He-V Relays: Features Typical Applications
He-V Relays: Features Typical Applications
He-V Relays: Features Typical Applications
RoHS compliant
Contact arrangement
2a: 2 Form A (Single side stable type)
Pick-up voltage
N: 70% of nominal voltage
P: PC board terminal type
Coil voltage (DC)
6V, 9V, 12V, 15V, 24V
Nominal coil voltage Part No.
Standard packing: Carton: 10 pcs.; Case: 50 pcs.
ASCTB326E 201212-T
Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/
1. Coil data
Pick-up voltage Drop-out voltage Nominal operating
Nominal coil Coil resistance Nominal operating Max. applied voltage
(at 20°C 68°F) (at 20°C 68°F) current
voltage [±10%] (at 20°C 68°F) power (at 55°C 131°F)
(Initial) (Initial) [±10%] (at 20°C 68°F)
6V DC 320mA 18.8Ω
9V DC 213mA 42.2Ω
70%V or less of 5%V or more of 110%V of
12V DC 160mA 75.0Ω 1,920mW
nominal voltage nominal voltage nominal voltage
15V DC 128mA 117.0Ω
24V DC 80mA 300.0Ω
2. Specifications
Characteristics Item Specifications
Arrangement 2 Form A
Contact material AgNi type
Max. 100 mΩ (By voltage drop 6 V DC 1 A),
Contact resistance (Initial)
Max. 3 mΩ (By voltage drop 6 V DC 20 A, Reference value)
20 A 800 VDC (at each 1 Form A contact connected in series),
Contact rating (Resistive load)
20 A 400 VDC (at 1 Form A contact only)
Rating Max. switching voltage 1,000 V DC
Max. switching current 20 A
Min. switching capacity (Reference value)*1 100 mA 5 V DC
Insulation resistance (Initial) Min. 1,000MΩ (at 1,000V DC) Measurement at same location as “Breakdown voltage” section.
Short current (Initial) Max. 300 A 1 ms (Reference value)
Between open contacts 2,000 Vrms for 1 min. (Detection current: 10 mA)
Between contact sets 4,000 Vrms for 1 min. (Detection current: 10 mA)
voltage (Initial)
Between contact and coil 5,000 Vrms for 1 min. (Detection current: 10 mA)
Surge breakdown voltage*2
Min. 10,000 V
Electrical (Between contact and coil) (Initial)
characteristics Max. 75°C 135°F (By resistive method, contact carrying current: 20A,
100%V of nominal coil voltage at 55°C 131°F.)
Coil temperature rise value
Max. 45°C 113°F (By resistive method, contact carrying current: 20A,
60%V of nominal coil voltage at 85°C 185°F.)
33 to 110%V (Contact carrying current: 20A, at 55°C 131°F),
Coil holding voltage*3
33 to 60%V (Contact carrying current: 20A, at 85°C 185°F)
Operate time (at 20°C 68°F) Max. 30 ms (nominal coil voltage, without bounce)
Release time (at 20°C 68°F) Max. 10 ms (nominal coil voltage) (without diode)
Shock Functional Min. 98 m/s2 (Half-wave pulse of sine wave: 11 ms; detection time: 10 µs)
Mechanical resistance Destructive Min. 980 m/s2 (Half-wave pulse of sine wave: 6 ms)
characteristics Vibration Functional 10 to 55 Hz at double amplitude of 1.0 mm (Detection time: 10 µs)
resistance Destructive 10 to 55 Hz at double amplitude of 1.5 mm
Expected life Mechanical life Min. 106 (at 180 cpm)
Ambient temperature:
Conditions for operation, transport and –40 to +55°C –40 to +131°F (When coil holding voltage is 33% to 110% of nominal coil voltage)
Conditions storage*4 –40 to +85°C –40 to +185°F (When applied coil hold voltage is 33% to 60% of nominal coil voltage)
Humidity: 5 to 85% R.H. (Not freezing and condensing)
Max. operating speed 6 times/min. (at nominal switching capacity ON : OFF = 1s : 9s)
Unit weight Approx. 120 g 4.23 oz
Notes: *1. This value can change due to the switching frequency, environmental conditions, and desired reliability level, therefore it is recommended to check this with the
actual load.
*2. Wave is standard shock voltage of ±1.2×50µs according to JEC-212-1981
*3. Coil holding voltage is the coil voltage after 100 ms following application of the nominal coil voltage.
