LandDevelopmentManual Appendix9

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9 Appendix 9

Water Metering And Servicing Guidelines

  Land Development Manual  1

Table of Contents
Definitions 4

Abbreviations 6

Relevant Documents, Standards, Acts and Codes 7

1. Introduction 8
1.1 Water Metering and Servicing Guide 8
1.2 Changes to this policy document 8
1.3 Legal and regulatory framework 8
1.4 Objectives 8
1.5 Development Agreement, Fees and Charges 8

2. Water Service Metering General 8

2.1 Meter Standards 8
2.2 Minimum sizing of service pipes supplying water to developments 8
2.3 Water Meter Ownership 9
2.4 Custody of Meters 9
2.5 Removal or Relocation of Meters 9
2.6 Disconnection of Water services 9

3. Water Service Connections (Tappings) 10

3.1 General requirements 10
3.2 Wet tappings 10
3.3 Dry tappings Drinking Water (Residential only) 12

4. Meter – Installation 14
4.1 General 14
4.2 Meter Assembly setup 14
4.2.1 Meter Location in General 14
4.2.2 Responsibilities 16

5. Water Metering and Servicing 19

5.1 Residential metering and servicing 19
5.1.1 Single Dwelling Residential Development 19
5.1.2 New Dual Dwelling Residential Development where both dwellings have water main frontage 19
5.1.3 Dual Occupancy Residential Development 20
5.2 Dependent Persons Units (DPU) / Granny Flat metering and servicing 20
5.2.1 Private Granny Flat 20
5.2.2 Moveable Residential Units (DHHS “Granny Flats”) 20
5.3 Multi-dwelling residential developments (greater than two (2) units) - metering and servicing 22
5.3.1 Internal water service design plans and schematic drawings 22
5.3.2 Individually metered multi-dwellings 22
5.3.3 Single metered multi-dwellings 25
5.3.4 Additional Units or Factories added to Existing Developments 25
5.3.5 Secured Sites 25
5.4 Non-residential (commercial and industrial) water metering and servicing) 28
5.5 Mixed Development 29
5.6 Properties serviced by extended water supply works 30

2  Westernport Water
6. Relocation of Existing Main Water Meters and Service 31
6.1 Relocation of existing main water meters 31
6.2 Plug and Re-Tap at the Water Main 34
6.3 Re-Use of Existing Tappings 35
6.4 Water Meter Pits 35
6.5 Protection of Water Meters 35
6.6 Selection of Water Meters 35

7. Other Related Guidelines 36

7.1 Containment Backflow Prevention 36
7.2 Trade Waste 36
7.3 Use of a Data Logger 36
7.4 Pressure Limiting Valve 36
7.5 Hot Water Meters 36
7.6 General Water Supply – In-line Pumping 36

8. Private Fire Service 37

8.1 Private Fire Services 37
8.2 Non-Compliant Installations 37
8.3 Redevelopments/Major Augmentation of Private Fire Services 37
8.4 Recycled Water (where applicable) for Private Fire Services 37
8.5 Private Fire Service Metering Guide 38
8.6 Fire Service Backflow Prevention 39
8.7 Private Fire Service Pumping 39
8.8 Disconnection of Fire Service Pumping 39

9. Developments With Recycled Water Services (where applicable) 39

9.1 Recycled water pipes fittings specification 40
9.2 Alteration to Internal Class A Recycled Water Supply 40

10. Non-Residential Open Spaces 40

11. Water Metering in Special Cases 42

12. Main to Meter Installations Process 43

13. Drawings (Typical Water Services Assembly Arrangements) 44

  Land Development Manual  3

Backflow is the reverse flow of a liquid within a piped plumbing system. It may be
caused from back-siphonage, back-pressure or a combination of both. It can result in
contaminants being drawn back into the Westernport Water supply system through
a cross-connection. All general water connections to the water supply system must
provide for an appropriate containment backflow prevention device at the outlet of the
main water meter, in accordance with the relevant Australian Standard.

Class A recycled water is the highest quality of recycled water and is achieved after a
tertiary treatment process combined with pathogen removal. The Department of Health
and Human Services (DHHS) ( has classified Class A recycled
Class A Recycled Water water as safe for use on irrigation of food crops – including those eaten raw. DHHS
requires an extensive verification process to ensure Class A water can be guaranteed.
Environment Protection Authority Victoria (EPA Victoria) ( also
supports its use.

A list of conditions that Westernport Water issues as part of its consent to carry out
Conditions of Connection plumbing work for water and sewerage works. Provided for under Section 145 of the
Water Act 1989.

Drinking Water The highest quality water, also know as potable water.

A dry tapping is generally 20mm in diameter (nominal Ø), 25mm poly minimum and
installed by the developer at the time water mains are laid within residential estates. A
Dry Tapping dry tapping includes a connection and service pipe which terminates within each parcel
of land (lot) within the estate. This is installed by the Plumber and Westernport Water
only provides the stop tap meter tails and water meter.

A building that is used, or is intended, adapted or designed for use, as a separate

residence, (including kitchen, bathroom and sanitary facilities) for an occupier who has a
right to the exclusive use of the dwelling but does not include:

(a) a building that is attached to a shop, office, warehouse or factory and is used, or is
intended, adapted or designed for use, as a residence for an occupier or caretaker of
Dwelling (Residential) the shop, office, warehouse or factory; or

(b) any part of a motel, residential club or residential hotel or residential part of licensed
premises under the Liquor Control Reform Act 1998.

Source: Based on the definition of “dwelling” in S. 46H of the Planning and Environment
Act (Vic) 1987.

Where a parcel of land is not fronted by a Westernport Water main, however is

connected via a private water service (owned and maintaining by the property owner(s))
located generally in the road reserve to the Westernport Water’s water main some
Extended Private Water distance away, it is connected with the consent of Westernport Water under Section 145
Supply Works of the Water Act 1989.

Please note: Section 145 of the Act provides that Westernport Water may consent to a
person’s works being connected to the works of Westernport Water and that consent may
be subject to any reasonable terms and conditions Westernport Water thinks fit.

A main water meter is Westernport Water’s approved water meter, connected directly
Main Water Meter from the water main located inside the property, as close as possible to a property’s title
boundary on any water service (drinking water, recycled water and fire service).

Is when an existing tapping up to 50mm Ø is required to be removed. The plumber is

responsible to excavate and expose the tapping band/ferrule and a Westernport Water
Plug Off/Plugging
representative will seal the service. Plug offs done in conjunction with new wet tappings
are to be carried out on the same day.

4  Westernport Water
Part of any works from the water main of Westernport Water to an outlet on a serviced
property, where the outlet is designed to supply water to the property for the principal
Private Fire Service purpose of combating an outbreak of fire on the property, whether or not that part of
the works is also connected to another outlet used for purposes other than combating an
outbreak of fire.

The property service pipe (including any backflow prevention device and any other
Private Water Supply Works fixtures or fittings other than a water meter) from the outlet of any fixtures installed on
(Internal property pipework) the serviced property to the property service works, but does not include any extended
private water supply works.

A water supply pipe connecting the water main of Westernport Water to the outlet of
Property Service Pipe
any fixtures installed on a serviced property.

A remote water meter may consist of a conventional water meter with a remote reading
device attached or an integrated unit. A remote reading device electronically records the
volume of water flowing through the water meter and transmits the reading by radio or
Remote Reading Water Meter similar technology when activated by the meter reader.

The benefits of remote water meters are that Westernport Water reads the water meter
outside of the property thereby ensuring security and privacy for the customer. (Only
installed with Westernport Water approval.)

Reticulated Water/Sewer A network of water/sewer mains, pump stations etc owned and operated by Westernport
Supply System Water to provide for the community’s water and sewerage needs.

A single check detector assembly testable is a testable device for use in “low hazard”
conditions in private fire services only, to prevent backflow caused by back-siphonage
or back pressure. It is intended for use in private fire service lines under continuous
pressure and to allow billing of small draw-offs of water by incorporating a metered
bypass line (minimum 25mm diameter), bridging from upstream of the non-return valve
to downstream of the non-return valve.

Has the same meaning as used by Council Valuers for producing valuations to determine
municipal rates. The definition of the term has been developed as Commercial/
Industrial by both Common Law and legislation, in accordance with the Valuation of
Land Industrial Act 1960 and Local Government Act 1989. For the purpose of determining
Self-Contained Occupancy
the appropriateness of water metering/provisioning for metering, a self-contained
occupancy shall contain a tea/kitchen sink, toilet and basin as a minimum. The occupants
are not required to utilise common facilities outside the individual occupancy. All parent
property general water connections are required to be metered in accordance with the
requirements documented in these guidelines.

A single check detector valve is designed to prevent the unwanted reversal of flow from
the private fire service into Westernport Water's water supply system. Assists in the
Single Check Detector Valve
proactive management of water supply systems. It is designed for use in “low hazard”
conditions in private fire services to prevent backflow caused by back-siphonage or back
pressure. It is intended for use under continuous pressure conditions.

A flow control fitting capable of regulating and shutting off the flow in a water main or
Stop Valve (Isolation) property service pipe, and includes any fitting of a stop tap type, gate valve, ball valve or
ferrule tap type.

Water meter connected after a main water meter to register water used by individual
Check Meter multi-dwelling/occupancy developments on a parcel of land. Westernport Water do not
read check meters for billing purposes.

Tapper A Westernport Water representative authorised to carry out water tapping activities.

Tapping Is the activity carried out to connect a new service to the water main.

  Land Development Manual  5

Is similar to a wet tapping, however, a tee insertion applies to a connection greater
than 50mm Ø diameter where a tapping cannot be achieved under pressure, or due to
site conditions, a divide valve being installed or a hydrant service upsized in the same
location. The plumber is responsible for excavating to expose the water main. The
main is required to be shut off by Westernport Water and therefore existing customers
Tee Insertion connected to the main must be notified prior to the work taking place. Westernport
Water requires five (5) working days notice for a planned shut down.

