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Computational fluid
dynamics (CFD) whey, instant coffee, milk, tea and soups, as well as health-
care and pharmaceutical products, such as vitamins, en-
zymes and bacteria. Normally, spray dryer comes at the
applications in spray end-point of the processing line, as it is an important step
to control the final product quality. It has some advantages
drying of food such as, rapid drying rates, a wide range of operating tem-
peratures and short residence times. In recent years, compu-
tational fluid dynamics (CFD) has been increasingly
products applied to food processing operations. In spray-drying op-
erations, CFD simulation tools are now often used because
measurements of air flow, temperature, particle size and hu-
Rinil Kuriakose and midity within the drying chamber are very difficult and ex-
pensive to obtain in large-scale dryer.
C. Anandharamakrishnan* CFD is a simulation tool, which uses powerful computers
in combination with applied mathematics to model fluid flow
Human Resource Development, Central Food situations and aid in the optimal design of industrial pro-
Technological Research Institute, Council for Scientific cesses. The method comprises solving equations for the con-
and Industrial Research (CSIR), Mysore 570 020, India servation of mass, momentum and energy, using numerical
(Tel.: D91 821 2514310; fax: D91 821 2517233; methods to give predictions of velocity, temperature and
e-mail: [email protected]) pressure profiles inside the system. It powerful graphics
can be used to show the flow behaviour of fluid with 3D im-
The application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in the ages (Anderson, 1984; Scott & Richardson, 1997).
area of spray drying of food ingredients is reviewed. The results The fluid motion was studied mathematically by
from previous studies have shown that CFD can be useful tool for Richardson in 1910 and later by Courant, Friedrichs, and
predicting the gas flow pattern and particle histories such as Lewy (1928). This basic study instigated the development
temperature, velocity, residence time and impact position. of powerful numerical techniques that have advanced the
Moreover, CFD can also be used for investigating different numerical description of all types of fluid flow (Shang,
chamber design on drying behaviour of food materials as well 2004). CFD activity emerged and gained prominence with
as scale-up studies. This paper provides the aireparticle interac- availability of computers in the early 1960s and it is applied
tions, different turbulence models, reference frames, reaction to all aspects of fluid dynamics (Parviz & John, 1997).
engineering model used for spray-drying applications along Since the early 1970s, commercial software packages (or
with the particle histories and different spray chamber configu- computer codes) became available, making CFD an impor-
rations. The recent developments in this research area such as tant component of engineering practice in industrial, de-
drying kinetics model, dropletedroplet interactions, unsteady fense and environmental organizations. By the 1990s,
state simulations and integration of population balance model advances in computing power produced a similar boom in
are discussed. In addition, the current limitations and future software development and solutions. Since then CFD has
scope for the potential research are also highlighted. been used extensively by the scientific community world-
wide. The reason for this interest is justified by the fact
that it is possible to model computationally the physical
fluid phenomena that are expensive and time consuming
to measure directly. For more detailed historical perspective
Spray drying is a well established method for converting
the books by Roache (1976) and Tannehill, Anderson, and
liquid feed materials into a dry powder form. Spray drying
Pletcher (1997) are highly recommended. Today, CFD finds
is widely used to produce powdered food products such as
extensive usage in basic and applied research, in design of
engineering equipment and in calculation of environmental
* Corresponding author. and geophysical phenomena.
0924-2244/$ - see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
384 R. Kuriakose, C. Anandharamakrishnan / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 383e398
Although the origin of CFD can be found in the automo- The objective of the current paper is to summarise the
tive, aerospace, and nuclear industries and also may other application of CFD in spray drying using different turbu-
processing industries, it is only in the recent years that lence models and reference frames with their feasibility
CFD has been applied to the food processing area (Scott, along with particle histories. Moreover, the recent develop-
1994). The ability of CFD to predict the performance of ments and future perspectives are also highlighted.
