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Hoarding disorder can be defined as a persistent difficulty in discarding items, due to distress associated with such disposal
or a perceived need to save items regardless of their actual value. Such behavior must result in the accumulation of clutter,
which significantly compromises living conditions, causing distress and/or functional impairment. The most frequently hoarded
items are objects and animals. The point prevalence of clinically significant hoarding was estimated to be 1.5 to 2.1% in the
general population, and may exceed 6% in the elderly. HD poses a range of health and safety hazards to individuals, especially
older adults, generating significant costs to society. The diagnosis of HD is clinical, and should only be established after general
medical conditions and other mental disorders that can lead to accumulating behavior have been ruled out. HD appears to
follow a chronic, progressive course, and is commonly associated with psychiatric comorbidities. Studies indicate that genetic,
familial, cognitive, and traumatic factors are implicated in the etiology of HD. To date, psychotherapies have been the most
widely studied therapeutic approaches, but the results of these studies show small effects. Research into pharmacological
approaches to HD is still incipient, precluding any conclusions of efficacy.
KEYWORDS: hoarding disorder; collecting; psychopathology.
O transtorno de acumulação (TA) pode ser definido como uma dificuldade persistente de desfazer-se de itens devido ao sofrimento
associado com o descarte ou uma necessidade percebida de guardar posses a despeito de seu valor real. Tal comportamento
pode resultar no acúmulo de objetos, o que compromete significativamente o uso da moradia, causando sofrimento e/ou
prejuízo funcional. Os itens acumulados mais frequentemente são objetos e animais. A prevalência do transtorno é de 1,5 a
2,1% na população em geral, podendo ser maior que 6% em idosos. O TA causa riscos à saúde e à segurança dos indivíduos,
especialmente dos idosos, gerando um custo relevante para a sociedade. O diagnóstico de TA é clínico e só deve ser feito
após a exclusão de condições médicas gerais e outros transtornos mentais que podem levar ao acúmulo de objetos. O TA
parece ser um transtorno de curso crônico e progressivo, comumente associado a comorbidades psiquiátricas. Estudos indicam
a participação de fatores genéticos, familiares, cognitivos e de experiências traumáticas na etiologia do TA. A abordagem
terapêutica mais estudada até o momento foram as psicoterapias, mas os resultados mostram efeito pequeno. Os estudos
farmacológicos existentes são muito incipientes, não permitindo conclusões de eficácia.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: transtorno de acumulação; colecionismo; psicopatologia.
Instituto de Previdência dos Servidores do Estado de Minas Gerais (IPSEMG) – Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil.
Correspondence data
Bárbara Perdigão Stumpf – Rua Ceará, 195 – Santa Efigênia – CEP: 30150-310 – Belo Horizonte (MG), Brazil – E-mail: [email protected]
Received on: 01/13/2018. Accepted on: 03/12/2018
DOI: 10.5327/Z2447-211520181800005
shared a variety of symptoms. As parsimony (or, in recent 4. in OCD, thoughts trigger an urgent desire to get rid
parlance, hoarding) is one of the so-called anal traits, it of them and/or perform a ritual to relieve them, which
was believed that hoarding could represent a symptom of is uncommon in HD; and
OCD. To these first theorists, accumulation could take on 5. the reasons for accumulating are different in HD
the characteristics of a compulsion, defined as a behav- and OCD. In HD, hoarding results from the fear
ior that is recognized by the individual as his or her own, that items may be needed in future (intrinsic value)
irresistible, unpleasant, and repetitive. Perhaps as a conse- or from a strong emotional attachment to pos-
quence, hoarding obsessions and compulsions are reported sessions. In OCD, accumulation aims to alleviate
by almost 53% of patients with OCD.6 However, only a obsessions, prevent damage caused by aggressive
minority of these individuals (approximately 5%) have this obsessions or fears of contamination, relieve feelings
dimension as the most prominent clinical manifestation of of incompleteness, or simply serve as an avoidant
the disorder. There are several phenomenological differences behavior6,7 (Table 3).
