Cpprep4001 Research Project v2 0123
Cpprep4001 Research Project v2 0123
Cpprep4001 Research Project v2 0123
Research Project
You are to prepare a written project which covers an overview of preparing
for professional practice in real estate. Your written project should have the
headings as shown below. You must ensure that you cover each of the points
under the headings below.
3. You must ensure that you cover each of the points under the headings
below as follows:
2. What are the various parties to these services you have described above?
E.g., one of the parties to leasing is a landlord.
3. For the above, who is the party that the agent has the fiduciary relationship
4. What are the various options for business structure for an agency?
2. What is the name of the regulatory body for property services in NSW?
3. Describe the role this body plays in regulating the property industry.
Industry associations
2. Name the legislation and the section within the legislation, where the
‘General rules of conduct applying to all licensees and registered persons’
are located.
2. Go to the REINSW website- here...and search for the REINSW Code of ethics
and practice.
Note: a copy of the -REINSW Code of ethics and practice - is also provided in
the 'Resources' for this course.
Licensing requirements
1. What are the licensing requirements for the real estate licensee in charge/
person who has effective control of the agency?
Professional development
2. Carry out research and explain NSW Fair Trading’s requirements for
mandatory continuous professional for real estate agents renewing their
registration or licence. Ensure you cover in your explanation:
-What is the date that the agent must complete their CPD by?
-What records can the agent keep as evidence that they have completed
their CPD course?
- How long must the agent keep the records of their completed CPD
3. Carry out research on CPD currently available for real estate agents. Think
about what skills you might need and how you could fulfill your mandatory
CPD requirements in the first year after receiving your certificate of working in
real estate. Ensure you answer the following:
- Do you need to complete a full unit of competency? If so, how many over
what period? And why?
Communication skills