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Sylvia Nehemia Siregar

Graduate Public Health

Microsoft Office

Email management
A Public Health graduate with a GPA of 3.25. Efficient, dedicated, and detail-oriented
Canva individual with demonstrated experiences actively participated as a volunteer and
committee member of organizations related to public health during being a student.
SPSS software Able to work independently and in teamwork. The experience helped me to gain a level
of written and verbal communication skills. Special interest in achieving help
Typing Indonesian as health people planning..

Easy going by nature and able to get along with both work colleagues and senior
managers. Currently looking for a public health position with a fast-paced and
ambitious company or organisation.
Attention to detail

Time management
Excellent organisational skills
Bachelor of Public Health 2018 – 2022
Problem-solving Specialization in The Field of Environmental Health
Universitas Sumatera Utara
Master of Environmental Health 2023 - present
Collaborating in team
Universitas Diponegoro

Responsibility EXPERIENCE

Leadership Horas Public Health Feast 4


PERSONAL DETAILS Member of the organizing committee for scientific work throughout Indonesia.
Responsible for looking after the group’s money, managing, and collecting money
66 Kartini Street day-to-day with duties including coordinating the preparation of a budget and
Perdagangan monitoring it carefully, ensuring sufficient funds are available to meet ongoing
North Sumatra operational, giving regular reports to the committee and making sure have paperwork
21184 for any money which took in or paid out.

Phone: +628-527-016-6511 Duta Mahasiswa

Email: [email protected] ME MBE R COMMIT T E E OCT OBE R 2019 – JANUA RY 2020
Succeed implementation of the event with the committee smoothly. Followed by
Universitas Sumatera Utara students. Responsible for providing and distributing
meals for all contestants and attendances.

Assisted team members with difficulty.
Consistently participate in the attended meeting.
Coordinated team members for handling the distribution of meals quickly.
Provided enough meal consumption.
Prepared and compiled a budget used for financial accountability.
of this CV template please email: [email protected].
Sahabat Beasiswa Untuk Negeri (SABUN) Included activities such as read-aloud, response to
P UBLIC RE LAT ION S DIVISIO N reading, and writing to increase student’s fluency in
SE PT E MBE R 2019 – MARC H 202 0 reading and writing English.

Member of the organization committee for the Junior and

High School North Sumatra Science Olympiads.
Pengala ma n Belajar Lapangan
Responsible for making an official letter to the chancellor
to obtain permission to organize the competition.
Tasked to fulfill a lecture by visiting some families randomly
home to home and educating them directly about COVID-19
protocol, breastfeeding, and the dangers of smoking to
Able to type an official letter with advanced and parents who have a baby.
systematic language.
Taking minutes in meetings to summarise the Duties:
discussion for every decision that was made. Persuaded and guided 5 families to keep and do COVID-
Managed time with the team to finish the letter 19 protocol properly.
deadlines to meet the goal.
Collected and analyzed data changing behavior from 5
Communicate with team members to prioritize families after being educated and arranged into a report.
finishing the letter.
Regularly followed up for 5 weeks on progressing
behavior of 5 families that have been given the
Lingkar Psikologi instructions.
E DIT OR NOVE MBE R 2020 - M A RC H 2021 Interviewed every mother about their lifestyle in
parenting their babies.
Acted as a volunteer mental health promoter of Hari Reviewed final data and performed quality assessments
Kesehatan Mental Dunia 2020. Responsible for handling to ensure they met standards.
applicant certificates who joined in and persuaded more Increased parents’ awareness in maintaining the
participants. provision of nutrition to children under five.

Dealt with inquiries from colleagues or Latihan Kerja P emi nata n
participants. S URVE YO R SE PT E MBE R 2021
Took messages on WhatsApp.
Tasked to fulfill a lecture by doing a survey directly in the
Informed and reminded participants.
field, reviewing, and determining methods to recycle landfill
Edited and designed certificates for participants.
waste management in Marelan, Medan for 4 weeks.

Kerja Kuliah Nyata Duties:

INT E RN E DUC AT OR J UNE 2021 Met with Kepala Dinas to assess and perform a survey
and to obtain permission.
Tasked to fulfill a lecture by teaching, informing, and Coordinated to collect of accurate land survey data and
motivating 5th and 6th-grade elementary school students in analyzed data in SPSS software.
Kabupaten Langkat village about COVID-19 protocol,
Supervised and recorded various survey activities on the
studying English, and counting for 5 weeks. Assisted
implementation of waste processing activities.
workers at the health center typed and processed data.


Persuaded students to keep and do COVID-19 protocol
properly and instructed doing social distancing.
Having a flexible approach and different roles in a team.
Implemented lesson plans for making fun and easy to Highly motivated, organised, eager to learn, and proactive.
study English and maths based on the school curriculum.
Able to build relationships with new colleagues.
Participated with the team to process and helped to Have good technical and analytic skills.
implement interesting lessons that will be given.
Ability to ensure projects run to schedule and budget.
Motivated students with innovative lesson plans. Work closely with other colleagues.
Worked together with collaborating teacher occasionally
in class.

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