between accumulating symptoms seen in OCD and those
of HD. For instance: Accumulation should only be seen as a symptom of OCD
1. HD-related thoughts differ from OCD-related when it is clearly secondary to typical obsessions. The relation-
thoughts insofar as the former are less intrusive, char- ship between obsessive thoughts and the resulting behavior
acterized by poorer insight, associated with pleasure (accumulation/hoarding) is the same as that between tradi-
and reward in most cases, and often unrelated to tional obsessions and compulsions. Nevertheless, HD and
other prototypical themes of OCD (obsessions with OCD can coexist in the same patient and be completely
aggressive, sexual, religious, contamination-related, independent conditions.7,9
or symmetry-related content);
2. in HD, symptoms are perceived as ego-syntonic, Epidemiology
unlike the obsessions/compulsions of OCD-related Ascertaining the prevalence of HD is no easy task,
accumulation, which are usually egodystonic; as hoarders tend to minimize and be ashamed of their
3. in HD, distress is brought on by clutter, whereas in problem. 1 Studies on the prevalence of HD performed
OCD, it is the result of intrusiveness; prior to the publication of DSM-5 reported rates around
2 to 4%, rising up to 6% in subjects over the age of 55.14-19 15,503 population, 7,390 men, 8,133 women, 1,753
Of these studies, only one was not conducted in the older adults (over 60 years), 716 elderly men, and 1,037
Western world. 19 In the first epidemiological study to elderly women. This rate is lower than those reported
follow the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria, conducted in the in international studies, probably because only hoard-
United Kingdom, the estimated prevalence was 1.5% in ers reported to government agencies were included in
both sexes, with the highest prevalence found in older the sample. The reduction in prevalence in studies con-
adults. 20 In a study conducted in the Netherlands, the ducted after publication of the DSM-5 is possibly due
prevalence of HD was 2.12% in both sexes, with a linear to the recent standardization of diagnostic criteria for
rise in prevalence of approximately 20% every 5 years.21 HD, especially with the exclusion of cases secondary to
In Brazil, a cross-sectional study carried out in Curitiba other conditions. In previous studies, authors used their
(PR) on the frequency of accumulating behavior showed a own definitions of clinically meaningful accumulating
rate of 6.45 hoarders per 100,000 population.22 This study behavior and identified members of populations that
estimated a rate of 1 case of compulsive hoarding per met those criteria. 7
Table 2 Phenomenological differences between accumulating behaviors secondary to macroscopic brain damage in patients
with brain injury or dementia and the accumulating behaviors of hoarding disorder.
“Organic” accumulation Hoarding disorder
Generally sudden in cases of brain damage. Can be Insidious. Usually starts in childhood/adolescence
more insidious if secondary to a dementing process and has a long natural history
Variable (some are able to discard their
Ability to discard Inability to discard hoarded items is a core
possessions easily or do not care if others
hoarded items feature of hoarding disorder
discard them, while others are very reluctant)
Generally indiscriminate, but can be more selective Items are always acquired/hoarded according to
Nature of
(acquisition of specific items, e.g., umbrellas, or their perceived intrinsic, practical, or emotional value,
acquiring behavior
according to their shape/color) in some cases but can be more indiscriminate in some cases
Often purposeless (individuals display little or More purposeful (items are hoarded for specific
Utility of hoarding behavior no interest in the accumulated items) and items emotional or practical reasons), although items
seldom used are often not used
Hoarded items Any item, including rotten food Any item, although hoarding of rotten food is rare
Thought to be relatively uncommon, although
Squalor and/or self-neglect Frequent (especially in cases of dementia)
more research is needed
Severe personality changes, as well as behaviors
commonly attributed to brain dysfunction such No severe personality changes or other
as pathological gambling, inappropriate sexual behaviors clearly attributable to brain
Associated features
behavior, compulsive shopping leading to dysfunction. Excessive acquisition, shopping, and
financial difficulties, theft, stereotyping, tics, and stealing may be present
self-injurious behaviors
a) Information processing deficits: decision
Hoarding apparently devoid of identifiable making, categorization, organization, and
Cognitive processes and
cognitive and emotional processes, although memory difficulties; b) emotional attachment
motivations for hoarding
more research is needed to possessions; c) behavioral avoidance;
d) erroneous beliefs about possessions
Insight ranges from good to poor or absent.
Initially, hoarding behavior can be ego-syntonic;
Insight and
Insight poor or absent. Patients seldom seek help it becomes increasingly distressing as clutter
help-seeking behavior
increases. Help-seeking is probably related to
the degree of insight
Prevalence Unknown (<1%) Approximately 2-5%
Unknown, but there are anecdotal reports of Yes. Hoarding disorder tends to run in families
relatives independently living in squalor and appears to be moderately heritable
Source: after Snowdon et al., 2012.12
Table 3 Characteristics of hoarding in patients with hoarding disorder vs. hoarding secondary to obsessive-compulsive disorder.
Hoarding as a dimension of
Hoarding disorder
obsessive-compulsive disorder
Hoarding behavior is driven primarily by
Relationship between hoarding and Hoarding not related to
prototypical obsessions or is the result of
obsessive-compulsive symptoms obsessions/compulsions
persistent avoidance of onerous compulsions
Checking behavior associated with hoarding Rare and mild Frequent and severe
Obsessions related to hoarding
(e.g., catastrophic consequence No Yes
or magical thinking)
Mental compulsions related to hoarding No Yes
Usually ego-syntonic: hoarding thoughts are Usually ego-dystonic: intrusive or
associated with pleasant feelings of safety unwanted, repetitive thoughts
Presence of obsessive-compulsive
No Yes
symptoms other than hoarding
Distress Comes from clutter (product of behavior) Comes from intrusion
Main reason for hoarding Intrinsic and/or sentimental value Other obsessional themes
Type of hoarding
Common items (old clothes, magazines,
Yes Yes
CDs, letters, pens, bills, newspapers, etc.)
Bizarre items (feces, urine, nails, hair,
No Yes
used diapers, rotten food, etc.)