The relevant Westernport Water representative will cut a section of main out and
insert the tee piece or in some cases plug and seal the service. Tee removals done in
conjunction with new wet tappings are to be carried out on the same day.

Is when an existing connection greater than 50mm Ø is required to be removed. The

plumber is responsible for excavating and exposing the tee/tapping band. The main may
be required to be shut off and therefore existing customers connected to the main must
Tee Removal be notified prior to the work taking place. Westernport Water requires five (5) working
days notice for a planned shut down. The relevant Westernport Water representative will
cut the tee piece out or in some cases seal the service. Tee removals done in conjunction
with new wet tappings are to be carried out on the same day.

Refers to Westernport Region Water Authority who are licensed to provide drinking
Westernport Water
water, sewerage services and recycled water to properties in their supply district.

Water Mains A water main owned and operated by Westernport Water, including any stop valve and
(Drinking and Recycled) any fittings located at the connection between a water main and a property service pipe.

A wet tapping is a type of connection which is made into the reticulated water supply
main under pressure. A wet tapping may be for any size from 20mm Ø and greater.
Wet Tapping
Please note: The service pipe work and water meter assembly must be in place prior to
the connection being made.

∅ Nominal Internal Pipe Diameter

AS Australian Standard

CSMP Customer Site Management Plan

DELWP Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning

DHHS Department of Health and Human Services

DPU Dependent Persons Unit

EPA Victoria Environment Protection Authority Victoria

GWIP Galvanised Wrought Iron Pipe

RW Recycled Water (Class A)

VBA Victorian Building Authority

Westernport Water Westernport Region Water Authority

6  Westernport Water
Relevant Documents, Standards, Acts and Codes
–– AS 1851: 2005 Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment
–– AS 3565 Meters for Water Supply
–– AS/NZS 3500.1 – Water Services
–– Backflow Prevention Standards AS/NZS 2845
–– Essential Services Commission – Water Industry New Customer Contributions – Guideline
–– Fire System Design Standards – AS 2419, 2441, 2118.1-6
–– Land Development Policies and Pricing Manual
–– Melbourne Retail Water Agencies Edition (MRWA) of the Water Supply Code of Australia
–– National Measurement Act 1960
–– National Measurements Regulations 1999
–– Plumbing Code of Australia
–– Plumbing Regulations 2008 or subsequent versions
–– Residential/Home Fire Sprinkler Services designed under the AS 2118.4 or AS 2118.5
–– Water (Estimation, Supply and Sewerage) Regulations 2014
–– Water Act 1989 (VIC)
–– Westernport Water’s Customer Charter
–– Westernport Water’s Customer Contract

  Land Development Manual  7

1. Introduction standardised to assist industry/customers. Water metering
guidelines refer to standard development projects and apply
1.1 Water Metering and Servicing Guide to the majority of development proposals. Where these
policies are inappropriate for a particular development,
This document contains Westernport Water’s guidelines for Westernport Water will determine the necessary
the connection to, and management of, all meter installation requirements on a case-by-case basis.
requirements to Westernport Water’s assets and applies to
drinking water and non-drinking water services and trade These guidelines are to be read in conjunction with
waste connections. Westernport Water’s Conditions of Connection in accordance
with Section 145 of the Water Act 1989 (VIC) and the Water
The Water Metering and Servicing Guidelines provide (Estimation, Supply and Sewerage) Regulations 2014.
consistency across the Westernport Water service area.
1.5 Development Agreement, Fees and Charges
The guidelines have been developed to assist developers,
plumbers, designers, builders, plumbing specialists, property To apply for formal conditions and fees applicable for a
owners and Westernport Water staff. Guidelines contained development, the owner/developer or consultant is required
within this document aim to build understanding around to submit a completed Application for Development
water metering and plumbing work(s) at the interface with Agreement as outlined in the Land Development Manual.
Westernport Water’s assets.

1.2 Changes to this policy document 2. Water Service Metering General

Westernport Water may change or replace any part of 2.1 Meter Standards
these Water Metering and Servicing Guidelines at any time.
Westernport Water requires the installation of an approved
The latest version of this document can be obtained from
water meter (known as a main water meter) to measure the
Westernport Water by downloading a copy from our website
volume of water supplied through property service works to
a parcel of land.
Any changes to these Water Metering and Servicing
Water meters will be provided by Westernport Water at the
Guidelines will operate prospectively and not retrospectively.
owner’s cost. The water meter will be appropriate to the type
1.3 Legal and regulatory framework of development, intended purpose and required flow rates.
Westernport Water will maintain and change the meters
Westernport Region Water Corporation (Westernport Water) periodically at no cost to the owner except where owner or
is a statutory authority with water supply and sewerage third party damage has been established.
responsibilities conferred on it by the Water Act 1989 (VIC),
including by Parts 7 - General Powers, 8 - Water Supply and “All meters and products supplied to Westernport Water
14 - Enforcement of the Act. conform to the NMI R49-1, Australian Standard AS/NZS
3565 and AS/NZS 3855, including the “Standards Mark”
Section 160 of the Water Act 1989 (VIC) empowers the and compliant with the requirements of the National
Authority to make by-laws in respect to the management, Measurement Act”.
protection and use of all lands, waterways and works
under its management and control, including penalties and The selection of size and type of water meter will be
enforcement procedures for non-compliances. dependent on the required flow rates nominated by the
applicants and intended use of the development. All water
A person who fails to comply with or do anything required meters used by Westernport Water for billing purposes are
to be done under the Water Act 1989 (VIC), Regulation or to be of an approved type supplied by Westernport Water.
By-Law, is guilty of an offence and risks prosecution by the
Authority. 2.2 Minimum sizing of service pipes supplying
water to developments
1.4 Objectives
Pipe sizing shall be determined by using the “flow rates and
These guidelines document necessary water metering and loading unit table” and “probable instantaneous demand table”
water servicing conditions required by Westernport Water set out in AS/NZ 3500 Section 3 – Sizing of Water Services.
for new developments, alterations to existing developments
and existing water metering arrangements. Illustrations in Note: Pipe size calculations are based on a DN copper
this document should be used as a guide only. service and shall be not less than the sizes stipulated in Table
1 (below) and does not include the hydraulic limitations of the
For detailed technical information refer to the Plumbing water service. Normally this size meter will provide adequate
Code of Australia incorporating AS/NZS 3500 National pressure and flow, unless the plumber can demonstrate by
Plumbing and Drainage Code or Water Services Association using calculations that a larger size is required.
of Australia (WSAA). Where possible, conditions have been

8  Westernport Water
Applications for a property service pipe over 50mm needs 2.4 Custody of Meters
to be assessed by Westernport Water’s Engineering and
Construction Team. 1. Any licensed plumber to whom Westernport Water
supplies a meter for installation upon a particular
Table 1: Recommended service and meter size property, shall be responsible for the safe custody
thereof and if the meter is damaged while in the licensed
Recommended plumber’s custody or is lost or installed on the wrong
Pipe Size (main to property, the licensed plumber responsible shall pay to
Property Type
meter pipe internal Westernport Water the cost of its repair, replacement or
diameter) retrieval and proper installation.

Single House / Factory Unit –– 20mm 2. The occupier or owner of any property upon which
any Westernport Water meter is installed shall be
Dual Occupancy / Factory Unit
2 x 20mm responsible for the safe custody of the meter and if it is
with separate driveway
stolen, damaged or is not readily accessible for reading,
Dual Occupancy / Factory Unit replacement or maintenance purposes the occupier or
with shared driveway owner shall pay to Westernport Water the cost of its
replacement, repair or proper installation.
3 x 20mm or
3 Multi-Units / Factory Units
1 x 25mm 3. On the termination of any metered water service the
licensed plumber responsible for the work shall forthwith
4-5 Multi-Units / Factory Units 32mm
return the meter to Westernport Water, and shall be
40mm. Based on an responsible for the safe custody of the meter and if the
inferential type water meter is lost or damaged while in the licensed plumber’s
6-9 Multi-Units / Factory Units custody the licensed plumber shall pay to Westernport
meter with a nominal
flow of 2.08 L/s. Water the cost of its retrieval replacement or repair.

More than 10 Multi-Units / To be advised by 4. A police report is required for any reported stolen meters.
Factory Units Westernport Water
2.5 Removal or Relocation of Meters
2.3 Water Meter Ownership No person shall remove a meter or alter its position unless
the person has first obtained permission in writing from
Westernport Water retains ownership of all meters and will
Westernport Water to do so.
operate them in accordance with the Water Act 1989 (VIC)
for the purpose of measuring volume usage as described in
2.6 Disconnection of Water services
Section 142 as follows:
Westernport Water requires that a formal application to
1. An Authority may
disconnect from its water assets be filed along with the
a. provide or install, and maintain, a meter on any land to application fee. The plumber will be required to disconnect
measure the amount of water delivered to the land by the the water service by means of cutting off the service pipe
Authority in the exercise of its water supply or delivery at the main ferrule and sealing the ferrule with a brass plug.
functions; and Alternatively the service may be converted to what is termed
a dry tapping arrangement.
b. position the meter on the land, as it considers
appropriate. Where an existing water service is no longer required the
water service must be cut and sealed at the main ferrule and
2. If an Authority believes that a meter on any land the water meter must be returned to Westernport Water
connected to its system is functioning inaccurately, the within five (5) working days.
Authority may compute the quantity of water delivered
to the land in the exercise of its water supply or delivery The removal of the water or fire service from the first sluice
functions during a specific period valve to the property is the property owner’s responsibility.

a. by having regard to the quantity of water delivered to the Where a property has a service connection larger than
land in any previous or subsequent period or periods, or 50mm, which is no longer required, it must be removed.
the quantity of water delivered to any similar property Removal of a large tapping, which is called a “Tee-Removal”,
during the period concerned; or is only to be undertaken by Westernport Water or its
nominated Contractor.
b. in any other way that is prescribed.
All works associated with the “Tee-Removal” will be at the
3. A meter provided or installed by Westernport Water property owner’s cost.
remains the property of Westernport Water.

