Specification Sheet
Specification Sheet
Specification Sheet
Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 1: General Considerations
ISATR20.00.012001 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 1: General Considerations ISBN: 1-55617-754-2 Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights reserved. Not for resale. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the Publisher. ISA 67 Alexander Drive P. O. Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 USA
This preface, as well as all footnotes and annexes, is included for information purposes and is not part of ISATR20.00.012001. The standards referenced within this document may contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute requirements of this document. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this document are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated within this document. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ANSI maintain registers of currently valid U.S. National Standards. This document has been prepared as part of the service of ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, toward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real value, this document should not be static but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this end, the Society welcomes all comments and criticisms and asks that they be addressed to the Secretary, Standards and Practices Board; ISA; 67 Alexander Drive; P. O. Box 12277; Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; Telephone (919) 549-8411; Fax (919) 549-8288; E-mail: [email protected]. The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the metric system of units in general, and the International System of Units (SI) in particular, in the preparation of instrumentation standards. The Department is further aware of the benefits to USA users of ISA standards of incorporating suitable references to the SI (and the metric system) in their business and professional dealings with other countries. Toward this end, this Department will endeavor to introduce SI-acceptable metric units in all new and revised standards, recommended practices, and technical reports to the greatest extent possible. Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System, published by the American Society for Testing & Materials as IEEE/ASTM SI 1097, and future revisions, will be the reference guide for definitions, symbols, abbreviations, and conversion factors. It is the policy of ISA to encourage and welcome the participation of all concerned individuals and interests in the development of ISA standards, recommended practices, and technical reports. Participation in the ISA standards-making process by an individual in no way constitutes endorsement by the employer of that individual, of ISA, or of any of the standards, recommended practices, and technical reports that ISA develops. CAUTION ISA ADHERES TO THE POLICY OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE WITH REGARD TO PATENTS. IF ISA IS INFORMED OF AN EXISTING PATENT THAT IS REQUIRED FOR USE OF THE STANDARD, IT WILL REQUIRE THE OWNER OF THE PATENT TO EITHER GRANT A ROYALTY-FREE LICENSE FOR USE OF THE PATENT BY USERS COMPLYING WITH THE STANDARD OR A LICENSE ON REASONABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT ARE FREE FROM UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION. EVEN IF ISA IS UNAWARE OF ANY PATENT COVERING THIS STANDARD, THE USER IS CAUTIONED THAT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD MAY REQUIRE USE OF TECHNIQUES, PROCESSES, OR MATERIALS COVERED BY PATENT RIGHTS. ISA TAKES NO POSITION ON THE EXISTENCE OR VALIDITY OF ANY PATENT RIGHTS THAT MAY BE INVOLVED IN IMPLEMENTING THE STANDARD. ISA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING ALL PATENTS THAT MAY REQUIRE A LICENSE BEFORE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD OR FOR INVESTIGATING THE VALIDITY OR SCOPE OF ANY PATENTS BROUGHT TO ITS ATTENTION. THE USER SHOULD CAREFULLY INVESTIGATE RELEVANT PATENTS BEFORE USING THE STANDARD FOR THE USERS INTENDED APPLICATION.
HOWEVER, ISA ASKS THAT ANYONE REVIEWING THIS STANDARD WHO IS AWARE OF ANY PATENTS THAT MAY IMPACT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD NOTIFY THE ISA STANDARDS AND PRACTICES DEPARTMENT OF THE PATENT AND ITS OWNER. ADDITIONALLY, THE USE OF THIS STANDARD MAY INVOLVE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, OPERATIONS OR EQUIPMENT. THE STANDARD CANNOT ANTICIPATE ALL POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OR ADDRESS ALL POSSIBLE SAFETY ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH USE IN HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS. THE USER OF THIS STANDARD MUST EXERCISE SOUND PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT CONCERNING ITS USE AND APPLICABILITY UNDER THE USERS PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES. THE USER MUST ALSO CONSIDER THE APPLICABILITY OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL REGULATORY LIMITATIONS AND ESTABLISHED SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES BEFORE IMPLEMENTING THIS STANDARD. The following people served as members of ISA Committee SP20: NAME G. Barta, Chairman W. Albe S. Alvarez T. Baldwin N. Battikha E. Berger J. Carew T. Caston B. Cleary K. Cole E. Crawford T. D. Daniel A. Engels G. Erk F. Ford G. Gifford R. Gulley R. Hartman C. Hill H. Hinssen W. Ingham A. Iverson D. Kelly H. Koning M. Kulkarni T. McAvinew A. McCauley J. McQuighan J. Meppen D. Osborn C. Phillips G. Ramachandran G. Richardson J. Rourke P. Rowland G. Sanders M. Scott J. Sen COMPANY Bechtel Corp. Dow Corning Corp. Compania Inspeccion Mexicana Brown & Root, Inc. Bergo Tech, Inc. Mitre Corp. Consultant Eastman Chemicals Co. Rosemount, Inc. Burns & Roe Enterprises Nova Control Systems, Inc. Consultant Praxair, Inc. Consultant Bayer Corp. Flowserve Vara International Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. Brown & Root, Inc. Exxon Chemical Engineering Stantec Consulting Ltd. Ivy Optiks VECO Rocky Mountain, Inc. DSM Services General Instruments Consortium Merrick & Co. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc. Constellation Energy Y. Meppen Consultants Greeley & Hansen Technip USA Corp. Cytec Industries, Inc. Thermco Instrument Corp. Jacobs Engineering Group SOIGNE Associates, Inc. Penberthy, Inc. Process Measurement Tech. Ltd. Bechtel Corp.
R. Shah J. Soos M. Spencer J. Summerfield R. Sundar L. Takeyasu D. Taylor R. Town I. Verhappen E. Welch B. Williams
Consultant Huntsman Corp. Desktop Engineering Ltd. Consultant Foster Wheeler USA Corp. Kenonic Controls, Inc. Spartan Controls Jefferson Services Co, Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Duke/Fluor Daniel, Inc. Merck & Co. Inc.
This technical report was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board on 04 April 2001. NAME M. Zielinski D. Bishop M. Cohen M. Coppler B. Dumortier W. Holland E. Icayan A. Iverson R. Jones V. Maggioli T. McAvinew A. McCauley, Jr. G. McFarland D. Rapley R. Reimer J. Rennie H. Sasajima I. Verhappen R. Webb W. Weidman J. Weiss M. Widmeyer R. Wiegle C. Williams G. Wood COMPANY Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. Consultant Consultant Ametek, Inc. Schneider Electric Southern Company Advanced Control & Engineering Solutions Ivy Optiks Dow Chemical Co. Feltronics Corp. Merrick & Co. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc. Westinghouse Process Control Inc. Rapley Consulting Inc. Rockwell Automation Factory Mutual Research Corp. Yamatake Corp. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Power Engineers Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group EPRI EG&G Defense Materials CANUS Corp. Eastman Kodak Co. Graeme Wood Consulting
Preface.......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Foreword ....................................................................................................................................................... 9 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 11 1 2 3 4 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 13 Normative references .......................................................................................................................... 13 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Application ........................................................................................................................................... 13 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 5 Operating parameters documentation.......................................................................................... 13 Preliminary inquiry/quotation ........................................................................................................ 13 Traditional specification ................................................................................................................ 13 Conforming specification .............................................................................................................. 13
Requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 14 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Three form parts ........................................................................................................................... 14 Form numbers and titles for Operating Parameters forms........................................................... 14 Form numbers and titles for Device Specification forms.............................................................. 14 Form numbers and titles for General or Special Requirements forms......................................... 14
General sections of ISA specification forms ........................................................................................ 14 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Specification identification section................................................................................................ 14 Endorsements .............................................................................................................................. 14 Revision chronicle ........................................................................................................................ 14 Component identification .............................................................................................................. 15
Annex A (informative) Specification forms tables of contents ................................................................. 17 Annex B (informative) Approved specification forms............................................................................... 23 Annex C (informative) Specification forms pick list and contextual help references .............................. 75
This technical report has been prepared by ISAs SP20 standards committee, Instrument Specification Forms. The ISA-SP20 committee welcomes comments and suggestions, and requests that they be addressed to the Chairperson, ISA-SP20, ISA, 67 Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA. This technical report provides separate form parts for operating parameters, device specifications, and general requirements. Forms from ISA-20-1981 have been modified extensively, and many of the forms represent new devices not previously covered. This technical report applies to all processes of development and use of ISA specification forms for process measurement and control instruments. It provides the listing of the forms, the classification of the devices, and the approved forms. The other parts of the series, Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, are as follows: ISA Draft 20.00.02 ISA20.00.032001 ISA Draft TR20.00.04 Part 2: Instructions for Using Specification Forms Part 3: Form Requirements and Development Guidelines Part 4: Data Dictionary
The completion of instrument specification forms is an extremely important segment of the complete design, purchase, and manufacture of process measurement and control instrumentation. Approved ISA specification forms for many devices are developed that follow the guidelines of ISA20.00.032001 and have been reviewed by users and manufacturers. These forms are adequate for most applications and can be provided by ISA. The defining of specification forms and a data dictionary will allow electronic data exchange between users and manufacturers. The purposes of ISA specification forms are a) to assist in preparation of a complete specification by listing and providing space for all principal descriptive attributes; b) to facilitate quoting, bid reviews, purchasing, receiving, calibration, inspection, piping design, design audit, accounting, and ordering procedures by uniform display of information; c) to improve efficiency of instrumentation activities from initial concept to final commissioning and any subsequent reviews and revisions; and d) to provide standard data definitions and field lengths adequate for electronic exchange of information.
Instrument devices with dedicated functionality may be specified using data-sheet-type, approved ISA specification forms. This technical report does not address system specifications such as shared control and shared display devices, where extensive use of functionality or performance specifications is required. This technical report lists the ISA specification forms by form part category, measured or initiating variable, readout, or final control device categories, and form number. A form numbering system has been implemented that identifies the form categories, device function grouping, and page number. The form number, title, and development status is listed for each proposed or approved form.
Normative references
ISA20.00.032001, Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, Part 3: Form Requirements and Development Guidelines.
For the purpose of this technical report, the following definition applies: 3.1 specification form: the document, or its electronic data equivalent, that details the statement of parameters or properties prescribing the design basis, construction, materials, and performance for an instrument to be supplied.
ISA specification forms may be used for the following different levels of device specification. 4.1 Operating parameters documentation
Documentation of the operating parameters may be completed and endorsed independently of the hardware device selection and preliminary specification through the use of the separate form page. 4.2 Preliminary inquiry/quotation
For a preliminary inquiry or quotation, the specifier and vendor may agree on a minimum level of information. In this case, the specifier may mark with an asterisk (*) in the revision column of the Operating Parameters or Device Specification forms, any lines that the recipient of the specification form is requested to complete. 4.3 Traditional specification
Documentation of operating parameters required for sizing or selection analysis, and identification of the instrument properties that are pertinent to the development of a manufacturers model number, should be the minimum data provided on specification forms used to purchase instruments. 4.4 Conforming specification
A complete specification ideally should include all relevant information about the main device and associated secondary devices that has been agreed to by the purchaser and supplier. In this case, the fully completed specification form can be used for the final documentation of the instrument specifications.
Three form parts
ISA specification forms are generally comprised of three form parts for the following information organization: a) Operating Parameters forms are developed to document the process application and design conditions for communication to instrument specifiers and manufacturers. b) Device Specification forms are developed to provide the information to initially size and select a main device and the information to identify requirements for attached and directly associated devices. c) General or Special Requirements forms are developed to provide means for the specifier to identify general or special requirements that are applicable to the device, but need additional space beyond that available in the other two types of forms. 5.2 Form numbers and titles for Operating Parameters forms
A common form is developed for all devices sharing the same measured variable or final control element. Table A.1, annex A, identifies assigned categories, ISA form numbers, and titles. 5.3 Form numbers and titles for Device Specification forms
Device Specification forms are grouped and numbered based upon a device category code, the form part number, and an instrument function subcategory sequential number. Table A.2, annex A, identifies assigned device categories, ISA form numbers, and titles.
5.4 Form numbers and titles for General or Special Requirements forms
A single form is provided for the initial page of the General or Special Requirements forms. Table A.3, annex A, identifies the assigned ISA form number and title.
Operating Parameters, Device Specification, and General or Special Requirements forms utilize the same specification identification field prompts.
6.2 Endorsements
Endorsement identifications and status inference, such as originator, checker, approver, and origin date, should be independent throughout each form type. 6.3 Revision chronicle
Identification of the three most recent entries recorded in the revision chronicle should be independent throughout each form type.
Component identification
Identification of the instrument, such as primary tag number, description, line/equipment number, and reference drawing number, should be identical throughout each form type.
Hardware specification forms are based on specific hardware types as classified in annex A.