new designs or processes before they are ever manufactured
or implemented make them an integral part of engineering Spray drying
design and analysis (Schaldach, Berger, Razilov, & Berndt, Spray drying is the process of transforming a feed (solu-
2000). The general application of CFD to the food industry tion or suspension) from a fluid into a dried particulate form
was reviewed by many researchers (Anandharamakrishnan, by spraying the feed into a hot drying medium. Spray dry-
2003; Norton & Sun, 2006; Scott & Richardson, 1997; Sun, ing is a widely used industrial process for the continuous
2007; Xia & Sun, 2002). All the above reviews concluded production of dry powders with low moisture content
that CFD is a powerful and pervasive tool for process and (Anandharamakrishnan, Rielly, & Stapley, 2007; Charm,
product improvement in food processing sector. 1971; Masters, 1991). As shown in Fig. 1 spray drying in-
The main application of CFD includes baking process volves four stages of operation: (1) atomisation of liquid
(Mills, 1998e1999; Therdthai, Zhou, & Adamczak, 2003; feed into a spray chamber, (2) contact between the spray
Vries, Velthuis, & Koster, 1994), refrigerated display cabi- and the drying medium (3) moisture evaporation and (4)
nets (Cortella, Manzan, & Comini, 1998; Foster, 1996), ther- separation of dried products from air stream.
mal sterilisation (Abdul Ghani, Farid, Chen, & Richards,
1999a, 1999b, 2001; Datta & Teixeira, 1987), pasteurization Atomisation
of egg (Denys, Dewettinck, Pieters, 2005; Denys, Pieters, & Atomisation is a process, where the bulk-liquid breaks
Dewettinck, 2003, 2004), mixing (Sahu, Kumar, up into a large number of small droplets. The choice of at-
Patwardhan, & Joshi, 1999; Scott, 1977), and refrigeration omizer is most important in achieving economic production
(Davey & Pham, 1997, 2000; Hu & Sun, 1999, 2000; of high quality products (Fellows, 1998). The different
Moureh & Derens, 2000; Mariotti, Rech, & Romagnoni, types of atomizer are rotary atomizer, pressure nozzle at-
1995), spray-freezing (Anandharamakrishnan, Gimbun, omizer and two-fluid nozzle atomizer (Masters, 1991;
Stapley, & Rielly, 2010), heating and cooling processes Mujumdar, 1987).
(Wang & Sun, 2003), humidification of cold storage
(Verboven et al., 2008; Verboven, Nicolaı̈, Delele, Schenk, Spray-air contact
& Ramon, 2009) is also noteworthy. The list given above is During spray-air contact, droplets usually meet hot air in
non-exhaustive and for detailed review of CFD applications the spraying chamber either in co-current flow or counter-
to food processing, reader may refer elsewhere (Sun, 2007). current flow. The large surface area of the droplets leads
CFD modelling has widely been used for drying pro- to rapid evaporation rates, keeping the temperature of the
cess to study the simultaneous heat and mass transfer droplets at the wet-bulb temperature. In this period different
problems (Masters, 1994; Mathioulakis, Karathanos, & products exhibit different characteristics such as, expan-
Belessiotis, 1998; Mirade & Daudin, 2000). The non-line- sion, collapse, disintegration and irregular shape.
arity and complex process involved during drying was re-
viewed by Kerkhof (1994). During 1970s a number of Separation of dried products
simplified semi-empirical models was developed to under- The dry powder is collected at the base of the dryer and
stand drying of specific product in a specific spray dryer removed by a cyclone separator or screw conveyor or
(Paris, Ross, Dastur, & Morris, 1971; Place, Ridgway, & a pneumatic system with a cyclone separator. Other
Danckwerts, 1959). The use of computational fluid dy- methods for collecting the dry powder are bag filters and
namics in the area of spray drying was reviewed early
by Reay (1988) and Bahu (1992). Latter, Fletcher et al.
