greatest and most effective tools to do so.
Being that everything is an energetic exchange,
you must choose who you surround yourself
with wisely. Surrounding yourself with higher
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 111

frequency beings will allow you to increase

your vibration and, therefore, naturally and
effortlessly grant you access to the ability to tune
into your desired reality right here, right now.
Additionally, surrounding yourself with higher
frequency beings will naturally allow you to gain
more access to a wider range of beneficial vibrations,
which will naturally become a part of your field of
energetic information. Make a conscious effort to
spend time with the people you admire in order
to acquire the traits that they have through a
productive and free flowing energetic exchange.
The following is a short entry I wrote in my journal
on November 24th, 2019 about a new friend that has
surfaced in my life. Someone that I have acquired
great tools from through our energetic exchanges,
just by being in his presence. The title of this entry
is “A Productive Energetic Exchange”:

“These past 24 hours have taught me a lot

about growth and humility. Barak has been the
112 The Language of Energy

angel sent into my life to attain such qualities.

He is generally quiet and observant. He listens.
When he does talk, EVERYONE listens. He
chooses his words wisely and thinks before he
speaks, a quality I truly admire and am now
working on to access and incorporate into my
life as I think it will be a beneficial quality to
have for myself. I know the more time I spend
with him; the more access I will naturally gain
to the plane and frequency that he is vibrating
at and therefore will experience the qualities I
admire in him in my current reality. I have been
and will continue to practice talking less and
listening more, even when I have something to
say. It brings me further and allows me to access
a higher level of growth. Universe, thank you
for blessing me with the opportunity to meet
Barak and gain access to such wonderful tools.
With infinite Love. Jason.”
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 113

This entry is a direct reflection of how people in

your external environment can be used as effective
tools to raise your vibration. Being that everything
is an energetic exchange, if you would like to access
a certain reality, simply start by spending more time
with people that are already vibrating in resonance
with that reality. Doing so will allow you to gain the
information they hold energetically and thus make
your journey of vibratory transformation easier
to access. If you want to be financially successful,
simply start spending more time with others who
are financially successful. If you want to be happy,
simply start spending time with people who are
happy. If you want to be healthy, simply start by
spending time with people who are healthy. Doing
so will allow you to expand your energetic field of
information, thus giving you access to a wider range
of innate tools and possibilities. Surround yourself
with people you admire, people you love, and
people who add to your personal growth in life.
114 The Language of Energy

When you do, your energetic exchange will be a

productive one and even a medicinal one.

To assess if you will have a productive energetic

exchange by spending time with someone, ask
yourself the following questions:

1. “Does this person have something in them

that I would like to learn, adopt, and
inherit as a tool, attribute, or characteristic
of my own?”

2. “Can we both benefit and help each other


Asking yourself these questions will naturally filter

the negative energy and unproductive relationships
out of your life, whether it be a friendly relationship,
a business relationship, a romantic relationship, and
so on. Spending time with people who have the
specific tools, attributes, and characteristics that you
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 115

would like to attain in your current reality (out of

admiration and not jealousy) will allow you to enter
into an energetic exchange in which you will receive
the information they hold. Doing so will allow you
to tune into the vibration that resonates with these
tools, attributes, and characteristics, and you will,
therefore, be able to effortlessly adopt those tools,
attributes, and characteristics into your own life.

If you ever find yourself in a situation where you

are surrounded by people who produce an energetic
exchange that does not consist of information
you would like to carry in your field of energetic
information, simply remove yourself from the
situation. You have a choice, and the power is yours.
Make the choice that serves you best and remember
that it is never too late to do so. Your soul will be
grateful for your decision. Always remember, if
you want to stop indulging in certain actions or
behaviors in your life, the key is not to resist those
actions or behaviors, but to vibrationally rise above
116 The Language of Energy

them. The first step to rising above the vibrations that

those actions and behaviors exist at is by stopping
to spend time with people who indulge in those
actions and behaviors. In other words, if you want
to stop smoking, stop spending time with people
who smoke. If you want to stop drinking, stop
spending time with people who drink. If you have
seven friends who smoke, you will be the eighth. If
you have nine friends who drink, you will be the
tenth. Ultimately, if you want to improve your
habits by transmuting your negative habits into
self-serving habits, change your surroundings!
You are the only person who can do that. Change
what is going on around you, and the change will
be reflected within you.

Every aspect of your external environment can be

used as a tool to further improve the reflection
your external reality imprints onto your mind. The
things, actions, and behaviors you allow into your
zone and the people you choose to spend your time
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 117

with are just the tip of the iceberg. Being aware and
in control of what you allow into your zone is a
great way to shape and direct the vibration that your
mind is operating at for your benefit. However, like
any tool, if it is not used correctly, you can harm
yourself. Observe and analyze your external reality
to ensure that you are using it correctly to guide the
vibration of your internal reality. Most importantly,
stay alert and be conscious.

You now know the importance of the energetic

exchange and how it may be used in order to gain
tools, attributes, and characteristics from other
souls that you look up to and admire. With this
being said, you must be aware that there are certain
actions that block the energetic exchange, while
other actions ensure a successful energetic exchange
between you and another soul. It is great to admire;
however, there is a fine line between admiring and
being jealous of what someone has, whether it is
tangible or intangible. Admiration, gratitude, and
118 The Language of Energy

unconditional forgiveness of others and yourself

will allow the energetic exchange flow. On the
other hand, comparison, which stems from fear
and jealousy, is poisonous and will create resistance
that will not allow for a successful and beneficial
energetic exchange. Comparison is the line that
allows admiration and gratitude to evolve into
fear and jealousy. Admiration, gratitude, and
unconditional forgiveness flows; comparison

Comparison: The Poisonous Pill

When you become stuck in the illusion of comparison,

you no longer gain pleasure from having something;
instead, you will gain pleasure only by having more
than somebody else. Comparison is a poisonous pill
that will surely block your ability to elevate and grow
throughout your life. Comparison is the poison that
blocks the energetic exchange between you and
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 119

any-body or any-thing since it creates resistance

that does not allow for the energy to flow.

