Final Report For Research Paper

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Research Project Report



Name:- Shudhanshu Kumar Pandey
ADD- NO.-20GSOB1010293
Under the Guidance

Ms. Archana Kumari


2023- 2024

I, Shudhanshu Kumar Pandey student of Bachelor of Business Administration hereby declare that the
GENERATION” which is submitted by me to Department of Management, School Of Business,
Galgotias University Greater Noida, in partial fulfilment of requirement for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Business Administration, has not been previously formed the basis for the award of any
degree, diploma or other similar title or recognition.
Galgotias University Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh


Sign. of the Student: Shudhanshu Kumar

Name of Student: Shudhanshu Kumar Pandey
Enrolment Number: 20GSOB1010293


This is to certify that the project work entitled study on digital marketing and its impact on
revenue generation submitted to GALGOTIAS UNIVERSITY GREATER NOIDA in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the degree of Master of Business
Administration in marketing is a record of the original work done by MD. Danish under my
supervision and guidance and this project work has not formed the basis for the award of
Degree or similar title to any candidate of any University.

Signature of Faculty Incharge


The completion of this project will be incomplete without mentioning of few names .I takes this
opportunity to acknowledge the efforts of the many individuals who helped me to complete this
project. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to MD.Dinesh for giving me the opportunity to
do my internship project at GLOBALSHAL PVT.LTD. The supervision and support that he
gave truly help the progression and smoothness of the Project. The co-operation is much indeed
appreciated. Finally, I would like to thank my Institute Faculty of Marketing for making this
experience of this Program.The learning from this experience has been immense and would be
cherished throughout life.

Shudhanshu Kumar Pandey




The purpose of conducting this research is to understand and give information on STUDY ON
perceives about Globalshala this research paper also gives information about components of
Globalshala, concepts of Globalshala, positioning of products in Globalshala, survey and
analysis on Globalshala, Globalshala or narrow marketing techniques for modified businesses,
smart marketing techniques for niche businesses, as a part of BBA course and in orders to boosts
up knowledge in the field of management. By collecting informations from different websites we
have conducted and make a research paper on the topic perception of consumers towards
Globalshala. This research paper is based on primary data and the survey is analysed and
conducted on secondary data. Globalshala is beneficial for companies and entrepreneurs up to
some extents or it totally depends on companies or entrepreneurs that how they utilise
Globalshala strategies. 

Contents Page no.

1.Cover Page                                                                                                   1   

2.Declarations                                                                                                 2 
3.Certification                                                                                                3 
4.Acknowledgement                                                                                     4 
5.Preface                                                                                                         5

6.Weekly Progress report                                                                              8

7.Abstract                                                                                                       9

8.Introduction                                                                                                 10-13

9.Literature Review                                                                                     14-17

10.Company profile                                                                               18

11.Industry Analysis                                                                             19-21

12.Research Methodology                                      22

13.Digital marketing 2                    23-24

14.Digital marketing channels                                                                 25-36

15.Digital marketing impact on revenue 37

16.Digital agencies                  38-40

17.Digital agencies fee structures                             


18.Research problems                                         43

19.Findings                                                                           44-48

20.Learnings                                             49

21.Conclusion                                                                     50

22.Questionnaire 51-52

23.References                                                                                                    53


Logbook of industrial research

After completing industrial research in a department, meet the Departmental

Head to clarify your queries, etc. and get his signature as indicated hereunder.

GU faculty visiting the training site may ask the students to show their work and put their
remarks on this page.

Date:3.02.2023 Time of Arrival:10.AM Time of Departure: 3.PM

Dept: Marketing Project title: industrial research

1. Collaboration
skill- Self Assessment
When you work alongside others , you have to opportunity to bring in new voice
and opinions.

2. Team Charter- for this internship you will work in team of 5 members each
to accomplish the end of project.

3. social Media Audit- Before you begin take a look and record a few first impression.

4. Customer Persona and Audience Engagement.

5. Creating
a key Message- as you have previously explored identitying a brands
key message is crucial to digital marketing success.

Signature of Industry mentor with Seal

Project title:-
“A study on digital marketing and its impact on revenue generation with reference to

Digital marketing is marketing that makes use of electronic devices (computers) such as personal
computers, smart phones, cell phones, tablets and game consoles to engage with stakeholders.
Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such as websites, e-mail, apps (classic and
mobile) and social networks. Globalshala has emerged as one of the best online media
companies in the Indian marketplace. The company offers a plethora of services in all online
media platforms. The offerings include marketing and consulting on Facebook, Twitter,
LinkedIn, slideshare, YouTube, and Google. Though the company was started only two years
ago, it is way ahead of most of competitors through its relentless pursuit of perfection and
enormous amount of creativity which they put in their work..
The project was in the marketing department of Globalshala. The project was “A study on digital
marketing and its impact on revenue generation with reference to Globalshala”. This report will
help to get an idea about digital marketing and how the digital marketing has impact on revenue
generation for digital marketing companies and with reference to Globalshala. Through this
study we will see how online media companies emerging how they are generating revenue and
how they are growing economically and revenue generation models of online media companies
particularly reference to Globalshala.
Main findings of this project are given here. Indian customers are highly information seekers.
They collect more information about a product before buying it. Internet penetration in India is
key player for this phenomenon. Most of Indians are getting stimulus through advertisements,
but they are not reaching to end phase of customers purchase journey, mainly in high
involvement purchases. Brands are getting more touch point to reach their target group in this
digital era. More details about findings are given this report.


To begin with, as a part of the curriculum a to conducted a Research for a period of

two months. Given a choice one was allowed to choose the field in which he/she was
interested. As my interest and curiosity was in online or digital marketing I choose
to work with a start-up company named Globalshala, I choose the start-up company
because with start I can explore myself and why digital marketing? Because it is
booming industry, the growth of digital marketing is tremendous and expected to
grow more. Due to this project, I learnt every aspect of digital marketing include
(business development process, content writing, social media) Marketing practices
have dramatically shifted with the rise of social media and proliferation of devices,
platforms, and applications. Your prospective and current customers are trying to
communicate with you, and you can listen and respond faster, and with more
personalization than ever before. This shifting environment presents new
opportunities and challenges for marketers. With digital marketing, it's easy to fall
behind. Digital marketing equips you with the tools you need to assess your
organization’s social media and digital marketing strategy and helps you identify
areas of improvement. Useful for individuals from small-to medium-sized
businesses who want to use new media as a vehicle for growth. Organizations are
leveraging digital marketing methods for successful marketing strategy
implementation inbound marketing through publishing content online in the form of
portals, podcasts, e-journals, online campaigns, social media marketing, search
services; and outbound marketing including email marketing, RSS (Really Simple
Syndication) feeds and others.

