1663053932phpsmc8UW PDF
1663053932phpsmc8UW PDF
1663053932phpsmc8UW PDF
RV College of Engineering®
(Autonomous Institution Affiliated to VTU, Belagavi)
RV Vidyaniketan Post, Mysore Road
Bengaluru – 560059
Sl. No. Abbreviation Acronym
1. VTU Visvesvaraya Technological University
2. BS Basic Sciences
3. CIE Continuous Internal Evaluation
4. SEE Semester End Examination
5. CE Professional Elective
6. GE Global Elective
7. HSS Humanities and Social Sciences
8. CV Civil Engineering
9. ME Mechanical Engineering
10. EE Electrical & Electronics Engineering
11. EC Electronics & Communication Engineering
12. IM Industrial Engineering & Management
13. EI Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
14. CH Chemical Engineering
15. CS Computer Science & Engineering
16. TE Telecommunication Engineering
17. IS Information Science & Engineering
18. BT Biotechnology
19. AS Aerospace Engineering
20. PY Physics
21. CY Chemistry
22. MA Mathematics
23. MCA Master of Computer Applications
24. MST Structural Engineering
25. MHT Highway Technology
26. MPD Product Design & Manufacturing
27. MCM Computer Integrated & Manufacturing
28. MMD Machine Design
29. MPE Power Electronics
30. MVE VLSI Design & Embedded Systems
31. MCS Communication Systems
32. MBS Bio Medical Signal Processing &Instrumentation
33. MCH Chemical Engineering
34. MCE Computer Science & Engineering
35. MCN Computer Network Engineering
36. MDC Digital Communication
37. MRM Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering
38. MSE Software Engineering
39. MIT Information Technology
40. MBT Biotechnology
41. MBI Bioinformatics
I Semester
Sl. Course Code Course Title Page No.
1 18MAT11A Applied Mathematics 1
2 18MPD12 Product Design & Development 3
3 18MPD13 Finite Element Analysis 5
4 18HSS14 Professional Skills Development 7
1. 18MPD1A1 Product Design for Quality 9
2. 18MMD1A2 Tribology 11
3. 18MCM1A3 Design of Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems 13
1. 18MPD1B1 Product Data Management 15
2. 18MCE1B2 Intelligent Systems 17
3. 18MCM1B3 Non-Traditional Machining & Testing 19
II Semester
Sl. Course Code Course Title Page No.
1. 18MMD21 Robust Design 21
2. 18MPD 22 Product Life Cycle Management 23
3. 18IM 23 Research Methodology 25
4. 18MPD24 Minor Project 27
1. 18MPD 2C1 Creative Engineering 29
2. 18MPD 2C2 Design for Manufacture and Assembly 31
3. 18MPD 2C3 Reliability Engineering 33
1. 18MPD 2D1 Product Cost Analysis & Optimization 35
2. 18MCM2D2 Robotics & Automation 37
3. 18MPD 2D3 Systems Engineering 39
1. 18CS2G01 Business Analytics 41
2. 18CV2G02 Industrial & Occupational Health and Safety 43
3. 18IM2G03 Modelling using Linear Programming 45
4. 18IM2G04 Project Management 47
5. 18CH2G05 Energy Management 49
6. 18ME2G06 Industry 4.0 51
7. 18ME2G07 Advanced Materials 53
8. 18CHY2G08 Composite Materials Science and Engineering 55
9. 18PHY2G09 Physics of Materials 57
10. 18MAT2G10 Advanced Statistical Methods 59
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Page No.
1. 18MPD31 Advanced Materials & Processes 62
2. 18MPD32 Internship 64
3. 18MPD33 Major Project : Phase I 66
4. 18XXX3EX Professional Elective -E 67-72
1. 18MPD3E1 Sheet Metal Forming and Plastic Moulding 67
2. 18MPD3E2 Surface Engineering 69
3. 18MCM3E3 Advanced Manufacturing Practices 71
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title Page No.
1. 18MPD41 Major Project : Phase II 73
2. 18MPD42 Technical Seminar 75
I Semester
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title
1. 18MPD1A1 Product Design for Quality
2. 18MMD1A2 Tribology
3. 18MCM1A3 Design of Hydraulic & Pneumatic Systems
1. 18MPD1B1 Product Data Management
2. 18MCE1B2 Intelligent Systems
3. 18MCM1B3 Non-Traditional Machining & Testing
II Semester
1. 18 MPD 2C1 Creative Engineering
2. 18 MPD 2C2 Design for Manufacture and Assembly
3. 18 MPD 2C3 Reliability Engineering
1. 18 MPD 2D1 Product Cost Analysis & Optimization
2. 18 MCM2D2 Robotics & Automation
3. 18 MPD 2D3 Systems Engineering
Sl. No. Course Code Course Title
1 18MPD3E1 Sheet Metal Forming and Plastic Moulding
2 18MPD3E2 Surface Engineering
3 18MCM3E3 Advanced Manufacturing Practices
Course Code : 18MAT11A CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Statistics: Method of least squares, fitting of straight line, linearization of nonlinear laws, curve fitting
by polynomials, correlation, coefficient of correlation, lines of regression, Spearman rank correlation.
Unit – II 10 Hrs
Probability distributions: Introduction to probability, Random variables-discrete and continuous
random variables, important measures and moment generating functions, Standard distributions-
Binomial, Exponential, Normal and Gamma distributions.
Unit – III 11 Hrs
System of linear equations and eigen value problems: System of linear equations-LU decomposition
and Gauss-Jordan method, Eigen value problems–bounds on eigen values, Power method and Inverse
Power method, Eigen values and eigen vectors of real symmetric matrices-Jacobi method.
Unit – IV 11 Hrs
Numerical solution of differential equations: Boundary value problems (BVP’s)–finite difference
method for linear and nonlinear problems, Shooting method and Galerkin method. Finite differences-
implicit and explicit scheme, Finite difference methods for parabolic, elliptic and hyperbolic partial
differential equations, Finite element method and simple problems.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Engineering optimization: Engineering applications of optimization, statement of an optimization
problem-design vector, design constraints, constraint surface, objective function and objective function
surface. Multivariable optimization with inequality constraints-Kuhn-Tucker conditions, Constraint
qualification, Genetic operators, Neural-Network-based Optimization. Optimization of Fuzzy systems.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Identify and interpret the fundamental concepts of statistics, distributions, linear algebra,
differential equations and optimization arising in various field engineering.
CO2: Apply the knowledge and skills of statistical/numerical/optimization techniques to solve
problems of least squares, probability distributions, linear equations, eigen value problems and
differential equations.
CO3: Analyze the physical problem to establish a statistical / mathematical model and use an
appropriate method to solve and optimize the solution.
CO4: Distinguish the overall mathematical knowledge gained to demonstrate the problems of least
squares, probability distributions, linear equations, eigen value problems, differential
equationsand optimizationarising in practical situations.
Reference Books:
1 Theory and Problems of probability, Seymour Lipschutz and Marc lars Lipson,Schaum’s Outline
Series, 2nd edition, ISBN: 0-07-118356-6.
2 Introductory method of numerical analysis, S. S. Sastry, Prentice-Hall India Pvt. Ltd. 4th edition,
2009, ISBN : 81-203-1266-X.
3 Numerical methods for scientific and engineering computation, M K Jain, S. R. K. Iyengar, R. K.
Jain, New Age International Publishers, 6th edition; 2012, ISBN-13:978-81-224-2001-2.
4 Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, Singiresu S. Rao, 3rd edition, New Age
International (P)Ltd., ISBN: 81-224-1149-5.
(Theory &Practice )
Course Code : 18MPD12 CIE Marks : 100+50
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:1 SEE Marks : 100+50
Hours : 52L+26P SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Design as a Discipline: Mass production and professional designers-quality of life- get more, pay less-
cost reduction and higher sophistication- products of dynamic culture.
Product life cycle: Various stages of product life cycle- design stage-manufacturing and marketing/
implementation- usage and maintenance- the death of a product.
Design phases: Design methodology- formulation- idea rack- short listing and selecting TWO idea-
detailing- prototype preparation.
Unit – II 11 Hrs
User centred Design survey: Importance on problem formulation, primary focus on people, target
domain, clients and users, interaction, integrated approach, kinds of knowledge, style and peer group,
user centred feedback.
Need statement and Design requirements: Need statement, guidance for designers, independent of
physical embodiment, major requirements and articulation.
Specifications and Constraints: Quantitative and qualitative specifications and constraints, design
space, refinement of design space, side stepping, various approaches like engineering, architectural,
Unit – III 11 Hrs
Idea-Rack: Seeking several concepts, Usability considerations: flexibility, interdisciplinary design and
interaction, design activities like original design, adaptive design, and variant design. Tools helpful in
generating ideas like deep encounter, analogy, reversal, fusion of opposites, brainstorming, realizing
new constraints.
Optimization configuration Exploration: Conventional optimization vs configuration optimization,
thumb rules, yield to nature’s forces, light weight components, use of standard parts, design for
manufacturing, material selection.
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Simplicity, Complexity and Richness: Axiom and KISS, value consideration, tools for simplification,
simple and complex, richness, value for complexity.
Decision Making: Indecision is a negative act, delegating responsibilities, decisions on scanty data,
important elements of decision making like analysis, synthesis, emotions, intuitions, risk and
management of failures.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Uncoupled, Decoupled and coupled designs: Functional domain and functional requirements,
physical domain and design parameters, mathematical representation like design matrix and coupled
design, uncoupled, decoupled. Additional expenditure.
Products static and Dynamic Societies: Form, context and misfits, products of static societies,
products of dynamic societies, products of dynamic cultures, short comings, comparison and middle
Unit –VI Composites Lab 26 Hrs
1. Understanding of various CAD commands and creating simple objects
2. Understanding of holes, cuts and model tree relations
3. Creation shafts, rounds, chamfers and slots
4. Sketch Tools & Datum planes
5. Creation of objects by revolved features, patterns and copies, sweeps and blends
6. Creation of engineering drawing details such as dimensioning, sectional views, adding esthetics
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the design phases
CO2: Formulate need statement and specifications
CO3: Apply decision making statement
CO4: Learn Computer Aided Modelling concepts.
Reference Books:
1 Product Design, Prashant Kumar,PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.,2012, ISBN:978-81-203-4427-3
2 Product Design and Development, Karl.T.Ulrich, Steven D Eppinger, McGrawHill ,2000, ISBN-13:
3 Product Design and Manufacturing, A C Chitale and R C Gupta, PH1, - 3rd Edition, 2003.ISBN-
13: 978-8120342828.
4 SOLIDWORKS 2018 for Designers, Sham Tickoo, CADCIM Technologies,16th revised Edition
Paperback, 2018.
