Chapter 1 To 5

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The Problem and Its Background


The Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand would

focus on the basic concepts of financial management, business

management, corporate operations, and all things that are accounted for.

ABM can also lead you to careers on management and accounting which

could be sales manager, human resources, marketing director, project

officer, bookkeeper, accounting clerk, internal auditor, and a lot more.

ABM is the short term for Accountancy, Business and Management.

ABM strand is under the Academic Track of K-12 Program. This is perfect

for those inclined in Mathematics and to those people who wants to enter

the world of business. The Accountancy, Business and Management

(ABM) strand would focus on the basic concepts of financial management,

business management, corporate operations, and all things that are

accounted for.

Several factors may be considered in selecting school and degree

program like quality of education, the people from the environment,

personal choice, and accessibility from student’s residences. In this

research, we are able to know the different level of confidence of grade 11

students in choosing ABM-related courses. The purpose of this study is to

share knowledge about “The relation of Academic Performance in

Specialized Subjects of Grade 11-ABM Students: Its impact in choosing

ABM-related courses”.

Many researchers can get information in this research, aside from

future researchers, many students can be aware if their level confidence is

enough for them to choose ABM-related courses. They can be aware in

what kind of Level of Confidence should they have for them to survive

and pass all of the ABM-related courses in the school that they will


Performance of students is mostly affected by psychological,

economic, social, personal and environmental factors. Though these

factors strongly influence the performance of the students, but these factors

differ from country to country and person to person. Most of the previous

studies on academic performance of students focused on such issues like

teacher education, class environment, gender difference, teaching style,

family educational background and socioeconomic factor.

Background of the study

As time passes by there are many developments occur in our society.

And these development makes the population nurtured and well practice

that will surely contribute to our country. Implementing K-12 program is

one of these, where its goal is to enhance the ability of the student. This

program is consist of different tracks that will help the student know which

path they will be going through and which is not, if they will pursue
college education. To know what K-12 is, it covers kindergarten and 12

years of basic Education that will provide sufficient time for mastery of

concepts and skill, develop lifelong learners and prepare graduates for

tertiary education. It is also recognized as the standard for students and

professionals globally. Its effect on college is that when they step up on

tertiary education they will have fewer units, the subjects are being take up

in basic education will be removed from the tertiary level of education.

DepEd has always been open in planning and implementation of K-12. It

has been undergone regular consultations to be implement shifting the

perspective, according to Merriam Webster, confidence is “a feeling of

having respect for yourself and your ability”.

Student’s academic performance is merely affected by their self-

confidence. In some performance, activities, extra-curricular and

recitation, self-confidence is always required. It is a skill that must not

only applied in school but also in all aspects of individual’s life.

Understanding of the specialized subjects is a must for ABM students. It

actually helps the students prepared and be familiar to their courses.

Business mathematics, Organization and Management, Fundamentals of

Accounting and Principles of Marketing are those subject crucial for ABM

courses. These specialized subjects will greatly contribute to the students,

giving them prior knowledge about the course they will take in college.

Picking a course one will take is something that is important and it must be

decided carefully. This study aims to know the relation between academic
performance in specialized subjects and the level of their confidence

towards deciding course. Doing this research is important because this is

the way for the learners know if they are already sure and confidents about

the course they will take. Their academic performance is their basis to

know if their skill and capacity is applicable to their decided course.

Statement of the Problem

This research aims to find out the relationship of academic

performance of Grade 11 ABM students to the level of their confidence.

Specific Problems:

1. What are the benefits of the specialized subjects of grade 11 ABM

students to their level of confidence?

2. What is the relation of the academic performance to their specialized

subjects to their level of confidence?

3. What are the contribution of specialized subjects of grade 11 ABM

students to their level of confidence?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the academic performance in

specialized subjects of Grade 11 ABM students and its impact to their

level of confidence in choosing ABM-related courses?

Scope and Limitation:

This research aims to determine the academic performance of Grade 11

ABM Students and the level of their confidence.

