Democracy From The Outside-In? International Organizations and Democratization
Democracy From The Outside-In? International Organizations and Democratization
Democracy From The Outside-In? International Organizations and Democratization
[O]ne of the Þrmest conclusions that emerged . . . was that transitions from
authoritarian rule and immediate prospects for political democracy were
largely to be explained in terms of national forces and calculations. External
actors tended to play an indirect and usually marginal role . . .2
I would like to thank Edward MansÞeld, Donald Sylvan, Tim Frye, Michael Barnett, Leigh Payne,
William Howell, Beth Simmons, and Dan Reiter for their helpful comments. This paper also beneÞted
greatly from seminars at the University of California-San Diego and the Program on International
Politics, Economics and Security of the University of Chicago. In addition, the editors and three
anonymous reviewers at IO provided very insightful feedback.
1. See Huntington 1991; Geddes 1999.
2. Schmitter 1986, 5.
3. See Whitehead 1996a; Pridham, Herring, and Sanford 1994.
4. Pridham 1991a, 21.
(IOs) as an important vehicle for achieving these ends.5 For example, the IO-
democracy link has been an important justiÞcation for the enlargement of organi-
zations such as the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European
Union, the Council of Europe, and even the expansion of the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) into a Western Hemispheric Free Trade Association.
Both in academic and policy circles, this link is an oft-asserted—yet rarely
In the Þeld of international relations, traditional theories of international institu-
tions (for example, neoliberal institutionalism) do not offer much insight into how
or under what circumstances these organizations may promote democracy. Most
theories of international organizations concentrate on international outcomes (such
as interstate conßict and cooperation), and do not provide a basis from which to
draw strong causal linkages between international agents and domestic actors. One
body of international relations scholarship that does provide a basis from which to
consider these “outside-in” linkages, however, is the “second image reversed”
framework, which provides a general rubric for theories that discuss external
inßuences on state formation, structure, and institutions. This tradition, along with
theories of international institutions that open up the “black box” of the state,
provides a strong basis from which to build a theory that explicates how IOs may
inßuence the democratization process.
In addition to the lack of theoretical attention given to the IO-democratization
link, little empirical work investigates the relationship between IOs and democra-
tization. While existing literature is rich in detailed case study, there are no
cross-national empirical studies suggesting the conditions under which this rela-
tionship might hold. This lack of systematic analysis of IOs and democratization is
puzzling given the importance of the question to comparative politics, international
relations, and policymakers.
The article proceeds in four sections. First, I examine the general relationship
between IOs and democratization. Second, I explore three possible causal mecha-
nisms that elucidate the linkages between IOs and democratization. Third, I discuss
the “supply-side” issue concerning which organizations should be expected to be
associated with democratic transitions. Finally, I present a statistical test of the
argument linking membership in regional IOs and democratization.6
5. Christopher 1995.
6. I refer to intergovernmental organizations whose members are mainly geographically proximate as
regional IOs. Although the theoretical side of the argument should apply to IOs generally, I limit my
empirical test of the argument to regional organizations, excluding larger IOs such as the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), the World Bank, and the United Nations (UN). I discuss the justiÞcation for this
in the next section.
International Organizations and Democratization 517
7. On the importance of contextual factors in domestic regime transitions, see Linz and Stepan 1996.
8. Whitehead 1996a.
9. Gourevitch 1978. See also Almond 1989.
10. See Gerschenkron 1962; Kurth 1979.
11. Gasiorowski 1995.
518 International Organization
insulation of a nation-state from outside inßuence, the less political power would be
centralized within the state.12 More recently, William Thompson argued that the
presence of external security threats to states can inhibit and erode moves toward
democracy. Democracy can suffer setbacks during security crises because leaders
will often consolidate their own power to mobilize resources to meet (or make)
external threats.13
Gourevitch emphasizes that, despite these potentially powerful external factors
affecting regime type, “[external pressures] are unlikely to be fully determining
. . . Some leeway of response to pressure is always possible, at least conceptu-
ally.”14 Thus any theory that purports to explain how international factors inßuence
fundamentally domestic decisions must contain some link to the domestic political
process. International forces create constraints and opportunities for democratiza-
tion through both economic and military-security processes. Yet this is only part of
the picture. One must also deÞne how the actors within the state cope with the
presence of these outside inßuences.
Unfortunately, the most well-developed literature on international institutions—
neoliberal institutionalism—largely ignores domestic politics.15 Most neoliberal
institutionalist research has focused on international outcomes, so it is unclear
whether the same causal mechanisms (decreased transaction costs, ameliorating
information asymmetries, etc.) link these institutions with the domestic political
process. Institutional theorists have recently called for more empirical research to
outline “well-delineated causal mechanisms” to explain the impact of international
institutions, especially with reference to domestic politics.16
Other theories of international institutions, however, do discuss domestic politics.
Literature from both new institutionalism and sociological institutionalism provide
starting points for specifying the inßuence of IOs on processes within the nation-
state. Theories within the new institutionalist framework explicitly link IOs (or
international institutions more broadly) to domestic politics through the causal
mechanism of commitment enhancement, due either to problems of time-inconsis-
tent preferences or to limit pressures arising from a pluralist society. Three works
within this framework stand out.