 Digital Marketing:-
Digital marketing can be defined as the process of promoting of brands using digital distribution
channels comprising internet, mobile and other interactive channels. The basic advantage in this
form of advertising lies in its low cost model. Digital Marketing can be classified into Pull and
Push marketing.
Pull digital marketing technologies involve the user having to seek out and directly grab (or pull)
the content via web searches. Web site/blogs and streaming media (audio and video) are good
examples of this. In each of these examples, users have a specific link (URL) to view the content.
Push digital marketing technologies involve both the marketer (creator of the message) as well as
the recipients (the user). Email, SMS,RSS are examples of push digital marketing. In each of
these examples, the marketer has to send (push) the messages to the users (subscribers) in order
for the message to be received.

 Web Site Designing

From the initial process of taking inputs from clients, planning on the basis of such inputs to final
implementation and testing – all are done using latest web designing techniques and skills. Our
services have the advantage of offering clarity in its design style, which is backed up with an
easy and free flowing content and latest technical know-how. Not only we provide affordable
web site design and ecommerce web development services but also search engine friendly
designs. Our Service Includes
1. Website Design
2. Website Redesign
3. Shopping Cart Web Design

4. Detailed and Advanced Page Layout
5. Custom Logo Design
6. Banner Ads
7. Custom Graphics Design using advanced design tools.

 Digital Marketing Trends:

Organizations are implementing a wide range of digital channels so as to engage customers in a
more personalized way. Digital marketing trends that organizations are rapidly embracing

 Mobility:
Business Insider's recent report indicates that globally, one in every five people owns a smart
phone, and one in every 17 owns a tablet. That's an increase of nearly 1.3 billion smartphones in
last four years. Therefore an increased user base accessing the internet via smartphones has
prompted many companies to optimize their online content for mobile devices.

 Social media:
Organizations are focusing on engaging with customers through social media to offer real-time
interactions. Social media helps organizations reach out to a vast pool of potential customers by
supplying them with medical and campaign-related information.

 Social-Local-Mobile marketing:
The growing popularity of smart mobile devices, increasing location based social activities like
experience sharing, review reading via social media and the evolution of Global Positioning
System (GPS) are helping companies leverage Social-Local-Mobile marketing activities.

 Personalized Content marketing:
Customer engagement, acquisition and retention have all taken on a new dimension with the
delivery of unique, personalized, and relevant messages through identified digital channels.
Email is one of the most preferred marketing channel to broadcast targeted organization
messages and campaigns to existing and prospective customers.

 Advanced analytics:
Increased adoption of digital channels is generating large volumes of customer behavioural data.
Advanced actionable analytics can help organizations define targeted marketing strategies.
Search Engine Marketing (SEM) / Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Organizations are focusing on SEO efforts and paid search advertising for enhancing the
visibility of their products and services. One more trend that has been observed recently is the
continually mounting costs of pay-per-click (PPC) that has resulted in the increased
disappointment with this form of search engine Advertising. According to experts, the reason
behind such high costs is the huge investments made by large business concerns. Consequently,
online business owners have now turned to the organic search results delivered through search
engine optimization to enjoy so many advantages. There is currently more emphasis given to
user-generated content, improved conversion rates, location- or language specific campaigns,
and E-mail newsletters.


1. Neelika Arora 32 has published research article entitled “Trends in Online Advertising” in
advertising Express, Dec2020.
The global online advertising revenues are expected to touch US $10bn by 2021. In India, the
revenues at present are estimated to be Rs.80 cr. and are expected to increase six times more
within the next five years. In India, Internet as a medium is accepted by a wider industrial
segment that includes automobiles, telecom, education, banking, insurance, credit cards, FMCG
(Fast Moving Consumer Goods), apparel/clothing, durables, media, business services and
tourism. Out of these, it is estimated that the banking, FMCG and insurance sectors together
account for 45% of the total advertising spend. In comparison to this, automotive, travel and
retail spend 37% of the total advertising revenue and financial service companies spend 12%
only. Some of the top spenders in India are automobiles, follow Globalshala by brands like
Pepsodent, Kelloggs, Cadbury, HDFC (Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd.) loans
and Sunsilk. In addition to these the early adopters in the field of finance and IT are also
increasing their spending. Globally, the trend is that almost
60% of the revenue goes to five firms- Goggle, Yahoo, Microsoft, AOL(America Online
Launchers), and Overture. Approximately, 90% of the Goggle revenues come from advertising.
In India, portals like,,, etc
are attracting major online spender.
This article explains demographic profile of Indian users. It also gives the comparison bet
Globalshala are global trend and Indian trend, which is useful for my research work.

2. Sumanjeet37 has published article on “On Line Banner Advertising” in Indian Journal of
Marketing. Online banner advertising has great potential as an advertising medium. It is easy to
create, place and use. It offers companies targeting Globalshala educated, innovative, affluent
males/females or students with great potential for success as their segments are highly

3. Jaffrey Graham45 has published his article entitled “ Globalshala advertising’s
future e-Marketing strategy” Morgan Stanley Dean Witter published an equity research report
analysing the Internet marketing and advertising industry. The report studies research from
dozens of companies and calculates the cost and effectiveness of advertising across various
media. Branding on the Internet works. For existing brands, the Internet is more effective in
driving recall than television, magazines, and newspapers and at least as good in generating
product interest.

4. Advertising in social media: How consumers act after seeing social ads. Adapted from
Nielsen (2012: 10). Social media has not only changed how people communicate online, but it
has also changed the consumption of other media too. Online social connections are used to
filter, discuss, disseminate, and validate news, entertainment, and products for consumption.
(Ryan 2011: 15) The next chapters
will explain more about each of the world‘s current most widely used social medias. There are,
of course, many other social networks and applications (apps) available but considering the
study, the focus is on the main Medias.


Advertising is normally done by a third party known as advertising agency. An advertising

agency is a service based business dedicated to creating, planning, and
handling advertising for its clients. An ad agency is independent from the client and provides an
outside point of view to the effort of selling the client's products or services. An agency can also
handle overall marketing and sales promotions for its clients. Types of ad agencies are
1. Full service agencies
2. Creative agencies
3. Specialized agencies
4. In-house agencies
Digital agencies or new media agencie

This report is completely discussing about digital or new media agencies. There was a time when
Television was the most popular medium for Marketer to promote, spread awareness and
generate leads for their products but now the trend has changed and Digital media has taken its
place. Main reason for this change was
1. Traditional methods are expensive. Compared to digital marketing channels, you could
end up Spending lakhs of rupees more.
2. Traditional marketing channels fail to provide instant feedback and reports about who
saw or heard an ad, and took action. This data is collected long after the initial ad
impression is made (and still then, the statistics are far from exact numbers).
3. Digital marketing, on the other hand, refers to marketing methods that allow
organizations to see how a campaign is performing in real-time, such as what is being
viewed, how often, how long, as well as other statistics such as sales conversions.