*4. The upper operation ambient temperature limit is the maximum temperature that can satisfy the coil temperature rise value. Refer to Usage, transport and storage
conditions in NOTES.
ASCTB326E 201212-T
Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/
3. Electric life
1. Each 1 Form A contact connected in series
Conditions: Ambient temperature: 20°C 68°F (L/R 1 ms) (ON : OFF = 1s : 9s)
20A 800V DC Min.1×103 ope.
Resistive load
20A 600V DC Min.1×104 ope.
Overload 20A 1,000V DC Min.10 ope.
Reverse –20A 400V DC Min.1×103 ope.
Inrush current 40A 800V DC Min.1×103 ope.
Recommended circuit
Positive polarity of load should be connected to pin 1 and pin 3, refer to the following circuit schematics.
1. Each 1 Form A contact connected in series (Bottom view) 2. 1 Form A contact only (Bottom view)
Current Current
Coil surge protection Power supply Coil surge protection
1 6 1 6
device: Varistor for load device: Varistor
2 2
Power supply Load Power supply Load circuit Power supply
for load circuit 3 for relay coil 3 for relay coil
4 5 4 5
Power supply
for load
Load circuit
1. Maximum switching power 2. Ambient temperature characteristics 3. Coil temperature rise
Tested sample: HEV2aN-P-DC12V, 6pcs Measured portion: Inside the coil
Ambient temperature: 25°C 77°F, 55°C 131°F, 85°C
Contact current: 20 A
1000 30 70
60 25°C
Temperature rise, °C
Contact current, A
-20 10
1 -30 0
1 10 100 1000 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
Contact voltage, V Coil applied voltage, %V
4.-(1) Cut-off life curve (forward direction) 4.-(2) Cut-off life curve (forward direction)
Contact connected in series 1 Form A contact only
600V DC 300V DC
1,000 1,000
Life (cycle)
Life (cycle)
800V DC 400V DC
100 100
1,000V DC 500V DC
10 10
1 1
1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000
Contact current, A Contact current, A
ASCTB326E 201212-T
Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/
DIMENSIONS (mm inch) The CAD data of the products with a CAD Data mark can be downloaded from: http://industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/
1.614 16.50
2-4.50 dia. 10.25 .650
2-.177 dia. .404
4.90 4.40 4.40
.193 4.40 .173 .173 4.40
.173 .173
39.40 (12.20) (12.20)
(44.70) 1.551
(1.760) (.480) (.480) Tolerance: ±0.1 ±.004
16.50 2-1.60
.650 2-.063
24.50 (.596)
.965 8-0.80
(3.20) (3.20)
(.126) (.126)
UL/C-UL (Recognized) VDE (Certified)
File No. Contact rating File No. Contact rating
E43028 20A 600V DC 6,000 ope. (at 85°C 185°F, Same polarity only) 40006681 20A 600V DC 10,000 ope. (at 85°C 185°F)
20A 800V DC 1,000 ope. (at 85°C 185°F)
20A 1000V DC 10 ope. (at 85°C 185°F)
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Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/
Usage, transport and storage (2) Soldering iron: 260°C±5°C conditions, and desired reliability level,
conditions 500°F±41°F (solder temperature) and therefore it is recommended to check this
1) Temperature: within 10 seconds (soldering time) with the actual load.
–40 to +55°C –40 to +131°F (When coil 2) Please obey the following conditions 6) Heat, smoke, and even a fire may
holding voltage is 33 to 110%V) when manual soldering. occur if the relay is used in conditions
–40 to +85°C –40 to +185°F (When coil Max. 260°C 500°F (solder temperature) outside of the allowable ranges for the
holding voltage is 33% to 60%V) and within 10 seconds (soldering time) coil ratings, contact ratings, operating
2) Humidity: 5 to 85% RH Max. 350°C 662°F (solder temperature) cycle lifetime, and other specifications.
(Avoid freezing and condensation.) and within 3 seconds (soldering time) Therefore, do not use the relay if these
The humidity range varies with the *Effects of soldering heat on the relays ratings are exceeded.
temperature. Use within the range vary depending on the PC board. So 7) If the relay has been dropped, the
indicated in the graph below. please confirm actual soldering condition appearance and characteristics should
3) Atmospheric pressure: 86 to 106 kPa with the PC board used for assembling. always be checked before use.