Annex A (informative) Specification forms tables of contents Table A.1 Operating parameter device categories and form titles
Form Number 20A1001 20A1002 20B1001 20C1001 20F1001 20H1001 20L1001 20P1001 20P1002 20R1001 20T1001 20U1001 20V1001 20W1001 20X1001 20Y1001 20Z1001 Analysis Device Analysis Device Components Burner or Combustion Device Valve or Regulator Device Flow Device Hand Control Device Level Device Pressure or Differential Pressure Device Pressure Safety Device Receiver Device Temperature Device Basic Engineering Design Data Vibration or Mechanical Analysis Device Weight Device Unclassified Device Relay or Compute or Converter Device Position Device Approved (Annex B) In process Approved (Annex B) Approved (Annex B) In process Approved (Annex B) Approved (Annex B) Form Title Development Status, ISA-SP20 In process In process
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40 41 42 43 44 45 46 SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS 47 Tag no/Functional ident 48 Related equipment 49 Service 50 51 P&ID/Reference dwg number 52 Upstr line/nozzle number 53 Upstream line pipe spec 54 Upstr line nominal size Rating 55 Upstr line conn type Style 56 Upstr line schedule no Wall thickness 57 Upstr conn orientation 58 Upstr line material type 59 Connection design code 60 Dnstr line/nozzle number 61 Downstream line pipe spec 62 Dnstr line nominal size Rating 63 Dnstr line conn type Style 64 Dnstr line schedule no Wall thickness 65 Dnstr conn orientation 66 Dnstr line material type 67 Dnstr insulation atten 68 PROCESS VARIABLES MATERIAL FLOW CONDITIONS Flow Case Identification Units Inlet pressure Outlet pressure Inlet temperature Inlet phase type Mass fraction vapor Total mass flow rate Liquid mass flow rate Liquid actual flow rate Liquid standard flow rate Liquid density Liquid specific gravity Liquid viscosity Absolute vapor pressure Vapor mass flow rate Vapor actual flow rate Vapor standard flow rate Vapor density Vapor specific gravity Vapor molecular weight Vapor viscosity Inlet compressibility CALCULATED VARIABLES Pressure differential Total system press drop Calculated flow coef Calculated travel Calculated travel time Calculated SPL MATERIAL PROPERTIES Name Composition Density at ref temp At Ratio sp heat capacity Date Revision Description By Appv1 Appv2 138 139 140 141 142 Appv3
ADMINISTRATIVE IDENTIFICATIONS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit
SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS Continued Inline hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group Inline area min ign temp Temp ident number Remote hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group Remote area min ign temp Temp ident number
COMPONENT DESIGN CRITERIA Component type Component style Input signal type Flow characteristic Min seat leakage class Max stem leakage rate Type of protection Criticality code Max EMI susceptibility Ref Min xdcr reqd accuracy Ref Max offset/propn band Actuator sizing factor Avail nom power supply Number wires Available nom air supply Testing/Listing agency Test requirements Supply loss failure mode Signal loss failure mode
101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132
MATERIAL PROPERTIES Continued Abs critical pressure Critical temperature NFPA health hazard Flammability Reactivity REMARKS
2001 ISA
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40 SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS Continued 41 Inline hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group 42 Inline area min ign temp Temp ident number 43 Remote hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group 44 Remote area min ign temp Temp ident number 45 46 SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS 47 COMPONENT DESIGN CRITERIA Tag no/Functional ident 48 Component type Related equipment 49 Component style Service 50 Output signal type 51 Characteristic curve P&ID/Reference dwg number 52 Compensation style Upstr line/nozzle number 53 Type of protection Upstream line pipe spec 54 Criticality code Upstr line nominal size Rating 55 Max EMI susceptibility Ref Upstr line conn type Style 56 Max temperature effect Upstr line schedule no Wall thickness 57 Min diameter ratio (d/D) Max Upstr conn orientation 58 Max response time Upstr line material type 59 Min required accuracy Ref Connection design code 60 Avail nom power supply Number wires Dnstr line/nozzle number 61 Min load capability Downstream line pipe spec 62 Testing/Listing agency Dnstr line nominal size Rating 63 Test requirements Dnstr line conn type Style 64 Supply loss failure mode Dnstr line schedule no Wall thickness 65 Signal loss failure mode Dnstr conn orientation 66 Dnstr line material type 67 Avail upstr straight lg Dnstr lg 68 PROCESS VARIABLES MATERIAL FLOW CONDITIONS 101 PROCESS DESIGN CONDITIONS Flow Case Identification Units 102 Minimum Maximum Units Inlet pressure 103 Outlet pressure 104 Inlet temperature 105 Inlet phase type 106 Mass fraction vapor 107 Total mass flow rate 108 Liquid mass flow rate 109 Liquid actual flow rate 110 Liquid standard flow rate 111 Liquid density 112 Liquid specific gravity 113 Liquid viscosity 114 Absolute vapor pressure 115 Vapor mass flow rate 116 Vapor actual flow rate 117 Vapor standard flow rate 118 Vapor density 119 Vapor specific gravity 120 Vapor molecular weight 121 Vapor viscosity 122 Inlet compressibility 123 124 CALCULATED VARIABLES 125 Pressure differential 126 Perm pressure drop 127 Line fluid velocity 128 Line Reynolds number 129 Calculated uncertainty 130 131 MATERIAL PROPERTIES 138 MATERIAL PROPERTIES Continued Name 139 Abs critical pressure Composition 140 Critical temperature Density at ref temp At 141 NFPA health hazard Flammability Reactivity Ratio sp heat capacity 142 Conductivity 143 Date Revision Description By Appv1 Appv2 Appv3 REMARKS
ADMINISTRATIVE IDENTIFICATIONS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 Rev
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ADMINISTRATIVE IDENTIFICATIONS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit
43 44 45 46
SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS Continued Process conn diff height Zero datum height Turbulence intensity
47 Inline hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group 48 Inline area min ign temp Temp ident number 49 Remote hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS 50 Remote area min ign temp Temp ident number Tag no/Functional ident 51 Related equipment 52 Service 53 54 COMPONENT DESIGN CRITERIA P&ID/Reference dwg number 55 Component type Upper conn nozzle number 56 Component style Upper conn pipe spec 57 Output signal type Upper conn nominal size Rating 58 Characteristic curve Upper conn termn type Style 59 Compensation required Upper conn schedule no Wall thickness 60 Type of protection Upper conn length 61 Criticality code Upper conn orientation 62 Max EMI susceptibility Ref Upper conn material type 63 Max temperature effect Ref Connection design code 64 Max response time Lower conn nozzle number 65 Min required accuracy Ref Lower conn pipe spec 66 Max dead band Lower conn nominal size Rating 67 Avail nom power supply Number wires Lower conn termn type Style 68 Min load capability Lower conn schedule no Wall thickness 69 Testing/Listing agency Lower conn length 70 Test requirements Lower conn orientation 71 Supply loss failure mode Lower conn material type 72 Signal loss failure mode Device insertion length 73 Vessel nominal diameter Height 74 PROCESS VARIABLES PROCESS DESIGN CONDITIONS Condition Identification Minimum Normal Maximum Units Pressure Temperature Lower material phase type Lower material density Lower material sp gr Lower material viscosity Lower material level Upper material phase type Upper material density Upper material sp gr Upper material viscosity Upper material level Max material buildup thkns Solids concentration Moisture content Max angle of repose Particle size
MATERIAL PROPERTIES Lower material name Lower matl composition Lower matl density at ref At Lower dielectric constant At temp Lower material Color Lower NFPA health hazard Flammability Reactivity Date Revision Description By
109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 Appv1 Appv2 Appv3
MATERIAL PROPERTIES Continued Upper material name Upper matl composition Upper matl density at ref At Upper dielectric constant At temp Upper material Color Upper NFPA health hazard Flammability Reactivity REMARKS
2001 ISA
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42 43 44 45 46 47 48 SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS 49 Tag no/Functional ident 50 Related equipment 51 Service 52 53 P&ID/Reference dwg number 54 High side line/nozzle no 55 High side conn pipe spec 56 High side conn nom size Rating 57 High side conn termn type Style 58 High side conn schedule Wall thickness 59 High side conn length 60 High side conn orient 61 High side conn matl type 62 Connection design code 63 Low side line/nozzle no 64 Low side conn pipe spec 65 Low side conn nom size Rating 66 Low side conn termn type Style 67 Low side conn schedule no Wall thickness 68 Low side conn length 69 Low side conn orientation 70 Low side conn matl type 71 Device insertion length 72 PROCESS VARIABLES PROCESS DESIGN CONDITIONS Condition Identification Minimum Normal Maximum Units High side pressure Low side pressure High side temperature Low side temperature High side matl phase type High side material viscosity Low side matl phase type Low side material viscosity Differential pressure
ADMINISTRATIVE IDENTIFICATIONS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit
SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS Continued Process conn diff length Zero datum conn length Inline hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group Inline area min ign temp Temp ident number Remote hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group Remote area min ign temp Temp ident number
COMPONENT DESIGN CRITERIA Component type Component style Output signal type Characteristic curve Type of protection Criticality code Max EMI susceptibility Max temperature effect Max response time Min required accuracy Ref Max dead band Avail nom power supply Number wires Min load capability Testing/Listing agency Test requirements Supply loss failure mode Signal loss failure mode
MATERIAL PROPERTIES Low side material name Low side composition Low side density at ref At Low side NFPA health haz Flammability Date Revision Description By
108 109 110 111 Reactivity 112 113 Appv1 Appv2 Appv3
MATERIAL PROPERTIES Continued High side material name High side composition High side density at ref At High side NFPA health haz Flammability Reactivity REMARKS
2001 ISA
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39 SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS Continued 40 Inline hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group 41 Inline area min ign temp Temp ident number 42 Remote hazardous area cl Div/Zone Group 43 Remote area min ign temp Temp ident number 44 45 SERVICE IDENTIFICATIONS 46 COMPONENT DESIGN CRITERIA Tag no/Functional ident 47 Component type Related equipment 48 Component style Service 49 Output signal type 50 Characteristic curve P&ID/Reference dwg number 51 Type of protection Line/Nozzle number 52 Criticality code Process conn pipe spec 53 Max EMI susceptibility Ref Line/Nozzle nominal size Rating 54 Max temperature effect Ref Process conn termn type Style 55 Max response time Line/Nozzle schedule no Wall thickness 56 Min required accuracy Ref Connection length 57 Max dead band Connection orientation 58 Avail nom power supply Number wires Connection material type 59 Minimum load capability Connection design code 60 Testing/Listing agency Insulation thickness 61 Test requirements Device insertion length 62 Supply loss failure mode 63 Signal loss failure mode 64 65 66 PROCESS VARIABLES MATERIAL FLOW CONDITIONS 100 PROCESS DESIGN CONDITIONS Flow Case Identification Units 101 Minimum Maximum Units Pressure 102 Temperature 103 Phase type 104 Total mass flow rate 105 Liquid mass flow rate 106 Liquid actual flow rate 107 Liquid standard flow rate 108 Liquid density 109 Liquid specific gravity 110 Liquid viscosity 111 Vapor mass flow rate 112 Vapor actual flow rate 113 Vapor standard flow rate 114 Vapor density 115 Vapor specific gravity 116 Vapor molecular weight 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 CALCULATED VARIABLES 126 Line fluid velocity 127 Line Reynolds number 128 Wake/natural freq ratio 129 130 131 132 MATERIAL PROPERTIES 138 MATERIAL PROPERTIES Continued Name 139 Ratio sp heat factor Composition 140 Emissivity Density at ref temp At 141 NFPA health hazard Flammability Reactivity Ratio sp heat capacity 142 Date Revision Description By Appv1 Appv2 Appv3 REMARKS
ADMINISTRATIVE IDENTIFICATIONS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit
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VALVE BODY AND BONNET Body type Bonnet style Inlet conn nominal size Rating Outlet conn nominal size Rating End conn termn type Style Flange facing finish Stem seal type Face-to-face standard Yoke boss diameter Body and bonnet material Lining material Body/Bonnet bolting matl Packing flg bolting matl Gasket material Packing material Bellows seal material VALVE TRIM Closure member type Trim style Inherent characteristic Seat ring type Flow direction force Port/Orifice diameter Stem diameter Closure member material Seat ring material Stem material Cage material Guide/Retainer material Guide bushing material Hard facing/coating ACTUATOR Actuator type Acting style Effective area Bench set LRL Max supply capability Handwheel type/position Casing/cylinder material Diaphragm/O ring matl Yoke material
Rt travel
SIGNAL TRANSDUCER Input signal type Output signal type Accuracy rating CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Bench set-Travel Positioner input-Travel Transducer input-Output Test pressure
60 SIGNAL TRANSDUCER continued 61 Enclosure type no/class 62 Digital communication std 63 Signal power source 64 Pressure gauges 65 Cert/Approval type 66 Mounting location/type 67 Enclosure material 68 69 POSITIONER OR CONTROLLER 70 Configuration type 71 Input signal type 72 Enclosure type no/class 73 Signal power source 74 Digital communication std 75 Cert/Approval type 76 Pressure gauges 77 By-pass manifold 78 Enclosure material 79 80 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 81 Max press at design temp At 82 Min working temperature Max 83 Max pressure drop 84 Rated flow coef type Coef Xt 85 Rated factor Fl Sigma mr 86 Rated seat leakage class 87 88 ACCESSORIES 89 Air set filter style 90 Air set gauges 91 Tubing nominal size 92 Tubing and fitting matl 93 94 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 95 Custom tag 96 Reference specification 97 Special preparation 98 Compliance standard 99 Construction code 100 Software configuration 101 102 PHYSICAL DATA 103 Estimated weight 104 Face-to-face dimension 105 Overall height 106 Removal clearance 107 Mfr reference dwg 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
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POSITION SWITCHES Housing type Sensor style Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Contacts ac rating At Max Contacts dc rating At Max Contacts arrangement Quantity Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material Shaft material Bushing material Fastener material Gasket/O ring material
SOLENOID OR PILOT VALVE Body type Enclosure style Inlet conn nominal size Style Coil watt rating Coil insulation class Enclosure type no/class Min operating press diff Max Signal power source Manual operator type Type of actuation Coil type Operation style Press port orifice size Exhaust port Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material Body material Seat/Disc/Diaphragm matl
POSITION TRANSMITTER Housing type Sensor style Output signal type Accuracy/Linearity rating Enclosure type no/class Digital communication std Signal power source CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Position-Analog output Solenoid energized-Output Position setpoint-Output Supply setpointOutput Emissions setpointOutput
60 POSITION TRANSMITTER continued 61 Integral indicator style 62 Signal termination type 63 Cert/Approval type 64 Mounting location/type 65 Enclosure material 66 67 68 SUPPLY PRESSURE TRIP VALVE 69 Configuration type 70 Volume tank size 71 Trip set pressure reset 72 Tank max working pressure 73 Min supply capability Max 74 Trip set pressure LRL URL 75 Construction code 76 Mounting location/type 77 Body material 78 Diaphragm/O ring material 79 80 EMISSIONS MONITOR SWITCH 81 Sensor type 82 Housing type 83 Inlet conn nominal size Style 84 Output signal type 85 Enclosure type no/class 86 Contacts ac rating At Max 87 Contacts dc rating At Max 88 Contacts arrangement 89 Integral indicator style 90 Signal termination type 91 Cert/Approval type 92 Mounting location/type 93 Enclosure material 94 Diaphragm material 95 96 97 BOOSTER RELAY 98 Configuration type 99 End conn nominal size Style 100 Dead band rating 101 Max supply capability 102 Supply port size Exh port 103 Body material 104 Closure member matl 105 Diaphragm material 106 Test conn material 107 Gasket/O ring material 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONS COMPONENT TYPE MANUFACTURER Position transmitter Solenoid/Pilot valve Position switch Supply press trip valve Emissions monitor Booster relay Date Revision Description By Appv1 Appv2 Appv3