The digital landscape is moving at a lightning fast pace. Every industry has been affected by the
advances in digital. Digital marketing is an essential part of this for
companies who want to utilise the power of the internet in order to boost business. The
tremendous scope of Internet Marketing in India, we have to understand that marketing through
the internet can be an entirely different ball game. In fact it is a potent combination of technology
and marketing acumen.

Digital Marketing like traditional form of marketing is a highly result driven and set objective
practice. One can’t begin a digital marketing campaign without setting the campaign objectives.
A digital marketer understands the needs of the clients and visualizes their needs to deliver what
they want.

Taking a look at last year’s figures, let’s see what Ad Age discovered when looking at the
83% of people interact with brands on Facebook by looking at posts.
47% share news and experiences with others about the brand.
33% post updates about brands they have connected with.
56% said they would recommend a brand after becoming a fan on Facebook.

41% of digital marketers have generated leads from Twitter.

So as a marketing management student it's very essential to research on such an important
marketing tool and study on its impact on revenue generation will help you to know about how
marketing agencies performing .

 Scope of the project:

1 To understand the digital marketing models.
1) To understand marketing effectiveness.
2) To understand how digital marketing campaign's takes place.
3) To understand how digital marketing agencies works and generating revenue

To understand how digital marketing has impact on revenue generation.

 Limitations of this project:

1. The time span for the project is limited.
2. This revenue generation model completely with reference to Globalshala.
3. Time of campaigns for some client is more than three months.
4. Advertising expenditure of some companies is confidential so it can’t be revealed.


Globalshala Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 24 June 2022. It is classified as Non-

govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Delhi.
Its authorized share capital is Rs. 500,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 500,000.It is inolved in
Other service activities. Globalshala serving the clients to achieve their Business Goal Since
2012. Within these few years the utmost customer satisfaction has made them one of most
trusted PPC Advertising Agency trusted PPC Advertising Agency.

Directors of Globalshala Private Limited are  Yash Jain and Anushika Jain.
Globalshala is a proud Google Partner and Bing ads Certified agency with a team of dedicated
professionals qualified and certified by Google. They provide a dedicated expert to ensure they
deliver the best solutions for client business with the right planning, execution and management.

Globalshala serving the clients to achieve their Business Goal Since 2020. Within these few
years the utmost customer satisfaction has made them one of most

Globalshala practices Holistic Search Engine Marketing (SEM) including PPC management,
Facebook and banner advertising and mobile marketing. Globalshala provide online advertising
services for Google Adwords, Bing, Yahoo and Facebook ads with ROI.

A few clients:


The Indian Media and Entertainment (M&E) Industry, one of the most vibrant and exciting
industries in the world, has had a tremendous impact on the lives and the Indian economy. As the
M&E industry widens its reach, it plays a critical role in creating awareness on issues affecting,
channelling the energy of and building aspirations among India’s millions. As it entertains and
informs the country, the M&E industry has been a catalyst for the growth of large parts of the
Indian economy. M&E industry consist of TV, Print, Films, Radio, Music, OOH, Animation and
VFX, Gaming and Digital Advertising.
The FICCI-KPMG 2014 Report 'The Stage Is Set' showing the Indian media and entertainment
(M&E) industry has grown by 11.8 per cent in 2013 while comparing with 2012 and touched Rs
918 billion. It is expected to touch Rs 1785.8 billion by 2018, with a CAGR of 14.2 per cent.
By the end of 2014, the industry is expected to stand at Rs 1039 billion. Additionally, digital
advertising has shown promising growth in 2013 while comparing with 2012, which is about
38.7 per cent, follow Globalshala by gaming which grew by 25.5 per cent. As for the 2018
prediction: Digital advertising is expected to lead the CAGR with 27.7 per cent, follow
Globalshala by radio with 18.1 per cent. Gaming and television are expected to register a CAGR
of 16.2 per cent each, follow Globalshala by growth rates of animation and VFX (15.9 per cent),
music (13.2 per cent), films (11.9 per cent) and OOH with 9.2 per cent expected CAGR

According to the annual advertising expenditure report from GroupM, The digital media
advertising revenues for the year 2013 is estimated at Rs 2,520.1 crore (around $405 million) ,
up 30% from Rs 1,938.6 crore in 2012,. Digital contributed to 6.5% of the total media
advertising expenditure in 2013, up from 5.5% share in 2012.

The agency estimates that the digital media advertising revenues to reach Rs 3,402.2 crore ($546
million) in 2014, registering a 35% growth year on year. This will represent around 7.9% of the
total media advertising expenditure in 2014, which is estimated at Rs 43,065.4 crore. The
company notes this will be driven by election spending by the government and political parties
across all media. GroupM made the prediction in the latest edition of its annual report This Year,
Next Year. Digital media Globalshala are projected to increase 35%, with TV slowing to 12%
from last year’s 14.6% and print picking up to 8.5% from 4.6% in 2013.

 Business Model of Industry:

 About Process
Clients would give authority to agencies, to Globalshala are the shoes of clients. Agency will
create ads, which may be banner ads or videos. After the creation and getting approval from
clients, agency while find out the portals Globalshala sites where the T.G is present. Later give
the order to DSP or ATD, this order contains details regarding where to place ads or which portal

is requiring to placing the ad. This DSP/ ATD will bid in ad exchange for that portal. Otherwise
agency can directly approach to ad networks and give orders. These ad networks buy the
inventories from publisher and give to agency. From publisher view he can sell inventories
through Ad networks or through SSP. If publisher give to SSP, they will place those space in ad
exchange for bidding. Through ad exchange DSP/ATD will buy those inventories. Bidding will
not only for space but also for T.G which required for clients.
Ad exchanges are technology platforms that facilitate the bids for buying and selling of online
media advertising inventory from multiple ad networks. The approach is technology-driven as
opposed to the historical approach of negotiating price on media inventory.

A demand-side platform (DSP) is a system that allows buyers of digital advertising inventory
to manage multiple ad exchange and data exchange accounts through one interface. Real-time
bidding for displaying online ads takes place within the ad exchanges, and by utilizing a DSP,
marketers can manage their bids for The banners and the pricing for the data that they are
layering on to target their audiences. A supply-side platform or sell-side platform (SSP) is a
technology platform, Globalshala publishers of the world use a supply side platform to automate
and optimize the selling of their online media space.