(Theory &Practice )
Course Code : 18MPD13 CIE Marks : 100+50
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:1 SEE Marks : 100+50
Hours : 52L+26P SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Introduction: Introduction: Need for numerical methods to solve engineering problems –
mathematical modeling – discrete and continuum modeling - relevance and scope of finite element
methods – engineering applications of FEA. Weighted residual methods – Rayleigh Ritz method –
application to bar element and beam elements
Unit – II 11 Hrs
TWO Dimensional Problems: Natural co-ordinates, Elemental equations for bar element, quadratic
element, truss element, nodal approximation – development of shape functions –element matrices and
vectors – example problems
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Dynamic Problems : Formulation of dynamic problems, consistent and lumped mass matrices for bar
and beam elements, evaluation of Eigenvalue and Eigen vector (characteristic polynomial technique)
Heat Transfer Problems: 1-D element, steady state heat transfer, TWO dimensional heat conduction,
TWO dimensional heat transfer in thin fins, problems
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Finite element Modeling of Machining considerations: formulation, meshing, boundary conditions,
material modeling, chip separation-chip breakage, high speed machining modeling, 3D machining
modeling. Beams: Finite element formulation, evaluation of shear force and bending moment for
various loading conditions, problems
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to
CO1: Understand the fundamentals of finite element methods
CO2: Develop the knowledge to analyze structures in static and dynamic conditions
CO3: Assess the numerical techniques for solving engineering problems
CO4: Formulate finite element model to implement industrial projects
Reference Books:
1 Fundamentals of FEM, Hutton, Tata McGraw Hill education Pvt. Ltd, 2005, ISBN:
2 First Course in Finite element methods, Daryl L Logan, 5th Edition, Thomson Brooks, 2011,
ISBN : 10:0495668257
3 Introduction to FE in engineering, T R Chandrupatla, A D Belegondu, 3rd Edition, Prentice
Hall, 2004
4 Finite Element method in machining processes, Angelos.P.Markopoulos, Srpinger series, 2013,
ISBN: 978-1-4471-4330-7
(Common to all Programs)
Course Code : 18HSS14 CIE Marks : 50
Credits L: T: P : 0:0:0 SEE Marks : Audit Course
Hours : 24 L
Unit – I 03 Hrs
Quantitative Aptitude and Data Analysis: Number Systems, Math Vocabulary, fraction decimals,
digit places etc. Simple equations – Linear equations, Elimination Method, Substitution Method,
Reasoning – a. Verbal - Blood Relation, Sense of Direction, Arithmetic & Alphabet.
b. Non- Verbal reasoning - Visual Sequence, Visual analogy and classification.
Analytical Reasoning - Single & Multiple comparisons, Linear Sequencing.
Logical Aptitude - Syllogism, Venn-diagram method, Three statement syllogism, Deductive and
inductive reasoning. Introduction to puzzle and games organizing information, parts of an argument,
common flaws, arguments and assumptions.
Verbal Analogies/Aptitude – introduction to different question types – analogies, Grammar review,
sentence completions, sentence corrections, antonyms/synonyms, vocabulary building etc. Reading
Comprehension, Problem Solving
Unit – III 03 Hrs
Interview Skills: Questions asked & how to handle them, Body language in interview, and Etiquette –
Conversational and Professional, Dress code in interview, Professional attire and Grooming, Behavioral
and technical interviews, Mock interviews - Mock interviews with different Panels. Practice on Stress
Interviews, Technical Interviews, and General HR interviews
Unit – IV 03 Hrs
Interpersonal and Managerial Skills: Optimal co-existence, cultural sensitivity, gender sensitivity;
capability and maturity model, decision making ability and analysis for brain storming; Group
discussion (Assertiveness) and presentation skills
Unit – V 07 Hrs
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Develop professional skill to suit the industry requirement.
CO2: Analyze problems using quantitative and reasoning skills
CO3: Develop leadership and interpersonal working skills.
CO4: Demonstrate verbal communication skills with appropriate body language.
Reference Books:
1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R Covey, 2004 Edition, Free Press, ISBN:
2. How to win friends and influence people, Dale Carnegie, 1st Edition, 2016, General Press,
ISBN: 9789380914787
3. Crucial Conversation: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High, Kerry Patterson, Joseph
Grenny, Ron Mcmillan 2012 Edition, McGraw-Hill Publication ISBN: 9780071772204
4. Ethnus, Aptimithra: Best Aptitude Book, 2014 Edition, Tata McGraw Hill ISBN:
Phase Activity
After the completion of Unit 1 and Unit 2, students are required to undergo a test set for a total
of 50 marks. The structure of the test will have two parts. Part A will be quiz based, evaluated
I for 15 marks and Part B will be of descriptive type, set for 50 Marks and reduced to 35 marks.
The total marks for this phase will be 50 (15 + 35).
Students will have to take up second test after the completion Unit 3, Unit 4 and Unit 5.The
structure of the test will have two parts. Part A will be quiz based evaluated for 15 marks and
II Part B will be of descriptive type, set for 50 Marks and reduced to 35 marks. The total marks
for this phase will be 50 (15 + 35).
Continuous Internal Evaluation for this course will be based on the average of the score attained through
the two tests. The CIE score in this course, which is a mandatory requirement for the award of degree,
must be greater than 50%. The attendance will be same as other courses.
(Group A: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MPD1A1 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:1:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L+26T SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 07 Hrs
Design for quality : Taguchi’s Approach to Quality, On-line and Off-line Quality Control, , Quality
Loss Function, System Design, Parameter Design, Design for Environment, Human factor design,
Design for casting and forging , Causes of Variation.
Unit – II 08 Hrs
Quality Function Deployment –Introduction, QFD team, benefits, voice of customer, organisation of
information, house of quality, QFD process
Design of Experiments: Basic methods- Two factorial experiments-Extended method reduced tests
and fractional experiments, orthogonality, base design method, higher dimensional fractional factorial
Unit – III 08 Hrs
Failure Mode Effect Analysis : Refining geometry and layout, Failure tree analysis, Defects and
failure modes, Techniques of failure analysis, Field inspection of failure, Macroscopic and
Microscopic examination, Additional tests, Analysis of data and report of failure.
Unit – IV 08 Hrs
Statistical Consideration In Product Design and Development
Frequency distributions and Histograms- Run charts –stem and leaf plots- Pareto diagrams-Cause and
Effect diagrams-Box plots- Probability distribution- Statistical Process control–Scatter diagrams –
Multivariable charts.
Unit – V 08 Hrs
Six Sigma – Overview, Basics and history of the approach for six sigma, Methodology and focus, the
application of Six Sigma in production and in service industries, Relationship of Six Sigma and Lean
Management, linking Six Sigma project goals with organizational strategy.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to
CO1: Identify the importance of various principles of quality in product or service
CO2: Use statistical tools in product development
CO3: Apply basic risk analysis and experiment design techniques into practical cases
CO4: Demonstrate knowledge about Six sigma, Design of Experiments
Reference Books:
1 Total quality Management Kevin Otto & Kristin Wood, Product Design Techniques in Reverse
Engineering and New Product Development, Pearson Education (LPE), 2001.
2 Product Design and Development, Karl T. Ulrich, Steven D. Eppinger, TATA McGraw-HILL-
3rd Edition, 2003. ISBN:13:978-0073404776
3 The Management and control of Quality, James R. Evens, William M Lindsay, 6th edition- South-
Western Publishers ISBN: 0314062157
4 Engineering Design,George E Dieter, 3rdEdition,McGraw Hill International Edition,ISBN: 0-07-
(Group A: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MMD1A2 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:1:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 39L+26T SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 07 Hrs
Introduction to Tribology: Introduction, Friction, Wear, Wear Characterization, Regimes of
lubrication, Classification of contacts, lubrication theories, Effect of pressure and temperature on
viscosity. Newton's Law of viscous forces, Flow through stationary parallel plates. Hagen's poiseuille's
theory, viscometers. Numerical problems, Concept of lightly loaded bearings, Petroff's equation,
Numerical problems
Unit – II 08 Hrs
Hydrodynamic Lubrications: Pressure development mechanism. Converging and diverging films and
pressure induced flow. Reynolds's 2D equation with assumptions. Introduction to idealized slide
bearing with fixed shoe and Pivoted shoes. Expression for load carrying capacity. Location of center of
pressure, effect of end leakage on performance, Numerical problems.
Journal Bearings: Introduction to idealized full journal bearings. Load carrying capacity of idealized
full journal bearings, Somerfield number and its significance, partial bearings, Comparison between
lightly loaded and heavily loaded bearings, effects of end leakage on performance, Numerical
Unit – III 08 Hrs
Hydrostatic Bearings: Hydrostatic thrust bearings, hydrostatic circular pad, annular pad, rectangular
pad bearings, expression for discharge, load carrying capacity and condition for minimum power loss,
numerical problems
Antifriction bearings: Advantages, selection, nominal life, static and dynamic load bearing capacity,
probability of survival, equivalent load, cubic mean load, bearing mountings.
Unit – IV 08 Hrs
EHL Contacts: Introduction to Elasto - hydrodynamic lubricated bearings. Introduction to 'EHL'
constant. Grubin type solution
Porous Bearings: Introduction to porous and gas lubricated bearings. Governing differential equation
for gas lubricated bearings, Equations for porous bearings and working principal, Fretting phenomenon
and its stages.
Unit – V 08 Hrs
Magnetic Bearings: Introduction to magnetic bearings, Active magnetic bearings. Different equations
used in magnetic bearings and working principal. Advantages and disadvantages of magnetic bearings,
Electrical analogy, Magneto-hydrodynamic bearings
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: fundamentals of tribology, lubricants and methods of lubrication
CO2: Analyze bearings for load carrying capacity, frictional force and power loss
CO3: Illustrate the different modes of lubrication system for various applications.
CO4: Design the different bearing system such as antifriction bearings, magnetic bearings and
porous bearings for various applications
Reference Books:
1 Lubrication of Bearings - Theoretical principles and design,Radzimovsky, Oxford press Company,
2 Theory and practice of Lubrication for Engineers, 1. Dudley D.Fuller, New YorkCompany.1998
3 Principles and applications of Tribology, Moore, Pergamon press, 1975
4 Engineering Tribology, G W Stachowiak, A W Batchelor Elsevier publication 1993.
(Group A: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MCM1A3 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:1:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 39L+26T SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 07 Hrs
Introduction to Hydraulic System: Introduction, Basic hydraulic system, classification of hydraulic
motors, hydraulic pumps, Performance of hydraulic motors, Hydraulic actuators, types of hydraulic
Design of Pneumatic Circuits: Speed control circuits, Application of time delay valves. Position
sensing in pneumatic cylinders, roller lever valve, pressure sensing in pneumatic circuits, pressure
sequence valve, two cylinder movement,cascade method.
Unit – V 08 Hrs
Electro-Pneumatics: Introduction, Pilot operated solenoid valve, Electrical connection to the
solenoid, Electro-pneumatic circuit, Electrical limit switches and proximity switches, Relays, Solenoid,
PE converter, Concept of latching.
Servo Systemand PLC Applications in Pneumatics: Closed loop control with servo system, Hydro-
mechanical servo system, Electro-hydraulic servo system, Conventional valve vs proportional valve,
Proportional valve in hydraulic circuits, characteristics of proportional valve and servo valve. PLC
application in fluid power, logic in ladder logic diagram and Mnemonics, Timer- on delay and off
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Describe the constructional features of hydraulic and pneumatic components
CO2: Apply hydraulic and pneumatic controls in the design of automated controls
CO3: Evaluate the design of hydraulic and pneumatic compTWOnts for building a circuit
CO4: Design the hydraulic and pneumatic based systems for industrial applications.
Reference Books:
1 Introduction to Hydraulics and Pneumatics, S Ilango, V Soundararajan, PHI Publication, ISBN-
2 Hydraulics and Pneumatics, Jagadeesha T, I K International Publication, ISBN: 978-93-84588-
3 Introduction to fluid power, James L Johnson, Cengage Learning, first edition 2003, ISBN- 981-
4 Hydraulic and pneumatic controls, R Srinivasan, Tata McGraw hill, second edition,2010 ISBN –
(Group B: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MPD1B1 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Centralized systems: Client Server Systems, Parallel Systems, Distributed Systems, Network Types,
Parallel Database, Distributed Database, Security and Integrity, Standardization views.