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VALVE BODY AND BONNET Body type Bonnet style Inlet conn nominal size Rating Outlet conn nominal size Rating End conn termn type Style Flange facing finish Shaft seal type Face-to-face standard Yoke boss diameter Body and bonnet material Lining material Body/Bonnet bolting matl Packing flg bolting matl Gasket material Packing material
VALVE TRIM Closure member type Trim style Inherent characteristic Seal ring type Flow direction force Shaft diameter Rated travel Closure member material Seal ring material Shaft material Flow ring material Guide/Retainer material Guide bushing material Hard facing/coating
ACTUATOR Actuator type Effective area Bench set LRL Max supply capability Handwheel type/position Mounting orientation Casing/cylinder material Diaphragm/O ring matl Yoke material
SIGNAL TRANSDUCER Input signal type Output signal type Accuracy rating CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Bench set-Travel Positioner input-Travel Transducer input-Output Test pressure
60 SIGNAL TRANSDUCER continued 61 Enclosure type no/class 62 Digital communication std 63 Signal power source 64 Pressure gauges 65 Cert/Approval type 66 Mounting location/type 67 Enclosure material 68 69 POSITIONER OR CONTROLLER 70 Configuration type 71 Input signal type 72 Enclosure type no/class 73 Signal power source 74 Digital communication std 75 Cert/Approval type 76 Pressure gauges 77 By-pass manifold 78 Enclosure material 79 80 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 81 Max press at design temp At 82 Min working temperature Max 83 Max pressure drop 84 Rated flow coef type Coef Xt 85 Rated factor Fl Sigma mr 86 Rated seat leakage class 87 88 ACCESSORIES 89 Air set filter style 90 Air set gauges 91 Tubing nominal size 92 Tubing and fitting matl 93 94 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 95 Custom tag 96 Reference specification 97 Special preparation 98 Compliance standard 99 Construction code 100 Software configuration 101 102 PHYSICAL DATA 103 Estimated weight 104 Face-to-Face dimension 105 Overall height 106 Removal clearance 107 Mfr reference dwg 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
POSITION SWITCHES Housing type Sensor style Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Contacts ac rating At Max Contacts dc rating At Max Contacts arrangement Quantity Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material Shaft material Bushing material Fastener material Gasket/O ring material
SOLENOID OR PILOT VALVE Body type Enclosure style Inlet conn nominal size Style Coil watt rating Coil insulation class Enclosure type no/class Min operating press diff Max Signal power source Manual operator type Type of actuation Coil type Operation style Press port orifice size Exhaust port Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material Body material Seat/Disc/Diaphragm matl
POSITION TRANSMITTER Housing type Sensor style Output signal type Accuracy/Linearity rating Enclosure type no/class Digital communication std Signal power source CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Position-Analog output Solenoid energized-Output Position setpoint-Output Supply setpoint-Output Emissions setpoint-Output
60 POSITION TRANSMITTER continued 61 Integral indicator style 62 Signal termination type 63 Cert/Approval type 64 Mounting location/type 65 Enclosure material 66 67 68 SUPPLY PRESSURE TRIP VALVE 69 Configuration type 70 Volume tank size 71 Trip set pressure reset 72 Tank max working pressure 73 Min supply capability Max 74 Trip set pressure LRL URL 75 Construction code 76 Mounting location/type 77 Body material 78 Diaphragm/O ring material 79 80 EMISSIONS MONITOR SWITCH 81 Sensor type 82 Housing type 83 Inlet conn nominal size Style 84 Output signal type 85 Enclosure type no/class 86 Contacts ac rating At Max 87 Contacts dc rating At Max 88 Contacts arrangement 89 Integral indicator style 90 Signal termination type 91 Cert/Approval type 92 Mounting location/type 93 Enclosure material 94 Diaphragm material 95 96 97 BOOSTER RELAY 98 Configuration type 99 End conn nominal size Style 100 Dead band rating 101 Max supply capability 102 Supply port size Exh port 103 Body material 104 Closure member matl 105 Diaphragm material 106 Test conn material 107 Gasket/O ring material 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
COMPONENT TYPE Position transmitter Solenoid/Pilot valve Position switch Supply press trip valve Emissions monitor Booster relay Date Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
BODY Body type Fabrication style Process conn nominal size End conn termn type Flange facing finish Pressure tap quantity Press tap conn nom size Stampings Nozzle material Rating Style
METER TUBE Bore type End conn nominal size End conn termn type Flange facing finish Upstream length Pipe schedule no Downstream length Coupling quantity Coupling nominal size Coupling locations Internal bore diameter Flow straightener type Pipe/Tube material Flow straightener matl Bolting material Exterior coating material End termination material Gasket material Diffuser cone material Rating Style
60 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 61 Max press at design temp At 62 Min working temperature Max 63 Uncalibrated accuracy 64 Perm head loss at URL 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ACCESSORIES 86 Purge system 87 88 89 90 91 92 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 93 Custom tag 94 Reference specification 95 Special preparation 96 Compliance standard 97 Construction code 98 Calibration report 99 Weld radiographs 100 101 PHYSICAL DATA 102 Estimated weight 103 Face-to-face dimension 104 Removal clearance 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT LRV URV LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
ORIFICE PLATE AND HOLDER Plate type Holder/Seal unit style Nominal size API ring no Orifice flange nom rating Orifice bore type Orifice inlet edge style Diameter ratio (Beta d/D) Orifice bore diameter Plate outside diameter Plate thickness Vent/Drain hole size Vent/Drain hole location Stampings required Plate material Seal material Holder/Ring material
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Calculation report
Revision Description
Form: 20F2031Rev 0
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
ORIFICE FLANGE OR FITTING Flange/Fitting type Pressure tap style End conn nominal size Rating End conn termn type Style Flange facing finish End conn schedule no Press tap conn nom size Style Pressure tap orientation Tap connection plug type Centering/Dowel pins Jack screw material Flange/Fitting material Trim material Bolting material Gasket material Lubrication material
ORIFICE PLATE AND HOLDER Plate type Holder/Seal unit style API ring no Rating Orifice bore type Orifice inlet edge style Diameter ratio (Beta d/D) Orifice bore diameter Plate outside diameter Plate thickness Vent/Drain hole size Vent/Drain hole location Stampings Plate material Seal material Holder/Ring material
METER TUBE Bore type End conn nominal size Rating End conn termn category Style Flange facing finish Upstream length Pipe schedule no Downstream length Coupling quantity Coupling nominal size Rating CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Flow rate Diff pressure Test pressure
60 METER TUBE Continued 61 Coupling locations 62 Internal bore diameter 63 Flow straightener type 64 Pipe/Tube material 65 Bolting material 66 Exterior coating material 67 End termination material 68 Gasket material 69 70 71 72 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 73 Max press at design temp At 74 Min working temperature Max 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ACCESSORIES 85 Orifice holding blocks 86 87 88 89 90 91 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 92 Custom tag 93 Reference specification 94 Special preparation 95 Compliance standard 96 Construction code 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Face-to-face dimension 103 Overall height 104 Removal clearance 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT LRV URV LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
TRANSMITTER BODY Body/Flange type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Vent/Drain location Mounting type Body/Flange material Vent/Drain material Bolting material Flange adapter material Gasket/O ring material Mounting kit material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Min diff pressure span Max Min pressure span Max Temp input signal Diaphragm/Wetted material Fill fluid material
TRANSMITTER Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Span-Zero adjust lct Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/SCALE Flow rate-Analog output Flow rate-Scale Diff Press-Digital output Press-Digital output Temp-Digital output Flow rate-Digital output COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONS COMPONENT TYPE MANUFACTURER
60 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 61 Max press at design temp At 62 Min working temp Max 63 Diff press accuracy rating 64 Press accuracy rating 65 Temp accuracy rating 66 Diff press LRL URL 67 Press Lower Range-limit URL 68 Fill fluid sp gr At temp 69 Min ambient working temp Max 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ACCESSORIES 84 Remote indicator style 85 Heating kit style 86 Manifold valve style 87 Manifold material 88 89 90 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 91 Custom tag 92 Reference specification 93 Special preparation 94 Compliance standard 95 Calibration report 96 Software configuration 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall height 103 Removal clearance 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
BODY OR TUBE Tube form Fabrication style Inlet conn nominal size Outlet conn nominal size End conn termn type Flange facing finish Pressure tap quantity Press tap conn nom size Press tap conn type Press tap orientation Body/Tube material Bolting material Exterior coating material End termination material Gasket material
Rating Style
THROAT Mounting type Diameter ratio (beta d/D) Throat diameter Cone material Throat material
METER TUBE Bore type End conn nominal size End conn termn type Flange facing finish Upstream length Pipe schedule no Downstream length Coupling quantity Coupling nominal size Coupling locations Internal bore diameter Flow straightener type Pipe/Tube material Bolting material Exterior coating material End termination material Gasket material Rating Style
60 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 61 Max press at design temp At 62 Min working temperature Max 63 Uncalibrated accuracy 64 Perm head loss at URL 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ACCESSORIES 86 Purge system 87 Cleaner style 88 Valve style 89 Valves and Nipple matl 90 91 92 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 93 Custom tag 94 Reference specification 95 Special preparation 96 Compliance standard 97 Construction code 98 Calibration report 99 Weld radiographs 100 101 PHYSICAL DATA 102 Estimated weight 103 Face-to-face dimension 104 Removal clearance 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT LRV URV LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
FLOWMETER BODY Body type Flow tube style End conn nominal size Rating End conn termn type Style Flow tube diameter Thickness Hardware mounting kit Flow tube material Lining material End termination material Gnd/protective ring matl
END EXTENSIONS End termination type Bolting material End termination material Gasket/O ring material SENSING ELEMENT Electrode type Insertion length Electrode material COILS AND HOUSING Housing construction type Coil conn arrangement Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Housing material
TRANSMITTER OR CONVERTER Housing type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Failsafe style Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Flow rate-Analog output Flow rate-Digital output Flow rate-Freq output Flow rate-Scale Test pressure
60 TOTALIZER INDICATOR 61 Totalizer type 62 Enclosure type no/class 63 Signal power source 64 Contacts arrangement Quantity 65 Totalizer reset style 66 Integral indicator style 67 Cert/Approval type 68 Mounting location/type 69 Enclosure material 70 71 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 72 Min press at design temp At 73 Max press at design temp 74 Min working temperature Max 75 Accuracy rating 76 Min velocity URL Max 77 Min liquid conductivity 78 Output signal damping LRL URL 79 Min ambient working temp Max 80 Contacts ac rating At max 81 Contacts dc rating At max 82 Max sensor to receiver lg 83 84 85 86 ACCESSORIES 87 Connecting cables length 88 Cable Glands 89 Ultrasonic cleaner style 90 Empty tube detector 91 Calibrator adaptor 92 Calibrator/configurator 93 94 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 95 Custom tag 96 Reference specification 97 Compliance standard 98 Calibration report 99 Software configuration 100 101 PHYSICAL DATA 102 Estimated weight 103 Face-to-face dimension 104 Overall height 105 Removal clearance 106 Signal conn nominal size Style 107 Mfr reference dwg 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
Form: 20F2321Rev 0
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
FLOWMETER BODY Body type End conn nominal size Rating End conn termn type Style Seal type Mounting hardware Body wetted material End termination material Gasket/Seal material
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Sensor wetted material Fill fluid material
CONNECTION HEAD Housing type Enclosure type no/class Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Enclosure material
TRANSMITTER OR COMPUTER Housing type Measurement compensation Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Span-zero adjustment Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Failsafe style Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Calibration type Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Flow rate-Analog output Mass flow-Analog output Meas-Analog output Meas-Freq output 1 Meas-Freq output 2 Measurement-Scale Temp-Digital output Meas-Digital output Density-Digital output Test pressure COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONS COMPONENT TYPE MANUFACTURER
58 TOTALIZER INDICATOR 59 Totalizer type 60 Enclosure type no/class 61 Signal power source 62 Contacts arrangement Quantity 63 Totalizer reset style 64 Integral indicator style 65 Cert/Approval type 66 Mounting location/type 67 Enclosure material 68 69 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 70 Max press at design temp At 71 Min working temperature Max 72 Flow rate accuracy rating 73 Density accuracy rating 74 Min velocity URL Max 75 Density LRL URL 76 Min reqd back press 77 Pressure drop at flow URL 78 Min ambient working temp Max 79 Contacts ac rating At max 80 Contacts dc rating At max 81 Max sensor to receiver lg 82 83 ACCESSORIES 84 Connecting cables length 85 Isolation manifold 86 Remote indicator style 87 Calibrator adapter 88 89 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 90 Custom tag 91 Reference specification 92 Special preparation 93 Compliance standard 94 Calibration report 95 Software configuration 96 97 PHYSICAL DATA 98 Estimated weight 99 Face-to-face dimension 100 Overall height 101 Removal clearance 102 Signal conn nominal size Style 103 Mfr reference dwg 104 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
FLOWMETER BODY AND HOUSING Body/Housing type End conn nominal size Rating End conn termn type Style Body wetted material Housing material End termination material
CONNECTION HEAD Housing type Enclosure type no/class Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Housing material
TRANSMITTER OR COMPUTER Housing type Measurement compensation Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Span-zero adjustment Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Failsafe style Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Mass flow-Analog output Meas-Analog output 2 Meas-Analog output 3 Meas-Freq output 1 Meas-Freq output 2 MeasurementScale Temp-Digital output Meas-Digital output Density-Digital output Test pressure COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONS COMPONENT TYPE MANUFACTURER
58 TOTALIZER INDICATOR 59 Totalizer type 60 Enclosure type no/class 61 Signal power source 62 Contacts arrangement Quantity 63 Totalizer reset style 64 Integral indicator style 65 Cert/Approval type 66 Mounting location/type 67 Enclosure material 68 69 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 70 Max press at design temp At 71 Min working temperature Max 72 Flow rate accuracy rating 73 Density accuracy rating 74 Min flow URL Max 75 Density LRL URL 76 Sec enclosure press rating 77 Pressure drop at flow URL 78 Min ambient working temp Max 79 Contacts ac rating At max 80 Contacts dc rating At max 81 Max sensor to receiver lg 82 83 ACCESSORIES 84 Connecting cables length 85 Heating kit style 86 Calibrator/configurator 87 88 89 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 90 Custom tag 91 Reference specification 92 Special preparation 93 Compliance standard 94 Calibration report 95 Software configuration 96 97 PHYSICAL DATA 98 Estimated weight 99 Face-to-face dimension 100 Overall height 101 Removal clearance 102 Signal conn nominal size Style 103 Mfr reference dwg 104 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
PROCESS CONNECTION Body/Fitting type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Wetted material Flange material Seal/O ring material