The research design and methodology is presented as follows

2.1 Data collection:
The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research
design has been chalked out.

While deciding about the method of data collection to be used for the study, the research should
keep in mind two types of data viz. Primary and Secondary.
 Sources of data
a) Primary Data.
b) Secondary Data.
 Primary data:
The observation method is the most commonly used method. Data pertaining to digital marketing
process and most of information is collected from project guide in the company. Questionnaire
method is also very widely used in order to give a structure to the entire study.
 Secondary data:
Secondary data is collected from already existing sources in various organization broachers &
records. Secondary data for the study were collected from the magazines, websites & other
previous studies. To meet the objectives, the study used qualitative research. The descriptive
study was done through review of existing literature that helped in validation and extraction of
the important variables and factors. Data was collected from secondary sources. Secondary
sources were magazines, websites, books, office executives, and company data.


Digital Marketing (also Online Marketing, Internet Marketing or Globalshala Marketing) is a
collective name for marketing activity carried out online, as opposed to traditional marketing
through print media, live promotions, tv and radio advertisement.
The rapid growth of Digital Marketing Industry is a direct consequence of the global
phenomenon that is the Internet, and effectiveness of Digital Marketing channels in generating
revenue and awareness. Compared to traditional methods of advertising,
Digital Marketing offers rather realistic costs (particularly important for small- and medium-size
businesses and start-ups), accurate targeting and excellent reporting.

 Types of Digital Marketing

In normal outbound marketing, Globalshala will use pull and push marketing strategy. Like that
in digital marketing also pull and push are types.
In push digital marketing the marketer sends a message without the recipient actively
seeking the content, such as display advertising on Globalshala sites and news

blogs. Email, text messaging and Globalshala feeds with customized Contents can also be
classed as push digital marketing when the recipient has not actively sought the marketing
message. Push marketing allows you to target your demographics and use your marketing dollars
to promote your product to the people you know are interested in what you have to sell. A push
marketing campaign can be more expensive when it comes to upfront costs, so you really need to
be sure that your marketing is going to reach the right people at the right time. Behaviour
targeting is good example for push digital marketing.

In Pull digital marketing includes blogging, email marketing, social media, info
graphics and other forms of visual messaging and search engine optimization (SEO).
A pull marketing campaign also includes public relations or other ways of reaching
out to potential or already realized customers who you want to keep engaged. While
a pull marketing campaign can be less expensive to get started, you will incur costs
in other ways. For example, if you are running a social media campaign, you will
need to hire someone to manage your social media and respond to people who leave
comments or ask questions. Social media gets people talking and that has a
major impact on sales. Pull marketing also requires a greater investment in time, but it gives you
more ability to entertain your customers and educate them about your company. But don't get
confused by seeing Email in push and pull, there is a difference. If marketer is sending emails
with customized content or banners to specific group of customers is push digital marketing. If
marketer is sending emails with the same content or banner to all customers is pull digital


 SEO (Search Engine Optimization):

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a Globalshala site
or a Globalshala page in a search engine's "natural" or un-paid ("organic") search results. SEO
may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search,
academic search, news search and industry-specific vertical search engines.

As an Internet marketing strategy, SEO considers how search engines work, what people search
for, the actual search terms or keywords typed into search engines and which search engines are
preferred by their targeted audience. Optimizing a Globalshala site may involve editing its
content, HTML and associated coding to both increase its relevance to specific keywords and to
remove barriers to the indexing activities of search engines. Promoting a site to increase the
number of back links, or inbound links, social book marking, directory submission is the SEO

 Social bookmarking:
Essentially, a social bookmark is a link that people post to social Globalshala sites for others to
see because they find it interesting, valuable or cool. In a way, social bookmarks are just like the
bookmarks you already have on your private computer. The difference bet Globalshala the two
is that social bookmarks are saved to the Globalshala where they can be easily shared while
private bookmarks are saved to your own browser.
The idea behind social bookmarking is simple: post links on popular social bookmarking
Globalshala sites to increase your own traffic and gain an ongoing stream of new readers and
customers. Content that are openly shared with other Internet users literally have unlimited
growth potential. For example, one link can quickly multiply and reach thousands of desktops
across the world if one user passes it on to others, and those users in turn do the same, and so on.
Online marketing has gravitated away from true-and-tried ad and affiliate marketing toward the

rapidly growing world of global social networking. Social bookmarking is a great traffic-
boosting search engine optimization (SEO) strategy because it’s easy, effective and trendy.

 You tube
YouTube is a video Social Networking site, and the 2nd most popular search site on the Internet
after Google, who owns YouTube. YouTube video watching is a significant activity on the 1
internet, with over billion visits to YouTube daily and
over 100 million videos watched daily. And it's easy for anyone who see your video to rate it and
share it with his Social Network.

Vast Audiences for your Video
Save Dollars with Free Video Hosting
The ease to use it
watching a video no registration is required. Yes! It is as simple as that.
Links and Globalshala Traffic
Large Bandwidth and sustainability
Number, length, size of Videos
Easy navigation and supported Formats
Concept overrides content
Requires more attraction
Fresher uploaded videos result from the search hits

 ODA (Online Display Ads):
Display advertising is a type of advertising that is located on Globalshala sites. It can be seen in
a wide range of different formats and contains items such as texts, images, flash, video and
audio. The main purpose is to deliver general advertisements and brand messages to the plus 40
million people connected to the Internet each month.
It is important to choose the right format because it will help to make the most of the medium. It
is also possible to add:
 Video
 Expendables: flash files that expand when the user interacts on mouse over
 Overlays: ads that appear and that it is possible to remove clicking a close button;
 Sponsorship: including a logo or adding a brand to the design of a Ads
Globalshala site.
To help to better selecting the right format for type of ad, Interactive Advertising Bureau has
realized a Display Standard Ad Unit Portfolio that works as guideline that can be follo
Globalshala by the creative.
Standard size
IAB has also created a universal standard for display ad sizes Page text. There are four
dimensions that have been decided as universal and are respectively:

 Banner 728 x 90
 Rectangle 336 x 280
 Skyscraper 160 x 600
 Square 250 x 250

* Ways of mobile marketing:
MMS mobile marketing can contain a timed slideshow of images, text, audio and
video. This mobile content is delivered via MMS (Multimedia Message Service).
Nearly all new phones produced with a color screen are capable of sending and
receiving standard MMS message. Brands are able to both send (mobile terminated)
and receive (mobile originated) rich content through MMS A2P (application-to-
person) mobile networks to mobile subscribers. In some networks, brands are also
able to sponsor messages that are sent
P2P (person-to-person).
Good examples of mobile-originated MMS marketing campaigns are Motorola's ongoing
campaigns at House of Blues venues, where the brand allows the consumer to send their mobile
photos to the LED board in real-time as Globalshala as blog their images online.