Significance of the Study:

This research aims to study the relationship between academic

performances in specialized subjects and the level of confidence in

pursuing ABM-related courses. Many improvements and innovations

happen as time goes. This is along with the implementation of K-12

program which aims to give students a high-quality education. This study

will be beneficial for the following group of people:

To Students. Conducting this study is significant because this

helps them to determine if they are sure to the path they will be going.

This also prevent them to change their course.

To Teachers. This research study will serve as a guide for the

teachers on how they will motivate and teach their students and also help

them to choose the right track.

To Future Researchers. This study will serve as a guide for future

studies involving the academic performance and confidence level of

students in pursuing ABM related courses. Future researchers will provide

facts and relevant information in which they can compare them with.

Research Paradigm

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Academic Performance

(Specialized Subjects) Level of confidence

Business Math 1. Abilities

Organization and 2. Qualities

Management 3. Judgement

Fundamentals of ABM

Principle of Marketing:

Written Works 30%

Performance Task 50%

Exam 20%
Frame 1, shows the basis of the academic performance of Grade 11 ABM

students. With that format we are able to know how much percentage of

the activities we are doing.

While the frame 2 consists of the indicators where we can measure the

level of the confidence of the students.

The relation of the two is that because of the factors stated in leveling the

confidence of the students, they are able to perform well with their classes

or subjects.

Theoretical Framework
This study will use the different kinds of theories that will serve as a foundation in

proving this study.

Every human being have extraordinarypotential to succeed and prosper. We have

been blessed by the Creator with sufficient talent andnatural ability that we can use for

our own future or the benefits of others. The only thingstanding between us and the

incredible life that is possible is our fear . Fear manifests in our lackof confidence. Brian

Tracy (2012, 12).

For Shrauger and Schohn (1995) they define self-confidence as an element of

one’s self-perception,and refers to one’s sense of his/her competence, skills, and

capabilities to deal effectively with a variety of situations.

Elizabeth J Tucker (2015, 17-18) supports the idea and said“Self-confidence is a

belief in your ability to succeed. Lack of self-confidence stops you even trying. Don’t let
lack of self-confidence hold you back. Self-confidence is how you view yourabilities and

will vary from situation to situation”.

Taniesha Burke (2008, 62) added that self-confidence is the strong believe in

one’s own ability to accomplish a goal.

Ucharan Deka wrote in his book  (1993, 29), thatself-concept and studybehaviour

are positively correlated to school achievements. In other words a student with astrong

concept of themselves will have better academic achievements.

According to Chemers et al. (2001), self-confidence in their academic abilities

was not only significantly related to expectations of success, it also positively affected

their academic performance. 

Social comparison theory (Festinger 1954) explains how the way in which we

perceive the abilities of others can in turn affect the perception of our own abilities,

impacting on self-confidence. 

According to Bandura (1986), Self-confidence is considered one of the most

influential motivators and regulators of behavior in people's everyday lives 

Research Hypothesis

There is no significant relation between the academic performance in specialized

subjects of Grade 11 ABM students and its impact to their level of

confidence in choosing ABM-related courses


Review of Related Literature

Academic Performance

It can be estimated for any student by its home environment and

learning skills and also by its academic interaction, study habits, and home

environment. According to our model students can achieve high academic

performance by focus on home environment and learning skills, Academic

achievement or (academic) performance is the extent to which a student,

teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term educational

goals. Cumulative GPA and completion of educational benchmarks such

as secondary school diplomas and bachelor's degrees represent academic


According to Frank Parson’s theory, Trait and Factor theory that

states occupational decision making occurs when people have achieved the

accurate understanding of their individual traits, a knowledge of jobs and

the labor market, rational and objective judgement about the relationship

between their individual traits and the labor market.

Individual trait means the only characteristics that determine a

person's personality. Achieving the accurate understanding of their

individual traits is all about knowing the capacity or specialty of your

skills. When a student knows if his or her skills is suited for the track she
is pursuing for she will not find a hard time to understand her lesson, also

when a student puts their attention and interest they will be able to find it

not boring and they will be motivated to learn of it.

