The Language of Energy (E-Book) PDF
The Language of Energy (E-Book) PDF
The Language of Energy (E-Book) PDF
of Energy
Copyright © 2020 Jason Shurka
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PROJECT MANAGER: Kassandra White
would like to dedicate this book to the source,
which has made it possible to exist in the first
place, the Divine universe. Although I physically
wrote this book, energetically I did not write any-
thing. This book is merely an expression of the in-
finite source of Light (energy) that flows through
every being and every thing. I am simply a tool that
is being used by the Divine universe to express its
infinite, eternal, and ever-present flow of Light in a
language that everybody can understand, the lan-
guage of energy, and for that I am grateful.
Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1 Gaining Access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
irst and foremost, I would like to thank the
Divine universe for the gifts and blessings that it
has provided me with and for the information that
it has allowed me to access. Thank you for allowing
the ever-present, intelligent, infinite, eternal,
and sacred energy of the Divine universe to flow
through every thing and every being so effortlessly.
Moreover, thank you for giving me the ability to
see, feel, and understand this flow of Light in such
a way that I can formalize and structure it in order
to spread this knowledge, wisdom, and Light to the
rest of humanity.
8 The Language of Energy
here are healthy people and sick people. There
are rich people and poor people. There are
happy people and sad people. Growing up, I always
wondered why this was the case. Why are there sick
people? Why are there poor people? Why are there
sad people? When I asked others around me, I always
got a similar response. “That’s life,” I was told. Such
a response reflects a direct lack of understanding
of the laws that our universe abides by. For years
I believed that, and I thought “that’s just the way
it is,” as others would always tell me. The more
experience I gained in this world and the more I
observed others around me and their behavior,
the more I understood that the differentiation
between healthy people and sick people, or rich
14 The Language of Energy
A happy you.
A sad you.
A married you.
A single you.
A rich you.
A poor you.
A healthy you.
A sick you.
A young you.
An old you.
All of these realities exist, right here, right now.
Your job.
Your health.
Your relationship.
Your financial stability.
So, now you are aware of the fact that you must pay
attention to your words in order to gain a better
understanding of what is going on in your mind. At
this point, you might be thinking ,“Great. I see how
my mind works now, but that doesn’t help me! My
mind is my mind. I can’t just change my mind. This
is how I think!”.
“I want to be healthy.”
“I do not want to be sick.”
Both have the same intent, but they don’t have the
same energetic blueprint. The energetic blueprint of
your words is what must be paid attention to the
most when speaking consciously with the intent
of accessing your desired reality. The energetic
blueprint of your speech is always dictated by
the subject you are focusing on. Afterall, the
universe only hears the subject you are focusing on,
which in turn causes that subject to become part
of your reality. In the first example, “I want to be
healthy,” the subject is being healthy. In the second
example, “I do not want to be sick,” the subject is
being sick. You must always pay attention to the
subject of your thoughts. Focusing on not having
something is still focusing on that something,
and always remember that what you focus on is
what will manifest into your life.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 43
“I want to be healthy.”
“I will be healthy.”
Once again, both have the same intent, but they don’t
have the same energetic blueprint. Let’s start with the
fact that they do both share a positive subject, health!
This is good; however, the way you are asking to
experience health in the first example, “I want to be
healthy,” implies that you are not already healthy. This
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 45
“I WILL Is an Illusion”
“I will be healthy.”
“I am healthy.”
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 47
“I AM Is Truth”
1. Subject of Focus
Example: “I am happy,” instead of “I am not sad.”
2. Implication on Subject
Example: “Thank you for blessing me with health,”
instead of “Please bless me with health.”
50 The Language of Energy
3. Present Tense
Example: “I am financially stable,” instead of “I will
be financially stable.”
Visualization is manifestation.
Visualization is imagination.
Visualization is realization.
Visualization is creation.
CHAPTER 2: Choose Your Words Wisely 57
Subject of Focus
Implication on Subject
Present Tense
Everything is an Exchange
with are just the tip of the iceberg. Being aware and
in control of what you allow into your zone is a
great way to shape and direct the vibration that your
mind is operating at for your benefit. However, like
any tool, if it is not used correctly, you can harm
yourself. Observe and analyze your external reality
to ensure that you are using it correctly to guide the
vibration of your internal reality. Most importantly,
stay alert and be conscious.
Unconditional Forgiveness
Once you fully understand that we are all one and the
separation of energy is an impossibility, you will see,
feel, and understand that practicing unforgiveness
and revenge will only harm you. Emotions and
actions, such as comparison, unforgiveness and
revenge, restrict the flow of energy within you
and, therefore, create energetic blockages within
your system. These energetic blockages cause you
to live a life of energetic “dis-ease,” which always
manifests into physical disease if not dissolved.
Afterall, physical disease is simply the reflection
of an internal energetic blockage. This is a prime
example of how your external reality is a direct
reflection of your internal reality. Quite literally,
128 The Language of Energy
Energetic Cleansing
The Transformation
For years, you have been very close with who you
call your best friend. You speak every day and
you spend a lot of time together. One day you
144 The Language of Energy
Letting Go
Do Less, Be More
Being Yourself