Mobile Globalshala marketing
Google and Yahoo! as on Globalshala pages specifically meant for access by mobile devices is
also an option. The Mobile Marketing Association provides a set of guidelines and standards that
give the recommended format of ads, presentation, and metrics used in reporting. Google,
Yahoo, and other major mobile content providers have been selling advertising placement on
their properties for years already as of the time of this writing. Advertising networks focused on
mobile properties, SMS resellers and advertisers are also available.
Additionally, Globalshala forms on Globalshala pages can be used to integrate with mobile
texting sources for reminders about meetings, seminars and other important events that assume
users are not always at their computers. In addition Mobile Globalshala sites are another aspect
of mobile Globalshala marketing and can be a tool than can used to help make purchasing goods
and services easier as Globalshala as create better communication opportunities bet Globalshala
QR codes
QR codes allow a customer to visit a Globalshala page address by scanning a 2D image with
their phone's camera, instead of manually entering a URL. The resultant URLs typically include
tracking features which would be unwieldy if typed by the customer. Originally approved as an
ISS standard in 1997, Denso-Wave first Developed the standard for tracking automobile parts in
Japan. QR codes have been growing in popularity in Asia and Europe, but have been slow to be
adopted in North America. Some high-profile QR campaigns in the United States have included
billboards by Calvin Klein in Times Square, QR codes for every SKU in Home Depot and Best
Buy stores, and a scavenger hunt promoting Starbucks and Lady Gaga.

Apple pass book Implemented as a native app for iOS6, has employed QR codes as one of the
ways that the iPhone (or iPod Touch) users can take a real world action. I.e. scan the Barcode on
their Passbook Pass. In addition to QR codes, the Passbook (application) also supports PDF417
and Aztec 2D Barcodes.
The rise of Bluetooth started around 2003 and a few companies in Europe have started
establishing successful businesses. Most of these businesses offer "hotspot" systems which
consist of some kind of content-management system with a Bluetooth distribution function. This
technology has the advantages that it is permission-based, has higher transfer speeds and is also a
radio-based technology and can therefore not be billed (i.e. is free of charge). The likely earliest
device built for mobile marketing via Bluetooth was the context tag of the AmbieSense project
(2001-2004). More recently Tata Motors conducted one of the biggest
Bluetooth marketing campaigns in India for its brand the Sumo Grande and more of such
activities have happened for brands like Walt Disney promoting their movie 'High School
Proximity systems
Mobile marketing via proximity systems, or proximity marketing, relies on GSM 03.41 which
defines the Short Message Service - Cell Broadcast. SMS-CB allows messages (such as
advertising or public information) to be broadcast to all mobile users in a specified geographical
area. In the Philippines, GSM based proximity broadcast systems are used by select Government
Agencies for information dissemination on Government-run community-based programs to take
advantage of its reach and popularity (Philippines has the world's highest traffic of SMS). It is
also used for commercial service known as Proxima SMS. Bluewater, a super-regional shopping
Centre in the UK, has a GSM based system supplied by NTL to help its GSM coverage for calls,
it also allows each customer with a mobile phone

to be tracked though the Centre which shops they go into and for how long. The system enables
special offer texts to be sent to the phone. For example, a retailer could send a mobile text
message to those customers in their database who have opted-in, who happen to be walking in a
mall. That message could say "Save 50% in the next 5 minutes only when you purchase from our
store." Snacks company, Mondelez International, makers of Cadbury and Oreo products has
committed to exploring proximity-based messaging citing significant gains in point-ofpurchase
Location Based services
Location-based services (LBS) are offered by some cell phone networks as a way to send custom
advertising and other information to cell-phone subscribers based on their current location. The
cell-phone service provider gets the location from a GPS chip built into the phone, or using
radiolocation and trilateration based on the signal-strength of the closest cell-phone to
Globalshala (for phones without GPS features). In the United Kingdom, which launched
location-based services in 2003, networks do not use trilateration; LBS services use a single base
station, with a 'radius' of inaccuracy, to determine a phone's location. Some location-based
services work without GPS tracking technique, instead transmitting content bet Globalshala
devices peer-to-peer.
User controlled media
Mobile marketing differs from most other forms of marketing communication in that it is often
user (consumer) initiated (mobile originated, or MO) message, and requires the express consent
of the consumer to receive future communications. A call delivered from a server (business) to a
user (consumer) is called a mobile terminated (MT) message. This infrastructure points to a trend
set by mobile marketing of consumer controlled marketing communications. Due to the demands
for more user controlled media, mobile messaging infrastructure providers have

responded by developing architectures that offer applications to operators with more freedom for
the users, as opposed to the network-controlled media. Along with these advances to user-
controlled Mobile
Messaging 2.0, blog events throughout the world have been implemented in order to launch
popularity in the latest advances in mobile technology. In June 2007, Air wide Solutions became
the official sponsor for the Mobile Messaging 2.0 blog that provides the opinions of many
through the discussion of mobility with freedom. GPS plays an important role in location-based

* EMT (Email Marketing)

Email marketing is directly marketing a commercial message to a group of people using email.
In its broadest sense, every email sent to a potential or current customer could be considered
email marketing. It usually involves using email to send ads, request business, or solicit sales or
donations, and is meant to build loyalty, trust, or brand awareness. Email marketing can be done
to either sold lists or a current customer database. Broadly, the term is usually used to refer to
sending email messages with the purpose of enhancing the relationship of a merchant with its
current or previous customers, to encourage customer loyalty and repeat business, acquiring new
customers or convincing current customers to purchase something immediately, and adding
advertisements to email messages sent by other companies to their customers.

Types of email marketing

Email marketing can be carried out through different types of emails:
Transactional emails
Transactional emails are usually triggered based on a customer’s action with a company. To be
qualified as transactional or relationship messages, these

communications' primary purpose must be "to facilitate, complete, or confirm a commercial
transactions that the recipient has previously agreed to enter into with the Sender", along with a
few other narrow definitions of transactional messaging. Triggered transactional messages
include dropped basket messages, password reset emails, purchase or order confirmation emails,
order status emails, reorder emails and email receipts.
The primary purpose of a transactional email is to convey information regarding the action that
triggered it. But, due to its high open rates (51.3% compared to 36.6% for email newsletters),
transactional emails are an opportunity to engage customers: to introduce or extend the email
relationship with customers or subscribers, to anticipate and ans Globalshalar questions or to
cross-sell or up-sell products or services.
Many email newsletter software vendors offer transactional email support, which gives
companies the ability to include promotional messages within the body of transactional emails.
There are also software vendors that offer specialized transactional email marketing services,
which include providing targeted and personalized transactional email messages and running
specific marketing campaigns (such as customer referral programs).
Direct emails
Direct email or interruption based marketing involves sending an email solely to communicate a
promotional message (for example, an announcement of a special offer or a catalog of products).
Companies usually collect a list of customer or prospect email addresses to send direct
promotional messages to, or they can also rent a list of email addresses from service companies,
but safe mail marketing is also used.