Product Data Management: Complexity in Product Development, General Description of PDM Basic
functionality of PDM: Information architecture, PDM System architecture, Applications used in PDM
systems. Trends in PDM
Unit – II 11 Hrs
Product life cycle management – Need for PLM, Components of PLM, Product Data and Product
workflow, Drivers for Change, The PLM Strategy, Developing a PLM Strategy, A Five-step Process
Unit – III 11 Hrs
Document Management Systems: Document management and PDM, Document life cycle, Content
Management, Document management and related technologies, Document management resources on
the Internet Workflow Management in PDM: Structure Management, Engineering Change
Management, Release Management, Version Management, Configuration Management
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Creating Product Structures: Part centric approach, CAD centric approach, Product Structure
configuration, Managing Product Structures, PDM resources on the Internet.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
PDM Implementation Case Studies: Matrix One, Team Center, Windchill, Enovia. Standards in PDM,
CM, SCM and CMM.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Understanding the Product data base systems
CO2: Select the Product data base systems based on material and product
CO3: Analyzing the Product data base and Product life cycle for new products
CO4: Evaluate the parameters for Product data base considerations based on process
Reference Books:
1 Implementing and Integrating Product Data Management and Software Configuration Management -
20 - Ivica Cmkovic Ulf Asklund - AnnitaPerssonDahlqvist - Archtech House Publishers.
2 Product Data Management - Rodger Burden - Publisher: Resource Publishing- ISBN-10:
0970035225, ISBN-13: 978-0970035226 – 2003.
3 Windchill 8.0 – PDM Link User’s Guide- Parametric Technology Corporation (PTC),2008
4 The AutoCAD Database Book – Accessing and Managing CAD Drawing Information - Galgotia
Publications - Third Edition
(Group B: Professional Elective)
(Common to CSE, MPD, MD, CIM)
Course Code : 18MCE1B2 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Overview of Artificial Intelligence: Artificial Intelligence and its Application areas;
Knowledge Representation and Search: The Predicate Calculus: The Propositional Calculus, The
Predicate Calculus, Using Inference Rules to Produce Predicate Calculus Expressions, Application: A
Logic-Based Financial Advisor;
Structures and strategies for state space search: Introduction, Structures for state space
search,Strategies for State Space Search, Using the State Space to Represent Reasoning with the
Predicate Calculus; And/Or Graphs.
Unit – II 10 Hrs
Heuristic Search:Introduction, Hill Climbing and Dynamic Programming, The Best-First Search
Algorithm, Admissibility, Monotonicity and Informedness, Using Heuristics in Games, Complexity
Knowledge Intensive Problem Solving : Overview of Expert System Technology, Rule-Based Expert
Systems, Model-Based, Case Based, and Hybrid Systems
Planning: Introduction to Planning, Algorithms as State-Space Search, Planning graphs.
Unit – IV 11 Hrs
Automated Reasoning: Introduction to Weak Methods in Theorem Proving, The General Problem
Solver and Difference Tables, Resolution Theorem Proving;
Artificial Neural Networks: ANN Structures, Single Layer feed-forward neural networks, Multi-
Layer feed-forward neural networks, Learning in multilayer networks, networks.
Artificial Intelligence Current Trends :The Science of Intelligent Systems, AI: Current Challenges
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explore various Artificial Intelligence problem solving techniques.
CO2: Identify and describe the different AI approaches such as Knowledge representation, Search
strategies, learning techniques to solve uncertain imprecise, stochastic and nondeterministic
nature in AI problems.
CO3: Apply the AI techniques to solve various AI problems.
CO4: Analyze and compare the relative challenges pertaining to design of Intelligent Systems.
Reference Books
1. Artificial Intelligence – Structures and Strategies for Complex problem Solving, George F Luger,
6th Edition, Pearson Publication, 2009, ISBN-10: 0-321-54589-3, ISBN-13: 978-0-321-54589-3
2. Artificial Intelligence A Modern Approach, Stuart Russel, Peter Norvig, 3rd Edition, Pearson
Publication, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-93-325-4351-5
3. Artificial Intelligence, Elaine Rich, Kevin Knight, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, 2009, ISBN-10:
0070087709, ISBN-13: 978-0070087705
4. Intelligent Systems-A Modern Approach, Grosan, Crina, Abraham, Ajith, Springer-Verlag Berlin
Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 9783642269394, 2011.
(Group B: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MCM1B3 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Introduction: Need for unconventional machining processes, classification of non-traditional
machining processes.
Abrasive Jet Machining (AJM): Abrasive Jet Machining Setup – Gas propulsion System, Abrasive
feeder, Machining Chamber, AJM Nozzle; Parametric Analysis – Stand-off-distance, Abrasive flow
rate, Nozzle pressure, Mixing ratio; Process Capabilities.
Ultrasonic machining (USM): Ultrasonic Machining System, Mechanics of cutting, Model proposed
by Shaw – Grain Throwing Model, Grain Hammering Model; Parametric Analysis, Process
Unit – II 11 Hrs
Water Jet Cutting (WJC): WJC Machine, Process Characteristics, Process Performance.
Applications, Advantage and Limitations.
Abrasive Water Jet Machining (AWJM): Working Principle, AWJM Machine – Pumping System,
Abrasive Feed System, Abrasive Water Jet Nozzle, Catcher; Process Analysis– Water Jet Pressure
during Slotting, Water Flow Rate, Abrasive Flow Rate, Abrasive Particle Size, Abrasive Material,
Cutting Parameters – Traverse Speed, Number of Passes, Stand-Off-Distance, Process Capabilities.
Abrasive Flow Machining (AFM): Working Principle of Abrasive flow Machining System Process
Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) – Working Principle of MAF, Material Removal and Surface
Finish – Type and Size of Grains.
Unit – III 11 Hrs
LASER Beam Machining (LBM): Production of LASERS, Working Principle of LASER Beam
Machining, Types of Lasers – Solid State Lasers, Gas Lasers; Process Characteristics. Applications,
Advantage and Limitations.
Plasma Arc Machining (PAM): Working Principle, Plasma Arc Cutting System, Elements of Plasma
Arc Cutting System, Process Performance.
Electron Beam Machining (EBM): Working Principle, Electron Beam Machining System – Electron
Beam Gun, Power Supply, Vacuum System and Machining Chamber; Process Parameters,
Characteristics of the Process. Applications, Advantage and Limitations.
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Electrochemical Machining (ECM): Electrolysis, ECM Principle, ECM Machine Tool-Power
Source, Electrolyte supply and Cleaning System, Tool and Tool Feed System, Workpiece and Work
Holding Device; Theory of ECM – Faraday’s Laws of Electrolysis, Electrochemical Equivalent of
Alloys, Material Removal Rate in ECM.
Chemical Processes: Introduction, Maskants – Cut and Peel, Screen Printing, Photoresist Maskant;
Electropolishing – Introduction, Process Description, Process parameters, Process limitations,
Applications, Advantage and Limitations.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Non Destructive Testing: Scope and advantages of NDT, comparison of NDT with DT,
classifications of NDT, introduction, principle, equipment, procedures and characteristics of Visual
Inspection, Eddy Current Testing, Liquid Penetrant Testing, Magnetic Particle Testing and
Radiographic Testing.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the principle, mechanism of metal removal of various unconventional machining
CO2: Analyses the process parameters and their effect on the compTWOnt machined on various
unconventional machining processes and tested using NDT techniques.
CO3: Apply the concept for different NTM and NDT concepts industry.
CO4: Evaluate appropriate NTM and non-destructive techniques.
Reference Books:
1 Non Tradtional Machining Techniques, Bennedict, G. F., Marcel Decker, New York, 1990
ISBN 9780824773526
2 Modern Manufacturing Process, Pandey and Sha, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1997 ISBN: 978-
3 Unconventional Machining Process, Garry F. Benedict, Marcel Dekker Publication, New York,
1987. ISBN: 0-8247-7352-7
4 Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation of Materials", I. J Prasad, C G K Nair,Tata McGraw
Hill Education Private Limited
(Theory & Practice)
Course Code : 18MPD21 CIE Marks : 100+50
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:1 SEE Marks : 100+50
Hours : 52L+26P SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Quality by Experimental Design
Quality, western and Taguchi quality philosophy, Elements of cost, Noise factors, causes of
variation, Quadratic loss function and variation of quadratic loss functions.
Robust Design
Steps in robust design, parameter design and tolerance design, illustration through numerical
Unit – II 11 Hrs
Experimental Design
Factorial experiments, terminology, factors, levels, Interactions, treatment combination,
randomization, 2-level experimental design for two factors and three factors, Examples
Signal to Noise ratio (S-N Ratios): Evaluation of sensitivity to noise, Signal to noise ratios for static
problems, Smaller – the – better types, Nominal – the – better – type, larger – the- better – type.
Illustrations through numerical examples.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Parameter Design and Tolerance Design: Parameter and tolerance design concepts, Taguchi’s
inner and outer arrays, Parameter design strategy, Tolerance design strategy, illustrations through
numerical examples.
Reliability Improvement Through Robust Design: Role of S-N ratios in reliability improvement,
Case study; Illustrating the reliability improvement of routing process of a printed wiring boards
using robust design concepts.
Industrial application problems on ANOVA, Taguchi’s two level and three level factorial design,
central composite design, regression analysis, S/N ratios, Orthogonal arrays and multi response
optimisation to be solved using MINITAB.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the fundamentals of Robust design principles and techniques
CO2: Develop the knowledge to analyze experimental data through design of experiments
CO3: Assess the engineering design concepts for stability, reliability and tolerances
CO4: Formulate mathematical models using robust design concepts
Reference Books:
1 Quality Engineering using Robust Design - Madhav S. Phadake: Prentice Hall, Englewood
Clifts, New Jersey 07632, 1989.
2 Design and analysis of experiments - Douglas Montgomery: Willey India Pvt. Ltd., V Ed.,
3 Techniques for Quality Engineering - Phillip J. Ross: Taguchi 2nd edition. McGraw Hill Int.
Ed., 1996.
4 Quality by Experimental Design - Thomas B. Barker - Marcel Dekker Inc ASQC Quality
Press, 1985
Course Code : 18MPD22 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:1:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 39L+26T SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 07 Hrs
Product life cycle management– Need for PLM, Components of PLM, Product Data and Product
workflow, Drivers for Change.
Unit – II 08 Hrs
The PLM Strategy, Developing a PLM Strategy, A Five-step Process Strategy Identification and
Selection, Strategy Elements, Implications of Strategy Elements, Policies,Strategy Analysis,
Communicating the Strategy
Unit – III 08 Hrs
Change Management for PLM, Configuration management, cost of design changes, schemes for
concurrent engineering, Design for manufacturing and assembly, robust design, failure mode and
Unit – IV 08 Hrs
Modeling, Current concepts, part design, sketching,use of datum's construction features, free ovulation,
pattering, copying, and modifying features, reference standards for datum specification, Standards for
Engineering data exchange
Unit – V 08 Hrs
Tolerance mass property calculations, rapid prototyping and tooling, finite modeling and analysis,
general procedure, analysis techniques, Finite element modeling. Applicability of FEM, Static analysis,
thermal analysis, dynamic analysis.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain product life cycle management concepts.
CO2: Analyze schemes of concurrent engineering.
CO3: Appraise modeling and analysis concepts.
CO4: Adapt change management concepts.
Reference Books:
1 Product Lifecycle Management Paradigm for century Product Realization - John Stark, Springer-
Verlag, 21st, London, 3rd printing -2006, ISBN: 1-85233-810-5
2 Implementing and Integrating Product Data Management and Software Configuration
Management, Crnkovic, Ivica; Asklund, Ulf; &Dahlqvist, AnnitaPersson, Artech House
Publishers, 2003. ISBN 1580534988.
3 Product Lifecycle Management, Grieves, Michael, McGraw-Hill, 2006. ISBN 0071452303
4 PDM: Product Data Management,Rodger Burden, Ronnie Bishop, Mary Ellen Lucas, , Resource
Publishing, 2003. ISBN 0970035225.