Ultimately, comparison is the killer of joy. The

reason why comparison creates so much suffering is
because it causes you to live in alignment with the
illusion of separation and duality. Afterall, in order
to compare yourself to something or somebody else,
you must first understand that separation between
you and somebody else is an illusion. Energetically,
separation is an impossibility. In order to
completely understand this, you must understand
why separation and duality is an illusion in the first
place. As Michael Jeffreys puts it, “Separation is
an illusion because ALL cannot be divided into
separate parts. ALL contains everything; it leaves
nothing out.” To better understand this, visualize
a wavy ocean in your minds eye. The waves you see
are simply the expression of energy moving through
water; and therefore, although these waves may
seem separate to the eye, they are not. Waves are
120 The Language of Energy

simply the infinite universal energy expressed

in an infinitude of ways through the medium
of water. Therefore, to poison one wave is to
poison all waves. Well, we are no different. Each
and every one of us are simply the same infinite
universal energy expressed in an infinitude of
different ways through the mediums that we call
our body and soul. Although our physical bodies
give us the illusion that we are separate from one
another, we are all connected energetically, and we
are, therefore, one infinite universal energy being
expressed in an infinite amount of ways. Once you
dissolve the illusion of separation and see that we
are all one universal energy being expressed in an
infinite amount of ways, you will see, feel, and
understand that my success is your success and
your success is my success. The opposite is true
as well. Your failure is my failure, and my failure
is your failure. We are all one! We live in one
universe. There is no duality. That is why we call it
a “uni-verse.” Oneness pervades all. Every person,
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 121

place, and experience are one. With that being said,

every person, place, and experience are their own
unique expression of this infinite universal energy.
Duality and separation are merely illusions that
create suffering when they are believed to be a truth.
Living your life free of poisonous comparison and,
therefore, free of fear and jealousy will allow you to
greatly tap into the language of energy and benefit
fully and wholly from the energetic exchanges that
you constantly experience by allowing energy to
flow with no resistance whatsoever.

Comparison is what allows for the duality of better

and worse to exist. This duality creates suffering!
Afterall, one can only exist when compared to the
other. Only when we live in alignment with the
illusion of separation and duality can comparison,
and therefore fear and jealousy, be something
we indulge in. In order to live a life free of
comparison, you must live a life through the lens
122 The Language of Energy

of equanimity. One of my closest friends defined

equanimity as the following:

“To not qualify a situation as good, bad, or

anything in between. It is becoming present to the
point where you see that everything just IS.”

When living life through the lens of equanimity,

comparison is non-existent, and your energetic
exchanges will flow freely as there is no poison to
create any resistance that will create a blockage in
the flow of energy.

Once the illusion of separation and the truth

of oneness is truly understood and experienced
throughout your daily life, you will naturally
and intuitively understand why to compare is so
destructive to your own well-being. Being fearful
or jealous of somebody and the tools they hold
will no longer make sense to you, as you will see
how thinking in such a way will only work against
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 123

you. Remember, if fear or jealousy is a part of the

equation, you will never be able to gain the tools,
attributes, or characteristics that the other being
holds since fear and jealousy inherently block the
energetic exchange from occurring in the first place.
There is absolutely no need to compare. Instead,
practice equanimity, gratitude, and unconditional
forgiveness as these are the keys and tools provided
to you to ensure an unrestricted and free flow of
energy in the world around you and the world
within you. Using these keys and tools will allow
you to access a life in which you have access to your
limitless potential.

Gratitude: The Key to Happiness

Gratitude, simply defined, is the quality of being

thankful and appreciative for all that IS. Expressing
true gratitude is when you can willfully be grateful
for everything in your life without labeling anything
as good and bad or better and worse. This includes
124 The Language of Energy

your past, present, and future hardships. Gratitude

is the key that dissolves comparison. Therefore,
gratitude is the key that dissolves the illusion of
separation and duality. Ultimately, gratitude is
your key to pure and unconditional happiness. It
puts you in a state of flow with all that IS, without
being stuck with the comparison of what could
have been, should have been, or would have been.
Equanimity allows for you to understand that
everything just IS; whereas, gratitude allows you
to appreciate that everything just IS. Practicing
it will put you in a state of pure acceptance and
appreciation of your life and everything in it,
unconditionally. Expressing it is to naturally focus
on what you do have instead of what you don’t
have. Expressing it is to focus on abundance instead
of lack. Expressing it is to look at the glass half full
instead of half empty. If you happen to be a person
that sees the glass half empty, that is perfectly fine.
You are not bound to that path of thought by any
means, and just like you chose that path of thought,
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 125

you can choose another path of thought, right here,

right now. The choice is yours. Make the choice
that serves you best and always remember to express
your gratitude for being able to make such a choice
in the first place. Gratitude is what allows for
your energetic exchanges to flow most freely. Use
it to help you through your journey of elevation
throughout your life. It is a very effective tool in the
language of energy to clear any energetic blockages
and promote the free and unrestricted flow of energy
in the world around you and the world within you.
Although gratitude is an extremely important tool
to use in order to enhance the flow of your energetic
exchange, it will take you nowhere without applying
the practice of unconditional forgiveness into your
life. That is unconditional forgiveness of both
yourself and of others.
126 The Language of Energy

