RPH - Prelims Notes
RPH - Prelims Notes
RPH - Prelims Notes
2022-2023 1
LESSON 1.1: MEANING AND RELEVANCE 4. the former Leader of Pailah, Jayadewah. To the
OF HISTORY effect that His Honor Namwran, through the
History – a chronological record of significant events. Honorable Scribe
Derived from the Greek word “historia”, meaning 5. was totally cleared of a debt to the amount of I
inquiry or knowledge acquired by investigation. kati and 8 suwama (weight of gold), in the
Study of past events presence of His Honor the Leader of Puliran,
6. Kasumuran; His Honor the Leader of Pailah,
Historiography – refers to how, what, and why namely: Ganasakti; (and) His Honor the Leader
history is written 7. of Binwangan, namely: Bisruta. And (His Honor
Namwran) with his whole family, on orders by the
Methods and practices used in producing
Chief of Dewata,
history. 8. representing the Chief of Mdang, because of his
Development of history as a discipline loyalty as a subject (slave?) of the Chief,
Philosophy or significance of historical writing therefore all the descendants
Theory of history and history of historical writing 9. of His Honor Namwran have been cleared of the
Study of history whole debt that His Honor owed the Chief of
Dewata. This (document) is (issued) in case
History – a chronological record of significant events. 10. there is someone. whosoever, some time in the
future. who will state that the debt is not yet
Derived from the Greek word “historia”, meaning
acquitted of His Honor…
inquiry or knowledge acquired by investigation.
History helps us understand people and societies
Prehistory – period where the information of the past Offers a storehouse of information about how
were recorded in materials other than written people and societies behave.
documents. Offers the only extensive evidential base for the
Artifacts, drawings, paintings, sculptures. contemplation and analysis of how societies
History – information derived from written records of People need to have some sense of how
past experiences. societies function simply to run their own lives.
Derived from the Greek word “historia”, meaning
inquiry or knowledge acquired by investigation. History helps us understand change and how the
society we live in came to be
PREHISTORY OF THE PHILIPPINES The past causes the present, and so is the
Laguna Copperplate Inscription – earliest written Through history we grasp how things change.
document known in the Philippines Through history we begin to comprehend the
First legal document recorded in the Philippines factors that cause change.
Contain the release of the children of Through history we understand what elements
Namwaran, the bearers, from their obligation. of an institution or a society persist despite
822 of the Saka Eara, the month of Waisaka, change.
and the fourth day of waning moon. (Monday,
April 21, 900 AD) History contributes to moral understanding
Found in 1989 at Lumban, Laguna Provides a terrain for moral contemplation
Studying the stories of individuals and situations
1. Hail! in the Saka-year 822; the month of March- in the past test
April; according to the astronomer: the 4th day of
the dark half of the moon; on History provides identity
2. Monday. At that time, Lady Angkatan together Historical data include evidence about how
with her relative, Bukah by name families, groups, institutions and whole
3. the child of His Honor Namwran, was given, as a countries were formed and about how they have
special favor, a document of full acquittal, by the evolved while retaining cohesion.
Chief and Commander of Tundun Histories that tell the national story meant to
drive home an understanding of national values documents, reports, photographs, literature, and
and a commitment to national loyalty. other creative outputs.
Studying History is Essential for Good Citizenship Secondary Sources – based on primary sources
To promote national identity and loyalty through Explains certain events of the past through
a history spiced by vivid stories and lessons in evaluation and interpretation of the records
individual success and morality. created during a historical period.
Most common justification for the place of Researches, textbooks, journals, commentaries,
history in school curricula. biographies, criticism, reviews of literacy, and
Provides data about the emergence of national creative works.
institutions, problems, and values.
Offers evidence about how nations have Tertiary Sources – based from secondary sources
interacted with other societies, providing
international and comparative perspectives. IMPORTANCE OF PRIMARY SOURCES
Helps understand how recent, current, and
prospective changes that affect the lives of Direct contact with the original records and artifacts
citizens invites students to explore the content with active
Encourages habits of mind that are vital for and deeper analysis, and to respond thoughtfully;
responsible public behaviour
Critical thinking is developed as students probe
SKILLS THAT A STUDENT MAY DEVELOP IN the context, purpose, meaning, bias, and
STUDYING HISTORY perspectives in their analysis of the past;
The ability to assess evidence In the interaction with the various sources from the
History builds experience in dealing with and past, a learn-led inquiry is being fostered;
assessing various kinds of evidence.
One kind of evidence helps form the capacity to There is a realization that history is a reflection of
distinguish between the objective and the self- various perspectives of those who interpret the past
serving statements events; and
External Criticism – determine the authenticity of If a number of independent sources contain the
sources by examining the date, locale, creator, same message, the credibility of the message is
analysis, and integrity of the historical source. strongly increased
Materials used in a source must match the time
and place whit it was produced. The tendency of a source is its motivation for providing
some kind of bias. Tendencies should be minimized
or supplemented with opposite motivations.
Internal Criticism – determine the credibility of the
If it can be demonstrated that the witness or source
Studies the content of the source to know its has no direct interest in creating bias then the
truthfulness. credibility of the message is increased.
Content must be reasonable and historically PROCEDURES TO EXAMINE
Rely on a data which is NOT supported by
evidence. If the sources all agree about an event, historians
can consider the event proved;
Code of Kalantiaw – introduced as written by Datu When two sources disagree on a particular point, the
Kalantiaw of Negros in 1943 historian will prefer the source with most
It was found out to be a hoax according to "authority" that is the source created by the expert or
William Henry Scott by the eyewitness;
It was a forgery written by Jose E. Marco in
1913. Eyewitnesses are, in general, to be preferred
especially in circumstances where the ordinary
PRINCIPLES OF SOURCE CRITICISM FOR observer could have accurately reported what
DETERINING RELIABILITY transpired and, more specifically, when they deal with
facts known by most contemporaries;
Human sources may be relics such as a fingerprint; or
narratives such as a statement or a letter. Relics are If two independently created sources agree on a
more credible sources than narratives. matter, the reliability of each is measurably
Any given source may be forged or corrupted.
Strong indications of the originality of the source When two sources disagree and there is no other
increase its reliability. means of evaluation. then historians take the source
which seems to accord best with common sense.
The closer a source is to the event which it purports
to describe, the more one can trust it to give an
accurate historical description of what actually Is the real meaning of the statement different from
happened. its literal meaning?