Repaso 2do
Repaso 2do
Repaso 2do
1. Complete the sentences with some or any. 22. There is not very __________________ dancing going on at the party.
1. I'd like ...some... ice cream. 23. __________________ people in the city ride a bike to work because you are
2. Here are.................letters for you. simply faster.
3. Are there .............students in the classroom? 24. London has __________________ beautiful buildings.
4. There's ..............strawberry shake for you.
5. You must pencils. 3. Put in the correct indefinite pronoun (somebody / something / somewhere /
6. I took...............nice photographs of your house. anybody / anything / anywhere / nobody / nothing / nowhere / everybody /
7. Are there ................eggs in the fridge? everything / everywhere).
8. I'm sorry, we haven't got................postcards at the moment. 1. She wants to live ________________ by the sea (in a certain place).
9. She always throws ..................coins into the beggar’s hat. 2. She put ________________ in the box, all the things that she had.
10. Aren’t there..................sandwiches left? 3. Does ____________________ have a phone charger? (I don't know if a person has
11. I've seen..................very nice shoes. a charger or not.)
12. Have you read ...................good books lately? 4. We went ________________ this weekend. We stayed at home.
13. There were.....................very nice boys at the party. 5. She didn't bring ________________ to the party.
14. Are there...................magazines in the cupboard? 6. Is there ________________ in the room?
15. Take..................sugar in your tea! 7. A: What's wrong? B: ________________, I'm fine.
8. ________________ lives in that house. It's empty.
2. Fill in: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little, most, a little, little, a few, few. 9. Would you like to go ________________ this weekend? (I don't expect a particular
1. It seems we have had __________________ assignments in English this year. answer.)
2. How __________________ do we have to read this week? 10. ________________ was really friendly, all the managers and even the CEO.
3. __________________ Americans don’t like George Bush 11. ________________ is going really well and so I'm really happy.
4. There aren’t very __________________ books in the library. 12. I know ________________ in this company. It's my first day.
5. I think he drank __________________ wine last night. 13. Did you go ________________ during the summer? (I don't know if you did or not.)
6. I have had __________________ headaches already because of the stress. 14. She doesn't want ________________ to help her.
7. I didn’t use ________________ fertilizer1 last spring, that’s why we had so _________ 15. She loves ________________. She's a really kind person.
weeds. 16. I must have left my keys ________________!
8. It has rained very __________________ this summer, that’s why the grass is so brown. 17. They looked ________________ for the money. They looked in all the places in the
9. __________________ people know as much about computers as Jack does. house.
10. I’m having __________________ trouble passing my driving test. 18. Would you like ________________ to drink? (This is an offer, not a real question.)
11. I do have __________________ friends but not that many. 19. ________________ in the UK has hot weather today. It's cold all over the country.
12. How __________________ juice is left in the bottle? 20. ________________ unusual happened. It was a very ordinary day.
13. John had __________________ money with him so he couldn’t even buy a bus 21. I gave the children ________________ to eat because they were hungry.
ticket. 22. I wish ________________ would clean this mess up!
14. __________________ time and money is spent on education in Great Britain. 23. ________________ came to the door earlier but I don't know who it was.
15. I know __________________ Spanish so I am going to have a problem when I get 24. I'd love to travel ________________ – all over the whole world!
16. __________________ of the children in our block have got roller skates. 4. Choose: this / that / these / those
17. Football is the only subject I know very _____________ of. It doesn’t interest me 1. ______________ is my friend Julie.
that much. 2. Who is ______________? (On the telephone.)
18. __________________ people can live without money. We simply need it. 3. ______________ book (the one I'm holding) is really good.
19. There are __________________ leftovers for you in the refrigerator. 4. ______________'s my brother, over there. 5. What are ______________ (things near
20. Is she already gone? – I’m only __________________ minutes late. you)?
21. There is __________________ doubt that Anne will win the contest. 6. ______________ strawberries are delicious (the bowl is in front of me on the table).
Instituto Minerva
Gabriela Monika Szpak
Repaso para el examen del segundo trimestre en segundo de secundaria
7. ______________ party is really fun. (We're at the party now.) 18. Are these phones (their / theirs)?
8. ______________ show we saw last week was so depressing! 19. These cakes are (our / ours)!
9. (On the telephone) ______________ is (your own name). 20. Are those children (your / yours)?
10. I'm really enjoying ______________ (experience that's happening now).
11. ______________ painting (that we saw yesterday) was really beautiful. 7. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronoun.
12. I really liked ______________ cakes. (I'm talking about the cakes we ate last week.) 1. He fell down the stairs and hurt ___________________.
13. ______________'s a great idea! (the idea you explained to me.) 2. When she sends an important email, she also sends a copy to ________________.
14. David, ______________ is Lukas. 3. The boss told us to give ____________________ a 15-minute break every two hours.
15. Who is ______________ woman by the door? 4. Wow! You made a lot of cookies. Don’t bring them all to the party. Keep some for
16. ______________ are fabulous trousers! (That you're wearing.) ____________________.
17. I really like ______________ chocolates (that I'm eating now). 5. The children drew beautiful pictures. They were proud of ___________________.
18. ______________ people we met last night were really nice. 6. We really enjoyed ____________________ at the party.
19. ______________'s right! (The thing that you said is right) 7. My grandparents are 95 years old. They need help taking care of
20. Could I please try on ______________ t-shirts? (I'm holding the t-shirts). ____________________.
8. I usually listen to other people’s advice, but then I trust ____________________ to
5. Complete the following sentences with both, neither or either. make the right decision.
1 __________ cars are very expensive. 9. You need to be careful with that sharp knife. Don’t cut _________________.
2 __________ of us wanted to go to the restaurant. 10.The bird thinks the reflection in the window is another bird, but it's really looking at
3 Would __________ of you like to come out in the car? ____________________.
4 She's __________ sociable and sensitive. 11.After she got better, she still had to take the antibiotic for three more days. She
5 He plays __________ tennis nor squash. had to remind ____________________ to take it.
6 I haven't seen __________ of those pots for ages. 12.When I was in Washington, I took a picture of ____________________ in front of the
7 __________ of my brothers work in the city. White House.
8 __________ of them want to go bowling. 13.The sign was confusing, so it’s not surprising that you got lost. Don't blame
____________________ for making a wrong turn.
6. Choose the correct word. 14.She’s teaching ____________________ to play the guitar.
1. Is this cup (your / yours)? 15.When the new neighbors moved in, we knocked on their door and introduced
2. The coffee is (my / mine). ____________________.
3. That coat is (my / mine). 16.Sometimes he talks to ____________________ while he works.
4. He lives in (her / hers) house. 17.I was angry at ____________________ for forgetting my friend’s birthday.
5. You might want (your / yours) phone. 18.I don’t know what was wrong with my computer. When I turned it off and then
6. The new car is (their / theirs). turned it back on, it fixed ____________________.
7. She cooked (our / ours) food.
8. Don’t stand on (my / mine) foot!
9. She gave him (her / hers) suitcase.
10. I met (their / theirs) mother.
11. Is this (their / theirs) coffee?
12. Is the flat (her / hers)?
13. The grey scarf is (my / mine).
14. That red bike is (our / ours).
15. We should take (our / ours) coats.
16. That is (my / mine) car.
17. He dropped (my / mine) bag.
Instituto Minerva
Gabriela Monika Szpak