Second one is having a knowledge of jobs and the labor market. If a

student knows the profession or job is under the tract they chose, this tract

will be giving them the information and lesson that they will use and apply

once they already are working. While the labor market is about the

demands that the society is demanding for.

The last and third one is rational and objective judgement about the

relationship between their individual traits and the labor market, this third

achievement is all about proving themselves to their superiors. Because

nowadays when you will be applying to a job the superiors will be

encountering hundred of applicants for a single position. Therefore, it is a

huge competition to the fresh graduates because they will be seeking an

opportunity to be hired. And the basis for hiring is their knowledge and

their confidence.

Level of Confidence

Confidence can be described as a belief in one's self and one's ability

to succeed. Striking a healthy balance between too much and too little

confidence can be challenging. Too much and you can come off as cocky

and stumble into unforeseen obstacles when you overestimate your own

abilities or fail to complete projects on deadline because you

underestimate the time and effort they require. At the same time, having

too little confidence can prevent you from taking risks and seizing

opportunities—in school, at work, in your social life, and beyond.

Projecting just enough confidence helps you gain credibility, make a good

lasting first impression, deal with pressure and meet personal and

professional challenges head on.

We can measure the Level of the confidence of the students

according to their Abilities, Qualties and Judgement.

The first one is Ability, confidence is a measure of one's belief in

one's own abilities and is considered a psychological trait that is related

to, but distinct from, both personality and ability traits." An interrelated

construct is "self-efficacy," which refers to a person's belief in one's

capabilities to learn or perform behaviors.

The second one is Qualities, a distinctive attribute or characteristic

possessed by someone or something. Personal qualities are personal

characteristics of an individual. They are what make up one's personality.

They help a person get along in a new situation.

The third one is Judgement, Judgement, both conscious and

unconscious, is a fundamental part of the human experience. We all do it

around the clock because it’s a necessary function of moving, acting, and

living in a dynamic world. And while we can’t do much about the beliefs

we form without actively contributing, we all have our own systems of

how we evaluate others.

Conceptual Framework:

Shrauger and Schohn (1995), self worth and self confidence are

actually distinctive, as the former refers to worthiness, goodness, or self

acceptance, which is not quite related to the appraisal of an individual’s

capabilities and skills. Self esteem is the word that confounds the other

two, as it encompasses both meanings. Nonetheless, it affects self

confidence because they are positively correlated, where high self esteem

leads to high self confidence. This also links to the affective component,

one of the three main components of self confidence, where more positive

feelings and less anxiety lead to higher self confidence, whereas negative

feelings and more anxiety will lower self confidence.

Chapter 3

Research Methodology

Research Design

Descriptive-survey research method was employed to analyze and

interpret the result of the study. It is

considered appropriate to describe the nature of the phenomenon based on

the perceived condition and status of

some simple observable situations (Costales & Zulueta, 2003).

The survey and descriptive-comparative methods of research were

used to this study. The survey research design was used to gather data such

as the students’ beliefs about their level of intelligence, their perspective

about the challenging lessons, and how they look at their scores in written

exams and worksheets in Fundamentals of Accounting, Business, and

Management. These information were used to classify the students into

two groups, Group A (growth mindset group), and Group B (fixed mindset

group) The descriptive-comparative method was used in finding the

significant difference between the academic performance of the Grade

11 ABM students with growth mindset and fixed mindset in Fundamentals

of Accountancy, Business, and Management.

Population and Sampling

The study involves all Grade 11 ABM students in Laguna State

Polytechnic University (LSPU), the class is composed of 25 students,

group a will be composing of the students with an average grade of 84.99

and below while the group b will be composing of students with an

average of 85 and above. They wanted to know how their academic

performance in specialized subjects is having a relation to the level of their

confidence. They answered the questions that will know how their
academic performance in specialized subjects affect the level of their


Data Gathering Procedure

We made a letter requesting permission to conduct a survey about




COURSES. Upon their approval, the selected 30 students from Grade 11-

ABM of Laguna State Polytechnic University students answered our

questionnaires based on their grades and understandings about



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