  Land Development Manual  9

3. Water Service Connections The contractor/licensed plumber must ensure any excavation
for water tapping or water service must comply with current
(Tappings) safety regulations and standards.

3.1 General requirements Loose polyethylene sleeving (Greensleeve) is used to protect

steel mains and fittings against corrosion. The sleeving is
A completed Water Tapping Application must be submitted essential to prolong the life of the reticulation system and
in person or alternatively lodged electronically with care should be taken when exposing the main to protect this
Westernport Water. Applicable fees must be paid and sleeving from damage.
consent issued prior to any works being carried out.
All relocation works shall be at the property owner’s cost.
Generally the maximum length of property service pipe is
30m. If a longer connection is required, an extension of the 3.2 Wet tappings
water reticulation main will be necessary.
The responsible Westernport Water representative performs
Tappings across dual lane roads with median strips are at the tapping of the existing reticulated water main. Plumbers
Westernport Water’s discretion and may require an extension or developer contractors ARE NOT permitted to carry
of the water reticulation main. out this work. However, the plumber is responsible for
Where the existing main does not have the capacity to exposing the water main by means of excavation. Not all
service the proposed development, as determined by water mains/aqueducts are capable of having a property
Westernport Water, the water main will need to be upsized service connection. The selection of water main used for this
prior to any new tappings. purpose is at the discretion of Westernport Water.

A water service tapping shall not be placed under a driveway. Unless previously advised, the licensed plumber should
confirm the tapping/plugging time by telephoning
Any development that has an existing tapping servicing the Westernport Water or its nominated agent on the working
property and where the design of the development impacts day prior to the tapping/plugging.
the tapping or meter location, the tapping shall be relocated
to avoid the main ferrule or service being located under a Excavation must be dug by 8.00am on the day of the
driveway and/or the meter being subject to damage. tapping and for public safety appropriate safety barricading
is required. Failure to provide an excavation as specified,
Prior to the commencement of any works, the contractor/ including the correct meter and service installation, will
licensed plumber is required to obtain the location of all result in a tapping cancellation.
services from Dial Before You Dig (DBYD) by telephoning
1100. The contractor/licensed plumber is required to have the
water main exposed with adequate clearance and free of all
The water service pipe and water meter assembly, including ground water when the tapper arrives. Allow half an hour
isolating valve and appropriate backflow prevention device, each side of the tapping time to allow for any unexpected
must be installed prior to the tapping taking place. All time delays or changes.
pipes and fittings must meet Australian Standards and the
Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. The minimum excavation size required for the tapper to do
the work is specified in Figure 1 (right).
Main to meter property service shall be via Polyethylene
pipes (PE 100 PN12.5) as a minimum as per AZ/NZ3500. If these conditions are not met, the plumber will be required
PE pipe is not part of the water meter assembly. It is the to rectify the problem and to re-book the tapping for the
developer and/or owner’s responsibility to ensure that next available tapping day.
property service pipes be laid having regard to the applicable Some large water meters may take longer to be supplied and
road owner’s requirements. therefore customers should allow a minimum of 10 days lead
The contractor/licensed plumber must be on-site at the time time when arranging the water connection.
of the tapping and take all necessary precautions for safety in Typical wet tapping arrangements are specified in Figure 2
the vicinity of the excavation, including traffic management (on Page 12).
and the protection of pedestrians.

Prior to commencing any works in the vicinity of existing

operational or abandoned water mains, the material type
of the water main must be identified. In the event Asbestos
Cement (AC) water mains are present, precautions as
detailed in the WorkSafe Compliance Code “Removing
asbestos in workplaces” must be followed for the removal
and disposal of the non-friable asbestos material.

10  Westernport Water

Figure 1 – Minimum Size of Excavation for Water Tappings and Pluggings

  Land Development Manual  11

Figure 2 – Drinking Water Wet Tapping

3.3 Dry tappings Drinking Water

(Residential only)
Dry tappings are constructed as a part of the development
by the developer at the time of construction of the new
water main within the residential development.

The location of the dry tapping can be obtained from

Westernport Water.

A connection point is provided within 300mm inside the

property boundary, on the outlet side of the water meter
assembly for the plumber to connect the internal water
service pipe.

A fully completed Water Service Connection Application must

be submitted to Westernport Water with applicable fees paid
and consent issued prior to any works being carried out.

The water meter assembly for 20mm Ø dry tappings must be

installed by a Licensed Plumber at the owner’s expense.

12  Westernport Water

Figure 3 – Drinking Water Dry Tapping

Figure 4 – Non-Drinking Water Dry Tapping (Residential Only)

  Land Development Manual  13

4. Meter – Installation 1. Directly opposite to the connection (tapping) and right
angle to the reticulation water main.
4.1 General 2. Unless otherwise approved in writing, Westernport Water
Only licensed plumbers or persons authorised by requires meters for domestic, commercial developments
Westernport Water shall carry out any works for the and shops to be positioned within the property boundary,
installation of any meter. not inside the building or gated properties, and
accessible and clear of obstruction.
The cost of installing a meter will be the responsibility of
the property owner/developer or the party requesting the 3. The meter assembly shall be located and protected to
installation. avoid damage and vandalism. Meters and pipe work are
not to be imbedded in or under brick fences or pillars or
Plumbers who fail to install meters in accordance to encased in concrete.
Westernport Water’s requirements will be required to rectify
the non-compliance at their own expense. 4. Must be readily accessible for reading, maintenance and
4.2 Meter Assembly setup
5. Subject to Westernport Water approval, can be installed
Meters are to be assembled as required by AS/NZ 3500. in utility rooms or meter cabinets located within common
access areas and must be readily accessible.
Meters must be fully supported with minimum ground
clearance of 150mm, and should not be greater than 300mm 6. Must not be located within garages, roof cavities, ceiling
from the finished ground level to the base of the water meter spaces or inside pits.
Typical residential drinking water and recycled water meter
Where a Reduced Pressure Zone (RPZD) is installed as part location and assembly are shown in Figures 5, 6, and 7
of the meter assembly, a minimum height above the natural (below and right):
ground for the RPZD relief shall be 300mm.
Recycled water meters are to be positioned to the left of
the drinking water meter assembly, maintaining 300mm
4.2.1 Meter Location in General
separation from the drinking water meter.
Unless otherwise approved in writing, Westernport Water
requires water meters to be within the property and accessible,
within two (2) metres of the title boundary that abuts the water
main, minimum 300mm inside from title boundary:

Figure 5 – Drinking Water Only

14  Westernport Water

Figure 6 – Drinking Water and Class A Recycled Water (Dual Pipe Schemes)

Figure 7 - Drinking Water and Class A Recycled Water Meters' Assembly

  Land Development Manual  15

4.2.2 Responsibilities
The following drawings have been created in line with the
Water (Estimation Supply and Sewerage) Regulations 2014
SR No 87-2014 to assist in defining the responsibility of
customers and Westernport Water:

Figure 8 – Main Meter up to 2m Inside Property

Figure 9 – Main Meter Located Greater than 2m Inside Property

16  Westernport Water

Figure 10 – No Main Meter or Main Meter located within a Structure

Figure 11 – No Main Meter or Main Meter located within a Structure (Cross Section – Shop)

  Land Development Manual  17

Figure 12 – Private Fire Service including Drinking Water Service

18  Westernport Water

5. Water Metering and Servicing
5.1 Residential metering and servicing
Water metering and servicing requirements for residential
developments are detailed in this section to assist in
determining the applicable servicing guidelines related to the
proposed development.

5.1.1 Single Dwelling Residential Development

Definition of Single Dwelling

–– House
–– Terrace House/ Town house
–– Strata unit where there is no common land and all units
are to be serviced via separate tappings

A main water meter is mandatory on the drinking water supply

and also on the recycled water supply where available.

Water meters must be installed as per Section 4 of this

document and be readily accessible for reading and


For single dwelling residential developments, a 20mm

diameter tapping is required as per the Section 3 of this
document. Upsizing the property service pipe must be
approved following an assessment based on the required
flow rate.

5.1.2 New Dual Dwelling Residential Development

Where Both Dwellings Have Water Main Frontage

Two (2) dwellings on a residential parcel of land where both

Dwellings have Water Main Frontage.


For each dwelling, a new water meter is required on the

drinking water and also on recycled water supply where
Figure 13 – Typical Dual Occupancy Residential Development where
available as per Section 4 of this document. both Dwellings have Water Main Frontage
Separate 20mm diameter tappings are required to each
dwelling. An existing 20mm tapping may be retained for
one (1) property if approved by Westernport Water.

  Land Development Manual  19

5.1.3 Dual Occupancy Residential Development 5.2.1 Private Granny Flat
Definition Private DPU/Granny Flats are NOT maintained/monitored
by a Relevant Government Authority having potential to be
Two (2) dwellings are on a single residential parcel(s) of land
retained on a permanent basis and occupied by a person(s)
where only one (1) dwelling has water main frontage.
other than a dependant relative. Therefore Westernport
Metering and Servicing - Option 1 Water treats these applications as per dual occupancy
A separate 20mm diameter tapping is required for each
dwelling. The existing 20mm diameter tapping and water New Customer Contribution (NCCs)
meter is to be retained for one (1) dwelling with a new 20mm
Where the proposed development satisfies the definition
tapping and water meter to be provided for the second
of “dwelling” under the provisions of the Planning and
Environment Act 1987, or the applicant requests separate
Metering and Servicing - Option 2 water meters, new customer contributions will apply.