SENSING ELEMENT Configuration type Probe diameter Insertion length Inactive length Integral cable length Probe material Insulation/Sheath matl Weight material
CONNECTION HEAD OR PREAMPLIFIER Type Measurement compensation Input signal URL Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Power source Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material
TRANSMITTER w/wo SWITCHES Housing type Measurement compensation Output signal type Input signal URL Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Signal power source Contact arrangement Quantity Failsafe style RFI protection Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Static discharge prot Failure/Diagnostic action Adjustable signal damping CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level-Analog output Level-Scale Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Level setpoint 3-Output
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 67 Max press at design temp At 68 Min working temperature Max 69 Max discharge to sensor 70 Accuracy rating 71 Min measurement span Max 72 Min ambient working temp Max 73 Contacts ac rating At max 74 Contacts dc rating At max 75 Max sensor to receiver lg 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ACCESSORIES 85 Connecting cables length 86 Power supply 87 Local indicator style 88 Intrinsic safety barrier 89 90 91 92 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 93 Custom tag 94 Reference specification 95 Compliance standard 96 Calibration report 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall height 103 Removal clearance 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
6 SPECIFICATION IDENTIFICATIONS 7 Document no 8 Latest revision Date 9 Issue status 10 TRANSMITTER w/wo SWITCHES continued Switch time delay Enclosure material
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
TRANSMITTER BODY Body/Flange type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Vent/Drain location Mounting type Body/Flange material Vent/Drain material Bolting material Flange adapter material Gasket/O ring material Mounting kit material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Min diff pressure span Diaphragm/Wetted material Fill fluid material
TRANSMITTER Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Span-Zero adjust loc Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
INTEGRAL SEAL Seal type Process conn nominal size Process conn termn type Diaphragm extension lg Diaphragm material Upper housing/Flange matl
Rating Style
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Diff press-Analog output Diff press-Scale Diff press-Digital output Press-Digital output Temp-Digital output
60 REMOTE SEAL 61 Seal type 62 Process conn nominal size Rating 63 Process conn termn type Style 64 Diaphragm extension lg 65 Instrument conn nom size 66 Flushing conn quantity 67 Capillary/Fitting dia Length 68 Diaphragm material 69 Capillary-armor material 70 Bolting material 71 Upper housing material 72 Lower housing/Flange matl 73 Gasket/Oring material 74 Fill fluid material 75 76 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 77 Max press at design temp At 78 Min working temp Max 79 Accuracy rating 80 Diff pressure LRL URL 81 Fill fluid sp gr At temp 82 Ambient temperature error 83 Min ambient working temp Max 84 85 86 87 ACCESSORIES 88 Air set filter style 89 Air set gauges 90 Heating kit style 91 Remote indicator style 92 93 94 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 95 Custom tag 96 Reference specification 97 Special preparation 98 Compliance standard 99 Software configuration 100 101 PHYSICAL DATA 102 Estimated weight 103 Overall height 104 Removal clearance 105 Signal conn nominal size Style 106 Mfr reference dwg 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
RESPONSIBLE ORGANIZATION DISPLACER-TYPE LEVEL TRANSMITTER OR LOCAL CONTROLLER Device Specification BODY OR CAGE Body/Cage type Process conn nominal size Process conn termn type Flange facing finish Lower conn location Gage glass conn nom size Gage glass conn type Vent/Drain conn nom size Vent/Drain termn type Head orientation/type Extension/Heat insulator Body/Cage material Bolting material Gasket/O ring material
6 7 8
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Sp gr Lower Range-Limit URL Displacer diameter Length Extension length Displacer material Torque tube/Spring matl Extension/Cable material Trim material
CONNECTION HEAD Type Enclosure type no/class Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Enclosure material
TRANSMITTER OR CONTROLLER w/wo SWITCHES Housing type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Control mode Digital communication std Signal power source Contacts arrangement Quantity Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level-Analog output Level-Digital output Level-Scale Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Test pressure COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONS COMPONENT TYPE MANUFACTURER
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 69 Max press at design temp At 70 Min working temperature Max 71 Accuracy rating 72 Level Lower Range-Limit URL 73 Min level span Max 74 Min differential sp gr 75 Min ambient working temp Max 76 Contacts ac rating At max 77 Contacts dc rating At max 78 79 80 81 ACCESSORIES 82 Connecting cables length 83 Air set filter style 84 Air set gauges 85 Gage glass style 86 Gage valve style 87 88 89 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 90 Custom tag 91 Reference specification 92 Special preparation 93 Compliance standard 94 Construction code 95 Software configuration 96 97 98 PHYSICAL DATA 99 Estimated weight 100 Overall height 101 Removal clearance 102 Upper to lower conn lg 103 Lower to drain conn lg 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
9 Issue status 10 TRANSMITTER OR CONTROLLER continued Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Span-Zero adjust lct Enclosure material
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
RADIATION SOURCE Source type Number of sources Source size Fireproof design type Shutter style Position switch type Mounting location/type Collimation angle Source material Housing material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Detector style Number of detectors Active length
CONNECTION HEAD OR PREAMPLIFIER Type Housing type Measurement compensation Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material
TRANSMITTER w/wo SWITCHES Housing type Measurement compensation Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Contact arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level-Analog output Level-Digital output Level-Scale Density-Digital output Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONS COMPONENT TYPE MANUFACTURER
60 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 61 Level accuracy rating 62 Density accuracy rating 63 Min measurement span Max 64 Response time 65 Min ambient working temp Max 66 Contacts ac rating At Max 67 Contacts dc rating At Max 68 Max sensor to receiver lg 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ACCESSORIES 86 Connecting cables length 87 Mounting hardware 88 Calibrator 89 90 91 92 93 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 94 Custom tag 95 Reference specification 96 Compliance standard 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall length 103 Removal clearance 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
PROCESS CONNECTION Body/Fitting type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Shell/cap material Seal/O ring material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Temperature sensor qty Temperature coefficient Temp nominal resistance Sheath style Overall length Inactive length Sheath material Protector material
CONNECTION HEAD OR HOUSING Type Housing style Enclosure type no/class Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material Breather material Fitting material
TRANSMITTER w/wo SWITCHES Housing type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Signal power source Contacts arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level-Analog output Temp-Analog output Level-Scale Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output
60 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 61 Max press at design temp At 62 Min working temperature Max 63 Repeatability 64 Min measurement span Max 65 Sensor resistance coef 66 Actuation depth 67 Min ambient working temp Max 68 Contacts ac rating At max 69 Contacts dc rating At max 70 Max sensor to receiver lg 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ACCESSORIES 86 Connecting cables length 87 Local indicator style 88 Intrinsic safety barrier 89 90 91 92 93 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 94 Custom tag 95 Reference specification 96 Compliance standard 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall height 103 Removal clearance 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
PROCESS CONNECTION Body/Fitting type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Wetted material Flange material Seal/O ring material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Detector style Insertion length Integral cable length
CONNECTION HEAD Type Enclosure type no/class Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material
TRANSMITTER w/wo SWITCHES Housing type Measurement compensation Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Control sequence Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Contact arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Failure/Diagnostic action Signal processing Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST LevelAnalog output Level-Scale Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Level setpoint 3-Output
60 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 61 Max press at design temp At 62 Min working temperature Max 63 Accuracy rating 64 Level lower range limit URL 65 Min measurement span Max 66 Beam angle 67 Min ambient working temp Max 68 Contacts ac rating At max 69 Contacts dc rating At max 70 Max sensor to receiver lg 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ACCESSORIES 85 Connecting cables length 86 Enclosure heater 87 Mounting hardware 88 89 90 91 92 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 93 Custom tag 94 Reference specification 95 Compliance standard 96 Calibration report 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall height 103 Removal clearance 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
PROCESS CONNECTION Body/Fitting type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Wetted material Flange material Seal/O ring material
SENSING ELEMENT Configuration type Number of elements Probe diameter Insertion length Inactive/Dead length Integral cable length Probe material Insulation/Sheath matl Weight material
CONNECTION HEAD OR PREAMPLIFIER Type Measurement compensation Input signal URL Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material
SWITCH MECHANISM Housing type Element style Measurement compensation Output signal type Input signal LRL URL Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Dead band type Contacts arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Static discharge prot Failure/Diagnostic action CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Level setpoint 3-Output Level setpoint 4-Output
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
SWITCH MECHANISM continued RFI protection Switch time delay Enclosure material
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Max discharge to sensor Repeatability/Sensitivity Min measurement span Max Min ambient working temp Max Contacts ac rating At max Contacts dc rating At max Max sensor to receiver lg
ACCESSORIES Connecting cables length Mounting hardware External relay Intrinsic safety barrier
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Signal conn nominal size Mfr reference dwg
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
BODY OR CAGE Body/Cage type Process conn nominal size Process conn termn type Flange facing finish Lower conn location Gage glass conn nom size Try-cock conn nom size Head orientation/type Extension/Heat insulator Body/Cage material Bolting material Gasket material
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Sp gr Lower Range-Limit URL Adjustable LRL URL Sensor quantity Float/Displacer dia Length Extension/stem length Float/Displacer material Torque tube/Spring matl Magnetic sleeve material Extension/Cable material Trim material
SWITCH MECHANISM Housing type Element style Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Control sequence Signal power source Contacts arrangement Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Dead band type Enclosure material Exterior coating material
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Repeatability Level Lower Range-Limit URL Dead band rating Min ambient working temp Max Contacts ac rating At max Contacts dc rating At max
ACCESSORIES Try-cocks style Gage glass style Gage valve style Mechanical test mechanism
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Construction code
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Upper to lower conn lg Lower to drain conn lg Signal conn nominal size Mfr reference dwg
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Level setpoint 3-Output Level setpoint 4-Output
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
PROCESS CONNECTION Body/Fitting type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Wetted material
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Nominal size Sensor material Guide cable material Bottom anchor material Top anchor material
TAPE CONDUIT Sheave elbow type Liquid seal style Tape material Sheave elbow material Pipe material Liquid seal sheave matl Tape wipe material Conduit vent fitting matl
GAUGE OR INDICATOR Type Spring Motor style Level URL Seal type Graduations and color Mounting location/type Sensor check style Housing material
SWITCH MECHANISM Housing type Output signal type Max level span Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Contact arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level-Scale Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Level setpoint 3-Output Level setpoint 4-Output
60 SWITCH MECHANISM continued 61 Mounting location/type 62 Enclosure material 63 64 65 66 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 67 Max press at design temp At 68 Min working temperature Max 69 Min specific gravity Max 70 Indication accuracy 71 Switch repeatability 72 Min differential sp gr 73 Min ambient working temp Max 74 Contacts ac rating At max 75 Contacts dc rating At max 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ACCESSORIES 87 Calibrator 88 Condensate reservoir 89 Shock absorber 90 Isolation valve 91 92 93 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 94 Custom tag 95 Reference specification 96 Compliance standard 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall height 103 Removal clearance 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
RADIATION SOURCE Shutter type Number of sources Source size Fireproof design type Position switch type Mounting location/type Source material Housing material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Number of detectors Active length Check source actuation
CONNECTION HEAD OR PREAMPLIFIER Type Housing type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Cert/approval type Mounting location/type Enclosure material
SWITCH MECHANISM Housing type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Contacts arrangement Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Failure/Diagnostics action Enclosure material
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Repeatability/Sensitivity Response time Min ambient working temp Max Contacts ac rating At max Contacts dc rating At max Max sensor to receiver lg
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall length Removal clearance Signal conn nominal size Mfr reference dwg
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Level setpoint 3-Output Level setpoint 4-Output
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
PROCESS CONNECTION Body/Fitting type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Wetted material Flange/Fitting material Seal/O ring material
SENSING ELEMENT Configuration type Nominal temp rating Number of sensors Probe diameter Insertion length Integral cable length Self test type Cert/Approval type
CONNECTION HEAD OR PREAMPLIFIER Type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Gain type Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
SWITCH MECHANISM Housing type Element style Input signal type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Control logic Gain type Signal power source Contacts arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Mounting location/type Failure/Diagnostic action Switch time delay CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Lg conn to sp 1-Output Lg conn to sp 2-Output Lg conn to sp 3-Output Lg conn to sp 4-Output
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Repeatability/Sensitivity Min ambient working temp Max Contacts ac rating At Max Contacts dc rating At Max Max sensor to receiver lg
ACCESSORIES Connecting cables length Mounting hardware External relay Intrinsic safety barrier
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Signal conn nominal size Mfr reference dwg