Robert Putnam’s two-level games framework suggests how a domestic actor’s
“win sets” could be constrained by IOs and institutions.17 Similarly, Judith Gold-
stein’s studies linking multilateral trade institutions to hand-tying in domestic
politics are especially important in bridging the international-domestic institution
gap.18 Goldstein’s argument asserts that executives can use these trade institutions
(for example, NAFTA or the World Trade Organization) as a tool to pursue broad
Three potential causal mechanisms can explain the inßuence of IOs on regime
change. First, pressures (both diplomatic and economic) generated from these
organizations can, in combination with internal forces, compel autocratic regimes to
liberalize. Second, IO membership can lead to the acceptance of liberalization by
certain elite groups, as it can lower the risks that these groups face during the
democratization process. This acceptance of liberalization—labeled acquiescence—
can occur in two distinct ways: through a hand-tying process or through the
30. Regional organizations condition membership: rarely do regional IOs condition a speciÞc beneÞt
while allowing full membership. Regional IOs tend to create various levels of membership (observer
status, associate membership, and full membership), each of which carries different obligations and
beneÞts. I include associate memberships in my analysis and more fully discuss this issue later in this
31. These practical and theoretical issues concerning non-regional IOs and IFIs aside, I do re-run my
statistical analyses after including membership in several non-regional organizations (for example, the
UN) and IFIs (for example, the World Bank, the IMF, and regional development banks). As I discuss in
the following section, however, exclusion of these organizations does not bias the results in any
noticeable fashion. Despite this empirical robustness, further theoretical and empirical investigation is
needed to determine whether and how non-regional organizations and IFIs may inßuence the democra-
tization process.
32. See Kaufman 1986; Przeworski 1986; O’Donnell and Schmitter 1986.
33. Przeworski 1991, 57.
34. Mainwaring 1992.
522 International Organization
their regime.35 Disagreements as to the prudent course of action then arise within the
authoritarian bloc. Some regimes may be able to weather the crisis (depending on
factors ranging from the nature of the current autocratic regime, economic condi-
tions, and/or the past performance of the regime), while other regimes may decide
to liberalize in an attempt to restore their legitimacy.
External pressure from regional IOs exerted on authoritarian regimes that are
undertaking liberalization can be a force for democratization. Once a regime has
begun to open political space, pressure and coercion by an IO of which the regime
is a member can push authoritarians to liberalize more than they otherwise would.
This pressure can undermine authoritarian rule in two ways. First, it can create
economic difÞculties for the regime if part of the pressure by the organization is the
suspension of trade and Þnancial beneÞts. This can further exacerbate economic
crises that can undermine the regime. Second, diplomatic pressures and the resulting
international isolation can help to further de-legitimize a regime at home since,
during these times of crisis, a regime’s international posture may be especially
important.36 If allies and institutional partners treat the regime as a pariah state, this
can inßuence public and elite perceptions of the regime within the state. Either
pressure can weaken an authoritarian regime’s grip on power, ultimately pushing the
regime to democratize.
Regional IOs can apply pressure in a variety of ways ranging from overt
de-legitimization of the regime by IO members through diplomatic pressure to direct
economic sanctions against the regime or even expulsion from the organization. To
understand how the pressure mechanisms work, two questions must be addressed:
(1) Why do member states pressure other members to undertake democratization?
and (2) Why is the regional organization the mechanism by which the pressure
Why would democratic states pressure non-democratic states to become democ-
racies, especially in regional organizations? First, as a way to boost their own
international status and distance themselves from allies or neighbors, young democ-
racies may pressure former authoritarian partners to make a similar transition. As
Geoffrey Pridham argues, the act of foreign policy reorientation can lend internal
legitimacy to new democracies.37 Thus new democracies will have incentives to
treat autocracies (especially former political allies) as pariah states to establish their
own legitimacy.
Even established democracies may make the promotion of democracy a major
foreign policy priority for reasons of domestic legitimacy.38 In the words of
Whitehead, “[S]uccess in supporting democracy abroad has served to reinforce the
legitimation of the democratic order at home, and to boost national pride and
Guatemala’s legislature and courts, and announced that he would rule by decree.48
Led by the democratic members of the organization, the OAS lodged high-proÞle
protests and moved to levy sanctions against the regime.49 After Þve days, Serrano
was forced from ofÞce by the military, which reinstalled a civilian president. Many
observers credit the OAS response as an important part of Serrano’s calculations to
step down.50
Another case of an IO effectively de-legitimizing and pressuring an autocratic
state is that of the European Union and Greece. After the overthrow of Greek
democracy in 1967, the European Union suspended Greece’s Association Agree-
ment. Many scholars of the Greek transition to democracy (which occurred in 1973)
claim that this suspension was important in eventually undermining the colonels’
regime: “Greece suffered immediate Þnancial consequences from the freezing of the
Greece-EC Financial Protocol and the agricultural harmonisation talks . . .The
political implications were even more ominous . . . exclusion from the rapidly
integrating Community was a singularly dangerous prospect.”51 Some scholars have
gone so far as to credit this action as a key pressure against the colonel’s regime
throughout the period of dictatorship.52
Regional IOs are an enabling mechanism increasing the probability that democ-
racies can and will push non-democracies to liberalize during times of domestic
upheaval. These institutions help to de-legitimize autocratic regimes through vari-
ous means, including diplomatic pressure, economic sanctions, or even expulsion
from the organization. Although this may not be the most important determinant in
convincing autocrats to loosen their grip on power, at critical junctions within the
liberalization process, it provides a powerful impetus for political liberalization.