The existing 20mm diameter tapping is to be plugged. A For Westernport Water to consider deferring dual occupancy
new 25mm diameter tapping and 25mm main water meter financial and servicing conditions, a completed Dependant
is required on the drinking water and also on recycled water Relative Accommodation - Declaration Form should be
supply (where applicable) as per Section 4 of this document. submitted with the application requesting Westernport Water
Sub-check meters to be installed to each dwelling, however, consent to connect. An application fee is still applicable.
Westernport Water reads only the main meter and does not
To obtain a copy of the declaration form from Westernport
read sub-check meters on each dwelling.
Water contact the Engineering and Construction Team via
Metering and Servicing - Option 3 email [email protected].

Depending on the main pressure, the existing 20mm 5.2.2 Moveable Residential Units (DHHS “Granny Flats”)
diameter tapping is to be retained and the existing 20mm
diameter meter to be retained in place. Sub-check meters to Provided by DHHS and deemed by Section 15 of the Housing
be installed to each dwelling however, Westernport Water Act 1983 as owned by DHHS, in the occupations or hirer, and
reads only the main meter and does not read sub-check is not a permanent fixture on the property. DHHS approval
meters on each dwelling. letter and approved plan are required to be provided to
Westernport Water.
Note: If the current or future demand for the water supply
affects the performance of the 20mm main water meter, Individual metering of dwelling is optional.
Option 3 will not be acceptable. Westernport Water will Water metering and servicing – Option 1
determine the sizing requirement and permission required
from all property owners. Separate tappings and main meters for each dwelling.
Westernport Water reads both meters and invoices dwellings
5.2 Dependent Persons Units (DPU) / Granny Flat separately. NCCs are payable.
metering and servicing
Water metering and servicing – Option 2
Single tapping or use of existing tapping to service both
Source: Based on the definition of “dwelling” in section 46H dwellings. One (1) main meter and Westernport Water reads
of the Planning and Environment Act (Vic) 1987. the main meter and does not read sub-check meters.

–– Dependent Persons Unit (DPU) is a self-contained Water metering and servicing – Option 3
building erected on the land of the property owner, used
The existing property service and main meter will be retained
or intended to be used as a separate residence from the
to service both properties. All DHHS approved “Granny
main residence. The dwelling must contain a kitchen,
Flats” will come under Option 3.
bathroom and sanitary facilities.
–– The occupier of the dwelling has the right to exclusive Where the probable simultaneous water demand, for the
use, but does not need to have paid or contributed to the private DPU/Granny Flat and existing single residential
purchase price of the dwelling. building exceeds 0.69L/sec, Westernport will request the
existing water service be upsized.
–– Evidence is required that the person(s) residing or
intending to reside in the dwelling is/are a dependant

20  Westernport Water

Figure 14 – Existing Dual Occupancy Developments with a Main Meter Only

Figure 15 – Dependant Persons Unit (DPU/Granny Flats)

  Land Development Manual  21

5.3 Multi-dwelling residential developments 5.3.2 Individually metered multi-dwellings
(greater than two (2) units) - metering and
Depending on the number of units/dwellings, size of the
tapping will be estimated according to Table 1 in Section 2.
These guidelines apply to both drinking and non-drinking
A manifold arrangement is to be provided according to the
water servicing and metering.
typical arrangement as outlined in Figure 17 or 18.
Multi-dwelling residential developments are flats, units,
For each dwelling a separate 20mm diameter main water
apartments on a single title or Owners Corporation.
meter is required on drinking water supply and also on the
recycled water supply (where applicable), to be taken from
5.3.1 Internal water service design plans and
the manifold.
schematic drawings
A common area main meter is to be incorporated into the
A full set of hydraulic and schematic drawings must be
manifold system. Where a common area meter is installed
submitted to Westernport Water for assessment as part of
all common usage for the development is to be serviced
the application process.
through the one (1) common area main meter.
The drawings shall:
On Owners’ Corporation developments which are individually
1. Include a plan showing the design and layout of the metered and have bulk water supplied for hot water purposes,
water service within the development and location of the swimming pools and other common uses, bulk water usage
master and sub-meters for each proposed occupancy. will be determined to be the balance of water supplied
between the sub-check meters and the main water meter.
2. Where the water service provider is required to approve Bulk water usage will be billed to the Owners’ Corporation.
a sub-meter to be installed on common property (eg pool
area, common gardens etc), the plan shall Meters installed off the manifold cannot exceed the size of
the tapping/manifold.
a. show the proposed location of the sub-meter on the
plan; and The developer is responsible for any costs associated with
re-designing the water service locations to be compliant with
b. ensure all communal water fixtures in the common this document.
area are metered.
Westernport Water requires that all individual meters
3. The developer shall not proceed with construction of the including common property meters be positioned within two
internal water service until the hydraulic assessment has (2) meters of the property boundary being directly opposite
been completed and the schematic drawings of sub- to the connection and right angles to the reticulation water
meter locations and any other design requirements have main as per Section 3 of this document.
been approved by Westernport Water.
All water meters must be readily accessible for reading,
maintenance and replacement. Where the water meter is
deemed to be inaccessible for reading, remote meters will be
required to be fitted at the owner’s/developer’s cost.

Figures 16 to 19 show different configurations of tapping and

meter installation (next page).

22  Westernport Water

Figure 16 – Typical Multi-Dwelling Residential Development with Manifold

Figure 17 – Multi-Meter Manifold Installations “T” Arrangements

  Land Development Manual  23

Figure 18 – Multi-Meter Manifold Installations Straight Arrangements

Figure 19 – Multi-Meter Manifold Installations Drinking and Recycled Water Arrangements

24  Westernport Water

5.3.3 Single metered multi-dwellings
A single tapping will be provided to service the total
development. Depending on the number of units/dwellings,
size of the tapping will be estimated according to Table 1 in
Section 2. A main water meter is required on the drinking water
supply and also on the recycled water supply (where applicable)
service for all units/dwellings. Owners may install sub-check
meters for individual units/dwellings. Westernport Water
reads the main meter but does not read the sub-check meters.

With many existing developments (generally constructed

prior to 1997) only a main water meter was provided with the
water usage divided among the owners/occupants of the
individual dwellings. In these cases some customers request
to install individual water meters to allow them to monitor
their own water usage.

Existing dwellings/occupancies are permitted to be

individually metered, however, in the case where one (1)
occupancy owner requires a separate water meter but
cannot reach agreement with the other owners to install
sub-check water meters to all dwellings/occupancies, the
following applies:

–– A letter from the Owners’ Corporation authorising the

installation of the water meter(s). The letter must also Figure 20 – Additional Units or Factories added to Existing
Developments where Existing Unit Owners Do Not Wish to be
state that they are aware that any common water usage
Individually Metered
will be split over the dwellings/occupancies that remain
unmetered; or
–– The signatures of all of the dwelling/occupancy
5.3.5 Secured Sites
owners consenting to the partial water metering of the
development. A letter must state that they are aware that To ensure unfettered access by Westernport Water to a
any common water usage will be split over the dwellings/ secured development with restricted access (eg high rise/
occupancies that remain unmetered; or vertical developments, gated community etc):
–– Meter location will be determined by Westernport Water. 1. Provide a secured location (purpose designed utility
room/compound) for all meters with walk up ground floor
5.3.4 Additional Units or Factories added to Existing access from the street.
2. Ensure that the secured meter room would be in
Where additional units or factories are added to existing a separate common area outside of the secured
developments that are not individually metered; these types occupancies.
of developments will be treated on a case by case basis.
3. Allow meters to be manually read by meter readers with
The existing service can be utilised if the tapping/meter direct walk up access to the meter compound from the
has capacity to service the additional units or factories. street.
Otherwise the service may need to be upsized or a second
tapping provided. 4. Not allow the room/compound to be accessible by
persons other than the building manager, building
If it is not possible nor can an agreement be reached to maintenance staff and water service provider
meter the existing units, then a separate tapping may be
required to service the new units or factories with new
meters. Westernport Water reads the main meter but does
not read sub-check meters.

Consideration is also required that the existing service

complies with the current firefighting standards. Each
development will be treated on a case by case basis.

  Land Development Manual  25

Figure 21 – Meter Cupboard Located in Common Access Area

Figure 22 – High Rise Sub/Check Meter Typical Arrangement

26  Westernport Water

Figure 23 – High Rise Sub/Check Meter Typical Arrangement Option 1
(Drinking/Recycled Water)

Figure 24 – High Rise Sub/Check Meter Typical Arrangement Option 2

(Drinking/Recycled Water)

  Land Development Manual  27

5.4 Non-residential (commercial and industrial) Meters installed off the manifold cannot exceed the size of
water metering and servicing) the tapping/manifold.

Water metering and servicing requirements for non- Water meters must be installed within two (2) metres of the
residential occupancies within Westernport Water’s service property boundary.
area are detailed in this section to assist in determining
Water meters must be readily accessible for reading,
the applicable servicing guidelines related to the proposed
maintenance and replacement. Where the water meter is
development. Parcel of land or development where all of the
deemed to be inaccessible for reading, remote water meters
“occupancies” located on the parcel of land are used for non-
will be required to be fitted.
residential purposes.