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
PROCESS CONNECTION Body type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Wetted material Seal/O ring material
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Nominal size Shaft coupling type Shaft guard style Extension shaft length Sensor material Extension/Cable material Shaft material
SWITCH MECHANISM Housing type Motor style Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Contacts arrangement Failsafe style Integral indicator style Cert/Approval type Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Min material density Max Min ambient working temp Max Contacts ac rating At max Contacts dc rating At max
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Signal conn nominal size Mfr reference dwg
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
CHAMBER AND COVER Chamber type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Flange facing finish Process conn location Vent/Drain conn nom size Rating Vent/Drain conn type Style Nominal pressure Number of sections Weld pad radius size Vent/Drain plug type Support plates lct Heating/Cooling type Chamber material Cover material Lining material Bolting material Exterior treatment matl Gasket material Cushion material
GAGE GLASS Glass type Glass nominal size Frost-proof extension lg Visible length Glass/Tube protector type Glass/Tube material Shield material-thickness
INTERCONNECTING ASSEMBLY Interconnection type Nipple/Piping nom size Schedule no Valve offset orientation Gage orientation Assembled by Nipple/Piping material Exterior coating material
GAGE VALVES Valve body type Bonnet style Vessel conn nominal size Rating Vessel conn termn type Style Gage/Glass conn nom size Rating CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level -Scale Test pressure
60 GAGE VALVES cpntinued 61 Gage/Glass conn type Style 62 Vent/Drain conn nom size Rating 63 Vent/Drain conn type Style 64 Max press at design temp At 65 Vessel union/shank type 66 Gage union/conn type 67 Seat type 68 Heating/Cooling type 69 Hand actuator style 70 Stem style 71 Body-Bonnet material 72 Trim material 73 Ball check shutoff matl 74 75 76 GAGE ILLUMINATOR 77 Illumination type 78 Power source 79 Enclosure type no/class 80 Cert/Approval type 81 82 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 83 Max press at design temp At 84 Min working temperature Max 85 Max working pressure 86 87 88 ACCESSORIES 89 Gage scale divisions 90 Gage scale material 91 Vent valves material 92 Drain valves material 93 Bleed fitting material 94 Flexible insulation 95 96 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 97 Custom tag 98 Reference specification 99 Compliance standard 100 Construction code 101 Cert/Approval type 102 103 PHYSICAL DATA 104 Estimated weight 105 Gage overall length 106 Min vessel centers 107 Mfr reference dwg 108 INPUT ORTEST SCALE LRV URV LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
CAGE OR CHAMBER Cage/Chamber type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Lower conn location Upper Top connection style Bottom Vent/Drain conn nom size Rating Vent/Drain termn type Style Cage/Chamber pipe sched Cage/Chamber material Lining material Bolting material Flange material Gasket material
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor Type Sp gr Lower Range-Limit URL Min level span Max Sensor quantity Extension length Float/Displacer length Float/Displacer material
GAGE OR INDICATOR Type Seal style Visible length Gage scale divisions Orientation to conn Bicolor wafer colors Cover material Indicator material
SWITCH MECHANISM Housing type Element style Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Contacts arrangement Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Level-Scale Level setpoint 1-Output Level setpoint 2-Output Test pressure
60 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 61 Max press at design temp At 62 Min working temperature Max 63 Repeatability 64 Min sp gr differential 65 Deadband rating 66 Min ambient working temp Max 67 Contacts ac rating At max 68 Contacts dc rating At max 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 ACCESSORIES 86 Heating kit style 87 Isolation valve style 88 Vent/Drain valve style 89 90 91 92 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 93 Custom tag 94 Reference specification 95 Special preparation 96 Compliance standard 97 Construction code 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall height 103 Removal clearance 104 Upper to lower conn lg 105 Lower to drain conn lg 106 Signal conn nominal size Style 107 Mfr reference dwg 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
OPERATING PARAMETERS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit Related equipment Service P&ID/Reference dwg number Material name Minimum pressure Normal pressure Maximum pressure Normal temperature Maximum temperature Material phase
PROCESS CONNECTION AND CASE Case type Case style Gauge size Process conn nominal size Style Process conn location Case pressure relief type Ring style Mounting type Case material Ring material Exterior treatment-color Window material Stem material Gasket/O ring material Liquid fill material
PRESSURE ELEMENT AND MOVEMENT Elastic element type Movement style Nominal accuracy grade Joint type Element material Movement material
DIAL AND POINTER Dial scale type Pointer adjustment Graduations and color Scale range type Dial material
SIPHON Siphon type End conn nominal size Overall length Siphon material Style
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Min ambient working temp Max
ACCESSORIES Pressure limit valve matl Restrictor style Pressure snubber matl Pulsation dampener matl
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Service design
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Maximum thickness Max case outside dia Mfr reference dwg
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
OPERATING PARAMETERS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit Related equipment Service P&ID/Reference dwg number Material name Minimum pressure Normal pressure Maximum pressure Normal temperature Maximum temperature Material phase
PROCESS CONNECTION AND CASE Case type Case style Gauge size Process conn nominal size Style Process conn location Case pressure relief type Ring style Mounting type Case material Ring material Exterior treatment-color Window material Stem material Seal/O ring material Liquid fill material
PRESSURE ELEMENT AND MOVEMENT Elastic element type Movement style Nominal accuracy grade Joint type Element material Movement material
DIAL AND POINTER Dial scale type Pointer adjustment CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT PRESSURE OR SCALE Pressure/Scale 1 Pressure/Scale 2
DIAL AND POINTER continued Graduations and color Scale range type Dial material
DIAPHRAGM SEAL Seal type Process conn nom size Rating Process conn termn type Style Diaphragm extension lg Flushing conn quantity Capillary diameter Length Instrument conn nom size Diaphragm/wall material Capillary-armor material Bolting material Upper housing material Lower housing material Gasket/O ring material Fill fluid material
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Ambient temperature error Min ambient working temp Max
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Service design PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Maximum thickness Max case outside dia Mfr reference dwg
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
OPERATING PARAMETERS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit Related equipment Service P&ID/Reference dwg number Material name Maximum pressure Maximum temperature Material phase Min diff pressure Norm diff pressure Max diff pressure
PROCESS CONNECTION AND CASE Case type Case style Gauge size Process conn nominal size Style Process conn location Case pressure relief type Ring style Mounting type Case material Ring material Exterior treatment-color Window material Stem material Gasket/O ring material Liquid fill material
PRESSURE ELEMENT AND MOVEMENT Elastic element type Movement style Nominal accuracy grade Joint type Element material Movement material
DIAL AND POINTER Dial scale type Pointer adjustment Graduations and color Scale range type Dial material
SIPHON Siphon type End conn nominal size Overall length Siphon material Style
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Max diff pressure Min ambient working temp Max
ACCESSORIES Pressure limit valve matl Restrictor style Pressure snubber matl Pulsation dampener matl Scale overlays SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Service design
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Maximum thickness Max case outside dia Mfr reference dwg
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
TRANSMITTER BODY Body/Flange type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Vent/Drain location Mounting type Body/Flange material Vent/Drain material Bolting material Flange adapter material Gasket/O ring material Mounting kit material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Min pressure span Max Diaphragm/Wetted material Fill fluid material
TRANSMITTER Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Span-Zero adjust lct Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Accuracy rating Pressure LRL URL Min ambient working temp Max
ACCESSORIES Air set filter style Air set gauges Heating kit style Remote indicator style Manifold valve style SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Software configuration
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Signal conn nominal Mfr reference dwg
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Pressure-Analog output Pressure-Scale Pressure-Digital output Temp-Digital output
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
TRANSMITTER BODY Body/Flange type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Vent/Drain location Mounting type Body/Flange material Vent/Drain material Bolting material Flange adapter material Gasket/O ring material Mounting kit material SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Min pressure span Max Diaphragm/Wetted material Fill fluid material TRANSMITTER Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Span-Zero adjust lct Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material DIAPHRAGM SEAL Seal type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Diaphragm extension lg Flushing conn quantity Instrument conn nom size Capillary/Fitting dia Length Diaphragm material Capillary-armor matl Bolting material Upper housing material Lower housing/Flange matl Gasket/O ring material Fill fluid material CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Pressure-Analog output Pressure-Scale Pressure-Digital output Temp-Digital output
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Accuracy rating Pressure Lower Range-Limit URL Ambient temperature error Min ambient working temp Max
ACCESSORIES Air set filter style Air set gauges Heating kit style Remote indicator style
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Software configuration
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Signal conn nominal size Mfr reference dwg
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
TRANSMITTER BODY Body/Flange type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Vent/Drain location Mounting type Body/Flange material Vent/Drain material Bolting material Flange adapter material Gasket/O ring material Mounting kit material
SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Min diff press span Diaphragm/Wetted material Fill fluid material
TRANSMITTER Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Span-Zero adjust lct Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Accuracy rating Diff pressure LRL URL Min ambient working temp Max
ACCESSORIES Air set filter style Air set gauges Heating kit style Remote indicator style Manifold valve style SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Software configuration
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Signal con nominal size Mfr reference dwg
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Diff press-Analog output Diff pressure-Scale Diff press-Digital output Press-Digital output Temp-Digital output
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
TRANSMITTER BODY Body/Flange type Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Vent/Drain location Mounting type Body/Flange material Vent/Drain material Bolting material Flange adapter material Gasket/O ring material Mounting kit material SENSING ELEMENT Detector type Min diff pressure span Max Diaphragm/Wetted material Fill fluid material TRANSMITTER Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Span-Zero adjust lct Failure/Diagnostic action Enclosure material HIGH SIDE SEAL Seal type Process conn nominal size Process conn termn type Diaphragm extension lg Flushing conn quantity Instrument conn nom size Capillary/Fitting dia Diaphragm material Capillary-armor matl Bolting material Upper housing material Lower housing/Flange matl Gasket/O ring material Fill fluid material
Rating Style
60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 LRV
LOW SIDE SEAL Seal type Process conn nominal size Process conn termn type Diaphragm extension lg Flushing conn quantity Instrument conn nom size Capillary/Fitting dia Diaphragm material Capillary-armor material Bolting material Upper housing material Lower housing/Flange matl Gasket/O ring material Fill fluid material
Rating Style
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Accuracy rating Diff pressure LRL URL Fill fluid sp gr At temp Ambient temperature error Min ambient working temp Max
ACCESSORIES Air set filter style Air set gauges Heating kit style Remote indicator style SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Special preparation Compliance standard Software configuration
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall height Removal clearance Signal conn nominal size Mfr reference dwg
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Diff press-Analog output Diff press-Scale Diff press-Digital output Press-Digital output Temp-Digital output
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
SWITCH BODY Body type Process conn nominal size Process conn termn type Body material Seal/O ring material
Rating Style
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor element type Adjustable LRL URL Diaphragm/Wetted material
SWITCH MECHANISM w/wo TRANSMITTER Housing type Element Style Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Reset style Set point Adjustment type Signal power source Measurement type Contacts arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting type Dead band type Enclosure material Exterior treatment matl
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Press setpoint 1-Output Press setpoint 2-Output Pressure-Analog output Pressure-Scale
59 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 60 Max press at design temp At 61 Min working temperature Max 62 Output accuracy rating 63 Repeatability 64 Press Lower Range-limit URL 65 Max overrange limit 66 Dead band rating 67 Min ambient working temp Max 68 Contacts ac rating At max 69 Contacts dc rating At max 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ACCESSORIES 84 Sealed leads adapter 85 Breather/Drain style 86 87 88 89 90 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 91 Custom tag 92 Reference specification 93 Special preparation 94 Compliance standard 95 96 97 98 PHYSICAL DATA 99 Estimated weight 100 Overall height 101 Removal clearance 102 Signal conn nominal size Style 103 Mfr reference dwg 104 105 106 INPUT/SETPOINT/TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
SWITCH BODY Body type Process conn nominal size Process conn termn type Body material Seal/O ring material
Rating Style
SENSING ELEMENT Sensor element type Adjustable LRL URL Diaphragm/Wetted material
SWITCH MECHANISM w/wo TRANSMITTER Housing type Element Style Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Reset style Set point Adjustment type Signal power source Measurement type Contacts arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting type Dead band type Enclosure material Exterior coating material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST DP setpoint 1-Output DP setpoint 2-Output Diff press-Analog output Diff pressure-Scale
59 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 60 Max press at design temp At 61 Min working temperature Max 62 Output accuracy rating 63 Repeatability 64 Diff press Lower Range-Limit URL 65 Max overrange limit 66 Dead band rating 67 Min ambient working temp Max 68 Contacts ac rating At max 69 Contacts dc rating At max 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 ACCESSORIES 84 Sealed leads adapter 85 Breather/Drain style 86 87 88 89 90 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 91 Custom tag 92 Reference specification 93 Special preparation 94 Compliance standard 95 96 97 98 PHYSICAL DATA 99 Estimated weight 100 Overall height 101 Removal clearance 102 Signal conn nominal size Style 103 Mfr reference dwg 104 105 106 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
6 7 8 9 10
SIGNAL CONNECTION AND CASE Case type Gauge style Gauge size Signal conn nominal size Style Signal conn location Case pressure relief type Ring style Mounting type Case material Ring material Exterior treatment-color Window material Stem material Gasket/O ring material