(2003) and Langrish and Fletcher (2001, 2003) compre- 1
Feed Liquid
hensively reviewed the applications of computational fluid Furnace
dynamics in spray drying of food ingredients to predict the 2
flow patterns and temperature distributions of gas and Exhaust gas
droplets inside the drying chamber. More recently,
Langrish (2009) has discussed about the different levels 4
electrostatic precipitators (Fellows, 1998). The selection of diameter was used for the dispersed phase) then the Euler-
equipment depends on the operating conditions such as par- ian approach can be expensive. In addition there is some
ticle size, shape, bulk density and powder outlet position. uncertainty over the most appropriate Eulerian diffusion co-
efficients and heat transfer coefficients. Hence, the Eulerian
Types of spray dryer approach is best suited to flows with a narrow range of par-
The two main designs of spray dryer commonly used are ticle sizes where a high resolution of the particle properties
the short-form and tall-form driers. Tall-form designs are is not needed (Jakobsen, Sannaes, Grevskott, & Svendsen,
characterized by height-to-diameter aspect ratios of greater 1997; Mostafa & Mongia, 1987).
than 5:1. Short-form dryers, have height-to-diameter ratios In the EulerianeLagrangian particle tracking approach,
of around 2:1. The short-form dryers are the most widely the gas phase is modelled using the standard Eulerian ap-
used as they accommodate the comparatively flat spray proach described above and the spray is represented by
disk from a rotary atomizer. The flow patterns observed a number of discrete computational ‘particles’. Individual
in short-form dryers are more complex than those in tall- particles are tracked through the flow domain from their in-
form dryers, with many dryers having no plug-flow zone jection point until they escape the domain in a Lagrangian
and a wide range of gas residence times (Langrish & frame work (Nijdam, Guo, Fletcher, & Langrish, 2006).
Fletcher, 2001). The EulerianeLagrangian model has the advantage of be-
ing computationally cheaper than the EulerianeEulerian
Computational fluid dynamics method for a large range of particle sizes. It can also pro-
CFD is a numerical technique for the solution of the vide more details of the behaviour and residence times of
equations governing the flow of fluids inside defined flow individual particles and can potentially approximate mass
geometry. The flow of any fluid can be described using and heat transfer more accurately. On the other hand, the
the Navier’s stokes transport equations (Bird, Stewart, & approach can be expensive if a large number of particles
Lightfoot, 1960). These equations are derived by consider- have to be tracked and it is best when the dispersed phase
ing mass, momentum and energy balances in an element of does not exceed 10% by volume of the mixture in any re-
fluid, resulting in a set of partial differential equations. gion (Bakker, 2002).
They are completed by adding other algebraic equations In both the EulerianeEulerian and the Euler-
from thermodynamics such as the equation of state for den- ianeLagrangian methods, the exchange of momentum be-
sity and a constitutive equation to describe the rheology. tween particles and gas needs to be modelled. This
Detail descriptions of CFD and analysis of pre-processing, exchange can consist of several forces such as, drag, lift,
processing and post processing can be seen in standard text virtual mass, and wall forces. Mostafa and Mongia (1987)
books and published papers (Bakker, 2002; Fletcher, 2000; concluded that the Eulerian approach performs better than
Sun, 2007; Versteeg & Malalasekera, 1995; Xia & Sun, Lagrangian method. In contrast, Nijdam et al. (2006) found
2002). In recent years there was good progress in the devel- that both Eulerian and Lagrangian modelling approaches
opment of commercial CFD codes. Dombrowski, Foumeny, gave similar predictions for turbulent droplet dispersion
and Riza (1993) extensively reviewed the various CFD co- and agglomeration of sprays for a wide range of droplet
des with their applications and limitations. and gas flows. The two models were found to require sim-
ilar computing times for a steady axi-symmetric spray.