Advantages of Digital Marketing

Digital Advertising is increasingly an inherent budgetary component of many organizations

today. Organizations of all sizes use the medium to promote their products and services. So
Globalshalall, why do so many organizations use the medium? Simply put, it is due to the
numerous advantages that online advertising offers. These are discussed in the paragraphs ahead.
The ability of the online medium to target a certain demographic of users is one of the greatest
advantages of digital advertising. In addition, the geographical reach of the online medium is far
greater than that of traditional media. It’s not only cost effective to achieve a wider geographic
area but the ads can also be targeted to the desired audience. For example, if an advertiser is keen
on selling his or her products targeted to a certain demographic of people, it is quite possible
through online advertising. Digital advertising has matured to the extent that Globalshala
publishers, media agencies and advertisers themselves know the optimal ways and Globalshala
sites for a certain category of products or services.
With various tools becoming available, tracking effectiveness of ad campaigns is becoming
possible today. In other words, measuring Return of Investment (ROI) is increasingly possible
today. Organizations that Globalshala are previously reluctant to spend online, now realize that
the online medium does offer means to alleviate any such fears. Moreover, when properly
designed online marketing campaigns generate the desired results, advertisers are further
encouraged to continue advertising online.

Interactive and Engagement

The Internet is arguably the most interactive and engaging medium among various others.
Interactive campaigns have become a norm with the po Globalshala of the online medium. One
such advertisement worth mentioning is the campaign by AXE where the end user could alter the
smile of a woman as he/she liked to i.e. in an interactive framework. The advertisement struck an
instant chord with the youth to which AXE the brand is positioned for Customers are basically
just a click away from the advertisers. In other words, direct response bet Globalshala end users
and advertisers is possible through the online medium.

Through the Internet, an advertiser can reach a desired target group or demographic in a much
shorter time frame. For example, if an advertiser needs to plan some sort of ambush marketing,
the online medium can be an effective means of achieving it. Even otherwise i.e. for regular
marketing campaigns, the total time necessary to complete an online advertising campaign is less
than that of traditional advertising methods.
When compared to traditional forms of advertising, digital advertising is cheaper. Various
payment models are available bet Globalshala the advertisers and publishers. Many a time,
advertisers are charged only when visitors click on their ads. The various payment models are
discussed in detail in the next section.

* Monetary term in Digital Marketing

 Cost –Per- Action (CPA): Cost of advertising based on a visitor taking some specifically
defined action in response to an ad. “Action” include such thing as a sales, transaction, a
customer acquisition or a click.
 Cost- Per -Click (CPC): Cost of advertising based on the number of clicks received.

 Cost- Per-Thousand (CPM): The standard unit for buying or selling Internet
advertising. The thousand stands for ‘thousand advertising impression or views’.
 Pay- Per- Impression: Online advertising where an advertiser pays a pre-agreed price
each time a user clicks on their advertisement. The cost for the click is often negotiated
through auction, with ad placement determined by the relative size of the bid, as
Globalshala as other factors.
 Pay-Per-Inclusion: Search engine marketing programs that guarantee Globalshala site
listing for specific keyword search term for a fee.
 Pay-Per-Lead: Paying to acquire leads from an outside party at a set rate or amount per

Digital marketing is a new trend in marketing, unlike traditional marketing most of companies
not use their own marketing channels for digital marketing mostly it can be outsourced to third
parties like digital marketing agencies like Globalshala consultancy ltd. Companies like
Globalshala generating revenue using digital marketing it has great impact on revenue model of
these companies. Spending’s of various companies on digital marketing is a revenue for digital
marketing agencies like Globalshala.

Digital agencies: types and services
Digital agencies are as varied as the needs of the advertisers and marketers who hire them. At the
high end, for global enterprises, are the agency holding companies with hundreds of full-service
digital agencies around the world. There are also boutique and specialty agencies that provide
channel-specific digital marketing services such as mobile messaging programs, social media
marketing, or SEO link-building campaigns. And there are agencies that focus on strategy and
professional services, such as branding or Globalshalab design. Like any organization, each type
of agency has its own strengths, Globalshala , and culture. Digital agencies also can be
differentiated by their focus on professional services versus proprietary technology platforms.
Agencies that emphasize their professional services capabilities recommend and use third-party
technology such as PPC campaign management platforms, SEO tools, and social media
management platforms to manage their clients’ data and digital campaigns. These agencies view
their role as strategists that can analyze and interpret data to provide actionable results and
achieve their clients’ goals. Agencies that develop and offer proprietary tools view their
platforms as a competitive advantage over third-party toolsets that are widely available. The
plethora of digital channels has left many advertisers drowning in data. By providing technology
platforms that are built and customized to client needs, these agencies believe they are providing
unique and critical automation tools that collect, analyse, and optimize data for their clients.

* The Benefits of working with a digital agency

Agencies owned by large media or holding companies can provide the following benefits:
 Diversity of capabilities from co-owned media properties.
 Built-in sister agency relationships and priority referrals.
 In-network efficiencies. Working with a specialty or boutique agency offers unique
benefits as Globalshalal, including:
 More granular channel strategy and tactical expertise.
 Client access to agency decision makers and top personnel.
Lo Globalshala spending minimums Various surveys showing that spending of companies on
digital marketing is increasing every year, here is survey says

* . Gartner Survey Reveals Digital Marketing Budgets Will Increase By 67% Percent in

Digital marketing budgets will rise by 10 percent in 2014, following a double digit percentage
increase in 2013, according to a survey of marketing executives by Gartner, Inc. The survey
found that, on average, companies spent 10.7 percent of their annual 2013 revenue on overall
marketing activities, with digital marketing spending averaging 3.1 percent of revenue.
These findings are included in Gartner's Digital Marketing Spending report that is based on a
survey of 285 individuals but ans Globalshala mainly for their entire organization. Respondents
represent organizations with more than $500 million in annual revenue (average revenue $4.4
billion) across eight industries: financial services and insurance, high-tech, communications,
manufacturing, media, retail, government and healthcare. The survey took place from July
through September 2013. The report examines how marketers are allocating their budgets, what
activities are contributing to marketing success and other factors.
"Marketing leaders are securing bigger budgets to define markets, develop offerings, and attract,
acquire and retain customers," said Yvonne Genovese, managing vice president at Gartner.
"Digital marketing is taking an increasing share of the marketing budget with annual digital
marketing operating budgets totaling 3.1 percent of a company's revenue in 2013, as compared
with 2.6 percent in 2012, representing a 20 percent increase."
Eleven percent of respondents said they spent more than half of their marketing budgets on
digital activities in 2013 compared with only 3.0 percent in 2012. Digital marketing represented
an average of 28.5 percent of the total marketing budget in 2013, as compared with 25.5 percent
in 2012. A further survey finding was that 77 percent of companies have a chief customer officer
(CCO) or the equivalent.