the rise of autocracies is that these regimes best protect the interests of these
important groups. For example, business elites may fear that democracy will bring
populists or leftists to power, endangering their property rights or Þnancial interests.
The military may fear democratic transitions because of potential threats— espe-
cially subordination to civilian supremacy—to its institutional interests. If these
groups perceive that their interests are threatened by political liberalization, they are
likely to stand in the way of these efforts.54 Membership in IOs can help to calm the
fears of the groups either by serving as an external guarantor of rights and
preferences, or by altering preferences through a socialization process.
In some cases, the worst that an elite can expect under a strategy of toleration
is an unpleasant loss of status and political power that leaves its economic base
and religiocultural values secure. In other cases, the call for toleration of
political opposition fuels deep-seated fears within the ruling elite about its
economic viability, the continued existence of hallowed institutions, or even
personal survival. . . . A political elite will have some estimation of its pro-
spective capacity to protect its basic interests both by building institutional
safeguards into the emerging democratic process and by actively competing in
it . . .58
54. Kaufman 1986, 86. On the general issue of minority interests gaining commitments during
regime/institution formation, see Fearon and Laitin 1996.
55. See O’Donnell 1979; Whitehead 1989, 85.
56. See O’Donnell and Schmitter 1986, 27; Payne 1994, 2.
57. See Payne 1994; Malloy 1987, 252–53.
58. Marks 1992, 51.
526 International Organization
If elites can Þnd some way of guaranteeing their economic and/or political well-
being, they are more likely to acquiesce to liberalization. Of course, elites face the
difÞculty of ensuring that reformers respect these “institutional safeguards.” If they
attach a particularly low probability to the survival of these safeguards, they may
rationally refuse to liberalize at the outset. One observer of Latin American politics
offers an extreme example: “If open elections seriously threaten complete loss of
private property, capitalists will all become authoritarians.”59
International agreements can serve as a credible external guarantee of safeguards
for elites, especially economic elites, since they raise the costs of domestic policy
change. The external guarantee provided by membership in regional (in this case
economic) organizations lessens the perception on the part of business elites that
democracy will be dangerous to their interests. These guarantees can prove essen-
tial: “A vital element in the process of democratic consolidation is therefore to
induce [business interests and propertied classes] to conÞne their lobbying within
legitimate bounds and to relinquish their ties with the undemocratic right. External
reassurance (and if possible guarantees) may provide a critical inducement at the
beginning of a consolidation process, although the need for this should diminish as
democratization advances.”60
The literature on regional economic agreements has long argued that these
institutions function as a domestic commitment device. Membership in a regional
organization helps to lock in economic policies and rights enacted by domestic
elites.61 For example, free trade agreements codify commitments to free trade and
set up a system of veriÞcation to monitor the implementation of such reform. These
mechanisms help to lock in commitments among states that free trade will continue
even in the face of domestic opposition and new administrations.62
A critical example of these guarantees arises in the area of property rights, where
regional economic agreements also help to provide commitments that governments
will not engage in opportunistic behavior. Since a common goal of many regional
economic agreements is to lure foreign investment into the region, these institutions
provide explicit guarantees about property and investment. To lure multinational
Þrms to invest in a region, these arrangements must provide guarantees against
opportunistic behavior on the part of host governments— guarantees that also would
apply to domestic Þrms. As such, these organizations can provide important
reassurances concerning property rights and investments.
Laurence Whitehead has argued that this process was essential to democratization
efforts in Southern Europe. Because the EC “offered critical external guarantees to
the business and propertied classes of southern Europe . . . democracy would lose
much of its sting for the rich.”63 The EC insisted on adequate compensation for any
property taken by the state, and insured the free movement of capital and goods.
This externally monitored and enforced guarantee provided credible protection for
economic elite interests, which induced their acquiescence in the democratization
process in Southern Europe. This was especially true in Spain and Portugal, where
economic elites had traditionally been hostile to democracy.64 For Spanish elites
who were a potential roadblock to democracy, the stipulations of the EC “provided
guarantees and reassurances to those who faced the post-authoritarian future with
These commitments to trade and property may reassure economic elites that, even
in the worse case scenario of a populist-oriented, democratic government, their
interests will be protected. Of course, any government (democratic or authoritarian)
can withdraw from these international agreements, but they would pay a high cost
for doing so. Thus membership in IOs reduces the probability for opportunistic
behavior, increasing the odds that business elites will acquiesce to liberalization and
The Military and Socialization. The other group that can be inßuenced by
membership in a regional organization is the military. Similar to business elites, the
military is a powerful group concerned with protecting its interests and institu-
tions.66 Often, the military stands in the way of political liberalization out of fears
for its autonomy (for example, subjugation to civilian rule) and for protection of its
institutions (for example, against reprisals for its role in past authoritarian govern-
ments).67 Regional IOs, especially security-oriented organizations, can help per-
suade the military to acquiesce to democratization by not only providing externally
supported guarantees, but by helping to reorient military ofÞcers away from their
interest in domestic politics.
