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Personal exercise program

Total crossed syndrome

Durham College
OTA & PTA 2023 Grads
Provided by Alana Foshay
Provided for Tyler Shaw
Training start date 2022-04-09

Arm and Leg Lift

Staring position: On your hands and knees.

Keep your back straight and lift one leg and opposite side arm, together at
one time. Return to the starting or resting position and repeat by lifting the
other arm and leg together.

Do 1-2 sets of the arm leg lifts a day to work on how your brain coordinates
how to use your lower back muscles.

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please

contact your Pt/Ot to discuss better options for you. After exercises are
completed you are welcome to use a heating pad for 10-15 minutes for
minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause
negative effects.

Repeat 15 times.

Suspension Squat

Exercise strap setting: Adjust the handles to approximately your waist

height in starting position.

Start in standing position, facing towards the strap attachment point. Hold
both handles, with your elbows bent by your sides and lean slightly
back/slightly pull the straps.

Squat down and make sure your toes, knees and hips stay aligned and in
good position . You will feel your leg and buttock muscles working,
maintain upright position in your trunk by looking up toward the ceiling
while in a squatting position. Push back up with your legs to starting,
resting standing position. Preform at a slow pace to ensure the movement
is being completed properly.

1 sets a day, will strengthen your hip flexors.

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please

contact your Pt/Ot to discuss better options for you. After exercises are
completed you are welcome to use a heating pad for 10-15 minutes for
minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause
negative effects.

Repeat 15 times
Bridge with Arms Crossed

Starting position, lying on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the
floor. Cross your arms over your chest.

Lift your butt off the floor and tighten your stomach/ core, straighten your
hips. Return to the starting or relaxed position.

2-3 sets a day, to increase the strength level of your muscles to contract
the over acting muscles.

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please

contact your Pt/Ot to discuss better options for you. After exercises are
completed you are welcome to use a heating pad for 10-15 minutes for
minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause
negative effects.

Repeat 15 times

Mid Back Stretch

Starting position is on your hands and knees with your knees under hips
and hands under your shoulders. Back in neutral relaxed position.

Round your back and hold the position for 15 seconds. Return to the
starting/ relaxed position.
Hold for 15 sec.

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please

contact your Pt/Ot to discuss better options for you. After exercises are
completed you are welcome to use a heating pad for 10-15 minutes for
minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause
negative effects.

Repeat 20 times
a day, will alleviate some of the lower back pain you have been
Hip Flexor and Side Stretch (static)

Starting position is half kneeling.

Tilt your pelvis backwards/ move your back towards your butt and put all
your weight towards your front leg. To stretch further, lift the arm on your
kneeling side up straighten your back . Tilt your torso to bend towards your
front leg side. Feel the stretch in your side and on the front of your hip and

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please

contact your Pt/Ot to discuss better options for you. After exercises are
completed you are welcome to use a heating pad for 10-15 minutes for
minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause
negative effects.

repeat 10 times a day, this will work on some of your weakened muscles.
Complete at a slow pace.
Hold for 15

Self-myofascial hip flexor release - Pro Foam Roller with Wrap

Starting position, lying straight across the Roller, elbows and forearms
planted firmly and flat on the ground. To isolate and control the release of
the right hip flexor muscle, scoot to the far edge of the Roller to place left
foot and knee on the floor. Gently pull with elbows and forearms to roll back
and forth with small strokes in the right groin region, slightly shifting body
weight right and left to target a specific region. Allow the left leg to assist in
controlling and focusing the pressure on the right hip flexor. Slowly return to
neutral. Complete at a slow pace and enjoy the feeling of the stretch.

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please contact your Pt/Ot to
discuss better options for you. After exercises are completed you are welcome to use a heating pad
for 10-15 minutes for minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause negative

This stretch enables the lengthening of muscles that are weak.

Sets 15
Seconds 30
Pretzel Stretch

Starting position Half kneeling. Support yourself by placing one hand on

the knee in front.

Take hold of the ankle behind you and pull the heel slowly towards your
butt. Tighten your butt muscles and straighten your hip.

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please

contact your Pt/Ot to discuss better options for you. After exercises are
completed you are welcome to use a heating pad for 10-15 minutes for
minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause
negative effects.

The pretzel stretch will help strengthen your muscle coordination.

Hold for 20 seconds.

Repeat 15 times


Starting position, on forearms and toes, with your body in a straight line.
Press your forearms straight against the floor. Breathe and hold the
position for a moment.

Precautions, if extreme pain is occurring during or after exercise please

contact your Pt/Ot to discuss better options for you. After exercises are
completed you are welcome to use a heating pad for 10-15 minutes for
minimal discomfort relief, no more than 15 minutes or that will cause
negative effects.

5 sets a day, with strengthen your spine and core.

Hold for 20 secs.

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