Assignment - Comp Application
Assignment - Comp Application
Assignment - Comp Application
Rowena Samson
Kumar Girish
Group 4: Suggest a detailed employee monitoring plan for the bank and what's the
importance of each of those steps. What factors were considered when detailing out this
plan and why?
1. Purpose: why are they going to monitor emails? Include context and past examples in the
industry where having monitoring systems have supported the resolution of conflicts among
stakeholders. With this information employees will understand the impact of the process
and realize the importance of keeping communications monitored and recorded,
understanding that it is not a personal follow-up but a corporate risk mitigation.
2. Regulatory frame: What are the laws, regulations, and internal policies in place for the
banking and brokerage sector that enforce the company to have a monitoring system in
place? This information will support the compulsory of requirement established by the
government making clear that is not only a company decision but a mandatory rule.
3. Scope: Description of what are going to be the steps of the monitoring process including the
acknowledgment of employees and that they will be screening words and combinations of
words and sentences. With this information, the process will be transparent to employees
and IT department
4. Frequency: Defining if the monitoring will be done for every single email or random, on a
daily basis. This information will expose the level of mitigation of the risk that the company
will be covering
5. Non-compliance: Establishing how to proceed in case any mistake is made during the
process or any conflict is raised. This information will ease the resolution of conflicts, define
the roles and responsibilities of each actor in the process and target the solutions to the
purpose and regulation.
6. Communication plan: Defining the time when the employees will be notified about the
process and their consent is going to be collected. Also defining the frequency for
remainders or updating the acknowledgment. I consider it should be twice a year,
considering regulatory changes or new hires.
7. Approvals and review: Establish the approvals required to publish and execute the plan and
the frequency for reviews and adjustments
Employee monitoring is increasingly popular among businesses of all sizes. It can include
tracking employees' internet usage, phone calls, physical movements, email, and more.
However, it can also have several negative consequences if done incorrectly including
employee disengagement and even legal liabilities. Before implementing anything, it's best
to have an employee monitoring plan which serves two purposes:
Phased Roll-Out
Rather than implementing employee monitoring at one go, start by rolling it out in phases.
This is perfectly normal for large or mid-sized companies, but even if you have over 50
employees, rolling it out in phases would help you understand better. For example,
something like if you might decide to implement a remote employee monitoring system for
your tech team first. Based on the observations and feedback, you can adapt your policy
document and roll it out for other teams.
Add to the Employment Contract
It's essential to have your employees' consent before you begin to monitor them.
Your people might consent to be monitored, but that doesn't mean they'll be fully
comfortable with it. So, you should clearly explain how they will gain from the initiative.
Instead, hold a meeting to explain everything to the employees what they want to know.
When implementing a phased roll-out, mention the pilot team's experiences and the
benefits gained from the monitoring.
It's best to train the people to use the software. Host a webinar and take your colleagues
through the tool. It might be a good idea to record the webinar so that future employees can
check it out as well.
Gather Feedback
It plays a vital role in the success of your employee monitoring system for two reasons: A
simple way to drive the employee monitoring tool's adoption is to involve people in the
decision-making process. Just by listening to their viewpoints, you make them far more
comfortable with being monitored. They begin to trust you a lot more.
2. The people using the tool will give you genuine insights about how to make the system more