Regional security organizations can assure the military of continued support
either through the domestic regime or alliance partners. To maintain a credible
military force as a part of an alliance, a state must provide adequate resources to its
military and is often required by its allies to do so. These requirements help provide
military ofÞcers with institutional protection. The military may also receive direct
Þnancial or technical beneÞts from its alliance partners, as was the case during
Hungary’s democratic transition. Through the Partnership for Peace (PFP) program,
Hungary received technical military assistance, while through NATO it has received
assistance in the modernization process. In addition, NATO required that military
63. Whitehead 1996d, 271. Although Southern European states were not full members of the EC,
Greece, Spain, and Portugal each had association agreements prior to their transitions.
64. In the Spanish case, see Whitehead 1986. In the Portuguese case, see Manuel 1996, 75.
65. Powell 1996, 297.
66. Dassel and Reinhardt 1999.
67. Przeworski 1991, 31; Whitehead 1989, 81– 84.
528 International Organization
68. Robert Wright, A New Security Blanket, Financial Times, 7 December 1998, 3.
69. Vetschera 1997, 19; Braun 1999, 19.
70. On the importance of the exchange of information and ideas within institutions in inßuencing
behavior, see McNeely 1995, 35–36.
71. A similar process can occur in the context of democratic consolidation. For example, the threat of
punishment from the IO in the case of a military coup can convince the military to stay in the barracks.
Pevehouse 2002. Here, the argument is that during the transition process itself, the socialization process
convinces the military that coups are “off-limits.”
72. Pridham 1994, 196.
73. Pridham 1991b, 228. See also Treverton 1986, 32–33. Interestingly, Spain’s main opposition
Socialist Party (PSOE), which had initially opposed NATO membership, acquiesced to accession after
the 1981 coup attempt largely because of its potential impact on the Army ofÞcers. Tovias 1984, 167.
International Organizations and Democratization 529
army did undergo signiÞcant modernization and reorientation after NATO mem-
bership. Through joint maneuvers, modernization, and improvements in military
technology, the Spanish military became reoriented away from domestic politics.74
In this section I have discussed some causal mechanisms by which regional
organizations may be associated with democratic transitions. However, not all IOs
are likely to be associated with these transitions. IOs may lack the resources and/or
political will to serve as an external promoter or supporter of democracy. For
example, we should not expect IOs such as the Warsaw Pact to condone democratic
transitions. With this in mind, I now consider the “supply-side” part of my
Only certain regional IOs are likely to be associated with democratic transitions and
consolidation. While it would be simple to test whether membership in a regional
organization was associated with the transition to democracy, since almost every
state in the world is a member of multiple regional organizations, this is not a useful
strategy.75 Intuition tells us that only some organizations are likely to engender in
any or all of the aforementioned causal mechanisms.
I argue that organizations with a higher democratic density are more likely to be
associated with democratic transitions. Democratic “density” refers to the percent-
age of permanent members in the organization that are already considered demo-
cratic.76 In effect, the more homogeneously democratic the organization, the more
likely it will “supply” these causal mechanisms to assist in the democratization
First, homogeneously democratic regional organizations are more likely to place
conditions on membership that will be associated with the application of external
pressure. States will be more likely to pressure other states if conditions require
democratic governance. If organization membership is mixed in terms of regime
type, it will be unlikely to have enacted these conditions, since approving conditions
on membership would be more difÞcult in these “mixed” organizations.
Of course, regional IOs may choose not to pressure a state that is undergoing the
liberalization process or that has suffered a breakdown of democracy even if
74. Tovias 1984, 167; Hurrell 1996, 161; Pridham 1994, 199 –200.
75. Also, coding IOs for their membership requirements (for example, democratic conditionality) is
not fully satisfying because IOs may not enforce the conditions they create. For example, Portugal (under
Salazar) was a founding member of NATO although the organization’s Preamble describes it as an
alliance of democratic nations. Thus meaningful analyses would require a proxy to measure both the
presence of conditions and the likelihood of enforcement.
76. Note that this measure does not refer to the level of democracy within the organizational structure
or procedures. Although discussions of the “democratic deÞcit” of IOs may be important for this
argument, I leave this topic for later analysis. From this point forward, any reference to democratic IOs
should be understood as the aggregate level of democracy among the members rather than a trait of the
organizational structure.
530 International Organization
84. Change in the level of democracy could represent a change in the level of democracy of the same
IO. That is, ⌬IOScoreit-1 may have a positive value because of democratization in other member states
rather than a new membership for the state in question. While this is a concern, because the Contagionit
variable controls for surrounding states’ democratization, this should not be a problem.
