Lesson Plan 5 Wood Technology

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Student Name: Ryan Dinneny

ID: G00391688

Subject: WT Topic(s): Nail project

Pupil Year Group: 1st years No. of Pupils: 24
Lesson Number: 5 Length of lesson: 60 minutes
Date: 18/01/23 Time of Lesson: 11:10


This first-year group has just completed their taster course and has picked Wood Technology to keep
on as one of their junior cycle subjects. They have covered some basic work with tools such as
straight cuts with tenon saws, chiseling flat pieces of wood and using sandpaper to sand rough timber
surfaces. The students have carried out this by doing simple finger and halving joints and making a
small iPad stand.

In the class last week, I covered health and safety revision, face side and edge terminology, marking
out correct to the scaled drawing and deciding the correct tools. The students understood everything
in class and worked well during the duration of the lesson.

The students have minimal skills. The skills they know will be from what has been taught in class in
the months from September to December. To date, I have covered multiple skills in tools. The
students have skills in using a tri-square, marking gauge, marking knife, tenon saw, bevel edge chisel
and ruler. The students are showing great progress in class and in their skills.


Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson and why you have selected these KEY*
particular teaching, learning and assessment strategies- a justification for the lesson.

I plan to cover wood properties with the students as it is important that they understand NL
what wood properties mean and the properties wood has.
I feel it is important that the students understand where wood properties come into our
project and why it works the way it does. RL
I want the students to interpret the best way to drill their pieces after we clamp the pieces
in the way the steps tell them to.
It is important that students can use clamps and I want to develop the student’s clamping
skills to a good standard for future projects.

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

1.2 justify the selection of plans, processes and materials for the completion of tasks

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s C
enabled to: Distinguish the different properties of Worksheet Be able to
wood. Visual inspection understand wood

2.4 understand key principles of design and ergonomics

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s C
enabled to: Integrate wood properties into our Visual inspection Be able to adapt to
project. Step by step guide wood properties in
2.2 manage information and thinking to support an iterative design process

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s C
enabled to: Interpret the best way to drill their Questioning Be able to interpret
pieces using the tools in the woodwork room. Wood technology the options for
tools drilling their pieces.

1.4 manage themselves and their resources

Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Success Criteria for Key

At the end of this lesson the students will be Learning LI’s C
enabled to: Develop and experiment clamping Questioning Be able to use
skills for the class task. Wood technology clamps to their
tools intended purpose.




11:10-11:12 The teacher will let the students Students will enter the room and
enter the room and get settled for get seated in their set seats.
the class. L

Note: Each student will enter in a

single file order.

11:12-11:14 The teacher will then take the roll The students will answer the roll. L
to get the class attendance.

11:14-11:18 The teacher will do a recap on the The students will listen in on the CL
previous class going through what recap going through the class
we covered using the class learning previous outcomes.
outcomes from last week.

The teacher will use questioning by

picking out random students and The students will answer questions
asking questions like asked by the teacher.

1. Each student name one safety

precaution in the wood technology

2. What are face side and edge

used for?

3. What are the importance of

scaled drawings?

11:18-11:20 Once the last person answers the CL

question I will move onto the
middle part of the lesson.


11:20-11:30 I will get all students to sit back The students will sit back at their L
down and get ready for the class. seats and prepare for class.

The teacher will hand out the class The students will read the handout
handout on wood properties to do on wood properties.
with our project.
The students will take out their
The teacher will allow the students pieces and tools for the class.
to take out their project pieces and
tools for the class. The students will answer questions
asked by the teacher.
The teacher will then go through
the handout with the students
explaining what wood properties
are and how we are going to be
using them in our project.

11:30-11:40 The teacher will then instruct the The students will finish their L
students on the vast stages that chiseling ensuring their pieces are
they are at due to absentees and to a good standard.
extracurricular activities.
The students will work on their
The teacher will allow the students pieces until the teacher says they
to work on their pieces according are done.
to the stages they are on.
The students who were absent for
The teacher will instruct the parts of the marking will catch up
students on the time left for by taking the marking handout and
finishing the project and how he using the measurements to mark
plans to get the boiling part of the their piece and catch up.
project ready for next week.

