TTG Biobanking
TTG Biobanking
TTG Biobanking
Biobanking is an essential tool for ensuring easy availability of high-quality biomaterial collections that
combine essential samples and epidemiological, clinical, and research data for the scientific community.
Specimen collection is an integral part of clinical research. Indeed, every year throughout the world, mil-
lions of biological samples are stored for diagnostics and research, but in many fields the lack of biological
material and models is a major hindrance for ongoing research. A biobank facility provides suitable samples
for large-scale screening studies and database repositories. Software dedicated to biological banks simplify
sample registration and identification, the cataloging of sample properties (type of sample/specimen, asso-
ciated diseases and/or therapeutic protocols, environmental information, etc.), sample tracking, quality
assurance, and specimen availability characterized by well-defined features. Biobank facilities must adopt
good laboratory practices (GLPs) and a stringent quality control system and also comply with ethical
issues, when required.
The creation of a veterinary network can be useful under different aspects: the first one is related to
the importance of animal sciences itself to improve research and strategies in the different branches of the
veterinary area, and the second aspect is related to the possibility of data management harmonization to
improve scientific cooperation.
Key words Biobanking, Biological resources, Quality controls, Cryopreservation, Veterinary medicine
1 Introduction
The word “biobank” is a little over a decade old. It has been used
since 1996 [1] to describe collections of various types of biological
samples. Biobanks have been defined in a variety of different ways
and this has been a major challenge [2]. As reported by Hallmans
and Vaught, a biobank may be defined as the long-term storage of
biological samples for research or clinical purposes [3]. In addition
to storage facilities, a biobank can comprise a complete organization,
including biological samples, data, personnel, policies, and proce-
dures, for handling specimens and performing other services, such
Mónica V. Cunha and João Inácio (eds.), Veterinary Infection Biology: Molecular Diagnostics and High-Throughput Strategies,
Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1247, DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-2004-4_4, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
44 Tina Lombardo et al.
2.1 Sample Census The first step consisted in the inventory of the existing resources
located in all the different facilities, the purpose of their use and
storage, and the amounts of existing aliquots; this approach was
necessary to evaluate the space and equipment required for their
preservation. In particular, the main aspects were to define the qual-
ity standards required and the various biohazard levels, storage con-
ditions, and selection of specific tests to be performed in order to
ensure the identity, purity, and suitability of each specific sample.
The outcome of this investigation has allowed the detection of 17
different types of biological resources equivalent to 42,683 stored
46 Tina Lombardo et al.
2.2 Data Recording In order to ensure the traceability of biological samples, a database
has been developed with different data recordings, each one spe-
cific for a biological resource. All samples are identified by a code
and labeled with a bidimensional bar code. Data regarding all indi-
vidual samples are collected in a software database that allows the
number and position of the sample to be traced. In particular, bar
codes ensure major reduction of errors in all specimen-handling
processes and the possibility of tracking information about manip-
ulation activities according to standard operating procedures
(SOPs), quality control results, and loading and unloading order
Standard operating procedures mean documented procedures
which describe how to perform tests or activities normally not
specified in detail in study plans or test guidelines. The database for
managing a biobank includes a web-based catalog, which lists the
access terms and conditions and the resource characteristics. The
catalog is intended to be used as a reference for scientists seeking
information about biological samples and data suitable for their
2.5 Control, Safety, This is one of the main points that must be monitored and con-
and Security trolled. In fact, it represents a potential risk in the whole storage
of the Storage Area process. Starting from this point of view, monitoring temperature
within mechanical freezers and refrigerators is an important quality
assurance measure in addition to general building safety and secu-
rity to protect against fire, unauthorized entrance, and other usual
hazards. Furthermore, all freezers must be protected by a real-time
temperature monitoring and alarm system. Alarm systems should
be in place to monitor the temperature conditions of mechanical
freezers or, for nitrogen freezers, the liquid nitrogen level (Fig. 1).
Furthermore, a well-designed biobank software system has been
developed to provide the possibility of monitoring the temperature
values with an alarm service. Such temperature logging informa-
tion must be automatically transferred via electronic interface into
the biorepository management system and be linked with the
Biobanking of Biological Samples for Diagnosis and Research 49
Fig. 1 Illustration of the real-time monitoring and alarm system of the IZSLER Veterinary Biobank facility
3.1 Blood Samples The routine use and collection of blood samples for diagnosis has
provided general information on optimal methodologies and
potential pitfalls.
Although procedures for collecting, processing, storing, and
shipping blood components are generally standardized and well
documented, several important factors need to be considered.
An important early decision in blood collection is whether to
collect anticoagulated blood (consisting of plasma, buffy coat, and
red blood cells) or coagulated blood (consisting of serum and red
blood cell clot). Hemolysis of the specimen affects the accuracy of
laboratory tests, particularly chemical and serological tests; there-
fore, it should be prevented by employing careful handling tech-
niques according to optimum needle size, proper handling of the
tubes, and proper pipetting techniques; however, if hemolysis is
observed (pink to red tinge in sample), this information should be
recorded [21]. In fact, hemolyzed samples would not be used for
proteomics analysis, but destroying them may be unnecessary as
any sample is worth saving, unless storage space is constrained.
Annotation of all pertinent information about the samples allows
the identification of potential factors that could influence out-
comes. Serum and plasma specimens are of better quality for analy-
sis if smaller-volume aliquots are initially prepared rather than
larger ones that have to be thawed, handled, and refrozen, perhaps
several times. Indeed, the ability to provide ready-to-use (RTU)
aliquots without additional handling steps facilitates the sharing of
samples and provides multiple replicates handled in an identical
manner. It is also important to consider new or alternative meth-
ods and reagents that may offer longer-term stability or increased
efficiency in the collection and preservation of blood [22, 23].