All properties not classified as either residential or mixed

developments are non-residential:

–– Factories
–– Hospitals and medical clinics
–– Nursing homes
–– Aged case facilities
–– Warehouses
–– Large shopping complexes
–– Offices
–– Schools
–– Hospitals
–– Sporting facilities
–– Childcare facilities
–– Council buildings
–– Irrigation systems

Metering and Servicing options

A single tapping will be provided to service the total

development with a main water meter on the drinking water
supply and also on the recycled water (where applicable) Figure 25 – Single Occupancy Non-Residential Development

A manifold arrangement is to be provided for the General


Where a Private Fire Service is applicable to the

development, the General Service is to be taken from the
Fire Service, by way of a manifold.

For each dwelling, a main water meter is required on the

drinking water supply and also on the recycled water supply
(where applicable) to be taken from the manifold.

A common area main meter may be incorporated into the

manifold system. Where a common area main meter is
installed all common usage for the development is to be
serviced through the one (1) common area main meter.

28  Westernport Water

Figure 26 – Multiple Occupancy Non-Residential Development with
Single Service Meter

Figure 27 – Typical Multi-Occupancy Non-Residential Development

with a Fire Service and Manifold arrangement General Service

5.5 Mixed Development

Parcel of land of development that has within their title
boundary “dwellings/occupancies” used for both residential
and non-residential purposes.

A single tapping is to be provided to service the total


A main water meter is required on the drinking water and

also on the recycled water (where applicable) supply.

Private fire service will be required.

Westernport Water reads the main meter but does not read
the sub-check meters.

Figure 28– Typical Mixed Development

  Land Development Manual  29

5.6 Properties serviced by extended water All private water supply services must be metered at a point
supply works as close as practicable to the connection to the reticulated
water main. The water meter must be located in a position
A private water supply service external to the property is that prevents damage and provides ease of reading and
installed by the owner’s contractor at owner’s cost where maintenance within a lockable cage fitted over the water
a reticulated water main is not required to be extended to assembly to prevent tempering.
Where multiple properties are to utilise the private water
–– Houses; main, Westernport Water will require a letter nominating
–– Farms; either the owner of the private main or a property owner
responsible to manage payment of the water consumption
–– Factories. through the main water meter.
Private water supply services will only be allowed upon Each individual tapping point off the private service must
application and at Westernport Water’s discretion. be metered. For each property connected, a water meter
is required on the drinking water supply, at the property
Private water services are temporary and may be
disconnected by Westernport Water at its discretion.
A design plan of the proposed private water service is
Private water supply services will only be permitted in cases
required to be submitted to Westernport Water for approval
where Westernport Water determines that a property is
prior to commencement of works. The service is provided
too remote from existing reticulated water infrastructure.
with no guarantee of quality, pressure, flow and continuity of
This will be assessed having regard to potential future
development and the distance from existing infrastructure.
Private water supply services are not intended to be provided
Private water services must be removed from the service
for firefighting purposes.
when a reticulated water supply main is installed in future.
All costs are to be borne by the property owner(s).

Figure 29 – Extended Private Water Supply Remote from Reticulation Supply

30  Westernport Water

6. Relocation of Existing Main If the water meter is moved greater than 600mm, an
isolation valve shall be installed at the change of direction.
Water Meters and Service This valve now becomes the owner’s responsibility
and Westernport Water is only responsible up to the
6.1 Relocation of existing main water meters downstream of the first valve.
Offsets in property services (water main to meter pipe work) The main water meter(s) is to be installed in accordance with
will NOT be permitted Section 6.1:
A completed Plumbing Application must be submitted/ –– The property service pipe and connecting valve is to be
lodged for Westernport Water’s approval prior to any located clear of any driveway crossing. (If not, a plug and
relocation or alteration of meter assembly. re-tap will be required.)
The water meter(s) may be deviated left or right of the –– The water meter(s) must be located within two (2) metres
alignment of the isolation valve on the water main up to a of the title boundary that abuts the water main.
maximum of 600mm. This work is to be completed by a
licensed plumber and all costs associated with the deviation –– Main to water meter* work is to be carried out by owner's
of existing water meter(s) to be borne by the owner/ licensed plumber in accordance with Clause 6.1, at
applicant. Refer to Figures 30 & 31. owner’s cost, where no recycled water is present.

The relocation of the meter assembly* greater than 600mm

will require the service to be plugged and re-tapped at the
water main at the owner’s cost. If an existing water meter is
removed from the assembly for any purpose, its accuracy
may be affected; therefore, it is necessary to replace it with a
new Westernport Water meter at the owner’s cost.

Where relocation of any Class A recycled water (where

applicable) property service pipe is required, it is to be carried
out by Westernport Water. Both (drinking water and Class A
Recycled water) assemblies will be relocated at the owner’s
cost. The assemblies shall remain 300mm apart with the
drinking water meter assembly located to the right hand side of
the recycled water meter assembly, when facing the property.

  Land Development Manual  31

Figure 30 - Deviation of Existing Main General Water Meters (Short Side)

32  Westernport Water

Figure 31 – Deviation of Existing Main General Water Meters (Long Side)

  Land Development Manual  33

6.2 Plug and Re-Tap at the Water Main All excavation works are to be carried out by the owner’s
licensed plumber.
For Relocating Meters greater than 600mm, New
Developments and Redevelopments Any plug-off required is to be carried out at the time the new
tapping is being installed.
An application (with applicable fee) must be lodged with
Westernport Water if an existing drinking water service The main water meter is to be installed in accordance with
tapping is to be plugged and re-tapped. Section 4.

The owner is to engage, at their cost, a licensed plumber If the existing water meter is removed from the assembly for
to do the necessary work, with the exception of an actual any reason, unless agreed, Westernport Water may request
tapping or plugging of the water main, which will be carried the meter to be replaced with a new meter at the owner’s cost.
out by Westernport Water, also at the owner’s cost.

Figure 32 – Plug and Re-tap Typical Arrangement

34  Westernport Water

6.3 Re-Use of Existing Tappings Notes:

New developments and redevelopments –– Aesthetics are not considered a valid reason to locate a
water meter in a pit.
Existing water tapping and existing property service pipes
may be retained where: –– Reduced Pressure Zone devices must not be installed in
–– The existing water service is of approved material and is
in sound condition (not GWIP). 6.5 Protection of Water Meters
–– The new water meter is provided at owner’s expense. In order to provide protection for water meters, Westernport
–– The tapping is sized appropriately for new development Water may require the installation of a water meter cage.
in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.
In such cases the cages must conform to the following
If it can be demonstrated that the development’s water requirements:
supply demand does not impact on the performance of the –– Must have a gate which can be safely and easily opened
water meter, the following applies: by one person. If lockable, it must suit a standard industry
–– Where existing pressures and flows are found to be key (003).
adequate to service the proposed development (to be –– Provide adequate space around the water meter (within
substantiated in writing by a hydraulic consultant or the cage) for maintenance and/or substitution of the
licensed plumber), the existing property service pipe water meter.
and water meter may be retained to service the new
development. –– The property owner is the owner of the cage and is
responsible for the maintenance and safekeeping of the
6.4 Water Meter Pits cage.
–– Cages servicing meters to private property located on
Where conditions in Section 4 “Water Meter Positioning”
council property require the property owner to gain
cannot be met, main and/or sub-check meters may be
appropriate council approval prior to the installation of
permitted to be installed in a pit, at Westernport Water's
the cage(s).
discretion. However, it must be demonstrated that all listed
options to install the water meter above ground have been –– Safety bollards may be applicable in some cases.
adequately explored to the satisfaction of Westernport Concrete pits in cattle paddocks are currently being
Water. In such cases, the pit must conform to the following used, however, if backflow prevention is required pits
requirements: must not be used as the backflow device needs to be able
to vent.
–– Be constructed of an impervious material and be of a
standard adequate to the location it is to be installed.
6.6 Selection of Water Meters
–– Have a lid which can be safely and easily removed by one
The selection of the size and type of water meter will be
(1) person.
dependent on the required flow rates nominated by the
–– In trafficable areas must provide for a cover adequate to applicant and the intended use of the development. All water
the loads experienced as well as access for reading (ie meters used by Westernport Water for billing purposes are
trap door). to be of an approved type supplied by Westernport Water.
–– Provide adequate space around the water meter (within
the pit) for maintenance and replacement.
–– Where a testable (double-check valve) backflow
prevention device is installed, the pit provides for ease of
maintenance of the device and assembly components.
–– Be drained to prevent the pit retaining water (ie
connected to the stormwater system).
–– The owner of the pit is responsible for maintaining the pit
in good order, conforming to the above requirements at
all times and is also responsible for any applicable costs.
–– A pit located outside the title boundary and/or on council
property requires the property owner to gain appropriate
council approval prior to the installation of the pit.
–– Remote read meters should be considered where pit lids
are utilised.