(Common to all programs)
Course Code : 18IM23 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I
Overview of Research: Research and its types, identifying and defining research problem 07 Hrs
and introduction to different research designs. Essential constituents of Literature Review.
Basic principles of experimental design, completely randomized, randomized block, Latin
Square, Factorial.
Unit – II
Data and data collection: Overview of probability and data types, Primary data and 08 Hrs
Secondary Data, methods of primary data collection, classification of secondary data,
designing questionnaires and schedules.
Sampling Methods: Probability sampling and Non-probability sampling
Unit – III
Processing and analysis of Data: Statistical measures of location, spread and shape, 07 Hrs
Correlation and regression, Hypothesis Testing and ANOVA. Interpretation of output from
statistical software tools
Unit – IV
Advanced statistical analyses: Non parametric tests, Introduction to multiple regression, 07 Hrs
factor analysis, cluster analysis, principal component analysis. Usage and interpretation of
output from statistical analysis software tools.
Essentials of Report writing and Ethical issues: Significance of Report Writing,Different 07 Hrs
Steps in Writing Report,Layout of the Research Report, Ethical issues related to Research,
Publishing, Plagiarism.
Case studies: Discussion of case studies specific to the domain area of specialization
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain the principles and concepts of research types, data types and analysis procedures.
CO2 Apply appropriate method for data collection and analyze the data using statistical principles.
CO3 Present research output in a structured report as per the technical land ethical standards
CO4 Create research design for a given engineering and management problem situation.
Reference Books:
1 Kothari C.R., Research Methodology Methods and techniques, New Age International Publishers,
4th edition, ISBN: 978-93-86649-22-5
2 Krishnaswami, K.N., Sivakumar, A. I. and Mathirajan, M., Management Research Methodology,
Pearson Education: New Delhi, 2006. ISBN: 978-81-77585-63-6
3 William M. K. Trochim, James P. Donnelly, The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 3rd Edition,
Atomic Dog Publishing, 2006. ISBN: 978-1592602919
4 Levin, R.I. and Rubin, D.S., Statistics for Management, 7th Edition, Pearson Education: New
are given with a combination of two components among 1) solving innovative problems 2) seminar/new
developments in the related course 3) Laboratory/field work 4) Minor project.
Total CIE (Q+T+A) is 20+50+30=100 Marks.
Course Code : 18 MPD 24 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : --- SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
1. Each project group will consist of maximum of two students.
2. Each student / group has to select a contemporary topic that will use the technical knowledge
of their program of study after intensive literature survey.
3. Allocation of the guides preferably in accordance with the expertise of the faculty.
4. The number of projects that a faculty can guide would be limited to four.
5. The minor project would be performed in-house.
6. The implementation of the project must be preferably carried out using the resources available in
the department/college.
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Conceptualize, design and implement solutions for specific problems.
CO2 Communicate the solutions through presentations and technical reports.
CO3 Apply resource managements skills for projects
CO4 Synthesize self-learning, team work and ethics.
Evaluation will be carried out in THREE Phases. The evaluation committee will comprise of FOUR
members : guide, two senior faculty members and Head of the Department.
The evaluation will be done by TWO senior faculty from the department and TWO external faculty
member from Academia / Industry / Research Organization. The following weightages would be given
for the examination. Evaluation will be TWO in batches, not exceeding 6 students.
(Group C: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MPD2C1 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Creative thinking, blocks to creativity, factors that influence creative design, engineering design and
creative design, influence of society, technology and business on creativity, force field analysis, market
pull & technology push, attribute of a creative person, creative thinking in groups, creating a creative
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the steps involved in the creative thinking process
CO2: Apply the various techniques for stimulating creativity and innovation thinking
CO3: Analyze the techniques to design and develop new products.
CO4: Synthesize the creative design with analysis to develop new products
Reference Books:
1 Creative Engineering Design Synthesis, AmareshChakrabarti, Springer, 2009
2 Rousing Creativity: Think New Now, Floyd Hurt, Crisp Publ Inc. 1999, ISBN 1560525479
3 Emotional Design, Donald A. Norman,Perseus Books Group New York , 2004, ISBN 123-1-118-
4 Simplified TRIZ – II edn., KaleviRantanen& Ellen Domb, Auerbach Publications, Taylor &
Francis Group, 2010, ISBN: 978-142-0062-748
(Group C: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18 MPD2C2 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Introduction to Design for Manufacture & Assembly: Steps in DFMA, Advantages of DFMA,
Design guidelines for Manual Assembly and High Speed Automatic and Robotic Assembly
Geometrical Dimensioning & Tolerance – Dimensions & Tolerance, Limits, Fits and Tolerances,
Hole and Shaft Basis, Three datum – functional, machining and manufacturing, geometrical and form
tolerance, conventional and advanced tools and techniques for measurements, numerical
Unit – II 11 Hrs
Metal Casting Processes – Gravity Die Casting : compute the dimensions for Pattern, Mould, based
on materials to be cast – ferrous and non-ferrous alloys, influence of parting line, cast holes, special
sand cores, shrinkage compensation, numericals,
Pressure Die Casting: Die casting alloys, machine selection, operation, sub-systems, post-processing
equipments, mould design, number of cavities, manufacturing and assembly of moulds, design
Unit – III 11 Hrs
Design for Injection Molding – Injection moulding systems – injection subsystem, ejection system,
clamping and feeding system, machine sizing, materials for injection moulding and its properties,
injection mould design – cavity and core, manufacturing processes for moulds, operation and cycle
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Design for Powder Metallurgy Processes: Introduction to PM process, blending and mixing,
compaction, sintering processes. Tooling materials, heat treatment, surface treatments and preparation
of green compacts, Press tools for PM process – load, tooling layout, capacity; sintering furnace and
influence of process and materials parameters on shrinkage.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Design for Sheet Metal Processing : Design of moulds for shearing, piercing, bending, deep drawing,
progressive die operation, selection of press – hydraulic and electric, sub-systems, turret operation,
cycle time calculation, laser cutting of sheet metals.
Cost Estimation for sand casting, pressure die casting, injection moulding, PM process and sheet
metal processes.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the concept of DFMA and GD&T
CO2: Apply engineering products and suggest suitable manufacturing process
CO3: Evaluate the influence of design, material and manufacturing processes on product
CO4: Develop appropriate manufacturing and assembly processes for a given product
Reference Books:
1. Product Design for Manufacture and Assembly,Geoffrey Boothroyd, Peter Dewhurst, Winston
Knight Marcel Dekker, Inc., Newyork - Second Revision, ISBN 0-8247-0584-X
2. Designing for Manufacturing,Harry Peck, Pitman Publications,1983, ISBN: 1-85233-810-5
3. Dimensioning and Tolerance for Quantity Production, Merhyle F Spotts, Englewood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall, 5th edition, ISBN: 2-95433-956-3
4. Design for manufacturing – a structured approach, CorradoColig. BH publishers, ISBN :
(Group C: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18 MPD 2C3 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Basic Probability Theory: Basic concepts – Definitions of Reliability, Parameters and Reliability
concepts, Rules for combining Probabilities of events, Failure Density and Distribution functions,
Bernoulli’s trials, Binomial distribution, Expected value and standard deviation for binomial
distribution, Numericals
Introduction to Probability Distributions: Normal, Poisson and Binomial distribution.
Control Charts: Variable Chart – X Bar chart, R-chart and Sigma chart. Attribute Chart: P – Chart, nP
Chart, C-Chart and U – Chart. Numericals.
Unit – II 11 Hrs
Network Reliability Evaluation: Basic concepts – Evaluation of network Reliability and
Unreliability, Series systems, Parallel systems, Series - Parallel systems, partially redundant systems –
Types of redundancies - Evaluation of network Reliability Unreliability using conditional probability
method – Paths based and cutset based approach – complete event tree and reduced event tree
methods. Numericals
Unit – III 11 Hrs
Acceptance Sampling and Failure Data Analysis: Fundamentals of acceptance sampling, types of
acceptance sampling, OC Curve, AQL, LTPD, AOQL. Introduction to Failure data analysis, Failure
Data, Quantitative measures, MTTF, MTBF, Bathtub Curve, Mean Life, Life Testing, Problems,
Introduction to Failure Mode and Effect Analysis. Numericals.
Reliability Improvement and Allocation: Difficulty in achieving reliability, Methods for improving
reliability during design, Different techniques available to improve reliability, Optimization,
Reliability-Cost trade off, Prediction and Analysis.
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Discrete Markov Chains & Continuous Markov Processes
Basic concepts, Stochastic transitional Probability matrix, time dependent probability evaluation,
Limiting State Probability evaluation, Absorbing states, Markov Processes-Modelling concepts,
Statespace diagrams, time dependent reliability evaluation of single component repairable model,
Evaluation of Limiting State Probabilities of TWO, two component repairable models – Frequency
and duration concepts, Frequency balance approach. Numericals.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Reliability Life Testing Methods: Reliability Life Testing - Test time calculations, Burn-in testing,
Acceptance testing, accelerated life testing and Experimental Design - Reliability Growth Testing -
Growth process, Idealized growth curve and other growth modals. Goodness of Fit tests - Chi-square
goodness of fit test, Bartlett’s test for the expTWOntial distribution, Mann’s test for the weibull
distribution, Kolmogorov, smirnov test for normal and lognormal distributions and tests for the power
law process model.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the concepts of reliability and probability theory.
CO2: Evaluate network Reliability and Unreliability for systems.
CO3: Analyse the various sampling and failure data analysis for reliability improvement
CO4: Develop Reliability Life Testing Methods for a given model
Reference Books:
1 Reliability Engineering - A K Govil - Prentice Hall – 1981.
2 Reliability Engineering - E. Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw Hill, 2003.
3 Reliability Evaluation of Engineering Systems - Roy Billinton and Ronald N. Allan, Reprinted in
India B. S. Publications, 2007.
4 Concepts in Reliability Engineering- Srinath L S - Affiliated East-West Press Private Limited,
New Delhi, India. – 1985.
(Group D: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MPD2D1 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Introduction: New products, New product strategy , Sequential Decision Process, Market definition
and entry strategy, Idea generation, introduction to the design process, forecasting sales potential
Unit – II 11 Hrs
Consumer Measurement process, Research Methods, Sampling, Attitude Scaling, Perceptual Mapping:
Perceptual Positioning, Perceptual Maps and Analytical methods to Perceptual Maps Product
Positioning : Preference in Product Positioning, Proactive Product Positioning, Benefit Segmentation,
Managerial use of Preference Models
Unit – III 11 Hrs
Manufacturing Planning: Selection of optimum process, standardization. Break even analysis-
application and area of use -problems -multi - product analysis and Process planning.
Value Analysis: Steps in selection, analysis and implementation, Selection of cutting speed for
optimum cost - problems.