Unconditional Forgiveness

Forgiveness, simply defined, is the act of letting go

with no judgement whatsoever. The opposite of
forgiveness is unforgiveness, and sometimes even
revenge. Unconditional forgiveness promotes the
free flow of energy; whereas, unforgiveness and
revenge create energetic blockages. Remember, my
joy is your joy, and your joy is my joy. This also means
that my pain is your pain, and your pain is my pain.
Although the pain may manifest differently, it exists
on both ends. This is the balance of the universe:
to inflict pain (whether physical or emotional) on
another is to inflict pain on yourself. Afterall, to
poison one wave is to poison all waves. Once this is
understood, you will understand why unconditional
forgiveness of yourself and others is so important.
Living a life of unforgiveness and revenge is the
equivalent of throwing a boulder into the middle
of your own energetic path, thus restricting the
free flow of energy. Forgiveness, on the other hand,
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 127

instantaneously dissolves the boulder from your

energetic path and re-instills the free flow of energy
around you and within you. When you forgive, you
significantly increase the flow of energy throughout
your physical and emotional bodies and, therefore,
increase the quality of your energetic exchanges.

Once you fully understand that we are all one and the
separation of energy is an impossibility, you will see,
feel, and understand that practicing unforgiveness
and revenge will only harm you. Emotions and
actions, such as comparison, unforgiveness and
revenge, restrict the flow of energy within you
and, therefore, create energetic blockages within
your system. These energetic blockages cause you
to live a life of energetic “dis-ease,” which always
manifests into physical disease if not dissolved.
Afterall, physical disease is simply the reflection
of an internal energetic blockage. This is a prime
example of how your external reality is a direct
reflection of your internal reality. Quite literally,
128 The Language of Energy

physical disease or pain can only exist in your

body where the flow of energy is being restricted.
The practice of acupuncture is built on this very
concept. In acupuncture, energy is referred to as chi.
Acupuncture is the practice of placing tiny needles
on specific meridian points, which is the map of
your body that your chi flows through. The purpose
of doing this is to dissolve any points where chi is
being restricted and is causing an energetic blockage
as a result. The purpose of the needles is to stimulate
these meridians in order to re-instill and reconnect
the free flow of chi (energy).

Unconditional forgiveness of both yourself and

others is the ultimate key to unlocking the free
and unrestricted flow of energy in the world
around you and the world within you. Forgiving
yourself is just as important as forgiving others,
and you must do so unconditionally. Doing so
will in fact act as a preventative health measure, as
well as ensure a proper energetic flow throughout
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 129

your body. Forgive unconditionally in order to

give yourself the life you deserve, a life filled with
unrestricted energetic exchanges and, therefore, a
life in which you have limitless access to the infinite
field of energetic information, as well as your highest

You are now aware of the tools that have been

provided to you in order to increase the flow of
energy within you and around you. These tools (if
used consciously) have the potential to increase the
level of access you have to the energetic information
you receive through any and every energetic
exchange, whether it be with somebody or some
thing. However, the energetic exchange works
both ways. While you are receiving a large amount
of energetic information at all times, you are also
simultaneously emitting and, therefore, giving a
large amount of energetic information at all times
to every-being and every-thing around you. The
energetic information you emit has a very powerful
130 The Language of Energy

impact on your surroundings, which ultimately

circles back to you since your surroundings have a
very powerful impact on you. You must therefore
emit your energetic information consciously for not
only your benefit, but everyone else’s benefit as well.

Surround Others Consciously

The beauty of balance in the universe allows you to

not only use others as a tool to raise your vibration,
but also to be that tool for others as well. You can
use this tool to lift you up while simultaneously
using this tool to lift up others, and, of course, by
lifting up others, you in turn lift up yourself. When
the complete utility of this tool is realized, you
will naturally want to stay away from emotions
and actions, such as comparison, fear, jealousy,
unforgiveness, and revenge, and attain a closer
relationship with equanimity, gratitude, and
unconditional forgiveness, as doing so will cause
others to do the same. This is simply due to the
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 131

energetic fact that the people you spend the most

time with will naturally be energetically imprinted
by the vibration that you emit. That means that if
you consciously exist on the vibration of sadness,
eventually those you spend the most time with will
begin to adopt the vibration of being that resonates
with sadness. Alternatively, if you consciously exist
on the vibration of happiness, eventually those you
spend the most time with will begin to adopt the
vibration of being that resonates with happiness!
This in turn will benefit you since the people you
spend the most time with are also the tools you use
to raise your vibration.

Ever since a very young age, I’ve always promoted

a healthy life style and lived accordingly. I was
raised as a vegan. The books I read are generally
health related, whether it be physical or emotional
health. Due to my lifestyle, you can say that I emit
a frequency that resonates with living a healthy life.
The more I establish my vibration of health, the
132 The Language of Energy

healthier others around me become. The vibration

of health that I naturally emit due to my lifestyle
is naturally received by others energetically. Beyond
just receiving, I have seen that the more time I
spend with those around me, the more they begin
to adopt this vibration into their own lives, and
their physical actions reflect it. Suddenly, they start
eating healthier; they decide they don’t want to
drink anymore, and smoking becomes a past-time.
It’s quite beautiful actually! What is even more
beautiful is that just being in the presence of others is
enough to create such a shift. Thanks to the energetic
exchange that is constantly occurring between every
being and every thing, just being in the presence of
others imprints the vibration of health onto them,
and they naturally begin resonating with that reality.
This is the energetic exchange in action, and this is
how it can be beautifully used as a tool to benefit
others around you and, therefore, benefit yourself.
Not only do high vibrational beings attract other
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 133

high vibrational beings, but high vibrational beings

can also help low vibrational beings transform.