PRESSURE ELEMENT AND MOVEMENT Elastic element type Movement style Nominal accuracy grade Joint type Internal stops Element material Movement material
38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 LRV
DIAL AND POINTER Dial scale type Pointer adjustment Graduations and color Scale range type Dial material
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Compliance standard PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Maximum thickness Max case outside dia Mfr reference dwg INPUT URV SCALE LRV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
OPERATING PARAMETERS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit Related equipment Service P&ID/Reference dwg number Material name Maximum pressure Minimum temperature Normal temperature Maximum temperature Material phase Maximum fluid velocity
PROCESS CONNECTION AND CASE Case type Case style Case size Connector conn nom size Connector conn type Style Connection location Ring style Stem outside diameter Length Stem/Bulb material Case material Ring material Exterior treatment-color Window material Connector material
DIAL AND POINTER Dial scale type Pointer adjustment Graduations and color
THERMOWELL OR PROTECTING TUBE Construction type Shank style Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Internal conn nom size Style Bore diameter Outside dia at support Outside diameter at tip Insertion length U Lagging extension lg T Thermowell/Tube material Sheath material-thickness
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Max fluid velocity limit At temp Sensitive portion length Min ambient working temp Max
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Compliance standard Construction code Calculation report
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Removal clearance Maximum thickness Max case outside dia Mfr reference dwg
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS OR TEST Temperature/Scale 1 Temperature/Scale 2 Test pressure
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
OPERATING PARAMETERS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit Related equipment Service P&ID/Reference dwg number Material name Maximum pressure Minimum temperature Normal temperature Maximum temperature Material phase Maximum fluid velocity
BULB AND CASE Case type Stem/Bulb extension style Case size Connector conn nom size Connector conn type Connection location Ring style Stem/Bulb outside dia Mounting type Stem/Bulb material Case-Ring material Exterior treatment-color Window material Connector material
CAPILLARY AND SENSING ELEMENT Thermal system type Compensation style Nominal accuracy grade Capillary length Capillary material Coating-armor material
DIAL AND POINTER Dial scale type Pointer adjustment CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT TEMP OR TEST Temperature/Scale 1 Temperature/Scale 2 Test pressure
6 SPECIFICATION IDENTIFICATIONS 7 Document no 8 Latest revision Date 9 Issue status 10 THERMOWELL/PROTECTING TUBE continued Graduations and color
THERMOWELL OR PROTECTING TUBE Construction type Shank style Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Internal conn nom size Style Bore diameter Outside dia at support Outside diameter at tip Insertion length U Lagging extension lg T Thermowell/Tube material Sheath material-thickness
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Max fluid velocity limit At temp Sensitive portion length Ambient temperature error Min ambient working temp Max
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Compliance standard Construction code Calculation report PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Removal clearance Maximum thickness Max case outside dia Mfr reference dwg TEST URV LRV SCALE URV
Revision Description
2001 ISA
1 2 3 4 5 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Rev
6 7 8 9 10
PROCESS CONNECTION AND BULB Bulb type Stem/Bulb extension style Connector conn nom size Connector conn type Style Fitting type Stem/Bulb diameter Length Bulb extension length Stem/Bulb material Connector material
CAPILLARY AND SENSING ELEMENT Thermal system type Compensation style Temperature LRL URL Capillary length Capillary material Coating-armor material
SWITCH MECHANISM Type Element style Enclosure type no/class Reset style Set point adjustment lct Signal power source Dead band type Contacts arrangement Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting type Signal conn orientation Enclosure material Exterior coating material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS OR TEST Temp setpoint 1-Output Temp setpoint 2-Output Temperature-Scale Test pressure
60 THERMOWELL OR PROTECTING TUBE 61 Construction type 62 Shank style 63 Process conn nominal size Rating 64 Process conn termn type Style 65 Internal conn nom size Style 66 Bore diameter 67 Outside dia at support 68 Outside dia at tip 69 Insertion length U 70 Lagging extension lg T 71 Thermowell/Tube material 72 Sheath material-thickness 73 74 75 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 76 Max press at design temp At 77 Min working temperature Max 78 Max fluid velocity limit At temp 79 Repeatability 80 Max overrange limit 81 Ambient temperature error 82 Dead band rating 83 Min ambient working temp Max 84 Contacts ac rating At max 85 Contacts dc rating At max 86 87 88 ACCESSORIES 89 Bushing nominal size 90 Bushing material 91 Sealed leads adapter 92 Breather/Drain style 93 94 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 95 Custom tag 96 Reference specification 97 Special preparation 98 Compliance standard 99 Calculation report 100 101 102 PHYSICAL DATA 103 Estimated weight 104 Overall height 105 Removal clearance 106 Signal conn nominal size Style 107 Mfr reference dwg 108 INPUT/SETPOINT/TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
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PROCESS CONNECTION AND BULB Bulb type Stem/Bulb extension style Connector conn nom size Connector conn type Style Fitting type Stem/Bulb diameter Length Bulb extension length Stem/Bulb material Connector material Packing material
CAPILLARY AND SENSING ELEMENT Thermal system type Compensation style Temperature LRL URL Min temperature span Max Capillary length Capillary material Coating-armor material
TRANSMITTER Housing type Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting type Enclosure material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS OR TEST Temp-Analog output Temperature-Scale Test pressure
60 THERMOWELL OR PROTECTING TUBE 61 Construction type 62 Shank style 63 Process conn nominal size Rating 64 Process conn termn type Style 65 Internal conn nom size Style 66 Bore diameter 67 Outside dia at support 68 Outside dia at tip 69 Insertion length U 70 Lagging extension lg T 71 Thermowell/tube material 72 Sheath material-thickness: 73 74 75 76 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 77 Max press at design temp At 78 Min working temperature Max 79 Max fluid velocity limit At temp 80 Accuracy rating 81 Max overrange limit 82 Ambient temperature error 83 Min ambient working temp Max 84 85 86 87 ACCESSORIES 88 Bushing nominal size 89 Bushing material 90 Air set filter style 91 Pressure gauges 92 93 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 94 Custom tag 95 Reference specification 96 Compliance standard 97 Construction code 98 Calculation report 99 100 101 PHYSICAL DATA 102 Estimated weight 103 Overall height 104 Removal clearance 105 Signal conn nominal size Style 106 Mfr reference dwg 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
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PROTECTIVE SHEATH AND FITTING Housing type Pad/Collar type Fitting conn nominal size Style Mounting fitting type Sheath alignment Sheath outside diameter Length Spring loading Sheath material Fitting material SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Sensor quantity Temperature coefficient Tolerance class Nominal resistance At temp Configuration-no of wires Sensor material Insulator material LEAD WIRE AND HEAD EXTENSION Extension type Ext wire nom size-type Extension/Lead length Nipple-union nom size Rating Nipple pipe schedule no Transition type Termination style Connecting wire length Shield - ground wire Nipple material Union/Coupling material Coating-armor material Extension wire material Ext wire insulation matl
CONNECTION HEAD Housing type Cover style Element conn nominal size Style Signal conn nominal size Style Enclosure type no/class Grounding terminal lct Enclosure material Terminal block material Terminal material CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Temp-Output signal Test pressure
60 THERMOWELL OR PROTECTING TUBE 61 Construction type 62 Shank style 63 Process conn nominal size Rating 64 Process conn termn type Style 65 Internal conn nom size Style 66 Bore diameter 67 Outside dia at support 68 Outside dia at tip 69 Insertion length U 70 Lagging extension lg T 71 Thermowell/Tube material 72 Sheath material-thickness 73 74 75 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 76 Max press at design temp At 77 Min working temperature Max 78 Max fluid velocity limit At temp 79 Temp Lower Range-Limit URL 80 Min insertion length 81 Min ambient working temp Max 82 83 84 85 ACCESSORIES 86 Moisture seal style 87 Bayonet adapter size 88 89 90 91 92 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 93 Custom tag 94 Reference specification 95 Compliance standard 96 Construction code 97 Calculation report 98 Calibration report 99 100 101 102 PHYSICAL DATA 103 Estimated weight 104 Overall length 105 Removal clearance 106 Mfr reference dwg 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT LRV URV LRV URV
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TRANSMITTER OR SWITCH Housing type Input sensor type Output signal type Min measurement span Max Temp coef/Tolerance cl Isolation type Enclosure type no/class Adjustment type Characteristic curve Digital communication std Signal power source Measurement type Configuration-no of wires Contacts arrangement Quantity Failsafe style Transient protection Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting type Failure/Diagnostic action Dead band type Switch time delay Temp compensation type Enclosure material Mounting kit material
CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Temp- Analog output 1 Temp-Analog output 2 Temp-Scale Temp diff-Digital output Temp-Digital output Termn temp-Digital output Temp setpoint 1-Output Temp setpoint 2-Output Temp setpoint 3-Output Temp setpoint 4-Output
52 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 53 Accuracy rating 54 Measurement LRL URL 55 Min ambient working temp Max 56 Contacts ac rating At max 57 Contacts dc rating At max 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 ACCESSORIES 69 Remote indicator style 70 Indicator enclosure 71 Air set filter style 72 Air set gauges 73 74 75 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 76 Custom tag 77 Reference specification 78 Compliance standard 79 Calibration report 80 Software configuration 81 82 83 84 PHYSICAL DATA 85 Estimated weight 86 Overall height 87 Removal clearance 88 Signal conn nominal size Style 89 Mfr reference dwg 90 91 92 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
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PROTECTIVE SHEATH AND FITTING Housing type Pad/Collar type Fitting conn nominal size Style Mounting fitting type Sheath alignment Sheath outside diameter Length Spring loading Sheath/Braid material Fitting material SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Wire nominal size Thermocouple type Tolerance class Measuring junction Thermocouple wire matl Insulator material
LEAD WIRE AND HEAD EXTENSION Extension type Ext wire nom size-type Extension/Lead length Nipple-union nom size Rating Nipple pipe sched no Transition type Termination style Connecting wire length Shield - ground wire Nipple material Union/Coupling material Coating-armor material Extension wire material Ext wire insulation matl
CONNECTION HEAD Housing type Cover style Element conn nominal size Style Signal conn nominal size Style Enclosure type no/class Grounding terminal lct Enclosure material Terminal block material Terminal material CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/TEST Temp-Output signal Test pressure
60 THERMOWELL OR PROTECTING TUBE 61 Construction type 62 Shank style 63 Process conn nominal size Rating 64 Process conn termn type Style 65 Internal conn nom size Style 66 Bore diameter 67 Outside dia at support 68 Outside dia at tip 69 Insertion length U 70 Lagging extension lg T 71 Thermowell/Tube material 72 Sheath material-thickness 73 74 75 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 76 Max press at design temp At 77 Min working temperature Max 78 Max fluid velocity limit At temp 79 Temp Lower Range-Limit URL 80 Min ambient working temp Max 81 82 83 84 ACCESSORIES 85 Moisture seal style 86 Bayonet adapter size 87 88 89 90 91 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 92 Custom tag 93 Reference specification 94 Compliance standard 95 Construction code 96 Calculation report 97 Calibration report 98 99 100 101 PHYSICAL DATA 102 Estimated weight 103 Overall length 104 Removal clearance 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR TEST OUTPUT LRV URV LRV URV
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SENSING ELEMENT Sensor type Temperature LRL Spectral response Focus type URL
HEAD AND VIEWER Head type Housing style Enclosure type no/class Sighting type Lens purge style Conn adapter type Cable length Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting type Enclosure material
TRANSMITTER OR MULTIPLEXER Type Signal selector type Cable length Output signal type Enclosure type no/class Signal power source Adjustment type Number input sensors
MONITOR Housing type External input type Output signal type Zero-span adjustment lct Enclosure type no/class Measurement type Digital communication std Signal power source Dead band type Contacts arrangement Quantity Emissivity adjustment Failsafe style Integral indicator style Signal termination type Cert/Approval type Mounting type Temperature compensation CALIBRATIONS AND TEST TAG NO/FUNCTIONAL IDENT MEAS/SIGNAL/SCALE Temp-Analog output 1 Temp-Analog output 2 Temp-Analog output 3 Temperature-Scale Temp setpoint 1-Output Temp setpoint 2-Output COMPONENT IDENTIFICATIONS COMPONENT TYPE MANUFACTURER
60 MONITOR Continued 61 Failure/Diagnostic action 62 Enclosure material 63 64 65 PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS 66 Min head working temp Max 67 Temp accuracy rating 68 Focus point D:S ratio 69 Far point D:S ratio 70 Min monitor amb working Max 71 Contacts ac rating At max 72 Contacts dc rating At max 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 ACCESSORIES 85 Blast gate style 86 Cooling flow regulator 87 Sight tube material 88 Printer 89 90 91 SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 92 Custom tag 93 Reference specification 94 Compliance standard 95 Calibration report 96 Software configuration 97 98 99 100 PHYSICAL DATA 101 Estimated weight 102 Overall height 103 Removal clearance 104 Signal conn nominal size Style 105 Mfr reference dwg 106 107 108 INPUT OR SETPOINT OUTPUT OR SCALE LRV URV ACTION LRV URV
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OPERATING PARAMETERS Project number Sub project no Project Enterprise Site Area Cell Unit Related equipment Service P&ID/Reference dwg number Material name Maximum pressure Minimum temperature Normal temperature Maximum temperature Material phase Maximum fluid velocity
THERMOWELL OR PROTECTING TUBE Construction type Shank style Process conn nominal size Rating Process conn termn type Style Internal conn nom size Style Cap/Plug style Bore diameter Outside dia at support Outside diameter at tip Insertion length U Lagging extension lg T Thermowell/Tube material Sheath material-thickness Cap/Plug material
EXTENSION ASSEMBLY Extension type Extension length Nipple-union nom size Rating Nipple pipe schedule no Nipple material Union/Coupling material
CONNECTION HEAD continued Element conn nominal size Style Signal conn nominal size Style Enclosure type no/class Grounding terminal lct Enclosure material Terminal block material Terminal material
PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Max press at design temp At Min working temperature Max Max fluid velocity limit At temp
SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Custom tag Reference specification Compliance standard Construction code Calculation report
PHYSICAL DATA Estimated weight Overall length Removal clearance Mfr reference dwg
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2001 ISA
6 SPECIFICATION IDENTIFICATIONS 7 Doc no 8 Latest rev Date 9 Issue status 10 These general or special requirements shall be considered as part of the requirements for the equipment covered by the individual requisition and/or specification sheets. Table of Contents Requirements Page
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2001 ISA
Annex C (informative) Specification forms pick list and contextual help references
This annex is included for informational purposes and is not part of this Technical Report. Due to the large size of the pick list files for all of the approved forms, they are not attached to this Technical Report. The latest versions of the pick lists may be viewed and downloaded for free from the ISA website at www.isa.org/standards.
