Naman Anand - GLIM Gurgaon

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Opus “The

in this issue >>>

Operations club”

Naman Anand
Great Lakes Institute of

Sustainable Supply Chain

Benefits to the company >>>
Producing for a safer and better future !!
For companies to fulfill next day
shipment demand with sustainability The focus of supply chain management is on speed, cost, reliability and
requires real- time connection with optimization. A sustainable supply chain is critical for improving the score of
third-party logistics including low-tier ESG (Environmental, Social and governance) of a company to fascinate
suppliers. customers and investors.

A supply chain that fully incorporates It took the introduction of COVID-19

Investor Relations moral behavior and consideration for for most of the organizations to
the environment into a competitive realize how susceptible and out-of-
and fruitful model is said to be date their supply chain processes
Investors are aware of the risk of sustainable. were.
unsustainable busy in the
environment and are most likely to
invest in the business that are Global supply chain managers had
beneficial for both customers and Transparency throughout the whole started reevaluating their strategies,
stakeholders. supply chain is essential where
though, even before the epidemic
sustainability measures must cover
everything from sourcing raw hit.These changes in consumer
materials to last-mile logistics to behavior were crucial. The
product returns and recycling enormous increase in demand for
procedures. next-day shipment is one such
Compliance objectives and
For companies to fulfill next day sustainability benchmarks are The Amazon Effect is what is
shipment demand with becoming increasingly standardized causing this, and it has somewhat of
sustainability requires real- time as firms place a higher and more a paradoxical effect on supply chain
connection with third-party urgent focus on ethical supply chain sustainability.
logistics including low-tier operations.
Sustainability as a guide to
Organizations need to act in entire value chain, from design to end-to-end
supply chain of the product to improve their environmental performance.

In today’s era sustainable has External factors are the

become a holistic term which pressures faced by the

Building Brand
includes green, transparent and organization from outside entities
circular supply chain in the such as government,
sustainable supply chain operation. competitors, consumers.
According to the theory, firms are
These three components can be in constant pressure to Today consumers are aware about the
attained successfully by incorporating implement sustainable supply
environmentally responsible chain to survive in the society. products and prefer the products that are
principles and benchmarks into environmentally friendly and reveals
supply chain management, along The other factor is internal factor
with the willingness to disclose the supply chain transparency. These helps
in which organization follow
information of end-to-end supply sustainable supply chain either the companies to build their reputation in
chain process and producing the for the benefit of business or due the competitive market.
product in a manner that it can be to firm’s environmental
disassembled or reduced into a raw commitments. Companies follow
material form and combined into a sustainable supply chain to
sellable product- to achieve promote their business in the
environmental benefit of recycling. society as there are numerous
benefits of it.
There are factors that influence
companies to implement sustainable
supply chain into their business.
These are classified as internal and
Cost Control
external factors depending on the
nature of the business. Sustainable supply chain helps to reduce
the cost of heavy logistics as products can
disassembled, combined and recycled.
Along with this, energy cost also gets
decreased as companies set target to
reduce and identify the potential area of
Long term sustainability of business >>>
Sustainable supply chain will continue to grow as the
development of circular economy and circular supply
chain strategy which will help the business to sustain for Innovation
longer period.
Working directly with suppliers, and
Sustainability helps in reducing the carbon footprint which is the primary conveying corporate vision and purpose
objective of all the businesses that want to product environmentally friendly are all necessary for enhancing the
products. sustainability supply chain. Suppliers
have a comprehensive understanding of
objectives as a result, becoming useful
partners who are much better positioned
to offer changes to goods, services and
How does it work
Finding An Agent That’s Right For You

In real world ….

Surprisingly, many of the biggest The complexity and vast distribution

businesses in the world rely on the of the numerous links in the supply
same subpar suppliers and raw chain make it difficult to sustain a
chain in its current state.
Database and ERP >>>
materials. The push to increase
sustainability and transparency has
improved on a global scale. It is just not possible to maintain and The most effective sustainability
manage the level of accountability
solutions utilize ERP systems and in-
Yet, it has historically been and real-time visibility required to
meet ambitious sustainability targets memory databases that can handle
challenging to ensure adherence to
ethical and green operational without modern digital tools. Big Data and a variety of intricate
standards in many regions of the procedures. Predictive and advanced
world. The best way for supply chain And the best part about supply chain
analytics, as well as the real-time
managers to address this is through digital transformation is that it
cooperating, exchanging information, doesn't have to take place all at insights made available by these
and emphasizing that sustainability once to be effective. Supply chain contemporary, centralized business
compliance is crucial to conducting activities can be gradually digitalized
systems are essential to the
business. through small steps.
technologies and automated elements

A strategic supply chain AI-based solutions enable the of a sustainable supply chain.
sustainability plan must have well collection and analysis of various,
defined benchmarks, targets, and dissimilar data sets throughout the
rules in order to be successful. supply chain. Synchro modality
Afterwards, they must be discussed and collaborative shipping are two
and approved by all the chain's features that AI can add to the
stakeholders and suppliers. sustainable supply chain that are
particularly potent.
Businesses must spread the good
news when their sustainable supply In order to combine shipments or
chain targets are met, or else they use less resource-intensive
run the risk of losing the significant logistics if time permits, this
reputational gain. Companies entails tracking the status and
associate their brand with location of packages.
innovation and best practices by
sharing their successes.

By combining innovation, creativity, and modern supply chain technologies sustainable

supply chain can be made an integral part of the business. Companies use cloud-based
supply chain execution systems that gather data from equipment sensors and other
Internet of Things (IoT) devices and offer detailed analytics in the data-driven world. With
greater operational insight, firms can identify, put into practice and track sustainable
growth initiatives.

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