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Lecture # 6

Entrepreneurship and Business


Textbook / Chapter 2
Ethics and Social Responsibility: Doing
the Right Thing
The Benefits of Moral Management

Earning a profit does not conflict with maintaining high

ethical standards.
1. Avoid the damage to a company’s reputation that results
from unethical behavior.
2. Dealing with diverse stakeholders is easier with a solid
ethical foundation.
3. Attracting and retaining quality workers is easier.
4. Ethical behavior has a positive impact on a company’s
bottom line (Strong employee commitment).
5. A company’s ethical philosophy determines its ability to
provide value for its customers.
Reasons to Run a Business Ethically

1. Protect brand and company reputation

2. It is the right thing to do

3. Maintain customers’ trust and loyalty

4. Maintain investors’ confidence

5. Earn Public acceptance and recognition

Factors That Drive Business Ethics

1. Corporate scandals

2. Marketplace competition

3. Demands by investors

4. Pressure from customers

5. Globalization

An Ethical Framework

Entrepreneurs must develop an ethical framework to guide

them and the organization in making decisions.
Step 1: Identify the personal moral and ethical principles
that shape all business decisions. (Community influence)
Step 2: Recognize the ethical dimensions involved in the
dilemma or decision (the expected impact).
Step 3: Identify the key stakeholders involved and
determine how the decision will affect them (Triple
bottom line “Profit, people, and planet”).
Step 4:Generate alternative choices and distinguish
between ethical and unethical responses (Asking and
answering questions).
Step 5:Choose the “best” ethical response and
implement it
Why Ethical Lapses Occur

An unethical employee “bad apples”

An unethical organizational culture “bad barrel”, environment
and situation influence.
Moral blindness “Blind to the implications of their conduct” i.e, I
don’t get paid to be ethical; I get paid to produce results.
Competitive pressures “unacceptable options become acceptable”
Opportunity pressures “some people cannot resist the temptation”
Globalization of business “illegal actions in a country may be
acceptable in others”

Please have a look at the followings

Establishing Ethical Standards

Maintaining Ethical Standards

Not included in the exams

Social Entrepreneurship

Growing trend to create social value

Tackles challenging problems:
– Pollution
– Habitat destruction
– Human rights
– Hunger
– Poverty
– others

Social Entrepreneurship

1. SE seek solutions for social problems that are met by

neither the market nor government.
2. Creating social benefit rather than commercial success
motivates social entrepreneurs.
3. Social entrepreneurs tackle social problems by taking full
advantage of natural market forces.


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