MAPEH Dynamics LP
MAPEH Dynamics LP
MAPEH Dynamics LP
Before we start our lesson for today, what are the Raise your hand if you want to recite
things we need to consider if we are having an Avoid talking to seatmate
activity? Listen to the teacher
Song lyrics:
What will happen if there’s no music at all? We cannot identify who is the holder of the key.
What can you feel if the music is soft? I can feel sadness
What can you feel if the music is loud? I can feel active and energetic
There is an element of music that refers to the
intensity if sound in a music. What does it called?
B. Interaction
What is a Dynamics?
Dynamics is a musical element that refers to the
different intensities of sounds (loudness or softness)
(The teacher will play the guitar) (The learners will identify the dynamics)
What have you noticed in the sound of the guitar? The sound becomes louder
I will play the guitar once more and you will identify
the dyamics.
(The teacher will pay the guitar) (The learners will identify the sound)
C. Integration
What do you think is the reason why we study the
To help us identify the levels of sound in a music
dynamics in music?
which can help us
To create harmony in music in a way that we know
when will we play loud or soft and to avoid chaos.
For example
You have to clap loud only.
Stomp fff
Clap ff
Snap f
Sing mf
Yell mp
Laugh p
roar pp
chirp ppp
Choose your answer from the box and place it before the number.
f fff ppp mf
pp mp ff p