The Teacher and The Community Reviewer

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THE TEACHER AND THE COMMUNITY, SCHOOL CULTURE, teacher and her students is necessary in order for the

AND ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP REVIEWER conscientization process to take place.

1ST QUARTER “When a school introduces and train each child of society into
CHAPTER 1: EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHIES membership within the such a little community, saturating
him with the spirit of service, and providing him with the
John Locke (1632-1704): The Empiricist Educator- Acquire instruments of effective self- direction… we shall have the
knowledge about the world through the senses- learning by deepest and best guaranteed of larger society which is
doing and interacting with the environment. Political order worthy, lovely and harmonious.” – JOHN DEWEY
should be based upon a contract between the people and the EDUCATION/ SCHOOL - institution created by society
government. People should be educated to govern function of society and as such arises from the nature and
themselves intelligently character of society itself.
Herbert Spencer (1820-1903): Utilitarian Educator- Spencer’s Society seeks to preserve itself and to do this, it maintains its
concept of “Survival of the Fittest” means that the human function and institutions, one of which is EDUCATION.
development had gone through and evolutionary series of Socialization- Process by which individuals internalize and the
stages from the simple to the complex and from the uniform norms values of society and so social and cultural continuity
to the more specialized kind of activity. Based on Herbert are attained.
Spencer perception, He believe that person learn through Anticipatory Socialization- Being prepared for future roles.
“survival fittest” or “Utilitarian”. In Utilitarian view, a person FAMILY is most important agent of socialization.
develops his/her consciousness and knowledge through SCHOOL is also an important agent of socialization. It is an
certain series of stage or “evolution”. Many examples of institution in charged by society to impart specific knowledge
these are the rise of machine, advance technology, internet, and skills necessary for functioning in society.
computer era, industry, gadgets, and power of science, EDUCATION IN PRIMITIVE SOCIETY
media. Spencer also believes that all of school, universities  Preliterate persons faced the problem of survival in
teaching should be focusing in utilitarian method and science an environment that pitted them against natural
to master life and earn for living. forces (disasters)and wild animal.
John Dewey (1859-1952): Learning Through Experience-  To survive transform a hostile environment into one
Children are socially active human beings who want to that is sustaining, humankind developed life skills
explore their environment and gain control over it. Education that eventually became CULTURAL PATTERNS (tool
is a social process by which the immature members of the or instrument making, adherence to the moral
group, especially the children are brought to participate in behavior code of group life and language).
the society. The school is a special environment established  For the education system, human group was
by members of society, for the purpose of simplifying, educational as children observed and learned from
purifying, and integrating the social experience of the group the elders and as they were deliberately taught by
so that it can be understood, examined and used by its their parents and elders.
George Counts (1889-1974): Building a New Social Order-  Cultivate civic responsibility and identity with city-
Education is not based on eternal truths but is relative to a state.
particular society living at a given time and place. By allying  Athenians in ancient Greece, mattered most in
themselves with groups that want to change society, schools education was the rounded development of every
should cope with social change that arise from technology. individual
Teachers should lead society rather than follow it. Teacher  Spartan, development of soldiers and military
are agents of change. leaders.
Theodore Brameld (1904-1987): Social Reconstructionism- EDUCATION IN ROMAN
For the social reconstructions, education is designed to Develop a sense if civic responsibility and to develop
awaken students’ consciousness about social problem sand to administrative and military skills as citizens of the Roman
engage them actively in problem solving. Social Empire.
reconstructionist are firmly committed to equality or equity in EDUCATION IN ARABIC
both society and education. Barriers of socio– economic class Islam rose the most important concern of education was to
and racial discrimination should be eradicated. cultivate religious commitment of Islamic beliefs.
Paulo Freire (1921-1997): Critical Pedagogy- Paulo Freire, a EDUCATION IN MEDIEVAL SOCIETY
critical theorist, like social reconstructionist, believed that Schools were concerned with the development of religious
systems must be changed to overcome oppression and commitment, knowledge and ritual to establish order.
improve human conditions. Rather than “teaching as EDUCATION IN RENAISSANCE PERIOD
banking” in which the educator deposits information into  Fervent period of European cultural, artistic, political
student’s heads, Freire saw teaching and learning as a and economic “rebirth” following the Middle Ages.
process of inquiry in which the child must invent and re-  Education was focused on the rediscovery of
invent the world. A democratic relationship between the classical philosophy, literature and art.
EDUCATION IN REFORMATION SOCIETY CHAPTER 3: Social Science Theories and Their Implications to
Its educational goals the cultivation of a sense of Education
commitment to particular religious denomination and general 3 SOCIAL THEORIES