  Land Development Manual  35

7. Other Related Guidelines 7.2 Trade Waste
The discharge from premises as a result of development
7.1 Containment Backflow Prevention (ground water), trade, industrial, medical, dental and
Westernport Water requires all new connections and re- commercial practise. Premises are required to discharge
developments to have an appropriate backflow prevention trade waste to comply with terms and conditions set out in
device fitted at the outlet of the main water meter Westernport Water’s Trade Waste Agreement.
(Containment Protection) in accordance with plumbing
Flow metering of trade waste effluent is required if requested
regulations incorporating the Plumbing Code of Australia.
by Westernport Water. Water metering is required to monitor
Westernport Water exercise their right under the Water water usage associated with trade waste discharge, in
(Estimation, Supply and Sewerage) Regulations 2014 to accordance with these requirements.
stipulate the minimum required backflow prevention
Trade waste flow meters are owned, maintained and installed
device at the outlet of the main water meter as part of the
by the owner at the request of Westernport Water. It is the
assessment of applications for new, re-developed and/or
responsibility of the owner to ensure that the flow meter
refurbished developments.
–– is installed, operated and maintained in good working
All new fire services require a single check valve testable as
a minimum.
–– continually records the rate of flow of trade waste;
An agreement is required to be executed between
Westernport Water and the property owner at the –– incorporates a totaliser, calibrated to record in kilolitres,
application stage when a testable backflow containment which cannot be reset to zero;
device is installed. –– is capable of activating an automatic sampler;
If the risk category of a non-residential development is –– is calibrated annually by an accredited company.
unknown at the time of application, Westernport Water will
The owner must also give Westernport Water a copy of each
require the installation of a high hazard backflow prevention
calibration certificate, within two (2) weeks of receipt.
For additional information refer to Westernport Water’s Trade
For single residential properties, generally a low hazard dual
Waste Policy at
check valve is required to be installed at the outlet of the
water meter.
7.3 Use of a Data Logger
Data loggers are not permitted to be fitted to Westernport
–– Where rainwater tanks are installed to provide toilet Water meters without prior written consent, which includes
flushing, and it is intended to interconnect the reticulated a list of conditions which must be met. For details please
drinking water supply system, an appropriate containment contact Westernport Water.
backflow prevention device may be required at the outlet
of the main water meter to the property. In such cases, 7.4 Pressure Limiting Valve
as a minimum, the device is to be a WaterMark approved
When the maximum static pressure at any outlet (private
dual check valve. As per AS3500.1:2015 rainwater tanks
fire services excepted) within a building exceeds 500Kpa, a
above ground are a low hazard for toilet flushing Clause
pressure limiting valve may be required at the owner’s cost.
16.4 of the plumbing regulations.
–– If rainwater tanks are buried or partially buried, then a 7.5 Hot Water Meters
testable backflow prevention device may be required.
Westernport Water do not supply water meters for heated
–– Where the installation of an appropriate zone or water or for the individual billing of heated water.
individual hazard backflow prevention device is
necessary in accordance with the provisions of AS/NZS 7.6 General Water Supply – In-line Pumping
3500, Westernport Water will require, as a minimum,
In-line Booster Pumping is not permitted without written
the same level of protection installed as a containment
approval from Westernport Water. A written request for the
backflow prevention device at the outlet of the property
approval of variable speed in-line pumps must be lodged
main water meter.
with Westernport Water, as part of the application for
–– For residential properties within Westernport Water’s conditions of connection, and should include details of the
operating area, a dual check water meter (up to 25mm Ø pump, ie pump make, module, duty points and curves.
diameter) is used.
Note: The maximum pump flow should not result in the
minimum residual pressure allowable of the street main being
exceeded under peak demand conditions.

This must be checked and approved by Westernport Water.

36  Westernport Water

8. Private Fire Service 8.3 Redevelopments/Major Augmentation of
Private Fire Services
To be read in conjunction with typical arrangement/standard
drawings. In cases of redevelopments and/or changes to a private fire
service, eg changes to sprinklers and/or hydrants, the private
8.1 Private Fire Services fire service metering and containment backflow may need
to be upgraded to meet current requirements. This will be at
All private fire services must be metered. Refer to Section 4 the discretion of Westernport Water.
for positioning of private fire services.

The type of meter used is dependent on the type of private 8.4 Recycled Water (where applicable) for
fire service being installed and the applicable design Private Fire Services
standard to each installation. Westernport Water will supply Westernport Water may grant approval for recycled water
the meter(s) at the owner’s cost. to be used for fire fighting purposes subject to availability of
Where the private fire service is greater than 50mm Ø the supply and the type of fire system to be installed.
general service shall be connected off the private fire service Where recycled water/alternative water is intended to be
prior to the private fire service water meter and must be utilised for fire fighting purposes, the appropriate hazard
separately metered. level of containment backflow prevention is to be based on
The metering of hydrant fire services with in-line water meters the degree of risk of containment to the Westernport Water’s
requires prior approval from the applicable fire authority. water supply system.

Fire sprinkler systems may not utilise Class A Recycled water.

8.2 Non-Compliant Installations
Where an installation is found to be non-compliant, it is the
owner’s/applicant’s responsibility to rectify the installation in
accordance with these guidelines and applicable standards
within a nominated timeframe given by Westernport Water.
Failure to do so may result in the disconnection of the
main supply or rectification works will be carried out by
Westernport Water at owner’s/applicant’s cost.

Figure 33 – Private Fire Service including Drinking Water Service

  Land Development Manual  37

8.5 Private Fire Service Metering Guide

Type of Fire System Australian Single or Inline Metering Water

Standard Combination Booster Requirement Saving
Standard Pumps Measures
Fire Hydrant 80mm diameter AS 2419.1 Single No SCDAT No
or larger AS 2419.1 Single Yes Mag meter Yes
Fire Hydrant 80mm diameter AS 2419.1 Single No Mag meter No
or larger and general service
Automatic Fire Sprinkler AS 2118.1 Single No Mag meter No
greater than 50mm diameter AS 2118.1 Single Yes Mag meter Yes
Automatic Fire Sprinkler/ AS 2118.6 Combined No Mag meter No
or larger AS 2118.6 Combined Yes Mag meter Yes
Automatic Fire Sprinkler Designed AS 2118.1 Combined No SCDAT No
under Commercial and Residential
AS 2118.4
Standards, ie carpark under one
standard/units under another
AS 2118.1 Combined Yes Mag meter Yes

AS 2118.4
Automatic Fire Sprinkler up to AS 2118.4 Single No Mechanical No
50mm diameter meter
Automatic Fire Sprinkler greater AS 2118.4 Single No SCDAT No
than 50mm diameter
Automatic Fire Sprinkler up to AS 2118.5 Single No Mechanical No
50mm diameter meter
Automatic Fire Sprinkler, Drenchers AS 2118.2 Single No Mechanical No
up to 50mm diameter meter
Automatic Fire Sprinkler, Drenchers AS 2118.2 Single Yes Mag meter Yes
greater than 80mm diameter
AS 2118.2 Single No SCDAT No
Automatic Fire Sprinkler, Deluge up AS 2118.3 Single No Mechanical No
to 50mm diameter meter
AS 2118.3 Single Yes Mechanical Yes
Automatic Fire Sprinkler, Deluge AS 2118.3 Single No SCDAT No
80mm diameter or
larger AS 2118.3 Single Yes Mag meter Yes

38  Westernport Water

8.6 Fire Service Backflow Prevention 9. Developments With Recycled
Fire services 80mm and larger require as a minimum a Single Water Services (where applicable)
Check Testable Device. For a hydrant/hose reel service, a
Single Check Detector Assembly is required with a by-pass In addition to the tapping and service requirements, in order
meter assembly. to ensure safe delivery of recycled water to the community
Westernport Water will assume responsibility for recycled
Note: The device must be commissioned and retested water plumbing inspections throughout the property
annually. Copies of commissioning details and yearly test development.
results must be forwarded to Westernport Water as a
condition of supply. I. The owner/applicant must ensure that the installation
of the connecting works for recycled water is inspected
8.7 Private Fire Service Pumping in accordance with Westernport Water’s Conditions of
Connection, at the owner’s/applicant’s cost.
The use of in-line pumps to boost supply directly from
the local reticulation system may be permitted, subject to II. Plumbers must install recycled water pipes that comply
approval of Westernport Water. with the plumbing standard [AS3500] and the Victoria
Building Authority (VBA). The Recycled Water Plumbing
A written request for the approval of in-line boosting must be Guide is available via the VBA website.
lodged with Westernport Water, as part of the application for
conditions of connection, and should include details of pump III. All plumbers nominated on an Application to Connect to
curves and the pump design specifications to be used. Recycled Water are required to understand all regulations
pertaining to recycled water.
IV. 100% mandatory inspections of property service pipes
–– The maximum pump flow should not result in the minimum and water meter assembly, up to the last pressurised
allowable residual pressure in the street main being valve, is required as per the Westernport Water Plumbing
exceeded under peak demand conditions. This must be Inspection Guide.
checked and approved by Westernport Water.
V. As a minimum, developments will be inspected at the
–– Variable speed pumps in accordance with AS 2941 are following stages:
preferred, however consideration will be given for the use
of direct drive pump sets. In some cases, consideration Step 1
may also have to be given to installing a break pressure
tank to provide added protection to the Westernport Application to Connect is lodged
Water water supply infrastructure assets.
Following the approval of the application to connect to
recycled water services, Westernport Water will issue (the
8.8 Disconnection of Fire Service Pumping plumber) with a VBA number, and the ‘As Constructed
In addition to the procedure applicable to general water Drawings Template’ along with information including the
service disconnections, an owner who requests the fire Conditions of Connection.
service be disconnected and retain the general service must The specific Conditions of Connection include the conditions
submit a report from a Building Surveyor or Fire Engineer under which we would supply sewer services, drinking water
that the building no longer requires the fire service in and recycled water to a property.
accordance with the Building Regulations. This report is
not required where the site is being redeveloped, as a new It is the plumber’s responsibility to read, understand, and
building occupancy permit will be required. comply with all these conditions.

Fees Step 2
A disconnection/plugging fee and new tapping fee are Installation of the Dual-Pipe
applied for this work.
Inspection Process
Applicable fire service charges remain until the removal of
the fire service connection at the water main, where applied Plumbers are responsible for booking in three (3) inspections
by Westernport Water. Removal of fire service fixtures within at the specified stages with the VBA. The cost of these
the property do not warrant the fire service charge being inspections is included in the tapping fee.
These inspections can be booked through the VBA’s
Note: A plumber must be acting for the owner and not the e-toolbox via:
The three (3) inspections are required to meet EPA and
DHHS requirements and to avoid cross-connections between
the drinking water and recycled water systems.