Reference frames However, the authors preferred the Lagrangian models be-
The two most general two-phase modelling frames are cause of their wider range of applicability.
the EulerianeEulerian and the EulerianeLagrangian
methods. In the EulerianeEulerian frame, the dispersed Air flow pattern
phase (droplets) are treated as a continuous (Eulerian) During spray drying the particle behaviour is dependent
phase, i.e. there are two Eulerian phases, one for the gas on the air flow pattern. Earlier studies were based on the
and another for droplets, which are interacting and inter- semi-empirical models for understanding of the spray-dry-
penetrating continua (Mostafa & Mongia, 1987). Each ing process. Inside the spray chamber there is presence of
computational cell contains certain fractions of gas and significant air flow instabilities due to the inlet swirl.
droplets, and the transport equations are written in such Hence, the effect of turbulence inside the spray chamber
a way that the volume fractions of gas and liquid sum to should be considered.
unity. If the computational cell consists of just a single
phase, the transport equations for the two phases revert to Turbulence models
the conventional single-phase system. The advantages of Most commercial CFD codes use turbulence models that
the EulerianeEulerian approach are that it is usually rela- are based on the splitting up of instantaneous quantities
tively cheap in terms of computational demands for one ad- into a time-averaged and a fluctuating part by a process
ditional set of equations and turbulence can be modelled known as Reynolds decomposition. Four turbulence
fairly simply. However, if a separate set of transport equa- models are commonly used for simulating sprays: (i) stan-
tions is solved for each particle size (single particle dard ke3 (k e turbulence kinetic energy and 3 e turbulence
386 R. Kuriakose, C. Anandharamakrishnan / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 383e398
Table 1 (continued)
Problem Model geometry Turbulence model Software Findings Authors
Experimental and 3D RSM CFX 5.6 Comparison of with Langrish, Williams,
simulation studies of and without spray and Fletcher (2004)
inlet air swirl on the showed that the
stability of the flow introduction of spray
pattern in spray has significant effect
dryers. on the flow
behaviour. An
increase in swirl
angle changes the
internal flow pattern.
Simulation of a spray 3D Standard ke3, RNG Fluent 6.1 Realizable ke3 Huang et al. (2004a)
dryer with rotary ke3, realizable ke3 cannot be used to
atomizer. Kieviet’s and RSM simulate highly
(1997) spray dryer swirling two-phase
geometry was used. flow. RNG ke3
turbulent model
gives adequate
accuracy at
computational time.
Simulation of spray 3D RNG ke3 Fluent More volume of Huang, Passos,
dryer fitted with drying chamber is Kumar, and
rotary atomizer. used by rotary Mujumdar (2005)
atomizer and
existence of strong
reverse flow just
beneath the rotating
Simulation of a spray 3D RNG ke3 Fluent Simulation results Huang et al. (2006)
dryer with pressure agreed well with
nozzle and rotary Kieviet (1997)
atomizer. Kieviet’s experimental results.
(1997) spray dryer
geometry was used.
Simulation of a spray 3D RANS Fluent Rotary atomizer has Ullum (2006)
dryer with rotary a big influence on
atomizer the flow pattern in
pilot scale spray
dryer, but its
influence decreases
with increase in size
of spray dryer.
Simulation of 3D Standard ke3 Fluent Good agreement Huang and
industrial scale spray with experimental Mujumdar (2007)
dryer with a new data. Off-design
drying kinetics performance of spray
model for a heat dryer was predicted
sensitive solution. to analyse the effect
of various operating
parameters on drying
Evaluation of droplet 3D RNG ke3 Fluent The concept of Woo et al. (2008a)
drying models in particle rigidity
a spray dryer fitted prediction in a CFD
with rotary atomizer simulation was
using CFD explored and the
simulation effect of initial feed
moisture content on
the drying models
was also studied.
R. Kuriakose, C. Anandharamakrishnan / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 383e398 389
Table 1 (continued )
Problem Model geometry Turbulence model Software Findings Authors
Modelling droplet 2D and 3D Standard ke3 Fluent 2D models can be Mezhericher
drying in a spray used for fast and et al. (2009)
dryer fitted with low-resource-
a pressure nozzle consumption
under steady and numerical
unsteady state. calculations with
some drawbacks. 3D
models can predict
the asymmetric flow
patterns and provide
actual 3D picture of
particle trajectories,
but require high
computing effort.
Simulation of 2D Standard ke3 Fluent Smaller spray cone Chen and Jin
industrial scale spray angle facilitates easy (2009a)
dryer attached with movement of
a Fluidized bed, particles to the
using Reaction fluidized bed. The
Engineering accuracy of REA
Approach (REA). model in predicting
the single droplet
drying kinetics was
also explained.