85. The operationalization of these independent variables does not allow one to discriminate which
causal process better accounts for any correlation found in the data. As no organizations data exists on
this question, the decision was made to test for broad relationships before more narrow statistical tests
were conducted. In addition, the task of investigating speciÞc causal mechanisms should include
case-oriented research on various democratic transitions. Pevehouse 2000 outlines several cases.
86. See Burkhart and Lewis-Beck 1994, 903; Lipset 1959.
87. Przeworski and Limongi 1997. Economic factors also may be related to the breakdown of
autocracy. Londregan and Poole 1990 and 1996 Þnd this to be the case. See also Haggard and Kaufman
88. Both pcGDPit and ⌬pcGDPit are taken from Summers et al. 1995, and supplemented with data
from the World Bank 1998; Mitchell 1995 and 1998.
89. Huntington 1991. An IO’s effect on democracy could take this form as well, but by controlling for
this phenomenon independently, I account for any contagion effects independent of IO membership.
International Organizations and Democratization 533
region in year t. 90 Its yearly value is the same for every country in a given region.91
This variable should be positively associated with democratic transitions, since
higher numbers of extant democracies should lead to a hospitable environment for
the movement to democracy, or even pressures from neighboring states to democ-
Many who study transitions to democracy argue that past experience with
democracy makes a future transition more likely. Since the country has previously
developed democratic institutions, these traditions will often survive a period of
autocracy and can re-emerge as a foundation for democracy. Przeworski and
colleagues, however, point out that a history of democracy in an authoritarian
regime also means a history of democratic breakdown; it is not clear whether this
factor works for or against the likelihood of a democratic transition.93 To control for
these dynamics, I include PastDemit in the model. The variable equals 1 if state i has
previously been a democracy, otherwise, the variable is coded zero.94
The next two independent variables tap the level of external and internal conßict
experienced by a nation-state. RegDispit measures the number of disputes in state i’s
region in year t. 95 As previously noted, some scholars argue that regional instability
and international conßict will not augur well for the development of democracy—
states require a peaceful international environment to democratize.96 Given the
extant theory, I expect this variable to have a negative effect on the probability of
democracy. That is, the more disputes within a region (which may or may not
involve state i), the less likely a democratic transition.
To measure the effect of internal violence, I include the variable IntViolenceit-1.
This variable, taken from Banks, is coded 1 if state i suffers from anti-government
protests, strikes, riots, guerilla insurgencies, or assassination attempts on major
government ofÞcials in year t-1. 97 Although violence is often required to unseat an
90. I follow the Correlates of War coding of regions, which includes: North America, South America,
Africa, Europe, Asia-PaciÞc, Asia, and the Middle East. See Small and Singer 1994. Although Small and
Singer consider the Oceania area as an independent region (Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, etc.), I combine
these few states with the Asia region.
91. Depending on which data set is used to measure the dependent variable, however, the value of
Contagionit may vary since each data set differs on which states are considered democracies.
92. This variable is only moderately correlated with IOScore (r ⫽ .29 in Gasiorowski; r ⫽ .11 in
Polity98). This lack of correlation arises because smaller subsets of states in a region may have common
IO memberships, while other states in the region may be less democratic, driving down that region’s
overall level of democracy.
93. Przeworski et al. 1996, 43– 44.
94. The state must have been a democracy between 1950 and year t. States that were democracies that
suffered breakdowns before 1950 are coded zero.
95. Regions are deÞned in fn. 90. MIDS data are taken from Jones, Bremer, and Singer 1996.
96. Thompson 1996. Of course, there could be another, more complex causal story: If peace means
prosperity, then the economic development and democracy link again becomes important. I do not
attempt to evaluate this theory, per se, and leave the question of causal mechanisms aside.
97. Banks 1994 provides a description of his coding criteria for each type of event.
534 International Organization
autocrat, it will be rare for democracy to arise given the civil and economic upheaval
accompanying large-scale internal violence.98
Some scholars argue that different types of autocratic regimes are more or less
susceptible to democratization. For example, Barbara Geddes contends that military
regimes “carry with them the seeds of their own disintegration.”99 She argues that
returning to the barracks is always a fairly attractive option for some military
leaders, so when faced with a crisis, military regimes are more likely to collapse
than other forms of autocracy. To control for this dynamic, I include MilRegit, which
equals 1 if state i is controlled by the military in year t. 100
The Þnal independent variable, Indepit, measures the length of time state i has
been an independent nation-state. As an extension of the idea that past experience
with democracy may be correlated with democratization, longer periods of political
independence may be positively related to the probability of a transition to
democracy. Longer periods of political independence will allow time to foster civil
society and independent political parties.101 Finally, it is a stochastic error term.
This model includes many of the factors hypothesized by both the case study and
quantitative literature to inßuence regime transition. All control variables (or a close
variant) appear in previous empirical work on regime transitions—the vast majority
of which tap the domestic context of regime transition.102 The inclusion of these
variables is important because membership in democratic regional organizations
will likely not have the strongest inßuence on the transition process. Even those
theorists who point to the importance of external factors in transitions rarely argue
these are the determining factors in these events. Thus my model attempts to build
in a signiÞcant number of domestic factors to guard against omitted variable bias.