  Land Development Manual  39

Inspection – Stage 1 (R1) 9.2 Alteration to Internal Class A Recycled Water
Meter to Dwelling
Written approval is required from Westernport Water prior to
The service pipes exposed below ground between meter
the installation of any fittings and/or alteration of pipework.
assembly at or near the property boundary and the house.
A fully completed plumbing application must be submitted
VBA inspection is required during this stage.
to Westernport Water with applicable fees paid and consent
given prior to any works being carried out. Class A Recycled
Inspection – Stage 2 (R2)
water alterations must comply with Westernport Water’s
Rough In Conditions of Connection.

Pipe work to fixtures within the home prior to plaster

installation. A second VBA inspection is required during this 10. Non-Residential Open Spaces
Non residential irrigation systems/council open
Inspection – Stage 3 (R3) spaces drinking water supply/recycled water
Commissioning Irrigation Systems typically found in Council reserves, nature
strips, median strips and school reserves.
Correct commissioning of the recycled water system is
required to verify that no cross-connection between the A water meter is required on irrigation systems not supplied
drinking water and recycled water has taken place. through an existing main meter for the property or where
there is no other connection available.
The commissioning procedure is outlined in the VBA’s
Plumbing Guide. Water meters are to be:

A third VBA inspection is required during this stage, after –– Installed above ground in accordance with Section 4.
which the lock on the recycled water meter will be removed.
–– Protected from damage and have regard to all
Occupational Health and Safety requirements for public
9.1 Recycled water pipes fittings specification
Recycled water pipe lines must comply with the following
–– For nature strips, as close as practicable and adjacent
to the water main connection in accordance with the
–– Piping must meet Australian Standards and be Purple in relevant land owners requirements. It may be necessary
colour. to provide protection for the water meter in accordance
with Section 6.6. This is at Westernport Water’s
–– Separation of services below ground must maintain a discretion.
minimum of 300mm horizontal gap between the drinking
water and recycled water supplies. –– Water meters are to be supplied by Westernport Water at
the owner’s cost.
–– Underground pipes must be covered with a standard
identification tape that is attached every three (3) metres. –– Where the irrigation system installation is not of a
This distinctive tape has ‘Recycled Water – Do Not Drink’ temporary nature, the water service pipes shall not
printed on it. exceed 30 metres in length between the water main and
the water meter. A water main extension will be required
–– Above ground services must be separated by a minimum where this cannot be achieved.
of 100mm, except for a reasonable cross over situation.
–– The licensed plumber* engaged by the owner/applicant
Recycled water hose bib taps must be installed in the front is required to obtain a road opening permit from the
and rear gardens of the property and comply with the relevant authority before commencing any excavation
following specifications: work within a road reserve. The licensed plumber
engaged by the owner/applicant must also comply with
–– 5/8 inch BSB inlet thread ensures no interchange
every traffic management requirement contained in that
between drinking water and recycled water taps.
–– Are Purple in colour.
• Pump Irrigation Systems
–– Have a removable tap handle to prevent inappropriate
use. The use of in-line pumps may be permitted subject to:

–– Prohibition sign that states “Recycled Water – Do Not oo Installation of soft start pumps;
Drink”. oo Installation of variable speed pumps; and
–– Taps and Signs should be fixed to a 90mm x 90mm H4 oo Installation of a low pressure cut-out.
treated pine post.

40  Westernport Water

A dole valve or orifice plate may be required to be installed –– The locking device is only to be removed by either
in accordance with the maximum flow rate approved by Westernport Water, or its authorised agent for the
Westernport Water and is required to be tagged and sealed purpose of conducting the commissioning “Water Check”
by Westernport Water to prevent tampering or adjustment. of internal Class A recycled water plumbing. Penalties
apply for the unauthorised removal of the locking device.
–– Storage Tanks
–– A purple Class A recycled water 5/8" inlet thread tap
The use of Storage Tanks may be permitted subject to
having a removable handle and sign reading "Recycled
approval from Westernport Water.
Water. Do Not Drink" must be installed to service any rear
oo Containment Backflow Prevention external area of each allotment.

oo For non-residential properties a Testable Double –– A recycled water prohibition sign with the words
Check valve is required as a minimum to be installed “Recycled Water. Do Not Drink” and complying with AS
at the outlet of the boundary water meter. Depending 1319 is to be installed above each recycled water tap
on the hazard rating RPZD may be required. outlet.

oo Additional zone and individual Backflow Prevention –– Any pipe, tap or other fitting used or intended to be used
devices may be required in accordance with the to supply recycled water must be of an approved type
provisions of the Plumbing Code of Australia and colour in accordance with AS/NZS 3500.
incorporating AS/NZS 3500. –– All pipes must never be painted any other colour.
–– The design of the irrigation service is the responsibility of –– Where rainwater is to be used for flushing of toilets via
the applicant. a rainwater tank, backup supply is only to be provided
–– All work must be maintained in accordance with via an automatic change over device connected to
Westernport Water’s Customer Charter. the Class A recycled water supply. Pipework from the
changeover device must default to approved purple pipe.
–– Where applicable Westernport Water will audit the Potable Water can be used with the appropriate backflow
site to check that the recycled water is being used in prevention.
accordance with the EIP.
oo Alteration to Internal Class A Recycled Water Supply
Environmental Requirements oo W
 ritten approval is required from Westernport
–– Development of an Environment Improvement Plan (EIP) Water prior to the installation of any fittings and/or
may be required. alteration of pipework. A fully completed plumbing
application must be submitted to the relevant
–– Customers will need to prepare an EIP in accordance
Westernport Water with applicable fees paid and
with requirements of the current EPA Guidelines for
consent given prior to any works being carried out.
Environmental Management – Use of Reclaimed Water
(2003). oo C
 lass A Recycled water alterations must comply
with Westernport Water’s Conditions of Connection.
–– The Guidelines set out management requirements to
ensure long term sustainable use of recycled water without oo If any existing drinking and/or recycled water
risk to the environment and also human and animal service to the property is to be disconnected, the
health. Westernport Water will provide an EIP template owner/applicant must engage a licensed plumber
and assist the customer in preparing an EIP for their site. to expose the existing property service connection
The EIP must be prepared and submitted to the relevant water main(s) (as the case requires) at the owner's/
Westernport Water for execution, prior to commencing applicant's cost, to allow Westernport Water or
construction of the irrigation system. If the customer fails its contractor to disconnect and plug the existing
to prepare or comply with an EIP, Westernport Water will property service. The licensed plumber engaged by
not permit the flow of recycled water. the owner/applicant must disconnect the relevant
water meter and return it to Westernport Water or
–– The recycled water meter inlet ball valve will be closed
its contractor.
and fitted with a locking device by the Westernport
Water at the time of connection to the property.

  Land Development Manual  41

11. Water Metering in Special Cases Where a single water service is to be provided for multi-unit
developments hosting greater than 25 dwellings or critical
Multi-Occupancy (> 25 lots) Residential and Non- customers, a valving arrangement for two-directional supply
Residential Development (Shut-off Block) shall be provided. The creation of the 10 dwelling multi-unit
development has resulted in a shut-off area with greater
Definition than 25 service connections. Valve “A” is required to create
shut-off areas with less than 25 service connections. Hydrant
The water reticulation network is divided into shut-off areas “B” may be required dependent on Westernport Water or
defined by stop valves that limit the number of property Council requirements.
service interruptions when a water main failure occurs.
Where the multi-unit development services critical
Westernport Water requires that the number of property customers or contains more than 25 service connections, a
services connected in a “shut-off” area shall be no greater dual supply tapping arrangement is required. In this scenario,
than 25. this may be achieved by installing valve “C” and additional
tapping “T2”, instead of valve “A”.
This requirement is applicable to residential developments
and non-residential developments servicing critical

Where new development increases the number of services

connected between existing valves on the water reticulation
network as defined above, additional valves shall be provided
to maintain the number of services connected to no greater
than 25.

Figure 34 – Shut-off Block

42  Westernport Water

12. Main to Meter Installations As a value added service, we will also offer the customer the
option to have the installation and testing of the required
Process backflow device on the drinking water service (containment
As of 1 July 2019, Westernport Water will engage their meter only) during the main to meter connection. This would be at
services contractor to install all main to meter connections an additional cost to the described works above and there
for all sized drinking and recycled water services. This will be an option on the plumbing application for customers
includes: to select this option. The customer may still request their
own plumber to install any required backflow device(s).
–– Installation of the Westernport Water approved meter(s).
For any further enquiries, please contact Westernport Water
–– The installation of the main to meter pipework, where directly.
required, (Westernport Water asset) in the nature
strip/roadway into the property boundary, inclusive of
excavation and reinstatement.
–– Tapping of Westernport Water drinking/recycled water
–– Plugging of a redundant drinking/recycled water service.
Specific details and all applicable costs will be included on
the plumbing application and/or the applicable development
offer. Westernport Water believes this process improvement
will standardise the installation of all related works, as well
as protect plumbers and the community due to the ongoing
changes and requirements associated with:

–– Traffic management laws

–– Working on asbestos mains
–– OHS requirements with excavation works
–– Meeting relevant Australian and WSAA standards
–– Water meter manufacturer installation requirements

  Land Development Manual  43

13. Drawings (Typical Water Services Assembly Arrangements)
General Installation Notes

Water Assembly Dimension and Spatial Requests

1 20 - 25mm General Water Service (Wet Tapping) Low Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

1a 20mm Drinking Water (Dry Tapping) Low Hazard Residential (Installed By Relevant Westernport Water)

1b 20mm Recycled Water Residential (Dry Tapping) Low Hazard Residential (Installed By Relevant Westernport Water)

2 20 - 25mm General Water Service Medium Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

3 20 - 25mm General Water Service High Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

4 32 - 50 mm General Water Service Low Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

5 32 - 50 mm General Water Service Medium/High Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

6 80mm + General Water Service Low Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

7 80mm+ General Water Service Medium/High Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

8 25 – 50mm Hose Reel/Sprinkler and General Service

9 80mm + Fire Hydrant/Hose Reel with Single Check Detector Assembly Testable

10 80mm+ Fire Hydrant/Hose Reel with Double Check Detector Assembly Testable

11 80mm+ Fire and General Service Combined Residential/Commercial/Industrial

12 80mm+ Fire Sprinkler and Hydrant Service Meter Configuration

12a 80mm+ Fire Sprinkler and Hydrant Service Single Detector Assembly (Testable) (No Booster Pumps)

12b Interconnected Fire Sprinkler/Hydrant and General Services Same Water Main Connection

13 Booster Connection Around Meter Fire Sprinkler Supply

14 Booster Connection Around Meter Fire Hydrant Supply

15 Interconnected Fire and General Services Single Water Main Supply From Both Directions

15a Interconnection Supply to Feed Hydrant Outlet - Relating to Drawings 15 and 16

16 Interconnected Fire Sprinkler/Hydrant and General Services Different Water Mains Connection

17 Private Fire Service Tapping Configurations

18 Drinking/Recycled Water Tapping Configurations

19 Requirements for Class “A” Recycled Water for use with washing machines

20 Minimum Clearances for Meter Assemblies in Areas of Restricted Space

Note: Testing ferrules cannot be used for a temporary or permanent connection.