An ultrasonic nozzle spray dryer was studied numerically between the gas and the droplets. The phenomena of
by Huang, Kumar, and Mujumdar (2004b). Birchal, mass transfer from droplet to gas were coupling by evapo-
Huang, Mujumdar, and Passos (2006) simulated a spray ration, momentum exchange via drag and energy coupling
dryer fitted with a rotary atomizer for drying of milk emul- by heat transfer. Heat is transferred from the gas phase to
sion by using CFD and also by a model with simplified par- the droplets convectively and this leads to a decrease in
ticle motion. Authors also discussed the advantages and temperature of the gas this affects the viscosity and density
limitations of each model in the design and optimisation of the gas, which in turn may affect the gas flow field. This
of spray dryers. Effects of atomizers types (rotary disc then affects the droplet trajectories and the heat transfer rate
and pressure nozzle) on droplet behaviour was performed between the droplets and the gas (Crowe, Sharam, & Stock,
using CFD by Huang, Kumar, and Mujumdar (2006) for 1977). Hence, all three equations (mass, momentum and
spray drying of maltodextrin. They concluded that pressure energy) are interdependent and should be included in the
nozzle may lead to a high velocity variation in the center of gasedroplets interactions.
the chamber than the rotary atomizer. Moreover, large recir- Crowe et al. (1977) first proposed the particle source in
culation of droplets was also found during pressure nozzle cell (PSI-Cell) model. This is the basis for the discrete
atomisation. phase model (DPM). The EulerianeLagrangian frame
(DPM) provides better residence times of individual parti-
Particle histories cles with a large range of particle sizes. In the DPM, the
The understanding of particle histories such as, velocity, flow field is divided into a grid defining computational cells
temperature, residence time and the particle impact position around each grid point. Each computational cell is treated
are important to design and operating spray drying. More- as a control volume for the continuous phase (gas phase).
over, final product quality is depending on these particle The droplets are treated as sources of mass, momentum
histories. These particle histories can be tracked with the and energy inside the each control volume. The gas phase
help of CFD simulations. Many of the early models were is regarded as a continuum (Eulerian approach) and is de-
developed for gas temperature and velocity profiles but, scribed by first solving the gas flow field assuming no drop-
very few articles have been reported on particles histories. lets are present. Using this continuous phase flow field,
The importance of the particle histories and findings are droplet trajectories together with size and temperature his-
discussed in the following sub sections. tories along the trajectories are calculated. The mass,
momentum and energy source terms for each cell through-
Aireparticle interaction out the flow field is then determined. The source terms are
The primary problem in spray-drying modelling is the evaluated from the droplet equation and are integrated over
coupling of equations in mass, momentum and energy the time required to cross the length of the trajectory inside
390 R. Kuriakose, C. Anandharamakrishnan / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 383e398
each control volume. The results are multiplied (scaled up) the effect of air inlet geometry and spray cone angle on
by the number flow rate of drops associated with this trajec- the deposition rate. They studied the particle impact posi-
tory (Crowe et al., 1977; Papadakis & King, 1988). tion and concluded that proper selection of chamber geom-
The gas flow field is solved again, incorporating these etry and cone angle will help in reducing the depositional
source terms and then new droplet trajectories and temper- problems and optimizing the performance of the system.
ature histories are calculated. This approach provides the In the CFD simulation combined Eulerian and Lagrang-
influence of the droplets on the gas velocity and tempera- ian model is used to obtain particle trajectories by solving
ture fields. The method proceeds iteratively calculating the force balance equation:
gas and particle velocity fields.
