HBMN102 1 July Dec2022 SA2 LC V2 13072022 PDF
HBMN102 1 July Dec2022 SA2 LC V2 13072022 PDF
HBMN102 1 July Dec2022 SA2 LC V2 13072022 PDF
Weighting: 10%
Educator: M. Nyathi
Examiner: L Carolus
Total 20 Marks
1. Summative Assessment 2 (SA 2) must be handed in online before or on the day of the
Summative Assessment 1 (SA 1) sitting.
2. The essay must be a minimum of 500 (five hundred) words, and should not exceed 650 (six
hundred and fifty) words.
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3. The essay structure must be as follows:
Cover Page:
o Name
o Surname
o Student Number
o Name of your Support Centre (i.e. Boston, Braamfontein)
Introduction: Tells the reader what the essay is about.
Body / Main Content: Is based on research and relates to the essay question or topic that
has been set.
Conclusion: Is a summary of what has been covered in the essay, it may also include
suggestions / recommendations.
Reference list: (not included in the word count): the Harvard Referencing Method must
be adhered to with regards to in-text citations and the reference list. Please make sure
you have read and adhere to the NWU Referencing Guide, available in the HE Library
module on ColCampus, as well as The Beginners Guide to Plagiarism, available in the
HE Student Information module, also on ColCampus.
4. The essay must be typed, using the following format settings only:
Font: Arial
Font Size: 12
Line Spacing: 1.5
5. The following must be adhered to:
You have been provided with one (1) academic source (see below), this source is
compulsory and must be consulted and referenced when answering the research
It is imperative to note that the compulsory source must be accessed using the
Library module on ColCampus.
Legner, C., Eymann, T., Hess, T., Matt, C., Böhmann, T., Drews, P., Mädche, A., Urbach, N.
and Ahlemann, F., 2017. Digitalization: Opportunity and Challenge for the Business and
Information Systems Engineering Community. Business & Information Systems Engineering,
[online] 59(4), pp.301-308. Retrieved from: <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Nils-
Engineering-Community.pdf> [Accessed 4 March 2022].
6. You must make use of the Harvard Method of Referencing. Refer to the examples of
referencing below:
Book, 2 or 3 authors:
McCarthey, E.J., William, D.P. & Pascale, G.Q. 2017. Basic marketing, Cape Town: Juta.
Book, no author:
Anon. 2009. A history of Greece 1994-now. Sydney: Irwin.
Harris, C.A. 1917. How to write music: musical orthography, edited by M. Randall. New
York, NY: H. W. Grey. http://gutenbert.org/files/37281/37281-h/37281-h.htm. Date of
access: 31 August 2017.
Webpage, no author:
(use first few words of the page title) Improve indigenous housing now, government told.
2007. Available from: <http://www.architecture.com.au/i-cms?page=10220>. Date of
Access, 8 February 2016.
Australian Securities Exchange. 2019. Market Information. Available from:
<http://www.asx.com.au/professionals/market_information/index.htm> Accessed on 5
July 2019.
Newton, A. 2007. Newcastle toolkit. 16 January 2007. Angela Newton: Blog. Available
from: <https://elgg.leeds.ac.uk/libajn/weblog/> Accessed on 23 February 2014.
Newspaper, print:
Wolhuter, T. 2011. How to read food labels. Star. 26, 2 Mar 2011.
7. Plagiarism occurs when a writer duplicates another writer's language or ideas, and then calls
the work his or her own. Simply put, plagiarism is theft. This includes the ‘copy and paste’ of
work from textbooks, study guides, journal articles. The Plagiarism Declaration, included in
this brief, must be signed and attached to the front of your essay. Refer to the Plagiarism
Information Sheet in your Course Outline for further information.
8. Academic sources:
Not all sources can be classified as an academic source. To judge whether a source is an
academic source, take the following criteria into account:
The author should be identifiable
The source should be published by a credible publisher (In an Academic Textbook or
Academic Journal)
A list of references should be provided
Wikipedia is not a credible academic source. There is no author identifiable, and editing an
article on this site is very easy. Also, blog posts often provide valuable information, but this is
not academically sound.
9. To obtain maximum results, please consult the rubric included in this brief to ensure that you
adhere to and meet all the given criteria.
Question (20 Marks)
You are a business analyst. You are currently conducting research on how digitalisation within
businesses can impact future operations. Present your findings in the form of an academic research
An overview of digitalisation in businesses
Difference between digitisation and digitalisation
Key areas that companies need to transform when seeking to go digital.
Criteria Exceptional Satisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory Total
Overview of Topic comprehensively The research topic was The student did not completely The research topic was not
digitalisation in understood sufficiently understood, understand the question. understood.
businesses. however some key issues
Excellent overview missing. The student did not read/use the
Overview of Adequate overview of compulsory article.
digitalisation in digitalisation in businesses
businesses provided. provided. Overview of digitalisation in
businesses provided merely
5 -4 3-2 outlined. 1 0
Difference Student discussed Student discussed or Student discusses or higlights one Student did not provide any
between digitalisation highlighted any two. of either digitization, digitalization, valid discussions or
digitisation and Student discussed or only the difference between the differences between
digitalisation digitisation two. digitisation and digitalisation.
Student highlighted the
3 2 1 0
Key areas that Key areas that companies Key areas that companies Key areas that companies need to Key areas that companies
companies need need to transform when need to transform when transform when seeking to go need to transform when
to transform seeking to go digital seeking to go digital clearly digital clearly presented. At leat seeking to go digital clearly
when seeking to clearly presented. At leat presented. At leat four three provided. presented. Less than 2
go digital. five provided. provided. provided
10 8 6 4–0
Bibliography and Exceeds number of Minimum relevant sources Some sources quoted, but None
References relevant sources (2+). met. irrelevant.
Compulsory source Correct Harvard Incorrect referencing or No
consulted referencing resources quoted
Correct Harvard
2 1 0 0 /20
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