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Cost Accounting
Cost estimation -difference -types -steps involved in cost estimation. Types of Cost: Cost Centres,
Direct –indirect, material cost -direct indirect material cost Overhead cost
Elements in overheads: Preparation of cost sheet, machine hour rate, apportioning methods Variance
Analysis – Labour variance, Material variance and Overhead variance, Activity based costing -
Introduction to target costing
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Cost Calculation
Cost calculation for machined compTWOnts, welding, casting, Sheet Metal and forged compTWOnts
illustrations - calculation of sales cost. Launching the product: Launch Planning, Track Launching,
Durable and Industrial Products.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Describe the Value Analysis and new product strategy
CO2: Apply suitable manufacturing process based on material and product
CO3: Analyzing the Cost Accounting machined compTWOnts for a given material
CO4: Evaluate the parameters for design considerations based on process
Reference Books:
1 Design and Marketing of New Products, Glen L Urban, John R Hauser, Prentice Hall. New
Jersey, 1980, ISBN : 40:0257-02-0001
2 Mechanical Estimating and Costing, T.R.Ranga and S C Sharma, Khanna Publishers- 2015.
ISBN : 40:0257-02-0001
3 Cost management in the New Manufacturing Age, Yasuhiro Monden Productivity Press-1992,
1980, ISBN : 90:0777-02-0001
4 Technique for Value Analysis And Engineering, Miles Lewrence, McGraw Hill, New york-
1972, ISBN : 65:0257-22-0004
(Group D: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MCM2D2 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Automation and Robotics - Historical Development, Definitions, Basic Structure of Robots, Robot
Anatomy, Complete Classification of Robots, Fundamentals about Robot Technology, Factors related
to use Robot Performance, Basic Robot Configurations and their Relative Merits and Demerits, Types
of Drive Systems and their Relative Merits, the Wrist & Gripper Subassemblies. Concepts and Model
about Basic Control System, Control Loops of Robotic Systems, PTP and CP Trajectory Planning,
Control Approaches of Robots
Unit – II 11 Hrs
Kinematics of Robot Manipulator: Introduction, General Description of Robot Manipulator,
Mathematical Preliminaries on Vectors & Matrices, Homogenous Representation of Objects, Robotic
Manipulator Joint Co-Ordinate System, Euler Angle & Euler Transformations, Roll-Pitch-Yaw(RPY)
Transformation, Relative Transformation, Direct & Inverse Kinematics’ Solution, D H Representation
& Displacement Matrices for Standard Configurations, Geometrical Approach to Inverse Kinematics.
Homogeneous Robotic Differential Transformation: Introduction, Jacobian Transformation in Robotic
Unit – III 11 Hrs
Robotic Workspace & Motion Trajectory: Introduction, General Structures of Robotic Workspaces,
Manipulations with n Revolute Joints, Robotic Workspace Performance Index, Extreme Reaches of
Robotic Hands, Robotic Task Description. Robotic Motion Trajectory Design: – Introduction,
Trajectory Interpolators, Basic Structure of Trajectory Interpolators, Cubic Joint Trajectories. General
Design Consideration on Trajectories: 4-3-4 & 3-5-3 Trajectories, Admissible Motion Trajectories.
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Dynamics of Robotic Manipulators: Introduction, Bond Graph Modeling of Robotic Manipulators,
Examples of Bond Graph Dynamic Modeling of Robotic Manipulator. Brief Discussion on Lagrange–
Euler (LE) Dynamic Modeling of Robotic Manipulators: - Preliminary Definitions, Generalized
Robotic Coordinates, Dynamic Constraints, Velocity & Acceleration of Moving Frames, Robotic Mass
Distribution & Inertia Tensors, Newton’s Equation, Euler Equations, The Lagrangian& Lagrange’s
Equations. Application of Lagrange–Euler (LE) Dynamic Modeling of Robotic Manipulators: -
Velocity of Joints, Kinetic Energy T of Arm, Potential Energy V of Robotic Arm, The Lagrange L,
Two Link Robotic Dynamics with Distributed Mass, Dynamic Equations of Motion for A General Six
Axis Manipulator.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Autonomous Robot: Locomotion Introduction, Key issues for locomotion Legged Mobile Robots
Leg configurations and stability Examples of legged robot locomotion Wheeled Mobile Robots
Wheeled locomotion: the design space Wheeled locomotion: case studies Mobile Robot Kinematics
Introduction Kinematic Models and Constraints Representing robot position Forward kinematic
models Wheel kinematic constraints Robot kinematic constraints, Mobile Robot Maneuverability
Degree of mobility Degree of steerability Robot maneuverability.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Analyze the manipulator design including actuator, drive and sensor issues
CO2: Calculate the forward kinematics, inverse kinematics and Jacobian industrial robots
Reference Books:
1 A Robot Engineering Textbook, Mohsen Shahinpoor, Harper & Row publishers, New York.
2 Robotics, control vision and intelligence, Fu, Lee and Gonzalez, McGraw Hill International.
3 Introduction to Robotics, John J. Craig, Addison Wesley Publishing, ISBN:0201543613
4 Autonomous mobile robots, Roland Illah R. SiegwartNourbakhsh,The MIT Press Cambridge,
Massachusetts London, England, 2004.ISBN:0262015358
(Group D: Professional Elective)
Course Code : 18MPD2D3 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
System Engineering and the World of Modem System: Definition, Origin, Examples of Systems
Requiring Systems engineering, System Engineering view point, System Engineering as a Profession,
The power of System Engineering, Problems.
Structure of Complex Systems: Systems building blocks and interfaces, Hierarchy of Complex
systems, System building blocks, The system environment, Interfaces and Interactions.
The System Development Process: System Engineering through the system Life cycle, Evolutionary
Characteristic of the development process, The system engineering method, Testing throughout system
development, problems
Unit – II 11 Hrs
System Engineering Management: Managing system development and risks, Work break down
structure (WBS), System Engineering Management Plane (SEMP), Risk Management, Organization of
System Engineering Capability Maturity Assessment, System Engineering standards, Problems.
Needs Analysis: Origination of a new system, Operation analysis, Functional analysis, Feasibility
analysis, Feasibility definition, Needs validation, System operational requirements, Problems.
Advanced Development: Reducing program risks, Requirement analysis, Functional analysis and
Design. Prototype development, Development testing, Risk reduction, problems.
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Engineering Design: implementing the System Building blocks, Requirements analysis, Functional
analysis and design, Concept design, Design validation, Configuration Management, Problems.
Integration and Evaluation: Integrating, Testing and evaluating the total system, Test planning and
preparation, System integration, Developmental system testing, Operational test and evaluation,
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Production: System Engineering in the factory, Engineering for production, Transition from
development to production, Production operations, Acquiring a production knowledge base, Problems.
Operation and support: Installing, maintenance and up grading the system, Installation and test, In-
service support, Major system upgrades: Modernization, Operational factors in system development,
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the role of Stake holders and their need in organizational system.
CO2: Develop and document the knowledge base for effective system engineering processes
CO3: Apply available tool, methods and technologies to support high technologysystems.
CO4: Create the framework for quality processes to ensure high reliability of systems.
Reference Books:
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18CS2G01 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I
Business analytics: Overview of Business analytics, Scope of Business analytics, Business 08 Hrs
Analytics Process, Relationship of Business Analytics Process and organization,
competitive advantages of Business Analytics.
Statistical Tools: Statistical Notation, Descriptive Statistical methods, Review of
probability distribution and data modelling.
Unit – II
Trendiness and Regression Analysis: Modelling Relationships and Trends in Data, simple 07 Hrs
Linear Regression. Important Resources, Business Analytics Personnel, Data and models
Business analytics, problem solving, Visualizing and Exploring Data, Business Analytics
Unit – III
Organization Structures of Business analytics, Team management, Management 08 Hrs
Issues, Designing Information Policy, Outsourcing, Ensuring Data Quality, Measuring
contribution of Business analytics, Managing Changes. Descriptive Analytics, Predictive
Analytics, Predicative Modelling, Predictive analytics analysis.
Unit – IV
Forecasting Techniques: Qualitative and Judgmental Forecasting, Statistical Forecasting 07 Hrs
Models, Forecasting Models for Stationary Time Series, Forecasting Models for Time
Series with a Linear Trend, Forecasting Time Series with Seasonality, Regression
Forecasting with Casual Variables, Selecting Appropriate Forecasting Models.
Decision Analysis: Formulating Decision Problems, Decision Strategies with and without 06 Hrs
Outcome, Probabilities, Decision Trees, The Value of Information, Utility and Decision
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Explore the concepts, data and models for Business Analytics.
CO2 Analyze various techniques for modelling and prediction.
CO3 Design the clear and actionable insights by translating data.
CO4 Formulate decision problems to solve business applications
Reference Books:
1 Marc J. Schniederjans, Dara G. Schniederjans, Christopher M. Starkey, Business analytics
Principles, Concepts, and Applications FT Press Analytics, 1 st Edition, 2014, ISBN-13: 978-
0133989403, ISBN-10: 0133989402
2 Evan Stubs , The Value of Business Analytics: Identifying the Path to Profitability , John Wiley
& Sons, ISBN:9781118983881 |DOI:10.1002/9781118983881,1st edition 2014
3 James Evans, Business Analytics, Pearsons Education 2 nd edition, ISBN-13:978-
4 Gary Cokins and Lawrence Maisel, Predictive Business Analytics Forward Looking Capabilities
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18CV2G02 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Industrial safety: Accident, causes, types, results and control, mechanical and electrical hazards, 07Hrs
types, causes and preventive steps/procedure, describe salient points of factories act 1948 for
health and safety, wash rooms, drinking water layouts, light, cleanliness, fire, guarding, pressure
vessels, etc, Safety color codes. Fire prevention and firefighting, equipment and methods.
Occupational health and safety: Introduction, Health, Occupational health: definition, 07Hrs
Interaction between work and health, Health hazards, workplace, economy and sustainable
development, Work as a factor in health promotion. Health protection and promotion Activities
in the workplace: National governments, Management, Workers, Workers’ representatives and
unions, Communities, Occupational health professionals. Potential health hazards: Air
contaminants, Chemical hazards, Biological hazards, Physical hazards, Ergonomic hazards,
Psychosocial factors, Evaluation of health hazards: Exposure measurement techniques,
Interpretation of findings recommended exposure limits. Controlling hazards: Engineering
controls, Work practice controls, Administrative controls. Occupational diseases: Definition,
Characteristics of occupational diseases, Prevention of occupational diseases.
HazardousMaterials characteristics and effects on health: Introduction, Chemical Agents, 08Hrs
Organic Liquids, Gases, Metals and Metallic Compounds, Particulates and Fibers, Alkalies and
Oxidizers, General Manufacturing Materials, Chemical Substitutes, Allergens, Carcinogens,
Mutagens, Reproductive Hazards, Sensitizers and Teratogens, Recommended Chemical
Exposure Limits. Physical Agents, Noise and Vibration, Temperature and Pressure,
Carcinogenicity, Mutagenicity and Teratogenicity. Ergonomic Stresses: Stress-Related Health
Incidents, Eyestrain, Repetitive Motion, Lower Back Pain, Video Display Terminals.
Wear and Corrosion and their prevention: Wear- types, causes, effects, wear reduction 07Hrs
methods, lubricants-types and applications, Lubrication methods, general sketch, working and
applications, i. Screw down grease cup, ii. Pressure grease gun, iii. Splash lubrication, iv. Gravity
lubrication, v. Wick feed lubrication vi. Side feed lubrication, vii. Ring lubrication, Definition,
principle and factors affecting the corrosion. Types of corrosion, corrosion prevention methods.
Periodic and preventive maintenance: Periodic inspection-concept and need, degreasing, 07Hrs
cleaning and repairing schemes, overhauling of mechanical components,over hauling of electrical
motor, common troubles and remedies of electric motor, repair complexities and its use,
definition, need, steps and advantages of preventive maintenance. Steps/procedure for periodic
and preventive maintenance of: I. Machine tools, ii. Pumps,
iii. Air compressors, iv. Diesel generating (DG) sets, Program and schedule of preventive
maintenance of mechanical and electrical equipment, advantages of preventive maintenance.
Repair cycle concept and importance.
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain the Industrial and Occupational health and safety and its importance
CO2 Demonstrate the exposure of different materials, occupational environment to which the
employee can expose in the industries.
CO3 Characterize the different type materials, with respect to safety and health hazards of it.
CO4 Analyze the different processes with regards to safety and health and the maintenance required
in the industries to avoid accidents.