literacy. 1. Structural-Functional Theory
Education is informal and unstructured, decentralized. 3. The Symbolic Interactionist Theory
Basically, the education prepared their children to become STRUCTURAL FUNCTIONAL THEORY
good husbands and wives. Herbert spencer- He was an English philosopher, biologist,
 Education was formal and organized. anthropologist, sociologist, and prominent classical liberal
 Tribal tutors replaced by the Spanish missionaries. political theorist of the Victorian Era.
The Educational Decree 1863- Complete system of education UNIQUE FUNCTION. THE PARTS HAVETO WORK TOGETHER
from elementary to collegiate level. Religion was the core in FOR STABILITY AND BALANCE OF THE SOCIETY.”
the curriculum, but also include reading, writing, arithmetic, SOCIETY- Society is compared to a human body with different
and etc. but interrelated parts performing different functions. If one
AMERICAN REGIME- part of the human body does not function well, the whole
 The American promoted democratic ideals and the body is affected. The overall health of the organism(society)
democratic way of life. depends] upon the health of the structure.
 Free and compulsory elementary education eas CYBER CRIME ACT OF 2012- came about to address legal
establish by Malolos Constitution. issues concerning online Interactions and the internet in
 The Department of Public Instruction set up a three- the Philippines.
level school system. (four-year primary and three- FUNCTIONALIST THEORY- Is a theory of society that focuses
year intermediate/ four-year junior college) on the structures that create the society on the structure and
COMMONWEALTH PERIOD- Free education in public schools how the society is able to remain stable.
was provided all over the country, in accordance with the Functionalist theory of education- Focuses on how education
1935 Constitution. Education also emphasized nationalism. serves the need of society through the development of skills
Pres. Manuel L. Quezon designating Tagalog as our National encouraging social cohesion. The role of school is to prepare
Language (Executive Order No. 134) students for participation in the institutions of the society.
JAPANESE OCCUPATION- Elevating the moral of the people Education is concerned…- With socializing people by bringing
giving up over emphasis on materialism. Fostering a new together people from different backgrounds. With
Filipino culture based on the consciousness of the people as transmission of core values for social control.
Orientals. Striving for the diffusion of the Japanese language Functionalist sees Education as a beneficial contribution to an
in the Philippines and the termination of the use of English in ordered society.
Schools. Functionalism does not encourage people to take an active
POST-COLONIAL PHILIPPINES- role in changing their social environment. Instead, it sees
 Education aimed at the full of realization of the active social change as undesirable.
democratic ideals and way of life. Purposes of schooling according to functionalist
 Curricular includes the life, works and writings of INTELLECTUAL PURPOSES – acquisition of cognitive skills,
Jose Rizal especially the Noli Me Tange and El inquiry skills.
Filibusterismo. POLITICAL PURPOSES – educate future citizens; promotes
 Daily flag ceremony was made permanent (R.A 1079) patriotism; promote assimilation of immigrants; ensure order,
 Elementary education was nationalized and public civility and conformity to laws.
matriculation fees were abolished. ECONOMIC PURPOSES – prepare students for later work
OTHER DEVELOPMENT- roles; select and train the labor force needed by society.
 Emphasis on mastery learning. SOCIAL PURPOSES – promote a sense of social and moral
 Replacement of PBET by LET. responsibility; serve as a site for the solution or resolution of
 CHED is responsible for higher education (R.A 7722) social problems; supplement the efforts of the other
 K to 12 Program institutions of socialization such as the family and the church.
*Education issues and problems are often rooted in the past, There are always two opposing sides in a conflict
the study of educational history can help us to understand situation. Conflict theorists find potential conflict between
and solve today`s problems. any groups where inequality exist. Racial, gender, religious,
*Realistic effort to reform education begins with present political economic, and so on. Conflict theorist note that
conditions which are a product of our product of our past; by unequal groups usually have conflicting values and agendas,
using past, we can shape the future. causing them to compete against one another.
*The study of education`s past provides a Marx's Conflict Theory- Conflict theory originated in the
perspective that explains and illuminates our present work of Karl Marx, who focused on the causes and
activities as teachers. consequences of class conflict between the bourgeoisie (the
owners of the means of production and the capitalists) and PASSIVITY AND LACK OF INITIATIVE – Waiting to be told
the proletariat (the working class and the poor). what to do, reliance on others, complacence, lack of sense of
Durkheim- Durkheim (the founder of functionalist theory) urgency.
identified the latent role of education as one of socializing LACK OF SELF-ANALYSIS AND SELF-REFLECTION- The
people into society's mainstream. This “moral education,” as tendency to be superficial and somewhat flighty.
he called it, helped form a more‐cohesive social structure by EMPHASIS ON PORMA RATHER THANSUBSTANCE - This lack
bringing together people from diverse backgrounds, which of analysis and emphasis on form is rei forced by an
echoes the historical concern of “Americanizing” immigrants educational system that is more from than substance.
HOW PROPONENTS OF CONFLICT THEORY RERGARD Weaknesses are rooted in many factors:
*According to this conflict theory, education is not truly a  Social and Economic Environment