Remember, just like the vibration of the people

in your environment affect your vibration of
being, so does your vibration affect the vibration
of being of the people in your environment. You
are simply a vibrating vessel that is constantly giving
and receiving energy from every being and every
thing. What you emit is what others will receive.
For this reason, you must speak consciously, think
consciously, and act consciously, as all of these
components translate to energetic information
that is being transferred to others around you just
by your being in their presence. When you begin
to speak consciously, think consciously, and act
consciously, not only will you be able to elevate your
own vibration, but your own elevated vibration
will be imprinted onto others around you, in turn
helping them raise their vibration of being just
by being in your presence. The elevated vibration
134 The Language of Energy

of those around you will then create an external

environment that directly reflects the vibration that
you are consciously choosing to experience through
speech, thought, and action, which will continue
feeding your cycle of personal growth and elevation.
It is important to remember that everything is an
energetic exchange, so you must speak, think, and act
consciously when you surround yourself with others
to ensure both ends of the exchange are beneficial. If
you want to change your surroundings and help
others around you, simply reflect that which you
want to see in others in yourself. Once you do,
spending time with others will be all you must do
in order to help them transform. Always remember,
by helping others, you are helping yourself. For
this reason, always remember to make an effort to
surround others consciously.
CHAPTER 3: The Energetic Exchange 135

The Power of Touch

Although just being in something’s or somebody’s

presence is enough to facilitate an energetic exchange,
touch can and will most definitely enhance the
energetic information you are able to access from
the exchange. This is why eating food with your
hands and walking barefoot causes such a powerful
exchange of energetic information. Physical touch
is a powerful and direct way to exchange energetic
information. With this being so, you must be
conscious of who and what you touch, as well
as who and what you let touch you. Since touch
greatly enhances the energetic exchange, make sure
you are only touching and being touched by those
with whom you would like to exchange energetic
information with.
136 The Language of Energy

Energetic Cleansing

Being that everything is an energetic exchange,

you may find yourself in situations where you have
inherited energetic information from somebody
or something around you that has the potential to
harm you. For example, if you are ever in a situation
where you feel somebody is subliminally and
energetically conveying jealousy or fear towards you,
it is important to cleanse yourself in order to release
these energetic poisons from your system. If you
ever feel that you have entered an energetic exchange
that has the potential to harm you energetically,
whether through touch or any other medium,
washing yourself with water is one of the greatest
tools to cleanse yourself of this energy, specifically
ocean water. Burning incense, specifically sage, also
facilitates your energetic cleansing process since it
transforms resistant negative energy into flowing
positive energy.


“Fearing change is fearing growth.

The faster you are able to change, the faster
you are able to grow.”
ith all of these new internal and external
tools that you have gained to reach your
highest potential in this present moment there will
come an inevitable change. A change of behavior. A
change of action. A change of thought. A change of
friends. A change of lifestyle. The most important
thing to remember is that you have no obligation
to be the same person you were one year ago,
one month ago, one week ago, one day ago, one
hour ago, one minute ago, or even one second
ago. Many of us fear change for many reasons,
such as the fear of instability as you go through
this period of change and transformation. This
fear is also referred to as the fear of the unknown.
This is the fear of not knowing what such a change
will result in. This fear of instability and uncertainty
has led many people to resist change in order
to avoid experiencing the fear in the first place.
Many of us have become comfortable with being
uncomfortable because at least we know what that
un-comfortability consists of. Once again, this all
140 The Language of Energy

stems from fearing the unknown. The unknown, in

this case of change, is what your life will be like after
claiming your power back with the tools you have
been shown and provided with. Resisting change
is contractive. Accepting change is expansive. It is
time to let go of the fear of change and dissolve that
growth stunting poison out of our system once and
for all. In order to do so, you must first understand
why the fear exists.

Understanding the Fear

I want you to envision your life as a tall tower made

of blocks. Your foundation, that which is holding up
your tower, is also made of blocks, and we all know
that every tower must have a strong foundation
in order to stand tall and strong. Your foundation
in this case represents your words, your thoughts,
your beliefs, and of course your environment and
surroundings. There comes a point in life when you
CHAPTER 4: Appreciating Change 141

realize a block in your foundation no longer serves

your tower and it must be replaced with a stronger
foundational block. To change this foundational
block, you are going to have to remove it in order
to replace it with a new foundation block that is
stronger and will, therefore, allow for you to build
a taller and more stable tower. The reason why we
experience fear of change is not because we have to
remove one block in order to replace it with another.
The reason why we experience fear of change is
due to that period of time in between removing
the old foundational block and replacing it
with a stronger foundation block when there is
no block in your foundation at all. This is when
your whole tower feels unstable and wobbly. We
fear this period of time because we are unfamiliar
with it, and the concept of unknowingness during
this period of time is the underlying theme of the
experience, which can make you feel unjustifiably
142 The Language of Energy

Overcoming the Fear

In order to overcome the fear of change, you must

deal directly with understanding and appreciating
that period of instability and unknowingness.
In order to be appreciative of instability and
unknowingness, you must understand that without
them, growth would never be able to exist in your
life. You must understand that it is because of that
period of instability and unknowingness that you
can experience an eternal lifetime of elevation
and growth. That short period of instability and
unknowingness is the reason why you can make
your tower taller. From here on out, lose the fear
of change. There is no longer a need to fear! Don’t
fear that period of instability and unknowingness.
Instead, appreciate it. Be grateful for it. Embrace it
because it is the only thing that gives you the ability
to transform and learn more about life, as well as
yourself. It’s the only reason you are able to strengthen
your foundation and build a taller tower. Now that
CHAPTER 4: Appreciating Change 143

you understand how important and necessary this

period of instability and unknowingness is, instead
of running away from it, run towards it! Afterall, it
exists to serve you in your life.