Reference Books:
1 Maintenance Engineering Handbook, Higgins & Morrow, SBN 10: 0070432015 / ISBN
13: 9780070432017, Published by McGraw-Hill Education. Da Information Services
2 Maintenance Engineering Principles, Practices & Management, H. P. Garg, S. Chand and Company,
New Delhi, 2009. ISBN:9788121926447
3 Fundamental Principles of Occupational Health and Safety, Benjamin O. ALLI, Second edition,
International Labour Office – Geneva: ILO, 2008. ISBN 978-92-2-120454-1
4 Foundation Engineering Handbook, 2008, Winterkorn, Hans, Chapman & Hall London.
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18IM2G03 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I
Linear Programming: Introduction to Linear Programming problem 7 Hrs
Simplex methods: Variants of Simplex Algorithm – Use of Artificial Variables
Unit – II
Advanced Linear Programming :Two Phase simplex techniques, Revised simplex method 7 Hrs
Duality: Primal-Dual relationships, Economic interpretation of duality
Unit – III
Sensitivity Analysis: Graphical sensitivity analysis, Algebraic sensitivity analysis - changes 7 Hrs
in RHS, Changes in objectives, Post optimal analysis - changes affecting feasibility and
Unit – IV
Transportation Problem: Formulation of Transportation Model, Basic Feasible Solution 8 Hrs
using North-West corner, Least Cost, Vogel’s Approximation Method, Optimality Methods,
Unbalanced Transportation Problem, Degeneracy in Transportation Problems, Variants in
Transportation Problems.
Assignment Problem: Formulation of the Assignment problem, solution method of 7 Hrs
assignment problem-Hungarian Method, Variants in assignment problem, Travelling
Salesman Problem (TSP).
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain the various Linear Programming models and their areas of application
CO2 Formulate and solve problems using Linear Programming methods.
CO3 Develop models for real life problems using Linear Programming techniques.
CO4 Analyze solutions obtained through Linear Programming techniques.
Reference Books:
1 Taha H A, Operation Research An Introduction, PHI, 8 th Edition, 2009, ISBN: 0130488089.
2 Philips, Ravindran and Solberg - Principles of Operations Research – Theory and Practice,
John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pvt Ltd, 2nd Edition, 2000, ISBN 13: 978-81-265-1256-0
3 Hiller, Liberman, Nag, Basu, Introduction to Operation Research, Tata McGraw Hill 9 th
Edition, 2012, ISBN 13: 978-0-07-133346-7
4 J K Sharma, Operations Research Theory and Application, Pearson Education Pvt Ltd, 4 th
Edition, 2009, ISBN 13: 978-0-23-063885-3.
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18 IM2G04 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I
Introduction: Project Planning, Need of Project Planning, Project Life Cycle, Roles, 7 Hrs
Responsibility and Team Work, Project Planning Process, Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS), Introduction to Agile Methodology.
Unit – II
Capital Budgeting: Capital Investments: Importance and Difficulties, phases of capital 7 Hrs
budgeting, levels of decision making, facets of project analysis, feasibility study – a
schematic diagram, objectives of capital budgeting
Unit – III
Project Costing: Cost of Project, Means of Finance, Cost of Production, Working Capital 8 Hrs
Requirement and its Financing, Profitability Projections, Projected Cash Flow Statement,
Projected Balance Sheet, Multi-year Projections, Financial Modeling, Social Cost Benefit
Unit – IV
Tools & Techniques of Project Management: Bar (GANTT) chart, bar chart for combined 7Hrs
activities, logic diagrams and networks, Project evaluation and review Techniques (PERT)
Critical Path Method (CPM), Computerized project management
Project Management and Certification: An introduction to SEI, CMMI and project 7 Hrs
management institute USA – importance of the same for the industry and practitiTWOrs.
PMBOK 6 - Introduction to Agile Methodology, Themes / Epics / Stories, Implementing
Domain Specific Case Studies on Project Management: Case studies covering project
planning, scheduling, use of tools & techniques, performance measurement.
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Explain project planning activities that accurately forecast project costs, timelines, and
CO2 Evaluate the budget and cost analysis of project feasibility.
CO3 Analyze the concepts, tools and techniques for managing projects.
CO4 Illustrate project management practices to meet the needs of Domain specific stakeholders
from multiple sectors of the economy (i.e. consulting, government, arts, media, and charity
Reference Books:
1 Prasanna Chandra, Project Planning Analysis Selection Financing Implementation & Review,
Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 8th Edition, 2010, ISBN 0-07-007793-2.
2 Project Management Institute, A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge
(PMBOK Guide), 5th Edition, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-935589-67-9
3 Harold Kerzner, Project Management A System approach to Planning Scheduling &
Controlling, John Wiley & Sons Inc., 11th Edition, 2013, ISBN 978-1-118-02227-6.
4 Rory Burke, Project Management – Planning and Controlling Techniques, John Wiley & Sons,
4th Edition, 2004, ISBN: 9812-53-121-1
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18CH2G05 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I
Energy conservation: Principles of energy conservation and energy audit, types of energy 07 Hrs
audit, Energy conservation approaches, Cogeneration and types of cogeneration, Heat
recuperators- classification, liquid/gas and gas/liquid heat exchangers
Unit – II
Wet Biomass gasifiers: Introduction, Classification of feedstock for biogas generation. Biomass 07 Hrs
conversion technologies: Wet and dry processes, Photosynthesis, Biogas generation, Factors
affecting bio-digestion, Classification of biogas plants, Floating drum plant and fixed dome
plant their advantages and disadvantages, Biogas from aquatic weed.
Unit – III
Dry Biomass Gasifiers : Biomass energy conversion routes, Thermal gasification of biomass, 08 Hrs
Classification of gasifiers, Fixed bed systems: Construction and operation of up draught and
down draught gasifiers. Pyrolysis.
Unit – IV
Solar Photovoltaic: Principle of photovoltaic conversion of solar energy, types of solar cells 07 Hrs
and fabrication.
Wind Energy: Atmospheric circulations, classification, factors influencing wind, wind
shear,turbulence, wind speed monitoring, Betz limit, WECS: classification, characteristics, and
Unit – V
Alternative liquid fuels: Introduction. Ethanol production: Raw materials, Pre-treatment, 07 Hrs
Conversion processes, Fermentation systems. Methanol production: Raw materials, Gasification
of wood, Gas purification and shift conversion, Synthesis, Gasification equipment.
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand the use alternate fuels for energy conversion
CO2 Develop a scheme for energy audit
CO3 Evaluate the factors affecting biomass energy conversion
CO4 Design a biogas plant for wet and dry feed
Reference Books:
1 Non Conventional Energy, Desai, Ashok V., Wiley Eastern Ltd., 1990.
2 Biogas Technology - A Practical Hand Book - Khandelwal, K. C. and Mahdi, S. S., Vol. I & II,
Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., 1983.
3 Biomass Conversion and Technology, C. Y. WereKo-Brobby and E. B. Hagan, John Wiley & Sons,
4 C. S. Solanki, Solar Photovoltaics: Fundamental Applications and Technologies, Prentice Hall of
India, 2009, ISBN:9788120343863
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18ME2G06 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 39L SEE Duration : 3Hrs
Unit – I 07 Hrs
Introduction: Industrial, Internet, Case studies, Cloud and Fog, M2M Learning and Artificial
Intelligence, AR, Industrial Internet Architecture Framework (IIAF), Data Management.
Unit – II 08 Hrs
The Concept of the IIoT: Modern Communication Protocols, Wireless Communication Technologies,
Proximity Network Communication Protocols, TCP/IP, API: A Technical Perspective, Middleware
Unit – III 08 Hrs
Data Analytics in Manufacturing: Introduction, Power Consumption in manufacturing, Anomaly
Detection in Air Conditioning, Smart Remote Machinery Maintenance Systems with Komatsu, Quality
Prediction in Steel Manufacturing.
Internet of Things and New Value Proposition, Introduction, Internet of Things Examples, IoTs Value
Creation Barriers: Standards, Security and Privacy Concerns.
Advances in Robotics in the Era of Industry 4.0, Introduction, Recent Technological Components of
Robots, Advanced Sensor Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Robotic Things, Cloud
Unit – IV 08 Hrs
Additive Manufacturing Technologies and Applications: Introduction, Additive Manufacturing
(AM) Technologies, Stereo lithography, 3DP, Fused Deposition Modeling, Selective Laser Sintering,
Laminated Object Manufacturing, Laser Engineered Net Shaping, Advantages of Additive
Manufacturing, Disadvantages of Additive Manufacturing.
Advances in Virtual Factory Research and Applications, The State of Art, The Virtual Factory Software
, Limitations of the Commercial Software
Unit –V 08 Hrs
Augmented Reality: The Role of Augmented Reality in the Age of Industry 4.0, Introduction, AR
Hardware and Software Technology, Industrial Applications of AR, Maintenance , Assembly,
Collaborative Operations , Training.
Smart Factories: Introduction, Smart factories in action, Importance, Real world smart factories, The
way forward.
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Understand the opportunities, challenges brought about by Industry 4.0 for benefits of
organizations and individuals
CO2: Analyze the effectiveness of Smart Factories, Smart cities, Smart products and Smart services
CO3: Apply the Industrial 4.0 concepts in a manufacturing plant to improve productivity and profits
CO4: Evaluate the effectiveness of Cloud Computing in a networked economy
Reference Books:
Publisher, ISBN-13 (pbk): 978-1-4842-2046-7
2 Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation, Alp Ustundag, EmreCevikcan, Springer, 2018
ISBN 978-3-319-57869-9.
Designing the industry - Internet of things connecting the physical, digital and virtual worlds,
3 OvidiuVermesan and Peer Friess, Rivers Publishers, 2016 ISBN 978-87-93379-81-7
4 The concept Industry 4.0- An Empirical Analysis of Technologies and Applications in Production
Logistics, Christoph Jan Bartodziej, Springer Gabler, 2017 ISBN 978-3-6581-6502-4.
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18ME2G07 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 39L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 07 Hrs
Classification and Selection of Materials: Classification of materials. Properties required in
Engineering materials, Criteria of selection of materials. Requirements / needs of advance materials.
Unit – II 08 Hrs
Non Metallic Materials: Classification of n on metallic materials, Rubber: Properties, processing and
applications. Plastics: Thermosetting and Thermoplastics, Applications and properties. Ceramics:
Properties and applications. Adhesives: Properties and applications. Optical fibers: Properties and
applications. Composites : Properties and applications.
Unit – III 08 Hrs
High Strength Materials: Methods of strengthening of alloys, Materials available for high strength
applications, Properties required for high strength materials, Applications of high strength materials
Unit – IV 08 Hrs
Low & High Temperature Materials
Properties required for low temperature applications, Materials available for low temperature
applications, Requirements of materials for high temperature applications, Materials available for high
temperature applications, Applications of low and high temperature materials.
Unit –V 08 Hrs
Nanomaterials: Definition, Types of nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes and nanocomposites,
Physical and mechanical properties, Applications of nanomaterials
Course Outcomes:
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Describe metallic and non-metallic materials
CO2: Explain preparation of high strength Materials
CO3: Integrate knowledge of different types of advanced engineering Materials
CO4: Analyse problem and find appropriate solution for use of materials.
Reference Books:
1 The Science & Engineering of Materials, Donald R. Askeland, and Pradeep P. Fulay, 5th Edition,
Thomson, 2006, ISBN-13-978-0534553968
2 Nanotechnology, Gregory L. Timp, 1999th Editionmm Springer, 1999 ISBN-13: 978-0387983349
3 Material Science and Metallurgy, Dr. VD Kodgire and Dr. S V Kodgire, 42nd Edition 2018, Everest
Publishing House ISBN NO: 81 86314 00 8
4 Processing and Fabrication of Advanced Materials, N Bhatnagar, T S Srivatsan, 2008, IK
International, ISBN: 978819077702
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18CHY2G08 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I
Fundamentals of composites – need for composites – Enhancement of properties –
Classification based on matrix- Polymer matrix composites (PMC), Metal matrix
composites (MMC), Ceramic matrix composites (CMC) – Constituents of composites,
Interfaces and Interphases, Distribution of constituents, Types of Reinforcements, Particle
reinforced composites, Fibre reinforced composites. Fiber production techniques for glass,
carbon and ceramic fibers Applications of various types of composites.