Developing and promulgating sound consensus standards, recommended practices, and technical reports is one of ISAs primary goals. To achieve this goal the Standards and Practices Department relies on the technical expertise and efforts of volunteer committee members, chairmen and reviewers. ISA is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited organization. ISA administers United States Technical Advisory Groups (USTAGs) and provides secretariat support for International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committees that develop process measurement and control standards. To obtain additional information on the Societys standards program, please write: ISA Attn: Standards Department 67 Alexander Drive P.O. Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ISBN: 1-55617-754-2
Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 3: Form Requirements and Development Guidelines
ISA20.00.032001 Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments Part 3: Form Requirements and Development Guidelines ISBN: 1-55617-755-0 Copyright 2001 by ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society. All rights reserved. Not for resale. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the Publisher. ISA 67 Alexander Drive P. O. Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709 USA
This preface, as well as all footnotes and annexes, is included for information purposes and is not part of ISA20.00.032001. The standards referenced within this document may contain provisions that, through reference in this text, constitute requirements of this document. At the time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this document are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the standards indicated within this document. Members of IEC and ISO maintain registers of currently valid International Standards. ANSI maintain registers of currently valid U.S. National Standards. This document has been prepared as part of the service of ISAThe Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, toward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real value, this document should not be static but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this end, the Society welcomes all comments and criticisms and asks that they be addressed to the Secretary, Standards and Practices Board; ISA; 67 Alexander Drive; P. O. Box 12277; Research Triangle Park, NC 27709; Telephone (919) 549-8411; Fax (919) 549-8288; E-mail: [email protected]. The ISA Standards and Practices Department is aware of the growing need for attention to the metric system of units in general, and the International System of Units (SI) in particular, in the preparation of instrumentation standards. The Department is further aware of the benefits to USA users of ISA standards of incorporating suitable references to the SI (and the metric system) in their business and professional dealings with other countries. Toward this end, this Department will endeavor to introduce SI-acceptable metric units in all new and revised standards, recommended practices, and technical reports to the greatest extent possible. Standard for Use of the International System of Units (SI): The Modern Metric System, published by the American Society for Testing & Materials as IEEE/ASTM SI 10-97, and future revisions, will be the reference guide for definitions, symbols, abbreviations, and conversion factors. It is the policy of ISA to encourage and welcome the participation of all concerned individuals and interests in the development of ISA standards, recommended practices, and technical reports. Participation in the ISA standards-making process by an individual in no way constitutes endorsement by the employer of that individual, of ISA, or of any of the standards, recommended practices, and technical reports that ISA develops. CAUTION ISA ADHERES TO THE POLICY OF THE AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUTE WITH REGARD TO PATENTS. IF ISA IS INFORMED OF AN EXISTING PATENT THAT IS REQUIRED FOR USE OF THE STANDARD, IT WILL REQUIRE THE OWNER OF THE PATENT TO EITHER GRANT A ROYALTY-FREE LICENSE FOR USE OF THE PATENT BY USERS COMPLYING WITH THE STANDARD OR A LICENSE ON REASONABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS THAT ARE FREE FROM UNFAIR DISCRIMINATION. EVEN IF ISA IS UNAWARE OF ANY PATENT COVERING THIS STANDARD, THE USER IS CAUTIONED THAT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD MAY REQUIRE USE OF TECHNIQUES, PROCESSES, OR MATERIALS COVERED BY PATENT RIGHTS. ISA TAKES NO POSITION ON THE EXISTENCE OR VALIDITY OF ANY PATENT RIGHTS THAT MAY BE INVOLVED IN IMPLEMENTING THE STANDARD. ISA IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR IDENTIFYING ALL PATENTS THAT MAY REQUIRE A LICENSE BEFORE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD OR FOR INVESTIGATING THE VALIDITY OR SCOPE OF ANY PATENTS BROUGHT TO ITS ATTENTION. THE USER SHOULD CAREFULLY INVESTIGATE RELEVANT PATENTS BEFORE USING THE STANDARD FOR THE USERS INTENDED APPLICATION.
HOWEVER, ISA ASKS THAT ANYONE REVIEWING THIS STANDARD WHO IS AWARE OF ANY PATENTS THAT MAY IMPACT IMPLEMENTATION OF THE STANDARD NOTIFY THE ISA STANDARDS AND PRACTICES DEPARTMENT OF THE PATENT AND ITS OWNER. ADDITIONALLY, THE USE OF THIS STANDARD MAY INVOLVE HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, OPERATIONS OR EQUIPMENT. THE STANDARD CANNOT ANTICIPATE ALL POSSIBLE APPLICATIONS OR ADDRESS ALL POSSIBLE SAFETY ISSUES ASSOCIATED WITH USE IN HAZARDOUS CONDITIONS. THE USER OF THIS STANDARD MUST EXERCISE SOUND PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT CONCERNING ITS USE AND APPLICABILITY UNDER THE USERS PARTICULAR CIRCUMSTANCES. THE USER MUST ALSO CONSIDER THE APPLICABILITY OF ANY GOVERNMENTAL REGULATORY LIMITATIONS AND ESTABLISHED SAFETY AND HEALTH PRACTICES BEFORE IMPLEMENTING THIS STANDARD. The following people served as members of ISA Committee SP20: NAME G. Barta, Chairman W. Albe S. Alvarez T. Baldwin N. Battikha E. Berger J. Carew T. Caston B. Cleary K. Cole E. Crawford T. D. Daniel A. Engels G. Erk F. Ford G. Gifford R. Gulley R. Hartman C. Hill H. Hinssen W. Ingham A. Iverson D. Kelly H. Koning M. Kulkarni T. McAvinew A. McCauley J. McQuighan J. Meppen D. Osborn C. Phillips G. Ramachandran G. Richardson J. Rourke P. Rowland G. Sanders M. Scott COMPANY Bechtel Corp. Dow Corning Corp. Compania Inspeccion Mexicana Brown & Root, Inc. Bergo Tech, Inc. Mitre Corp. Consultant Eastman Chemicals Co. Rosemount, Inc. Burns & Roe Enterprises Nova Control Systems, Inc. Consultant Praxair, Inc. Consultant Bayer Corp. Flowserve Vara International Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. Brown & Root, Inc. Exxon Chemical Engineering Stantec Consulting Ltd. Ivy Optiks VECO Rocky Mountain, Inc. DSM Services General Instruments Consortium Merrick & Co. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc. Constellation Energy Y. Meppen Consultants Greeley & Hansen Technip USA Corp. Cytec Industries, Inc. Thermco Instrument Corp. Jacobs Engineering Group SOIGNE Associates, Inc. Penberthy, Inc. Process Measurement Tech. Ltd.
J. Sen R. Shah J. Soos M. Spencer J. Summerfield R. Sundar L. Takeyasu D. Taylor R. Town I. Verhappen E. Welch B. Williams
Bechtel Corp. Consultant Huntsman Corp. Desktop Engineering Ltd. Consultant Foster Wheeler USA Corp. Kenonic Controls, Inc. Spartan Controls Jefferson Services Co, Inc. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Duke/Fluor Daniel, Inc. Merck & Co. Inc.
This standard was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board on 04 April 2001. NAME M. Zielinski D. Bishop M. Cohen M. Coppler B. Dumortier W. Holland E. Icayan A. Iverson R. Jones V. Maggioli T. McAvinew A. McCauley, Jr. G. McFarland D. Rapley R. Reimer J. Rennie H. Sasajima I. Verhappen R. Webb W. Weidman J. Weiss M. Widmeyer R. Wiegle C. Williams G. Wood COMPANY Fisher-Rosemount Systems, Inc. Consultant Consultant Ametek, Inc. Schneider Electric Southern Company Advanced Control & Engineering Solutions Ivy Optiks Dow Chemical Co. Feltronics Corp. Merrick & Co. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc. Westinghouse Process Control Inc. Rapley Consulting Inc. Rockwell Automation Factory Mutual Research Corp. Yamatake Corp. Syncrude Canada Ltd. Power Engineers Parsons Energy & Chemicals Group EPRI EG&G Defense Materials CANUS Corp. Eastman Kodak Co. Graeme Wood Consulting
1 2 3 4 5 Scope................................................................................................................................................... 13 Normative references........................................................................................................................... 13 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................ 13 Application ........................................................................................................................................... 13 Requirements and optional information ............................................................................................... 14 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 Form types, content, and order..................................................................................................... 14 Form formats ................................................................................................................................ 21 Form terminology.......................................................................................................................... 22 Data field content.......................................................................................................................... 22
Preparation of new specification forms ................................................................................................ 22 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 Reference sources........................................................................................................................ 23 Review and modification of Operating Parameters forms ............................................................ 23 Development guidelines for Device Specification forms ............................................................... 23 Contextual help instructions.......................................................................................................... 24 Pick list.......................................................................................................................................... 24 Data dictionary update.................................................................................................................. 25 Review and approval .................................................................................................................... 25
This standard has been prepared by ISAs SP20 standards committee, Instrument Specification Forms. The ISASP20 committee welcomes comments and suggestions, and requests that they be addressed to the Chairperson, ISA-SP20, ISA, 67 Alexander Drive, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 USA. This standard modifies the form style of the previous ISA-20-1981 to provide a dedicated page for operating parameters, and expands the form content beyond the limitations of ISA-20-1981. This standard applies to all processes of development and use of specification forms for process measurement and control instruments. Specifically, it provides requirements and guidance for the development of new or revised forms. The other parts of this series, Specification Forms for Process Measurement and Control Instruments, are as follows: ISATR20.00.012001 ISA Draft 20.00.02 ISA Draft TR20.00.04 Part 1: General Considerations Part 2: Instructions for Using Specification Forms Part 4: Data Dictionary
Specification forms developed by ISAs SP20 committee are designed to facilitate communication between instrument specifiers and manufacturers in the exchange of data on standard commercially available instrument devices. They are not intended to be used as a hardware design specification. New devices and options for existing devices continually enter the market and may justify the creation or modification of specification forms. The following are the purposes of these specification form requirements and development guidelines: a) To minimize the effort and duration required to develop and review new forms for ISA approval b) To promote uniformity within a form and between forms in content, format, terminology, and maximum field prompt lengths c) To promote uniformity between form parts by identifying content criteria for operating parameters and device properties d) To assist in the preparation of a complete specification form by identifying device properties that correlate with the operating parameters e) To provide guidance to develop instrument specification forms, field prompt contextual help instructions, and pick lists
This standard establishes requirements for instrument specification forms to be published by ISA. Its use is recommended for organizations that develop their own equivalent specification forms. The guidelines set forth in this standard will assist in the efficient production of specification forms that maintain consistency and compatibility with ISA specification forms.
Normative references
No normative references are required in using this standard. For a list of informative references, see annex A.
For the purposes of this standard, the following definitions apply. 3.1 contextual help: explanation of the field prompt or desired data entry field response. 3.2 data entry field: the specification form area into which data are entered. 3.3 field prompt: the descriptive text on the specification form that identifies the data entry field. 3.4 main device: the fundamental or most important measurement or control device of a composite assembly that contains secondary devices or accessories. 3.5 pick list: a list of example or preferred enumerated choices for a data entry field.
Members of standards committees, users or manufacturers, and experts can use their knowledge of particular instrument hardware and this standard to develop new specification forms, provide contextual help instructions, and develop pick lists for filling out the forms. These form requirements and development guidelines may be used for the following: a) To evaluate the adequacy of an existing Operating Parameters specification form for specifying a new hardware device (as per ISATR20.00.012001) b) To develop new instrument Device Specification forms (as per ISATR20.00.012001) c) To establish review criteria for new or revised forms seeking approval
The specification forms are generally comprised of three form types for the following information organization: a) Operating Parameters forms are developed to communicate the process variables, operating conditions, process design conditions, component design criteria, material properties, and operating environment conditions of a devices application. b) Device Specification forms are developed to communicate hardware device requirements and properties for a main device and for attached and directly associated devices. c) The General or Special Requirements form has been developed to communicate the Table of Contents for general or special requirements that are applicable to the device, but that need additional space beyond that available in the other two types of forms. 5.1.2 Content of Operating Parameters forms
Operating Parameters forms are developed to identify the process variables to be measured or controlled, and the related process and environmental parameters that affect the measurement or control objectives. A single form is appropriate for all instrument device types that relate to the identified common measurement variable or final control element.
