LDC Aniket
LDC Aniket
LDC Aniket
Application No : CMEP155268
Personal Details
Email ID : Aadhar Number :
Mobile Number : 8350963393
[email protected] 747029917584
I accept the following declaration : YES
Certified that the informations furnished by me hereinabove are true to my personal knowledge. I know that if anything stated
hereinabove turns out to be false, then at its sole discretion, the High Court of Jharkhand may cancel my candidature at any
stage of the selection process and also I am aware of the fact that the admission fees once deposited shall not be refunded to me
in any circumstances. Further I know that if I obtain appointment based on any false / incorrect information, my appointment
shall be liable to immediate termination.I have not entered into or contracted a marriage with a person having a spouse living.I
having a spouse living,have not entered into or contracted marriage with any person.
Attached Documents
Aadhaar Document
10th Marksheet
10th Certificate
12th Marksheet
12th Certificate
Experience Document