Unit – II
Polymer resins – Thermosetting resins, Thermoplastic resins & Elastomers,
Reinforcement fibres-Types, Rovings, Woven fabrics. PMC processes – Hand Layup
Processes, Spray up processes – Compression Moulding – Injection Moulding – Resin
Transfer Moulding – Pultrusion – Filament winding – Injection moulding. Glass fibre and
carbon fibre reinforced composites (GFRP & CFRP). Laminates- Balanced Laminates,
Symmetric Laminates, Angle Ply Laminates, Cross Ply Laminates. Mechanical Testing of
PMC- Tensile Strength, Flexural Strength, ILSS, Impact Strength- As per ASTM Standard.
Applications of PMC in aerospace, automotive industries.
Unit – III
Engineering ceramic materials – properties – advantages – limitations – monolithic
ceramics – need for CMC – ceramic matrix – various types of ceramic matrix composites-
oxide ceramics – non oxide ceramics – Aluminium oxide – silicon nitride – reinforcements
– particles- fibres- whiskers. Sintering – Hot pressing – Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIPing) –
Hot isostatic pressing (HIPing). Applications of CMC in aerospace, automotive industries-
Carbon /carbon composites – advantages of carbon matrix – limitations of carbon matrix
carbon fibre – chemical vapour deposition of carbon on carbon fibre perform. Sol-gel
technique- Processing of Ceramic Matrix composites.
Unit – IV
Characteristics of MMC, various types of metal matrix composites alloy vs. MMC,
advantages of MMC, limitations of MMC, Reinforcements – particles – fibres. Effect of
reinforcement – volume fraction – rule of mixtures. Processing of MMC – powder
metallurgy process – diffusion bonding – stir casting – squeeze casting, a spray process,
Liquid infiltration In-situ reactions-Interface-measurement of interface properties-
applications of MMC in aerospace, automotive industries.
Unit – V
Introduction and Significance of polymer Nano composites. Intercalated And Exfoliated
Nanocomposites. Classification of Nano fillers- nanolayers, nanotubes, nanoparticles.
Preparation of Polymer Nano composites by Solution, In-situ Polymerization and melt
mixing techniques. Characterization Of polymer nanocomposites- XRD, TEM, SEM and
AFM. Mechanical and Rheological properties of Polymer Nano composites. Gas barrier,
Chemical-Resistance, Thermal and Flame retardant properties of polymer nanocomposites.
Optical properties and Biodegradability studies of Polymer nanocomposites, Applications
of polymer nanocomposites.
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Understand the purpose and the ways to develop new materials upon proper combination of
known materials.
CO2 Identify the basic constituents of a composite materials and the list the choice of materials
CO3 Will be capable of comparing/evaluating the relative merits of using alternatives for
important engineering and other applications.
CO4 Get insight to the possibility of replacing the existing macro materials with nanomaterials.
Reference Books:
1 Krishan K Chawla- Composite Materials Science and Engineering,Springer-verlagGmbh, 3rd
Edition, ISBN: 9780387743646, 0387743642
2 K Balani, Donald R Askeland, - The Science Engineering of Materials,6th Edition- Cengage,
ISBN: 9788131516416
3 Joel R Fried- Polymer Science and Technology, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 9780137039555
4 Rajendra Kumar Goyal-Nanomaterials and nanocomposites, 2nd Edition, CRC Press-Taylor &
Francis, ISBN: 9781498761666, 1498761666
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18PHY2G09 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Analyse crystals using XRD technique.
CO2 Explain Dielectric and magnetic materials.
CO3 Integrate knowledge of various types of advanced engineering Materials.
CO4 Use materials for novel applications.
Reference Books:
1 Solid State Physics, S O Pillai, 2015, New Age International Publishers, ISBN 10-8122436978.
2 Introduction to Solid State Physics, C.Kittel, Seventh Edition, 2003, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN
3 Material Science, Rajendran V and Marikani, , Tata McGraw Hill, 2013, ISBN 10-007132871.
4 The Science and Engineering of Materials, Askeland, Fulay, Wright, Balanai, Sixth Edition,
2012 Cengage Learning, ISBN-13:978-0-495-66802-2.
(Group G: Global Elective)
Course Code : 18MAT2G10 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L: T: P : 3:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 36L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Sampling Techniques: 07 Hrs
Random numbers, Concepts of random sampling from finite and infinite populations,
Simple random sampling (with replacement and without replacement). Expectation and
standard error of sample mean and proportion.
Estimation: 07 Hrs
Point estimation, Estimator and estimate, Criteria for good estimates - unbiasedness,
consistency, efficiency and sufficiency, Method of moment’s estimation and maximum
likelihood estimation, Properties of maximum likelihood estimator (no proofs), Confidence
intervals-population mean (large sample), population proportion.
Unit –III
Tests of Hypothesis: 07Hrs
Principles of Statistical Inference, Formulation of the problems with examples,
Simple and composite hypothesis, Null and alternative hypothesis, Tests - type I and type II
error, Testing of mean and variance of normal population (TWO sample and two samples),
Chi squared test for goodness of fit.
Unit –IV
Linear Statistical Models: 07 Hrs
Definition of linear model and types, TWO way ANOVA and two way ANOVA models-
TWO observation per cell, multiple but equal number of observation per cell.
Unit –V
Linear Regression: 08 Hrs
Simple linear regression, Estimation of parameters, Properties of least square estimators,
Estimation of error variance, Multivariate data, Multiple linear regressions, Multiple and
partial correlation, Autocorrelation-introduction and plausibility of serial dependence,
sources of autocorrelation, Durbin-Watson test for auto correlated variables.
Course Outcomes: After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1 Identify and interpret the fundamental concepts of sampling techniques, estimates and
types, hypothesis, linear statistical models and linear regression arising in various fields
CO2 Apply the knowledge and skills of simple random sampling, estimation, null and
alternative hypotheses, errors, TWO way ANOVA, linear and multiple linear
CO3 Analyze the physical problem to establish statistical/mathematical model and use
Appropriate statistical methods to solve and optimize the solution.
CO4 Distinguish the overall mathematical knowledge gained to demonstrate the problems of
sampling techniques, estimation, tests of hypothesis, regression and statistical model
arising in many practical situations.
Reference Books:
1 A. M. Goon, M. K. Gupta and B. Dasgupta-Fundamentals of Statistics (Vol. I and Vol. II),
World Press Private Limited, 3rd Edition, 1968, ISBN-13: 978-8187567806.
2 D. C. Montgomery and G. C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, John
Wiley & Sons, Inc., 3rd Edition, 2003, ISBN 0-471-20454-4.
3 S.C. Gupta, V.K. Kapoor, Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistic - A Modern Approach, S
Chand Publications, 10th Edition, 2000, ISBN 81-7014-791-3.
4 Regression Analysis: Concepts and Applications – F. A. Graybill and H. K. Iyer, Belmont,
Calif.: Duxbury Press, 1994, ISBN-13: 978-0534198695.
Course Code : 18MPD31 CIE Marks : 100
CreditsL:T:P : 4:1:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L+26T SEE Duration : 3Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Structure-Property Relations & Newer Materials: Introduction, Atomic structure, atomic bonds,
secondary bonds, crystal structure, Crystal structure, crystal defects, grain structure, elastic and plastic
deformation in single crystals, strain /work hardening, plastic deformation in polycrystalline metals,
fracture of metals.
Newer Materials: Plastics, polymerization thermosetting and thermoplastic materials and properties.
Ceramic materials and their properties. Composite materials – classification, matrix and reinforcement
materials, properties, rule of mixtures, longitudinal strength and modulus (isostrain model), transverse
strength and modulus (isostress model), applications of composites.
Unit – II 12 Hrs
Processing of Composites: Processing of MMCs : matrix and reinforcement materials, diffusion bonding,
squeeze casting, reocasting, arc spray forming, superplastic forming, in situ process. Processing of CMCs:
matrix and reinforcement materials, fabrication of glass fibers, boron fibers, carbon fibers, alumina fibers,
silicon carbide fibers. Processing- slurry infiltration process, melt infiltration process, direct oxidation or
Lanxide process.
Processing of PMCs: matrix and reinforcement materials, processing of polyethylene fibers, aramid fibers.
Processing of PMCs – hand layup process, spray-up technique, filament winding process, pultrusion
process, autoclave moulding.
Powder Metallurgy: Introduction, Production of Powder, Characterization & Testing of Powders, Powder
Conditioning, Powder Compaction, Sintering, Finishing operations, Applications of PM components.
Surface Treatment: Introduction, Surface Engineering, Surface quality & integrity concepts, Mechanical
treatment, Thermal spraying processes and applications, Vapour depositions processes and applications,
Unit – IV 08 Hrs
Smart materials : Smart materials and their properties, Piezoelectric, magneto structure, shape memory
materials, Electro Rheological fluids, optical fibres.
Unit – V 10 Hrs
Thin film: Sol-gel, spin coating, sputtering deposition, ion implementation, cathedoic arc deposition,
pulsed laser deposition
Course Outcomes
After going through this course the students will be able to:
CO1: Explain the concepts and principles of advanced materials and manufacturing processes
CO2: Analyze the materials and processes for particular application
CO3: Evaluate the principles and application of surface treatment methods.
Reference Books:
1. Materials and Processing in Manufacturing, E. Paul Degarmo, J.T. Black, and Ronald A Kohser,
John Wiley and Sons Inc., 12th Edition, 5thJuly 2017, ISBN: 978-1118987674.
Course Code : 18MCE32 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L:T:P : 0:0:5 SEE Marks : 100
Hours/week : 10 SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
1) The duration of the internship shall be for a period of 8 weeks on full time basis after II semester final
exams and before the commencement of III semester.
2) The student must submit letters from the industry clearly specifying his / her name and the duration of
the internship on the company letter head with authorized signature.
3) Internship must be related to the field of specialization of the respective PG programme in which the
student has enrolled.
4) Students undergoing internship training are advised to report their progress and submit periodic
progress reports to their respective guides.
5) Students have to present the internship activities carried out to the departmental committee and only
upon approval by the committee, the student can proceed to prepare and submit the hard copy of the
final internship report. However, interim or periodic reports as required by the industry / organization
can be submitted as per the format acceptable to the respective industry /organizations.
6) The reports shall be printed on A4 size with 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman with font size 12,
outer cover of the report (wrapper) has to be Ivory color for PG circuit Programs and Light Blue for
Non-Circuit Programs.
7) The broad format of the internship final report shall be as follows
Cover Page
Certificate from College
Certificate from Industry / Organization
Table of Contents
Chapter 1 - Profile of the Organization : Organizational structure, Products, Services, Business
Partners, Financials, Manpower, Societal Concerns, Professional Practices,
Chapter 2 -Activities of the Department
Chapter 3 - Tasks Performed : summaries the tasks performed during 8 week period
Chapter 4 – Reflections : Highlight specific technical and soft skills that you acquired during
References & Annexure
Course Outcomes
After going through the internship the student will be able to:
CO1: Apply engineering and management principles
CO2: Analyze real-time problems and suggest alternate solutions
CO3: Communicate effectively and work in teams
CO4: Imbibe the practice of professional ethics and need for lifelong learning.
