Ten Commandments

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OTHER GODS BESIDES ME • is calling down of evil on person, place or thing.
Meaning: Profanity
• This commandment is more than an affirmation • is speaking of God or sacred persons and things
that there is one God. irreverent, s in a fit of temper or in a moment of
Prohibitions: impatience or joking, or out of habit.
Idolatry False Oaths
• is the substitution of someone or something • calls on God to be witness to a lie.
else for God. Perjury
• Power, pleasure, race, & ancestors. • is making “a promise under oath with no
Superstition intention of keeping it, or when after promising
• refers to the deviation of religious feeling and of on oath he does not keep it.
the practices this feeling imposes. Values:
Divination • Respecting God’s name Care in the way we
• is an act of taking recourse to Satan or demons, worship and humility in prayer
conjuring up the dead or other practices falsely • Appreciating the sacredness of God and things
supposed to ‘unveil’ the future. associated with him
• is an act “by which one attempts to tame occult Meaning:
powers, so as to place them at one’s service and • The third commandment marks one day of each
have supernatural power. week as special in the relationship which exists
Tempting God between God and his people.
• consist in putting His goodness and almighty Prohibitions:
power to test by word or deed. • We should avoid unnecessary work that
Simony requires primarily physical, rather than mental
• is understood as “the buying or selling of labor. Such work will hinder your obligation on
spiritual things. Sunday. Only work in which the mind has
Sacrilege greater share or which is done for recreation is
• consist in profaning of treating unworthy of the permitted. Employers who force their
sacraments and other liturgical actions, as well employees to do unnecessary servile work on
as persons, thing or place consecrated to God. Sunday are responsible for the violation of the
Atheism Third Commandment.
• is the rejection or denial of the existence of Values:
God. • Properly worshipping God
Agnosticism • Giving centrality to the day of the Lord, the day
• postulates the existence of a transcendent of Jesus’ resurrection
being which is incapable or revealing itself, and • Appreciation for the fact that we approach God
about with nothing can be said. in community; our salvation is realized with
Graven Images others
• refer to that divine injunction that prohibits 4. HONOR YOUR FATHER AND YOUR MOTHER
every representation or God by the hand. Meaning:
Values: • The focus of this commandment is that we are
• Making God the goal of our life born into society of persons. We cannot
• Refusing to substitute things such as sex, develop as full human persons outside of
money, power or prestige for our true purpose human society, both the smaller society of our
in life own family and the large society of the country
2. YOU SHALL NOT TAKE THE NAME OF THE LORD, or nation to which our family belongs.
YOUR GOD, IN VAIN. Prohibitions:
Meaning: Disrespect
• To give someone a name that is to say • includes all irreverence and stubbornness
something about the person. against lawful authority.
Prohibitions: Unkindness
Blasphemy • is contrary to the love we owe our parents, like:
• uttering against God despising them, curses them, hates them or
• inwardly or outwardly makes them angry.
• words of hatred
Disobedience Death Penalty or Capital Punishment
• is refusing or neglecting to do what is • is the punishment of death for committing.
commanded, or by doing what is forbidden. ➢ Retribution
Neglect to assist our parents in their spiritual and • is the vindication of the victim.
temporal needs ➢ Reform
• inevitably, sending the aged to the home of the • implies the rehabilitation of the criminal.
aged is not morally advisable. ➢ Deterrence
Values: • is discouraging others from committing the
• Parents should reflect God’s love by respecting, same crime
caring for and loving their children Artificial Contraception
• Children respecting their parents and proper • is the voluntary prevention of life by use of
authority through obedience, respect and artificial means in which the generative cells are
courtesy prevented from uniting during the sexual act.
• Family members, bother and sisters as a War
community of love • forbids the international destruction of human
5. YOU SHALL NOT KILL life because of the evils and injustices that
Meaning: accompany all war.
• We are made in the image and likeness of God Artificial Insemination
and loved by God. Everyone has a right to life • is the process in which male spermatozoa are
and to bodily integrity, but society also has a collected and introduce artificial into the female
right to protect itself. genital tract for the purpose of fertilization.
Prohibitions: Test tube Babies or In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Murder • is an assisted reproductive technology (ART) in
• refers to voluntary and unjust killing of a being. which one or more eggs is fertilized outside a
➢ Direct and intentional killing female’s body.
• is gravely sinful. Cloning
➢ Indirect or Unintentional killing • is form of non- sexual or asexual reproduction
• is not morally imputable. in which offspring are genetically identical to
➢ Self-defense each other and to the parent that rise to them.
• refers to actions taken by a person to prevent Scandal
another person from causing harm to one’s self, • is an attitude or behavior that leads others to
one’s property or one’s home. do evil.
Abortion Particular offenses against life:
• is the removal of an embryo or fetus from the • vices of alcohol and drug abuse, and to the less
uterus in order to natural accidental causes end intensive degree, smoking.
a pregnancy. Violations against the human integrity and dignity:
➢ Natural Abortion • kidnapping and hostage taking, terrorism,
• refers to the expulsion of the fetus through torture, amputations, mutilation, sterilization,
➢ Direct or Intentional Abortion subhuman living condition.
• refers to the deliberately induced expulsion of a Anger
living fetus before it has become viable. • is a desire for revenge.