This creates added conÞdence that any relationship between regional IOs and
democratization is not an artifact of model speciÞcation.
The sample for these model estimations of necessity excludes some countries,
since states that are already democratic cannot experience a transition to democracy.
The sample includes only states that can undergo a democratic transition (autocra-
cies and anocracies),103 and the N of each model differs depending on which data
98. Linz and Stepan 1996, 107–108. Because violence may result from a transition, the lag is used
to avoid endogeneity.
99. Geddes 1999, 122.
100. These data are taken from Banks 1994, but because Banks’ data are coded only through 1989,
I have updated the data through 1992, relying on Banks and Mueller 1998 as well as the CIA Factbook
101. Small and Singer 1994 trace the origin of the international state system to 1815 and thus, for all
nations who were independent before this date, their date of independence is set to 1815.
102. See Burkhart and Lewis-Beck 1994; Gasiorowski 1995; Londregan and Poole 1996; Przeworski
and Limongi 1997.
103. Technically, those countries that are autocracies or anocracies at t-1 are included in the sample.
That is, if a state is a democracy in year t because of a transition, it is included, since in the prior year
it was either an autocracy or anocracy. Transition years—those years where the outcome of the transition
is uncertain—are also included.
International Organizations and Democratization 535
Polity98 Gasiorowski
Includes Oceania states.
set is used (since their deÞnition of democracy differs). Table 1 provides some
descriptive statistics of the data.
The Þrst section of Table 1 shows the distribution of democratic transitions across
each region, and the second section of the table shows the simple bivariate
relationship between IOScore and democratization. Clearly, states that will undergo
a transition to democracy in the subsequent year are members of more homoge-
neously democratic regional organizations. The full model of democratic transitions,
moreover, shows a similar relationship.
Statistical Results
Because the observed value of the dependent variable is dichotomous, I use logistic
regression to estimate the model.104 Table 2 presents the estimates of the model.
Note that the Þrst column presents estimates using the Polity98 data, and the second
104. In each speciÞcation of the model, I checked for the inclusion of a correction for temporal
dependence. Beck, Katz, and Tucker 1998. In each case, a cubic spline function and one to three knots
are never statistically signiÞcant.
536 International Organization
Note: Figures in parentheses are asymptotic z-statistics computed using Huber standard errors.
In columns 3 and 4, IOScoreit⫺1 and ⌬IOScoreit⫺1 include non-regional organizations and IFIs.
*** p ⱕ .01
** p ⱕ .05
* p ⱕ .10; two-tailed tests.
column uses the Gasiorowski data set. For both data sets, membership in democratic
IOs is positively related to the likelihood of a transition to democracy. In addition,
both coefÞcient estimates are highly statistically signiÞcant. Thus membership in
democratic IOs, while controlling for domestic economic trends, internal and
external violence, and past experience with democracy, is signiÞcantly correlated
with the transition to democracy.
To illustrate how important the IO variable is to the prospect of experiencing a
transition to democracy, I show the predicted probabilities of a transition in Tables
3 and 4, based on the Þrst two columns of Table 2. The Þrst lines in each table
present the “baseline” likelihood of a democratic transition for a state in the data set
in which the authoritarian system was not a military regime, the state has no past
International Organizations and Democratization 537
Probability of transition
Milregit, IntViolit, and PastDemit, all equal 0 in the baseline model. All other variables held at
mean level.
experience with democracy, and did not experience internal violence.105 Note the
change in probability of a transition in the second line of each table, where IOScore
is increased by one standard deviation from its mean value. For the Polity98 data,
the likelihood of a transition increases by more than sixty percent, while for the
Gasiorowski data the result is a more modest forty percent.
The third line of each table presents the predicted probability of a transition in the
case where the state is not a member of a regional organization included in the IO
sample.106 These results are quite striking. For the Polity98 data, membership in an
IO with the mean level of IOScore increases the odds of a transition over a state with
no IO memberships by more than 100 percent. For the Gasiorowski data, the
comparable change is nearly seventy percent. IOs appear to have a very strong
impact on the likelihood of a democratic transition, and this impact grows as the
organization’s membership becomes more democratic, even while accounting for
important domestic dynamics.
Most control variables are of the expected sign, but not all of the estimates
achieve statistical signiÞcance. One variable that consistently does not take on the
expected sign, however, is per capita gross domestic product (GDP). In all cases this
term is negative, but in no case is the estimate statistically signiÞcant. Thus it
appears that higher economic development is negatively related to democratic
transitions. The lack of statistical signiÞcance should instill caution when interpret-
ing these results, leaving one to conclude that the overall level of development in a
country has little direct impact on the likelihood of transitions. This Þnding is
consistent with the Przeworski and Limongi argument that higher levels of devel-
105. These are the modal values for the dummy variables in the data set. All other continuous
variables in the model are set to their mean value (shown in section 3 of Table 1).
106. Examples of states that are a party to no IOs over some periods of the data are Israel, North
Korea, Cuba, North Vietnam, Taiwan, and China.
