WCECS2013 pp341-344 PDF
WCECS2013 pp341-344 PDF
WCECS2013 pp341-344 PDF
OWADAYS general people use bikes. The bikes are
N popular not only in Netherlands, but also in China or
in USA as it is mentioned in [7] and [8]. Moreover the
popularity of electric bicycles rapidly increases in Czech Fig. 1. Testing station concept
Republic [1] (in czech). This article proposes concept of
testing station for electric bicycles [2]. The aim of testing
station is provide the complete test after production. Request
of tested bicycles is the chassis does not be opened during the
test. Battery pack is not part of the E-bike. The main idea is
to fix the E-bike in the testing station, then simulate standard
using and print certification. The E-bike support is active
while pedals are spinning only [5], [6]. The simple solution
is to connect motor, which will rotate pedals and it will
simulate normal operation. The powered wheel is connected
to electronic brake which simulates load. During the test
several quantities are measured. The E-bike testing station
is able to measure pedal motor current, voltage and power.
Similar concept is presented in paper [3], but the novelty
of this solution is in comprehensive testing system, which
allows to estimate a potential maximum load of bicycle’s
propulsive unit. The electronic brake is able to measure,
load, distance, speed etc. Moreover the battery simulator is
connected and it measure input current, voltage and power.
It is possible to calculate total efficiency of the bike. The
Fig. 2. E-bike testing stand
concept is shown in Fig. 1.
1 X
P = u x · ix (1)
N x=0
1 X
P = (Ku ux + Qu ) · (Ki ix + Qi ) (2)
N x=0
where Ku , Qu , Ki , Qi are calibration constants.
Likely the computation capacity should be height. The
direct memory access is used to decrease of computation
power. One hundred samples are measured and then are
processed. The processor should process 100 values in one
millisecond. It should calibrate voltage and power, then Fig. 6. E-bike testing stand electronic
calculate power, detect period, all for three phases and finally
it should calculate total voltage, total current, total power and
send it to the CAN bus. One value should be processed in
less than 1.5 µs. It is clear, the computation power is high. Consider this situation. The E-bike support is maximal and
The processor load reach up to 98 % during measurement. the wheel speed is also maximal. The brake load starts
To summarize the measuring module parameters: increasing slowly. When the brake load reaches the maximum
• Measure three current phases −40 A to 40 A 100 kSPS
E-bike power, the speed drops and as a consequence the
each control unit efficiency also drops. When the efficiency drops,
• Measure three voltage phases −40 V to 40 V 100 kSPS
then maximum power also drops. As a result the speed
each falls rapidly. On the other side is electronic brake. The
• Calculate total 3 phase power
electronic brake load is also dependent on the speed. When
• Calibrate each sample (linear approximation is used)
the speed fall down, the load also fall down. The whole
• Provide DC measurement
system stabilizes on certain state. Unfortunately this state
• Provide AC measurement, trigger on each channel, up
not corresponds to efficiency and maximum power. The
to 125 Hz measurement of the maximum power and efficiency carries
• Galvanic isolated power source and galvanic isolated
out closely to point, when the speed drops.
CAN bus Another issue is transient response, when the load steps
• Fully isolated current channels up. Following graphs was divided into three separated figures
• Voltage channels with common ground because of transparency. Fig. 7 shows efficiency, when the
load step was 5 s. Fig. 8 shows efficiency, when load step
IV. E- BIKE TESTING was 10 s. Fig. 9 shows efficiency, when the load changed
continuously. It is clear, the fluent load change suppress the
This chapter will shortly describe E-bike test procedure. transient response.
One test involves several partial tests. The four basic tests
are presented in this article.
1) Support test
2) Quick stop test
3) Reverse pedals spinning test
4) Load test
The first test should check the whole E-bike functionality.
The pedal motor starts spinning and the support should start.
The second test is quick stop test. The support should switch
off in very short time maximum 280 ms after the pedal
motor stop. After that test the pedal motor starts spinning
in inverse direction. During this test the support should not
start. The last test measure E-bikes total performance. E-bike
is loaded by the brake and maximum power and efficiency
is determined.
One of the issues is how to determine total power and
total efficiency. The E-bike control unit has not constant
Fig. 7. E-bike efficiency test – 5 s
efficiency for different speeds. The E-bike control unit has
highest efficiency when the speed and support is maximal.
[1] Hybrid.cz, “Německo, Nizozemı́, Čı́na - ráj pro elek-
trokola,” 2013, [Accessed on 4th Jun 2013]. [Online].
Available: http://www.hybrid.cz/clanky/nemecko-nizozemi-cina-raj-
[2] Rock Machine, “Powerflex D24 Gent,” 2013, [Accessed on 4th
Jun 2013]. [Online]. Available: http://www.rockmachine.us/en/e-
[3] P. C. Chen, H. S. Chuang, C. C. Hsiao, and S. B. Chang, “The
velocity control with disturbance estimation for the e-bike systems,”
in Proceedings 2011 International Conference on System Science and
Engineering, ICSSE 2011, Macao, China, 2011, pp. 171–176.
[4] C. N. Lee, L. Chan, C. Y. Yang, G. Y. Lee, and C. R. Ciou, “The design
and implementation of the e-bike physiological monitoring prototype
system for cyclists,” in iWEM2011 - IEEE International Workshop on
Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition,
Taipei, Taiwan, 2011, pp. 161–165.
Fig. 9. E-bike efficiency test – fluent [5] G. Rose, “E-bikes and urban transportation: Emerging issues and
unresolved questions,” Transportation, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 81–96, 2012.
[6] L. Yao and C. Wu, “Traffic safety for electric bike riders in china,”
V. C ONCLUSION Transportation Research Record, no. 2314, pp. 49–56, 2012.
[7] J. Dill and G. Rose, “Electric bikes and transportation policy,” Trans-
This article presents E-bike testing station, which is ca- portation Research Record, no. 2314, pp. 1–6, 2012.
pable to provide complete quality check and replace testing [8] W. Wei and E. Benjamin, “120 million E-bikes, the effect on chinese
lifestyle,” in 26th Electric Vehicle Symposium 2012, EVS 2012, vol. 4,
drive. The station is assembled in assembly line and it is 2012, pp. 2890–2908.
used for quality check. One test takes approximately two or [9] National Semiconductor, “NRF24AP2-1CH 1-channel
three minutes and it replaces test drives, which are subjective. ANTTM connectivity IC,” 2013, [Accessed on 4th Jun 2013]. [Online].
Available: http://www.nordicsemi.com/eng/Products/ANT/nRF24AP2-
The E-bike testing station is also able to provide sophisticate 1CH
measurements. In addition, the E-bike testing station includes [10] Manson
, “High current, dual output, switching mode power supply
measurement module, which is able to measure three-phase SPS-9602,” 2013, [Accessed on 5th Jun 2013]. [Online]. Available:
power. The module sample frequency is 100 kHz. Moreover [11] Freescale Semiconductor, “K20 USB MCUs,” 2013,
includes display test, battery test and any other test. E-bike [Accessed on 7th Jun 2013]. [Online]. Available:
testing stand provides complex measuring and testing station http://www.freescale.com/webapp/sps/site/taxonomy.jsp?code=
K20 USB MCU&tid=mKOvp
for quality check and research and development.