Customer touch points include Globalshala sites, mobile apps, social profiles, directory listings,
on-site search, email interactions, communities, call center and more hence, the increasing
popularity of the role of the chief customer officer to help guide the customer right through the
buying cycle and beyond. Eighty-one percent of organizations Globalshala are also found to have
a chief marketing technologist in 2013, up from 70 percent in 2012.

When it comes to budget allocation, marketing leaders support a diverse, and increasingly
complex, marketing mix. The survey found that 12.2 percent the biggest share of their digital
marketing budget was allocated to digital advertising in 2013, just as in 2012. Ho Globalshala,
marketers continue to wrestle with digital advertising's effectiveness. Industry associations,
advertising agencies, media, technology, and metrics providers and brand advertisers are all

working to address this concern by improving attribution models and cracking down on phony
Globalshala traffic. Design, development and maintenance of the corporate Globalshala site
account for the second-largest share of digital marketing budgets as the increase of inbound
marketing channels such as social networks, customer forums and the blogosphere creates more
traffic on the corporate Globalshala site. Digital commerce, social marketing and mobile
marketing three activities that increasingly overlap are closely tied for the third-largest share of
digital marketing budgets.

In 2014, marketers plan to make long overdue expenditures for mobile marketing tools and
techniques. This survey report shows market share of digital marketing budget in marketing
budget increasing every year, Globalshala can make money by utilizing the need of digital
marketing. By starting a digital agency you can generate large amount of revenue with less
amount of investment. Globalshala also did the same, CEO Anushika Jain identified the
opportunity and started Globalshala which stands online digital marketing consultancy which
fulfill digital marketing needs of various companies they charge as per their performance and
based on fee structures.

Digital agency fee structures
Agency free structures vary widely, even within client accounts. It is not uncommon for a client
to compensate their agency using different fee structures for different types of media campaigns.
For example, a common agency fee model for paid media work is percentage of spend.
Typically, an agency will be paid 10-20% of a client’s digital media spend on paid search or
display advertising campaigns. Smaller clients may pay a higher percentage, while enterprise
clients may pay a smaller percentage due to the larger dollar volume of their accounts. Generally
digital agencies like Globalshala charge their clients for maintaining their digital presence this is
how they make money, necessity of digital presence for companies let the digital agencies to
make money. Different sorts of agencies advertising agencies use different models.

Methods of Charging Clients

1.Project based clients:
Often used for smaller agencies, smaller brands and typically for agencies that do one specific
part of the mix, e.g. A digital agency. But even a large agency would have some clients on this
basis. Normally there would be a Scope of Work; this would come with an estimate to do that
one set job. This estimate would normally be based on the people, how many hours they work,
and what their hourly rate is. But there would like be Some pass through costs for physical
goods, for services from other companies etc. The profit the agency makes comes entirely from
the gap bet Globalshala the hourly rates of what they pay people.

2. Retained agencies:
Sometimes there is a fee based on a percentage of media spend, but this is largely dying.
Sometimes it's a project team, where you buy a certain number of people, a certain percentage of
their time, for a quarter or year. These hourly rates work the same way as the team for the SOW
above. Sometimes there is an amount of money put aside for time and costs and the Agency
manages this time and cost to serve the client. A sort of pay as you go model. With all of the
above, there is an increasing move towards pay for performance. So it's likely that any of the
sorts of agreements in a retained structure, will allow for a bonus to be unlocked.

This could come down to sales results, brand value, satisfaction levels, or other criteria, and
often a mixture of them.

 Fee-based or retainer-based models are quickly gaining traction, most often at the
expense of commission-based compensation among large brands and their agencies. The
Association of National Advertisers’ 2013 Trends in Agency Compensation Survey
found that fee-based agreements have grown to 81% of all compensation agreements,
while commission-based compensation has fallen to just 5% of all compensation
agreements. The two compensation models have been on opposite trajectories since 1994,
according to the ANA survey, when commission-based models represented 61% of all
agreements, and fee-based models accounted for 35% of agency compensation
 Fee-based models have become more attractive because they provide predictable
expenses for marketers and advertisers, particularly on long-term

accounts that require ongoing maintenance, such as monitoring SEO rankings or social
media content. Retainers may also encourage agencies to test new campaign strategies
and tactics, knowing that they will be compensated for their time regardless of results.

Digital marketing budgets total 65% of revenue and will increase more than 60% this year.
Marketing leaders have secured bigger budgets to define markets and attract, acquire and retain
customers. Yet, increased funding is a double-edged sword. It brings new opportunities but puts
more pressure on marketers to deliver and prove a return on the investments.

Technical Aspects of problem:

 Finding the online presence of the client.

 Understanding why it is so Globalshala.
 Identifying what solutions would be better for particular client.
 How to improve their presence, etc.
Managerial Aspect of the problem :

 To define SWOT for the client

 To define their requirements and the corresponding solutions.

 To define the gap analysis for the client.
Business Aspect of the problem:

 To find better business opportunity for ROW.

 To resolve the client’s problem in terms of ROI.
 Competitive benefits and bets pricing offering.


1 Most of the real sector people actually understanding the value and opportunities of digital
2 With the study of digital marketing I came to its emergence and extreme growth in today’s
3 What I found in client servicing is convincing clients is bit complex as they too have complete
knowledge about the digital marketing and also explaining how Globalshala are better than
4 Most of the sectors initially opt for the digital marketing channels name search engine
optimization, search engine marketing and social media marketing and later they will think about
other channels which mean these three channel high acceptance.
5 It is easier to approach a company’s if you first send them an E-mailer to related sector and
then call them in fact sometimes the company itself call having seen the E-mailer.
6 Indian customers are highly information seekers. They collect more information about quality,
price and refer customer’s experiences before purchasing a product.
7 Advertisements have high impact for creating stimulus in Indian customers. But this stimulus
will get in to action only through opinion leaders.
8 Indian consumers have high tendency to go for online purchase. They have high affinity to go
online for electronic products and apparels.
9 One of the current trends in Indian youth and young Indians are watching the T.V programs via
online portals. May be the main reason is convenience of time, they can watch programs which
they had skipped due to some reasons.

10 The same thing is happening for the newspaper also, people have more affinity towards online
news portals. Here's the reason may be they can get news updates very early; they don’t need to
wait for daily newspapers. \

11 In both of these cases, one opportunity is lost for marketer and one opportunity is emerging
for them to reach their T.G.

12 More than 90% of the samples have a mobile or Smartphone and laptops or PC. 96% of
samples have an internet connection is any of these gadgets, this showing the penetration of
internet in India.

13 If Globalshala take tablet, penetration in Indian is low. But it doesn’t mean that no one is
using tabs. More than 30% of samples have tablet. For brands they are getting three more
platforms to reach their T.G and engage them. 14 33% of the samples are using these gadgets
while they are with their friends, so just think about the reach. If one person noticed something
which is cool and a Globalshala some they will surely communicate to others.