The range of droplet sizes produced by the atomizer is d u p 18m CD Re rp r g
¼ v up þ g ð4Þ
represented by a number of discrete droplet sizes. Each ini- dt rp dp 24 rp
tial droplet size is associated with one trajectory, along
which the number flow rate of drops is constant, assuming where, v is the fluid phase velocity, up is the particle veloc-
that no coalescence or shattering occurs. Once the air ve- ity, rg is the density of the fluid and rp is the density of the
locities, temperatures, and humidity’s are postulated, the particle.
transport equations for the droplets of each size are inte- The particle force balance (equation of motion) includes
grated over time and position to yield droplet trajectories, discrete phase inertia, aerodynamic drag and gravity. The
velocities, sizes and temperatures. Calculations for droplets slip Reynolds number (Re) and drag coefficient (CD) are
of each initial size continue until the volatile fractions (e.g. given in the following equations.
water) in the droplets evaporate completely, exit the col-
umn, or impact the column wall (Papadakis & King, 1988). rg dp u p v
Re ¼ ð5Þ
The PSI-Cell model (Crowe et al., 1977) was used by m
Papadakis and King (1988) and they found good agreement
between the model and experimental results in a concurrent a2 a3
CD ¼ a 1 þ þ ð6Þ
spray dryer. O’Rourke and Wadt (1982) and Goldberg Re Re2
(1987) had further developed this model. The effect of swirl
on increase in residence time due to entrainment of parti- where, dp is the particle diameter, and a1, a2 and a3 are con-
cles and formation of central recirculation zone was ob- stants that apply to smooth spherical particles over several
served by Gupta, Lilley, and Syred (1984). However, all ranges of Reynolds number (Re) given by Morsi and
these studies are mostly simplified numerical models. Alexander (1972).
Oakley, Bahu, and Reay (1990) simulated the air flow in The velocity of particles relative to air velocity was used
a co-current cylinder-on-cone spray dryer using PSI-Cell in the trajectory calculations (equation (4)). Turbulent par-
model. The model’s predictions were compared to experi- ticle dispersion was included in this model as discrete eddy
mental measurements of the air flow using Laser Doppler concept (Langrish & Zbicinski, 1994). In this approach, the
Anemometry. Although that study did not include the influ- turbulent air flow pattern is assumed to be made up of a col-
ence of the spray on the air flow field, but both measure- lection of randomly directed eddies, each with its own life-
ments and simulations showed the presence of periodic time and size. Particles are injected into the flow domain at
oscillations in the size of the recirculation zones inside the nozzle point and envisaged to pass through these ran-
the drying chamber. The study also found that predictions dom eddies until they impact the wall or leave the flow do-
of the air flow patterns were sensitive to the values of tur- main through the product outlet.
bulence parameters (selected at the annular air inlet) of The heat and mass transfer between the particles and the
the standard ke3 turbulence model. Latter, Oakley and hot gas is derived following the motion of the particles.
Bahu (1993) validated the PSI-Cell model with experimen- dmp
tal measurement. They also performed various works to as- mp cp ¼ hAp Tg Tp þ hfg ð7Þ
dt dt
sess appropriate turbulence models and to test the validity
of the results against experimental data and concluded where, mp is the mass of the particle, cp is the particle heat
that CFD can be used for the determination of gas flow pat- capacity, Tp is the particle temperature, hfg is the latent heat,
tern, spray/gas mixing, particle temperature and moisture Ap is the surface area of the particle and h is the heat trans-
histories. Langrish, Oakley, Keey, Bahu, and Hutchinson fer coefficient
(1993) analysed low frequency oscillations in the flow field The heat transfer coefficient (h) is obtained from the
inside the drying chamber and their results are in agreement RanzeMarshall equation.
with the Oakley et al. (1990) observations. They found that
the ability to predict the onset of vortex breakdown is of hdp
Nu ¼ ¼ 2 þ 0:6ðRed Þ ðPrÞ ð8Þ
1=2 1=3
significant use in assessing the impact of the precessing kta
vortex core upon wall deposition, drying efficiency and
product quality. Langrish and Zbicinski (1994) studied where, Prandtl number (Pr) is defined as follows
R. Kuriakose, C. Anandharamakrishnan / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 383e398 391
Fig. 3. Particle impact positions (a) top view (b) front view (Anandharamakrishnan et al., 2008).