538 International Organization
Probability of transition
Milregit, IntViolit, and PastDemit, all equal 0 in the baseline model. All other variables held at
mean level.
opment are associated with the continuation of, rather than the transition to,
Similarly, change in per capita GDP also shows a weak inßuence on the
probability of a democratic transition. For the Polity98 data, this variable is negative
and statistically signiÞcant. Because authoritarian governments often come to power
in the midst of economic crises, economic success can function to legitimate their
continued existence, lessening the probability of a democratic transition.108 Like-
wise, poor economic performance (falling growth rates) increases the likelihood of
a democratic transition, a Þnding consistent with past statistical research.109 For the
Gasiorowski data, however, this parameter estimate is not statistically signiÞcant.
One possible explanation of this divergence of results across data sets lies in their
differing geographic coverage. The lagging growth rates of Eastern and Southern
European states immediately prior to their transitions bolster these results in the
Polity98 data. Since these cases are absent in the Gasiorowski data, the statistical
association is much weaker.
For both data sets, past experience with democracy and a previous military regime
have substantial impacts on the probability of a transition. This Þnding concerning
Milregit is in accord with past empirical literature, which Þnds that these regimes are
more difÞcult to overthrow than single-party or personalistic regimes. However, the
Þnding contradicts Geddes’ argument that military regimes may be more susceptible
to transitions to democracy.110 In addition, past experience with democracy (Past-
Demit) is positively related to the propensity for a transition. This Þnding is in line
with theoretical expectations concerning this variable, namely that a history of
democracy bodes well for the probability of future transitions to democracy. In fact,
past experience with democracy has an enormous effect on the predicted probability
of a transition. Line 4 of Tables 3 and 4 shows that this variable increases the
probability of a transition dramatically for both data sets.
The existence of domestic violence (IntViolenceit-1) has a strong impact on the
likelihood of a democratic transition. This variable is consistently positive and
highly statistically signiÞcant, indicating that greater levels of domestic violence
increase the probability of a transition. This is not in concordance with previous
theoretical expectations—it was hypothesized that domestic violence would make a
transition less likely. In many of the cases included here, some level of domestic
hostilities likely preceded the transition to democracy. One conclusion that can be
drawn is that, given the large substantive impact of this variable, it is possible that
many transitions to democracy in the sample were preceded by civil violence.
One additional control variable warrants discussion. The estimate of the effect of
regional conßicts (RegConßictit) on the prospects for democracy is statistically
signiÞcant in the Polity98 data, but not in the Gasiorowski data.111 The estimates
consistently have the predicted sign across both data sets—increasing regional
hostilities lower the probability of democracy. Again, the difference in spatial
coverage may account for the fact that only in the Polity98 data is this variable
signiÞcant. Europe experiences the highest number of militarized disputes during
the vast majority of the period under analysis, largely because of incidents arising
out of the Cold War. Thus the lack of democratization for years in Eastern Europe
coincided with a high rate of disputes.112 Given that these cases are absent in the
Gasiorowski data, this relationship is much weaker in the models estimated using
that data.
Overall, these models provide Þrm evidence that involvement in democratic
regional organizations can encourage the process of democratization. This is strong
initial support for the theory, especially given that the model controls for other
factors that could be associated with transitions (especially those factors that are also
correlated with IO membership). The argument is not, however, that IOs play the
strongest role in the prospects for regime transition. Indeed, the results of these
analyses indicate (as Tables 3 and 4 highlight) that internal factors such as past
experience with democracy, previous type of regime, and changes in economic
growth rates play a far more substantial role. The contention here is that the regional
IO dimension cannot be excluded from analyses of transitions since I have
demonstrated that these second image reversed processes are theoretically impor-
111. Using interstate war data, rather than MIDS data, to measure regional conßict yields estimates
that are not statistically signiÞcant.
112. This causal association is tenuous, yet interstate disputes here are essentially serving as a proxy
for Cold War activity, which no doubt inßuenced democratization in Europe during this period.
540 International Organization
Additional Tests
To assess the robustness of these results, I estimate several additional models. The
Þrst model adds region-speciÞc Þxed effects to this previous variant to test whether
there are systematic differences in the probabilities for transitions across each
region. By introducing a dummy variable for each region (deÞned above), one can
account for factors that may be important only in certain geographic regions that are
not included in the model, yet may be correlated with membership in regional
IOs.113 Controlling for these unspeciÞed factors may eliminate any association
between IOs and democratization. In these models, however, the key independent
variable of interest, IOScoreit-1, remains statistically signiÞcant for both data sets.
To assess an alternative hypothesis, I estimate one variant of the model that
substitutes NIOit-1 for ⌬IOScoreit-1. This variable measures the number of IOs of
which state i is a member in year t-1. If any regional organization can fulÞll the
functions outlined in my theory, regardless of the organization’s democratic density,
this should test for this possibility. In no case does the presence of this variable
mitigate the inßuence of IOScoreit-1, which provides strong support for the notion
that identity of the IO matters in terms of promoting transitions. Not all regional IOs
will be able (or willing) to fulÞll the functions outlined above.114
It is also important to ensure that these results are not undermined by simultaneity
bias. If countries Þrst undergo transitions to democracy, then join highly democratic
IOs, a statistical association may exist even though the causal process is reversed.
