CH-4 (S, P, M)
CH-4 (S, P, M)
CH-4 (S, P, M)
Advertising is a set of Marketing Communication activities used for communicating information
about products, services and ideas through various marketing channels or media.
Advertisement are paid marketing tactics to promote product & service.
2. Popularizing a Brand
3. Increasing Demand
4. Increased Profit
6. It acts as salesman
8. It is a driving-force in decision-making
1. Spreading Awareness:- Advertisements aware people about new or existing products and
services in the market that will accomplish their needs or solve their problems. A typical
advertisement will tell you what the service or product is, where it can be bought, for how
much, by whom, why it should be bought so on.
2. Popularizing a Brand:- Think about all the famous manufacturers or brands or products you
recognize, which includes coca-cola or McDonald's. These manufacturers come out of the
group and make their name a brand because they applied the phenomenon of advertising
3. Increasing Demand:- The target Customer of advertisements is typically big, whether you're
advertising in Newspapers, magazines, BillBoards, radio, or television. A well-maid or
delivered advertisement will satisfy the public that they should buy the product or try it at
4. lncreased profit:- Advertisements are displayed too large groups of people at the same time.
this means, even with a low conversion rate, many people will end up buying your products
eventually. if you execute your advertisement well, you will get a good conversion rate and
great sales. increased sales, of course, mean increased profits.
5. Maintains the existing market:- A forward-looking company or a going concern always has
its eyes on future business prospects that it cannot be going to lose a place in the current
position. A company's success is shown not only in creating a market but also in its
maintaining and expansion as per the changing environment.
7. Reduces his burden of job:- • In case the salesman alone is asked to accept the challenge
of selling, it goes very difficult. In the absence of advertising, he is forced to play a double
role. One role is advertising another is selling.
Scope of Advertising
1. Message
2. Media
3. Organization or Advertiser
4. Product
5. Advertising agencies
6. Competitor
8. Activities
1. Message:- Advertising carries a message of the product. The message may be visual or
oral or written. It is designed in a systematic and psychological manner to influence the
prospective customer.
4. Product:- Advertising covers the attributes of the product & services. Product and services
to be sold have its advantage and disadvantage. The advertiser should show the attributes
of the product and avoid the criticism of a similar product of the competitors.