The Transformation

Once you completely embrace change and allow it

to be a part of your life, you will experience what
I like the call “the transformation phase.” The
transformation phase is what you used to be afraid
of, but you have now learned to appreciate and be
grateful for as is it is a direct portal to both internal
and external personal growth and transformation.
For the sake of understanding how to deal with
the transformation phase, consider the following

For years, you have been very close with who you
call your best friend. You speak every day and
you spend a lot of time together. One day you
144 The Language of Energy

realize that this best friend of yours no longer

resonates with the vibration that you would like
to experience life through. In others words, the
behaviors and actions your friend expresses are
not a reflection of the reality you would like to
access in the present moment. You try to keep the
friendship going, but with time, you realize that
you are growing apart, and keeping this friend
as a close person in your life will only stunt your
growth. So, you make a bold decision, and you
decide to respectfully keep your distance and
keep this friend out of your “zone” as this friend
no longer reflects the vibration you would like
to resonate with.

The moment you made the decision to keep your

distance to energetically serve your personal growth
is the moment you entered the transformational
phase. The hours that you used to spend speaking
every day and hanging out every night now have
the ability to be filled with people and actions that
CHAPTER 4: Appreciating Change 145

do reflect the new vibration that you would like to

resonate with, only this will not happen over night.
As you start learning how to spend your new free
time in ways that reflect a higher vibration of being,
your vibration of being will begin to transform and
so will your life. As your vibration rises, other beings
vibrating in resonance with you will be energetically
attracted to you. Afterall, your vibe attracts your
tribe. The transformation phase is a beautiful
time period in the process of change. Be conscious
of your vibration when you are experiencing it.
The vibration you transform into during the
transformation phase will dictate the reality that
you are going to access next.

Letting Go

Letting go is a must in the transformation phase.

Without it, no transformation would be able to
take place. Many of us see letting go as a negative or
sad part of life. It’s time to change that perception
146 The Language of Energy

and dissolve the fear of letting go. Whether it be

a relationship, the passing of a loved one, or a
friendship that no longer serves you, letting go
can only result in one outcome. The process of
letting go gives space for new experiences and
relationships to manifest in your life. So, I urge
you to take the next few minutes to self-reflect. See
what actions, beliefs, relationships, or thoughts no
longer serve you (no longer exist at the vibration
you would like to resonate with), and LET GO!
Embrace the change. Let the old vibration fade
away and watch the new vibration appear.


“Doing is a function of the body. Being is a

function of the soul”
isualize a lake in your mind’s eye. This lake is
one thousand feet deep. On the surface of the
lake you may have sunny days, cloudy days, rainy
days, stormy days, calm days, wavy days, and so on.
However, no matter what is occurring on the surface
of the lake, when you dive deep down into that lake,
the water will always be still. Even if a hurricane is
happening on the surface, it makes no difference. At
one thousand feet deep, there will always be stillness.
The lake is a representation of you. The surface
of the lake where the water is always changing
represents your state of doing, and the depths of
the lake where the water is always still represents
your state of being. Doing is a function of the body,
whereas being is a function of the soul. Your body
resides in the state of doing, and your soul resides
in the state of being. Ultimately, your being state is
where your stillness and inner peace reside.
150 The Language of Energy

Do Less, Be More

Nowadays, the average person does not wake up

excited to go to work. They simply go to work
because it is necessary in order to survive. Although
the necessity exists, this mindset has led humanity
down a sick path of sadness­—a path that is primarily
focused on doing instead of being. This path has led
us to a place that causes one to not BE happy at work
(which, for most, takes up a major part of their day) if
they don’t like what they DO for a living. The reason
you see people that materialistically have everything
in the world, yet are still unsatisfied and sad in life,
is because they are trying to gain happiness through
their state of doing, instead of their state of being.
This is only a temporary solution, because next time
a storm comes, their state of doing will be affected
while their state of being will remain untouched
by even the wildest and most chaotic storms. No
matter what you are doing, whether you like it or
not is irrelevant. Unconditional happiness is not
CHAPTER 5: Less Doing, More Being 151

contingent on your state of doing but on your

state of being.

When you focus on being instead of doing, what

you are doing becomes irrelevant. Whether you are
a janitor or the CEO of a fortune 500 company,
what you do is not what counts. It’s what you are
being when you do whatever it is that you do that
makes all the difference! This is what creates true
bliss and internal unconditional joy and happiness.
Next time an external circumstance comes your way
that makes you feel upset, sad, or depressed, dive
deep within yourself where your stillness resides and
reclaim your state of being. Feel that stillness and
inner peace that nobody can take away from you,
the inner stillness and inner peace that no external
circumstance has the power to affect. When you live
through a state of being instead of a state of doing,
nobody and no thing can hurt you anymore. You
become invincible, which is the energetic truth
of who you are. Remember, true bliss has nothing
152 The Language of Energy

to do with your external circumstances. True bliss

is when your internal reality is not contingent
on your external reality. Live in your being state.
Afterall, your soul doesn’t care what you do for a
living, and when you are no longer in your present
form, neither will you. Your soul only cares about
what you are being while you do whatever it is that
you do. So, no matter what you are doing, make
sure to always BE. Be grateful. Be present. Be you!