Course Code : 18MCE33 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L:T:P : 0:0:5 SEE Marks : 100
Hours/week : 10 SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
7. The Major Project work comprises of Phase-I and Phase-II. Phase-I is to be carried out in third
semester and Phase-II in fourth semester.
8. The total duration of the Major project Phase-I shall be for 16 weeks.
9. Major project shall be carried out on individual student basis in his/her respective PG programme
specialization. Interdisciplinary projects are also considered.
10. The allocation of the guides shall be preferably in accordance with the expertise of the faculty.
11. The project may be carried out on-campus/industry/organization with prior approval from Internal
Guide, Associate Dean and Head of the Department.
12. Students have to complete Major Project Phase-I before starting Major Project Phase-II.
13. The reports shall be printed on A4 size with 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman with font size 12,
outer cover of the report (wrapper) has to be Ivory color for PG circuit Programs and Light Blue for
Non-Circuit Programs.
Course Outcomes
After going through this course the students will be able to:
CO1: Conceptualize, design and implement solutions for specific problems.
CO3: Apply project and resource managements skills, professional ethics, societal concerns
(Professional Elective-E1)
Course Code : 18MPD3E1 CIE Marks : 100
CreditsL:T:P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 Hrs
Sheet Metal Operations: Classification of presses, sheet metal operations, shearing theory, cutting force,
clearance between punch and die, shut height and daylight, press tonnage calculation.
Strip Layout: Basic rules, economic layout, bridge size, calculation of plug point/center of pressure
Unit – II 10 Hrs
Bending Die: Theory of bending, development of bend, spring back, correcting spring back, bending tools, U
bending, V bending, bending on press brake, bending force, different methods of compensation for spring back
in V-bending and U-bending.
Drawing: Theory of drawing, blank development, calculation of number of stages of drawing, circular draw,
draw force calculation, lubrication.
Design of Press Tool Elements: Design of die plates, punches, punch holder plates, stripper plates, and
calculation of stripping force, bolster plates, pilots, ejectors, shedders, pillar, bush, slender punches, stock guides
and feeding device and die sets.
Types of Press Tools: Stage tools, progressive tools, compound tools, and combination tools
Unit – IV 10 Hrs
Mould construction: Design of various injection mould elements, cores, cavities, and Inserts, fitting core and
cavity inserts, guide pillars and bushes. Feed systems: Design of gates, runners, impressions, layout, sprue, sprue
pullers. Parting Surfaces: Straight, stepped, curved parting surface.
Ejector System: Types of ejection, ejector pin, sleeve ejection, plate ejection, blade ejection, air ejection,
ejection from fixed half, double ejection, delayed ejection. Cooling System:Need for cooling, cooling solid cores
and cavities, insert cooling, cooling long cores, cooling elements, baffles etc., and cooling calculation.
Unit –V 12 Hrs
Design of Moulds with External under Cuts: Split moulds, Actuation of splits, Guiding of splits, side cores.
Design of external threaded components. Special Moulds, 3 Plate moulds, hot runner moulds.
Moulds with internal under cuts: Form pins, split cores, side cores, and stripping internal undercut. Design of
internally threaded component. Thermoset plastic moulding: Compression moulding tools, transfer moulding
tools. Defects in moulding and its remedies.
Course Outcomes
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the necessity of press tool and mould for manufacturing of different tools
CO2: Analyse the design constraints in the given problem
CO3: Apply the design rule for manufacturing of press tools and moulds
CO4: Design of press tools and mould for considering real time issues of Manufacturing, Testing and Assembly.
Reference Books
1. Die Design Fundamentals,Paquin J.R. & Crowley, Industrial Press Inc. 3 rdEdition 2006. ISBN 13:
2. Handbook of Die Design, Ivana Suchy, New York-Mc GRAW-HILL: 2nd Edition, 2005,
ISBN:9780071462716, 0071462716
3. Injection Mould Design, R. G. W Pye, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd.-New Delhi, 4th Edition, 2000,
ISBN: 9788176710107, 8176710105
4. Injection Molding Handbook, D.V. Rosato, Marlene G. Rosato, Springer, 3 rdEdition, 2000, ISBN:
0792386191, 9780792386193
( Professional Elective-E2)
Course Code : 18MPD3E2 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L:T:P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Hours : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit – I 10 H rs
Surface cleaning – classification, and selection of cleaning processes-alkaline cleaning, solvent cold cleaning
and vapour degreasing, eemulsion cleaning, pickling and descaling Tribology - surface degradation, wear
and corrosion, types of wear, roles of friction and lubrication- overview of different forms of corrosion.
Unit – II 12 H rs
Surface Engineering of ferrous and non ferrousmaterials : cast iron, carbon and alloy steels,aluminium
and alloys, copper and alloys, magnesium and alloys. Nickel and alooys, Conversion coatings : Chemical
and electrochemical polishing, significance, specific examples, phosphate, chromating, chemical coloring,
anodizing of aluminum alloys, thermo chemical processes -industrial practices
Unit – III 10 H rs
Surface pre-treatment, deposition of copper, zinc, nickel and chromium - principles and practices, alloy
plating, electro composite plating, electroless plating of copper, nickel phosphorous, nickel-boron;
Environmental protection issues;Environmental regulation of surface engineering , cadmium elimination
vapour degreasing alternatives, compient organic coating.
Unit – IV 10 H rs
Sputter technique – Methods, applications, plasma treatments, nitriding, carbonizing, boriding, titanising
methods, applications Laser coatings : Laser alloying, sources, variables, methods, applications, specific
industrial applications
Unit –V 10 H rs
Thermal spraying- techniques, advanced spraying techniques - plasma surfacing, D-Gun and high velocity
oxy-fuel processes, Laser surface alloying and Cladding - specific industrial applications, tests for
assessment of wear and corrosion behaviour.
Course Outcomes
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain various forms of corrosion and basic concepts of surface engineering
CO2: Evaluate the different surface engineering processes with respect to industrial practices
CO3: Apply the knowledge of different spraying techniques in surface engineering
CO4: Analyzetests for assessment of wear and corrosion behaviour.
Reference Books
Surface modification technologies - An Engineer’s guide, Sudarshan T S, Marcel
Dekker, Newyork, 1989, ISBN: 781560327127.
Electroplating and Other Surface Treatments - A Practical Guide, Varghese C.D, TMH,
1993, ISBN: 0871707055
3 Surface Engineering Practice, Strafford, K.N., Datta, P.K., and Gray, J.S., Processes, Fundamentals
and Applications in Corrosion and Wear, Ellis Harwood (1990). , ISBN: 1351412574, 9781351412575
Advanced Surface Coatings: A Hand book of Surface Engineering, Mathews, A., Spinger (1991).
(Professional Elective-E3)
Course Code : 18MCM3E3 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L:T:P : 4:0:0 SEE Marks : 100
Credits : 52L SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
Unit –I 10Hrs
Just in Time Production – Primary purpose, profit through cost reduction, elimination of over production,
quality control, quality assurance, respect for humanity, flexible work force, JIT production adapting to
changing production quantities, process layout for shortened lead Times, standardization of operation,
Sequence and Scheduling Used by Suppliers: Monthly and daily Information. sequenced withdrawal
system by sequenced schedule table, problems and counter measures in applying the Kanban system to sub
Toyota Production System-The philosophy of TPS, basic frame work of TPS, Kanbans. determining the
number of Kanbans in Toyota Production System, Kanban number under constant quantity withdrawal
system, constant cycle, non-constant quantity withdrawal system.
Kanban Systems- Supplier Kanban and the sequence schedule for use by suppliers - Later replenishment
system by Kanban, Sequenced Withdrawal System and Circulation of the Supplier Kanban within Toyota.
production smoothing in TPS, production planning, production smoothing, adaptability to demand
fluctuations, sequencing method for the mixed model assembly line to realize smoothed production of goal.
Just-in-Time Production with Total Quality Control just in time concept, cutting lot sizes, cutting set-up
times, cutting purchase order costs, the JIT cause-Effect chain,
Total Quality Control-Introduction-Total Quality Control concepts, responsibility, learning from the west,
TQC concepts categorized, goals, habit of improvement, perfection, basics, process control, easy to see
quality control as facilitator, small lot sizes, housekeeping,
Scheduling: Capacity scheduling, daily machine checking, techniques and Aids, exposure of problems, fool
proof devices, tools of analysis, QC circles, TQC in Japanese-owned US electronics plant, TQC in Japanese-
owned automotive plants.
Unit -V 10 Hrs
Plant Configurations: Introduction-ultimate plant configuration, job shop fabrication, frame welding,
forming frame parts from tubing, dedicated production lines, overlapped production, the daily schedule,
forward linkage, physical merger of processes, adjacency,
Material Handling Systems: mixed models, automated production lines, pseudo robots, robots, CAD and
manufacturing, conveyors and stacker cranes, automatic quality monitoring
Course Outcomes
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Explain the role of JIT, TPS and TQC strategies in production system
CO2: Analyze the various concepts of modern manufacturing practices
CO3: Apply the concepts of JIT and TPS in real time applications
CO4: Evaluate the various process requirement to decide the plant configruation.
Reference Books:
1 Japanese Manufacturing Techniques, Richard Schonberger, Pearson Higher Education, 1982
2 An Integrated Approach To Just In Time, Yasuhiro Monden, Toyota Production system, ISBN: 978-1-4398-
3 Adult Lean Thinking, James Womack, Simon & Schuster, ISBN: 0743249275, 2003.
4 The machine that changed the World - The story of Lean production, James P. Womack, Daniel T Jones,
and Daniel Roos, Harper Perennial edition published, 1991.
Course Code : 18MCE41 CIE Marks : 100
Credits L:T:P : 0:0:20 SEE Marks : 100
Hours/Week : 40 SEE Duration : 3 Hrs
1. Major Project Phase-II is continuation of Phase-I.
3. The student needs to complete the project work in terms of methodology, algorithm development,
experimentation, testing and analysis of results.
5. The reports shall be printed on A4 size with 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman with font size 12,
outer cover of the report (wrapper) has to be Ivory color for PG circuit Programs and Light Blue for
Non-Circuit Programs.
Course Outcomes
After going through this course the students will be able to:
CO1: Conceptualize, design and implement solutions for specific problems.
CO3: Apply project and resource managements skills, professional ethics, societal concerns
Stage-1Report Evaluation
Evaluation of Project Report shall be done by guide and an external examiner.
Stage-2Project Viva-voce
Major Project Viva-voce examination is conducted after receipt of evaluation reports from guide and
external examiner.
Both Stage-1 and Stage-2 evaluations shall be completed as per the evaluation formats.
Course Code : 18MCE42 CIE Marks : 50
Credits L:T:P : 0:0:2 SEE Marks : 50
Hours/Week : 4 SEE Duration : 30 Mins
1. The presentation shall be done by individual students.
2. The seminar topic shall be in the thrust areas of respective PG programs
3. The seminar topic could be complementary to the major project work
4. The student shall bring out the technological developments with sustainability and societal relevance.
5. Each student must submit both hard and soft copies of the presentation along with the report.
6. The reports shall be printed on A4 size with 1.5 spacing and Times New Roman with font size 12, outer
cover of the report (wrapper) has to be Ivory color for PG circuit Programs and Light Blue for Non-
Circuit Programs.
Course Outcomes
After going through this course the student will be able to:
CO1: Identify topics that are relevant to the present context of the world
CO2: Perform survey and review relevant information to the field of study.
CO3: Enhance presentation skills and report writing skills.
CO4: Develop alternative solutions which are sustainable.
Scheme of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): Evaluation shall be carried out in two reviews.
The evaluation committee shall consist of Guide, Professor/Associate Professor and Assistant Professor.