The teacher will hand out the

marking sheet to the students from
last week who weren’t in for class
and instruct the students to use it
to help them if they haven’t their
pieces fully marked.

The teacher will visually inspect the

student’s work and help students
who may have fallen behind.

11:40-11:42 The teacher will make sure The students will show the teacher L
everyone’s pieces are to a good their pieces to make sure they are
standard and ready for the next to a good standard.

11:42-11:50 The teacher will let the students The students will work ahead CL
work on their pieces trying to catch catching up on the work they
up to speed. missed out on.

The teacher will instruct the The students will work together
students that are ahead to help the helping the students who are
students who are behind. behind instructing them on the
parts they missed.

11:50-11:51 The teacher will then allow the The students will ask questions O
students to ask questions before about the task being provided.
the teacher gives a demonstration.

11:51-12:00 The teacher will get the students to The students will put away their L
put away their tools and sit down. tools and sit down to observe the
The teacher will put a PowerPoint
on the board to go through the The students will take in the
steps we will be taking for next information from the PowerPoint
week’s class. answering questions if asked by the
The PowerPoint will consist of the
steps we will be taking for soaking
the piece in the boiling water, then
clamping it until it is squeezed The students will take the
down to a good level then drilling homework task for next week’s
the hole in it and re-sinking it in the class.
boiling water.

The teacher will ensure all the

students understand.

The teacher will hand out the

homework task and explain to the
students they have to use the first
handout to fill in the blanks.


12:00-12:03 I will then go back over the class The students will agree or disagree L
learning intentions ensuring all if they now know the learning
intentions were covered in the intentions.

12:03-12:07 We will then do a recap Students will answer the questions O

questioning for the last few if asked.
minutes of class, and I will ask
students questions about the tools
and joints covered today.

12:07-12:10 The students will clean up all tools CL

gathered for the class and leave for
their next class.

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.



Wood properties handout

Step-by-step powerpoint

Homework task

Project pieces (worked on in previous classes)

Woodwork tools (ruler, square, marking gauge, marking knife)

7. Lesson Reflection

Q. What went well in this lesson, and why? (1 para- show depth of reflection)

In this class, I feel classroom management went well. The students were very obliging as they
came into class, and I feel with the content covered in class I managed everyone well and kept
everyone up to speed. Any students who were struggling I made time to help while also keeping
the other students working attentively on their work.

Q. What did not go as well as hoped, in this lesson, and why? (1 para- show depth of reflection)

In this class, I feel group work didn’t go as well as I planned. I asked students to pair up with their
peers at their desks and work together on the step provided by the teacher on the board. I feel
this didn’t go as well because rather than the students helping each other they took the
opportunity to talk which ended up causing a lack of work overall in the group which ended in me
having to gain control of the students and explain how I wasn’t impressed and that it can happen

Q. What might I do to improve this lesson, were I to deliver it again? (1para- show depth of

If I was to deliver this lesson again, I would aim to give a more clear demonstration emphasizing
the importance of tightening their pieces in the vice before they begin to mark it with the marking
gauge as it will only leave an untidy line marked in their piece. I feel this could clear up any issue
involving struggles with the marking gauge.

Q. What did I observe today, in general terms, that I need to follow up on, next class? (e.g.
student engagement, classroom management issues, poor/unwieldy entrance and exit from the
classroom, lighting in the room, visibility of the screen from the back of the room, absenteeism,
SEN challenges, H&S, etc.). Bullet points.
· Student attendance was good.
· Classroom management was good and the students engaged in all activities.
· Entrance was good and students waited to be let in.
· One student forgot his glasses and I noticed and let him sit closer to the board for
demonstration work.

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