RA Piping Works
RA Piping Works
RA Piping Works
Reference No:
Department : Version 20 Pte Ltd RA Leader : Christian Raj lionel Joseph Raj ( WSH Supervisor ) Approved By:
Installation of new piping works at
Process : RA Member 1 : Anbu Selvam Arun ( site supervisor )
Satellite Lab @ Biopolis
Activity Location : Biopolis RA Member 2 : Velu Kothandaraman ( site supervisor ) Signature:
Original Assessment Date : 09/02/2023 RA Member 3 : Name: Thomas Anthony Revision No:
Last Review Date : 09/02/2023 RA Member 4: Designation: Project Manager 00
Next Review Date : 30 /04/2023 RA Member 5 : Date: 09/02/2023
S/N Location Work Activity Remarks
Installation of new DB’s, for High Mast light Fittings
1 and Cable laying works Storage and mobilize of material on site
6 Night works
7 General working environment
8 Potential Emergency situation
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Hazard Identification Risk Evaluation Residual Risk Control
SL Possible Injury/ Ill Action rks
Work Activity Hazard Existing Risk Control S L RL Additional Control S L RL Due Date
No Health person
1 Storage and Body -Material store above 300mm from 3 2 6 -Storage area do proper 3 1 3 Project Immediate
mobilize of injuries/Fingers ground floor barricade Coordinator
material on caught between -Tools/materials not to be stored at -Regular inspection by
site Equipment edge of building/ pit and slope safety personnel. Safety
(Routine) --Bend your knees and get a good Coordinator
grip on the object to be lifted
-To put the object down again, do Site
not bend from the waist. Keep your Supervisor
back straight and bend your
knees, keeping the object close to
your body until it is placed in a
secure position
-Use Hand gloves (Leather) to
carry any material to site
- Material to place dunnage
2 Marking / Line of fire Body injuries -Ensure Supervisor to inspect 4 3 12 Brief All Ra and MOS to 4 2 4 Project Immediate
Drilling / Uneven Floor Pinch point before start work the worker Coordinator
install Duct Use A - ladder -Daily checklist Daily toolbox meeting
support and Incompetent of -Ensure WAH supervisor present Full time supervisor Safety
Duct operators on site Coordinator
accessories -ensure the 2nd worker on the
(Routine) must be lower down Site
-WAH supervisor are to ensure Supervisor
before work commence all
- Wear face shield
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3 Work at height Falling from Fatality -Ensure Supervisor to inspect 5 3 15 Brief All Ra and MOS to 5 1 5 Project
height Body injuries before start work the worker Coordinator
-Daily checklist Daily toolbox meeting
Falling objects -Ensure WAH supervisor present Full time supervisor Safety
on site Coordinator
-ensure the 2nd worker on the -Wear body harness and
must be lower down properly hock up the life Site
-WAH supervisor are to ensure line Supervisor
before work commence all -Ensure the proper
- Wear the proper PPE barricade
-All workers experienced, trained
WAH, competent to carry out work.
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5 Securing Duct Slip from hand, Fall Body injuries - Secure the levelling Meter by tie up a 2 2 2 -Briefing RA & SWP and 2 1 2 Project Immediate
using levelling from height due lanyard on the wrist conduct training for workers Coordinator
meter wet pump - Place all Levelling meter on the pall
(Routine) - Wear Cut resistant gloves Safety
-Check the alignment of the secured Coordinator
FCU using Levelling meter
6 Ducting Dermatitis / Irritation to skin -Ensure to wear appropriate PPE (N95 3 2 6 -Briefing RA & SWP and 3 1 3 Project Immediate
insulation with Inhalation / Mask, Cut resistant gloves) conduct training for workers Coordinator
aluminum foil Ingestion / -Ensure manual cutting tools (Tinsmith -Full Time Supervision
(Routine) scissor) shall be in good condition Safety
-Ensure to wear long sleeve cloth Coordinator
-Ensure SDS to be display at the
storage area Site
-Ensure Briefing to workers SDS and
control measure
- Provide Dip tray for any chemical in
- input exhaust adequate exhaust fan
to extract out the odour
- input standing fan for better
circulation of air as ventilation system.
- area will be cordon off with
watchman on standby and signages
- only authorized personnel will be
allowed into area with appropriate PPE
7 House keeping Tripping & fall. Minor injury. -Remove all unwanted material, tools if 3 2 6 -Conduct toolbox meeting for 3 1 3 Project Immediate
(Routine) not in use. workers Coordinator
-Daily housekeeping to be carried out Safety
after completed of work. Coordinator
-Supervisor to ensure clean and free Site
from debris Supervisor
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8 Maintenance Spoilt/ worn off Safety harness gives 1. Worker to check that PPE is in 4 2 8 4 1 4 Project Immediate
of personal safety harness way causing death good condition before use. Coordinator
protective components to worker 2. Dispose spoilt/worn off PPE.
equipment (hook, shock 3. Worker to exchange worn Safety
(PPE) (Routine) absorber etc.) off/spoilt PPE with a new set. Coordinator
4. Supervisor to check condition of
PPE used by worker before Site
allowing worker to work at height Supervisor
9 General Working alone is Injury may lead to 1. Buddy system in place to ensure 3 2 6 3 1 3 Project Immediate
working hazardous as serious damage due that employee has returned Coordinator
environment anything goes to lack of help in safely.