determine the model parameters. The REA model was used by (CDRC and REA) were also discussed and the recent appli-
Chen and Xie (1997) for the simulation of drying of thin layer cation of the latter model in the area of milk production for
food materials such as kiwifruit, silica gel, potato and apple sli- scale-up from lab to industrial scale was also noted.
ces. Moreover, Huang et al. (2004a) found that this approach Further, this REA based drying kinetics model can be in-
(REA) fits in well with the fluent commercial CFD code for corporated into the CFD programs in future years to deter-
spray drying. mine the wall deposition pattern, droplet residence time and
Chen and Lin (2004) compared the REA and CDRC for droplet trajectories during spray-drying operation.
drying of skim milk and whole milk droplets. The same Apart from the boiling-point evaporation model few works
modelling procedure was used by Chen and Lin (2005) to have been performed in determination of the drying kinetics
measure the process of single milk droplet drying under el- during spray drying. The experimental determination of
evated humidity conditions by REA. They found that the spray-drying kinetics was performed by Zbicinski,
REA method gave better predictions of the droplet drying Strumillo, and Delag (2002). They determined the spray-dry-
than the CDRC method. A REA model for drying of aque- ing kinetics as a function of atomisation ratio and drying agent
ous lactose droplet was developed by Lin and Chen (2006) temperature. Zbicinski, Piatkowski, and Prajs (2005) contin-
using the experimental data obtained by the improved glass ued the study and proved that based on the critical moisture
filament method. The REA method was used for modelling content of the material, the spray-drying kinetics could be de-
whey protein concentrate droplet drying (Chen & Patel, termined from the generalized drying curves. This lab scale
2008; Lin & Chen, 2007). They found that the model details can be used for scaling up of spray-drying process. Fur-
showed reasonably good agreement with the experimental ther, Woo, Daud, Talib, and Tasirin (2008b) analysed the effect
data. They concluded that the inlet air temperature, feed of wall surface properties on the deposition problem during
temperature and droplet size had a significant impact on spray drying using different drying kinetics. They concluded
the drying rate and the overall product quality. The drying that proper selection of dryer wall material will provide poten-
kinetics model based on REA is also found to be influenced tial alternatives for reducing the deposition problem. More re-
by the above parameters. A work was carried out to evalu- cently, Roustapour, Hosseinalipour, Ghobadian, Mohaghegh,
ate the different drying models, namely REA, CDRC linear and Azad (2009) performed a CFD study for the drying of
and CDRC modified in a spray dryer fitted with rotary disc lime juice. They determined the drying kinetics based on ex-
atomizer by Woo et al. (2008a). Authors found that the perimental results of moisture content variation along the
REA model can be used for prediction of particle surface length of chamber and numerically estimated residence time
moisture of wet particles with better results. Chen (2008) of droplets. Authors found that an increase in initial droplet di-
has reviewed the application of the REA model for ameter resulted in a lower particle residence time. A compar-
drying of thin layer materials and for solid droplets. The ison of two drying kinetics models namely, characteristic
similarities and differences between the two drying models drying curve (CDC) and REA was performed by Woo et al.,
394 R. Kuriakose, C. Anandharamakrishnan / Trends in Food Science & Technology 21 (2010) 383e398
(2008c) and they found that the different responses of the REA solution. Moreover, this approach may give opportunity
and CDC to different initial feed moisture conditions due to the to perform the simulation of wet shells and puffing phe-
respective formulation of the driving forces in the two models. nomena during the period of drying for a better understand-
Further, the authors extended REA model to simulate the par- ing of the drying process.
ticle surface moisture.