Excessive acquisition Usually present Usually absent
Generally good, although
Insight Frequently poor or absent
poor insight may be present
Hoarding tends to increase in Hoarding does not increase in
Course of hoarding behavior
severity as the person ages severity as the person ages (usually)
Global severity/interference Usually moderate Usually severe
Source: After Albert et al., 2015.7
Findings from genetic studies are consistent with those 3. and information processing deficits in attention,
of familial studies, suggesting that accumulating behav- categorization, memory, and decision-making 8
ior is heritable.30 However, specific genes predisposing to (Figure 1).
HD have not been consistently identified.5
Research and clinical observation suggest that accumu-
Trauma lating behavior in HD serves to avert distress and provide
Individuals with HD often report traumatic life events comfort, which probably perpetuates the disorder through
preceding or exacerbating the disorder. 9,31 Notably, in positive and negative reinforcement. Studies examining
elderly hoarders, reported rates of posttraumatic stress the associations between hoarding, emotion, and mood
disorder range from 3.5 to 18%.5 Studies have suggested have related poor emotional regulation, high comorbid-
that certain types of traumatic events have a stronger ity with depression, and low distress tolerance to excessive
association with HD. For instance, interpersonal trau- acquisition and difficulty discarding. While this evidence
mas (such as domestic violence, accidental or tragic loss supports the proposition that hoarding behaviors can be
of a loved one, or neglect in childhood) are the types of driven by emotional difficulties, the mechanisms whereby
traumatic event most commonly reported by patients some components of the current model contribute to such
with HD.32,33 The experience of interpersonal trauma can behaviors are unclear.36
result in strong emotional attachment to possessions or
belongings that provide a sense of security. This may be Clinical features
the reason why patients with HD experience difficulty As mentioned above, accumulating behaviors typ-
separating from their belongings and are prone to exces- ically begin in early adolescence and tend to become
sive acquisition.8,34 Furthermore, a perceived threat to their more severe over the years. 9,24,37,38 When HD is sub-
possessions (e.g., loss of belongings in a fire, forced dis- divided into its main symptoms of clutter, acquisition,
posal of objects) is commonly reported before the onset and difficulty discarding, acquisition (whether through
of accumulating symptoms.32,33 One study examined the purchase, “picking”/collecting, or even stealing) appears
relationship between trauma (including physical/sexual to start later than the other symptoms. One possible
abuse, crime, and disasters in general) and tendencies to explanation is the greater physical and financial inde-
acquisition and hoarding. The authors reported that the pendence of individuals as they reach adulthood. 37
development of HD is also related to the intensity of Symptoms begin to interfere with functioning around
the traumatic event, particularly physical/sexual abuse.34 the age of 25, and significant impairment is observed
However, there are no prospective studies confirming a around the age of 35 years. 9
causal relationship.7 Contrary to popular belief, there is HD is associated with significant functional impair-
no evidence to support that material deprivation in child- ment for both patients and families. One study showed
hood predisposes to HD.9 that the level of carer overload experienced by relatives of
patients with HD was comparable to or even higher than
Cognitive-behavioral model that reported in the literature by relatives of individuals
According to the cognitive-behavioral model pro- with dementia.39
posed by Steketee and Frost, HD develops as a result of Individuals can hoard objects, animals, and even
emotional responses associated with certain thoughts electronic information. Animal hoarding in particular
and beliefs about possessions. Individuals find it diffi- is characterized by accumulation of animals without
cult to discard possessions, seeking to avoid the anxiety providing proper care and an adequate environment, as
associated with discarding and decision making, while well as health and safety risks and impairment of occu-
positive emotions associated with belongings facilitate pational and social functioning. The houses of animal
their acquisition and storage. 35 Frost and Hartl pro- hoarders are cluttered, disorganized, and dysfunctional.
posed that three primary factors contribute to accumu- Squalor is frequent, urine and feces are commonly found
lating behavior: in living areas, and animal cadavers may be present.
1. beliefs related to possessions and excessive emotional These hoarders have great difficulty giving up their ani-
attachment; mals to people who are able to care for them properly,
2. behavioral avoidance, which develops as a result of and develop intense attachments that result in signifi-
emotional distress associated with discarding items; cant impairment. 40
that the treatments deemed most acceptable by patients significant costs to society, because of the risks it poses
were individual CBT, professional organizing services, to the health and safety of individuals, especially older
and self-help books. The least acceptable treatments were adults. Studies indicate that genetic, familial, cognitive,
medication, cleaning and removal services, and a court-ap- and traumatic factors are implicated in the etiology of
pointed guardian.57 HD. To date, psychotherapies have been the most widely
studied therapeutic approach, but the results of these
studies show small effects. Research into pharmacolog-
CONCLUSION ical approaches to HD is still incipient, precluding any
HD is a serious, under-researched mental disorder, conclusions of efficacy.
with a prevalence of 1.5 to 2.1% in the general popu-
lation, possibly rising to 6% in the elderly. Its course is
chronic and progressive. HD was recently included in the CONFLICT OF INTERESTS
DSM-5 as an independent nosological entity. It entails The authors declare no conflict of interests.
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