Temperature and humidity range for 3) Since this is not a sealed type relay, do 8) Incorrect wiring may cause
usage, transport, and storage not clean it as is. Also, be careful not to unexpected events or the generation of
(Coil holding voltage: 33 to 110%V) allow flux to overflow above the PC board heat or flames.
or enter the inside of the relay. 9) The relay should not be installed near
Humidity, %RH
Certification strong magnetic field (transformers,
1) This relay is UL/C-UL certified. magnets, etc.) and should not be
20A 600VDC 6×103 ope. installed near objects that radiate heat.
Tolerance range
(at 85°C 185°F, Same polarity only) 10) If the several relays are mounted
(Avoid freezing (Avoid 2) This relay is certified by VDE closely or a heat-generation object is
when used at condensation
temperatures when used at 20A 600VDC 1×104 ope. close to the relay, take care to check the
lower than temperatures
0°C 32°F) higher than (at 85°C 185°F) abnormal temperature-rise and the
0°C 32°F)
5 20A 800VDC 1×103 ope. insulation distance between the terminals
(at 85°C 185°F) outside of the relay.
Temperature, °C °F 20A 1000VDC 10 ope. 11) If you are using an inductive load (L
(at 85°C 185°F) load) such that L/R > 1ms, add surge
(Coil holding voltage: 33 to 60%V) Cautions for use protection in parallel with the inductive
Humidity, %RH 1) For precautions regarding use and load. If this is not done, the electrical life
explanations of technical terminology, will decrease and cut-off failure may
85 please refer to our web site. occur.
Tolerance range (http://industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/) 12) In case using a capacitive load (C-
(Avoid freezing (Avoid 2) To ensure good operation, please keep load), please take a countermeasure as
when used at condensation
temperatures when used at the voltage on the coil ends to ±5% (at pre-charging to the capacitive load so
lower than temperatures
0°C 32°F) higher than 20°C 68°F) of the rated coil operation that the inrush current will not surpass
0°C 32°F) voltage. Also, please be aware that the 40A. The relay might have a contact
–40 0 85 pick-up voltage and drop-out voltage may welding without such countermeasure.
–40 +32 +185
Temperature, °C °F change depending on the temperature 13) This relay is a high-voltage direct-
and conditions of use. current switch. In its final breakdown
4) Condensation 3) Keep the ripple rate of the nominal coil mode, it may lose the ability to provide
Condensation forms when there is a voltage below 5%. the proper cut-off. Therefore, do not
sudden change in temperature under And do not have a parallel connection exceed the indicated switching capacity
high temperature and high humidity with diode for the purpose of coil surge and life. (Please treat the relay as a
conditions. Condensation will cause absorber. Instead of diode, a Varistor is product with limited life and replace it
deterioration of the relay insulation. recommend for the absorber. when necessary.)
5) Freezing Recommended Varistor; In the event that the relay loses cut-off
Condensation or other moisture may Maximum energy: more than 1J ability, there is a possibility that burning
freeze on the relay when the Varistor voltage: 150 to 400% of nominal may spread to surrounding parts, so
temperatures is lower than 0°C 32°F. This voltage configure the layout so that the power is
causes problems such as sticking of 4) The cycle lifetime is defined under the turned off within one second and from the
movable parts or operational time lags. standard test condition specified in the point of view of safety, consider installing
6) Low temperature, low humidity JIS C5442 standard (temperature 15 to a failsafe circuit in the device.
environments 35°C 59 to 95°F, humidity 25 to 75%). 14) Please carry out the design which
The plastic becomes brittle if the relay is Check this with the real device as it is had a enough margin in conductor width
exposed to a low temperature, low affected by coil driving circuit, load type, and a space between conductors in the
humidity environment for long periods of activation frequency, ambient conditions case of a design of a printed circuit
time. and other factors. board.
Solder and cleaning conditions Especially, contact terminals have 15) Contact terminals have polarity. So if
1) Please obey the following conditions polarity. So if the contact terminals were the contact terminals were connected
when soldering automatically. connected with opposite pole, the electric with opposite pole, the electric life would
(1) Preheating: Max. 120°C 248°F life would be shorter. be shorter. There is no polarity if they are
(solder surface terminal portion) and 5) This value can change due to the used for power distribution only.
within 120 seconds switching frequency, environmental
ASCTB326E 201212-T
Panasonic Corporation Automation Controls Business Unit industrial.panasonic.com/ac/e/