Being Yourself

So many of us live a life through the lens of needing

validation and approval from others in order to feel
accepted. This path of thought causes us to put on
a mask that consist of things we “should” be like
and “should” have instead of just being our true and
whole selves with no supplementation. We live in a
constant state of fear of what others think about us
and how they see us. As a result, we disconnect from
ourselves in order to adapt and to feel accepted. We
CHAPTER 5: Less Doing, More Being 153

feel the need to follow the fashion trends and buy

the newest phone or computer the moment it comes
out just because everyone else does, even if we don’t
wholeheartedly like it. Eventually, this disconnection
leads us to a place where we forget who we are and
live in a constant place of fear since our feeling of
acceptance is based on what we are doing instead
of who are we being. We constantly look externally
for acceptance instead of internally, but we’ve got it
all backwards. In order to be accepted by others,
you must first accept yourself. It has nothing to
do with the job you have, the shoes you wear, or the
home you live in. There is no longer a need to adapt
because what you are doing is no longer relevant.
It’s who you are being that matters. So, be yourself!

Water: The Element that IS

Water is not the essence of life, energy is. However,

water does hold a massive amount of energetic
154 The Language of Energy

information that has the potential to teach us a life

worth of lessons, if not more.

On December 27th 2019, I wrote the following

entry in my journal:

“Water… it’s beauty is beyond what words can

express. We have so much to learn from this
beautiful element. It is my favorite medium
to watch energy flow through. It teaches us
purity, adaptability, balance, and absolute
permanence of all that IS, otherwise known
as “being”. Just look at water during a storm.
High winds come and create waves, making
the water chaotic. After some time, the storm
passes, the winds calm down, and so does the
water. What happened in this scenario is that
the water allowed for the chaotic energy to
flow through it and create what we call waves.
However, eventually when that chaotic energy
completes its cycle of flowing through the water,
CHAPTER 5: Less Doing, More Being 155

the water always returns right back to its pure

state of stillness and wavelessness.”

Water allows energy to flow through it with no

judgement, no resistance. No matter how powerful
the storm may be, it always returns back to stillness.
Applying the qualities that water teaches us to our
own lives allows for life to flow seamlessly. Just like
water, we should take the path of least resistance
while learning and acknowledging every lesson
along the way with pure acceptance. In other words,
we should acknowledge and learn from what it is
that we are doing or what it is that is being done to
us while always remaining in a pure state of being.
Ultimately, water teaches us how to let our state
of doing pass right through us with no resistance
or judgement while still acknowledging and
learning from it in order to be in touch with our
stillness that exists internally, in the pure state of


“Physical sickness handicaps your soul, whereas

physical health benefits your soul.”
n order to apply and tap into the language of
energy holistically, you must attain a high level
of awareness. In order to attain a high level of
awareness, you must be spiritually healthy. In order
to be spiritually healthy, you must be physically
healthy. In other words, it all starts with your body!
Your body is the sanctuary that houses your spirit
and soul. Physical sickness handicaps spiritual
capability, whereas physical health ensures and
promotes spiritual capability. Ultimately, your
body must be healthy and energetically aligned in
order to be able to attain a higher level of awareness.
As you reach a higher level of awareness, you will
be able to effortlessly apply the language of energy
into your life. This means that you will be able to
gain access to any and every reality in the present
moment; you will be able to choose your words
wisely in an effortless manner; you will be able
to facilitate, direct, and be aware of the energetic
exchange; you will embrace and appreciate change
in your life; and you will live in a pure state of being.
160 The Language of Energy

You will also be able to expand on the language of

energy in your own unique and creative way.

You Are What You Eat

The food that we consume can be used as a great

tool to raise our vibration and, therefore, our level
of awareness. However, most of us unknowingly
eat in such a way that lowers our vibration and
awareness, and thus, the result is handicapping up
both physically and spiritually. You can have the best
car in the world, but if you don’t provide it with the
right fuel, it won’t run properly. Your body is no
different. The food you consume is the fuel that your
body operates on which is why it is so important.
Food is simply energy expressed in physical and
edible form. In other words, each food holds its
own vibration. What you consume is in turn the
vibration that you adopt, inherit, and therefore
become. You are what you eat! Many of us want to
access a high level of awareness while eating foods
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 161

that do not reflect the vibration of high awareness.

You cannot eat low vibrational food and expect
to vibrate high, just as you cannot eat dead food
and expect to live.

Due to the obsolescence of the energetic connection

between us and our food in our daily lives, we have
allowed ourselves to eat poisons, such as gluten,
dairy, dead flesh, and processed foods. Also due
to the obsolescence of the energetic connection
between us and our food in our daily lives, we
don’t understand why these poisons are poisons to
begin with. We are so disconnected that we even
dare to call them food in the first place. There are
many misconceptions about food in the modern
world, and these misconceptions arise from the
fact that we no longer experience a direct energetic
exchange between us and the food that we eat. If
we did, anything that consisted of gluten, dairy,
or dead flesh, let alone anything processed, would
make you sick before it even entered your body.
162 The Language of Energy

Just think about it logically. With the exception of

domesticated animals, are there any other animals
on this planet that eat food that has been processed?
No. So why do we? Is there any other animal on this
planet that drinks milk from a different species of
animal, let alone drinks milk past its own mother’s
maturation of breast feeding? No, so why do we?
Is there any other animal on this planet that needs
to cook its dead flesh, let alone its food, before
consuming it? No, so why do we? The only reason
we cook dead flesh in the first place is because we
would get sick if we ate it raw. Logically, doesn’t
that mean we shouldn’t be consuming it in the first
place? We take part in all of these absurdities and
see nothing wrong with them due to our energetic
disconnect between us and the natural world. This
disconnect has led us to live a life of decreased
physical health and, therefore, experience life
through a lower state of awareness, which is a spiritual
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 163