To guard against this possibility, I lag the value of IOScore. This is the best
insurance against a simultaneity problem, since during the year of transition the
IOScore from the previous year is used. Thus the causal process must begin with a
high IOScore, then democratization. Second, I estimate a model identical to the
original model, but I reverse the dependent and major independent variable
(IOScore).115 To show no reverse causation, I measure IOScore in year t, and the
democratic transition in year t-1. In this model, the estimate of the democratic
transition variable is not statistically signiÞcant, indicating that democratic transi-
tions have little inßuence on IOScore.
Another possible complicating factor in exploring the regional IO-democracy
relationship is that states desiring membership in these organizations may enact
113. On the use of region-speciÞc dummies, see Feng and Zak 1999. I use the region as the unit of
analysis for substantive and methodological reasons. The substantive reason is that for the democrati-
zation literature, the region is often the relevant unit of analysis. See O’Donnell and Schmitter 1986;
Huntington 1991. Methodologically, if one moves down a level of analysis (to unit Þxed effects), much
of the data will be lost because any country that does not experience a transition will be excluded from
the data set. While this is not a problem econometrically, it does introduce potential bias in the results
since one is summarily excluding “the dog that doesn’t bark.”
114. In addition to NIOit-1, the model was estimated substituting a measure for the average IOScore
of each state in year t-1. This measure allows one to take into account all IOs of which state i is a
member. Although this variable is always of the predicted sign, it is never statistically signiÞcant. This
is further corroboration that only one democratic IO is needed to supply the functions linking IOs with
democratic transitions.
115. In addition, ⌬IOScoreit-1 is excluded. Its inclusion makes no difference in the results.
International Organizations and Democratization 541
“anticipatory reforms” to gain entrance into a regional IO. In a similar vein, one
could argue that many regional IOs require democratization before accession to the
organization. While these processes would support my general argument, the causal
process would be different: rather than encouraging transitions after joining an
organization, the prospective beneÞts held out by the organization would induce
political change. While this process could be at work in some cases, I have
attempted to control for this possibility. First, the preceding endogeneity check
suggests that this anticipatory process is not occurring since one would expect to
Þnd newly democratic states with higher IOScores. Second, the introduction of the
lagged IOScore and the change in IOScore help control for this causality issue since
it is the previous year’s IOScore that “predicts” transitions in the present year.116
Third, and most importantly, I include in each state’s list of IO memberships their
associate or observer memberships in regional IOs. Many states may enter regional
IOs as associate or observers. For example, before Spain, Portugal, or Greece were
allowed full membership into the European Community, they were granted partial
privileges in the organization through a trade agreement.
In all of these cases, the state is coded as if it was a member of the organization.
The causal process identiÞed above can work even if full membership has not been
granted. The same pressure from members and acquiescence effects can take place
even for associate members. The preceding example of Greece supports this
assumption: the EC could not suspend Greece’s membership (as it was not a full
member), but it could threaten to withhold beneÞts granted to its associate members.
The anticipatory reforms engendered by the regional IO may anticipate full mem-
bership, but not associate membership. If one re-estimates the model, excluding
associate and observer memberships in organizations, the results remain consis-
tent—full membership only in democratic regional IOs is still signiÞcantly related
to democratic transitions.117
Finally, as pointed out in the discussion of selection of IOs for this analysis, a set
of models were estimated in which IOScoreit-1 and ⌬IOScoreit-1 included both
non-regional organizations and IFIs. Columns 3 and 4 of Table 2 show these
estimates. For both the Polity98 and Gasiorowski data, the central variable of
interest, IOScoreit-1, remains statistically signiÞcant. The estimate of ⌬IOScoreit-1
does change sign, but remains statistically insigniÞcant, indicating that joining IOs
has little inßuence on the prospects for transition whether or not non-regional IOs
and IFIs are included in the sample. The estimates of the control variables remain
nearly identical to those in columns 1 and 2 of Table 2.
116. The model is also relatively robust with respect to increasing these lag lengths. The results are
robust for the Polity98 data using up to Þve-year lags (the longest period tested) and for the Gasiorowski
data using up to three-year lags.
117. From an econometrics standpoint, this anticipatory reform argument is not responsible for the
statistical association between IO membership and democracy. Not only are the key independent
variables lagged, but also, once a state Þnishes a transition to democracy, it leaves the sample. Thus if
a state gains IO membership years after a transition to democracy, it would not be captured in this
particular sample. The results excluding association membership are available from the author on request.
542 International Organization
One should proceed with caution in reading too much into these auxiliary
estimations. As suggested earlier, non-regional (global) organizations and IFIs may
inßuence democratization in fundamentally different ways than regional organiza-
tions. To truly learn how these organizations inßuence domestic regime choices,
further theorizing and additional empirical work must be conducted. I present these
results here only to indicate that the exclusion of these organizations does not bias
the central Þnding of my analyses.
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