The following information categories are required for these forms, if appropriate for the device type: a) Administrative identifications b) Service identifications c) Component design criteria d) Material flow condition variables that are necessary to perform sizing calculations or device type selection e) Process design conditions that are necessary for device type selection f) Material name, composition, and properties required for calculations, device sizing, or suitability evaluation
g) Environmental operating conditions h) Physical installation data that are required to evaluate the device application. Optional parameters that should be evaluated for inclusion on an Operating Parameters form, or on a supplemental page of the form, include the following: a) Special requirements for the application or hardware device b) Preliminary sizing analysis calculation results that are pertinent to sizing or device type selection
c) Basic engineering design data that identify the environmental and service parameters that the device must operate within d) Detailed material composition data 5.1.3 Content of Device Specification forms
Device Specification forms are developed to encompass the information required that defines the physical instrument device and the requirements for its immediately associated secondary devices. The secondary device properties may be developed on a supplemental form page.
The specific content of any specification form should primarily be dependent only upon the characteristics of the device that are necessary for communication between the specifier and the manufacturer. The intended use of the specification form, such as a document for preliminary inquiry and quotation, a traditional specification, or a conforming specification, can affect how much of the form content is required to be used to accomplish the respective objectives. The general criteria for including a property on a device specification form include the following. Type and style field prompts
Each subsection of the form should start with a type field intended to clarify the major classification of that device component. A style field is sometimes additionally advantageous to classify component construction. Compliance verification field prompts
Correlated parameter field prompts are required that provide confirmation that the device properties comply with the operating parameter limits that are identified in the specification. Typical field prompt categories that must be considered for inclusion are shown in table 1.
Device manufacturers literature generally states their required data for ordering. Field prompts are required to cover those properties by explicitly identifying each of the device attributes that are so identified or used to generate the model number. These field prompts will generally include the following types of properties: a) Model series that identifies the device type or style
b) Nominal size c) Process connection nominal size, category, type, and rating d) Measurement span and range limits e) Calibration or adjustment values f) Control action
g) Signal power source h) Output signal type and range limits i) j) Standard design optional features Material of construction for pressure boundary components
k) Major material of construction for internal wetted components l) Mounting type or configuration
m) Enclosure classification n) Standard optional accessories o) Safety certifications, listings, or approvals User-definable fields
Blank field prompts shall be provided in each form subsection to accommodate specifying of the less common device properties. Optional performance characteristics field prompts
Design and device selection reviews often require some device performance characteristics to be provided by the manufacturer in addition to those covered in table 1. Optional construction design alternatives field prompts
Manufacturers are often given responsibility to select device construction alternatives that should ultimately be reviewed for acceptability by the specifier. Those properties that are generally desirable to solicit and document within the specification form include the following: a) Enclosure ratings b) Standard material of construction for pressure boundary components not covered in the basic model number c) Standard material of construction for wetted components not covered in the basic model number d) Standard accessories recommended for the service application e) Optional construction styles or features recommended for the service application
Properties for frequently specified special requirements are desirable, such as the following: a) Tag or nameplates b) Preparations c) Construction code or standard d) Calibration or inspection reports Optional physical data field prompts
Design and device selection reviews often require some basic device physical data that are advantageous to incorporate in the specification form data, such as the following: a) Estimated weight b) Major dimensions c) Manufacturers' dimensional reference drawing Optional calibrations and tests data field prompts
Documentation of device properties that are used during a maintenance check or replacement is desirable, such as the following: a) Bench set limits b) Rated travel c) Test conditions 5.1.4 Subsection order of Device Specification forms
The properties of instrument devices, and their associated secondary devices, have been data modeled to facilitate consistency of presentation between the properties of devices and between specification forms. The specification form should select the appropriate generic property groupings, and arrange the respective specific subsections in the following recommended order: a) Pressure-containing shell properties b) Pressure-containing shell extension component properties c) Internal subcomponent properties d) Signal input/output extension component properties e) Integral input/output component properties f) Auxiliary devices properties
k) Calibrations and tests properties l) Component identifications Subsection content order of Device Specification forms
The following field prompt order shall be used (as applicable) within any subsection. a) Type b) Style c) Nominal size Process or end connections Assembly or component
a) Nominal size b) Nominal rating c) Termination category and type d) Finish e) Length and wall thickness f) Location
g) Taps a) Type b) Style c) Quantity d) Dimensions Materials of construction Part
c) Bolting materials d) External treatment material e) End termination material f) Gasket, packing, and seal materials
a) Design ratings b) Working limits c) Accuracy ratings d) Measuring range limits e) Performance factors f) Rated coefficients
g) Performance ratings h) Environmental limits i) j) Supply limits and consumption Signal and communication limits Accessory hardware a) Style
b) Nominal size c) Standard options d) Material of construction e) Model number Special requirements
a) Custom tag or nameplate b) Referenced specification identification c) Special preparation d) Design compliance standard
g) Calibration report h) Software configuration i) j) Certification or approvals documentation Special inspection Physical data
a) Weight b) Dimensions c) Signal connection d) Manufacturer's dimensional reference drawing Calibrations and tests
a) Measurement range values b) Control action c) Signal range limits d) Setpoint values e) Test values Component identifications
a) Component tag number b) Component type c) Style d) Manufacturer e) Composite model number 5.1.6 Content of General or Special Requirements form
The General or Special Requirements form, which is optional, has been developed to provide a form for attached requirements that cannot be adequately described in the Operating Parameters or Device Specification forms. The first sheet of this form shall contain a note referencing the requirements as part of the specification, and a Table of Contents of the general or special requirements. The same specification form identification header, revision chronicle, and remarks footer subsections used on the Operating
Parameters or Device Specification forms shall be included. Subsequent pages may use the same or a different format as appropriate for the attached references.
5.2 5.2.1 Form formats Two form formats
ISA specification forms are provided in one of two format types: single main device format or multiple similar main devices formats. The quantity of the required operating parameters information will generally determine the format type that is appropriate for a specific device specification. Single main device format
There shall be only one main device per specification form. The form may include attached and directly associated secondary devices. Multiple similar main device format
Similar main devices can share a common hardware specification form and utilize a separate tabulation sheet to identify the variable data and unique tags. 5.2.2 Printing format
The page format has been established to readily accommodate typical printer capabilities and minimize the pages required to accommodate the identified required content. The printing style shown on the ISA example specification forms has been chosen for convenience of determining the maximum available prompt and data field lengths. Alternate printing styles may be used if they produce the same results as the following listed page format. Page size
The page size shall be 8 inches by 11 inches, or A4 size. Columnar presentation
The form shall use multiple parallel columns of field prompts and data entry fields, with the following field or text area sizes (identified in characters), and the desired text alignments within the fields:
Size 3 2 25 25 (maximum)* 1 1 (minimum) Text Area Description Column for line number Column for revision identification field Column for field prompt area Data entry field(s) Space between a data entry field and its unit symbol field Space between a data entry field and a subsequent field prompt Text Alignment Right Left Left Left
* The data entry fields are generally limited to 25 total characters, but selected exceptions have been made for special conditions that require more characters.
Data grouping
Related data shall be grouped as defined in this standard, and a text line shall contain the title for the group. Top margin and print
The top margin shall be a minimum of one line or the printers minimum capability. The maximum required lines of printing shall be 84. Left margin
The left margin shall be a minimum of 0.6 inch to allow for hole punches. 5.2.3 Numbering system format Page size
There shall be unique line numbers for each form part. These unique numbers serve as references to specific field prompts and data entry fields. Consecutive line numbers within a part
The line numbers that correspond to the field prompts within a subgroup shall be consecutive. 5.3 Form terminology
The same field prompt terminology shall be used throughout all forms, sections, or subsections of a form to designate a given property. Use of an alternate term (synonym) for a concept already defined shall be avoided. Field prompts from the ISA Draft TR20.00.04 (see annex A) master list shall be used whenever possible. If new field prompt terms are necessary, they shall be listed and submitted for approval by ISA for inclusion in the ISA Draft TR20.00.04 master listing. 5.4 Data field content
Field prompts should be constructed to require only a single parameter for the data entry field response. Compound parameter responses would generally require complex help instructions, and a large pick list to cover all possible combinations of the individual properties. Unit symbols relating to numeric data should be placed in separate fields to facilitate enumerated value pick list and data conversion to alternate units.
The specification forms are developed to reflect the data required for the selection and definition of standard, commercially available instrument devices. The methodology for developing the forms encompasses the application of this standards requirements while examining reference sources and the guidelines presented in this section.
6.1 6.1.1
The collection, whenever they are available, of similar specification forms from the following sources will facilitate the development of new forms: a) ISA forms for similar instruments developed in accord with this standard b) ISA forms from ISA-20-1981 or other ISA standards c) Standards organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission, Fluid Controls Institute, American Petroleum Institute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers d) Instrument manufacturers and vendors e) Other form users such as those from engineering and construction firms or end-user engineering departments 6.1.2 Reference documents
The gathering, whenever they are available, of the following types of applicable terminology-related reference documents may facilitate the development of specification forms: a) ISA device-associated standards, recommended practices, and technical reports; and the ISA Dictionary of Measurement and Control b) Related standards from organizations such as the International Electrotechnical Commission, Fluid Controls Institute, American Petroleum Institute, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers c) Manufacturers device specifications and associated technical literature d) Technical publications that contain sizing calculation methods or selection criteria 6.2 Review and modification of Operating Parameters forms
The appropriate measured variable or final device Operating Parameters form will generally be adequate for new or revised devices, but must be checked against the requirements in 5.1.2. Identify and incorporate any necessary revisions that must be made to the existing Operating Parameters form. 6.3 6.3.1 Development guidelines for Device Specification forms Specification identification header and footer
The Operating Parameters and Device Specification forms have been developed with fixed specification identification headers and footers. These shall be duplicated for new forms. 6.3.2 Component identification subsection
Device Specification forms have been developed with fixed component identifications subsections. This shall be duplicated for new forms.
The main measurement or control device attributes generally can be subdivided into subsections. Determine if such subsection groupings exist for the device under consideration and establish the corresponding device-specific titles for those subsections. 6.3.4 Main device subsection development and review
The forms format can be most easily implemented by editing an existing form for a similar instrument. Examine numerous manufacturers products literature and identify their required device property data for specifying the device or component, while encompassing the following: a) This standards content requirements identified in 5.1.3 b) The field prompt order identified in 5.1.5 c) The terminology from ISA Draft TR20.00.04 (see annex A) for terms not present on the example form being edited There will generally be more field prompt candidates, based on the above criteria, than can be accommodated on the form. The criteria may need to be prioritized and compromised to fit page limitations. The user-definable field prompts required in each subsection and the notes subsections will generally provide the flexibility to accommodate most applications. 6.3.5 Secondary device inclusion
The decision of when to include in the form the specification of an attached or directly associated device should consider the following: a) Forms should provide for attached equipment that is commonly used and available as a standard option by most manufacturers b) A supplemental page can be developed to provide for less commonly used attached or directly associated devices, such as has been provided for the control valves specification form c) If it is desirable to have a second supplier provide the directly associated device, a separate form for the device should be produced 6.4 Contextual help instructions
The contextual help instructions should clarify the field prompts context or definition and, preferably, be applicable to all devices using that field prompt. Therefore, the only new contextual help instructions that should need development will occur when new field prompts are added to ISA Draft TR20.00.04 (see annex A). 6.5 Pick list
Review of manufacturers literature and ISA Draft TR20.00.04 (see annex A) should be made to determine the adequacy of the existing list to cover the new device. Unit symbols should be provided in both US Customary and SI systems, and equivalent dimensions provided when available. New prompts should be based on terminology from reference documents such as those identified in 6.1.2.
If ISA Draft TR20.0.04 (see annex A) does not contain adequate terms for the device specification under development, any proposed new data dictionary terms shall be submitted for approval along with the new or revised form. 6.7 Review and approval
After completing the form development with this standards requirements and guidelines, circulate the preliminary form for review by peers and manufacturers. Consolidate the comments and send the proposed form to the Chairperson of ISA-SP20 as a request for interpretation of standards, for the proposed new or revised form, as an addendum or future revision to ISATR20.00.012001.
Hardware device forms are grouped and numbered based upon the devices measurement principles or control functions. Consult ISATR20.00.012001, table A.1 or table A.2, when tentatively assigning new device categories, form numbers, and titles.
Available from:
ANSI ANSI X3.50-1986 (R1997) Representations for U.S. Customary, SI, and Other Units to Be Used in Systems with Limited Character Sets
Available from:
American National Standards Institute nd 11 West 42 Street New York, NY 10036 USA Tel: (212) 642-4900 www.ansi.org
ASME ASME Y1.1-1989 Available from: Abbreviations for Use on Drawings and in Text ASME 3 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016-5990 USA Tel: (973) 882-1167 www.asme.org
International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) IEC 60050-351 (1998-09) Available from: International Electrotechnical Vocabulary - Part 351: Automatic Control
IEC 3, rue de Varembe PO Box 131 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: 41 22 734 0150 www.iec.ch
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) ISO/CD 10303-221 Available from: Library of Classes for Process Plant Application Protocols ISO 1, rue de Varembe PO Box 56 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Tel: 41 22 749 0111 www.iso.ch
Developing and promulgating sound consensus standards, recommended practices, and technical reports is one of ISAs primary goals. To achieve this goal the Standards and Practices Department relies on the technical expertise and efforts of volunteer committee members, chairmen and reviewers. ISA is an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) accredited organization. ISA administers United States Technical Advisory Groups (USTAGs) and provides secretariat support for International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) committees that develop process measurement and control standards. To obtain additional information on the Societys standards program, please write: ISA Attn: Standards Department 67 Alexander Drive P.O. Box 12277 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 ISBN: 1-55617-755-0