Instruction 34 2023 PDF
Instruction 34 2023 PDF
Instruction 34 2023 PDF
After entering all the details the applicants shall click on “SUBMIT”, a link
will be sent to the applicants registered E-mail ID for activation. The applicants shall
click on the link and activate the same. Once activated, the applicants can login to
apply by using his/her E-mail ID as the User ID and the Password created by him/her
during registration.
(ii) Step Two (Educational Qualification Details): The applicants shall fill the
particulars relating to Educational Qualification, Language Proficiency,
Enrollment & Service Details as required in the application form. After submitting
the required particulars, the applicants shall select the “SAVE/NEXT STEP”
button and proceed to Step-3.
(iii) Step Three (Additional Information): The applicants shall fill the Additional
information as required in the application form. They shall upload their scanned
copies of Educational Qualification and other particulars in PDF file format.
After submitting the requisite particulars, they shall select the “SAVE/NEXT
STEP” button and proceed to Step-4.
Educational qualification (SSLC or its equivalent, HSC or its equivalent and
Degree Certificate / Law Degree Certificate / Provisional Certificate) shall be
scanned and uploaded as a single PDF file of size below 2 MB and other
scanned copies shall be in size below 200 KB.
(v) Step Five (Confirm Your Details): All the details submitted by the applicants
from Step-1 to Step-4 will appear on the screen as preview. The applicants shall
carefully peruse the details furnished by them and confirm the same by selecting
the “SUBMIT” button.
Before submitting, the applicants shall ensure all the details furnished from
Step-1 to Step-5 are correct, if the applicants finds it necessary to make any correction
or modification in the details furnished previously, the applicants shall click the
“PREVIOUS STEP” button and make necessary modification.
When the applicants select the “SUBMIT” button, a pop up dialog box will
appear stating that, “Once the Application is submitted it cannot be modified
again.” If the applicants wants to edit the information provided by them, they shall
select the “CLOSE” option to cancel and go back to the previous steps or select
“OK” to submit the application.
After successful completion of online application, the applicants shall select the
“Download Challan” option. A challan containing the required details of the
applicants will be generated automatically. The applicants shall take the printout of
the challan and shall make the payment, following the procedure mentioned in ‘Mode
of Payment of examination fees’ below.