➢ Therapeutic Abortion Hatred
• is the deliberately induced expulsion of a fetus • is a habitual anger, a strong dislike of or ill-will
in order to save the mother from danger of anyone.
death brought on by pregnancy Revenge
➢ Eugenic Abortion • is the desire to inflict unjust punishment on
• is recommended in cases where certain defects someone with injured, from a motive of anger.
are discovered in the developing fetus. Values:
➢ Indirect Abortion • respect for God’s greatest gift, life includes:
• in this case, the removal of the fetus occurs as a ➢ respect for our bodies, avoiding harmful
secondary effect of a legitimate or licit action. substances, getting rest and relaxation
Euthanasia • respect for the “least of these”
• is the practice of ending a life so as to release ➢ the unborn, the old, the sick and dying
an individual from an incurable disease or
intolerable suffering, also called mercy killing”
• is the act of deliberately killing of yourself.
Meaning: • usurping another’s property against the
• Sex between a married person and someone reasonable will of the owner
who is not that person’s wife/husband Robbery
Prohibitions: • an open and forcible taking another person’s
Lust property.
• is a desire for or in ordinate enjoyment of Fraud or cheating
sexual pleasure. • is taking another’s property by means of ticker
Masturbation or deceit.
• is the deliberate stimulation of the genital Usury
organs in order to derive sexual pleasure. • exacting for a loan of money an interest above
Fornication the legal and reasonable rate; the usurer takes
• is carnal union between an unmarried man and advantages of another’s nee fails both in justice
un married woman. and charity
Pornography Willful Damage of Another’s Goods
• consist in removing real or stimulated sexual • such as sabotage, arson, culpable neglect of
acts from the intimacy of the partners, in order employer’s valuable property, and even such
to display them deliberately to third parties. school boy’s pranks as breathing a neighbor’s
Prostitution force or window.
• does injury to the dignity of the person who Graft and corruption
engages in it, reducing person to an instrument • the use dishonest or questionable means for
of sexual pleasure. private gain
• is forcible violation of the sexual intimacy of YOUR NEIGHBORS
another person. Meaning
Homosexuality • "While it is true that the commandment is
• refers to relations between men or between immediately concerned with in a legal case, the
women who experience an exclusive or basic immorality is the subversion of the truth,
predominant sexual attraction toward persons which lying brings real evil on someone. Hence,
of the same sex. it is perfectly acceptable to extend the
Adultery or extramarital sex prohibition to all lying that perpetrates evil and
• refers to "marital infidelity. When two partners, hurts people.
of whom at least one is married to another False witness
party. • is a statement contrary to the truth before a
Divorce court.
• "Claims to break the contract, to which the Perjury
spouses freely consented, to live with each • is a false witness under oath.
other till death. Hypocrisy and dissimulations
Polygamy • are "lies in action, because by these one
• is the practice of marriage to more than one pretends to be other than what he really is.
spouse simultaneously. Rash judgment
Free Union • is "to believe evil of our neighbor without any
• refers to a situation where "a man and woman reasonable grounds for so doing.
refuse to give juridical and public form to a Calumny or Slander
liaison involving sexual intimacy. • is lying to injure the good name of another
Meaning: Detraction
• The unjust taking or with holding from another • is making known, without good reason, the
what rightfully belongs to him, against his will. hidden faults of others.
• One who cooperates willfully in such alt is also Contumely
guilty of sin • is" to speak of a person's known faults to his
• Is a collective term for numerous kinds of sins face; its object is to mock him, or show him
Prohibitions: contempt, and thus, humiliate him.
Stealing refers Backbiting
• to "the unjust taking or withholding from • is to speak of our neighbor's known faults
another what rightfully belongs to him, against behind his back.
his will.
Tale bearing Sex on Phone/Sex on Text
• is telling persons what others have said about • is a type of virtual sex that refers to sexually
them, explicit conservation between two or more
Boasting or bragging persons via telephone.
• offends the truth by inflating our own
importance or good qualities. 10. YOU SHALL NOT COVET ANYTHING BELONGS TO
• also is an offense when it seeks to take away Meaning:
from the goodness of others or from the worth • Deals with the disordered desire of the heart
of their achievements. • covetousness from which stealing and
Flattery and adulation (groveling) exploitation.
• can be sinful if they are used to encourage or Prohibitions:
praise another's wrongdoing. Envy
Lying • is a sorrow or sadness
• the most direct offense against the truth is Covetousness
Jocose • is an excessive desire for material goods.
• when lies is told for the purpose of amusing or Avarice
instructing others; • is an in ordinate attachment to these goods.
Officious Cheating
• when done to avoid some evil or to gain some • is depriving another of his property by crafty
advantage for ourselves of for our neighbor means.
Malicious Plagiarism
• when spoken with the intention of harming • is the unauthorized use or close imitation.
other Gambling
Mental reservation • in itself, it is not a sin, however excessive
• made in circumstances when one is bound in gambling can be mortal sin.
conscience not to tell the entire truth, limits the
sense of the speaker's words to a certain
• "Every idle word that men shall speak; they
shall give account thereof in the day of
judgment. For by thy words thou shalt be
justified, and by thy words thou shalt be
Impure Touching
• is the touching to arouse the sexual passion
outside of proper use of sex.
Petting and Necking
• are always serious sin’s where their purpose is
to arouse passion.
• kissing for the purpose of arousing sexual
passion is a mortal sin.
Indecent Dancing
• arouses sexual while decent is good recreation
and is not sinful.
Indecent Dress /Immodesty
• wearing to indecent dress even is not a mortal
sin at first, it can easily become one.
Sexual Harassment
• is harassment or unwelcome of a sexual nature.

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