High vibrational food is food you don’t have

to process, let alone cook, in order to eat. High
vibrational food is food that gets its energy from the
highest source of energy, the sun. That leaves us with
real food: fruits, most vegetables, herbs, and nuts.
It is important to note that not all vegetables and
herbs are to be used as food. For example, onion and
garlic are not meant to be used as food, rather they
are to be used as medicine. In order to be physically
healthy, reconnecting to true and high vibrational
food is the first step that must be taken. As you eat
cleaner, you will vibrate higher. As you vibrate
higher, you will become more aware. As you
become more aware, you will be able to tap into
the infinite language of energy and effortlessly
apply its beauty into your daily life. Just look
at the way the world is currently transforming.
We are experiencing a mass shift in consciousness
and spiritual awareness. A big part of this shift is
a change in the food that we collectively consume.
164 The Language of Energy

The world is slowly but surely shifting towards a

plant-based lifestyle. That is because the vibration
of plant-based and raw food, such as uncooked
fruits and vegetables, is in vibrational alignment
with a higher vibrational frequency, and, therefore,
a higher state of awareness. I highly recommend
reading Life Changing Foods by Anthony Williams
to gain more in-depth guidance on what to eat
to live a life of heightened awareness. The book
covers both the physical health benefits, as well as
the energetic information that each food gives you
through the energetic exchange.

Toxins Cause “Dis-ease”

Toxins have become a major part of our daily lives.

There are hormones in the food we consume. There
is chlorine and fluoride in the water we drink. There
are pollutants in the air that we breathe. We have
become so energetically disconnected that we no
longer feel their immediate impact and, therefore,
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 165

wake up one day with a life-threatening disease not

understanding where it came from. The fact is, the
disease didn’t begin the day you were diagnosed,
but way before that time. What is now a physical
disease first started as energetic “dis-ease,” which
eventually manifests to physical “dis-ease,”
otherwise known as disease.

There are two types of toxins in the world: voluntary

toxins and involuntary toxins. The involuntary
toxins are the ones you can’t always control based
on your environment, such as what is unknowingly
in the food you eat, the water you drink, and the air
you breathe. Voluntary toxins, on the other hand,
are toxins that we have direct control over, such as
low vibrational foods, alcohol, and the inhalation
of smoke, to name a few. These voluntary toxins
lower your vibration and, therefore, lower your level
of awareness. This in turn leads to a handicapped
ability to tap into the infinite language of energy.
Before you eat that junk food, smoke that cigarette,
166 The Language of Energy

or drink that tequila, ask yourself the following


Do I want to live in a dirty home?

Your body is the most intimate home that you have,

and the cleaner it is, the more you can achieve both
physically and spiritually. Keep reminding yourself
of this question repeatedly. It will assist you in
effortlessly living a cleaner life, free of toxicity. Keep
your body clean. Your soul deserves it.

The Root: Emotional Toxicity

The root of all physical voluntary toxicity we allow into

our bodies begins with emotional toxicity. Afterall,
being that your external reality is a direct reflection of
your internal reality, the external voluntary toxicity
you willingly allow to enter into your body is a
direct reflection of the internal emotional toxicity
that exists within your body. Some toxic emotions
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 167

include judgement, conditional love, comparison,

jealousy, fear, unforgiveness, and revenge, to name
a few. All of these emotions restrict the flow of
energy, which is ultimately the root of all physical
disease. Restricting the flow of energy through toxic
emotions will set you on a path filled with sickness
and disease since the energetic blockage will cause
you to be vibrationally numb. This numbness will
not allow you to feel the immediate toxic impact
of the physical voluntary toxins you allow to enter
into your body, such as poisonous food, alcohol,
and the inhalation of smoke. This, too, will result
in the adoption of a lower vibrational state of being,
which will ultimately lower your level of awareness
and create yet another spiritual handicap for
yourself. Indulging in the practice of allowing toxic
emotions into your life will ultimately restrict the
flow of energy around you and within you, which
will make you physically sick and will, therefore,
make you unable to tap into the infinite language of
energy and effortlessly apply its beauty into your life.
168 The Language of Energy

Reconnecting to Energetic Flow and Alignment

The universe along with everything it is made up of

is always striving for energetic balance and energetic
flow. Due to our energetic disconnect, we have
created things like the pharmaceutical drug industry,
which is a direct reflection of the absurd belief
that we are smarter than our bodies. We have lost
touch with the infinite energetic intelligence of
the universe that flows through us eternally. This
intelligence is self-balancing and self-healing.
The belief that we need to interfere in order to
heal is an absurdity that simply stems out of our
energetic disconnect with the natural world.
This universal intelligence that flows through us
infinitely is beyond what the mind can comprehend
and has more power to heal than any medicine ever
developed by a human being. The only thing we
have to do is not get in its way. This is why fasting,
specifically water fasting, is so powerful!
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 169

Fasting has the power and ability to reconnect us

energetically, which in turn causes us to re-balance
and heal any energetic blockages that may exist
within our physical or emotional bodies. Fasting
allows for the body to do what it always strives to
do: reclaim energetic balance and energetic flow.
The way it works energetically is actually quite
simple. Every time we consume food, and this
includes whole and healthy foods as well, our body
needs to allocate energy to digest that food. The
fact that it needs to allocate energy for digestion
means it is compromising on the allocation of
energy for healing purposes. Just look at the natural
world. When an animal experiences any form of
sickness, it intuitively stops eating in order to
re-allocate and refocus its energy from digesting
its food to healing its body. Fasting is simply the
action of not getting in the way of your body’s
healing process. It allows for your body to allocate
its energy to heal on both the physical and emotional
170 The Language of Energy