More recently, dropletedroplet interactions during the Scope for future research
spray drying was performed by applying the transient Still there is a scope for future research in this area for
mode of calculations (Mezhericher, Levy, & Borde, optimisation of spray-drying process. The modelling of par-
2008). The droplet collisions influenced the temperature ticle interactions (by four-way coupling between
and humidity patterns while their effect on velocity was gaseparticle and particleeparticle), particle coalescence
less marked. They investigated both insulated and noninsu- and break up is a great challenge for the modellers. The
lated spray chambers and reported that the insulation of modelling of turbulence using the Detached Eddy Simula-
spray chamber will affect the air flow patterns and thereby tion (DES) is also gaining importance. The success of these
affecting the droplet trajectories. The probabilistic ap- models depends on the experimental validations. The re-
proach developed by O’Rourke (1981) was used by them duction of wall deposition (including the product nature)
for determining the dropletedroplet interactions. and thermal degradation by modifying the air inlet geome-
The unsteady state simulation of spray drying is new try and spray pattern also offers scope for future research.
area of research. Mezhericher, Levy, and Borde (2009) The prediction of the particle residence time (including
modelled droplet drying in spray-drying chamber by apply- sliding movement of particles in the secondary RT) is cur-
ing the unsteady mode of calculations. They performed rently lacking. Hence, there is scope for future research in
both 2D and 3D analysis and concluded that the 3D model the area to overcome problems like agglomeration, wall de-
predicts asymmetry of flow patterns in the spray chamber. position, particle residence time, thermal degradation of
However, 2D axi-symmetric model can be used for fast particles and aroma loss. Recently, Langrish (2007) also
and low-resource-consumption numerical calculations. observed the same. Thus modelling approach may leads
Similarly, Woo et al. (2008a) also observed the same in to the better productivity and high quality food products.
their unsteady state simulation. Chen and Jin (2009b) per-
formed transient 3D simulations in an industrial scale spray Conclusion
dryer (15 m tall and 10 m wide). They observed that the The objective of this review is to emphasis the impor-
particles make the central jet oscillate more non-linearly tance of CFD in the modelling of the spray dryers. There
and the frequency of oscillation decreases with the increas- is considerable growth in the development and application
ing feed rate. Recently, Woo et al. (2009) have performed of CFD in the area of spray-drying to predict the complex
unsteady state simulations of spray drying and investigated flow patterns. The EulerianeLagrangian model is suitable
the effect of chamber aspect ratio and operating conditions for the spray-drying operations as it has the advantage of
on flow stability. Authors observed that a large expansion being computationally cheaper than the EulerianeEulerian
ratio produces a more stable flow due to the limitations method for a large range of particle sizes. The particle his-
of the jet fluctuations by outer geometry constriction. tories prediction will give an idea regarding the drying be-
The modelling of spray dryers using population balance haviour based on particle temperature, the residence time
method is gaining importance nowadays because this model based on trajectories and the final product recovery based
accounts for the droplet growth, coalescence and break up on impact positions. The REA based drying kinetics model
during the spray-drying process. Nijdam, Guo, Fletcher, can be used to determine the temperature change within the
and Langrish (2004) modelled the particle agglomeration droplet during drying. However, more works needs to be
within the spray chamber using two different frameworks performed with population balance modelling. Moreover,
namely, Lagrangian and Eulerian. They validated their pre- some of the problems during spray drying of food products
diction using phase doppler anemometry (PDA) measure- have been highlighted. Now, with the increasing computing
ment and they found that Lagrangian approach is more power CFD will be a valuable tool for the food industry in
suitable for modelling of agglomeration of particles in answering complex fluid flow, heat and mass transfer phe-
terms of ease of implementation and range of applicability. nomena and aid in better design and process control of
However, authors concluded that more work needs to be spray dryers.
performed to refine the turbulence models for the Lagrang-
ian approach in order to account for the various particle tur- Acknowledgements
bulence phenomena and particleeparticle correlations. Authors wish to thank Dr. V. Prakash, Director, CFTRI for
Recently, Handscomb, Kraft, and Bayly (2009) included the support and encouragement in CFD simulation studies.
source term for droplet coalescence and break up. This ap- Anandharamakrishnan wishes to acknowledge Prof. C.D.
proach gives a better understanding of complexities of two- Rielly, Professor and Head, and Dr. Andy Stapley, Senior
phase flows in spray dryers. The model includes nucleation Lecturer, Chemical Engineering Department, Loughborough
and growth of suspended solids from an ideal binary University, UK for their help.
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