social benefit or opportunity as seen by the functionalists.  Culture and Language
Rather, education is a powerful means of maintaining power  History
structures and creating a docile work force for capitalism.  Religion Educational System
*The purpose of education is to maintain social inequality and  Mass Media
to preserve the power of those who dominate the society and  Leadership
teach those in the working class to accept their position as a  Role Models
Lower class of society. Following goals are proposed to develop in the Filipino:
Symbolic Interactionist Theory  A sense of patriotism and national pride
Is focused on individual who act based on meaning  A sense of the common good
which is based on individual’s experience. These meaning are  A sense of integrity and accountability
not permanent. They change over time as the individual  The values and habits of discipline and hard work
continues to interact with others with symbols.  The value and habits of self-reflection and analysis;
Three tenets of Symbolic Interactionist Theory the internalization of spiritual values and the
1. An individual’s action depends on the meaning. emphasis on essence rather than on form.
2. Different people may give different meaning to the STRENGTHS OF THE FILIPINO CHARACTER
same thing.  Pakikipagkapwa-tao
3. Meaning changes as individual interact with one
 Family Orientation
 Joy and Humor
Symbolic Interactionist Perspective
 Flexibility, Adaptability and Creativity
- also known as “Symbolic Interactionism”.
 Hard work and Industry
-According to the Symbolic Interactionist Perspective, people
 Faith and Religiosity
attain meanings to symbols, and then they act according to
 Ability to survive
their subject interpretation of these symbol.
Value Education in Schools
Weakness of Symbolic Interaction Theory
The Department of Education has as its vision to help
Critics claim that symbolic interactionism neglects the macro
develop... "Filipinos who passionately love their country and
level of social interpretation the ‘’big picture’’. Symbolic
whose values and competencies enable them to realize their
interactionists may miss the larger issues of society by
full potential and contribute meaningfully to building the
focusing too closely on the ‘’trees’’ or by restricting
nation." It has as its core values - maka-Diyos,
themselves to small or individual interactions.
maka-tao, makakalikasan and makabansa.
CHAPTER 4: The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Filipino
Character: A Socio-Cultural Issue
CHAPTER 5: Global Issues that Concern Schools and Society
- an excerpt of the Report "A Moral Recovery Program:
Building a People, Building a Nation"
TOP 10 WORLD ISSUES according to millennials based on
EXTREME FAMILY CENTERDNESS – Excessive concern for
World Economic Forum’s Global Shapers Survey in (2017)
family means using one's office and power.
1. Climate change/ destruction of nature (48.8%)
EXTREME PERSONALISM - Takes things personally,
2. Large scale conflict/ wars (38.9%)
cannot separate objective task from emotional involvement.
3. Inequality (income, discrimination) (30.8%)
LACK OF DISCIPLINE - A casual attitude toward time and
4. Poverty (29.2%)
space, manifested in lack of precision and compulsiveness, in
5. Religious conflicts (23.9%)
poor time management and procrastination.
6. Government accountability and transparency/ corruption
what to do, reliance on others, complacence, lack of sense of
7. Food and water security (18.2%)
8. Lack of education (15.9%)
LACK OF DISCIPLINE - A casual attitude toward time and
9. Safety/ security/ wellbeing (14.1%)
space, manifested in lack of precision and compulsiveness, in
10. Lack of economic opportunity and employment (12.1%)
poor time management and procrastination.
TOP 10 Current Global Issues according to Chloe Turner
1. Climate change
2. Pollution
3. Violence
4. Security and Well Being
5. Lack of Education
6. Unemployment
7. Government Corruption
8. Malnourishment and Hunger
9. Substance Abuse
10. Terrorism
The Top 10 Global Issues and How They Can be Addressed
Climate Change- The global temperatures are rising and are
estimated to increase from 2.6ᵒC to 4.8ᵒC by 2100.
Solution- The reduction of greenhouse emissions and the
spreading of education on the importance of going green can
help make a big difference.
Pollution-includes Ocean litter, pesticides and fertilizers, air,
light and noise pollution.
Solution- Reduce the number of trips you take in your car.
Reduce or eliminate fireplace and wood stove use. Avoid
burning leaves, trash, and other materials. Avoid using gas
powered lawn and garden equipment.
Violence- Can be found in the social, cultural and economic
aspects of the world.
Various Forms of Violence
Physical Violence- Occurs when someone uses a part of their
body or an object to control a person’s actions.
Sexual Violence- Occurs when a person is forced to
unwillingly take part in Sexual activity.
Emotional Violence- Occurs when someone says or does
something make a person feel stupid or worthless.
Psychological Violence- Occurs when someone uses threats
and causes fear in an individual to gain control.
Spiritual Violence- occurs when someone uses an individual’s
spiritual beliefs to manipulate, dominate or control that
Cultural Violence- Occurs when an individual is harmed as a
result of practices that are part of her or his culture, religion
or tradition.
Solution- Set up a Neighborhood Watch or a community
patrol, working with police. Make sure your streets and
homes are well-lighted.
Security and Well-being

The U.N is a perfect example of what should be done to

prevent the lack of security and well being a serious global
issue. Through its efforts with regional organizations and
representatives that are skilled in security, the U.N is
working toward increasing the well being of people
throughout the world.


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