(Routine) wrong due to right time. 2. Encourage employees to have Safety
unsafe work good relationship with people. Coordinator
environment or 3. Employee has mobile phone to
unsafe act, poor seek help or assistance if Site
health condition necessary. Supervisor
etc. nobody will
notice and
employee will be
in danger.
Violence and Employee may 1. Employee / worker to be 3 2 6 3 1 3
threatening suffer from stress, trained to walk away from
behavior by emotional disorder incidents and to summon help if
Superior, co- necessary.
workers or 2. Employee / worker to report
others incident of abuse etc. to
management and for discussion
and support.
3. Employee have mobile phone to
summon help if necessary.
4. To monitor and maintain
control over workers.
Violence and Employee may 1. Employee / worker to be 3 2 6 3 1 3
threatening suffer from stress, trained to walk away from
behavior by emotional disorder incidents and to summon help if
Superior, co- necessary.
workers or 2. Employee / worker to report
others incident of abuse etc. to
management and for discussion
and support.
3. Employee have mobile phone to
summon help if necessary.
4. To monitor and maintain
control over workers.
Poor Misunderstanding 1. Workers to be trained not to 3 2 6 3 1 3
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communication and argue may lead argue with different national
between to lost temper and during work, to get help from
different national fight, injury same language person to
workers due to communicate with other worker in
language barrier same language.
2. Workers will be taught to report
to his superior for any issue to
Poor Injury due to Slip, 1. To ensure workers carry out 4 2 8 4 1 4
housekeeping trip and fall, cleaning and housekeeping at his
property damage work area frequently.
due to 2. Workers will be encourage to
Fire keep his area clean and tidy.
3. Resources like broom, dustpan,
plastic bags, trolley will be
provided to carry out the
housekeeping and cleaning.
4. PPE (dust mask, hand gloves
etc.) will be provided.
5. No accumulation of rubbish at
6. Skid bin will be provided as and
when necessary to clear the
rubbish and unwanted materials.
Poor lighting at Injury to workers 1. Workers will be briefed not to 4 2 8 4 1 4
workplace work in area of poor lighting.
2. Sufficient lighting will be
3. Workers to report superior if
lack of light at workplace.
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suspicious behavior by co-worker.
6. Manage media properly. Only
authorized person may talk to
Fire; Staff and Injury or fatality of 1. Educate all employees on 5 2 10 5 1 5
worker are not person working at workplace fire prevention and
familiar with workplace, damage safety.
evacuation of property 2. Prepare Fire Emergency Plan
procedure and and communicate the plan to all
responsibilities in employees.
case of fire, hot 3. Comply with PTW system for
work carried out any hot work.
near flammable 4. No flammable material to be
materials, stored in large amount at the
smoking at workplace. Only minimum (daily
workplace, usage) amount can be kept in the
5. Flammable materials to be kept
at open space, should not be kept
in confined space.
6. No smoking is allowed at
7. Fire extinguisher to be provided
at workplace as per plan.
8. Conduct fire drill regularly.
9. Train all employees on proper
use of fire extinguisher.
10. Provide Manual Gong, Manual
Call point (whenever applicable) at
every level.
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be maintain obstruction free at all
4. Regular training to employees
on emergency preparedness.
Adverse weather ill health, injury 1. Any work outside the building 4 2 8 4 1 4
like rain, storm will be stopped during adverse
and flooding weather.
2. Workers will deployed to carry
out work inside the building
during adverse weather (if
applicable). 3. Workers will
be asked to stay in the shelter
during adverse weather.
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5. Emergency preparedness Plan
completed and implemented.
6. Incident management and
investigation process is in place.
7. Stand by emergency tools and
8. Isolate the victim, cordon off
area and do not cover victim.
9. Call emergency services like
995, 999
10. Regular review of existing
control measures.
11. Inspection of work areas by
Project Team to detect any hazard
and rectify the hazard.
12. Regular safety inspection
carried out by WSH personnel to
detect any unsafe act / unsafe
condition /any other non-
compliance and to rectify it
13. Encourage workers to report
unsafe act / unsafe condition and
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2. Evacuate quickly, help others
3. Safe Work Procedure
established on terror attack
Suspicious Parcel Fatality 1. Employee briefing on to report 5 2 10 5 1 5
with Chemical suspicious items to SG Secure
Agent representative
2. Employees Trained in first
3. Formation of in-house security
4. Safe Work Procedure
established on terror attack
Knife Attack Fatality 1. Following principle of Run, Hide 5 2 10 5 1 5
and Tell
2. Conduct first aid on causalities
when safe
3. Prevent unauthorized entry
4. Install CCTV and closely Monitor
CCTV (if applicable).
5. Pre-Identify Safe Hiding place
6. Inform the emergency contact
7. Briefing on employees to cope
with emotional trauma
8. Safe Work Procedure
established on terror attack
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contact number
6. Briefing on employees to cope
with emotional trauma
7. Safe Work Procedure
established on terror attack
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