44  Westernport Water

Water Assembly Dimension and Spatial Requirements
Water Assembly Dimension and Spatial Requests





Total Length
Meter Size (mm)

Meter Assembly Type

Meter Type

Elbow / Bend Length (mm)

Up Stream Meter Assembly

Length (mm)
Upstream Isolating Valve

Dirt Box Yes/ No

(mm) = 5 x dia of pipe

Down Stream of Meter
Minimum Length of Pipe

meters up to 50mm
dirt box where applicable for
Meter Length (mm) Including

= 3 x dia of pipe
Upstream of Meter (mm)
Minimum Length of Pipe

Testing Ferrule Length (mm)

Valve Length (mm)

Meter Down Stream Isolating

Line Strainer Length (mm)

Device Length (mm)

Typical Backflow Prevention

of Backflow Device
Isolating Valve Down Stream

Length (mm)
Assembly Elbow / Bend
Down Stream Meter
Main General Mechanical Right angle (∟)
Low Hazard (Mech)
ball valve 60mm
N/A N/A 220 inc. couplings N/A N/A N/A N/A 110 N/A 50 440
Main General with ∟ball valve
Testable device
Mech N/A
N/A N/A 220 inc. couplings N/A N/A 84 100 233 84 50 831
84 330 or 414

∟ball valve Only required where

Check Mech N/A
60mm N/A N/A 220 inc. couplings N/A N/A
damage may occur in
N/A N/A N/A 50 with additional
removing meter isolating valve
Mech Dual ∟ball valve 220 inc. couplings connection
Recycled Water
N/A N/A non standard N/A N/A N/A N/A
control within
N/A 50 330
threads to meter meter
Main General ∟ball valve 99 Only required 499 or 613
Low Hazard
Mech N/A
N/A N/A 250 inc. couplings N/A N/A where damage may occur N/A 114 N/A 60 with additional
in removing meter isolating valve

Main General with ∟ball valve

Testable device
Mech N/A
N/A N/A 250 inc. couplings N/A N/A 99 99 233 99 60 816
∟ball valve 99 Only required
Check Mech N/A
N/A N/A 250 inc. couplings N/A N/A where damage may occur N/A N/A N/A 60 484
in removing meter
Main General
Low Hazard
Mech 70 100 Yes N/A 325 N/A 32 N/A N/A 160 100 70 857
Main General with
Testable device
Mech 70 100 Yes N/A 325 N/A 32 100 112 233 100 70 1142

Fire Hosereel &

General Low Hazard
Mech 70 100 Yes N/A 325 N/A 32 N/A N/A 160 100 70 857
100 Only required where 565 or 665
Check Mech 70 100 Yes N/A 325 N/A N/A damage may occur in N/A N/A N/A 70 with additional
removing meter isolating valve
Main General
Low Hazard
Mech 75 125 Yes N/A 350 N/A 32 N/A N/A 312 125 75 1094
Main General with
Testable device
Mech 75 125 Yes N/A 350 N/A 32 125 124 312 125 75 1219

Fire Hosereel
& General
Mech 75 125 Yes N/A 350 N/A 32 N/A N/A 312 125 75
125 Only required where
Check Mech 75 125 Yes N/A 350 N/A N/A damage may occur in N/A N/A N/A 75 750
removing meter
Main General
Low Hazard
Mech 93 152 Yes N/A 523 N/A 32 N/A N/A 367 N/A 93 1260
Main General Testable
Mech 93 152 Yes N/A 523 N/A 32 152 140 367 152 93 1704

Fire Hosereel
& General
Mech 93 152 Yes N/A 523 N/A 32 N/A N/A 367 152 93 1412
152 Only required where 1013 or 1165
Check Mech 93 152 Yes N/A 523 N/A damage may occur in N/A N/A 152 93 with additional
removing meter isolating valve
Main General
Low Hazard
Mech 170 282 258 440 344 280 32 N/A N/A 400 282 170 2658

Main General Testable

Mech 170 282 258 440 344 280 32 282 315 400 282 170 3255
Fire Hosereel
& General
Mech 170 282 258 440 344 280 32 282 N/A 400 282 170 2940
Main General
Low Hazard
Mech 210 305 292 540 318 340 32 305 N/A 535 305 210 3762
Main General
High Hazard
Mech 210 305 292 540 318 340 32 305 370 535 305 210 3762

Fire Hydrant / Mag Meter

Sprinkler (full flow) 210 305 N/A 540 250 340 32 305 N/A 410 SCVT 305 210 3267
Fire Hydrant /
SCDAT 210 305 N/A N/A By-pass only N/A N/A N/A N/A 410 SCDAT 305 210 1440
Fire Hydrant Mag Meter
/ Sprinkler & General (full flow) 210 305 N/A 540 250 340 32 305 N/A 535 305 210 3032
Main General
Low Hazard
Mech 360 403 381 790 300 490 32 N/A 510 685 403 360 4714
Main General
High Hazard
Mech 360 403 381 790 300 490 32 403 510 685 403 360 4311
Fire Hydrant / Mag Meter

Sprinkler (full flow) 360 403 N/A 790 300 490 32 403 N/A 410 SCVT 403 360 3951
Fire Hydrant
Mag Meter
/ Sprinkler
(full flow) 360 403 N/A 790 300 490 32 403 N/A 685 403 360 4226
& General Hazard
Fire Hydrant
/ Sprinkler
SCDAT 360 403 N/A N/A By-pass only N/A N/A N/A N/A 572 SCDAT 403 360 2098
Main General
Low Hazard
Mech 420 403 428 1040 350 640 32 N/A N/A 960 419 420 5112
Main General
High Hazard
Mech 420 419 428 1040 350 640 32 419 600 960 419 420 6147

Fire Hydrant Mag Meter

/ Sprinkler (full flow) 420 419 N/A 1040 350 640 32 419 N/A 673 SCVT 419 420 4832
Fire Hydrant Mag Meter
/ Sprinkler & General (full flow) 420 419 N/A 1040 350 640 32 419 N/A 960 419 420 5119
Fire Hydrant
/ Sprinkler
SCDAT 420 419 N/A N/A By-pass only N/A N/A N/A N/A 673 SCDAT 403 360 2339

  Land Development Manual  45

1. 20 - 25mm General Water Service (Wet Tapping) Low Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

1a. 20mm Drinking Water (Dry Tapping) Low Hazard Residential (Installed by Westernport Water)

46  Westernport Water

1b. 20mm Recycled Water Residential (Dry Tapping) Low Hazard Residential (Installed by Westernport Water)

2. 20 - 25mm General Water Service Medium Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

  Land Development Manual  47

3. 20 -25mm General Water Service High Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

4. 32 – 50 mm General Water Service Low Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

48  Westernport Water

7. 80mm+ General Water Service Medium/High Hazard Residential/Commercial/Industrial

8. 25 – 50mm Hose Reel/Sprinkler and General Service

  Land Development Manual  49

9. 80mm + Fire Hydrant/Hose Reel with Single Check Detector Assembly Testable

10. 80mm+ Fire Hydrant/Hose Reel with Double Check Detector Assembly Testable

50  Westernport Water

11. 80mm+ Fire and General Service Combined Residential/Commercial/Industrial


  Land Development Manual  51

12. 80mm+ Fire Sprinkler and Hydrant Service Meter Configuration

12a. 80mm+ Fire Sprinkler and Hydrant Service Single Detector Assembly (Testable) (No Booster Pumps)

52  Westernport Water

12b. Interconnected Fire Sprinkler/Hydrant and General Services Same Water Main Connection

13. Booster Connection Around Meter Fire Sprinkler Supply

  Land Development Manual  53

14. Booster Connection Around Meter Fire Hydrant Supply

15. Interconnected Fire and General Services Single Water Main Supply From Both Directions

54  Westernport Water

15a. Interconnection Supply to Feed Hydrant Outlet – Relating to Drawings 15 and 16

16. Interconnected Fire Sprinkler/Hydrant and General Services Different Water Mains Connection

  Land Development Manual  55

17. Private Fire Service Tapping Configurations

18. Drinking/Recycled Water Tapping Configurations

56  Westernport Water

20. Minimum Clearances for Meter Assemblies in Areas of Restricted Space

Inspection of on-site plumbing works for recycled water

by Westernport Water is mandatory regardless of whether
recycled water is supplied by Westernport Water reticulated
Class A Recycled Water main(s) or drinking water mains.

  Land Development Manual  57

58  Westernport Water
  Land Development Manual  59

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