As your body heals, you will experience both a

physical and an emotional detox. This detox is
simply the removal of lower vibrations (in the forms
of physical toxins and emotional toxins) from your
body in order to transform to a higher vibration
and, therefore, to a higher level of awareness. On the
physical level, you may get acne, have bad breath,
emit intense body odor, and so on. Everybody
detoxes differently. On the emotional level, you
will experience a diversity of emotional releases.
This may cause temporary anxiety, nervousness, or
even depression. You may feel inclined to scream,
cry, get angry, laugh, and so on. Again, everybody
detoxes differently. It is important to remember
that emotional detox always induces a physical
detox. This is why when you cry (the expression
of an emotional release), you get a runny nose
(physical release). Going through this detox period
is extremely important. It is what allows for an
unrestricted flow of energy to be re-established,
which in turn will allow you to live a life clear of
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 171

any energetic blockages, so you can attain a higher

level of awareness and, therefore, tap into the
infinite language of energy and effortlessly apply its
beauty into your life! Now that you understand the
power of fasting, don’t be afraid of it. Your body is
an incredible tool that can bring you to very high
places, all you have to do is not get in its way.

The Language of Energy in Action

By now, it is probably most apparent to you that

most of us live lives led by energetic disconnection.
The ways in which we act with ourselves and one
another, both physically and emotionally, as well as
the food that we consume, are direct reflections of
this energetic disconnection. Because of it, we have
forgotten the infinite power and strength that is
within us. Because of it, we have lost touch with the
natural world, and, therefore, we have lost touch
with understanding and feeling the language of
172 The Language of Energy

energy. Most importantly, we have lost touch with


Hopefully by now, you have gained a better

understanding of the principles, which make up
this beautiful language of energy that interconnects
all beings and all things of the universe. You have
been given the tools to reconnect to this universal
language in turn granting you access to the
formless, where all possibilities exist. The more
you connect to the principles of this beautiful
language and allow this universal and intelligent
energy to flow through you with no resistance,
the more you will be able to intuitively feel and
understand the energetic universe in which you
live in. In doing so, you will be able to reclaim the
power and direction you have to direct this energy
in a way that fits you best. You will know that you
are worthy when you don’t choose the road of
least resistance to make your life easy but when
you choose the road of the most growth, which is
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 173

generally the bumpiest, and turn it into the road

of least resistance through your state of being
and unconditional understanding and love for
all that IS, just as water does.

On February 28th, 2020, I wrote the following entry

in my journal:

“Today is February 28th, 2020. I have officially

completed The Language of Energy, a book I
began writing exactly two weeks ago. The book
is finished from front cover to back cover. I am
sitting here, smiling, yet not surprised. I’m not
surprised because I did exactly what I wrote
about in order to manifest any reality, right
here, right now. I set my intent aligned with the

I-AM formula, I believed undoubtedly, and

I visualized it all very clearly. I made sure to
choose my words wisely and speak consciously
when it came to anything about the book, I
174 The Language of Energy

allowed for the energetic exchange between my

current reality and the reality in which this
book existed to flow freely with no blockages
whatsoever, I acknowledged and accepted the
fact that I was going to have to change my daily
routine and sleep a little less for a period of time
in order to give room for this book to fit into
my new reality, I made sure to “be” the book
instead of “do” the book, and lastly, I made sure
to feed my body high vibrational foods to ensure
the high vibrational flow of energy throughout
the process. Two weeks later, I am sitting here
writing a journal entry that reflects the success
of accessing that reality which I envisioned just
fourteen days ago in my present moment. This is
the power of applying the language of energy in
action and it is absolutely beautiful! Although
I physically wrote this book, energetically I did
not write anything. This book is merely an
expression of the infinite source of energy that
flows through every-being and every-thing. This
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 175

book was not written by me, but through me.

This idea applies to every writer, singer, dancer,
and any other form of creator. This idea is quite
humbling because it allows one to understand
that they never actually create anything, because
everything already exists. We are simply being
used as a tool by the universe to express its infinite,
eternal, and ever-present flow of energy. Thank
you, Universe, for blessing me with the ability
to perceive the energetic universe so effortlessly
and most importantly, thank you for granting
me the ability to formulate and structure it all
in such a way that I can share it with the rest
of the world. Thank you for so elegantly flowing
through me. With infinite Love, Jason.”

What occurs in your life from here on out you

will see not as a matter of luck, but a matter of
choice. You are the director. Practice applying the
principles of this omni-present universal language
into your daily life. Experiment with it. See where
176 The Language of Energy

it takes you. Remember, my intention is not to

influence you, rather it is to teach you how not to
be influenced. Experiment with the tools and gifts
you have been granted and expand on the infinite
language of energy in your own and unique way.
Practice accessing instead of creating; choose your
words wisely by being conscious and in the present
moment; facilitate and become more aware of the
energetic exchange that occurs between all beings
and all things; appreciate change as it will only
result in growth; start focusing on being instead of
doing; and treat your body as the sanctuary that it
is to increase your level of awareness and further
connect to the energetic universe around you and
within you.

Remember, we are all simply the expression of

the infinite and ever-present source of universal
energy. We are all this energy and, therefore,
nothing separates us. We are all ONE. We are
here to help one another elevate throughout our
CHAPTER 6: Your Body Is Your Sanctuary 177

individual paths of life, so we can all collectively

reach our destiny as one infinite formless
expression of Light, so we can eventually touch
the Light. Now that you have been granted the
tools and gifts that exist within the language
of energy, use them to spread your knowledge,
spread your wisdom, and spread your Light.
We are all souls, getting closer and closer to our
collective destiny; a time of absolute unity, and
unconditional Love.
I wish you all a journey filled with
Light, Peace, and Love


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