3.2 Cell Cultures The ability to cryopreserve and successfully recover cell lines has
been critical to the conservation of these biological samples, in
particular the preservation of stem cells and the preparation of
well-characterized cell banks. Indeed, the systematic storage and
establishment of cryopreserved banks of cells for the stem cell
research community is essential to the promotion of standardiza-
tion in stem cell research and its use in clinical applications. Despite
the significant potential for the use of stem cells in research and
therapy, they are challenging to preserve and have been shown to
be unstable after prolonged culture, often resulting in permanent
alterations in their genetic background, which ultimately alters the
phenotype of the culture. The working process related to cell cul-
ture isolation, amplification, control, storage, and shipment should
be carried out in accordance with a quality management system
Biobanking of Biological Samples for Diagnosis and Research 51
3.4 Field The field sera include samples from different animal species, mainly
and Immune Sera farmed, pets, and wildlife animals. The samples are collected by
blood, sent to IZSLER to be tested in accordance with national or
regional control programs or for specific serological tests. All these
samples can be used as positive reference due to the presence of
antibodies toward a specific pathogen, turning them very useful for
retrospective serological surveys and validation of innovative sero-
logical tests. All serum samples collected and stored in the biobank
are tested toward a panel of pathogens with the aim to know the
presence/absence of antibodies.
Different serological techniques can be used and these are
reported in specific sheets. Titers of humoral antibodies of serum
samples are also registered and values are performed at preestab-
lished intervals. The immune sera consist in polyclonal sera obtained
from different animal species (rabbit, goat, mouse, rat, guinea pig)
and toward several bacterial and viral antigens. They have been pro-
duced with antigens mostly purified and have a specificity panel
available at the facility where they have been produced.
52 Tina Lombardo et al.
3.5 Hybridomas The hybridomas that produce monoclonal antibodies are selected
to be used in in-house diagnostic assays. They were generated to
produce monoclonal antibodies against a wide spectrum of viruses,
bacteria, and proteins, mainly of veterinary interest, and immuno-
globulin isotypes of various animal species that were shown to be
strategic tools for both research and diagnostic purposes.
Hybridoma cultures are usually collected for freezing during the
exponential growth phase and then are submitted to a double
series of cloning procedure to assure the stability of the hybridoma
and the clonality of the produced antibody. The monoclonal anti-
bodies expressed by each hybridoma are controlled through a
series of immunological assays aimed at identifying and character-
izing their reactivity profile.
3.7 Prototheca Algae The identification of Prototheca algae (species and eventually sub-
species) is currently carried out through microscopic examination,
growth in specific culture media, and molecular assays (HMR-
PCR, end point PCR, or sequencing).
3.8 Tissue Samples Tissue samples can be stored in different ways, depending on their
intended purpose. Indeed, molecular tools for tissue profiling,
such as real-time PCR and expression microarrays, generally
require collection of fresh frozen tissues as sources of high-quality
RNA. Frozen tissue sections are made from high-quality tissues
immediately snap-frozen in liquid nitrogen after being excised and
identified by a pathologist. Available tissues include normal, dis-
eased, and tumor animal tissues. The tissues excised are immedi-
ately frozen by liquid nitrogen and then stored at −80 °C. Tissue
sections of 5–10 μm in thickness are mounted on positively charged
glass slides. Furthermore, 0.4–0.7 g samples of standard size could
be frozen in blocks into liquid nitrogen for 20–40 min after surgi-
cal excision. Otherwise, tissues could be fixed in 10 % neutral for-
malin for a minimum of 24 h and stored as paraffin blocks of
0.5 × 1 × 1 cm. Formalin fixation and paraffin embedding (FFPE)
Biobanking of Biological Samples for Diagnosis and Research 53
3.9 Viruses and Viral Cell-associated viruses that can be grown in adherent or suspen-
Pathological Materials sion cell cultures or chorioallantoic membranes of embryonated
hen’s eggs can be isolated from several types of samples. The main
principle of isolating viruses is to choose the most suitable cell line
and mechanically lyse infected cells and subsequently carry out sev-
eral amplification passages to increase the titer in order to produce
the master sample and then the working samples. Virus batches are
tested for potential microbiological and viral adventitious contami-
nations; the tests are performed using microbiology, virology,
serology, and molecular biology methods. The primary sources of
potential viral contamination come from infected animal tissues
used to prepare biological reagents and media and during labora-
tory manipulation. Virus detection and identification can be made
by employing several methods, mainly based on serology tests
using monoclonal antibodies and standard and real-time PCR.
These assays amplify specific viral genome sequences known to be
characteristics of a virus with a nucleotide sequence available in
database collections. Extraneous viral contaminations can be veri-
fied through tests based on molecular biology techniques that
allow the detection of viral DNA and RNA of other viruses.
Mycoplasma contamination can be detected using real-time PCR
methods. Bacterial contamination is determined through inocula-
tion of nonselective culture media. In addition, electron microscopy
is available for viral detection and identification using negative
staining methods. Such “catchall” methods (able to detect even
non-suspected/unknown viruses) benefit from “Airfuge” ultra-
centrifugation, increasing the sensitivity of the detection level.
Indeed, immune electron microscopy methods (IEM and IEM
gold) based on the use of hyperimmune sera and/or monoclonal
antibodies may help viral identification and classification.
54 Tina Lombardo et al.
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