Stability Questions

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What is range of stability?

noun Naval Architecture. the angle to the perpendicular through which a vessel may be
heeled without losing the ability to right itself.

What is range of stability?

noun Naval Architecture. the angle to the perpendicular through which a vessel may be
heeled without losing the ability to right itself.

How do you calculate stability of a ship?

The statical stability of ships is checked by comparing the righting-arm curve with the curves
of heeling arms. A heeling arm is calculated by dividing a heeling moment by the ship
displacement force.

What are the IMO stability criteria?

The IMO is currently in the process of developing performance-based criteria for assessing
five dynamic stability failure modes in waves, namely, dead ship condition, excessive
acceleration, pure loss of stability, parametric rolling and surf-riding/broaching.

What is basic ship stability?

Ship stability is an area of naval architecture and ship design that deals with how a ship
behaves at sea, both in still water and in waves, whether intact or damaged. Stability
calculations focus on centers of gravity, centers of buoyancy, the metacenters of vessels,
and on how these interact.

What is the formula of stability?

I L = L 3B and BM L = I L .

What are the 4 types of stability?

Long-Term Stability; Stock Solution Stability; Processed Sample Stability; Auto-sampler


How do you calculate KG stability?

Calculate KG: KG = VMOM/Mass = 20.528/15.59 = 1.317 m above the base line, BL. From the
vessel's mass displacement of 15.59 tonnes the values for the reference draught TKC and the
KM can be found from the table of hydrostatic curves on page 38.

What is GG1 in ship stability?

GG1 = (w x d) / (Final displacement) metres. Shifting Weights. GG2 = (w x d) / (Displacement)

metres. Vertical Weight Shifts. Shifting weight vertically, no matter where onboard it is, will
always cause the ship's center of gravity to move in the same direction as the weight shift.
How do you find GM in stability?

GM - Metacentric Height: This measurement is calculated by subtracting KG from KM (GM =

KM - KG). GM is a measure of the ship's initial stability.

What is KB in ship stability?

Center of Buoyancy (CB):

The vertical distance (along the ship's centerline) between the keel and the centre of
buoyancy is expressed as 'KB'.

How do you calculate the LCB of a ship?

LCB – the longitudinal center of buoyancy = 37.86 m. In this table, LCB is measured from the
aft of the vessel, positive forward. The LCB measurement can be from other locations like
midship or fwd end too. MCTcm = 81.2 MT-m.

What is KM in ship stability?

KM is the distance from the keel to the metacentre. Stable floating objects have a natural
rolling frequency, just like a weight on a spring, where the frequency is increased as the
spring gets stiffer.

What is stability number?

Stability number method

It is the method used to evaluate slope stability for homogeneous soils having cohesion. It is
based on the principle resistance of soil mass against sliding, because of cohesion and
internal friction acting over the failure plane. This failure surface is assumed to be a circular

What is the basis of 1 KG?

kilogram (kg), basic unit of mass in the metric system. A kilogram is very nearly equal (it was
originally intended to be exactly equal) to the mass of 1,000 cubic cm of water

What is GZ in stability?

Stability curves (GZ curves) are used to show graphically the stability levers (GZ) exerted by a
vessel to return itself to a position of equilibrium from the various conditions of heel.

What does MCT 1 cm means?

The MCT 1 cm, or MCTC, is the moment required to change trim by 1 cm, and may be
calculated using the formula: MCT 1 cm = W × GM L 1 00L. where. W = the vessel's
displacement in tonnes GM L = the longitudinal metacentric height in meters L = the vessel's
length in meters.
Why is the initial GM at 57.3 degree?

There- fore, if the value of GM is plotted as an ordinate at 57.3 deg, a line connecting the
plotted point with the origin would be tangent to the statical stability curve at the origin.
This is a convenient check for major error in the initial portion of the righting-arm curve.

What is LCF and LCB?

LCB defined as longitudinal center of buoyancy. LCG defined as Longitudinal center of

gravity. LCF defined as longitudinal center of flotation.

What is GZ in ship stability?

The vessel's centre of gravity (G) has a distinct effect on the righting lever (GZ) and
consequently the ability of a vessel to return to the upright position. The lower the centre of
gravity (G), the bigger is the righting lever (GZ).

How do you calculate GM in stability?

GM - Metacentric Height: This measurement is calculated by subtracting KG from KM (GM =

KM - KG). GM is a measure of the ship's initial stability.

What is M in ship stability?

A stable vessel when upright is said to have a positive metacentric height (GM), i.e. when the
metacentre (M) is found to be above the centre of gravity (G). This is usually referred to as
having a positive GM or a positive initial stability.

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