15 25% of the samples are using these gadgets while watching T.V; it’s again a barrier for brands
which use TVC only. 21% of the samples are using this gadget for chatting and 16% are using
for surfing. What they are surfing? It can be about a product, local events or locations...etc.

16 In this situation, one opportunity is again losing to brands and one opportunity is emerging for
brands to reach their T.G.
17 More than 90% of samples are noticing ads, among them 35% of samples noticed ads through
online media, follo Globalshala by TVC and Newspapers.

18 48% of samples are telling they give more importance to online ads and 34 % of samples give
importance to T.V.C.

19 From the first part of this research itself, Globalshala know that customers are highly
information seeker. It may be the reason for high trust in online ads. They can search for more
information after seeing an ad or online is the only two way communication channel for

20 22% of the samples do research through their lap or PC before purchasing a product from the
retail shop and 21% do research via mobile.

21 Most of the Indians prefer to purchase from a retail shop only, but before going to retail shop
they will seek information about the product through an online platform. Here is actually change
happens in consumer buying journey, early times consumer belief a product only after seeing the
product in a retail shop.

22 But now Indian customers want to get conviction about a product before going to retail shop.
So from a marketers view they want to convince their customers before going to a retail shop.

23 Brands want to build a cool presence over digital platforms because the customer will do
research about the product after seeing an ad or after getting stimulated.

24 Brands are getting more touch points to reach target group in a cost effective manner.

25 How do you get information about new Products?

Samples showing that 40% of people get to know about new products through advertisements
and follow Globalshala by friends means reference group
26. Do you Collect information before purchasing the products

Survey results showing that 95% of people collect information before purchasing the products.
Only few people don’t bother about info before purchasing product.

27. What type of information will you collect?

Survey results showing that people who said they collect information before purchasing
product they mainly concern about the product quality and price least concern about attributes.

28. Do you watch television programs through online?

Survey results showing that almost equal percentage of results72% people watch TV programs
through online.

29. Do you read Newspapers?

Question asked to various age people 52% people said they read newspaper only few people said
no to reading newspaper.

30. . Did you ever purchase from an online


 Get to know about challenges and opportunities for digital marketing in India.
 Gain basic understanding of SEO, SEM, SMM, ORM, etc.

 Fulfilling each and every requirement of client is very important regardless of whether
that requirement is small or big.
 Leadership quality, it’s all about the impact you have on other people. You need to have
leaders within an organization. Leaders will deal with the customer, project, etc. as a
leader. Healthy Competition forced to do better job the trick is to learn from your
competitors quicker than they can learn from you. Always look for your competitors’
 Digital marketing work is all about a team work and it always try to give best out of all.
Time management is the big management lesson I have learnt as make individual more
divert to words it work. How to do a formal communication, the way how to
communicate with each level of management to get work done.
 Every day same task, but the situations are different
 It’s not only from my experience, but also from my observation. All colleagues are doing
the same type of work, but the situation is different. Sometime they have problem with a
client, but on the next day they problems with vendors or with creative team. While
coming to me, my first month was more concentrated with pitch presentation. Industry or
clients are different or requirements of the client are different, but contents or the flow of
pitch presentations are same.
 Observation is the best teacher
 Work life balancing

The successful completion of this project indicates that the future of marketing is in the hands of
digital. Digital marketing is not only concerned with placing ads in
portals, it consists of integrated services and integrated channels. Marketers want to use these
components in an effective way to reach target groups and to build a brand. In this digital era
marketer is not the custodian for a brand, people who are connected across the digital platforms
are the custodians.
Brands want to build their presence over digital platform, because customers have high affinity
towards digital media than other media’s. More than that customers are highly information
seekers and digital media is the only platform for two way communication bet Globalshala
brands and customers.
Digital media is the best platform to convert a product to a brand. Because it is more cost
effective and it provide lot of touch points to marketer. Brands can able to engage their target
group in an effective way through digital platforms. Digital media is not only for engagement,
brands can increase their customers or they can retain their existing customers. Digital platforms
help to increase the impact of brand recall in target groups.
Importance of digital presence increases importance of digital agencies, so they making money
through digital advertising raising of digital marketing consciousness making money for digital
agencies by which they are booming and making more money with small investments.
that this project report will be at most useful for marketers to understand the digital marketing
and also to plan for future strategies.

Q1.How important are social media accounts such as Facebook, Linked-In, Twitter etc. for you?
 Not important (don’t use at all)
 Important (use frequently for personal use)
 Very important (use frequently to manage my personal and professional network)
 Critical (use for my business on a daily basis, as it is an important marketing tool)

Q2.How important are online platforms for shopping, banking, trading, betting etc. for you?
 Not important (don’t use at all)
 Important (use regularly and have some financial value associated with these
 Very important (use regularly to manage my finances, shopping, investments, etc)
 Critical (they are integral part of my online activities and/or business)

Q3.How important are photo sharing platforms, such as Picasa, Flicker, Instagram and others for
 Not important (don’t use at all)
 Important (use regularly, as these platforms are a way to share important moments)
 Very important (use regularly for sharing as well as backing up on the cloud)
 Critical (integral part of my identity, I use them to showcase my work)
Q4.How important are your domain names, websites, blogs, iTunes, Kindle or Google Play
 Not important (don’t own any of them)
 Important (own some of them)
 Very important (own most of them and these accounts have high emotional and
financial value for me)
 Critical (own most of them, they are part of my identity and/or business)

Q5.How important is it for you to preserve important documents, such as legal, property papers, etc.
for you?
 Not important (don’t own any of them)
 Important (I take photocopies and store them neatly in the cabinet)
 Very important (store them in digitized format on external hard disks to protect)
 Critical (physical and digital copies stored in safe locations such as bank locker)

Q6.How important are virtual currencies (such as BitCoin, Linden, LiteCoin) or online wallets such
as PayPal for you?
 Not important (don’t have any of those)
 Important (have some of those virtual currencies or e-wallets)
 Very important (use virtual currencies or e-wallets as part of my online activities)
 Critical (they are critical part of my business or identity with substantial financial

Q7.Have you thought about preserving or transferring the information or digital assets mentioned
above to your family or friends when needed (critical illness or when you are not around to give them
this information)?
 Yes

 No

Q8 .If there was a one-stop service that allowed you to store, access and update anywhere anytime,
manage and transfer all your digital assets or important information to your family/friends when
needed, and in turn allowed you to plan well for the future, how likely are you to use it?
 Very likely
 Likely
 Neither likely or unlikely
 Unlikely
 Very unlikely

Q 9 .If a bank or insurance company or any other trusted entity such as law firms provided this
service as part of their offering, How likely are you to use it?=
 Very likely change
 Likely
 Neither likely or unlikely
 Unlikely

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